Taking One For The Team: Part Four

"Samantha and Kevin go on a long road trip"

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“Holy fuck!” I shouted to myself as I got out into the cold. The first-morning breeze shot through my coat and clothes like a lance. I rushed toward the rental vehicle and slammed the door closed behind me. “Damn, it’s fucking cold!” 

Samantha had picked out the rental vehicle. Yesterday I picked it up. I was surprised that she had picked a large sports utility vehicle. It had more than enough room for just the two of us plus our luggage. I plugged in the address that she gave me into the onboard navigation. “Twenty minutes,” I nodded. “Not bad.” 

When I pulled up to the security gate, I wasn’t surprised to see the guard inside still asleep. I lightly pressed on the horn. 

“Who is expecting you?” the young man asked. 

“Samantha Kolesky,” I said reading the name. “She said she put me on a list?” 

The guard scrolled through the names on his computer screen. “I.D.?” he said holding out his hand. I showed him my Identification. “Do you know the way?” 

“Yeah,” I smiled pointing to the navigation. 

The large gate opened, and I waved goodbye. 

“Damn, all these houses look exactly alike,” I said looking at the houses as I drove around. Even though they were all large and beautiful to look at, they were all the same. The lawns looked the same, the windows, the outside lights, each one of them looked exactly like the one next to it. 

I saw Samantha standing outside her door as I pulled up. “Hey there,” she smiled as I got out. 

“Hi,” I replied. 

“The guard called to let me know you were here,” she said as her breath caught the cold air. 

“Go inside,” I smiled as I picked up her large bags. 

“I won’t argue,” she said as she jumped into the passenger seat. 

I pushed the bags in with mine. There was still room to spare. “Quite a large vehicle,” I said as I got back in. 

“Yeah,” Samantha smiled looking back. “I have always wanted to drive one, so I took this opportunity to rent it,” she shrugged. 

“Might as well let the company pay for it,” I said as I punched in the address for the hotel. 

“Oh,” Samantha said as she looked at the address. “Did you not get Jackson’s email?” 

I looked back at her. Truthfully I never looked at company email unless I was at work or I was told that I should. “No,” I replied. 

“He wants us to pass by the facility first,” she said as she punched in the new address. 

“Ten hours,” I said looking down at the screen. 

“You take five, and I will take the rest?” Samantha said. 

“Sounds like a plan.” 



I looked at the time. “Wow, the time is going by slow today,” I said out loud. Samantha had fallen asleep just over an hour ago. I didn’t mind because it meant I could play the music I wanted.

The miles began to tear away as I stepped on the gas. For a big vehicle, it had some power to it. I could barely hear the engine as I looked down at the speedometer. “Pushing past eighty and feels like I am doing forty,” I said as I let off. I didn’t want a speeding ticket. 

“What time is it?” Samantha said as she woke up. 

“Just past seven,” I replied. 

“Already?” she asked looking down at the time. Samantha sat up and looked at the navigation screen. “You’ve been speeding haven’t you?” 

“Just a bit,” I shrugged. 

“Good,” she said leaning back. “Lauren is a terrible road buddy,” she shook her head. “Always doing the speed limit or under.” 

I laughed thinking of Lauren driving. I had seen her on the road a couple of times and sped past her each time. 

“Nice song,” Samantha said as she reached forward. I turned to look at her. “What?” she stared at me. “I like all kinds of music.” 

I laughed as she sang along to House of Pain. I was even surprised to hear that she knew all of the words even the curse words. “I’m half Irish,” she laughed as the song ended. “That song was a must know in my High School, as well as my house.” 

“Interesting,” I nodded. That wasn’t the only song Samantha knew the words to, it didn’t take long before we were both singing and shouting out words to other rap and hip-hop groups. 

“Need gas,” I said as the bright yellow light turned on. 

“Good, I need to stretch my legs,” Samantha said as I turned off at the next exit. 

“Did you want anything?” Samantha said as she walked to go inside. 

“A drink, preferably a sweet tea,” I said as I swiped the company card. I cleaned the front windshield and the back. 

“You want me to take over?” Samantha asked as I bent backward to stretch. 

“No,” I shook my head. “Just getting the kinks out,” I smiled as the pump stopped. 

Samantha took off her large jacket and threw it into the back. “Nice, I was planning to get a few more winks in,” she yawned as she stretched. 

“Go right ahead,” I replied as I started back onto the road. 

“You don’t mind?” 

“Of course not,” I shrugged. “When you take over. I plan on sleeping for a few.” 

“Okay,” she said as she put her head on her small pillow. 

It didn’t take long before I heard the familiar noise of her sleeping. I shook my head as I looked over at her. I had tried to hide my staring as she had taken off her jacket. I knew that she was a busty woman, but to see them this close was fantastic. Especially in the tight white shirt tucked into her jeans. 

The vehicle jerked as I had gone off the side. “Focus on the road,” I said to myself. I looked forward and tried not to look at the busty redhead sitting in the passenger seat. I turned back toward her, and there they were protruding forward. Lauren was right. They were much more significant than hers. Again I felt the bumps of the lane dividers. 

“You okay?” Samantha asked without opening her eyes. 

“Yeah,” I replied. “Something was in my eye.” 

“Okay,” she replied. 

I turned the music up and looked forward. 

The sun came up shortly after I entered the next state. It was a sight for sore eyes. I looked down and smiled. It was close to her time to take over. My eyes were telling me they could do with a break. 

“Well,” Samantha said as she yawned. “My turn.” 

“I will not say no,” I said as I pulled off to the side. 

“Tag,” she said as she hit me. We both circled the vehicle, and I propped myself up. 

“You can use my pillow,” Samantha said as she began to drive. 

“Nah,” I replied putting my hand against the cold window. 

“Don’t be such a macho man,” she scolded me. “Use it. That’s an order,” Samantha smiled. 

“Okay,” I nodded as I took her small pillow and braced it against the window. “You can take my phone off the Bluetooth if you want,” I said as I closed my eyes. 

“Hell no,” Samantha said as she turned the volume up. “I like it.”
It didn’t take long for me to feel tired before I knew it. I was asleep. 

“Stupid asshole!” 

I jerked awake as I heard Samantha yelling. “What happened?” 

“Oh,” Samantha said turning to me as I sat up in my seat. “Nothing, just the radio.” 

I sat back in my seat and looked out of my window. The sun was bright. “How long was I sleeping?” 

“About three hours, give or take,” Samantha smiled. “You’re a hard sleeper, didn’t even wake you when I got pulled over.” 

“What?” I said turning to look at her. 

“Joking,” she laughed. “But you do snore, quite loud.” 

“Yeah,” I nodded. “Sorry about that.” 

“Nothing to apologize for, we all have our thing,” Samantha smiled. 

“What’s yours?” 

“I…” she shook her head. “I like to cuddle. Don’t tell anyone.” 

“I won’t tell a soul,” I smiled. “So who is the asshole?” I asked as I looked at the radio. Samantha had muted it when I woke up. 

“Nothing,” Samantha said as she tried to change the station. 
I beat her to it and turned it up. “I still have controls on the wheel,” she said as she looked at me. 

“Sex talk is back,” the radio announcer said. 

I smiled and looked at her. “You were sleeping,” Samantha shrugged.  With a press of a button, she changed the station. 

“So, the announcer is an asshole?” 

“No, one of the guys that called in,” Samantha said shaking her head. She looked over at me. “Fine. A lady called in and said her husband is giving her an ultimatum. Have anal sex with him, or he will dump her for someone who will.” 

“Got it,” I nodded. “The boyfriend is the asshole.” 

“No!” Samantha shook her head. “Well, yes, but still no,” Samantha looked over at me. “One of the biggest reasons people cheat is because they aren’t getting what they need from their partner, so they go to someone else.” 

“Agreed,” I nodded. 

“One of the guys called in and said it was her duty as his wife to fulfill all his needs,” Samantha explained. 

“Bullshit,” I replied. 

“Hence the asshole,” Samantha smiled.

After turning off the highway and driving for what seemed like hours down curvy country roads, we saw the massive white buildings. “Well, there it is,” Samantha said. 

There was no mistaking our company logo sticking out from the top of the most extensive building. “Yeah,” I said with a bit of apprehension. 

“Relax, they put their pants on one leg at a time as you do,” Samantha said as she turned to go up to the gate. 

“I heard that before,” I said as I pulled out my identification. 

“They are expecting you,” the man at the gate said. 

“That’s reassuring,” I shook my head. 

“Do what comes naturally, everything else will fall into place,” Samantha said as we parked. 

It was good to get out of the car and stretch out. “Hey, guys,” a tall man with a bright smile said. He introduced himself as the Warehouse Manager. 

“Nice buildings,” I said as he gave us the tour of the complex. We drove around on one of the carts. Each building had a purpose. Which was much better than mine,  at least two of our buildings housed two departments. 

“Neil and Jesse are waiting for you inside shipping,” he said as he looked at me. “You can take anyone of the carts. Just make sure you leave the keys inside.” 

I nodded and off I went. I had always dealt with Neil through Jesse, having them both in the same building had my stomach in knots. As I walked inside everything was familiar but updated and with a fresh coat of paint. 

“Kevin!” a voice said from behind. I turned to see Jesse’s smiling face. “Long drive huh?” he said as we shook hands. 

“Yeah,” I said as I stretched again. “Still trying to get the kinks out.” 
“So, this is the man,” the elderly man that was standing beside Jesse said. 

“No sir,” I said shaking his hand. “Just me,” I smiled. 

“You’re right,” Neil said as he looked at Jesse. “Humble and honest. So what do you think?” 

“Well, to be honest,” I said looking over at receiving. “The bays are too close to the loading dock,” I said as I looked at the large bays. “Someone not paying attention when they are loading with a fork will tear one of these down and all the merchandise with it.” 

“I told you,” Jesse said with a smile. “He knows his stuff.” 

“On the layout and on the model it shows plenty of clearance space,” Neil said shaking his head. 

“Yes,” I nodded. “May I?” I asked as I pointed to one of the new forklifts. 

“Go ahead,” Neil said as they both put on their hard hats. 

I got into the forklift and sped out to the receiving area. I spotted an empty pallet and drove back towards them at a high rate of speed. 

“See, normally we tell everyone never to drive backward when they are receiving something,” I shouted over the engine. “But nine times out of ten it happens. If they are going this fast, especially during the holiday season and spin forward….” 


The pallet hit one of the empty bays. The sound reverberated throughout the building. I leaned down and looked at them. “Imagine that pallet being a washing machine or a fridge, also think if that bay wasn’t empty like it is now.” 

“Move them,” Neil said shaking his head at the foreman. 

The rest of the day went smoothly. I made changes as the way I saw fit. Neil began calling me down and up the building asking for my input. Jesse kept reminding him that he had told him about me. As the day came to an end, I went out to the rental. Samantha was waiting for me with three other men. 

“You must be Kevin,” one of the men said. 

I looked over at Samantha who mouthed Jackson behind his back. My heart skipped a few beats. The only person higher than the man before me was the man in charge of the whole company. “Yes sir,” I said shaking his hand. 

“Neil has been sending me texts all day about you,” Jackson said. “You going to get that building right by tomorrow?” 

“Yes sir, I hope so,” I replied as he still held my hand tight and firm. 

“I need more than hope so, we plan to start receiving orders this Monday,” he said still holding my hand. 

“Then I better have it ready then,” I said. 

“That’s what I like to hear,” he smiled as he walked away with the other two men right behind him.

“He likes you,” Samantha winked. 

“Yeah right,” I replied shaking my hand. 

“Believe me, if he didn’t he wouldn’t shake your hand, he would have said bye, and off he would go,” Samantha said getting in the vehicle. 

“I guess,” I shrugged as I started the engine. I let out a long yawn. “Can’t wait to get to the hotel.” 

Samantha yawned confirming the fact that we were both tired. 

“I am sorry, we didn’t get that email,” the lady behind the counter said yet again. Samantha looked at me. 

The hotel didn’t get the email letting them know to change the one room to two. They were booked solid. “You can stay here, I will find another hotel,” I said as I grabbed my suitcase. 

“All the hotels locally are sold out. There is a car show in town as well as a volleyball tournament,” the lady said. “We can check one of the other hotels within our chain, but it will be an hour drive or more.” 

“No,” Samantha said. “We are both too tired. We will take the room.” 

“It is a suite, so it has a couch, or we can…” the lady said. 

“We will take it,” Samantha interrupted she was annoyed. 

“Sorry again,” the lady said as we made our way to the elevator. 

The room was much bigger than I had thought it would be, there was a couch with a television stand, microwave, refrigerator and a large table in one room. Then there was a sliding wood door separating that room from the bedroom. The large bed had a television across from it. 

“Well this isn’t bad,” I said. “I can sleep on the couch.” 

Samantha just nodded her head. “I am going to take a shower.” 

I could tell she was still upset about the whole thing. I laid out my clothes on the couch and pulled the sliding doors closed. My feet hung off the couch, but other than that it was comfortable. I called downstairs for extra pillows and blankets. 

“Well, they were right,” Samantha said. waking me up as I had drifted to sleep. 

“What?” I asked. 

“Tania messed up, she sent both of us the email but didn’t send the email to the hotel,” Samantha said sitting at the table staring at her phone. 

She was drying her hair with a huge towel wrapped around her. “The good news is the hot water is working,” she smiled. 

The towel hid most of her body except her long legs and her long plunging cleavage. “You better try to take a shower before someone else uses all the hot water.” 

I merely nodded as I got up and headed for the bathroom. I came back out and got my clothes. Samantha was right about the hot water; it was scolding hot. After the shower, I quickly got dressed and opened the door. I could barely make out the outline of Samantha in the large bed. I quietly walked towards the sliding door. 

“Night,” Samantha said. 

“Night,” I replied. 

Room service had brought up the pillows and the blanket. It didn’t take long for me to drift off to sleep. My dreams were filled with images of fucking Lauren. I was fucking her from behind, for some reason my eyes were closed, my hands were gripping her hips. When she said to put my dick in her ass, I slowly took it out of her wet pussy. When she turned her head backward to look at me, instead of Lauren’s face it was Samantha’s. I woke up right away. 

“I was wondering if you were going to wake up,” Samantha said, she stood in front of me in her work skirt and shirt. 

“Damn,” I said sitting upward. “I must have slept through my alarm.” 

“I will meet you in the lobby,” Samantha replied as she walked out the door. 

I cursed myself for not waking up on time. Then headed for the shower. 

The ride to work was quiet. We both had a long and strenuous day ahead of us. “See you later,” I said as I got out. Samantha didn’t reply. 

The day started off slow, but soon as the trucks began to roll in, things began to go sideways and fast. The good thing for me was that all three of my department heads were in the building. I made it a point to show them the problems that plagued most of the other buildings. 

“See this is why we keep sending you these mistake forms,” I said aloud to them. “On my invoice, it says this is supposed to be a black leather recliner,” I said as I got to the large bubble wrapped couch. 

“This is not a recliner or is it black. Even the stub on this couch says it’s a black leather recliner, but it’s not. If we don’t catch it as it comes in and we put it up. We will put into the inventory wrong, and when our fork drivers come to pick it up to send to a customer, they will not catch it.” 

The three of them stood there with nothing to say. Neil looked at the invoice and took out his phone. He took a picture of the invoice and the couch. “I will get right on this.” 

Jesse gave me a wink. I caught many of the other mistakes. I finally took a break and sat down in the employee lounge. I closed my eyes for what seemed like a few seconds. “Well,” a voice said startling me. I looked up to see Jackson staring at me, his head poking in from the door. 

I jumped to my feet and walked out to the floor with him. We spent the next three hours going over the warehouse. “Jesse and Neil were right about you,” he said as we reached the back dock. “You know your stuff.” 

“Thank you,” I replied with a huge smile. 

“Samantha should be glad to have you,” he said as he gripped my hand like a vice. “Take care of her and that warehouse you have down there.” 

“I will,” I replied. 

“You guys can go,” he smiled. “I think these guys can handle it from here.” 

“Awesome, thanks,” I replied as I watched him walk away. 

I went back inside. Neil and Jesse gave me the two thumbs up, as I walked outside. Samantha was standing by the rental. “Ready?” she asked. 

“Yeah,” I said as I got into the passenger seat. 

“Not too bad, was it?” Samantha asked. 

“Nah, tomorrow I have a few things, I have to finish but…” I began to say before I noticed she was shaking her head. 

“Jackson said we could head back tomorrow,” she smiled looking at me. 


“Absolutely,” Samantha said nodding her head. 

“That’s great,” I said looking out the window. I couldn’t wait to get back. 

We pulled into the hotel parking. “I am going to get a few drinks down at the bar,” she said. “After I get changed of course. Would you like to join me?” 

“You read my mind,” I smiled. 

“You go first,” Samantha said as we got into the room. “I have a few emails to send. I will join you in a few.” 

I nodded and proceeded to take a shower and get changed. “See you downstairs,” I said as I passed Samantha on the way out the door. 

“Uh-huh,” she nodded as she kept typing on her keyboard. 

The downstairs bar was filled with people either drinking at the bar or eating in the booths. The manager approached me as I sat down at the bar. “We are sorry about the room,” she smiled. 

“Everything worked out,” I replied motioning the bartender over. 

“Any food they order send the bill to the office,” the manager told the bartender who nodded back. 

“Well in that case,” I smiled. 

I was on my third drink when I noticed the four men on the opposite side of the square bar, looking behind me. One of the men motioned to his chest in the apparent fashion of intending someone had large breasts. The other three joined in. I could only imagine that Samantha had walked into the bar. 

“Sorry,” Samantha said as she put a hand on my shoulder. “Got caught up in an email discussion,” she sat on the stool next to me. 

“No problem,” I replied. “You already have some admirers,” I nodded across the bar. The four men were trying to pretend that they weren’t looking. 

“Usual suspects,” she sighed. She took a few of the chips and salsa I ordered and began to look around. “Not a bad place.” 

“No. The manager said the food is on them because of the mix-up,” I told her. 

“Good,” Samantha said as she placed her order. 

We talked about work and what things we would like to implement the moment we got back. “You are getting some serious looks,” Samantha smiled as she leaned in toward me. 

“No way,” I replied trying to look around. 

“Don’t look, stupid,” she said digging her long nails into my thigh. “Under the Elvis poster, right side,” Samantha said as she sat back. 

I slowly picked my drink up, and casually looked over to the right. I saw a few women looking our way. “Well,” Samantha said.

“Nothing,” I shrugged.

“Nothing?” Samantha said shocked. “The Latin one looks hot,” she nodded. 

I had the same thought, out of the three women I  had looked at, the Latin one looked like my type. “I didn’t want to say anything.” 

“Because I am your boss?” Samantha asked. “Well, forget that. When we are out of work, then I am just Samantha or Sam. Is that alright with you?” 

“Of course,” I nodded. “So, Sam. Who do you have your eyes on?” 

“What do you mean?” Samantha replied trying to look innocent as she took a drink. 

“You’ve been looking over my shoulder for a while now,” I looked at her. “So who is it?” 

Samantha sighed. “Under the rocketeer poster.” 

I slowly turned around and noticed a group of men laughing and drinking. “Which one? The cowboy I am guessing,” I said as I looked back at her. 

“Oh, hell no,” Samantha said. “I had enough of those when I was younger,” she said as she shook her head. “The one next to the backward cap.” 

I had to look again and smiled as I looked back. “Well, that’s a surprise.” 

“What? That I like black guys?” Samantha asked. 

“No,” I shook my head. “He is staring at you also.” 

“He is?” Samantha tried to look. 

“Don’t look, stupid,” I laughed. “Tell you what. Let’s go and mingle, whoever uses the room first can put the do not disturb sign on the door.” 

“Sounds good,” Samantha said. 

“Happy hunting,” I said as I walked away. 

“So,” Samantha said breaking the long silence that had filled the vehicle as we drove back home. 

“Yeah,” I replied shaking my head. The both of us had come back to the hotel room empty-handed and alone. 

We both laughed as we knew what the other was thinking. 

“Horrible,” I said shaking my head. 

“Really?” Samantha asked as she looked over at me. 

“Yes,” I nodded. “Absolutely horrible.” 

“Do tell,” Samantha said interested. 

I told her how I went over to the woman last night. Things had started great, and we got to talking. Then it went downhill and fast. 

“She wasn’t interested in anything I liked, no video games, no movies, not even music.” 

“Well,” Samantha said. “You were looking for a quickie, not a relationship.” 

“True,” I nodded. The truth of the matter was as soon as we got out of the dim lit bar and into the well-lit lobby, everything that I thought might have interested me fell away. Her chest was nowhere as big as Lauren’s, and her ass was flat. “She showed me some of her online profiles and interests. She uses that stupid app.” 

“No,” Samantha shook her head. “Not the one with all the filters?” 

“Yes,” I nodded. “The one that puts up those silly images of a princess, fairy, a dog.” 

“Instant no,” Samantha said shaking her head. 

“Your turn,” I said looking over at her. 

“Well,” she said as she looked in the side mirror as she changed lanes. “He couldn’t stop talking about himself.” 

“Okay,” I said looking at her. 

“In the third person,” Samantha stared over at me. 

“No,” I shook my head. 

“Yes,” Samantha nodded. “From the time we started talking to the time I walked away, every sentence began with Ben likes, or Ben does,” Samantha shook her head. “Plus his friends kept staring at my chest.” 

“Can’t blame them there,” I replied. 

“True,” Samantha smiled. “I was showing more cleavage than usual. It’s hard not to when you have these things.” 

I laughed as she held one of her boobs and bounced it. Even with her blue jean jacket buttoned up to the top, her boobs still stood out. “I am sure you catch a lot of men staring,” I said. 

“Men and women,” Samantha revealed. “Women usually have that judgment look on their face, while men have that drooling look.” 

“Ever thought of.. you know,” I said looking down at them. 

“A reduction?” Samantha laughed. I nodded back at her. “Hell no!” she shook her head furiously. “I like them, they get me out of speeding tickets as well as into sporting events, and I can’t count how many lines I have skipped.” 

I looked over at her in a new light. Most of the times we talked before at work she had seemed like someone who was stuck up. Over the course of the weekend, I realized that she was just like the rest of us. 

“Want to take over,” Samantha yawned. 

“Yeah,” I nodded realizing that she had driven more than half the way. She pulled over to the side of the road, and we swapped chairs. 

“I was actually looking forward to it,” Samantha said as I pulled off the shoulder. 

“To what?” I asked. 

“Getting fucked,” Samantha said as she clicked the seatbelt. 

“Yeah, it’s been a long week,” I shrugged. 

“Week?” Samantha replied. “That’s how long it has been for you?” 

“No,” I shook my head. Thinking of the last time I had fucked Lauren. “A few days maybe, I was just… never mind.” 

“Lucky you,” Samantha said looking out of her window. 

“You?” I asked. 

“Almost four years,” Samantha said silently. 

“What?” I said. Looking at how men reacted to her at the bar that didn’t seem realistic. “You’re joking.” 

“Wish I was,” Samantha said looking back at me. “Four years in two months. Last time was with my ex, and we broke up almost four years ago.” 

“Wow,” I said shaking my head. 

“Yeah,” Samantha said shaking her head. “Don’t get me wrong, I am no prude, and as much as I think I might have gone to bed with that guy last night. I know deep down I wouldn’t have, it’s just not in me.” 

“I am sure you would have wanted it in you,” I laughed. 

“Shut up,” Samantha shook her head.
“I am just saying. Four years is a long time,” I laughed. 

“Well I feel sorry for the guy,” Samantha smiled while she nodded her head. 

“Why is that?” I asked. 

“I like to be on top, and I might tear his dick off,” Samantha nodded. 

“He might like that,” I smiled. 

“Not as much as I would,” Samantha smiled as she lay her head against the door. 

When I looked at her eyes were already closed. I leaned back and began thinking of things I had to do at work once I got back. First of all was to fuck Lauren, all the talk about sex and last night’s missed opportunity had me horny. 

The road seemed like it would never end. Even though the miles on the GPS were going down, it looked like I was going nowhere fast. 

“Wow, did you see that?” Samantha asked as she sat up in her seat. 

I honestly thought she was still sleeping. “No, what was it?” I asked as I looked in the rearview mirror. Looking for something I might have missed. 

“Slow down for a few,” Samantha said as she sat upright. I let off the gas, and slowly we started to slow down. “Here it comes,” Samantha nodded. 

A small car came up on the passenger side. Being in the higher vehicle, we could see into the car I smiled slightly as I saw the bobbing of blonde hair. The man looked up at us and smiled as the woman held her middle finger. I took the hint and stepped back on the gas. 

“At least someone is having some fun,” I laughed. 

“Yeah, that’s true,” Samantha said nodding her head. 

There was silence as I began to think of a way to get Lauren to do that with me. I knew that it wouldn’t take a lot of convincing. I am sure all I had to do was bring it up once. 

“She must not be very good,” Samantha said still looking in the side mirror. “He doesn’t seem to be swerving or anything.” 

“Probably has the cruise control on,” I answered. “If he holds the steering wheel steady he will be fine.” 

“Oh, so you have done it before?” 

“No,” I shook my head. “Just thinking what I would do if it were me, that’s all.” 

“Oh,” Samantha said she was looking over at me. “Let’s see,” she said with a straight face. 

“What?” I said stunned. 

Samantha leaned forward and took something out of her bag. She came back up and tied her long red hair back in a ponytail. “I am bored and horny, and I can tell you are as well,” she said as she looked at the tell-tale sign of my hardened dick through my pants. “So why not?” 

I couldn’t say anything. Samantha had me speechless as she took off her jean jacket and tossed it in the back. Her large breast swayed under her white shirt. “Well?” she said staring at me. 

I slowly got the vehicle to the speed limit and engaged the cruise control. Samantha leaned over and unzipped my pants, then unbuttoned it. I had to shift a little in my seat, but her cold, pale white hand gripped my hardened dick. Slowly she lowered her head. 

I took a deep breath as her mouth circled the head of my dick. I felt her tongue circle the tip before the rest of her mouth lowered over it. I instantly gripped the steering wheel tighter. Slowly her head began to bob up and down as she took more of my dick into her mouth. 

She raised her head slightly. “Sorry, it’s been a while. And I have never done this with one so thick,” she said as she looked up at me. 

“You’re doing fine,” I nodded. Samantha was nowhere as good as Lauren, but I wasn’t going to complain about road head. 

Her head dived down again. This time I took the opportunity to move one of my hands off the wheel and wrap it around her. I attempted to cup one of her boobs in my hand. I was beyond shocked at how big it was in my hand. I couldn’t cup the whole of it. 

I cupped and squeezed the large boob. Samantha moaned softly as she sucked my dick. I squeezed and massaged it slowly. Samantha began to moan more even stopping and using her hands more, something Lauren never did.

“You need to pull over,” Samantha nodded. 

I agreed even though I could drive comfortably. I wanted to play with both of Samantha’s mammoth sized tits. Samantha made her way to the back. 

I saw a rest area coming up in just a few miles. Looking back, I could see Samantha folding one of the rows of the seats down into the floor of the vehicle. With a simple push, the other seats moved back over them making a vast space. 

The rest area was busy with people going back and forth. I drove around the back and found a path for the picnic area. It was still cold outside, and I took a bet that no one would be using the picnic areas. I drove back there and found no other vehicles. I parked next to a large tree. 

I made my way to the back. Samantha pushed me onto the seat and kneeled between my legs. Her mouth dropped down over my dick. She bounced her head up and down faster. I watched her red hair bouncing between my legs. Again she stopped and used her hands. I took this opportunity to squeeze her boobs. 

“So you are a boob man?” Samantha smiled as she leaned back on her feet as I played with her large tits. 

“Of course,” I nodded. 

“Well,” Samantha said as she pushed my hands away. “I might not be good at giving blow jobs, but there is something I am great at,” she said with a devilish smile. With that, she took off her shirt. Her large breasts were nearly coming out of the massive white bra. 

Samantha leaned forward as she gripped my cock tightly. She pushed it tight against her stomach as she lowered her body over me. The head of my dick slipped under the bra and between her tits. 

Samantha held the sides of her bra and squeezed them together as she bounced her heavy tits up and down. 

I moaned as I watched her bounce them up and down slowly. I could barely see the head of my dick between her immense cleavage. “I can tell you like that, don’t you?” Samantha said staring up at me as she lifted her chest up and down on my dick. 

“Yes,” I moaned. I was very close to cumming. “Have never had anything done like this before,” I said. Which was not a lie, even with Lauren when I tit fucked her, the head of my dick always came up at the top. 

“Good,” Samantha shifted as she picked up the pace, she bounced them heavier and faster. Squeezing the sides of her bra together. I kept waiting for them to burst out of the bra. 

“I’m cumming,” I said as I pushed up between her tits. Samantha stopped as she held her tits entirely still as I came between them. 

“Well, I am sure when I take this bra off, there will be quite a mess waiting for me,” Samantha laughed. 

I couldn’t believe it. There was no sign of my cum at the top of her breasts. Samantha slowly lifted her torso up and over my lap. My dick slipped out from under her bra. Apart from the shining head of my dick and a slight wet spot at the bottom of her bra, there was no evidence of my cum. 

“I should go to the bathroom,” Samantha said as she nudged her bra. “Or this will get quite uncomfortable.” 

I nodded to her as I pulled my pants up and started the vehicle. I drove back around to the front and let her out. She left with her bag. I looked at all the people wander back and forth. Samantha came back with a smile on her face and shaking her head. 

“What’s wrong?” I asked as she got in. 

“Wrong?” Samantha smiled. “Nothing is wrong,” She stated as she buckled her seat belt. 

I got back on the interstate and looked over at her. She was smiling and staring at me. “You’re staring,” I said as I looked back at the road. 

“Do you always cum that much?” Samantha asked. 

“Usually,” I shrugged. “Some of the women I have been with like it,” I stated back at her. 

“Oh, it’s definitely not a bad thing, especially since it doesn’t taste awful like most men,” Samantha shrugged as she looked away. 

“You tasted it?” I asked shocked. The thought of her tasting my cum made my dick throb. 

“Of course,” Samantha said back almost shocked that I would ask such a question. “I had to, couldn’t let it all go to waste.” 

“Okay,” I replied. There were a few moments of silence as the sky turned gray. It was going to rain. 

“I am glad you are driving,” Samantha said leaning forward. At that moment the sky opened up, and the rain came down in buckets. Soon the road was hardly visible as the rain came down harder. 

“You okay?” I asked. 

“Yes,” Samantha replied. I could tell she was nervous. 

“I can pull over if you would feel more comfortable,” I said.

“It just brings back bad memories, that’s all,” Samantha said looking out at the sheets of rain. 

“Tell me about it,” I said trying to get her to calm down. 

Samantha told me about an accident she had with her parents and older brother. She was the sole survivor. It had happened in a rainstorm just like this one. I reassured her that I was a good driver in any condition and that I would try not to let it happen again. 

We made it to her place, but the rain was still coming down. “If you go and open the door, I will get the luggage,” I said to her as I opened the door. The rain was coming down pelting my body with cold bullets. I ran to the door with her luggage. “Here you go,” I said as I got to the door. 

“Come in,” Samantha said as she grabbed my hand.  I barely heard the door close behind us. I began to look around when I felt Samantha push me against the wall. Her lips smashed into mine as we kissed. “Follow,” she said as she walked away from me. 

I followed her through the long hallway with its white walls. It opened out into a large living room. “Sit,” Samantha said as she began to take off her top. 

I sat on the long white leather couch as Samantha pulled down her jean pants. I grabbed my pants and slid them off. Samantha stood before only wearing her bra, which she seductively took off. She turned around with her back to me as she let it drop to the floor. Slowly she walked backward. 

I held my dick steady as she lowered herself down onto it. “Fuck,” she said as my dick slowly slid into her. Samantha steadied herself as she placed her hands on my knees. I watched as just the head of my dick disappeared inside of her, stretching the inside of her pussy. 

I grabbed her waist, but she slapped my hands away. Again she began to lower her body taking more of my dick inside of her. Samantha slowly took the rest of me inside her as she leaned forward. She began to bounce up and down. She started out slow then she got faster going all the way down, then all the way to the tip.

“Fuck,” I moaned as I watched her ass bounce off my lap. She leaned forward spreading my legs apart with her hands. I remembered what she said when she stated she liked being on top. “Damn,” I said stopping her for a moment. I pulled her backward as I squeezed and held her big tits in my hands. 

“Throwing in the white flag already?” Samantha asked with an evil grin. 

“No,” I shook my head. “I was beginning to think you really were trying to tear it off,” I smiled. 

Samantha looked over her shoulder. “I haven’t even started yet,” she said as she stood up. Samantha reached for my hand as she pulled me up off the couch. “Lay down,” she ordered. 

I lay flat on the carpet as she straddled me. This time she held my dick steady as she lowered her self onto it. Slowly she rocked back and forth as she flipped her long red hair to one side. “You ready?” she asked as she looked down at me. 

I nodded back at her. I watched her giant tits as she began to rock back and forth faster and harder. Her eyes looked down at me as she kept increasing the pace. Slowly she raised herself up over me into a squatting position. She placed both hands on my chest as she bounced faster. 

“Fuck,” I said as I watched her ride my dick harder than any of the other women, that had ever done it. I watched my dick disappear and reappear at an alarming rate. It felt like she was trying to tear it right off. 

I reached up and stopped her again. Holding her tightly against my body. “Are you giving up?” she seductively whispered in my ear. 

Samantha looked me in the eyes as she rolled her hips around my dick.

“No,” I said trying to catch my breath. Samantha smiled with her usual naughty look. 

“Then don’t stop me,” she said as she pushed herself off me. Her hands gripped my chest as she squatted with her knees bent. She leaned forward and began riding me hard again. 

I had to grit my teeth. Samantha bounced faster. “I’m cumming,” I said. 

“Not yet,” she said shaking her head. Her red hair swung from side to side. Samantha pushed off of me sitting upright. She placed her hands on her knees as she straightened up. 

“Holy fuck,” I said as my toes curled. Samantha rode up and down on my dick with her hands dragging through her hair. 

“Come on big boy, just a moment longer,” Samantha teased. Her big tits swayed from side to side as she slowly used her knees to push her body up and down on my dick. 

I shook my head. The site of her body riding me in this fashion was enough. Samantha swung her knees from under her forcibly, impaling herself on my dick. “Fuck!” I said as I came hard. Samantha lay on top of me as I came inside of her. 

“It’s still intact,” Samantha smiled as she rolled off me. 

“No thanks to you,” I smiled. 

“I did warn you,” Samantha shrugged. 

“Yes, you did,” I nodded. 

We lay on the floor for a few moments. Both of us catching our breath. “Lauren was right,” Samantha said as she propped her head up on her elbow looking over at me. “You do cum a lot.” 

“What?” I said looking over at her. 

“You really didn’t think we messed up the hotel reservation?” Samantha said as she leaned over me. 

“That was done on purpose?” I asked stunned. 

“Lauren’s idea,” Samantha said. “I was a bit disappointed when you didn’t want to sleep in the same bed. “Lauren said you liked when she takes charge, so I had to find a way to initiate the outcome.” 

Slowly she got up to her feet. I got up as well. I followed her naked body into the kitchen. “So this was all a ploy to…” 

“Fuck you?” Samantha said as she got out two glasses. “Absolutely,” she said as poured us both sweet tea. 

“Well,” I smiled. “I hope I didn’t disappoint.” 

“Disappoint,” Samantha said shaking her head. “Excelled is a much better word,” Samantha said as she leaned over the long bar. “I can’t wait for the next time.” 

“When will that be?” I asked as I leaned forward to look at her.

“Not tonight,” Samantha shook her head. “We both need some sleep. So, you can have the guest room if you choose to stay. And we can see what happens.” 

“I do have to get back to the rental place in the morning,” I nodded. 

“Drive carefully,” Samantha smiled as she walked to a staircase. “I can lock the door from upstairs.” 

I walked into the living room and gathered my clothes. I got back onto the road and headed home. My phone went off as I stopped at a red light I looked at the text. It was from Samantha. “Still trying to get clean from all your cum. Can’t wait for next time.” 

I smiled and shook my head. I pulled into my apartment building parking. My phone went off again. I thought it was another text from Samantha, so I waited until I was inside. After putting my things away, I started up my game console and picked out my phone. It was a text from Lauren. “I hear that I might be making another shirt.” 

“You set me up.” I replied. 

“You’re welcome.” She replied. “Or should I say you’re well CUM?” 

“You might have to get that extra shirt large for her chest,” I replied. 

“Already ahead of you. See you Monday.” 

I put the phone down and smiled. I had never wanted a work week to start sooner than I did at this moment. 

Published 7 years ago

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