Giovanna watched her security camera from her phone, pacing impatiently within her front foyer for David to finish his gardening shift. As it had been a while since she gave him that last pussy job by the Falls, she had gotten up early this morning to be properly prepared and presentable to her lover for their final tryst. She had held off since their last session until the condoms she ordered online had arrived, and with them in her fashionable Chanel clutch, she was ready for her final date and covered herself in a short and sexy Lulu’s trench coat with two columns of buttons on the front and a wrap-around belt at her waist; it hid her breasts but ended mid-thigh so her long, luscious toned legs would be available to David’s touch. She put on a pair of black sexy stiletto heels by Jimmy Cho, as she intended on going straight into her lover’s den for an intense and passionate morning lovemaking session.
After some time, she leaned against the top of a couch to rest her legs, when she saw David pass by the side security camera, wearing only shorts and sandals, headed towards her side door. She had timed how long it took to walk from the security camera vantage point to the side door previously, and quickly rushed towards the door, counted to three, and opened it just as her lover had turned the corner and was now staring directly at her. From the corner of her eye, she saw David’s mouth drop, his eyes like a deer in headlights, except they were staring at her lower legs. Then his gaze went slowly up her legs, past her knee and over her thighs until they disappeared under her trench coat. His eyes then went quickly to her long blonde hair swaying gently in the breeze, hanging roughly at just below shoulder length, and up to her beautiful supermodel face.
“Good morning, Giovanna,” said David.
Giovanna acted startled and managed to fake a surprised look on her face.
“Oh, hi David. I didn’t know you were here,” she said, despite that she had been spying on his muscled and bare upper frame the entire time he was tending to her garden early this morning.
“I missed you,” he replied.
“I missed you too, lover,” she replied sincerely, and quietly.
“Where are you going now?” he asked.
“I was going for a walk,” she began before realizing she looked like she was dressed for picking up men at a club, which made no sense too since it was early in the morning. She wondered if he had figured out her game yet.
“Can we spend the morning together please?” pleaded David politely.
Very direct, Giovanna thought to herself, and she started to giggle softly. David must have realized his sincerity too as he started to laugh. She looked at him and instructed, “Bring your car to the side, here, where no one can see us.”
David quickly jogged around to the visitor parking area of her property, and Giovanna smiled and enjoyed watching him briskly run away, too eager for more action with her. She still had him wrapped around her finger.
In a few minutes, she heard the familiar quiet engine sound of his Mercedes Benz and turned to see it back up nearby her. David quickly got out and opened the passenger door, beckoning her to come sit beside him, but she deliberately walked to the rear passenger door behind the driver’s seat, adding an extra sway to each step. She relished the disappointed look on his face; Giovanna could only imagine the disappointment in his mind thinking that she was denying him his typical opportunity to fondle her legs while driving. Still a gentleman, David jogged over and opened the rear door for her, and she returned the chivalrous gesture by sitting rear first on the seat, facing him, then slowly lifting one leg at a time into the car to give him a small taste of what he thought he would miss during the drive.
David closed the door, then entered the driver’s seat and shut the door. He looked at the rearview mirror, searching for her beautiful legs, and asked, “Where to?”
“Somewhere private. But safe. I don’t want another shoe to go missing,” she responded, looking into the mirror so he could appreciate her model face and golden blonde long hair. His eyes stared back for a bit, then peeked down but back up again when he couldn’t see any cleavage due to her trench coat covering her.
David mused for a bit, then said, “I have an idea. Let’s go to my place…I mean my parents’ place. Umm…they own it…” said David nervously.
Giovanna smiled back and nodded, as David had picked the location she had hoped; clearly, he was nervous as he knew he was making it quite clear he was intending to make love to her. Giovanna leaned back in her seat, didn’t buckle in the safety belt, and began slowly leaning down in her seat, causing her trench coat to rise up her thighs a little. As the car left her driveway, David’s eyes saw her perfect legs on display and moved up, but couldn’t see her crotch as the trench coat was heavy enough to fall between her legs and obscure the view, as Giovanna had planned.
As the car stopped, Giovanna slowly and carefully slid her left leg through the gap between the driver’s seat and the door, resting her lower leg on David’s thigh. She heard David gasp and peered up at the rearview mirror to see a big smile on his face. She smiled back and while David took a second to reach down and rub her lower leg, knee and thigh, she carefully raised her right leg, put it over the armrest but under his right arm (to not interfere with his reach to the gear shift), and rested it on his right thigh. She slid a little further down her seat so more of her legs slid over to the driver’s side, but also so that her thighs were raised a bit for her legs to not put pressure on David’s. She wanted to arrive at David’s house alive and in one piece, after all.
She heard David’s breath quicken, as he reached down with his right arm to fondle her right leg, and she felt the car slow down a bit. After a few feels up her inner lower leg and the lower part of her inner thigh, he put his right hand back on the steering while and reached down with his left hand to feel and enjoy her left leg. As he continued his fondling, Giovanna felt her blood flow to her vulva, with her labia lips and clit slowly enlarging in response to his caresses.
Giovanna then saw David reach up and press something; she then heard the familiar sound of a garage door being pulled open by a motor. As the car pulled slowly into the garage, David took full advantage of the situation and began running his hand on top of her lower leg, from ankle over her knee and eventually to the bottom of her trench coat. His fingertips managed to get under the trench coat to feel only a little more thigh before his arm became too uncomfortable. Almost lying down with her head two-thirds down the back seat, she was able to see that the car had entered the garage. David then stopped his fondling and put the gear shift into park position. Then he lifted Giovanna’s leg that was over the armrest and on top of his arm, and he started licking and nibbling the bottom of her lower leg, slowly moving up towards the bottom of her knee.
Her breathing increasing in pace, Giovanna moved her left leg which was squished tight between the door and the driver’s seat, which caused David to lift it up and fondle her lower leg in the process. As his hand slid on top of her lower leg up to her knee. She took advantage of the freedom in motion to use her foot to open the driver side door, giving her leg much more room to maneuver. She pressed down a bit with her foot and found the reclining lever, hooked her foot under it and lifted as hard as she could.
The driver’s seat lurched back to David’s surprise, and since he was still holding Giovanna’s left leg, she didn’t have full control and the seat reclined far enough back that her right thigh was pushed back behind the seat so close that her knee was about six inches from her face. Before she could move more, David had lifted her left leg up over the shoulder rest of the driver’s seat so that both her knees were pinned close to her face, thighs pressed tight against the reclined seat, and her lower legs wrapped around his head. David then focused on nibbling and licking the insides of her lower legs, which caused a reaction in her vulva, and she involuntarily began bucking her hips up in response. She grunted loudly and could feel her nipples harden. Luckily her squashed position made her uncomfortable enough to realize she was at his home, and although likely he took her here because his parents were likely away, she had to make sure, just in case.
“David, lover, be careful! What if your parents catch us?”
“They’re not home. They went away to Monte Carlo for the entire summer break,” David reassured her.
Good, Giovanna thought. Now they could get down to some serious business.
Giovanna used her heels to tap David’s muscular naked chest. “I’d like to continue this inside and somewhere more comfortable,” she whispered, alluding that she wanted to move the action to his bed.
“Sorry!” gasped David, realizing the tight squeeze Giovanna was in. He quickly put her lower legs down and against the front of the driver’s seat, stepped out of the car and opened her car door. There he saw Giovanna lying with her head almost against the seat, her gorgeous blonde hair spreading out from her face like the long rays of the sun, her knees pinned almost to her face by the driver’s seat.
“Yeah, that doesn’t look very comfortable,” David mentioned. Then they both broke into giggles, and soon after David pulled the driver’s seat back up and helped Giovanna slide her legs back down to the car floor, being sure to feel each leg up to mid-thigh in the process. As she sat back up on the seat, she straightened her trench coat down to cover up to mid-thigh, and to David’s dismay, pressed her knees together to swing her legs out and onto the garage floor at the same time. David then extended his hand and helped pull her to a standing position, all the while staring between her thighs wishing to have seen her loins.
“I’m up here,” said Giovanna in a matter-of-fact plain voice. They both broke into laughter again.
David then took out his smartphone and pressed some buttons.
“What are you doing?” asked Giovanna.
“Deleting the last bit of security camera footage before my parents see it, disarming the alarm and turning off the internal security cameras.”
Good, Giovanna thought to herself. They could fool around all over the house for the entire morning. She had set a hard stop for herself at near lunchtime to make sure their antics didn’t get out of hand.
Then holding hands, David guided her into his house. The garage entrance door opened into a mini welcome room, where he removed his shoes. As she didn’t want to push her host too much, Giovanna followed in his example and removed her expensive Jimmy Choo stilettos.
“I’m guessing they will be safe here,” she said with a smile.
Putting his arm around her, they entered the main open foyer which served as the welcome area. She admired the high ceiling, the chandelier and the wide O’Hara staircase to the second floor. Not as big as her home, but the size was typical of the mansions built on the other side of the large hill where she lived. She predicted that soon David would take her up that beautiful staircase to his bedroom, but would let him decide when.
Using his arm around her, David rolled her into his face and pressed his open lips against her face. In return, she opened her mouth and rubbed her lips against his, but instead of forcing her tongue against his, turned to his shoulder so his tongue licked her cheek. Giovanna took note that nobody was looking through the windows, but wanted to be sure she could not be seen with David.
David must have guessed this as he stopped rubbing his lips against her face, ear and hair, and quickly took her upstairs. They walked to the end of the hall to a pair of open doors and stepped inside the master bedroom. It was a beautiful room with expensive classical Italian furniture, and a giant-sized canopy bed in the center. One wall was all glass with the curtains wide open; they had a beautiful view of the water and further out, the Falls where David had taken her twice already. She glanced around and saw an entrance into the walk-in closet, but on one wall she noticed a closed door, which was very odd, and likely where David was going to take her for fornication.
Beside the door was a photograph of an older man with a sexy young woman, probably only a few years older than her, gazing at each other lovingly. It didn’t take long for Giovanna to surmise that the couple were David’s father and step-mother; the woman in the photo was much too young to be David’s mother. That’s when Giovanna realized what was hidden behind the closed door, and that David would be definitely taking her there.
Sure enough, as predicted, he gently guided her with his hand on her back to the door, opened it, and moved her in first, then followed her in, closing and locking the door behind them. Inside was a luxurious adult sex playroom, with a large circular bed to the side, a sectioned-off area by glass doors for a jacuzzi with a shower; upon squeezing her toes with delight Giovanna realized the carpet was extra thick and soft, deliberately to cushion a couple in case they lost balance and fell during intercourse. She smiled and guessed David’s father used the same contractor as her husband did to build their own playroom. There was a large leather sofa in the center, along with comfortable leather seats of different heights, and several bungee cords with arm and leg leather clasps hanging from different parts of the ceiling.
As Giovanna looked around the room, thinking of different activities to try, David had quietly stepped behind her and wrapped his arms around her. He used his nose to move her blonde hair away from her cheek and began kissing across her face to her lips, where she stuck her tongue out and they touched tongues. He then returned to kissing back to her ear, then down the side of her neck, and she let out a moan of appreciation. Encouraged, he continued kissing her neck and running his nose through her soft blonde hair, and moved one hand from holding her arms from behind and across the front of her trench coat, until he found a breast and squeezed it.
Giovanna turned her head towards him and they locked tongues, while David moved his hand to an opening at the top of her trench coat and started to explore underneath, his fingers discovering the top of her baby doll. His hand then reached into her baby doll, cupping her breast again; she felt his fingers explore and discover her bra was just several ribbons of satin wrapped around her breast like a fishnet with large holes. He curiously pushed within, found her nipple and ran his fingers over it roughly, causing her to involuntarily push her buttocks into his now erect member, straining through his shorts.
As David’s hand began moving down again, Giovanna stepped forward a bit and reached behind her, fumbling with his shorts until she reached his waistband and found his belt. Using his belt as a guide, her hands slid to the center front and unbuckled the belt, then unbuttoned the front and got his zipper down, searching for his erection. Her hands then opened his shorts behind her, upon which she felt his warmth against her wrist. While doing so, David’s hand had slid over her flat stomach and found the waistband of her g string, and he circled around, finding the center and used her g string as a guide down, with a finger pressing on the g string and one on each side. Sliding down, his fingers massaged her now shaved pubic area, and eventually found the top of her temple. While the center finger circled her clit through her g string, the other two fingers found and played with the top of her inner labia lips.
Instinctively, Giovanna threw her head back against David’s chest and his other hand found the buckle to the belt holding her trench coat together and untied it. Her trench coat split open and with his free hand removed one side, then slowly brought his arm back up through her baby doll and out through the top, causing Giovanna to wiggle in ecstasy during the process. His hand now free, he slid the other side of the trench coat down until the coat fell to her wrists, held up because her hands were trying to free his erection.
Giovanna then turned around, so her trench coat fell to the floor, and her hands swung to the waistband of his shorts. She pulled them down to his knees so he couldn’t move, and with her hands grabbed his now-exposed erection and jerked it with both hands. David grunted and started to sporadically thrust into her hands, eyes closed, so she knelt down and positioned her mouth just in front of her hands and opened it. After some more strokes from her hands, he thrusted forward again and his glans pushed between her lips and entered her mouth. Before he realized what happened she opened her mouth wide and pressed her tongue against his glans, so when he pulled out her tongue licked the base of it.
David growled, aroused by the new sensation and breathing heavily, looked down to see Giovanna hold his rock-hard shaft and place her face and open mouth below it. She then pressed his shaft against her open lips, and she turned so she was kneeling perpendicular to him, looking up directly at his penis. She stuck her tongue out so it touched the base of his erection, and he responded by thrusting in and out between her hands and mouth, grunting and sighing the whole time. Even Giovanna’s breathing began increasing in pace.
After a few minutes of this oral teasing of David’s member, Giovanna wrapped both hands tightly around his penis, and stroked it for a few moments. David continued his thrusting and groaning until she suddenly let go of his erection, stood up and kissed him open mouth, allowing his tongue to dance with hers. She then broke the kiss, and turning to walk her hand, gripped his erection tightly and gave it one last stroke, then strode slowly to the large circular bed in the room and sat in the center. She stretched her legs out so her feet dangled at the edge of the bed.
Excitedly, David began to walk but then remembered his shorts and boxers down to his knees prevented him from moving. He looked at her and they both giggled for a short bit; she watched as he quickly removed his final bits of clothing and stood fully naked in front of her, his erection pointing proudly towards her. He quickly walked towards her, his erection shaking but refusing to bend down, and knelt at her feet, and started massaging them.
Giovanna laughed, as she was expecting a more lecherous action, and David smiled at her in return. He then got on the bed and started kissing the top of her foot to her ankle. He looked up at her with dreamy eyes, and then with hands on both sides of her lower leg, nibbled slowly from her ankle up the top of her lower leg, his hands feeling up both sides, in pace with his nibbling. He made his way past her knee, and she bent her leg pulling her thigh closer to her, the pace of her breathing increasing. As David got closer to her while kissing down the top of her thigh, his hands feeling her inner and outer thigh, she reached forward with her foot, using the ball of her foot to press against the bottom of his glans, and pushed his erection against his six-pack.
David stopped his kissing momentarily to growl his approval, then put his head down and finished kissing up her thigh to the bottom hem of her baby doll, with one hand on her outer hip and the other at the top of her inner thigh, with fingers stroking her outer labia. Giovanna’s breathing quickened more as his fingers moved across her inner labia lip, then across her g string to her other labia lip, with his thumb resting on it. She began rubbing the ball of her foot up and down the underside of his monster erection, and he grunted in approval, and was soon thrusting slowly against the ball of her foot.
Meanwhile, David slid his thumb up her inner labia lip, under her g string to rub against her clitoris, then out of her g string and under the other side of her baby doll hem. He kissed her knee, started sliding her baby doll up, then quickly grabbed the bottom of both her thighs, spread her legs side open, and slid in, his glans hitting one of her labia lips. David then bucked his hips forward so his glans travelled against her inner labia lip up to the top of her g string to ride over her clit, causing Giovanna to moan out loud in ecstasy.
David’s breathing quickened, and he wrapped his arms under her thighs and with both hands, grabbed the hem of her baby doll and pulled it off over her. As the baby doll cleared her face, their lips met and they kissed passionately with open mouths and tongues; David then tossed her baby doll with surprising accuracy near her trench coat, one arm around her back holding her tight for the kissing. In this awkward position, both of Giovanna’s thighs and knees were pinned against her by David’s naked, chiseled torso and shoulders, so she wrapped her lower legs around his neck for balance. However, she soon broke the tongue dancing so she could catch her breath, and in doing so they both lost balance with her falling onto her back onto the bed, and David on top, his chest and shoulders pinning her legs to her shoulder.
When they hit the bed, she felt David’s glans poke slightly into her g string between her labia lips, and she growled lustfully at the contact. Realizing her reaction was positive, he quickly lay on top of her, forearms on either side supporting her weight but pinning her legs against her, allowing him to position his naked and hard penis against one of her labia lips. He then began thrusting his hips back and forth so his erection rubbed against her labia lip, then as their breathing reached the same pace, repositioned himself so his erection was now between her labia lips, and start thrusting along her g string to touch his glans to her clit. Giovanna bucked her hips up to bring more of her inner labia in contact with his penis, and soon their motions reached a rhythm, and they both started to moan and grunt in ecstasy. However, being pinned with her knees against her shoulders was getting tiring, so she pushed David up with both her arms and legs.
Giovanna didn’t realize her own strength as David rolled back onto the bed with his head over the edge, and she landed straddling him, both her legs on either side of his head. She felt the underside of his penis pressed against one of her labia lips, and started giving him a partial pussy job, but it felt uncomfortable for both of them. Catching her breath, Giovanna dug her heels into the side of the bed, put her hands down beside her, and began pushing herself up along David’s shaft, his glans rubbing against her labia lips as she slid up his torso. Catching her breath, she used her heels to anchor herself and pulled her body forward with her calves, her hands providing some extra push, intending to slide her g string covered loins over David’s face.
However, David raised his head just in time for her to slide her pelvis into his face, and he took advantage of this time to nibble on her labia lips. Holding his head against her crotch, Giovanna placed her feet on the ground as David began licking her labia lips, using his tongue to push her g string further between her inner labia. Finally, she laid his head back, putting both hands behind his head to support his neck, and slowly began to slide her g string up onto his chin, careful not to put pressure on his throat. She smiled when he moved his arms underneath her legs and around to the outside so he could grab her waist and help stabilize her; together they slowly guided her crotch over the side of his face, allowing him to nibble on her clit through her g string. Giovanna threw her head back in lust and let out a loud, primal grunt, while David opened his mouth so his lips made contact with her sliding inner labia lips, and his tongue wagged from side to side so the tip could touch within both sides of her inner labia. Soon her crotch rubbed against his nose; she felt David move his nose to push in her g string so he could rub his nose against her inner labia. Finally, his hands lifted her up over his forehead and she was off him and walking towards the couch.
Giovanna sat on the couch, catching her breath, and watch David get off the bed, his penis still strong and erect, swaying in the air, and jog quickly to her, kneeling at her feet. He placed a hand on each knee, spread her legs and licked his way from one inner thigh to her labia, began nibbling hard on her labia lips and g string crotch. His hands travelled up her flat stomach to her breasts and began fondling them. Giovanna leaned her head back and felt David rub his penis against the leather couch; there was no way she was going to let him rub his throbbing member against anything except her body. She crossed her lower legs to catch his shaft, causing him to grunt loudly, then press the underside of his penis against the top of her lower leg. She felt soft, gentle thrusts against her lower leg as he continued his oral stimulation of her g string-covered crotch, and relished in the foreplay. It was then she felt his hands pull her forward and his fingers walk across her shoulder blades to her bra clasp, which he clumsily unbuckled. Her bra opened, he pulled it off and absentmindedly tossed it behind him; to her surprise, it landed on top of her existing pile of trench coat and baby doll. Is this real, she thought?
She grabbed his wrists and put both of his hands back on her breasts so he could fondle them, and soon she was bucking her loins into his face again. She felt him thrust a few more times against her leg and was afraid he would ejaculate, so she held onto his wrists, she guided his hands down the front of her body and put his fingers into the waistband of her g string. As he hooked them there, she stood up, his head between her legs still, and he slowly leaned back and onto the floor; his perfect six-pack controlling the fall of his upper torso. She enjoyed the view as much as he did, and while doing so, he pulled her g string down below her knees. She took one foot out of her g string and placed it by David’s head, then stepped out with the other so she was standing legs spread with her vulva in full view over David’s eyes, with him lying his back against the carpet and legs on the couch. She looked down, knowing even the sight of her gorgeous face with long blonde hair flowing around it was tantalizing enough; she imagined him looking up through a tunnel of golden blonde rays into the beauty of the sun.
While lost in her narcissistic thought, David grabbed both her legs and, holding her stationary, slid both hands up outside, past her knees and moved them into her inner thighs, his index fingers managing to reach her labia lips. He ran the tips of his fingers against the length of this lips, then used them to separate her lips and rub within her inner labia. Giovanna grunted in approval, and he gently pushed her legs further to bring her labia closer to him, and then put two fingers of each hand inside her inner labia, feeling around and tracing the edge of her love hole, feeling the heat coming from her vaginal tunnel. Giovanna began thrusting her hips back and forth so his fingers rubbed against her inner labia, vaginal opening and urethra. She began breathing more quickly again, but decided she wanted to move to a more comfortable position to continue, so she stepped out of his grasp, to his dismay, and walked towards her clothing pile.
Disappointed, David got up and his erection began to soften, so Giovanna smiled at him and put an extra sway in her strides. She looked over her shoulder, her long blonde locks covering half her face, and seeing his penis falling to half mast, and slowly bent over, thrusting her firm toned buttocks towards him. She then searched quickly beneath her trench coat to find her clutch and put it on her shoulder again. She stood up, and smiled at David, allowing him to take in the sight of the perfect beauty that she was, completely naked except for her clutch. She looked around and saw a cabinet in a corner of the room, and walked towards it. It had a mirror on top and she noticed David following her, his erection pointing directly at her. She opened the cabinet door, and instead of kneeling down, again bent over showing off her buttocks, and pushing out her enlarged and aroused labia lips from behind. She quickly found what she was looking for, and reached in and took out the squeeze bottle of lubricant.
Turning around, her waist brushed against David’s glans as he stepped close into her, his penis hardening again. Giovanna wrapped one hand tightly around his hardening penis and began stroking it to help it harden, and with the other hand holding the lubricant, she walked them to the side of the room with the swing. Her clutch still on her, she grabbed onto the swing and lifted herself onto it, so her crotch was just a little higher than his penis. She then wrapped her legs around David’s waist and pulled him in closer, then let them drop. Giovanna then squeezed a liberal amount of lubricant into her hand, placed one foot on David’s shoulder, and raised her other leg.
Understanding, David stepped in close and put her other foot on his other shoulder, then pressed in close to her. Giovanna gently kissed him on the lips, then with her hands, began rubbing lubricant on his glans, then the rest of his shaft. His penis returning to full hardness, David tried to aim it directly between her labia lips, but she grabbed his penis and held it. However, being well lubricated, he managed to slip it out of her hands and tried to thrust into her, pulling the swing close to him, but Giovanna used the palm of her hand to block his glans, and held it against his abdomen. Nodding to her, David stepped in close and pressed the length of his lubricated shaft against her now naked labia lips, and Giovanna crossed her heels behind his neck.
David wrapped his arms around her waist to keep her on the swing, and they gazed lustfully into each other’s eyes. Then he began thrusting the length of his shaft along the length of her labia lips, pressing in to her so his penis would glide within her inner labia, but not penetrate her vagina. In doing so, he spread the lubricant over her labia lips and inner labia, and his breathing increased in pace. Responding to the stimulation, Giovanna used her legs to pull herself back and forth against his erection and slide her labia lips and clit against the underside of his penis in what she hoped was a fantastic pussy job. At first their motions were clumsy, with them gasping from time to time, but soon their motions synchronized into a rhythm of ecstasy as their breathing matched pace. Thanks to the swing, David didn’t tire so quickly so they were able to continue this quite easily, but when Giovanna felt her genitalia fully and properly lubricated, she pushed back against his chest with her thighs and put her feet on his pectoral muscles, pushing herself away from him so her swing went back, allowing her to jump onto the carpet with her feet. A little sore, she fell to her knees as David stepped forward, his lubricated glans close to her lips, but she laughed and quickly sat back on her buttocks to put distance between her lips and his glans.
Catching her breath, and noticing a look of disappointment on David’s face, she opened her clutch and took out the condom package, handing it to him. David took the package from her, and looked at it before carefully opening it and removing the protection. They smiled at each other as he slowly rolled it over his large member, leaving some space at the glans to catch his semen when he ejaculated. They both stared down at it for a moment, to remember her preference: ribbed condoms. Giovanna licked her lips, spread her legs and beckoned with her finger for David to come to her. Smiling at finally being allowed into her love temple, David got between her legs and knelt down, his erection now at full mast, it seemed much bigger than what she remembered. She lay back on the floor, and reached around to grab his ribbed condom, and rubbed his glans on her lubricated clit and labia lips. David reached up and picked up the lubricant off the carpet, squeezed some onto his hands, and applied some all across his condom. His hands then dipped between Giovanna’s legs and rubbed some more along her labia lips, inner labia and clit.
Tossing the lubricant aside, David then put a hand on each side of Giovanna’s body, and slowly guided his glans forward, the tip of the condom touching her upper labia lips. He rocked his hips back as Giovanna opened her legs more, and again pushed slowly forward, this time the tip of his condom touching the bottom of her labia, and the glans easily slipping somewhat between the lubricated lips. He moved his hips up and this glans and some of his ribbed shaft glided between her inner labia lips, sliding and touching the entrance to her vagina. They both moaned in unison, and David began slow thrusting motions, pushing his glans through her vaginal opening and easily sliding into her vagina. He then reached the end of her vagina, and lifted himself up and grunted in joy; in doing so the ribs on his condom stimulated Giovanna into grunting along with him.
He then began increasing the rhythm of his thrusting, and as he started breathing heavily, Giovanna started breathing and crying out in joy at the same time. She felt him lift her leg up and place her foot on his back, giving her more sensation and causing her to grunt more frequently, but irregularly. David began thrusting harder and faster in and out of her, and her grunts, moans and heavy breathing were accompanied by wet slapping sounds, but his irregular grunts told her he wasn’t getting enough sensation from their intercourse. She expected this, since she had past lovers before and insisted, they use condoms, and they all complained about the lack of sensitivity, but she didn’t want to get pregnant. The upside though, and she was pretty sure David didn’t know this, was that the actual intercourse lasted longer.
David took one more hard, deep thrust, and then put his arms underneath Giovanna’s legs, and pinned her knees to her shoulders so her lower legs rested on his back. He then leaned over her pushing her knees close to her own shoulders, and reached out with his tongue while starting to thrust in and out of her again. He stretched his tongue out as far as he could, and Giovanna reached out with her tongue, and they managed to get the tips of their tongues to touch as David quickened the pace and strength of his thrusting. Again, the sensations of the ribbed condom sliding in and out of her vagina, with the tip touching her cervix, caused her to buck her hips up in joy, and cry out every so often. Their breathing quickened, but like their grunts and other primal outbursts, were irregular and not in synch yet.
They continued fornicating in this position for what seemed like an hour, but was likely only ten minutes or so, before Giovanna gave up and tapped him on the shoulder to get off her. David stopped thrusting, and suddenly got up, got her legs off his shoulders, and scooping both arms around her back, picked her up off the carpet, stood up, and easily pushed her well-lubricated loins onto his angrily erect member, and began bouncing her up and down on his sheathed erection until he found a leather seat and sat down. He then stretched her legs out on each armrest and continued thrusting into her; she grabbed his head and pulled it onto her breasts where he licked her nipples and nibbled on the soft flesh of her breasts while continuing the relentless pounding up into her cervix. Soon Giovanna was groaning and grunting in enjoyment, and her lover too. Their breathing started to fall into a rhythm, but this position still wasn’t giving David enough sensation, as she didn’t feel him twitch within her yet.
“Let me try something,” Giovanna said, and she brought his lips to kiss him gently. She managed to swing one leg over his head, and let the momentum turn her to face in the same direction as David, with his member still buried deep in her love tunnel. She then grabbed the armrests, and David began pumping his glans in and out of her vagina from this position. After a few thrusts with no noise from Giovanna, he reached down and grabbed her thighs and lifted them up so she sank a little deeper onto his penis, and while he continued his thrusting, she began to wiggle on his member, hoping to add to his sensations. They continued this technique for a while, still grunting, groaning and sighing at different beats.
Suddenly David let her legs down, put his arms around her waist, and thrusted upwards until they were both standing straight. He continued thrusting into her from behind as he led her to a pair of swings, one higher than the other. He picked her up and placed her on the higher swing, aligning her vulva directly on top of the hole in the seat. Sitting on the lower swing, he then pulled her close, and his penis bent to pass under her seat, and rose up once at the hold, her clit rubbing against the tip of his glans, causing her to moan in delight. As he gently pulled her closer, his rock-hard erection remained at full attention, so his glans stroked her clit pleasurably, and inserted itself right under between her well-lubricated labia lips. Once she felt his glans buried between her labia lips, she involuntarily thrust her loins forward, and the glans stroked her inner labia pleasurably until it got caught in the opening of her vagina. Soon David was thrusting into her again, pulling her onto his shaft, causing her to moan and groan in ecstasy. She heard him grunt a few times too, though more out of the exhaustive effort he put into their intercourse. Soon they were both breathing quickly, although not at the same pace.
David quickly grabbed her off the swing, landed them on their feet onto the soft carpet, and pressed his mouth against her lips. Giovanna soon turned her head away to catch her breath, her lips rubbing along his, with his lips sliding across her cheek. She felt him look behind her, and then holding both arms wrapped around her back, let her backwards. She looked quickly over her shoulder to see them headed back to the cabinet, so she quickly placed her hands behind her and onto the edge of it so they wouldn’t crash into it. The cabinet was quite low, so she was able to sit on the top quite easily, and upon leaning back, discovered her vulva at the exact same height as his erection; she placed one hand on David’s shoulder and the other on the wall behind her, and turned to notice that part of her was against the mirror, and she could see her reflection against it.
Her lover then aimed his mushroom head at her slit, which was still very well lubricated, and easily, but gently, pushed his giant erection into her, through her labia lips and all the way into her love tunnel again, eliciting a primal growl from both of them. Giovanna used her hand on David’s shoulder to pull him in for some tongue wagging, then guided his face into her cleavage as he began thrusting into her in earnest, nibbling and licking her breasts and nipples in tandem. As the pace of intercourse quickened, Giovanna used her other hand on the wall to gyrate her hips and loins against each thrust, making sure his penis with the ribbed condom would dive deep into her. Their breathing increased, and they began to grunt and growl at the same time. Soon their hips gyrated synchronously to a rhythm which their breathing, grunting and growling matched to a beat.
After some time at this, their movements and noises were in a perfect harmony, and Giovanna felt his penis twitch inside of her. She forced herself down harder against his incoming thrusts, and soon David was involuntarily pounding his glans in and out of her vagina at an urgent pace. Then David suddenly stopped orally stimulating her breasts, and thrusted hard and deep into her, throwing his head back and grunting in joy, as Giovanna felt the tip of his condom expand within her, touching her cervix. She then felt a growing sensation within, and growled encouragingly at David, who then suddenly thrust hard and deep into her again, this time shouting out in ecstasy. She felt his condom tip push against her cervix, and again she tried to force more of his penis into him, growling much louder this time. David then involuntarily began thrusting hard and deep into her, repeating the pattern as before, grunting loudly each time, clearly ejaculating into his condom. Giovanna responded the same way each time, but on his last involuntary thrust into her, she felt the release within her and suddenly cried out in joy; her body began shaking involuntarily as orgasmic waves of pleasure flowed from her vulva to the rest of her body, and she suddenly felt weak and unable to focus, crying out in ecstasy. As her body convulsed rapidly, David lost his grip on her, and her orgasmic tremors shook her off the cabinet…
Giovanna fell off her makeup desk and luckily landed on her ass, her fingers still stuck in her vagina. She slowly pulled her fingers out and opened her eyes; the clock showed she had been masturbating for about fifteen to twenty minutes since her gardener peeked in on her. Embarrassed, she slowly abandoned her David the gardener fantasy and woke to reality, grabbing onto her makeup desk to pull herself up. She looked at her iPhone which was attached to the stand and had filmed the entire masturbation sequence and walked over to stop the filming. She quickly and carefully peaked behind the curtains to see her gardener now on the other side of the yard and closed them shut. The young gardener was hot but she would never cheat on her beloved husband, but the fantasy was a great aphrodisiac and helped her lovemaking with her husband. Well, she was always told she had a very active and great imagination, and decided that she would document her David fantasy and try to sell it to publishers of erotic fiction.
She quickly sent a text message to her husband, “Please see privately” and then sent the video along with the message, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to keep his mind off of her until they made love once he returned from his overnight shift.