Melanie’s Cookery Class Part Four

"Eamon feels safe and the boys and Mel get lucky. Enter Greg and Derek"

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“Ben, your birthday is the sooner. It’s you and I together for a serious bout of carnal capers, first. However, I don’t want to wait until we can arrange that before getting some physical relief going. Hal, I want to go upstairs with you for a close encounter of a very physical kind; say for thirty minutes. We won’t have full sex. That has to remain special for when we have much more time. Then, Ben, we go upstairs and have a similar time.”

“How does that sound?”

“Cardiac arrests have been talked about,” said Hal, as broad grins filled both men’s faces. “I’ll bring the Moet in.”

They drank champagne and the banter and innuendo grew. The conversation was ribald, to say the least. Then Melanie slowed the pace and brought them all down to earth.

“I want to drink a very personal toast, darlings. I want to drink to wonderful memories, and love that continues and moves on.”

“Thank you for that, Mel,” said Hal. “We are all three of us moving on, and I can’t think of any nicer people to travel with.”

“On that note Mr. Bentley, shall we go upstairs?”

“Play nicely children,” said Ben.

Hal stood to the side and ushered Melanie into his room. She walked to the centre, close to the bed, then turned to him smiling.

“I’m so excited,” she squeaked. “Come here you gorgeous man and wrap your arms around me.”

“Oh yesss!” said Hal.

They came together slowly at first. Each learning what was going to the easiest configuration for them both. Hal lowered his face toward Melanie’s upturned lips. Their first touch was tentative but in moments it became passionate. Their tongues probed and explored. For Hal, it was the first such kiss since Jane had died. Melanie couldn’t remember when her husband had last held her in such a way. She could feel his growing excitement and pressed herself into it.

Emboldened Hal began to run his hands over Melanie’s body, first exploring her bum. Melanie broke their kiss. She looked up and started to unfasten his shirt buttons.

“It’s about time I saw a bit of flesh mister,” she growled.

Hal took the opportunity to slide his right hand to her breasts and tweak her nipples, sending a great shudder right through her. Melanie quickly had Hal’s shirt on the floor. Then reached behind her back. In moments the two bows securing her top had been pulled and with a quick tug, the garment was tossed to the floor.

With a moan of delight, Hal gazed on the beauty before him. Melanie’s breasts were rounded and firm and her nipples were erect in anticipation.

They came back together rejoicing in the sensation of flesh against flesh. Their kissing became more animated as Hal cupped the wonderful mounds pressing into him. Melanie reached down to grasp his hardness, then stepped back.

“Now the trousers, darling, before what’s in there hurts itself trying to get out.”

As she was speaking the short zip on her skirt was released and she shimmied it off her hips.

“And when you’ve got all those off, you can help me out of these.”

For a moment Hal was transfixed. Melanie’s sheer underwear betrayed delights that only a few weeks ago he doubted he would ever enjoy again. With a huge grin, he pulled off his shoes and socks. Less than a minute later his trousers lay in a crumpled heap at his feet.

“Tsk tsk! Mr. Bentley. We fold our trousers, don’t we?”

Melanie had stooped to gather up the garment and his shoes. With an elaborate show, she walked over to the chair by the window with them, swaying her bum as she went. As she laid the shoes on the floor she bent from the waist. Her bum stretched the already sheer fabric to virtual invisibility. In a moment Hal was behind her.

“Just stay in that position please, darling. It will make removing these so much easier.”

Hal had dropped to his knees. He pulled the tight fabric down over her thighs. After kissing her cheeks he held them apart. Melanie was excited. Was something she had dreamed of about actually going to happen? When she felt his tongue trace a circle round her anus she shuddered and gasped.

“Ooaargh. Oh, that is so, so amazing,” she cried. “I have never had that done to me. I’ve always wondered about it, but he whose name shall not be mentioned was shy of anything in that quarter.”

Hal stood up and helped Melanie. He bent and kissed her full on her lips. As their tongues touched, Melanie was thrilled by the wickedness of what had just happened.

“Our Lady Mel,” said Hal, “I am sure we have many delights for you. The clock ticketh, pray allow me to sample you some more?”

“Good sir! You are too kind,” whispered Melanie, as Hal lowered her gently back on to the bed.

“I just want a taste of these beautiful things,” said Hal, as he took Melanie’s left nipple deep into his mouth. His sucking action, along with the caresses of his right hand that began to explore her, were building her rapidly toward orgasm. When Hal shifted himself to lie between her thighs and brought his tongue into play, Melanie knew she wasn’t going to last long. It was the combination of the expertise, building on the deprivation and the adventure, that Hal employed that built Melanie up to her shuddering, quivering orgasm. She managed to muffle the shouts and cries that would have normally accompanied such a state.

“Stop Hal, please. Just cuddle for a minute, please? I have to recover a bit to be ready for my next lover.”

“Most definitely,” said Hal, with a broad grin. It reassured Melanie that he wasn’t showing signs of possessiveness.

“Hal darling,” said Melanie a few minutes later, “I think I have to do something about this, don’t you? Before we go downstairs?” she said holding his still rock hard cock.

With that, she lowered her mouth and got to work. Given his prolonged time of abstinence wasn’t long before he began to feel the wonderful sensations of approaching orgasm.

“Mel,” he said, with a note of urgency, “I’m going to cum soon.”

Melanie paused and took her mouth away, for a moment.

“That is the whole object of the exercise, darling. Trust me, I am looking forward to tasting every drop.”

In less than a minute Hal’s breathing became laboured. He let out a series of groans as his ropes of spunk began to fire. Melanie slowed her action right down to focus on the sensations she was experiencing. She held the creamy load in her mouth as she gently milked his cock for the last drops. Lifting her head she saw the look of rapture that was spread over Hal’s face. With two gulps she swallowed everything, leaving a creamy film. Opening her mouth she licked her lips with the tip of her tongue, smiling devilishly at Hal.

“Oh you beautiful girl!” said Hal, as his breathing began to settle. “Come here and let me kiss you.”

Melanie was thrilled. Hal’s kiss was enthusiastic and passionate. It was also very wet as he sucked her tongue and pushed his to every corner he could reach. He wasn’t in the least bit shy of his own taste, unlike her husband who couldn’t bring himself to go near her after she had sucked him off.

“Thank you, Hal, thank you,” said Melanie, with feeling.

“Thank you Mel!” declared Hal. “That was just the most fantastic blow job I have ever had.”

“Well, it was delicious, darling. It really was special for me too.”

They cuddled for a few minutes more.

“We’ve overrun our time,” said Melanie. “Time to get cleaned up a bit, I think. Have you got a spare toothbrush I could borrow?”

Ten minutes later, and nearly an hour after they had gone upstairs, they walked back into the lounge. Melanie skipped over to Ben.

“I’m sorry darling, we played longer than planned. Let me have a drink of juice and then you and I will find something to do for the next hour upstairs, shall we?”

Nearly an hour later, Melanie was brushing her teeth again.

“You may be relieved, Ben darling, that I did this after Hal. There shouldn’t have been anything of him in my mouth when you kissed me.”

“Mel, sweetheart, in hindsight I suppose I am. I was that fired up to go though, that I don’t think I would have cared.”

As they walked back into the lounge they were met by Hal.

“I think I timed it about right,” he said, “fresh pot of tea called for, I thought.”

“Oh, you’re a star, Hal!” cried Melanie.

“Well done mate,” said Ben. “Where do you want to sit, Mel?”

“Back under the shade of your Beech, please Ben,” said Melanie. “It’s lovely and private and this weather is too good to miss out on.”

“Right, you two go and sit down and I’ll bring out the tray with some nibbles as well. Mel, you’ll have to show us some simple baking, please.”

Melanie and Ben walked out into the garden.

“You know each other’s houses well,” commented Melanie, as they strolled over the lawn, “and make yourselves at home. That’s really good.”

“Mel, we’ll carry on saying this until where you get bored with hearing it. You have helped us both take giant leaps forward. However, we have both had our heads in some very bad places at times. We have each been there for the other. Mandy died as a result of a heart problem none of us knew about, but it was natural. I’ve felt every emotion under the sun, including anger. Hal had someone to be angry with. The bloke using his mobile phone while driving. We’re more than just good mates. ‘Mi Casa, su casa’.”

“You are really both among the loveliest people I have ever met,” said Melanie, smiling softly.

Ben turned to her and took her into his arms for a great big hug. It morphed into a loving kiss.

“Ha hem!” interrupted Hal. “If you’re going for seconds guys, do you want a cup of tea first?”

Melanie disentangled herself from Ben’s embrace, laughing.

“The more I hear about you two,” she said, “the more special you both become.”

“Put the tray down, darling, and come here for a nice big sloppy kiss.”

As Hal closed in on her, Melanie was relieved to see a broad smile on Ben’s face. So far, no sign of jealousy.

“I am not going to make a practice of talking about what we’ve done privately, but there are a couple of things I want to say today. The first is that you have each given me a more sexual satisfaction than I have had for longer than I can remember. So, thank you so much my darlings. I am really looking forward to you sticking your beautiful cocks into me and pounding me silly. Much as I love sucking, I want to feel you shooting inside me.  Are you both comfortable with me speaking about having sex with you? How did you each feel, waiting downstairs this afternoon”?

The two men looked at each other and smiled.

“Mel,” said Hal, “I think we’re closer than brothers. We’ve been looking out for each other for months. In this wonderful place we’ve now landed in, thanks to you, I don’t think I either of us would be comfortable if we weren’t sharing fully. When we got started upstairs, I was excited because I knew Ben was soon going to be enjoying the same experience.”

“I remember me saying to you Mel,” said Ben, “‘mi casa, su casa’? This is the same. ‘Mi amiga, su amiga’. It wouldn’t be with any future ladies we might meet, but that isn’t even on the horizon at the moment. I hadn’t any problem with you and Hal upstairs at all. The three of us in this room are on a shared journey. It wouldn’t feel right if we were not all wanting the best for each other on the way.”

“Well said mate,” said Hal. “I think I want to add something else too. Ben and I aren’t competing against each other, Mel.”

“Boys, you are both making me feel very happy and safe, thank you,” said Melanie. Then she began to laugh. “One of us has a distinct advantage though, isn’t that true?”

For a moment Hal and Ben looked a bit puzzled.

“It’s me!” squealed Melanie, with excitement. “By the very nature of things I get twice as much sex as either of you,” she declared.

“We will each have to try and be worthy,” said Ben.

“Oh you will be, both of you,” said Melanie. “I can tell that by the sensitive and caring way you both performed earlier. One final word to answer a question you may have in your minds, but don’t want to ask.”

Hal and Ben both laughed, and Melanie knew she was on target.

“Without getting my little tape out, which I certainly don’t intend to do, you are both about the same size. Answering question two, you are both bigger than Frobisher, so take it easy to begin with,” pleaded Melanie.

“And question three?” asked Ben, grinning.

“As urgent in my mind, as it is yours,” replied Melanie. “When we go boys, it’s going to be special. All the time it needs and not a hurried quickie. A whole night would be perfect, but it might not fall out that way. Are you with me on that?”

“100%,” said Ben.

“This weekend, I need to be Caesar’s wife and make Frobisher feel safe. I want him to create the space we need for him to disappear with the tart, for a night or so.”

“You’re also hosting afternoon tea, on Saturday,” said Ben.

“I am?” queried Melanie, with a smile.

“Yes,” replied Ben. “You are going to entertain Greg and Derek; our Dads. Both consummate actors in their day. Eamon is going to assume they are the students of the Melanie Mackenzie School of Cookery.”

“Wicked idea, mate,” said Hal. “We don’t want him thinking you might be finding your own entertainment somewhere. Two very conservative looking gents in their late sixties should keep him focused in the wrong direction. How much can we tell them, Mel?”

“If you’re sure they’re discreet, everything! You can even show the video clips, if you want.”

“Perhaps we won’t mention exactly what we have been doing this afternoon,” said Ben.

An hour a half later Melanie had changed into the smart clothes she had arrived in. Her blouse was buttoned almost to the neck. Greg Bentley and Derek Jackson had joined them and all five were enjoying tea and cake.

“This is absolutely delicious,” said Greg. “Melanie, you’re a marvel. Ben’s been rabbiting on about their ‘shopping advisor’ turned cooking instructor.”

“As soon as I said you were both coming round,” said Ben, “she leapt into action.”

“I would have liked you been able to try something they had cooked for you, but they’ve only had one lesson in baking. I do however expect them to be able to do something like this, with confidence, very soon,” said Melanie, smiling at her boys.

“Dad, she was a blur of action but so cool under fire,” said Ben.

“Us mortals managed to respond to all commands and keep out of the way at the same time,” said Hal, laughing.

“Melanie,” Derek began, “Greg and I only met as a result of Ben and Hal being paired up. We’ve become really good friends. The difference we’ve seen in our boys over these last weeks has been amazing. It’s as if they have found a whole new purpose in life; they’re forward looking.”

“Derek’s right,” said Greg. “Our wives have noticed it too.”

“So Derek, we find ourselves enjoying a warm apple cake in very convivial surroundings. Delicious as it is, it’s not why we’ve been brought here, is it? Melanie, you have rescued our lads from a place that’s been pretty dark at times. You have come into their lives at just the right time. We can’t thank you enough, lass,” said Greg.  “The invitation for us to come round,” he continued, “implied a role for us to do something to help you though. So short of killing someone, name it.”

Melanie stared at her two new friends. “Thank you, Greg. We’ve had a lot of fun, but they have come into my life at just the right time too.”  She looked over to Hal and Ben and tears began to stream down her face.

“Boys, will you do this bit for me please?” begged Melanie, as she stood and all but ran out into the garden.

“Should have brought our lass with us,” said Greg, looking surprised. “Tell us the tale lads, tell us the tale.”

Twenty minutes later Melanie returned.

“Sorry guys, I just felt a bit emotional all of a sudden. I didn’t feel like actually talking about Frobisher trashing me and our marriage. I just wanted to enjoy the wonderful friendship you are all wrapping me up in. Thank you.”

“That’s a lovely thing to say,” said Greg. “The lads have told us all we need to know. We understand why it’s a good idea not to make your husband think you are surrounding yourself with good looking eligible men at the moment. You want to give him some more rope to hang himself with, right?”

“Yes, and in the meantime get all my ducks lined up in a row. When the time comes for the showdown I plan to have my cousin, Lizzie, with me. She doesn’t take prisoners and Frobisher will have no idea it’s coming.”

“That’s the spirit girl,” said Derek. “We’ll do what we can to help you nail his hide to the floor. We hate to turn down an invitation to tea but we’re just not free. It’s why we came round now. We’re taking our wives away for a surprise weekend at a rather swish hotel in the Dales. They don’t know about it yet.”

“Don’t worry Mel,” said Ben. “They’ve come up with something that might work even better.”

Greg and Derek stared at the pictures their sons had taken of the dishes they had prepared under Melanie’s tutelage. They were dressed up in the aprons that Hal and Ben had worn earlier. With beaming smiles, they posed for the camera. A collage was photo-shopped and emailed to Hal, who had an A3 printer.

“We ought to be heading off Greg,” said Derek. “Melanie, you were going to get a taxi home. Would it help if I drove you back, and Greg followed bringing your car?”

The idea was so eminently sensible that everyone fell in with it. Melanie noticed the brief disappointed looks on the boy’s faces. She too had hoped for another cuddle before bedtime.

“Morrison’s at the usual time boys?”

At home, Melanie poured herself a modest gin and tonic. She put in a Facetime call to Eamon. It was ‘unavailable’. She picked up the phone and rang Lizzie. Lizzie was quite definitely available, and she was in very good form.

The following morning they all arrived at the supermarket at the same time.

“I’ve got your bag of clothes in the car,” said Ben.

“Well done, darling,” said Melanie. “Your Dads would have been a bit puzzled if I had picked something like that up before leaving last night.”

“Might have dented the image of Caesar’s wife,” said Hal.

“Darlings, we missed a night cuddle yesterday. Do you think we might have a pleasant interlude as we put your groceries away? I am not buying any frozen foods today,” declared Melanie. “I don’t have to hurry home.”

The three friends proceeded in convoy down the aisles with Melanie continuing to offer tips on buying. She also educated them in the wiles of the merchandisers and shelf stackers.

“What they want you to buy will be at eye level. Things will be moved from one aisle to another quite frequently. This stops you being able to zero in on just what you want. It forces you to examine the shelves more closely, and thus be enticed by other things.”

“What have you decided for Sunday lunch?”

“Roast Lamb,” they replied, together.

“Oh, I wish I could join you,” said Melanie.

“So do we,” said Hal. “Any chance of it happening?”

Melanie was thoughtful. “Let me think about that,” she said.

“Lamb is a very fatty meat,” said Melanie. “It’s good to get that flavor working on your vegetables as well.

The butcher recognized Melanie and her companions.

“How go the cookery lessons?” he asked.

“Very attentive students,” said Melanie. “Their roast pork went well last weekend. They’ve done a wonderful cassoulet and a salmon al fettucine. This weekend is a leg of lamb, slow roasted.”

“Would you like it boned,” asked the butcher.

“No thanks,” said Melanie, “I want to show them how that’s done in a way they can feel it. I suspect you’re not allowed to let customers behind the counter and to actually play with the meat.”

“I think there’s a rule about that, somewhere,” said the butcher, smiling.

As they walked through the pharmacy aisle Ben paused. “Mel?” he asked, feeling slightly awkward.

Melanie turned and saw the boys were looking at the variety of condoms on display.

“No! I’m grateful for the thought, but no. I think this conversation might be better continued elsewhere though, don’t you?” she said, running her tongue slowly around her lips.

Both men beamed at her and uttered a low theatrical moan.

They stopped first at Hal’s house and it didn’t take long to unload his shopping.

“Right darling,” said Hal, “I’ve something to show you. Wait here,” he said, as he left the kitchen.

Less than a minute later he returned bearing the photographic collage they had created the day before.

“You’ve even framed it!” squealed Melanie in delight.

“Well done, Mate,” said Ben. “Where did you find the frame?”

“Cannibalised from another picture,” replied Hal. “I can soon pick up another, but I thought it was important you have this today. If you can get it up it will be interesting to see how long it is before Eamon notices it.”

“Oh, he’ll see it very quickly. I’m going to take down his big print of a racing car. It’s just over the breakfast bar where he sits if he’s in the kitchen. I’ll serve dinner there this evening; assuming he deigns to come home for it.”

“Hal, I think we ought to write something on it. You know, ‘To Melanie, from her grateful students’. What do you think?”

“Oh please, please, please,” cried Melanie. “Signed Hal and Ben, with big kisses.”

Hal made a large pot of Assam while they continued to think of different salutations. The atmosphere became quite giddy. Eventually, they agreed on the inscription and it was executed with a black felt tip pen in bold script. The picture was then re-assembled in the glazed frame.

“Guys,” said Melanie, “back in Morrison’s you asked the question about condoms. It was very sweet of you. Not needed in respect of birth control, I have a coil fitted. Somehow Frobisher always found very good reasons why we shouldn’t start a family, just yet. Now I think it’s a bit late. Definitely far too late with him, anyway.”

“Has he said when he might get home today?” asked Ben.

“Not so far,” answered Melanie, “I’ll just see if he’s messaged me.”

“What sort of hook do you have for the ‘racing car’ pic?” asked Hal. “I can be putting a different wire on the back of this, if need be.”

“This should work fine, darling, thank you.”

“Okay, I have a message!”

‘Getting 1904 trn to Yrk and will get taxi home luv E xx’.

“Might not see the picture until breakfast then?” said Ben.

“Bear with me a moment boys, I want to track his phone.”

“Bastard!” she screamed, he’s nearly in York. Next stop the tart’s love nest.”

Hal and Ben moved in for a hug. Words weren’t appropriate.

“Gentlemen,” whispered Melanie, after half a minute and a deep breath, “I accept your gracious invitation to Sunday Lunch. Caesar’s wife is moving the goalposts. If Frobisher is so enslaved by the tart, that he can’t offer his wife more courtesy than that, then his menu is going to be very limited indeed.”

“Hal, my friend,” said Ben. “I think we should take our girlfriend out on a date, don’t you? Apparently, she’s been stood up, for this evening.”

“I’ll see if they can fit us in for an early table at the ‘Belvedere’,” said Hal.

“That is so sweet of you both,” said Melanie. “I love the idea of a date, but can we save the Belvedere? I would love to go there with you both, once Frobisher has had his marching orders.”

“Of course,” said Hal. “What would you like to do instead?”

“Do you think we could go for a nice little drive over to somewhere like Bolton Abbey. We could have a late lunch at the Devonshire Arms and then go for a nice walk. I get to hold hands and link arms with you two beautiful men. That sort of thing just hasn’t been a part of my life for a long time. I’ll drive us.”

“You will not,” the men responded in unison.

“It’s a great idea,” said Ben, “I love it.”

“We can get some ideas of things to cook, as well,” Hal commented.

In fact, they learned more about presentation. The seafood salad platters were simply amazing. All the garden tables were taken, for such was the glorious June day. It was quiet and cool in the restaurant, giving them some additional privacy as a group.

“Darlings,” said Melanie, “I am having so much fun, thank you. I want to forget Frobisher and the tart for now.”

“Is it a pleasant enough interlude?” asked Ben, “or shall we find a leafy bower as we walk by the river bank shortly?”

“I was going to suggest a dessert,” said Melanie, giggling. “Now the prospect of a leafy bower is tempting me away.”

The ‘Ice Cream with Strawberry Chilli Jelly’ seduced them all, but they declined coffee.

“I’ve been thinking and planning,” said Hal, as they walked by the river.

“Listen to this,” said Ben, “there are companies who pay very serious money to listen to what Hal thinks about.”

“Mel, what are you thinking of cooking for the two of you tomorrow evening? And what will you lay up for his Sunday Lunch, while you are being poisoned by your geriatric students?”

“Liver and bacon casserole,” said Melanie, with a touch of venom.

“I take it that isn’t his dish of choice. What would he really like?”

“I suppose a sirloin or fillet steak.”

“Fire up the barbeque, darling. Let him do his man thing with fire and meat. Let him be King of the Jungle, if that’s his thing. Otherwise, a steak done just the way he likes it.”

“Give him a treat!” exclaimed Melanie. “Is this a sudden bit of man solidarity?” she went on, laughing.

“No darling, it’s to keep him unsuspicious. If you are pampering him a bit, because of all the hard work and long hours he’s put in for work, he won’t be thinking you suspect anything. Think how much harder the whammy will hit, when it does?”

“Ooh! I like that bit,” said Melanie.

“I think I will offer to prepare a chicken and bacon pie for Sunday. I will also suggest he might like to walk down to the ‘Drovers Rest’ for their carvery. I’ll tell him to chill out because I probably won’t be back before six.”

“Yes,” said Ben, “he’ll probably spend the afternoon asleep in front of the telly.”

“Probably,” laughed Melanie and Hal together.

Their time along the riverbank was idyllic, but far from the privacy they were seeking. They managed some deep kisses in turn, accompanied by mutual groping; all very pleasurable, but slightly frustrating. Ben and Hal enjoyed keeping lookout, in turn, not in the least discomforted by the noises coming from only a few feet behind.

“Instead of a leafy bower,” said Melanie, “shall we go and find a secluded garden somewhere else? I’m feeling naughty.”

They strolled back to Ben’s car with Melanie linking her arms with them both.

“Mel, darling,” said Hal, “you’re seeing Harriet Green on Monday morning, and Robert on Tuesday. How do you see things playing out from there, in the short term?

“I would like Harriet to get a bit more hard evidence. My short facetime recordings are damming, but I want a bit more to deliver the coup de gras with. My records of recording where his phone was might be considered circumstantial. I can’t actually prove them. Cousin Lizzie was emphatic about getting hard facts.”

“So our beautiful Mel, as well as being nice to Eamon because he has been ‘working so hard’, you are buttering him up a bit.”

“Why?” asked Melanie, puzzled but smiling.

“Because our darling, he is going to have to manage without you for a few days. Cousin Lizzie needs you. On Wednesday morning you will go and stay with her, planning to return on Saturday.”

“I was hoping to persuade Frobisher to disappear on ‘business’ for a few days with the tart, so I could fuck the both of you!”

“Listen, from what you have said, the Tart will want to screw Eamon in your house. She wants to own it and him. On Monday you arrange with Harriet for the cameras etc. If the Tart performs to expectations? All the hard evidence you could wish for by the time you return. You see Robert again on the Monday following. Tuesday Eamon gets a letter.”

Melanie started to laugh, almost hysterically. She then began to perform cartwheels, until she realized that this was not sensible after a huge seafood platter.

“There’s a bonus, Mel.”

“Ha, ha ha, he, he he! There’s more? Hah. Ha.ha!”

“Yes,” said Hal. “Think ahead to the delicious moment when you confront him with the very hard evidence? You will be able to say, with a clear conscience, “I have never fucked anyone but you, Eamon Frobisher since I met you. As you walk out of here with your suitcase, I will be looking for an opportunity to change that.”

“Amen!” said Ben, with feeling.

“In the meantime,” said Hal, “We rehearse acts one and two.”

“I’ll race you to the car,” shouted Melanie, as she broke into a run.



Published 7 years ago

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