My heart sank as the announcement came over the loudspeakers at the Denver International Airport. The snowstorm that had been headed our way had arrived sooner than expected and was now on top of us.
The airport was shutting down as the crews struggled to keep the airport runways cleared for incoming traffic already enroute. Most of the inbound flights had been diverted, but there remained a few that had come too far to be rerouted and had to land. But nothing was going out and my flight too had been delayed.
I looked out the big plate glass windows as I walked towards the ticket counter. On the Arrival/Departure screens, I saw flight after flight after flight had a red “DELAYED” sign next to it. It wasn’t looking good. When I got to the ticket counter for my airline, I asked if the airline was going to put us up in a hotel or if they had made any arrangements with the local hotels for discounted rates due to the storm. They had done neither – it was up to us to find accommodations on our own.
Many people opted to stay in the airport, on the off-chance that there would be a break in the storm and they could get out somehow. But I wasn’t looking forward to a night in an uncomfortable rigid plastic chair or sleeping on the floor in a corner someplace. So I got on my cell phone and called my office.
“Hello Theresa, it’s Judy. Listen, I am here in Denver and the airport just shut down because of the snowstorm. I need a room, like now. This place is crazy and I need to get a room before they are all snatched up. Get on it, will you? Thanks.” I hung up then and found myself a seat to wait for a bit.
About a half hour later I got a call that Theresa had come through (I really need to thank her when I get home!) and not only had I gotten a room, it was a suite too! Things were looking up! The hotel was just a short ride from the airport, but when I went to hail a cab, I found that there weren’t many to be had because of the road conditions.
Those that did brave the storm were being taken very fast. So I called the hotel I would be staying at and told them I had a suite reserved. They assured me that they would send someone to come pick me up – anyone who has a suite gets preferential treatment. I relaxed a bit after that. I had a place to stay and a way to get there.
As I was calling the hotel for a ride, I couldn’t help but overhear an attractive young woman trying desperately to find a room for herself. She was younger than me, and apparently traveling alone in unfamiliar territory. I listened to her for a short time as she was near panic trying to secure someplace to stay.
I heard her tell whoever she was talking to that staying in the airport scared her to death and “there was no way she was going to sleep in the airport”. I had secured my room and a ride so I interrupted her call and offered to share my suite with her if she was interested.
“Oh, thank you so much! Yes, I would be so very grateful if I could share your room. I won’t be any trouble and I don’t take up much room at all,” she said, tears running down her cheeks.
“It’s perfectly fine. I have a suite reserved so there will be plenty of room for both of us. Now let’s go into the bathroom so you can get those eyes dried up, shall we?”
We went into the nearest ladies room and I gave her some tissues to get herself together. She smiled at me and I began to notice she was even more attractive than I first thought.
“By the way, My name is Judy. Judy Kincaid,” I said.
“I’m Catherine Adams. I’m on my way home to Birmington, Alabama. How about you – where are you going?”
“Well, hopefully, I will be getting back to my job in Atlanta. That’s where I live. We’re almost neighbors!” I said.
“Just a couple southern gals out of our comfort zones!” she said trying to inject some humor into a nervous situation.
“Yeah, we certainly don’t see anything like this weather back home!“ I said, looking out the window at the blinding whiteness.
It wasn’t too long, considering the miserable weather conditions before the hotel van showed up. The driver helped us with our bags and soon we were on our way. “Man, this storm is something else!” I commented to the driver just to break the awkward silence.
“Yeah, it is the worst I’ve seen in a long time. We get some heavy snows here, but this one is worse than usual to be sure,” he said. My co-traveler was a little frightened of the roads, I could tell, so I held her hand as a way of reassuring her. She looked at me with a weak, but thankful smile.
We made it to the hotel safely enough and the driver helped us get our things inside. I walked up to the front counter and after waiting for a couple people ahead of me, I got the key to the room and the poor hotel porter took yet another ride up the elevator with our bags.
“Here you go ladies, Room 515. One of our best rooms!” the porter said as he swiped the keycard and opened the door for us. I let Catherine go in first and judged by her gasp that the room was more than what she expected.
She was right too – the room was beautiful. There was a huge big screen TV taking up a majority of one wall, a recliner, and one huge king-sized bed. The bathroom had a deep soaker tub and a separate shower. There was a desk with several plug-ins and a bar stocked with liquor.
I gave the porter a good tip and he thanked us and left. I looked around the room. “Hmm… Catherine, it would appear we are going to be sharing the big bed unless you want to sleep in the recliner tonight.” I said.
“I’d just as soon share the bed with you if that’s okay with you. That recliner doesn’t look all that comfortable, to be honest. Unless you would rather sleep alone, of course. If so, I’ll make do with it.” she answered.
“Well, I invited you to share a room, and when I did, I never thought about the bed situation, so we can share this big one,” I said, all the while looking at her sweet, young figure with lust in my eyes.
With the sleeping arrangements taken care of, I turned to the next thing on the agenda. “Catherine, I don’t know about you, but I haven’t eaten since breakfast this morning and I’m starving. Before this place gets overwhelmed, I suggest that we either go down to the dining room or have room service bring up some dinner. What do you say?” I asked.
“I’d prefer we ate in the dining room, if you wouldn’t mind. I like to have some room when I am eating, rather than try and do it on my lap,” she answered.
“Not at all. That’s fine, let’s go see what they have in the restaurant downstairs then,” I said.
We had a nice dinner with, admittedly, a few too many drinks. I put the dinner and drinks on the room, so the company would pay for it and that thrilled Catherine. When we passed through the lobby on our way back to the room, we were amazed at the number of people there. It seemed like the whole airport had come to the hotel without having a reservation in the hopes their very presence would get them a room. But it wasn’t working for them.
“Catherine, I think we’d better get back up to the room before this crowd gets out of hand down here and these people storm the rooms.”
It was getting nastier by the minute at the front desk. The crowd was already angry from having their flights delayed and now their frustrations were amplified by the lack of accommodations. The crowd was beginning to take it out on the hotel staff and I’m sure other hotel desk clerks were having the same problems. Our desk clerk had already called hotel security who posted two guards there, but the crowd was well over fifty angry, upset, and tired people and more were coming with each van or cab.
We had made a smart move getting our dinner before the crowd had started to get too big. It wouldn’t be long before they realized they needed more than just a place to sleep.
Safely back in our room, Catherine and I got comfortable and began chatting. We talked about lots of things but most of all, our interrupted trip. I was coming back from a business trip in San Francisco and she was returning from a visit with her grandparents who lived in San Diego.
I was thirty five years old and divorced, and she was twenty four and had never had a boyfriend. Which struck me as strange and when I asked her why, she said. “Well, I have had a few dates, but nothing real serious. Boys don’t find me that attractive, I guess. I’m pretty plain and not what they consider a hottie.”
When I heard that I went straight over to her and stood in front of her. I reached down and put one hand under her chin.
“Then those boys are out of their fucking minds. You are very attractive,” I said. Catherine recoiled a bit at my use of profanity.
I pulled her to her feet and took her into the bedroom where we found a full-length closet door mirror and I went up behind her and made her stand in front of it with me right behind her.
“Now take a look at the girl you are saying ‘isn’t very attractive’. If you still think that after looking at yourself I ought to make an appointment for you with the eye doctor for a thorough eye exam because you need glasses!”
I stood right behind her and put my arms around her and cupped her breasts and she gasped.
“Catherine, besides having a lovely face, you have a very nice figure. Just look at these lovely breasts.” I said as I hefted her wonderful breasts. “What size are you?” I asked.
“32D usually. Sometimes they drop to a C, but a C cup usually makes me look like a stuffed sausage,” she said. I lifted them and just smiled at our images in the mirror. Neither of us were beauty queens, but I was hoping my caresses would lead to something a whole lot more.
“Well, you shouldn’t have to stuff yourself into a bra. Be proud of your breasts honey, a D cup is a badge of honor not something to be ashamed of,” I told her.
“Do you really think that or are you just saying that to be nice?” she asked quizzically.
“I really believe that, honey. I’m a 32DD myself. Catherine, I want you to step back and drop your skirt. I want to see your complete figure.” I said.
“What do you mean? Are you asking me to get naked?” she asked, a bit shocked at this turn of events.
“Well, that wasn’t exactly what I was asking, but in a little while we will be going to bed and you will be as close to naked as you can be,” I said. She couldn’t deny the logic of my arguement.
“Yeah, I suppose so,” she said, and she reached around and dropped her skirt and laid it over the arm of a chair.
She had gorgeous hips and legs and as I had her pirouette I could see through her thin white panties that she didn’t shave her pubic area. I was quickly dreaming of getting my face buried between her long legs. My own pussy was throbbing and I could feel moisture beginning to dampen my panties.
“Now take off your blouse but leave your bra on.” I instructed.
She did, and I was then looking at a very desirable twenty four year old woman.
“Catherine. Let me ask you something. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but, you told me that you’ve never had a real boyfriend. Are you a virgin, hon?”
The blush that came over her face would make an apple jealous. “Yes, I am and I am terribly embarrassed about it too.” she said, lowering her eyes.
“Why are you embarrassed?” I asked.
“Because I am twenty four now, and all of the other girls I know had sex by the time they were eighteen,” she said.
“Sweetheart, being a virgin is nothing to be embarassed about. Now let me another question and again you can choose not to answer if you don’t want to. Have you ever thought about being with another girl?”
She looked at me knowing full well what I was asking but the subject matter embarassed her and she was hesitant to talk about it much. “No, I’m not a lesbian. I have seen some pretty girls and have wondered what it would be like, but I’m not pretty enough I guess.”
“Geez, Catherine, will you stop with the self-deprecating stuff. You are a very nice looking girl!” I said. And with that, I unhooked her bra and let it drop.
I guess she wasn’t expecting me to do that because she caught it about waist level screeching, “What are you doing?”
I told her, “I just wanted you to look at your lovely breasts. Breasts that many gals would die to have. Look at them.” She had her head turned to look at me and I repeated, more forcefully, “No, look at them, not at me.”
She turned to look at the mirror and I was still behind her. Once again I reached around her and put my hands under her breasts, except now they were bare.
“Now take a look,” as I opened my own blouse and unhooked my bra. “Your tits are almost as large as mine.” Then I reached down and dropped the pants of my pantsuit and stepped out of them saying, “and your figure is by far better than mine, but I don’t have any trouble getting close to guys or gals.”
I had pushed this issue about as hard as I dared, but I didn’t want to back off too much and let a moment get away. So I decided we needed to change things up for a bit. “Hey, how about I get us a couple of drinks out of the mini bar?”
I didn’t wait for an answer and went over and got the drinks and brought them back to the sofa.
I laid my clothes over the back of the recliner and grabbed my small traveling case and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take off my makeup. “I’ll be back in a couple minutes. I just want to take off my makeup and get ready for bed.” I said.
She followed right behind me and used the other sink for her night stuff. By this time I was bare-ass naked, which is how I normally am at this time of night even at home. I could see Catherine sneaking peeks of me in the huge wall size mirror in front of us, and to tell the truth, I was doing the same to her. She was still wearing her panties but that was all, and it made for a very sexy view.
I finished before her and I had pulled the covers back on the bed and brought out drinks into the bedroom figuring we could finish them in there. She came out of the bathroom still in her panties and came over to the bed.
“I guess I should get my night gown out if we are going to bed,” Catherine said.
“What for? I usually sleep in the nude unless it’s really cold and it’s plenty warm in here,” I said.
The drinks must have loosened up her puritan morals some because she hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties and in a flash they were at her ankles and she was stepping out of them, giggling like a schoolgirl who just said poop for the first time!
“Oh, why not!” she said, and tossed her clothes on the recliner next to mine. All but her panties.
“Can I see your panties?” I asked her. She looked at me a bit oddly but she handed them to me all the same.
“Catherine, I hope you don’t think I am some kind of pervert or something, but I find you very fucking attractive and I would very much like to kiss you,” I said.
Catherine looked at me kind of funny at first and I thought for a moment I had misread her and she was going to turn me down cold. But then she spoke softly – I could barely hear the whispered “Okay.”
I raised up to give her a long deep kiss. She was tenative at the beginning, but as she realized that this actually felt good, she got more into it. She threw her arms around me and pulled me to her and our kiss deepened further.
Catherine was giving herself to me and at the same time devouring me with her kiss. It was like she was grateful for the affection; like she needed the reassurance that someone actually cared for her.
We kissed long and hard and deep for several minutes it seemed. As we kissed, I eased her back on the bed, laying her down slowly and gently. I moved with her until she was laying on her back and I was kneeling hunched over her.
My left hand was under her head cradling it and feeling her hair in my hand. My other hand was busy toying with her nipple, pinching it tenderly and tugging on it, getting it harder and more erect as I kissed the girl.
Catherine didn’t push my hand away, instead, she put a hand on top of mine as if wanting me to be there. She moaned softly into my mouth and our tongues danced together in our locked mouths. It was very hot and we were both getting extremely turned on my this lesbian interlude.
My hand so wanted to leave her tender breast and explore territory further south, but I wasn’t sure how she would take to my wanderings so I broke the kiss, raising my head so we could both grab a breath of air. I looked down on my young roommate as she lay there looking back at me. I saw something in her eyes – was it… gratefulness?
“What’s wrong Catherine? Did I do something wrong?” I asked concerned at the expression on her face.
“Oh no, Judy, not at all. It’s just… well, that is the first real kiss I’ve ever had other than those my mother used to give me when I was little. She stopped doing that when her and my dad divorced and she found another guy. I was left out in the cold right then.”
“What about boys? No guy has ever kissed you?” I asked, stunned when I heard this.
“Well, they would give me a good night peck on the cheek those few times I went out. But no… no one has ever kissed me like you just did,” she said, looking up at me for a reaction. And I think she was a bit afraid of what she might see.
I damn near cried when I heard that she had never been properly kissed. “Oh, honey! Well, I’ll just have to do more of it to make up for lost time, then.”
I lay down next to her and she instantly put her arm around me, snuggling up next to me and putting her head on my arm. She snuggled up against me so tightly, it was as if she had found a new mother and she wasn’t letting go.
Myself, I was so horny my nipples were almost bursting and I had to figure a way to turn my little snugglebunny into a wanton, lusty, sex slave!
I lay there on the bed with Catherine snuggled next to me. My free hand had slipped down and was lightly touching myself, when I felt another hand moving in.
“Judy, I’ll do that for you if you want. I have never done anything at all with either a boy or a girl so if you will just tell me what feels good for you I’ll do it,” she said.
This kind of surprised me, but I went with it anyway. If she was offering, I was willing! “Okay honey. Just do to me what you do to yourself when you are masturbating. You do masturbate don’t you?” I asked.
I looked over at her as I said that, and her face was red as an tomato. “Well, do you or don’t you?” I asked again.
“I do, yes… but I am embarrassed to say so,” she said, looking down.
I reached over and pulled her face around to look at me. “Catherine, honey, you get embarrassed too easily about everything. We are going to have to work on your self-confidence sweetie,” I said.
“I know. I have terrible self confidence… I’ve been told that all my life,” she said, softly.
“Well, we will work on building up your confidence hon, don’t you worry,” I told her.
“Now, just use your fingers on me the way you do to yourself,” I said.
She used her fingers to play with my pussy lips, holding them between her fingers and toying with them, rolling them and tugging gently on them. She ran a fingertip around them teasingly and then up to gingerly touch my clit. Her fingers were just perfect except she wasn’t putting them in me.
“Cath, baby, how about getting down between my legs. That way you will be able to slide your fingers in and out of me. It is almost as good as getting fucked.”
Oh shit, there I go with the profanity again. Now she will be all embarrassed! I quickly thought to myself. But she didn’t seem to mind it this time.
Catherine took my directions very well. Her fingers were going in and out of me just fine, but my clit was getting ignored. I had to figure a way to get her mouth involved.
“Cathy, sweetie, kiss the lips of my pussy ever so lightly as you are doing that. It will feel great to me,” I said.
“Okay, I’ll try,” she said sounding a bit skeptical and unsure.
She not only kissed the lips of my pussy but sort of buried her face between them and kissed deep inside as well. It felt great. I put a hand on the top of her head and put ever so light pressure on it and then simply said, “Use your tongue too, baby.”
She stopped and looked up at me from between my legs. “Judy, I know you want me to do that but I don’t know what to do. I have read every book on sex I could get my hands on but that isn’t the same as doing the things in person.” She was frustrated that she didn’t know what to do. I was afraid if I gave her many more directions, I might cause her to give up and lose her.
“I’ll tell you what. If you want I will show you what I like on you so you can see what to do and how it feels. Would you like to see what I mean?” I asked.
“I would like that, Judy. I really want to do this right,” she said.
“Okay then, lay back honey,“ She did and my eyes first fell to Cathy’s perfect breasts; they were good sized; not overly large and not too petite. They were topped with large, rose-colored nipples that had become quite hard by now. I had been with and seen other women of all shapes and sizes.
Catherine was hugely different, though, and for a few seconds, I let my eyes wander over Cathy’s curves. Below her breasts, her pale body tapered down to her waist and then flared outwards to her generous hips. Her thighs were large and round, not fat but firm, powerful and shapely looking.
Her legs were closed and I couldn’t yet see what lay between them, but I knew that time had now arrived. I took a deep breath and inched a bit closer to the nervously waiting Cathy.
I cautiously touched her legs, moving slowly so I didn’t scare her. She was trembling – this was obviously the first time she’d had sex much less the first time with a woman. I slowly eased her thighs apart and got my first real glimpse of her. I thought I was going to die looking at the sweet virgin pussy staring me in the face.
Her pretty little pussy was covered by blonde curls which framed a pair of full pink lips, shiny no doubt from her arousal and high expectations of what was about to follow. The tip of her clitoris peaked out at me from between her swollen lips. Cathy mistook my delay in going further as a sign of hesitation.
“Hey, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” she offered.
“Oh, but I do, honey,” I replied without hesitation.
I eased Cathy’s thighs further apart and moved forward so that I could reach her. The warmth radiating from her core hit my face before my tongue made contact with her inner thigh. She sighed deeply as I ran my tongue upwards to those large welcoming lips. I allowed my tongue to circle her pussy lips, at the same time allowing me to sample the taste.
She was delicious and my tongue dove eagerly between her lips and into her large deep slit. I relished the absolute silkiness of her insides, and marvelled at the warm wet sensation. Cathy squirmed beneath me as I pushed my mouth between those lips and allowed my tongue to explore further.
With my fingers, I eased her lips apart to get a look at her clitoris. It looked like a small male penis, and I began to suckle on it as if it was one. Cathy began to rotate her pussy against my face in appreciation, and before long my face was soaking in her juices. I eventually lowered my mouth so that my tongue could slip inside her opening.
Thinking back to how I liked my pussy played with, I then began to suck her lips into my mouth and suckle on them in turn. Between moving from one to the other, my tongue would slip into her opening and caress her inner lips.
“Ohhh God, Judy, ohhh yes, right there,” Cathy murmured from above.
I responded by giving her clitoris a playful little bite, resulting in her buttocks lifting from the couch and a loud, happy squeal coming from her. After a bit, I changed tactics and slipped a finger inside her, and then another.
When I had both fingers inside her, I curled the tips slightly so I could rub against her spongy, and as yet untouched, g-spot. With my mouth firmly over Cathy’s clitoris, I began to slide my fingers in and out of her.
Cathy immediately began to move her pussy in time with me; and little familiar groans of pleasure were soon greeting my ears.
Cathy used one hand to hold my face against her pussy encouraging me and telling me how much she loved what I was doing to her.
By now, I was enjoying myself as well. I liked the velvety softness of Cathy’s pussy and the smoothness of her inner thighs. Her pussy was warm, wet and inviting, and eating her out was excitingly different from the normal man and woman sex I was more accustomed to.
I was perfectly content to kneel before her and provide her as much pleasure as I possibly could, and her appreciation was clearly evident in the moans, whimpers, and squeals that were coming from her.
After bringing her sexual excitement to a steady boil, I stopped for a moment. “Cathy, I have something in my suitcase that I think you might like. I’ll be right back. I went over to my suitcase and rummaged around inside it before I found what I was looking for…