My Dark Prince

"Messaging a naughty guy leads to hot sex"

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The cell phone sounds off loudly, making me press down on the volume buttons. My head snaps up, my eyes shift from left to right as the receptionist across from me looks at me curiously. I provide a soft smile before looking away, back at my phone. My smile becomes a genuine, all-out grin as I see his name.

DarkPrince: And how is your day today, beautiful?

Looking back up, my eyes target the receptionist as she types away on her keyboard. I mute my phone and then send back a quick reply.

MoonFlower: I’m doing great right now, just waiting to get off of work. How is your day going?

I don’t know his real name, but then again, I’m not sure it matters. We’ve never spoken over the phone, and have never seen each other. We’ve just been messaging on this dating app. It started about a month ago. But, being honest with myself, I am beginning to get kind of curious to see how he looks. I just haven’t actually gathered the courage to ask him. My phone vibrates and it catches me off guard. I look down at it and grin at his reply.

DarkPrince: I can make it more interesting for you.

He’s added a winky face and almost right away I blush and shift in my seat. It isn’t the first time he offers to sext with me. I feel like I would be horrible at it. I’ve already told him that. So I send a simple reply.

MoonFlower: You know I’m horrible at it.

His reply is almost instant.

DarkPrince: I don’t know that, we’ve never done it. After the whole marshmallow incident, I don’t know if I trust your judgment.

I blush deeper as my gaze shifts to the clock. It’s almost time for me to get off. I sigh, putting the phone down as I think for a moment. My desk phone rings and I answer.

“Hello, you’ve reached Emily Johnson, how can I direct your call?”

After sending the investor to my boss’s line, I pick up my cell and read another response from him.

DarkPrince: Only if you want, I’m not trying to force this on you.

I’m still blushing and begin to type out something along the lines of, ‘you got it, baby, show me how it’s done.’ But I quickly erase that, frowning at the phone. I settle for a quick reply.

MoonFlower: Ok, but, I have warned you… I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.

DarkPrince: That’s fine, I will guide you, young grasshopper.

I snort loudly, laughing at his response, before looking up. I see the receptionist eyeing me again, and my smile dies a quick death. I begin to hack and cough. I’m probably not fooling anyone, but it gets her to stop looking at me.

DarkPrince: Do you masturbate?

I look down at my phone and now I’m a deep crimson red. I look up guiltily, at everyone around me, wondering who else saw the message. I sigh softly as everyone goes about their day not looking at me at all.

MoonFlower: I do, sometimes.

DarkPrince: Mmm, when’s the last time you did it?

I blush deeper but I giggle and respond.

MoonFlower: Don’t laugh at me!

DarkPrince: I won’t, I promise babe

MoonFlower: Well… It’s been a while… a little over a month. When was the last time you did it?

DarkPrince: Last night. I was thinking about you when I did it.

That made me pause. A slight frown transforms my face as I respond.

MoonFlower: You don’t know what I look like.

DarkPrince: I imagined how you look.

MoonFlower: What did you picture?

DarkPrince: I think you’re short and blond, with a big round ass, and some nice big titties.

I gasp, softly covering my mouth and looking down at my body before grinning.

MoonFlower: Well, you’re right on almost all of it… I have brown hair, not blond. I actually haven’t pictured what you look like. But if I had to guess, I’d say maybe you were tall and muscular. I don’t know about hair color though. Lol

I wait for a reply before I glance at the clock and begin to collect my things. It’s time for me to get off. I turn the volume back up on my phone and stand up, noticing that I’m actually wet from thinking about what he looks like, and how naughty I am being. I grin, hearing my phone go off as I climb into my car.

DarkPrince: Maybe you’re right.

MoonFlower: Oh come on, you have to at least tell me that. I told you if you were right or not.

DarkPrince: How about you tell me how big your breasts are, and then I may tell you if you’re right or not.

I blush yet again looking at the little winky face. I read it a few times before looking at my breasts and grinning. I shove the bright pink princess seat pad up the seat belt, look around but don’t see anyone else in the parking structure. I slouch down into my seat, lifting my shirt slowly, my eyes moving around to verify that no one else can see. I raise my white lace bra, and lift my camera, aiming it right at my big round breasts. I snap the picture and send it, making sure my face isn’t showing. I gulp slightly, covering up, and pull out of the parking spot to head home.

I hear my phone go off a few times. I don’t want to text and drive, so I put my foot a little lower on the gas. I go a bit faster than I should, speeding just slightly, to reach my house in record time. I park in the driveway and grin at my phone, then giggle loudly as I watch it fill up with emoji hearts, smiley faces, and the emoji’s with the tongue sticking out.

DarkPrince: Holy shit!!!!! I love your tits.

DarkPrince: I can’t stop looking at them…

DarkPrince: Damn, now I’m hard as fuck.

Again I’m blushing and look up at the house. I see my brother’s room light is on, and I look out into the street and see his Jeep along the side of the street, parked. I groan softly and get out, pulling my purse onto my shoulder. I look at my phone and type, grinning.

MoonFlower: Let me see how big you are.

My face turned beet red as the photo came through. My eyes gobble up the thick size of his cock. He seems to be lying on a bed, lifting up some dark covers to reveal his thick hard length. I’m not sure what to do with the photo, so I just save it. I go up to my room and close the door, leaving it unlocked, as I usually do. I throw my purse onto the bed and slowly begin to undress as another message pings.

DarkPrince: Did I leave you speechless?

MoonFlower: Well, your cock looks big.

DarkPrince: I’m sure we could get it to fit

I burst out laughing, pulling on a large tee-shirt I stole from my brother a while ago. I flop down onto my bed, relaxing and putting my phone up to my face as he messages again.

DarkPrince: You home yet?

MoonFlower: Yes, I just made it to my room.

DarkPrince: You should take off your panties and that skirt you were wearing so you won’t have anything blocking you.

MoonFlower: Blocking me from what?

I lift my brow, looking at my phone, not really sure what he’s talking about.

DarkPrince: So you can rub your leaking wet pussy, and show me.

MoonFlower: Well, I’m not wet yet, so I’ll leave them on for now.

I snort softly, biting my lip and watching my phone closely. Nothing happens for a few moments. I pull off my panties, throwing them into my still open closet.

MoonFlower: You gonna start?

I grin looking at my phone.

DarkPrince: Ok, just lay down on your bed and relax. We are going to roleplay a little bit, ok?

MoonFlower: I’ve never done that…

DarkPrince: It’s ok, I’ll start it off, just follow my lead, don’t worry.

I groan softly, biting my lip, second-guessing this whole situation. Before I can reply to him, with, ‘maybe we could do it another time,’ he writes again.

DarkPrince: Imagine that I’m between your legs. My lips pressing soft gentle kisses along your thigh, my lips slowly moving from your knee towards your pussy lips.

I blush quickly as I read and reread the sentence. My mind easily imagines his head — he has brown hair — as he trails kisses down my thighs. I lift my legs as if he were there, and run my fingertips gently down one leg, and it feels really good. I look back at my phone and his next message.

DarkPrince: What would you do as my tongue slowly strokes up your pussy lips? Would you moan? Would you hold it in? What if my tongue strokes around your clit?

I look at my door wondering if I should lock it or not. Not that my brother ever comes into my room, especially since we both aren’t in high school anymore. Things were different between us. I bite my lip looking back at my phone, stroking my finger up and down my pussy. And it’s soaking wet already.

MoonFlower: I would gasp, because I wouldn’t expect you to just lick it so quickly.

I grin looking at the phone, hearing it go off again. I mute the phone once more.

DarkPrince: Well I would, my lips would curl around your little clit, and I would try to slurp it into my mouth, stroke my tongue up and down your slick little nub.

I groan softly, stroking my finger against my clit. My pussy is actually throbbing as more of my wetness soaks my pussy lips. I breathe softly, letting my eyes close as I stroke up and down it, pushing my thumb against the hood of my clit, making it poke out slightly from its hiding place, as my finger strokes around it gently. I pinch it just a little and groan looking at another message from him.

DarkPrince: I hope you’re touching that soaking wet pussy. I’m thinking about stroking my finger up and down your lips, before slowly, and I’d go ohhhh so slowly, sinking my finger in, to see just how tight that pussy is. But, before I would get too deep, I would pull out before pushing back in, keeping only about two knuckles deep in you.

I groan as I do just as his naughty words say, and tease my pussy, sinking in two knuckles deep. My eyes close tight as I groan out more, biting my lip. I pull my finger out, groaning having to type back.

MoonFlower: Oh fuck, I’m so wet right now.

DarkPrince: Show me?

MoonFlower: You first.

My eyes zero in on the thick round tip, glistening and wet with pre-cum. But right above that was a desk, set off in the background. My head tilts as I blink a few times before the blood drains from my face. I sit up quickly in my bed, glaring down at the phone, my heart shuddering as I open my mouth, before snapping it shut. I blink at the picture, willing the image of his cock and everything that we just did, to go away. Another picture comes up and I see the bedspread this time, black with red lines down the sides.

“Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, no.” I groan, covering my eyes.

I look at my door, knowing that my brother is in the next room, jerking off his thick cock to images of me and my words. I blush deeply looking at the phone, scrolling up to the top and reading through it. I can clearly hear him being the person behind the words, the playful banter, the goading, but not the sexual man that wrote these naughty things to me. I gulp slightly as I read over it, him asking if I touch myself, and I remember how wet I got from that.

I blush even deeper remembering the rich dark head of hair I imagined being between my legs. It looked exactly like his does now. I am completely mortified. I drop my phone, backing up and gripping over my mouth to keep myself from screeching. I stand up quickly from my bed, beginning to pace from left to right, looking at my phone, my pussy trembling and aching as it slobbers its need. I close my eyes, cursing softly as my phone goes off. I pull it up, look at it.

DarkPrince: Come on sexy, show me that juicy pussy. I wanna eat it, slurp my tongue against your hole and nibble on your clit until you cum in my mouth…

I can’t read the rest because my fucking pussy will not calm itself down. It pulses and throbs with each of his naughty words. I groan, covering my eyes before falling onto my bed. My hand, having a mind of its own, creeps its way down my body before softly stroking against my clit. My eyes close tight as I raise my arm over my lips. My legs lift as I pant against my arm. My fingers work my clit roughly, smashing it from right to left, punishing it for being so slutty.

My brother’s face between my legs, his tongue against my clit, his thick fingers fucking into me — all of this is what I find myself cuming to as I hump up quickly against my hand. When I blink my eyes open, I see my brother standing in my doorway. His thick shaft is hard between his legs as he moves wordlessly to me. I blush deeply, closing my legs as he reaches my bed, gripping onto my leg.

“Hey! Get out of here,” I protest, weakly.

He leans over me, pushing his lips to my legs, spreading them open with no restraint from me. His face pushes into my thighs as I groan loudly, feeling his thick tongue lap around my pussy lips. My hips shudder as he pushes his fingers into my pussy. My eyes close as I cry out, gripping his dark hair, arching up into his face. My legs try to close around his head but he shoves them open before pushing his fingers back into my pussy.

My juices leak down my ass and drench my covers as he slurps against my pussy, making my toes curl tight.

“Fuck! What… what are you doing?” I moan loudly.

I feel his lips come off of me before he spits my juices onto my pussy. His voice is laced with lust as he says, “Come on, MoonFlower, moan for me.”

That’s exactly what I do. Tossing my head back, I moan out loud feeling my pussy clenching on his digits. I hump up against him, cuming the hardest that I think I’ve ever cum. My body trembles as I pant, shaking my head, feeling his big body climbing between my legs. His thick shaft pushes at my hole, grinding up and down my entrance.

“What… what are you doing? We can’t,” I moan but my hips arch up, my cleft trying to catch his thick shaft as he teases me.

“Come on, MoonFlower, I want to hear you beg for your brother’s cock,” he moans, kissing my lips and rocking his hips forward.

My hips arch further, my clit grinds against his meat, as I rip my mouth away from his moaning, “This… this is wrong.”

My pussy shudders as he pulls his hips back, my legs curl around his waist and my heels dig into his ass,. He smirks and says, “Oh?”

My legs drop from his ass, my eyes snap open to peer up into his deep dark eyes, as they regard me, his hips staying still. “How did you know it was me?”

“I’m not stupid. I know what you wore today, and I also saw the pink shoulder pad I bought you in the photo,” he says, his cock poised at my slick hole.

“Why didn’t you say something?” I breathe heavily and groan as my heels dig at his ass, trying to get him to sink into me.

“Where’s the fun in that?” he asks as he leans in, pushing his nose against mine. “You know what you have to say to get this dick, sis.”

I watch him for a while, his breath fanning over my face. I gulp before I whimper wantonly, “Please… please fuck me, bro. Please.”

He leans into me, sinking his thick tip past my pussy lips. My eyes close and my head falls back as a soft groan leaves my lips. He pulls his hips back slowly, before sinking further into me. I feel each and every thick inch working and sinking its way deeper into my core. My toes curl as my heels dig at his ass. My legs shudder as I close my eyes tight, whimpering while my hands dig into his hair, gripping him.

He moans as he finally sinks balls deep into my pussy, My mouth is slack and soft pants and groans leave my lips. He curses as he pulls his hips back before slamming deep into me without warning. My eyes snap open and we both groan. His arm hooks under my leg and he lifts it over his shoulder, his hips beginning to move faster.

“Fuck,” I moan, holding on for dear life.

His hips speed up, my ass lifting from off the bed as he slams into me roughly over and over. My pussy grips and spreads around his thick shaft. He roughly shoves my shirt up and grips onto my breast. His lips capture mine as his cock slams into me, my mouth eagerly accepting his tongue while we pant and groan into each other’s mouth. My nails slide from his scalp, down his neck and dig into his back. 

My body tenses as my pussy pulses harder. My hips rock up as best I can, heel digging into his ass as my body trembles under his weight. I cry aloud, cuming all over his cock before he rips himself off of me, cum shooting deep into my pussy before he pulls out, stroking his cock and spraying…

Published 7 years ago

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