My Slut Training

"How I became the sweet loving slut girlfriend I am today"

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It takes a lot of practice to be good at anything.

For example, I started very young in mastering playing the piano, and now at twenty-five I’m pretty good. Maybe not concert-hall good, but I play flawlessly executed pieces every time.

Likewise, being a good, sweet, and loving girlfriend (which I am for my current man) takes practice. Unlike the piano, though, there really isn’t any place you can take lessons. I’m pretty-much a self-trained slut.

I had developed a huge crush on a cute boy in my class at school. So the second I was sixteen and old enough to legally consent to sex, I invited him over to our house to “study,” knowing that my parents wouldn’t be home for at least two hours.

After about twenty-five minutes of studying our school book together, I got up to get a glass of water. I asked him if he also wanted a glass. I came back and set the two glasses on the coffee table in front of the sofa where he was sitting, and we each took a sip.

Standing facing him, I asked him if he had ever seen a girl naked. He just gulped nervously. So I did a very slow striptease in front of him, until I was completely naked. I stood in front of him and let his eyes admire me from head to toe. He seemed to be trying to memorize every inch of my naked, curvy body.

I told him I had never seen a cock, and would he mind taking his pants off for me, so I could see his?

He gulped nervously again, and he began to unbuckle his belt and unzip his trousers. He was kind of awkward and clumsy about it. So I grabbed the waistband of his pants and tugged them down to his feet. He kicked his pants off while I tugged his shirt up over his head.

I then sat cross-legged on the couch, sideways, facing him. He turned himself sideways, too, and faced me. We were both completely naked. We never fucked, nor even kissed. In fact, we never even touched each other. We just looked up and down each other’s naked body, both of us thoroughly enjoying the view of each other, for about half an hour.

Then we dressed, finished the chapter we had been studying, and he went home before my parents got home from work. My ultra-conservative Texas dad would have had a coronary had he walked-in on his little girl naked on the couch with a naked boy.

A few times after that at school, that same cute boy would lead me or I would lead him behind a tree, or wherever we could flash each other. We always enjoyed our mutual exhibitionism, but it never went further than that. After the school year ended, he and his family moved away, and we never saw each other again.  But I’ve never forgotten how much I enjoyed seeing my first cock, and I bet he still remembers me as his very first glimpse of naked pussy.

I had barely turned seventeen when a really hot young man in my school came to my attention. One day I found a way to drag him by the hand under the football field bleachers, and I took my very first cock down my throat. It was long and hard and purple, quite beautiful to look at, and it tasted so good!

I sucked on him every chance I got. Because I really liked sucking on him. And I loved the sound of his happy moans. I sucked him behind bushes, in the back seat of his car, on my parents’ couch, on his parents’ couch. He always let me know what felt really good to him, and what felt not so good too, and by trial and error and lots of practice, I got to be a pretty good fellatrix.

I taught him how to go down on me, and together we explored and learned my personal preferences in terms of how I want my pussy eaten.

But in the several months we were together, we never once fucked.

Fast forward a few more months, and now I was shamelessly flirting with the super-hot captain of the football team. While all of the silly cheerleaders who thought they were so hot and sexy and better than everyone else, all dreamed and giggled about what it might be like to be fucked by him, I swooped right in and asked him to go trick-or-treating with me that Halloween night.

I dressed all goth, black clothes, black makeup, hair in pigtails, super short skirt, a real Wendy Adams type – if Wendy was all grown-up and horny as fuck. I even wore black lace panties in a spider-web design.

After we had each gotten a few candies door to door, I led him by the hand to the local cemetery – where else would a horny goth girl take a hot stud on Halloween Night to take her first-ever cock ride? He sat-up against a headstone, I skimmed off my panties and sat on his lap and he took my virginity, right then and there in the cemetery. I told him to fuck me slowly, I wanted the moment to last, I wanted to enjoy him in me for as long as I could.

The next day at school, the self-important cheerleaders all giggled as usual about how hot the football captain is and wondering if he has a big cock and what it would feel like in their pussies.

I pulled a kind of grainy Polaroid out of my purse, showing me riding my stud in the cemetery the night before. “You girls are right, his is pretty big,” I smirked, “and it feels REALLY good inside of me!” I showed them the photo, and my semen-stained panties.

As I walked away, their eyes shot daggers at me for having the courage they lacked, to fuck the hottest hunk in our whole school. And for not letting any of them be the first in our school to fill her pussy with his sperm. They felt that as hot cheerleaders they were somehow more entitled to fill their pussies with the dreamy football captain’s sperm than I was. But I had been the one to get it done, while they all just sat around and daydreamed and giggled endlessly about it.

Since that day, I’ve prowled for the finest cocks I could find, and I’ve never settled for less than the best. I’m now twenty-five, I’ve had thirteen cocks up my hungry pussy, four of them big and black (that last fact alone would drive my confederate dad bananas if he ever found out!). None of the thirteen were under eight inches long nor less than 1.5” diameter.

My freshman year of college, at 18, was my best year of slut training ever. I was away from home for the first time and no parental restrictions on acting upon my powerful sexuial urges and needs, wants and desires. 

I’ve already shared here (in another story) how I met my first and only female lover, Brianna, who I am still with seven years later.

But there was also that sorority-sponsored Best Blowjob contest that Brianna and I entered, along with four other skilled sorority sluts, and which I won handily. Six sluts, each face to crotch with her assigned stud. While I much prefer to feel the power of a man’s explosion down into my throat, contest rules specified  that each slut had to make her assigned stud come on her face, so the judges could see for themselves that each slut really did make her stud come, and they weren’t just faking it. First slut to make her stud come, won, and that was me.

I did notice that only one of the studs was black, and as a daughter of a Texas Confederate – which is what I am – I was not supposed to hook up with a black cock. But his assigned slut never finished the blowjob to CUM-pletion. So I invited the black stud back to my dorm room, where I finished what his assigned slut had only started. I sucked him until he exploded very hard down my throat. Mmm, that was so good. And then he slipped that big beautiful black cock into me doggy style, right through my ass cheeks-  and balls-deep through the backside of my tight, eager, cock-hungry little pussy, until we both trembled into intense orgasm. For me, that felt like absolute heaven!

I think I earned my Slut Ph.D. right then and there!

My current boyfriend of the past three years (i’m now twenty-five) happens to be white. How we met will be told in another story.

Anyway, in him, I ‘ve found the sweetest, kindest, most loving man I’ve ever known – and, extra bonus, by far and away the very finest quality cock I’ve ever ridden. His cock is totally gorgeous, I love looking at it every chance I get, and since he lives with me, I get lots of chances to look at, hold, stroke, kiss, lick, suck, and ride that gorgeous cock of his. Lucky me.

His sweet cock is bright red, almost glowing, and at nine-inches long by two inches diameter, he always stuffs me so very full, every time he makes love with me. He completely fills my mouth, my pussy, my ass, even my cleavage, and I love it all, every moment I can have with my sexy live-in stud, the man I love.

And I always seek to pleasure him any way and every way that I can. What kind of girlfriend would I be to him, if I took all the many, many orgasms he so lovingly gives to me, but never reciprocated in pleasuring him?

I would never want to risk losing the pleasures he bestows upon me, by refusing him any of the pleasures he asks of me. And, besides, he never, ever asks me for any sexual favor that’s unreasonable, disgusting, degrading, or humiliating. Because he isn’t the kind of man to ask that of anyone. So, where’s the harm in me being his hot little slut girlfriend, every chance I get?

All of my years of self-training to be a hot and very loving slut have paid off. He loves all the ways I pamper and spoil him in bed, and in return, he makes sure all of my sexual needs are met every day. I deserve what we have together now, and so does he.

I’m bi, and I have a steady girlfriend, too. I’ve been fucking her for far longer than I’ve been fucking my current  boyfriend. I get to make love with her three times a week, and I allow my boyfriend to fuck her once a week. My girlfriend has a boyfriend now (also a topic for another story). They met this past Valentine’s Day, and instantly fell for each other. He is that fourth black cock I mentioned I’ve had in my pussy, out of the thirteen cocks that have entered me. He has fucked me only once so far, but I’m trying to turn that into a twice-a-month rendezvous.

So, my man gets to fuck two pussies – mine and my girlfriend’s – and I get to ride two cocks – my man and my girlfriend’s man. My girlfriend and I get to enjoy each other three times a week. With luck, we four will all get to live happily ever after.



Published 7 years ago

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