Growing Up Chapter One

"Young businessman is attracted to mature women..."

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Bob was on the last days of his Easter holidays. His final term at University would start on Tuesday of the following week. He had done a lot of revision work during the holidays and was confident that all his hard work would be fruitful. He was missing Kate; she was one of his lecturers, he had been having an affair with her for the last two years. She was in her sixties. Her husband had retired just before Easter, and it was now challenging for them to meet.

Kate had helped Bob in so many ways over the last two years. Bob was very inquisitive by nature. He would always be asking questions if he didn’t know the answer on every subject. They had started writing initially by email but then by WhatsApp. Within three weeks of them starting to write they were lovers.

Bob was over six foot tall. He played in the University’s top rugby team. He was good looking and had a powerful athletic body. He lived with his widowed mother at home. His mother was a doctor and was the Senior Partner in a clinic which she owned.

Kate was also tall. She had a voluptuous body. She always dressed casually. George, her husband, was the senior partner in a huge accountancy firm. George was fourteen years older than Kate.

It had all started when George was in London at the London office for two weeks. Kate had driven him to the Airport then WhatsApped Bob to arrange a meeting in a wine bar. It was just after twelve on a Sunday afternoon.

They had one glass of wine then went back to Kate’s house which was a five-minute walk from Bob’s house. Only six times in the two years that they were together, did Bob stay overnight. Kate and George were childless. Kate wanted to adopt, but George was not keen on this. Kate had a powerful sexual drive. She taught Bob so much on how to give a woman pleasure. Bob asked lots of questions, and she always gave concise and informative answers.

She taught him how to give a woman pleasure with oral, stimulation and penetration, both anal and vagina. They were very compatible sexually. They both respected each other. They were affectionate and loving. Both knew because of the age difference that it was a purely sexual relationship. This suited both of them.

Bob was comfortable with this arrangement, and so was Kate. A year ago Kate had suggested that Bob should write a thesis on Internet Accountancy. He had an outstanding law degree, and this would be the icing on the cake to his Accountancy degree.

Kate had helped Bob with the thesis. It was all Bob’s research that had gone into it. He had submitted it in January. Kate had taken a copy and showed it to George. George had been impressed with it. Kate had told him that Bob was in a class of his own and was easily the top student of his year. George then arranged through Kate for Bob to visit him at his office. Kate told Bob that if the interview went well, he would be offered a partnership in the firm after he graduated.

Bob was impressed with George. He was both intelligent and quick-witted. They spoke for over three hours then had lunch together. George offered Bob a partnership in his firm. Bob accepted. It was an excellent opportunity for him. Everything depended on Bob getting his degree. They both knew that this was not going to be a problem.

Bob was so happy. On his way home he bought two bottles of Champagne which he put in the fridge when he got home. He wanted to surprise Babs, his mother, when she got back from work.

As he sat in the lounge waiting for his mother, he got a WhatsApp message from Kate which read, Darling, George has just called to update me on your position. I am so happy for you. George envisages that you could be the future of the firm. All the other partners are due to retire within the next couple of years. He wants you to oversee the upgrading of the firm. They have been operating in a time warp. They have been slow to adopt the benefits of the Internet.

I must now call you Dr. Bob. A friend of mine just called to tell me that your Thesis has been accepted. Your degree is now a formality. After your exams, I think that you should spend as much time as you can in George’s office. We must now be very discreet as he is now spending so much time at home and he wants to know every move I make. Let’s keep in touch here, and when I see an opportunity for a rendezvous, then I will let you know. I think that you should be thinking of buying an apartment. Well done. I am thinking about you. Kate.

Bob was happy. He would have to think of getting on the property market, and he would buy a flat. He loved living at home as Babs was a wonderful cook. He was so comfortable there. Everything was done for him. All his laundry was taken care off. He had been getting all the sex he needed from Kate, but even with that, he still enjoyed living at home with Babs. His father had died eight years ago. There had been a large life insurance policy, and Babs had inherited a lot of money

When he had passed his driving test, she had bought him a Volkswagen Golf which he loved. Babs was always there for him. She was tall and attractive. He often wondered why she had not found another man. She spent time on social media but never went out socially. She spent time with the next door neighbour, Mrs. Reid, who was also a widow.

Bob had always been attracted to her. She was tall and had a beautiful body. When he had been younger, he had masturbated to the sight of her naked body when she sunbathed nude in her secluded back garden.

Bob heard two cars coming up the driveway. One went to the garage at the rear and the other parked outside the front door. A couple of minutes later Babs and Mrs. Reid came into the house. Bob got up and greeted them.

He said, “Mum, I have some wonderful news. On my road home I bought some Champagne to celebrate. Let’s go to the lounge, and I will get the Champagne and three glasses.”

He got the Champagne and glasses. He opened the glasses and poured the Champagne. He then told them about his job offer and his Doctorate. They were all still standing. Babs put her glass on a coffee table then took Bob’s drink and placed it beside her glass on the coffee table.

She took him in her arms and said, “I’m so proud of you. What an achievement. I knew that you would make it but not in this excellent way. Let’s go out for dinner and celebrate. Jo, would you like to join us?”

Mrs. Reid replied, “Bob, I am so happy for you. What an amazing achievement. I would love to join you, but maybe tonight you should spend some quality time with Babs. I have watched you grow up, and if you were my son, I would be so proud of you. Enjoy tonight with Babs. She is the best mother in the world. I need a new WiFi system. Is it possible that you could have a look at it tomorrow?”

Bob replied, “No problem, I am free until next week. I was thinking of asking mum if I could change the system in the house as there’s a new German system which is excellent and very fast. You can also use it for telephone calls. We have a problem with crackling lines as the cables are so old. It’s quite expensive but excellent.”

Babs said, “I agree. The phone crackles so much, and the WiFi is not good in my bedroom. When Jo and I are chatting in the evening, it’s nearly impossible. Please change that as soon as possible. When we go out for our meal, I will go to the bank and get some money. I will have a quick shower now then we can go as I have patients at seven-thirty tomorrow morning.”

Babs then left, and Bob topped up his and Mrs. Reid’s glasses.

She said, “I don’t care what it costs. It’s so frustrating when the signal is not strong. I will go to the bank tomorrow morning and get some money. What time will we meet in the morning?”

Bob replied, “Around nine, is that good for you?”

She replied, “No problem, I am an early riser. I get so much done in the morning. Have you a girlfriend at the moment?”

He replied, “The last few years I’ve just concentrated on my studies. I have never really dated anyone for ages. It’s not that I’m not interested, I have just had so many other things to do. I will be happy when I graduate and start work. I feel that I have done the right thing as many of my classmates were partying a lot and I am sure that they won’t have good grades.”

She replied, “You are so wise. You are a very attractive and eligible young man. You will have no problem finding a nice woman. Babs has an early start in the morning. Would you like to come to me for breakfast? Babs has told me you like a full breakfast in the morning and so do I.”

He replied, “That’s wonderful, shall I come at eight-thirty?”

She said yes, finished her glass then shook his hand and said, “I’m looking forward to tomorrow. I have several things around the house that need to be looked at. Babs has told me that you are very good with your hands. I would appreciate it if you could help me with these odds and ends?”

He told her that he would help her all he could. She gave him a big smile then left. Five minutes later Babs appeared, and she looked stunning. He topped up their glasses which finished the bottle. They chatted for a few minutes then left for an excellent Italian restaurant which was a two-minute walk from the house.

They were lucky as there were fifteen excellent restaurants within a ten-minute walk of their home. They stopped at the Bank, and Babs withdrew a thousand pounds which she gave to Bob. The restaurant was busy, but Babs had reserved a table.

They were well known in the restaurant. They both only wanted the main course and ordered the same veal dish. He ordered a bottle of Chablis with Babs telling him that she would just have one glass as she was working tomorrow. They were chatting when Kate and George came in. Bob stood up and shook their hands. The head waiter told them it would be forty-five minutes before they could have a table. Babs immediately suggested that they should join them.

Bob introduced them as Mr. and Mrs. Hardy, but both said to call them Kate and George. They both opted for the main course, and both ordered the same veal dish. All the main courses would be served at the same time. The chatted away. George was doing a lot of the talking.

He said, “I was happy when Kate told me that you have been awarded the Doctorate. My firm needs you. In the last month, I have been so tired and sick. I feel that I have terrible stomach pains. I haven’t finished all my meal. I have always been a big eater. This is a new thing for me as I enjoy a glass of wine but have never drunk hard spirits or smoked a cigarette in my life.”

He continued, “Kate has suggested that after your finals that you spend as much time as you can in the office and I agree with her. She is also thinking of leaving the University and coming to work in the firm. I want to see a change in the firm, it is long overdue. I really wish that I had had the foresight to have done this years ago. I am confident that Bob has the knowledge and strength of character to achieve this.”

Bob asked if anyone would like some more wine. Babs said in a quiet, serious voice, “George, I am a doctor. I don’t want to alarm you. We all have had enough alcohol to prevent us from driving. I suggest that you order a taxi and go to the A&E at the City Hospital. I want them to tell them that you had a meal and drinks with a Urology Consultant who has recommended that I should have your pancreas looked at. I suggest that you do this as quickly as possible.”

George went very pale. He replied, “I will call a taxi at once. Thank you, Babs, I wish that I had met you a month ago.”

The head waiter had a taxi for them within a minute. Kate hugged and kissed Babs then hugged Bob and whispered, “Thanks, I will be in touch.”

Babs said, “I feel sorry for him. He has not long to go. He is very jaundiced which is a sign that cancer has a grip. It’s a very aggressive type of cancer. Kate is a lovely lady. She thinks the world of you. You have been lucky to have a lecturer as good as her. I think if you asked her out for a glass of wine that she would be there in a flash. Let’s get home as I am feeling tired.”

They got home, and Babs told him how happy she was. She also told him to pay for Jo’s WiFi. She also asked him to check out her laptop and iPad as both were running very slowly. She then took him in her arms and hugged him. She kissed him on the cheek and for the first time he felt the weight of her breasts and the hardness of her nipples on his chest. He also felt a gentle push of her pussy against his leg. He then went to his room. It was just before ten and Mrs. Reid’s bedside light was on.

He undressed, and his cock was hard from Babs’s embrace. He had no messages. He got into bed and wondered how Kate was. He had no idea how her feelings were for George. He wondered how tomorrow would be with Mrs. Reid.  He fell asleep with his bedside lamp on.

Ten minutes later his phone beeped he had a message from Mrs. Reid which read, Bob, I have just had a quick chat with Babs and she told me what happened in the restaurant. That must have been a shock for both of you. Life’s a bit like that. You get good news and then bad news. If you would rather not come tomorrow, then we can easily postpone it until it suits you. Regards, your next door neighbour.

Bob replied, Thank you, my favourite next door neighbour. It was, and I feel for Mrs. Hardy, my lecturer. I haven’t heard from her, so no news is good news. I will be with you tomorrow at eight-thirty. I am so looking forward to my full breakfast. Mum has asked me to look at a couple of things for her tomorrow. The setting up if the WiFi won’t take long. It will take longer to register the new passwords on your different devices. If you can make a list of what you want to be done then prioritise it, then I will do the important things first. Dr. Bob.

She replied, I love how you think. I already have a list which I will read to you over breakfast tomorrow. Babs told me about Kate. She told me that she was very fond of you. Do you enjoy older women? I think that I would enjoy a younger man, not that I have had any in reality but I have chatted online with a couple, and I did enjoy chatting with them. Are you on any online dating sites or role play sites?

Bob replied, Darling, we are both adults. We both have our urges and needs. Let’s be honest with each other and if we are it will be good for both of us. I love being with an older woman. No, I am not online. I prefer to do things in reality. I don’t have the time to spend hours online. I will leave it up to you if you would like our relationship to progress. I love giving and receiving pleasure. I look forward to your reply.

She replied, Darling, the more you write, the more I like you. I’m bisexual; I haven’t had sex with a man for over sixteen years. My husband died six years ago. He was twelve years older than me. I have several girlfriends that I have physical sex with. I have a strong sexual drive. I like to cum at least twice a day. I love spontaneous sex. I love pleasure but no pain. I love oral stimulation in every orifice. I adore vaginal and anal penetration.

I know that there is a chemistry between us. I believe that we should be discreet initially as I have nothing but respect for Babs. I have told her that I am attracted to you. She has no problem with that. Babs is bisexual too. We are lovers. I tell you that in confidence. Yes, I would love our relationship to progress but we must be so discreet. If you want to come earlier tomorrow, then I am usually awake around seven? Please call me Jo xxx.

He replied, Jo, I will be there at seven-thirty as Babs will leave the house around seven-fifteen. I must sleep now as I have had a long day. I look forward to our first kiss in the morning, Bob xx.

Bob woke at six. He checked his messages. He had two, one from Jo from last night which read, I look forward to our first kiss too. I will only be wearing a dressing gown in the morning. I like to talk dirty. My hot wet cunt is hungry for you. Until tomorrow, Jo xxx.

The other from Kate was written at four this morning. It read, I’m just home. Thank God Babs suggested taking him to the hospital, if we hadn’t I couldn’t have coped. The doctors were wonderful. As he was being examined, he had a stroke. There was a blood clot on his brain. They had to drill into his skull to relieve the pressure on his brain. He is in Intensive Care, unconscious and on life support. I am home now and will crawl into bed. I felt so happy for you today. My heart missed a beat when I saw you and Babs sitting in the restaurant.

She is a beautiful woman. She dotes on you. She looked so proud. The doctors have told me that it is a matter of wait and see. I don’t think that this will end well for George. Thinking about you. Write when you can. I will sleep as long as I can. The hospital told me that they would call if anything happened. Kate xx.

Bob showered quickly, put on a towelling dressing gown and went downstairs to tell Babs about George. She was in the kitchen making her breakfast. She made Bob a coffee. She was wearing her regular working clothes, a silk blouse and cotton leggings. The leggings were tight, and for the first time, Bob noticed her swollen vulva. It looked stunning. She always wore a white coat in the Clinic which covered this. He told her all that Kate had written to him.

Babs said, “The best thing is if he passes away in the coma. Is he paralysed in any way? I feel for Kate. This must be a great shock for her. I need to go, darling, as I can’t be late this morning. I was thinking of what kind of outfit I will buy for your Graduation. I am so looking forward to it. Message me Kate’s number, and I’ll write her and let her know that I am there for her if she needs me.”

She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek; he hugged her back then she was gone. He went upstairs and dressed. He sent Babs Kate’s number. He then messaged Kate, which read, Darling, I thought of you last night in bed. I got a shock this morning when I read your message. I hope things work out for George. I told Babs about what you had written. She asked me for your number which I gave to her. Babs is an excellent doctor, so if you need anyone to talk to, then she will be there for you. I have a hectic day today but if you need me call or message me. Thinking about you, Bob xx.

He then walked to Jo’s house. She had seen him walking up the driveway and had opened the front door. She held the door open for him. She looked stunning in a red silk dressing gown. He closed the door and took her in his arms.

They kissed gently at first. Their tongues were exploring each other’s mouths. He stroked her neck and cheek. He could feel the weight of her breasts on his chest. Her hard nipples were pressing against him. She was hot, but he took his time caressing her neck, shoulders and ears. She was pushing her pussy against his leg with a firm circular movement now. He still hadn’t played with her massive breasts.

She stepped back from him and undid the belt of her dressing gown then let the robe slide off her shoulders and onto the floor. He cupped one of her massive breasts then tongued her hard nipple. She moaned with pleasure. She then undid his trousers. Bob helped her, and soon they were both naked in the hallway.

When Jo saw his hard cock, she said, “That’s the biggest cock that I have ever seen. Is all that for me?”

He slid his hand between her legs. Her cunt was so smooth. She was very wet. He slipped two fingers inside her then pulled them out. He took his forefinger and rubbed her cunt juice all over his lips. He then put his finger in his mouth and licked it clean. He then offered her his middle finger. She ran the finger over her lips then licked the cunt juice from his finger. They then kissed passionately. Both were tasting her cunt juice.

She then slid three fingers into her cunt and brought them out dripping with cunt juice. She then knelt in front of him and spread her cunt juice all over his hard cock. She then went down on him. She could take the full length in her mouth. She was massaging his balls as she sucked his cock.

She said, “Let’s go to bed and I want it hard and deep in every hole.”

They went upstairs, and for the next two and a half hours they both performed the most incredible love making imaginable. They were entirely compatible sexually. He fucked her as she wanted hard and deep. After they had finished they showered. Jo made breakfast then they went to the computer store for the WiFi equipment.

Published 7 years ago

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