The Chronicles of Theia – Part 2: Virginity’s Loss

"Theia’s Trials begin with the loss of her innocence"

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The morning after the Choosing was a swirling rush of excitement. With a golden smile, Laertes handed Theia over to the care of two handmaidens who led her to a lilac scented bath. The water was hot, something she barely thought possible. Soon, its scented steam swept the chill from her body. She felt happy and more relaxed than ever before. With a silent prayer, she promised a sacrifice in honor of the Goddess for her good fortune. 

Afterward, she and the other two Chosen were taken to a hall off the Temple’s inner courtyard. There, the three girls sat and chatted excitedly, enjoying a meal of wheat cakes topped with honey, sesame, and cheese. 

“I never doubted I would be Chosen,” exclaimed Hypatia, the young beauty first taken into the Temple. “My father is rich, and he made a large donation just to be certain I would be taken first.” She was beaming, as proud of her family money as she was of her stunning looks. 

“Bribery? Are you claiming the Temple would be so base as to accept a bribe?” The second Chosen, Aegina was aghast at the thought, joining Theia in her shock at such an outrageous suggestion.

“That cannot be,” Theia agreed. “The Hetairas are Chosen by the will of the Goddess. No man can bribe a God, and no Choice of an unworthy girl can be made in her name.” 

“You are nothing but a stupid peasant. What could you possibly know of how the Temple works?” Hypatia straightened her back and held herself with the false pride of superiority. “Besides, who said I was unworthy? I am beautiful, more than either of you wretches, and I have been taught the skills necessary to please Orrin during my Trails. I am certain to be not just among the Hetairas, one day I will be the High Priestess of this Temple.” 

Anger was rising in the girls. Aegina and Theia were stunned at Hypatia’s impudence and pride. “You lie! If you are rich,” Aegina scowled, “how could you then be a slave?”

“Easily,” she replied. “Were I not Chosen, my father would simply have bought me back. That was never a concern, of course. Once the Trials are finished, I will be ready for my destiny.” 

Aegina’s brow furrowed as she dipped her spoon into her bowl, turning it idly as she considered Hypatia’s claims. 

Theia, though, was caught by something other than Hypatia’s arrogance. “Trials? What are those? Are we not Chosen? Are we not already Hetairas?”

Hypatia laughed. “You are a fool. How such a stupid girl could be Chosen is beyond me. This must be why the Trials are held.” 

“I don’t understand…” Theia began but the touch of Aegina’s hand gave her pause. 

“Your Trials will be given by Laertes, the Priest who Chose you. In these, he will find whether you are truly able to experience the pleasure of sex,” Aegina explained.

“That doesn’t sound so hard,” Theia blushed in reply. 

“That is because you are nothing but a foolish little girl,” Hypatia cut in. “What you don’t know is that pleasure comes in many forms. As one of the Hetairas, you must be able to enjoy them all.”

“But it’s just sex. It can’t be that bad. With Laertes, I can’t imagine not enjoying it.”

Hypatia rolled her eyes, finally letting her gaze settle on Theia. “It’s never just sex, and it’s not enough that you simply enjoy it. You have to orgasm, you ninny. You must be able to reach bliss from any way he takes you. They say it is in that moment you are truly in the presence of the Goddess. I have been trained in many ways by my mother’s personal hand maidens. Believe me when I say it’s not so easy as it sounds.”


That night, Theia was led to her private cell. The room was small, just a cube cut into the Temple’s stone walls. Though barely large enough for her bed, it was hers. Never before had she been allowed such privacy. In her father’s home, there were but two rooms: the quarters her parents used, and the family living area they all shared during the day. At night, she was allowed only a corner with some heavy blankets to call a bed. With her older and younger brothers sleeping nearby, she’d never had the luxury of privacy that this tiny cell provided. 

Lying in the darkness, she dreamed of beautiful Laertes and the Trials he would put her through. Hypatia made it sound so fearful, yet she couldn’t wait for the dawn. 

“You have to reach the moment of bliss,” she’d been told. It sounded wonderful. She thought back to the night before she was Chosen, when the slaver, Tychos used her mouth to sate his lust. It was then she first neared the orgasm Hypatia spoke of. He had come too soon, snatching her away from something so powerful it could only have been the bliss promised by the Goddess. 

Though she had been sucking his cock at the time, she remembered vividly how her fingers played in the dampness between her thighs. She had been so very wet, much as she was now, and her fingers felt wonderful as she rubbed them into her oozing sex. 

Her nipples grew hard as she remembered what it was like; the taste of a man in her mouth, and the soft warmth deep in her body. Pulling up her shift, she again slipped her fingers over her belly until they flowed over the patch of fur growing right above that special little place in her slit. 

Breathing more deeply, she opened her thighs, letting her knees part and fall away as her flower blossomed. She was as wet as the Nile, Tychos had said, and her fingers became slick as she explored her body for the first time. It felt as if her room grew hot, and she writhed uncomfortably in the constrictive embrace of her shift. 

Slipping it over her head, she lay on top of her blanket, naked in the darkness. Her skin was aflame with desire and prickled when she covered her breast with a hand. 

Tingles raced through her when her palm scraped against that tender bud. Moving it slowly in circles, that tingle became an itch in the molten pool of her femininity. She breathed deeply as a wonderful pressure built in her belly. This is it, she excitedly thought. This is it, the bliss Hypatia spoke of.

It was an epiphany for the girl, and without a bit of shame, she stirred her moist little pool until the sensations led her finger over the tiny button at the top of her slit. A flush of pleasure coursed through her like lightning, and a low gasp issued from her pursed lips as she stroked that spot with increasing need. 

She bucked and rolled her hips as the pressure increased. Sucking in her breath, she delved as deeply into her virginity as she dared until her fingers were coated to the knuckle with the oil of Aphrodite. Gasping as her touch grew firmer, she bit her lip, longing to enjoy the bliss she craved. She was close now, as close as she was with Tychos the night before. Sensing again the paradise lying just beyond her reach, her stomach fluttered and her thighs tensed. Then, with an almost blinding flash of color before her eyes, she was enveloped in a wave of ecstasy unlike anything she’d ever dreamed possible.

Her body writhed and rippled, quivering in waves of pleasure she believed could only be the actual caress of the Goddess herself. Giddy with exhaustion, Theia purred like a kitten while the pleasure faded into a gentle warmth. Satisfied and content, she snuggled back under her blanket. Drifting off to sleep, she dreamed of her Trials and longed for the touch of the priest named Laertes. 


On the second morning, Theia sat quietly through her meal. Hypatia continued her bragging prattle, but after feeling the caress of Aphrodite the night before, she had no ear for the inane boasts of an arrogant little rich girl who obviously knew nothing of the true nature of what the Goddess had to offer. Her mind was on Laertes, and her stomach ached with desire as she awaited the evening hours. 

Later, sitting under the great olive tree in the inner courtyard, a handmaiden came and knelt reverently at her feet. 

This was one of the two with whom Laertes had entrusted her. Theia clasped the girl’s hand in her own. “Speak to me as you would any other girl, Aspasia. I may be Chosen, but still I am nothing more than a peasant girl, a daughter of a poor smith.”

Aspasia’s eyes rose and a warm blush filled her cheeks. “Forgive me, Theia. It is only that many among us feel you are special. Even the High Priest has said so. They see in you more than they do in the others. More than any who has been Chosen in many years.” 

Theia was shaken by the girl’s statement and had no idea how to respond. She’d been there only a single day, and with such a beauty as Hypatia Chosen before her, she could not believe Aspasia’s words were true. 

“I am sorry,” the girl quickly added in a worried tone. “I should not say such things. It isn’t my place. Please, follow me. It is time.”

Theia was still reeling from Aspasia’s declaration — and confused by her sudden switch. “Why must I follow? Where are we going?”

With but a touch of her hand, she guided the Chosen to her feet. “Why, I am to lead you to the chamber of Laertes. Your first Trial is to begin at dusk.” 


The Temple of Aphrodite was a vast complex, much larger than any place Theia ever dreamed possible. The walk to Laertes’ chamber seemed to take an eternity. Aspasia, keeping an even pace, led her through a maze of dim, lamp-lit corridors that were occasionally separated by open archways to various and beautiful courtyards. The moon was rising by then, and its pale luminescence washed over the lush gardens and marble statues, filling the young girl with a wonder that any place could be so enchanting. 

It was overwhelming, and Theia couldn’t have wished for a more magical moment to lose her last hold on childhood’s innocence. 

Yet, more than the majesty of the Temple, the knowledge that she would finally lay with a man — lay with Laertes! — and lose her so-carefully kept virginity, had her dizzy with anticipation. Aspasia, of course, sensed her excitement and they shared many giggles along the walk before arriving at a lone, heavy oaken door inset in the stone at the end of a passage. 

As Theia stood before that door, her stomach churned with thoughts of what lay on the other side. Surely, she would feel great pleasure in Laertes bed. The thought of losing her virginity with him made her heart sing with joy, yet there was a worry niggling in a corner of her mind.

The nagging memory of Laertes last words, spoken to her before entering the Temple, You may yet wish I’d Chosen another, refused to fade. Afterward, even the first Chosen, Hypatia cast a foreboding chill on these Trials. Should she be afraid? Was there a darker side to the pleasures she’d come so close to tasting? 

Shaking her head, she refused to believe it possible. When Aspasia lifted the brass knocker, ready to signal their arrival, she concentrated only on the touch she’d felt before. That divine caress had to be the ultimate truth. She’d felt that truth by her own hand in her cell, and could only believe the touch of Laertes must be far more glorious than her own. She’d come too far for the Goddess to deny her now. 

The hollow knocks echoed down the corridor, clashing with the peaceful harmony of the Temple grounds. Each time Aspasia brought the knocker down, the reverberation seemed to sink into Theia’s core, causing her nerves to flare until her belly was twisting in knots. She actually jumped at the sound of a bolt sliding in the door. 

Then, Laertes appeared. In his white robes, he seemed clean and pure to the girl in a way she couldn’t quite explain. A hot flush flowed through Theia, leaving her heart pounding while her sex filled with moist heat. 

His smile was bright and peaceful as he nodded to Aspasia. “Thank you for bringing her. You may retire for the evening. Theia will be staying with me for the night.”

Theia never noticed the other girl’s knowing smirk. As the handmaiden retreated down the corridor, the rush of blood in Theia’s ears drowned out the soft tap of her footfalls echoing away.

Laertes smile blossomed as his attention shifted to Theia. “Please, don’t be nervous, little one. The Trials are just beginning, and you have no reason to fear failing. I have no doubt you will fondly remember this night for the rest of your life.”

Butterflies swarmed in her belly and her throat was so tight she could barely reply, forcing out a short, “I hope so,” before being led through the door. 

Once inside, her nerves were swept aside by astonished wonder at what she beheld. Rather than the simple room she expected, she found herself in an enclosed atrium, lined with beautiful gardens. Sculptured fountains flowed with water from where she could never hope to guess. In the middle, a stunning mosaic of couples in erotic acts created a wondrous image that made the girl blush with delight. At the very center of it all was a large, four poster bed, shrouded in gossamer veils. 

“This is yours? I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.”

Coming up behind her, he slipped his arms around her waist, holding her softly to his chest. “Mine? Oh, no. This garden is for special rites. Priestesses often use it to entertain our more wealthy supplicants. I thought it perfect for your first Trial. Besides, your first time should be in a place worthy of your virginity.”

Theia blushed even more brightly, dipping her head as if she were trying to hide her grin. “This is like a dream, Laertes. You are amazing. I will give sacrifice to Aphrodite in thanks.”

“You should do that, Theia. But know that I do this for you, not for some ancient, marble statue. I want this night to be special for you so that you can truly experience the pleasure of sex without any reason to fear or doubt.” 

“You call the Goddess nothing but a statue?” Theia began, rebelling at the thought, but Laertes’ touch silenced her objections.

Grinding his body into hers, he warmed her arms by sliding his hands over them until they rested on hers. Drawing them to her breasts, he nuzzled her neck, whispering in her ear. “Shush, little dove. You must put such thoughts out of your mind. Your desire to please the Goddess will only distract you from pleasing me, and it is I alone who can grant you her promise of ecstasy.”

“But, I don’t understand. We are meant to serve…”

“Do not be distracted by the tales told to sheep,” he whispered, his lips brushing her neck. “We are above those myths. Stay with me, in this moment we share. Think only of us, of my lips on your skin and my body next to yours. For this is the truth path to pleasure.”

Theia was confused. Hearing this wonderful man, a very Priest of the Goddess of love telling her that she was but a marble statue, brought doubt to everything she knew. But, within his words was a hypnotic power, like a music she longed to dance to. Soon, those thoughts and doubts were all swept away, replaced by the sound of his voice and the very real scent of a man. 

“Surrender to me, Theia. Let go of everything outside of this place.” 

Led as much by his assurances as she was by his hand, Theia was drawn to the bed at the center of the courtyard. The sun had fallen and Corinth’s Mediterranean warmth was giving way to the pleasant cooler evening air. Now, the heat from burning braziers took the place of the day, adding their heat to that which was already smoldering within her untouched virginity. 

He held her there for a time, his arms wrapped protectively around her waist as his lips brushed the nape of her neck. Sensations of warmth and subtle wetness flickered over her skin, creating a fire of lust in her heart. This is it, her mind screamed, her pulse quickening with excitement. This is the moment promised me by Aphrodite.

Emboldened by her faith, Theia turned in Laertes’ arms, kissing him with the passion of a girl who had long waited to become a woman. Gently at first, and then with growing need, she savored his taste, parting her lips until his tongue boldly swept against hers. 

She felt a need for him, an urge to somehow have him closer, to have him inside her, and then she remembered Tychos. There was no shame in the memory of the slaver’s use of her. No regret or remorse. In her mind, she was meant to please men with her body and, in turn, to draw pleasure from them. It was as natural as breathing. So it was with only a playful smile that she sank to her knees before Laertes. 

Laertes felt his belly clench as Theia grasped his cock through his robes. As an acolyte priest, he had his choice of the handmaidens of the Temple, but those Chosen few, the Priestesses of Aphrodite, were beyond his meager position. That he had been allowed to make a Choice, and judge the Chosen through her Trials, was a great honor. What he was less willing to admit was that he longed for the chance to lead such a nymph through her sexual awakening. Not only would a successful Trial enhance his position in that Temple, it would be a sexual adventure he would long remember. 

Now, this beautiful girl, barely past her sixteenth year, was eagerly stroking him through the pristine linen of his robes. Standing motionless, he held his breath as she untied his sash and slipped her delicate hand inside the gaping cloth. 

“Aye, girl, keep your touch firm and bold. Yes, that’s it. Just like that. Can you feel how hard I am? That is the measure of a man’s arousal. To pleasure a man, to please me, attend to my cock like it were a sacred thing. Worship it, urge it to bring forth the seed of life.”

Theia listened carefully to his words, but also to how her touch caused him to breathe. Simply running the pads of her fingers along his length had him sucking in his breath. A low hiss issued from him as she tightened her grip, finally testing his girth. 

His cock was hard, thick and hot, and Theia marveled at how it felt in her hand. Remembering the strong tang of the slaver’s cock, she hesitated a moment, only lightly brushing her lips over his quickly-darkening head. Tentatively, she slipped her tongue between her lips, swirling over the soft flesh of his foreskin and she was pleasantly surprised by how differently Laertes tasted. 

Instead of the heady, if not altogether unpleasant taste of a base man like Tychos, Laertes’ member had little flavor at all. His scent was fresh and intoxicating, unlike anything she’d sensed before. Her excitement grew as she settled at his feet and drew that magnificent organ into her mouth. 

Worship it, Laertes had commanded. Tongue swirling over his crown, she understood. The phallus was not simply a part of a man. It and his scrotum were the very center of his being. She knew then that to please Laertes, to please any man, she would need to master this amazing part of him. Eager to begin, she cupped his balls and drew back along his length, sucking and lathering him with her tongue until its head slipped out of her moist lips. 

Gazing up at Laertes, she reveled in the knowledge she had passed the first test. When he smiled and caressed her cheek, Theia lowered her head, sucking him again. This time, she paused not at all. 

His cock seemed to expand, becoming thicker and harder, as she sucked in earnest. Her mouth was small and he filled her with barely enough room for her tongue to swirl over his ridged length. Bobbing along his shaft, she drew her warm lips along it, making him slick with saliva. 

Laertes rocked on his feet, his hands lightly on Theia’s shoulders, guiding the pace of her mouth sliding up and back along his shaft. Welcoming his mastery, she submitted to him, allowing him to press further into her mouth until his tip was pushing dangerously close to her throat. Wetness pooled around him, dripping from her lips and running in thick strands until it dampened the white linen of her shift. 

“That’s it, girl,” he gasped. “Suck on me like you are starving for it. Be joyful and eager to please me. That is the pathway to pleasure.”

Theia sensed the strain in his voice, as if he were being wound like a wet piece of cloth. She felt the muscles and sinews in his legs tightening, and she loved the way they felt under her hands. Running her palms up his thighs, she cupped his ass, drawing his cock into her throat. 

Squeezing his cheeks inflamed his desire, and spurred on by her touch, he thrust harder, forcing his cock deeper until she feared she would choke. Theia was about to pull back when he held her head, keeping his thick cock buried at the brink. 

“By the Gods, you suck cock like an Athenian whore,” he grunted, his fingers entwined in her hair. “It’s unbelievable you’ve never done this before, but you still have more to learn. Now, swallow hard, and surrender yourself to me. I have more to give and you must learn to take it all.”

There was a hard, gravelly rasp to his voice now and she feared she’d given herself away. Tychos may have left her a virgin, but Theia had no idea if his use of her mouth made her impure in the eyes of the Goddess. If so, she’d failed her Trial before she was Chosen.

She couldn’t know if Laertes suspected she’d previously been on her knees, but he clearly had no desire to let her go. Tensing his legs, he pumped his cock hard, sawing it in and out of her mouth, dominating her in a way that belied his earlier, gentle nature. 

Theia instinctively knew he was succumbing to his masculine, animalistic lust. Amazingly, this more brutal side of him set her arousal on fire. She loved how lost he was in her and her pussy flushed hot with new moisture. Her nipples grew hard and so sensitive that even the gentle scrape of her shift made them ache. 

Concentrating on his thick head, Theia swallowed hard, giving in and allowing him to pull her head closer to him. Her urge to gag increased and then, incredibly, he passed through, sinking deeply into her throat until every inch of his cock was buried in her. 

Laertes grunted, thrusting as if still determined to find the bottom of her throat. Unable to breathe, Theia held him tightly, pulling herself onto his cock, unwilling to let him escape.

Squeezing him with her tongue, she sucked for all her worth until he groaned. His body rippled and flexed. She loved it all and delighted in how hard his body felt within her hands. She held him tightly until he pushed her back, just far enough that his turgid head rested on her tongue. With a grunt, his teeth clenched, he flooded her mouth with a hot load of cum.

Feeling the sticky mess filling her mouth, Theia’s senses bathed in the intense flavor. With him lodged between her lips, she had no choice but to swallow, only for another hot spurt to fill her mouth again. It was more than she could take and she pulled back just as a third blast shot onto her face. 

Hot cum dripped down, staining her shift and causing it to stick to her breasts. Dully, she sensed her nipples being coated and protruding within the fabric in a illicit display of wanton lust. 

Theia sat back on her haunches, holding her hands out, trying to grasp what had just happened. The scent of cum filled the air, and it felt as if it was dripping all over her dress. Laertes stood only feet away, slowly fisting his wilting erection. 

Unsure of what to expect, she waited as he went to a fountain and dipped a cloth into the water. His sudden aggressiveness had frightened her, but not in a way that made her want to run. Even with her face covered in his sticky load, Theia only wanted more. Remaining on her knees, she waited silently for Laertes to return. 

She may not have spoken, but her gaze never wavered from him as he returned and knelt in front of her. 

“That was wonderful, little one. You did well, but tell me honestly,“ he asked, carefully wiping the cum from her face, “this was not what you were expecting, was it?”

Theia paused while he finished, greatly enjoying his ministrations. Only when he drew the damp cloth away did she answer. “No. Not at all, really. You caught me by surprise, Laertes. I did not expect you to be so forceful.” 

Laertes nodded. “And did you find it to be unpleasant?”

After such an overwhelming experience, concerns about failing her Trial were far from her mind. The gentle man she knew Laertes to be had returned, and her answer was natural and honest. “Yes, I did. You had me really scared, but even when I couldn’t breathe, I still wanted you.”

Laertes nodded. “That is why you were meant to serve the Temple. You have told me the truth, and I thank you for that, but I need one more bit of honesty from you. I am not the first man you have pleased in this way. You have done this before?”

Though there was still kindness in his eyes, Theia’s heart paused in horror at that question. Everything she’d sacrificed would be for nothing if she were found to be soiled by Tychos. She had no idea what would happen then. Would she be cast out and returned to the slaver? She would then spend her life in horrid conditions as a whore in a common brothel. It was so unfair. She had been a slave and had no choice. She desperately wanted to lie, but one look into Laertes’ eyes made her realize he already knew the truth. 

Eyes downcast, Theia simply nodded. 

Laertes cupped her cheek in the warmth of his palm. “I thought so. You were far too skilled, too confident for this to be your first time. That’s why I was so rough. I had to know how far your lie extended.”

Tears filled her eyes and she pleaded for mercy when her gaze rose to meet his. “Please, don’t cast me out. It was only one time and I had no choice. I am still a virgin, Laertes. By the Gods, I swear he left me untouched.”

Theia was in tears, and great sobs were swelling in her breast when Laertes kissed her forehead. “Don’t cry, little one. You were meant to be here. Perhaps Aphrodite did choose you herself. I do not know your fate, but I promise you this: I will not fail you in your Trials. Your fate is in your hands alone.”

Theia couldn’t believe what he was saying and her face lit up. “Really? Do you mean it? You won’t have me cast out?”

“No, have no fear of that. We would never cast you out. Even if you choose not to be a Priestess, you would be allowed you stay as a handmaiden. So it was for your friend, Aspasia. She was once a Chosen, but her Trials proved she was not suited for the duties of the Order.”

“That’s horrible. She must have been devastated.”

Laertes laughed. “Not at all. There is no dishonor in failing. She is loved here and quite happy.

Theia’s heart swelled with happiness and she threw her arms around Laertes, kissing his face with gratitude. Laertes held her close, hugging her tightly until she backed away. 

“I’m sorry. It’s just I’m such a mess. I’ve got your seed all over me.”

Gazing into each other’s eyes, they suddenly burst out laughing at the absurdity of it all. 

“Look at all this cum. I never expected there would be so much. My shift is ruined. I suppose I should change,” Theia mused. 

Standing, Laertes offered his hand to Theia. “I’ve got a better idea. Just take it off and join me in bed.”

The golden smile she remembered so well reappeared, and Theia joyfully returned it as she put her hand in his. Lifting her arms, she allowed him to remover her shift, granting him the sight of her youthful beauty. 

Laying her on the bed, he slowly let his robe fall from his shoulders. He was several inches taller than she, but they shared a rich olive tone and dark penetrating eyes. His bald head, shaved clean as a Priest, contrasted with her thick, raven locks. Each was attractive in their own way and felt that attraction for the other. As he lay behind her, she snuggled up, spooning into him, happy to have the chance to feel his body against hers. 

“Ive been dreaming of this moment for so long,” she whispered as his fingers played over her hip. “I worried that my virginity might be taken before I was ready. Tychos came so close to claiming me I almost despaired, but he spared me for you. What I am saying, Laertes is that I am ready now, and I want it to be you.” 

Kissing her shoulder, he slipped an arm around her, resting his palm on her breast. “I am honored, little dove. I promise to be gentle.” Guiding her close, he kissed her softly until her lips grew hungry for his. 

Once lit, the fire of Theia’s passion grew wild. In that bed, with bronze braziers burning at each corner, she committed to sharing with him the waning moments of her virginity.

Accepting her submission as the gift she meant it to be, he eased her onto her back, kissing downward and sucking on her throat, savoring her feminine flavor until she was writhing in anticipation. 

Theia was besides herself with joy as she held him against her breasts. As her gaze drifted to the open sky above, she was sure the Goddess was smiling upon her. Stars filled the night, and the evening air caressed her body as wonderfully as her lover’s touch. She drifted her fingers down his back while he kissed and nibbled on her body. She’d never felt anything so wonderful, so incredibly intimate. 

While Tychos had pawed at her, treating her like a piece of meat, Laertes strummed her skin as he might a golden lyre. The sensations reverberated through her, and her flesh hummed to his sensual tune. 

The weight of his body on hers made her blood run hot. She sensed his strength, held in check by nothing more than his care for her. His kisses made her squirm and her sex was steamy with need. Her heart raced when his kisses descended to the curve of her breasts. Anticipation clawed at her belly. She was well aware of how tender her nipples were, and the thought she would soon feel his magical kiss on the very nexus of those sensations, made her gasp before his lips even closed upon them. 

She grasped his head. Pulling him to her tit, she bit her lip and gave a low, guttural groan as he took a nipple into his mouth. Powerful feelings rocked her. She was wound tighter and more aroused than she’d ever been. She needed to touch him, to feel him so intimately that he would become a part of her. She skimmed a hand down his back and over his hip until it brushed the reawakened head of his cock. Gripping it tightly, she stroked him hard, urging on his passion just as he was devouring her breasts. 

Lost in the moment, she initially failed to notice his fingers gliding over her, teasing their way down her abdomen, until they played through the fur above her clit. His touch then was as wonderful as it was unexpected, and her hips rolled involuntarily at the electric tingle throbbing from her sex. 

Laertes rose, smothering her mouth and flicking his tongue against hers, delving his fingers into her soaking quim. Astonished at the intensity of his touch, Theia gasped into his mouth. Filled with need, she drew him over her, clawing at his back until he slipped into the saddle of her thighs.

Theia knew her moment had come. She was primed and so ready to be taken that her only fear was that the moment would pass before he forced himself inside her. 

“Now, Laertes, give me your cock now.”

She might have begged, but her pleas were cut short as he shifted over her. His lust was like a storm, and grasping his cock, he snarled his need as he angled at her moist center. Theia felt an anxious rush as he gathered his strength. He was coiled over her, ready to strike, and she rose to meet him when he lanced clean through her virginity. 

There was pain, a sudden tearing that seared into her mind. But, as quickly as it came, it eased into a warm ache. That, too, melted away, replaced by the satisfaction of his cock plunging deeply into her channel. Wrapping her legs behind his thighs, she held onto his back, drawing him in and squeezing him as tightly as she could. 

“Unh, God’s blood, that’s so good,” she gasped. 

Laertes’ face was twisted with lust, and he kissed her hard as he drew back to the very end of his cock. With his mouth sucking away her breath, he plunged in again, spearing her so hard that her body rocked when he slammed against her. 

With a hand on her throat and the other pinning a wrist to the bed, Laertes rose high and drove himself deep into her womb. Having her pinned, he began fucking her unmercifully. He felt so thick and hard that she feared her pussy would never be the same, yet she longed for more. 

For too long they had teased each other and now the fire they’d lit was consuming them in its rage. Theia could only hang on as his cock pounded her sex. All too soon, she felt a glorious pressure building in her belly. Grasping his ass, she gained a measure of control, setting his pace so that pressure bloomed into something wholly more powerful. Finding her rhythm, Laertes took her hard until finally driving in to his balls, filling her completely. 

Theia felt his muscles ripple and his grip on her became so tight she could barely breathe. His head fell back, and his eyes became slits as his orgasm flooded her sex with a thick load of hot cum. It was an an amazing moment and, with his throbbing cock impaling her, a wave of pure pleasure crested within her. Then, at the moment she feared he’d come too soon, her entire body convulsed as her orgasm exploded over her. 

Together, they rested, Laertes keeping his member inside, easing in and out while it slowly waned. He had seeded her well, she knew, and idly, she wondered how the Temple would deal with her should she be bred. A child certainly wasn’t part of her plan, but having men cum inside her often would certainly lead to that. 

Still, that was a thought for another time. Laertes slid behind her and she gladly accepted his spoon, smiling happily in his arms. 

Theia was happy and content, but the ache in her body reminded her that, once again, Laertes had allowed his lust to drive him harder than she expected. Tenderly, she kissed his hand. 

“Laertes, I thought you were going to be gentle with me.” It was a serious statement but, in truth, she adored his passion and couldn’t suppress a giggle. 

Laughing in return, he squeezed her breasts, pinching her nipple as if to make a point. “That’s the thing about good sex, Theia. When you do it right, it rarely stays gentle.”

“So, are you saying I passed the Trial?” she asked, turning her head toward him. 

“You passed this one, yes, But don’t get too carried away. We’ve only begun, and you have much to learn.”


Author’s note.

I wish to thank JWren for his excellent editing work. There are many who can correct errors. It is far more rare to find someone who can bring a work to life without changing the writers vision, or scrificing his style. 







Published 7 years ago

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