It was getting dark outside when Andy finally called off his extended practice. The rest of the football team had already left the field more than an hour earlier, the coaches included. One of the ball boys was kind enough to stick around and snag footballs for him, but even he needed to be on his way home.
Andy was still nervous about the upcoming game, which was only a day away. The team’s kicker had severely sprained his ankle just a day prior, which left Andy as the emergency replacement.
He had competed for the kicking position during training camp, but the coach went with the younger player with more upside. Andy was a senior and had other roles on the team anyway, so he didn’t mind losing out too much.
However, he had become completely afraid of embarrassing himself during the game. It was unlikely that the coach would ask him to kick any field goals, but he would have to do all the punting, kickoffs, and possibly kick an extra point or two.
Since he did not win the kicking competition in camp, Andy had not practiced at all since that time. Thoughts of a potential kick not even getting off of the ground or a punt glancing off the side of his foot and going sideways or even backward filled his head. He decided that he could do nothing more on that night to prepare for the game.
Andy headed to the locker room. Everybody else had left some time ago, so he was well and truly by himself. He pulled out his gym bag, placed it on the bench, and retrieved his towel. Then he quickly stripped down, placing his dirty, workout clothes into the bag and his clean clothes onto the bench.
With a towel in hand, he headed to the showers. He placed the towel on a hook and headed inside. To Andy’s dismay, the water had gone cold so it would be several minutes until hot water arrived from the boiler room. He decided to turn several showerheads on to expedite the process.
He waited impatiently on the other side of the shower room until he could feel that the splattering water was getting warmer. It was already the longest shower that he had ever taken at the facility. He tried to have a nice, relaxing shower, but that didn’t seem to be working very well. At times, he thought that he heard somebody in the locker room. He convinced himself that it was just his imagination, though. He was slightly creeped out by being alone in the locker room, so he assumed that it was just his imagination getting the better of him.
Andy wrapped up his shower but as he walked over to grab his towel, he found that it had disappeared.
“Alright, whoever took my fucking towel, bring it back!” he shouted.
There was no response.
“Seriously guys, I am not in the mood for games today!” he followed.
Andy could hear giggling coming from the locker room. It sounded high-pitched. He wondered if some underclassmen had entered the high school locker room for some reason.
He headed out into the locker room to find seven members of the cheerleading squad standing next to his locker in full uniform. It seemed to be all of the junior and senior cheerleaders. The captain, Traci, was holding Andy’s towel and waving it back and forth.
Surprised, Andy jumped suddenly and then quickly cupped his privates, attempting to cover himself to some degree. The girls had already got a brief look at Andy, and they giggled and whispered at one another.
“Get out of here girls, this isn’t funny!” he shouted.
Andy started to turn his back toward the girls, but that seemed like he would just be exposing himself further. He decided that his current strategy of just facing them and covering up was probably the best option. He considered grabbing his gym bag, but that too was missing. He assumed that they tossed it inside his locker as it was nowhere to be found.
“If you want your towel back, you are going to have to come here and get it,” Traci taunted.
“Just put my towel down and leave, will you? If somebody sees us, we are all going to get suspended,” Andy pleaded.
Traci responded, “Now that doesn’t sound like much fun at all. We would all rather that you come over here so we can get a closer look. Wouldn’t we girls?”
The girls all chuckled and nodded affirmatively. Andy cautiously approached them but as he got close to Traci, all of the girls crowded together in front of her.
“Why are you so shy, Andy?” Traci asked. “Is there something that you are ashamed of?”
“No, it’s just…this is weird. Why do you all want to see it anyway?” Andy responded.
Traci laughed, “We don’t just want to see it. We want a show…if you have the balls to give us one.”
Andy considered trying to wrestle the towel away from Traci and the girls. Although that may have sounded like every young man’s wildest fantasy come true, Andy couldn’t imagine that it would end well for any of them.
Andy relented and placed his hands to his sides. His cock was semi-erect and stuck somewhat outward. The girls pointed and giggled. He could hear them whispering to each other, many of them comparing his cock to that of their boyfriend.
“You seem to be a little bit excited, Andy. Girls, can you give Andy a bit of inspo to get his friend all of the way up?” Traci chirped.
The six cheerleaders obediently lifted all of their skirts up, exposing their cheer panties. Andy suddenly couldn’t believe his luck. He took a moment to inspect all of the girls and quickly found the “inspo” that Traci was referring to.
“That’s better, Andy. Now, you need to pick which of my girls you like the best and point them out, so to speak.”
Andy took his time looking at each of the girls carefully. They were all quite attractive. He only wished that they weren’t all wearing those thick, unrevealing panties.
He had always thought that the panties on a cheerleader outfit were sewn into the skirt, much like a swimsuit liner. After further inspection, it seemed obvious that they were separate garments. While they had a bit of a “V” shape, they seemed to be very high-waisted.
Even though he pretended to be making up his mind, he knew exactly which of the girls he would choose.
Becca was another of the senior cheerleaders and she was easily Andy’s first choice. She had a long mane of flowing red hair as well as the usual pale skin and copious amounts of freckles. She was fairly tall and slender much like the other girls. But she had one asset that easily trumped all of the other cheerleaders, she had the biggest, fullest, bounciest, breasts on the cheer team.
Andy walked up to Becca with his hand slowly stroking his cock. He pointed it at her and smiled. She looked away briefly, before giving Andy a quick “high and low” scan.
Becca seemed surprised that Andy had chosen her. Andy continued to stand in front of her, stroking his cock slowly. He inched his way close enough that the head of his cock would sometimes rub against the fabric of Becca’s panties. Each time that his cock brushed against her panties it felt like a bolt of electricity shooting through his body. He thought that she would protest and put an end to it, but she didn’t.
Traci announced, “Sorry, girls, I think that Andy had made his choice.”
The other girls lowered their skirts obediently.
“Andy, I think that you should show Becca how much you like her,” Traci challenged.
Becca looked slightly nervous as Andy started to stroke his cock faster. He lifted his left hand to Becca’s face to force her to make eye contact with him. When she finally looked at him, the strangest thing possible occurred.
Suddenly, despite the fact that they were having such a public, unnatural encounter, it seemed like they were having a moment alone. Becca looked Andy over once again and gave him an approving smile.
Instantly, Andy started to stroke his cock even faster and more aggressively. Becca, noticing that Andy was constantly staring at her breasts, lifted her shirt up and exposed them to his eager eyes.
Andy started pumping away furiously for a while, before groaning, “Oh, I would fuck you so good, Becca!”
Andy reached his left hand toward Becca’s exposed breasts. He barely managed a gentle, cupping squeeze of the underside of her right breast before he lost control. He quickly turned to the side and his body jolted as several sprays of cum rocketed up and then down. It splattered on the tile floor as many of the girls covered their mouths and giggled. Andy stared back at Becca who had an approving smile on her face. She quickly put her uniform back in place and Traci handed Andy his towel.
Traci told the girls that it was time for them to leave and they all started to head out. One of the girls whispered to Andy that he should ask Becca to the homecoming dance. He also overheard Traci asking Becca if she was having a “moment” back there.
Within seconds, they were all gone, and it was over. Andy was in shock. He couldn’t believe what had just happened, and he was even more disappointed that it was over.
He found that his gym bag had been hastily tossed into his locker. Andy was almost completely dry at that point, but he toweled off his hair quickly before mopping his cum up from the floor with the towel. He got dressed and exited the locker room. Then he looked around for the cheerleaders, particularly Becca, but they were nowhere to be found.