Lauren’s Lesson of Love

"Accepting punishment in a long-term lesbian relationship."

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Lauren opened the door to their house and stepped inside. Putting her bag on the floor and keys on the front table she spied a note on the table. Opening it up, she found a message that would change the course of her evening and possibly the rest of her life. The note read:

Dear Lauren,

I have noticed that you’ve been remiss in your chores around the house. I think we need to discuss this matter, so I want you to come to our bedroom immediately.



Reading the note Lauren’s stomach jumped. She knew she had failed to hold up her end of the bargain around the house. She felt really guilty for upsetting her wife, and with trepidation, she began walking up the stairs. As she ascended the staircase, her nerves got the better of her, and she paused for two minutes before continuing to their bedroom.

When she opened the door, she found her wife sitting on their bed working away on her laptop. Tracy looked up and said to Lauren, “Come over here and sit down so we can talk.” Lauren made her way to their bed and sat down with a sense of unease. Tracy put her laptop aside and took Lauren’s hands. Lauren tried to speak but couldn’t figure out what to say.

Tracy noticed Lauren’s hesitation and started to speak. “So I see you read my letter. What do you have to say for yourself?”

Lauren responded, “I am so sorry for slacking off, and I will never do that again. I love you so much Tracy, and I never want to disappoint you. Please forgive me.”

Tracy answered, “I can see you feel bad for making me do all the work around here lately, and I really want to believe that you will do better in the future but I think I need to have a tangible way of knowing that you will be a better wife. I love you too much to let you go off the rails anymore.”

Lauren’s mind was racing. She took in Tracy’s words and tried to think of a way to show her wife that she meant business. Before she could say anything, Tracy chimed in with, “So what can you do to make me see that you are serious?”

Lauren paused for a minute and said, “Well I’m not sure what you want me to do. Maybe I should do all the chores for the next two months.”

Tracy squeezed Lauren’s hands and said, “That sounds like a good idea but can you really follow through with this promise? Maybe we need  something more immediate.”

With that comment, Lauren responded, “What do you mean something more immediate?”

Tracy pulled Lauren closer,  gazed into her piercing blue eyes and said, “Well I think you need a good hard spanking.”

Lauren pulled her hands away, scooted away from Tracy and with an incredulous look said, “Can’t we think of something else?”

In a calm, clear voice Tracy said, “I don’t think so baby. I need to know that you are serious about our relationship and I can’t trust you right now. The only way I can be sure that you will follow through with your promises is if you experience some pain.”

Lauren took in what Tracy was saying and asked her if she could give it some thought while she got dinner ready. Tracy agreed, so Lauren gave her a kiss and left their room. Tracy went back to her laptop with a little grin knowing that Lauren would eventually give in.

Heading downstairs to the kitchen, Lauren started to feel dizzy thinking about what this would mean for their relationship. She wanted to please Tracy so badly and felt terrible for slacking off around the house. While she was mulling over Tracy’s proposal, she couldn’t get the image of being spanked by Tracy out of her head. She also remembered her childhood spankings from her mother. She was well aware of how much they hurt, but then she remembered how good she felt after her spankings. Like all the problems of the world were erased. Maybe that’s what she needed again. She knew that Tracy only wanted what was best for her and that she loved her deeply.

While she was thinking she made a salad, got out the dishes, put the leftovers out to heat up and put some wine on the table. What surprised her the most was the fact that it didn’t take her long to decide that Tracy should spank her. Taking the initiative, she gathered one of the wooden spoons and put it on the table. She also rummaged around and found a yardstick and an old belt that was hanging in the hall closet. Setting these items on the table next to the spoon she yelled up to Tracy that dinner was ready.

Tracy set her laptop aside and headed downstairs. When Tracy arrived in the kitchen her eyes fixated on the table. She smiled and said, “So honey I see you’ve made your decision.”

Lauren responded “Yeah I feel awful for letting you down. I have been lazy and dismissive lately, and I should have to pay the price.”

Tracy sat down at the table and motioned for Lauren to join her. Goosebumps coursed through Lauren’s body as she walked over to Tracy. Tracy pulled Lauren into her lap instead and with a quizzical look said to Tracy, “You’re not going to spank me?”

Tracy just hugged Lauren and responded, “I wanted to talk with you first, and we still need to eat. You need your strength.” Lauren nodded and then Tracy continued, “So Lauren you know I’m only doing this because I love you more than anything in the world. I just want to make it clear that I am not mad at you. Here is what we are going to do. We are going to eat dinner and then you are going to clean up the kitchen. While you are cleaning up, I am going to head up to our room to finish what I was working on. When you are ready, I want you to bring the spoon, yardstick, and belt upstairs to our room. As you enter the room, you will submit to my every command for the rest of the evening. Is that clear?”

Lauren whispered yes, and Tracy made her repeat her answer. When Tracy was satisfied she lifted Lauren off her lap so they could eat. As Lauren was getting the food to the table, Tracy opened up the bottle of wine and poured a glass for each of them. They ate and drank and talked like they always did. They laughed more than they had in quite awhile enjoying each other’s stories.

When they were done eating Tracy got up and kissed Lauren saying “I’m going upstairs, honey. I will be waiting for you when you are done here.”

Lauren nodded and smiled while Tracy turned and left the room. Lauren feverishly cleaned the kitchen until it was spotless. It took her just about an hour to clean every surface and wash the floor. As she got ready to leave the room, she turned on the dishwasher and prepared the coffee maker for the morning.

Warm, fearful and excited sensations rushed over her body as she made her way upstairs with the yardstick, spoon, and belt. Her mind flashed back to her childhood spankings again as she opened the door to their bedroom. Tracy was working away, and when she saw Lauren in the doorway, she ordered her to stop. Tracy saved her work and closed her laptop. After she moved her laptop to the TV stand, she took the objects from Lauren’s hands. Placing the punishment tools on the bed, Tracy began to undress down to her tank top and underwear. It was so hard for Lauren to stand there watching her gorgeous wife get half-naked right in front of her eyes.

Tracy sat down on the bed again and said: “Lauren I want you to come over here and stand in front of me.”

With butterflies jumping around in her stomach, Lauren walked over to the bed and faced her wife. Tracy said, “I am very disappointed in you for not living up to your end of the bargain around here, so I am going to give you a long, painful spanking to remind you of your promises. Do you understand me?” Lauren nodded, and Tracy continued, “I will not tolerate any begging, kicking or fake tears and if you do any one of these things the spanking will be twice as long, so I want you to be good and take your punishment.”

As Tracy was finishing her speech, she began undressing her wife. First, she removed Lauren’s pants and then her shirt, unbuttoning each button slowly to increase Lauren’s anticipation. When Lauren’s pants and shirt were removed Tracy moved to Lauren’s bra, unhooking the latches in the back to release Lauren’s ample breasts. Lauren felt a wave of embarrassment rush over her even though they had been naked around each other for years. Draping Lauren over her lap, Tracy began to spank her panty clad bottom to warm her flesh. As Lauren felt the first strike, she bucked a little but kept her place. Tracy continued to spank Lauren, and with each strike, Lauren cried out a little.

When Tracy got to twenty smacks she paused to catch her breath and then she said: “Honey, I want you to lift up your bottom a little so I can get these panties off of you.”

Lauren raised her bottom and Tracy hooked her fingers into the waist of her wife’s panties. Peeling them off, Tracy observed Lauren’s reddened bottom as she moved Tracy’s panties down her legs. Dropping them to the floor, she resumed her spanks taking special care to smack Lauren’s thighs and the crease between her legs and bottom. Lauren wanted so badly to protect her bottom, but she took the bold step of tucking her hands under her wife’s legs so Tracy could pin them down. Tracy smiled and continued to rain down spank after spank until Lauren was bright red. By this time, Lauren had received fifty smacks, but this was just the beginning of her punishment.

Tracy stopped and said, “I’m going to use every object on you that you brought up here and I will not be telling you how many smacks you will receive.”

Lauren nodded as Tracy picked up the spoon. Raising the spoon high above her head she brought it down over and over, but it was too much for Lauren to handle as she reached back to try and cover her bottom. Tracy grabbed Lauren’s wrists and smacked her palms with the spoon. Lauren yelped and tried to pull away, but Tracy’s grasp was too tight.

“Turn your head around and look at me, Lauren.”

Lauren turned her head upwards and looked at Tracy’s disappointed face. She was so ashamed, but the pain was more than she could handle.

Tracy said, “When I release your hands I want you to give me your underwear.”

Tracy let go of Lauren’s wrists and Lauren, with tears in her eyes, reached over and grabbed her underwear and handed it back to her wife. Tracy lifted Lauren up from her lap, pinned Lauren’s legs between hers and told Lauren to hold out her hands. Lauren extended her arms expectantly. Tracy used Lauren’s underwear to restrain both of Lauren’s wrists. She wrapped the underwear around Lauren’s wrists so tight that she couldn’t move them.

Lauren let out a whimper, but Tracy wasn’t swayed, “I didn’t want to resort to this honey, but you left me no choice.”

Tracy guided Lauren back over her lap and began to spank Lauren with the spoon until she saw that Lauren was finally letting go and accepting the pain of the spanking. Maybe being restrained at the wrists was all it took for Lauren to fully submit to her punishment, Tracy wondered as she made a mental note to remember that for the future.

Although Lauren’s wrists and bottom throbbed with pain, she felt more and more relaxed as time went on. All of the tension that was pent up inside her left her body in wave after wave until she finally submitted herself to her spanking. That’s when Tracy changed to the yardstick.

She instructed Lauren to move her legs far apart. Lauren wondered what Tracy was going to do next as she separated her legs to reveal her bottom hole and pussy. Tracy gazed upon her wife’s beautiful pussy and teased Lauren by caressing the area with the yardstick. The sensation of the wood against her most private places sent shudders up Lauren’s spine.

Then Tracy began to smack Lauren’s pussy and inner thighs with the yardstick which make Lauren yelp and raise her bottom. Blow after punishing blow came down on Lauren’s most sensitive areas as she experienced both the depths of pain and heights of pleasure. As she began to cry real tears, Lauren began apologizing as the tears streamed down her face. Tracy didn’t stop for quite awhile, giving Lauren thirty smacks and when she reached the final smack, she took her other hand and slipped it under Lauren’s abdomen to reach her snatch.

Lauren, still reeling from the pain, bucked a little when she felt her wife’s fingers massage her pussy lips. She was a little shocked that Tracy would give her both pain and pleasure at the same time. Tracy’s panties were getting wetter every second which made her rub Lauren’s pussy even more. Lauren was still crying while Tracy’s fingers made their way into her pussy.

As Tracy massaged the inner walls of Lauren’s vagina, she picked up the yardstick and smacked Lauren’s bottom. Tracy’s finger fucking and smacks came one right after the other. Lauren’s mind was racing between absorbing the pain and enjoying her wife’s agile fingers thrusting in and out of her engorged pussy. Lauren, who was emotionally spent, let out the loudest sob she had ever produced as Tracy smacked the ruler down in quick succession twenty more times.

Setting the yardstick down, Tracy began to massage Lauren’s sore bottom while keeping her fingers inside Lauren’s pussy. She whispered into Lauren’s ear, “Now honey we have one more part of your spanking to get through, and then we will be done. Are you ready?”

Lauren, in between sobs, said: “Yes I am ready my love.”

Lifting Lauren up off of her lap as she released her fingers from inside Lauren’s wide open love canal Tracy licked her fingers clean enjoying Lauren’s sweet come. She stood up and gathered some pillows into the center of the bed and then put a towel over them.

“Lauren I want you to lay across these pillows. If I untie your wrists will you promise that you will put your hands under the pillows and keep them there? I am going to give you twenty whacks with the belt and then your spanking will be over. Do you understand me?”

Lauren, with tears of pain and contrition, nodded yes to every question. Tracy took her wife’s wrists and released them from the knots she created with Lauren’s underwear. Lauren settled in across the pillows and secured her hands underneath the pillows.

Then Tracy took the belt and wrapped it around her hand. She lifted it up over her head and whipped it down on Lauren’s quivering bottom. She continued until Lauren’s bottom and thighs were red and throbbing. When the 20th spank was levied Lauren’s head collapsed onto the bed as she continued to cry out the tears that had been pent up for years. She never realized how much she needed this spanking and would be forever grateful to Tracy for helping her realize this fact.

Tracy set the belt down and went into the bathroom to get a wet washcloth. Taking the washcloth over to Lauren she lifted her head and cleaned her face until Lauren calmed down. When Tracy was done, she told Lauren to stay there until she was ready to sit up. Then Tracy undressed and climbed onto their bed with some lotion.

Squeezing the lotion into her hands, Tracy massaged it into her wife’s bottom and thighs until the heat subsided. Lauren moaned as the cool, creamy lotion was rubbed into her skin. After about five minutes, Lauren lifted herself up off of the pillows and moved them to the head of the bed dropping the towel to the floor. She propped her head up on her arm so she could lie on her side and Tracy did the same.

Running her fingers through Lauren’s hair, Tracy said, “Tell me what you are feeling right now.”

Lauren took a deep breath and said “That was the most intense experience outside of sex that I have ever had. Thank you so much for punishing me. I didn’t think I could endure the pain, but after you restrained my wrists, I realized that I needed it to hurt until I cried out all of my guilt. I love you so much, and I only want to make you happy.”

Tracy gazed into her beautiful wife’s eyes and said, “Lauren I am so proud of you for taking responsibility for your actions, and I want you to know that it was hard for me to punish you.”

Lauren reached over and kissed Tracy and then said “I deserved every minute of it. Can I ask you something?” Tracy nodded yes so Lauren said, “Why did you finger fuck me while you were spanking me?”

Tracy hesitated and said, “Well I thought it would help you release your inner demons because I was sensing your hesitation. Was I correct?”

Lauren said, “Yes you were. I want to return the favor. Can I pleasure you?”

Tracy nodded, so Lauren gently guided Tracy on her back and pulled her legs apart. She crawled between them and reached up to kiss Tracy’s breasts and suck on her nipples. Bringing her wife’s nipples to arousal, Lauren guided her lips and tongue along her wife’s abdomen until she reached the outer lips of her pussy.

Circling her tongue around the outer portion of her labia made Tracy shudder, and the shuddering continued as Lauren flicked her clit and then stuck her tongue into the inner folds until the tip was inside her vagina. Then Lauren took her finger and slipped it inside Tracy’s snatch moving it around inside her wife’s sex and then slid another finger inside. As Lauren continued to flick Tracy’s clit with her tongue, she pumped her fingers in and out of Tracy’s pussy until Tracy was writhing in ecstasy. Tracy’s orgasms came fast and furious as Lauren’s finger fucked her so hard that she squirted for the first time in her life. Lauren removed her fingers and licked them clean and then she licked Tracy’s thighs as Tracy’s breathing slowed down.

When Tracy caught her breath, she exclaimed “Wow what a seduction Lauren! I can’t believe I squirted all over you. That felt so good. Would you like me to try that with you?”

Lauren moved her body to lie on top of Tracy so their eyes could meet and said “Not tonight honey. I am still being punished. Tomorrow is another story.”

Tracy frowned a little and then she giggled at Lauren’s naughty nature.“You know why it took me so long to get up here tonight Tracy.”

“Why honey?

“I cleaned the entire kitchen including the floor. Also, I will be making dinner and cleaning up the kitchen every night for the next two weeks. I am also going to be cleaning the house and doing the laundry and ironing this weekend.”

Tracy smiled and said, “I appreciate that honey, and I trust that you will follow through with these promises and if you don’t you know what the consequences will be. Now can we go take a shower together? I want to rub your bottom some more, and I think we need to change these sheets after my come squirted out all over the bed.”

Lauren agreed. Taking Tracy’s hand, they made their way into the bathroom. Turning on the water, they stepped into the shower and let the water wash over them. They washed each other’s hair, and while the water rained down over their heads, they kissed each other’s mouths as the soap glided down their bodies. When their hair was clean, they began to rub each other’s bodies with loofa sponges full of shower gel until every area was covered with soap.

Then Lauren took Tracy’s razor and started shaving under her arms, and when she was done, she moved to Tracy’s legs soaping them some more so she could run the shaver over the skin until it was smooth. Tracy did the same to Lauren, and then she moved to Lauren’s pussy hair. Gently gliding the razor over the hairs, she removed them until Lauren was completely bare. Lauren then did the same thing to Tracy, and when she was finished, they got under the water and caressed each other’s bodies. When they were done Lauren turned off the water, and they stepped out of the shower.

Grabbing towels, they dried each other off, and then they changed the sheets together. Still naked, they went downstairs to get some more wine, and when Tracy stepped into the kitchen, she beamed with pride.

Grabbing Lauren into a warm embrace, Tracy kissed her deeply and then said, “This looks beautiful. Thank you, honey, you are the greatest.”

Lauren smiled and led Tracy over to the counter to get their wine. When they had their glasses full, they went back upstairs to crawl into bed. Snuggling under the covers with their naked skin pressed against each other they rested there until they were thirsty again. They drank their wine and basked in the glow of each other’s love and devotion until they fell asleep in each other’s arms.




Published 7 years ago

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