A Little Friendly Blackmail

"He wanted his stepsister, but he got his stepsister AND her best friend!"

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“Becky!” Eighteen-year-old Phil Dane yelled at his seventeen-year-old stepsister. “What the fuck is your problem?” He steamed.

“I don’t have a problem,” she merrily replied. “I got the last slice of pizza, so I’m good,” she said as she licked the remaining piece of pizza from tip to crust before taking a bite.

“What the hell is with you, sis? You already had two slices and so did mom and dad. I should have gotten two as well!” Phil said as he walked from the kitchen over to his sister, who was lounging on the living room couch. “You know, ever since you hit that development spurt that gave you an ass and a pair of tits, you’ve become a real bitch.”

Phil hated to admit it, but he had indeed been noticing his stepsister’s ass and tits a lot lately, and not in a way that was appropriate for a guy to be looking at his stepsister. Ever since she hit her behind schedule ‘growth spurt’ last year, he found that he was kind of developing a crush on her… or perhaps he simply wanted to fuck her, he didn’t really know which.

“Pft! Whatever loser,” she said as she kept her eyes on the TV while her brother rushed off to his room. ‘He’s just jealous that I’m more popular than he is at school since I developed these sweet tits!’

Shortly after her brother left, her mom and stepdad came down from their room.

“Hey, Becky?”

“Yeah, dad?”

Her dad looked around the kitchen.

“Where’s your brother?”                  

Becky rolled her eyes and turned back to the TV.

“He went up to his room, pissed off at me as usual,” which was the truth, since he always seemed to be pissed with her lately.

“Hmm, I hope your brother had enough to eat, he skipped lunch. And what about Harper? I thought she was spending the night here?”

“She is. She finishes her track meet in a little bit, and she said that she needed to see Mr. Caan for a while, something about another ‘special lesson,’ whatever that means.”

“Oh. Well anyways, your mom and I are taking off. We’ll be back from New York Sunday night before you guys go to bed. You have our cell numbers, and Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly are home all weekend if there is an emergency. While we’re gone, your brother is in is in charge and you do whatever he says, ok?”

“WHAT!?” Becky shrieked. “But I’m seventeen-years-old, just one year younger than Phil, and I used to stay home alone all the time before you married mom,” she complained. “I don’t need to be looked after like a baby!”

“Becky!” Her mother said in a stern voice. “Just do whatever your brother says. If I hear from him that you didn’t do what you were told, I’m going to take away your cell phone and change the home Wi-Fi password so that you’ll have to get permission before using the Internet, which will only be for homework for the rest of the month. Understand?”

“But mom!” Becky couldn’t believe it. Her mother always let her get away with anything she wanted, at least before she married Phil’s father.

“No more buts!” Her mother said in an even sterner voice. “Do you understand?”

Becky crossed her arms and sank into the couch with a pout.

“I understand.”

“Good,” her mother said smugly. “Bye Becky, we’ll see you soon.” And with that, they were out the front door.

Becky was about to have another bite of her pizza, but she threw it back onto her plate, no longer enjoying how much she had made her brother fume over its loss.

“So, I guess you just heard the news?” Phil said as he leaned against the wall at the base of the stairs, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Don’t worry sis, you do as I say, and we’ll get along splendidly.”

“Whatever jerkoff!” Becky huffed as she got off of the couch and started fast-walking towards the stairs.

She brushed shoulders with Phil as she stormed up the stairs towards her room. As she walked up, Phil took a peek up his sister’s short, yellow and black tartan print skirt at her tight, young ass.

‘Jesus! Why is she so fucking hot? And why does she have to be my stepsister?’ Phil thought as he took his sister’s place on the couch and changed the channel to a James Bond movie. Within seconds, he was disturbed by the sound of loud pop music from Becky’s bedroom upstairs. He didn’t really care how loud the music was, since he could just turn up the surround sound on the living room’s entertainment system, but he decided to give his sister a hard time in retaliation for being such a bitch with the pizza.

Phil went upstairs, but stopped before reaching his stepsister’s room. He sniffed the air and immediately recognized the scent of marijuana coming from Becky’s room. He burst through her door and his sister jumped in shock. She quickly regained her composure and threw the joint she had been smoking out the window, which was open to blow the smoke out of in an attempt to prevent the smell from reaching the rest of the house, which evidently failed.

“The fuck Phil! What the hell are you doing bursting into my room without knocking?” She shrieked. “In fact, what the hell are you doing in my room PERIOD?”

‘Ah, there’s the sass I expect from her,’ he thought to himself.

“What am I doing?” He asked as he casually walked into the room. “How about you tell me what you’re doing, little sis?” He sat down on her bed. “It looks to me like you were trying to relieve a little stress after learning that your big brother was going to be in charge this weekend. Although, I don’t think my dad…” His smile widened. “Or especially your mom, would think of smoking weed as an appropriate form of stress relief.”

Becky was starting to panic.

“Look, Phil, I can explain!” She said in a scared voice. “Harper brought a joint over and started smoking it yesterday while we were studying for a test. She left half of it behind because her dad arrived early to pick her up. I got curious and took just one puff before you walked in. I’ve never smoked weed before today, I swear!” She pleaded, “Please, don’t tell mom or dad. Please!”

He stroked his chin in thought for a moment. Finally, he said, “Tell you what, little sis. I’ll forget about this, on one condition. This weekend, you have to treat me better, MUCH better than you have lately.”

“What do you mean?” She asked quizzically.

“Well, for starters, you can stop acting like you’re better than me and show me some respect.” He walked over to his sister and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Then, you do a few small favours for me, and in return, you can smoke, drink, whatever, whenever you like, and I’ll look the other way and won’t say anything to mom or dad. Cool?”

Becky flashed a small smile and sighed in relief. “Thanks, Phil. So, what kinds of favours are you talking about? Laundry, making the bed, fetching you drinks, what? It must be pretty good if one weekend of servitude to you can buy me a lifetime of you looking the other way.”

“Oh, it is, little sis. It is,” Phil said as he lowered his face towards her and kissed her on her left cheek, causing her to squirm nervously in his arm.

“Uh, what are you doing, Phil?” She asked. “You’re acting really weird.”

Phil sighed in annoyance

“Look, little sis,” he said in an exasperated tone. “If you don’t want me to tell mom and dad about how you’re smoking weed, the least I expect you to do exactly what I tell you to. After all, mom and dad did tell you to do whatever I say, anyways.”

Panic returned to Becky’s face.

“But you said you wouldn’t tell them!”

“I said I wouldn’t tell them if you treat me well and do what I say this weekend,” he told the nervous young brunette.

“But you said…” Becky started, this time in a voice of annoyance, rather than fear.

“No more buts. Don’t’ you remember what your mother said?” He announced in a louder voice as she started to look pissed at her brother giving her a line of hope and then cryptically pulling some kind of authority grab on her. “You WILL do whatever I tell you to this weekend, starting right now.”

Again, Becky was unsure what Phil meant when he emphasized the word whatever, but she was starting to get a bad feeling about it. Phil sat on the bed and picked up a picture of his sister and her boyfriend, Todd, from her nightstand.

“You and Todd really make a sweet, sweet couple,” he said before tossing the picture frame on the other side of her bed. “Why don’t you come here, sis?” Phil asked, clearly getting a rise out of his sister by referring to her as sis, but for him, he was using it for an entirely different purpose: it aroused him.

Becky looked at him with a combined look of annoyance, skepticism, and a little bit of fear.

“I said, come here, sis,” Phil said in a demanding voice.

Becky moved towards him as he just sat there staring at her, practically stripping her clothes off with his gaze. She stopped right in front of him and crossed her arms, causing her budding chest to be pushed above her arms and become more pronounced.

“Look, just what exactly do you want?” She said in a sassy, rebellious voice.

“Well, you can start by coming even closer to me and pushing those luscious lips of yours against mine.”

Becky’s look was now one-hundred-per-cent shocked.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking perv?!” Becky practically yelled as she began backing away from him. “I’m your sister!”

“Correction, you’re my stepsister, and you know that mom and dad told you that you have to do everything I say, right?” Phil actually had to fight a stammer in his voice as apprehension began to creep up on him in regards to what he was trying to do. “Unless you want my day, or more importantly your mom, to know that you are partaking in illegal substances, then…” He reached out and gently pulled her by her waist back to him.

“Phil! You’re fucking crazy! This is so fucked up!” Becky didn’t feel as weirded out as most would have been in this situation, after all, Phil was only her stepbrother. 

In fact, they didn’t even know each other until last year. Rather it was the thought of giving into her brother’s demands that pissed her off the most.

“Well, smoking dope is wrong too, but at least if you do what I tell you to do, mom and dad won’t learn about either of the two wrongs. So, little sis,” he slowly stroked her arm. “What’s it gonna be?”

‘Well, if he doesn’t tell mom and dad about the weed, then I guess it’s worth it. At least he’s not incredibly horrendous looking either,’ she thought to herself.

“UGH! Fine, if kissing your disgusting mouth is what it takes to keep it shut, then let’s get it over with.”

She leaned down and placed her lips against his. The taste of cherry lip gloss reached his lips. Things were looking pretty good, however, as quickly as her lips touched his, she snatched them away in an instant.

“What the hell, Becky?” Phil asked, “I’ve seen you kiss grandma with more passion than that. You’d better kiss me like you kiss that pretty little boyfriend of yours.”

“But Phil…” Becky started.

“No more buts! Now either you do what I tell you to do, and you’d better do it like you want to, or else I’m going to call mom and dad right now and tell them that they need to come home right away because not only did I catch you doing drugs, but I also learned that you were planning on using the family’s emergency credit card to pay for alcohol for a little party you’ve been planning for this weekend.”

Phil struggled to maintain a commanding voice full of the conviction necessary to carry out such a lie.

“Now, come here, and kiss me like you kiss your Goddamn boyfriend!”

Becky couldn’t believe it. Phil had never done anything like this to her in the past year that they had been living together as brother and sister. She contemplated whether or not her poor treatment of him and the fact that she consciously wore less and less around him to tease him and drive him crazy had finally pushed him to a breaking point that caused him to act so out of character, or was he hiding this side of himself the whole time? No matter what the reason was, she knew that she had no choice but to do what she was told.

She started to slowly lean down towards her brother. Phil pulled her down to him and they kissed again, but this time he kept his hand behind Becky’s head in order to prevent her from breaking the kiss. He opened his mouth and started moving his tongue across her cherry flavoured lips in an attempt to get her to open up.

Eventually, she gave in and opened up her mouth. Phil immediately pushed his tongue into her mouth and began squirming it around hers as they french kissed. Becky hated that she was letting Phil force her to do this, but she did have to admit that he was a pretty good kisser and eventually she closed her eyes and attempted to make the best of the situation rather than stare opened eyed at her brother the whole time as he forced her to kiss him.

The kiss went on for so long that Becky decided to attempt to break away from her brother, but he maintained his hold on the back of her head. Phil slowly snaked his free hand underneath her tight grey t-shirt and up her stomach. Becky’s eyes snapped open once her brother’s hand reached the bottom of one of her breasts. As he gave the fleshy mound a good squeeze, Becky used all of her strength to escape and ended up flying against the wall.

“Jesus Phil! You can’t do that! I’m your fucking sister!”

“You’re saying I can’t do this now, after that little kiss of ours?” He stood up and slowly walked towards her. “You don’t have a choice; if you don’t do what I say you’re going to be in a whole new world of trouble with mom and dad. Honestly, how many times do I have to make that clear to you?” He placed his hands on her shoulders and slowly trailed them down her soft, goose bump filled arms. “And as for the sister thing, you’re only my stepsister. Now, why don’t we move things along and you start removing those clothes of yours.”

Becky finally knew the truth: there was no pleading with her brother, and trying to talk sense into him or trying to use the poor, little sister routine wasn’t going to work either, so she knew the best course of action was to try and just get whatever this was over with as quickly as possible.

“UGH! Fine, you perverted freak!”

She quickly pulled her shirt over her head, leaving only a black, floral-lace print bra from Phil from seeing her tits.

“Nice sis! Really nice,” he said as he sat back down on the bed to enjoy the show.

Becky reached behind herself and began unclasping her bra.

“Oh! Hold up a sec sis!” Phil pulled his cell phone out of his jeans pocket and snapped some pictures of his sister disrobing. “Sorry to stop you, it’s just that I figured if you decided to stop acting like a good little girl I could use this as leverage in the future.” He smiled devilishly. “Now, please continue.”

Becky glared at Phil with laser-like eyes. ‘One day, I am SO going to get back at him for this!’ She quickly undid the last hook on her bra and threw it on the floor as her recently developed breasts fell free.

Even though he knew what was coming, Phil still couldn’t believe his eyes; he was looking at his sister completely topless, and it was a dream come true! Her breasts were perfectly round and about the size of small melons. By now his already hard cock was straining to be released from his jeans. Without warning, he undid his jeans and quickly pulled them and his boxers off, exposing his throbbing cock to his sister as he began to slowly stroke himself in front of her.

Without realizing that she was doing it, Becky bit her lip and closed her knees together as she felt a stirring between her legs. She was very impressed by the size of his cock, and despite hating almost everything about him, she couldn’t help but get turned on. ‘Maybe if he wasn’t such a Goddamn asshole, and my stepbrother, I’d consider him to be fuckable,’ she thought to herself.

Phil noticed his sister bite her lip and squeeze her legs together, and he knew she liked what she saw, even if she wanted to pretty much kill him right now.

Becky knew that her brother didn’t want her to stop here, so she undid the buckle of the belt holding up her short skirt and began sliding them down her long, thin legs, slowly, almost as if she was doing this for someone she…

Published 7 years ago

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