The Recrutier III – More fun at the pool

"Jay has more fun while Tiff gets cleaned up"

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While Tiff got ready for our evening, I decided to stay by the pool and relax. 

I  sipped on my whiskey and leaned back in the lounge chair watching the party unfold from the cabana.  The joy and freedom of Vegas.  Where the thoughts of What happens in Vegas – Stays in Vegas always rang true here at the pool.  Once the alcoholic beverages begin flowing and the music thumps harder and harder, the bodies begin to grind, clothes are lost, and inhibitions are thrown to the wayside.  Of course, it did help matters, that in this part of the pool area had a clothing optional clause.  So, by the fourth drink, most of the ladies were topless, by the seventh drink, they were letting others remove their bottoms.  And in the back corner areas there were always couples doing things that should be done in private.  

This was always a relaxing time for me.  Especially after a long week at a conference and the daily grind of networking and being nice to people I really did not want to talk to.  But, I had to be the face of my company and keep tabs on my competitors as well as my subordinates.  Now, I had some peace and quiet.  Or rather, the opportunity to sit back and just be a spectator.  At least I thought I could relax.

As I took a pull on my whiskey, I stared out across the pool and my eyes connected with a stunning blond that I had recognized from somewhere today, but couldn’t place.  She was looking directly at me.  I waved in her direction and she waved back.  I took another sip and set my drink down.  It was time to take a few laps in the pool, finish my drink, and get up to Tiff and see what she had to say about her “assignment” and review of the folders that I had left for her in the room.

I jumped in the pool and began a slow steady backstroke, and as I was nearing the end of the pool by the blond, my hand, on the back swing, hit something firm and round.  I was stopped in my tracks by a solid thud to someone’s stomach.  Quickly, I spun around and stood up to find the stunning blond blocking my way.

“I’m sorry, did I block your way?  It seems you ran into me,”  the blond said in a slightly slurred and flirty voice.

I held out my hand, “Hi, I’m Jay, and yes, you did block me. And, actually, I think you may have done that on purpose.”

After she gave me that “what, sweet innocent me” look, she held out her hand and in a bit of a slur said,  “Hi…. Greeeta.  Greta Wormmmsmer.”

“Did you say Greta?” I asked her back as I shook her hand and to make sure I understood her correctly.  I could tell she was a bit tipsy and was actually having a hard time standing up in the pool.

“Yesssss…Greta, pleeassed to meeeet youu,” as she swayed back and forth a bit. 

“I seem to recognize you from somewhere earlier today, but I cannot place it.”

“I know.” she responded rather rapidly.


“Don’t you remember the pink stretch pants and…”

I slapped the top of my forehead, “Of course, you were stretching in front of me at the gym this morning.”

Greta wobbled a bit and put her hands on my chest.  She didn’t look too good.  “Greta, are you okay?”

“Umm, a bit dizzy.  I think this sun is getting to me.  I need to sit down.” 

“How about you come over to my cabana.  Sit in the shade, get some water and something to eat.”  Greta nodded, and in a split second she jumped on my back, wrapped her legs around my stomach, and leaned forward.

I took the hint and gave her a piggy back ride through the pool and into the cabana.  Setting her down on a bar stool.  After getting her a water and taking a swig on my newly poured whiskey I stood facing her.  Making sure she was ok and did not fall off the stool. Greta just stared back at me, a bit wobbly.  Then, I could see it coming.  A bit of lurching and her stomach began to contract.  She was about ready to hurl all over herself.  And of course, I wasn’t quick enough with getting a nearby towel. She had already made a small mess on her chest by the time I returned.  Holding her hair back and having her stand up, she quickly filled the towel.  A fine mess this is, I thought to myself.  

“It looks like you need a bit of rinsing off; let me take the towel and get rid of it. I will get you a new one while you go rinse off using that shower in the corner,” I suggested as I held her steady.

“Thank you Jay, I don’t normally do this sort of thing. I guess I over did it with the drinks and too much sun.” Greta replied as she walked over to the shower.  “Umm, is there a curtain for this shower?  I need to… well, you know.”

I set a few clean towels down on the bench next to her. “Unfortunately, there is no curtain in the shower area.  But, I can close the main curtain if you would like.  Keep everyone else from looking in.”

“Oh Jay, would you.  I’m just…”

Interupting her, “I know, don’t worry about it, I will go out and get you some aloe and some food while you shower. It looks like you are going to need it.  Anything you would like to eat?”

“Yes Jay, can you do me a favor, please,” she said with pouty eyes and lips. “Can you go out to the entrance area to the pool, to where they have all those racks of bikinis?  Ask for Jane.  Tell her you want the Purple #4 string and bring it back to me, and I’ll have some cookies and cream ice cream and a couple slices of pizza.”

“Okay, but let me get your bikini first and the pizza.  Then we can get the ice cream.  If you are lucky, I will add in a cherry and whip cream.” I said as I left the cabana.


“Hi, I am looking for Jane,” to the bikini clad salesperson.

“I am Jane,” she replied

“Greta sent me to get the Purple #4 string for her.  And do you have any aloe back there?”

Jane raised her eyebrows and gave me a little wink, “Give me a minute and I will be right back with those.” 

After four or five minutes, Jane handed me a medium sized bag. “Tell Greta I had to improvise a little, but I think she will be happy with her bikini.”

I grinned, “Thank you Jane, how much do I owe you?”

“You owe me nothing, didn’t Greta tell you?  This is her collection. She designed all these as well as those dresses and wraps over there,” Jane said as she pointed out all the racks of dresses, bikinis and wraps.

“Hmm, I have never heard of her,” as I looked over everything

“Probably not, she just started out.  The casino manager allowed her to promote her things today.  She is showing some of her work at the fashion conference this week in hopes to get into the market.”

“I see.  Well, I have to get back to Greta. Thanks for the information Jane.”

As I entered the cabana with the bag and pizza, Greta was sitting on a lounge chair sipping some water, wrapped in a towel. 

I opened the bag as I approached her and took out the aloe and handed her a slice of pizza. “Your new bikini my dear, and of course your pizza.  Why don’t you put it on while I go get your things from where you were sitting.  I wouldn’t want your things to go missing and have a big report of, famous designer possessions stolen at topless pool, for the casino.”

Greta laughed, “I see Jane gave up my secret, but I am not famous, just a humble girl trying to get noticed and make a living.”

“Well, I  am sure you will be world famous one day.  All the designs looked incredible.  I’ll have to pick up a few things for my… wife.” 

“Thanks Jay, you are such a gentleman.  Your wife is a lucky woman.”


I pulled the curtain back slightly on the cabana to find Greta lounging back on her chair.  She looked up at me with her amazing blue eyes and then stood up.  Slowly she unwrapped her towel letting it fall to the ground.

“You like my new design?” as she slowly spun around.

I couldn’t say much about the design because there wasn’t much to it.  A purple amethyst necklace hung down to the center of her chest. Definitely an attention grabber as it accentuated her her wonderfully tanned breasts and body.  A very nice touch.  Her bottom was composed of a single string holding up a small patch of semi-see through purple silk barely covering her shaved pussy. A single string running through the crack of her ass. Sweet and simple.

My reaction spoke for itself as Greta approached, put her arms around my neck, and gave me long passionate kiss.  My hands ran the length of her back and rested on her bare ass.  I pulled her in closer and our tongues began probing each others mouths.  I could feel my cock getting harder.  Greta suddenly pulled away.

“I’m sorry Jay, I don’t know what came over me.  I just wish my husband would react that way when I tease him like this,” Greta said as she took a step back.

“I think your husband needs a lesson on how to treat his wife, especially a beauty such as yourself.” 

“That will never happen, but that is a story for another place and time.  Now, I believe you said an aloe body rub was in order… an all over body rub…” 

“My, my, my, aren’t you a tease,” I said as she grabbed my cock through my swim trunks and lead me to the massage table in the back of the cabana.  Her hand made it down my swmin trunks and stroked my cock until I pushed her face down on the table.

I grabbed the lotion and warmed it between my hands. “Hard and deep, medium, or soft and smooth?” I whispered in her ear.

Turning her head, her lips met mine and we kissed lightly. “Mmm, I like it every way, it just depends on my mood,” as she turned her head back down.

I began with a quick, hard smack to her ass. Leaving an imprint.  “Is this hard enough for you?” Then I smacked her other ass cheek harder.  “Or, is this what you were looking for?”

Greta didn’t say a word. She raised her ass and wiggled it to ask for more.  I gave her six more swats to her ass, leaving handprints.  I could see her breathing was becoming heavier.  Leaning down and whispering in her ear again, “If you tease, you will please.”

Greta rolled her head to the side and kissed me again, harder than the last time. Biting my lip as she put her head back down.

Warming the lotion in my hands, I massaged her feet, calves, and thighs. Moving my hands slowly up, but with deep pressure, digging my thumbs into her tissues and muscles. I could feel her relax almost immediately.

Slowly I inched my way up her inner thighs, spreading them so I could reach inside of her legs.  Briefly teasing her pussy lips with my fingers as I brushed across them.  Greta sighed and spread her legs a bit wider.  I teased her a bit more until I felt a little wetness beginning, then moved to her back and shoulders.  Making long, deep strokes on her back, hitting the pressure points and getting the knots from her lower back and neck. Greta relaxed even more.  

She was toned and firm from head to toe, but very tense.  My hands were working their magic.  Her neck was the worst, starting soft, then increasing my pressure, I worked out the stress from her shoulders.  After an hour, Greta was completely relaxed, enough to hear her snore.  As I nibbled on her earlobe, she slowly woke and turned her head to me.  Again, another soft kiss.  Her eyes were in melting mode, her lips pouty, and her expression was one of bliss.

I patted her ass lightly, “Flip over my dear, time for the other half.”


Greta wiggled around and turned over, her eyes softly looking into mine she reached up and gently grabbed my hair and pulled me in for another long kiss. 

Putting her hands at her side, I massaged her head, temples and forehead. Closing her eyes, a soft smile appeared and she licked her lips.  Moving down her her face I lightly massaged her cheeks and gently ran my fingers over her lips.  She playfully took a finger in her mouth and sucked on it, running her tongue around it.  A light popping noise came out as I pulled my finger out of her mouth and continued massaging her neck and shoulders.  

Slowly I moved my hands around her breasts and massaged them, gently squeezing, and running a finger over her already erect nipples. Flicking them lightly until they were hard. Then lightly pinching them between my forefinger and thumb, rolling them, lightly and then harder, pulling up slightly. Greta inhaled deeply and her hand moved between her legs as she let out a deep breath.  A slight “Aaaahhh” came from her lips as I continued to kneed her nipples.  

I pulled hard and released my fingers, moving away from her breasts, deeply massaging her sides working my way down to her feet, lightly tickling her as I went.  Removing her hand from her legs, I again massaged her feet and thighs.  Slowly and deeply I moved up towards her midsection, spreading her legs.  

Her silk fabric was dark and I could smell the faint scent of her juices as I moved closer.  Her hands moved and she began pinching her nipples.


I looked over and Greta’s phone screen was glowing.  The ID said Wormie.

“Greta, someone named Wormie is calling you.”

A muffed, “Ohh great,” came from Greta.  “That is my husband.  Can you hand me the phone.”

I swiped the screen and put the phone on speaker and handed it to Greta.

“Hi honey, how was the golf game today?”

“Not bad but I am not done yet, the smoking hot caddy is keeping me happy,” I heard him say, obviously a bit drunk and oblivious to who he was talking to.

I continued my massage and began gently running my fingers over Greta’s dark patch.  

“Oh…” Is all Greta could say.

I moved the silk aside and Greta opened her legs wider.  Inviting me to explore her wetness.  

“I have some unfinished business to get to after the game, but we have a dinner tonight,” the drunk voice said.

I found Greta’s clit and began to rub it, she looked at me and bit her lip.  ‘Uhh huh,” she responded in the phone.

“How’s that dumb conference going.  Is your petty clothing line selling?  I put up a lot of money for your stupid idea.”

I inserted a finger deep inside Greta as my thumb rubbed her clit.  Her hips rose as I began to finger fuck her.

“Aaaahhhh,” Greta let go as I inserted as second finger and rubbed her clit harder.  The phone fell to the floor as she arched her back.

“Greta… Greta… What the hell is going on?”

I leaned over and picked up the phone.  Greta barely got out, “Massage… Getting…. a…. massage… hitting…” My tongue was now licking her clit; she let out a loan moan, and my fingers fucker her faster.  

“Greta… Greta…”  I heard him say as I clicked off the phone and began sucking Greta’s clit harder. 

Greta’s juices were now flowing.  She pulled my hair and wrapped her legs around my head.  All I could hear were muffled moans as her thighs tightened around my head.  Within seconds her legs trembled, and the juices squirted from her, covering my face.  Very gently, I pried Greta’s legs from my head.  “I take it your husband hasn’t done that to you in awhile.”

Greta laid there for a minute or so. “Awhile?  How about never.”

“Never eaten you out, or never made you squirt like that?”

“Honestly, we barely have sex three times a month.  He is never home, has never made me orgasm, he is about three inches long, and he certainly has never even eaten me out.  I am beginning to think he has a mistress or is gay.”

I momentarily looked down at my phone as I stood up.  “Greta, I hate to make you cum and then run, but I have a dinner engagement soon.  You are more than welcome to stay here and relax, enjoy the cabana, drinks, and food.  But, I am sorry, I have to get going.”

“Jay, give me your number.  You are not getting away that easily,” Greta said as she wrapped her legs around my waist and squeezed while she handed me her phone. 

“Remember, I am married, happily married at that.  You still are on the hook to finish up here.  So if you keep it discreet, you might get lucky later tonight.”  

“Lucky?  This is Vegas you know.  If I am lucky enough as your wife is, that monster cock you are sporting right now will be fucking me all night.”


Tiff was intently reading through the files and didn’t hear me enter the room.  Her legs were crossed on the chair, her hair was pulled back into a pony tail, and a pencil was slid onto the top of her ear.  The famous “Gus” shirt was barely covering her naked bottom.

“So, what do you think?”

Tiff jumped a little, startled by my voice. “Impressive, I didn’t realize the significance of your holdings.  This casino included.”

“You are quite the analyst and sleuth.  I am curious to know how you cut through all of my sub-entities to come to me as the main owner.”

“Actually, it was quite easy if one knows how you think and some of your personal history.  Plus, Bella was a big help.  She sends her love. And, you need to call her tomorrow.”

“Why, what is wrong with Bella? I just spoke with her last week to see how the boys were doing.  She didn’t mention anything was wrong.”

Tiff sighed, “Oh Jay, I guess we need to send you back to reading women 101.  She was very vague and her voice wasn’t her normal voice.  She sounded normal, but I know better, something is going on with her and Bobby.”

“All right, I will give her a call tomorrow.  Now, what’s your final analysis?  Give it to me straight up.”

“Well, based on your business plan and your business model, you should go with plan two.  But, be sure to keep buying casually, even though you have ten shells buying everything.  You have closed the loops on just about everything so no one can find out who is doing things.  But, like I said, if someone knows you as well as Bella and I do. Then, well, you could still go through with your plan, but you might piss a lot of people off in the long run.”

“So, where do you think we should start?” Already knowing my plan and how to implement it. I now knew that Tiff was the perfect partner based on what she had just told me and what she had found out in such a short time.

“Hit this Doug Wormsmer hard first. Then go for the little companies to compliment the the overall structure.  Based on his personal bio, attitudes, risk taking, and penchant for poker games, he won’t be much to deal with.  Actually, he should be pretty easy. We just have to get him rattled and find a way for him to sign over all of his assets.  Even the ones he has hidden that his wife doesn’t know about.”

“Did you say Wormsmer?  I seem to have met a young lady named Greta Wormsmer at the pool shortly after you left”

“Yes, Greta: blond hair, blue eyes, super fit, intelligent, shy, conservative, but pretty direct.  Here is a picture of her.”

“That is her.  What else does her bio say?”

“Not much on her really, your investigator could not find anything on her.  She drops off the face of the earth prior to five years ago.  Seems she was a ghost or something.  Why?” 

“No reason, just curious to see what they had dug up on her.”

“I think you liked her.  Hmmm…,” Tiff said as she approached me, undoing the buttons on her shirt.  “Did she turn you on?”

I grinned as Tiff approached me.  “Maybe…” 

“Maybe?  Were hers better than mine?” Tiffany cooed as she let the shirt drop to the floor and stuck out her chest and wiggled her tits in my face.

I reached up and put both hands on her breasts giving them a nice squeeze. “I do believe hers were quite smaller than yours.  And her nipples were quite pointy.”  I pinched Tiff’s nipples between my fingers and pulled out on them.

“And, you, Sir, what were you doing playing with another woman’s nipples?”

I pulled on Tiff’s nipples causing her to come closer to me, “Who says I was playing with her nipples? I may have just seen them passing by the cabana as she walked past.  A man can look can’t he?”

“Yes you can, but, remember, you are… taken.”

“Why Gus, do I sense a bit of jealousy in your voice, and remember you are the one who is taken, by me?”

“Umm..Yes Sir, I remember,” as Tiff’s head dropped a bit and her eyes looked at the floor.

“I know you have been through a lot lately, but you have nothing to worry about.” I reassured her as I lifter her chin up so her eyes could meet mine.  

“Now, let’s get cleaned up, we have a very long night ahead of us.”

Published 7 years ago

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