Heidi (Ch.01)

"Jack asks Heidi to lock him in a cage"

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“Oh how can I thank you?” Heidi exclaimed.

She had been made redundant three months earlier and had spent most of that time moping around her house as she was right now in a dirty white tee-shirt and old blue denim shorts. Her long brown hair was a mess that she had quickly pulled up into a rough ponytail.

But her ex-boss had just called by unexpectedly to say that he’d got her an interview for a fantastic job, and she knew that with his recommendation she had every chance to get it.

Jack was a cool, good looking guy, but unfortunately he knew it. Right then he was sitting on the old sofa in her small house wearing an expensive dark grey suit over a blue shirt, no tie and with one too many buttons undone. He somehow managed the rugged look despite long hours in the office.

“How can I thank you?” she repeated, trying to hide her excitement.

Suddenly Jack’s eyes changed from their usual dreamy confidence to something closer to nervous, flicking around the room as if unsure on how to proceed. Heidi as always was hanging on his every word.

He finally spoke, “This is going to sound weird.”

Heidi was intrigued as she looked at the guy who had done so much for her and who she had looked up to for so long.

“I’ve always meant to ask, “he stuttered, “Why do you have a cage in your bedroom,” he pointed towards the heavy cage with intricate bars of shiny steel that he had seen in the corner of the woman’s bedroom.

“It was in the garage when I bought the place, it looks cool doesn’t it?” she replied.


“What do you use it for?”

“Just throw my clothes on it really,” she giggled as she gestured around her less than tidy house. The cage itself had several pairs of old jeans and tops strewn over it right then.


Heidi was confused.

Jack was looking uneasy, “Can you lock me inside for a bit?”

“What?” Heidi laughed out loud, “Why?”

“I know it’s a strange request.”

“Yeah,” she replied, “It sure is.”

Jack tried to laugh along.

“I saw it at your party last year and it looked cool,” he tried to explain,” I just kinda wondered whether you used it to lock people inside.”

Heidi was now on her feet, “Not usually,” she laughed with a slightly bemused look on her face.

She had looked up to this guy for so long and had only asked if she could ‘do something for him’ in the vague hope that he might ask her out. She hadn’t expected this, but she was intrigued to see where this would go.

“I guess I could lock you up for the night,” she replied slowly and then kicked herself for using the words ‘for the night’. Those words were from her fantasy.

“Cool,” he replied, trying to sound just that.

The cage was an unusual arty object, four foot long, three feet wide and just over two feet high, but despite its decorative appeal, it was hugely heavy and obviously escape proof.

Jack stood at over six feet tall and towered over Heidi’s own five foot ten figure.

“Will you fit?” she asked.

“Let’s see,” he replied, his confidence returning.

Heidi pulled open the barred door that opened on hinges and formed part of the front of the cage. Jack climbed inside and lay on the bars that formed the bottom of the cage with his arms and legs crunched up in the confined space.

“Tighter than I thought,” he smiled, using the space in the open doorway to manoeuvre himself.

“You sure you want to do this?” she asked.

Jack pulled his arm inside and she swung the heavy steel door closed. A strange feeling of power ran through her body as she watched him try to get comfortable inside the tiny cage.

“Perfect fit,” he panted.

“You sure you want me to lock you in?” she asked, flicking a stray hair back behind her ears.

He nodded.

With one bare leg propping the cage door closed, Heidi reached up for the large padlock that she used to lock her bike. Then in a totally matter-of-fact way, she threaded the padlock in place through the cage door and locked it.

“Shit, I should have checked I still have the key,” she smiled.


“Only kidding,” she giggled.

Heidi stood up and watched Jack struggle to get comfortable in the small confined space. He had always seemed so intimidating at work, but in the cage with his wide eyes gazing up at her he suddenly looked vulnerable and so fucking sexy.

“What do we do now?” she asked.

“Well me, not very much,” Jack said as he clanged painfully against the bars and peered up with obviously aroused eyes.

Heidi looked down at his eyes with a little resentment. He was using her to fulfil some crazy fantasy, but she wasn’t sure what was in this for her.

“So you’re giving me permission to keep you in there until morning?” she checked.

“Yes,” he breathed, his cock throbbing, “Even if I beg you to let me out.”

“Should be easy, you always told me I was stubborn,” she replied.

Jack was now swallowing on a dry throat as he looked out on his ex-employee with a totally different perspective. She was standing right by the cage and her legs seemed even longer than usual and her old denim shorts seemed almost offensively short.

He moved to hide his obvious erection, but again the bars that formed the base of the cage dug into him.

“Can I have something to lie on?” he asked.

“Yeah ,” she said as she unbuttoned her shorts and watched his startled reaction. She slowly slid them down her long legs, picked them up and dropped them into his cage.

‘Maybe this would be fun,’ Heidi thought as she moved forward and used the proximity of her black silk underwear to intimidate her uber cool ex-boss. He didn’t know what to say or where to look and the look of panic in his eyes was making her tingle.

She picked up her phone and took a photo of Jack crunched inside the cage holding her shorts.

“You can use them as a pillow,” she smiled.

“Thank you.”

“Good, now I need to shower.”

Heidi walked to her bathroom where the mirror told her that he was staring at her butt. She closed the door behind her and turned on the hot water.

‘Fuck’ Jack whispered as he watched her incredible legs walk away. He had often daydreamed about this timid brunette when they had worked together and he had been intrigued by what the cute girl in the tight skirt might do with the cage in her bedroom. This had been such a sexy fantasy, but the reality was scary because in reality she was ten times sexier and he had absolutely no control.


Heidi was buzzing as she rushed her shower and redressed in her shortest black negligee with black panties beneath. She blow dried her hair and applied a little discrete make up. She had spent several years trying to impress Jack on a professional basis and now she had the chance to impress him personally. This was also her chance to repay some of her frustration.

“You still there?” she asked in her huskiest voice as her damp bare feet padded back.

“Wow,” Jack replied, as he viewed her outfit from a unique position.

Jack’s hand had almost reached through the bars to touch her leg, but then stopped at the last moment. With entrapment on her mind, Heidi stepped forward, her legs now touching the bars and waited.

Jack’s mind may have been able to figure out the company’s strategy, but he had no idea how to deal with her body.

He finally reached through the bars and his fingers brushed against the outside of her left thigh. She had always loved his hands and their touch on her skin didn’t disappoint. She felt his fingers slide up and around and trace the hem of her underwear.

Heidi still hadn’t come to terms with her power and what she should do with this arrogant sexy man and she just stood there enjoying his touch as he continued to incriminate himself.

“I should report you to HR,” she breathed.

Jack pulled his hand back inside the cage.

“Take off your shirt and trousers,” she ordered, her legs opening just a little.

The man beneath her struggled and fought to remove his clothes. He had just removed his cufflinks and she held out her hand to take them from him. Silver with black swirls; very expensive and very sexy.

Jack finally passed his clothes through the bars from where Heidi used her bare foot to flick them away out of his reach. He was slim with muscles shaped in the gym and now completely naked apart from black briefs.

 “You look kinda cool in there,” she smiled down as she turned and perched on the edge of the steel cage.

“You look gorgeous,” he called up.

“Thank you,” she glowed, “And you have all night to watch me.”

“Maybe I can do more than watch?”

It was the wrong thing to say and Heidi could feel the resentment welling up inside her, “First you want me to play out your crazy fantasy and then you change your mind and expect me to sleep with you.”

“What, no that’s not….” Jack started but then stopped as his words didn’t seem to form.

Heidi stood up, turned a full circle and then looked down at him.

“Why do you assume I’ll want to sleep with you,” she asked with purpose, “Fucking guys.”

Jack would have left if he could, but he couldn’t.

“I’m sorry.”

Heidi stared down at him, well aware that she was making him feel uncomfortable.

“I’ll go to the interview in the morning and if I get the job then ‘maybe’ I’ll release you from the cage.”

“What?” Jack looked up with pleading eyes.

“Assuming you don’t spent the rest of your life in this cage… then maybe you can ask me out to dinner,” Heidi continued with the tiniest trace of a teasing smile in her eyes.

Jack was in shock. This wasn’t how Heidi was supposed to react.

Heidi continued, “If I accept your invitation to dinner who knows where things may lead. But sleep with me tonight? Sorry darling… no chance.”

Jack was embarrassed as he read the hurt and frustration in Heidi’s eyes.

“I’m sorry Heidi, just let me out and I really will make it up to you.”

A smiled slowly crept across her face, “Oh Jacky, if only it was that easy.”


Jack started to push at the padlocked door, but then stopped as Heidi pushed her bare foot through the bars. His lips automatically kissed her foot sending a wild sensation up her leg and into her body.

“Goodnight Jack,” she breathed before walking back to her bed, taking a sleeping tablet and passing out.


Heidi was soon asleep, lying on her bed with no sheets covering her body. She was lying on her side, her knees drawn up slightly.

Jack couldn’t sleep, he was both too uncomfortable and too turned on. With his head pushed up against the underside of the bars forming the top of the cage, he was just high enough to see Heidi’s feet, her legs and her bottom. The rest of her body was hidden. He watched intently as he breathed in the scent from her shorts.

Maybe he had taken advantage of the woman who had seemed so quiet in the office, so obedient and so vulnerable. In real life she clearly wasn’t the timid woman that he had known. She was strong and confident and now had a hold over him. She had taken several photos of him in the cage and he had no idea whether they were now on Face Book.

He grabbed the padlock and pointlessly tried to break it with his hands. His hands then touched his erect cock and within seconds he had climaxed and he panicked as he tried to clean himself up. He then used the bottle of water that Heidi had placed by the cage. He first drank its contents before filling it up again with his pee.

Heidi was still asleep and he was still her prisoner and neither of those things were likely to change until the morning. He pulled his jailers shorts over his head to cut out any light, made himself as comfortable as possible and tried to sleep.


The next morning, Heidi woke as the sunlight streamed into the bedroom. She stretched, combed back her wild hair and knelt up on the end of the bed.

The sunlight hadn’t woken Jack, partly because he had barely slept all night and partly because he was wearing Heidi’s denim shorts over his head. ‘Okay’ she thought to herself as her eyes moved down to his erect cock that pushing out of his designer briefs. Her eyes moved down to his legs that were bent and contorted, his feet unable to push between the narrow centred bars.

She showered and brushed back her shoulder length hair which she wore loose. She dressed in her best white blouse and tightest knee length grey skirt. She had often worn this outfit when she worked for Jack and she was looking forward to his reaction when he woke.

“Hi,” she almost shouted as she tapped his cage with her shoe.

Jack turned, knocked against the bars and pulled the shorts off his head.

“I know that some people wear a blindfold at night,” Heidi smiled, “but my shorts?”

“Heidi,” he replied in a daze.


“Nothing,” his voice trailed off.

He knew that Heidi had far too much dirt on him for him to try anything. He just had to hope that she got the job and let him out of the cage. Then he would take her out to dinner; staring at her barely dressed body all night had made him see her in a whole different light.

“I have my interview with your friend Julie at 9am,” Heidi checked, rereading the email on her phone, “I really hope I get this job,” the stress in her voice was clear.

“So do I,” Jack replied.

Heidi knelt down as far as her skirt would allow and looked at him through the bars; she had enough dirt on this guy to do what the hell she wanted.

“I assume you’re happy to stay in there until I get back?”

Her clear blue eyes pierced him through the bars, “Good luck?” he smiled.

“Don’t worry I have a good luck charm.”

Heidi pulled on a fine silver chain that encircled her neck until a key that had been hiding between her breasts popped out.

“That should bring you luck,” he replied.

“If it doesn’t, this key goes down the nearest drain.”

“Oh fuck, I’m taking you out tonight.”

“We’ll see,” she smiled.

Picking up her handbag, Heidi left her house, engaging the alarm and the deadlocks. If Jack did somehow manage to escape from the cage he would be picked up by the police. She dropped her house keys into her purse and walked to the train, her black heels clipping noisily on the pavement.


Jack struggled to a kneeling position and started to think. This had been fun and he was definitely going to sleep with the woman, but first he was going to break out of the cage. He pulled back his right leg and kicked out at hard as he could at the end of the cage. His bare foot ached from the impact with the bars, but the cage remained solid.

‘This is ridiculous’, he cried as this time his hand struck the bars.

He then hit the padlock which bruised his hand and then kicked out and punched with both hands and both feet. ‘Fuck!’ he cried as the bars seemed to close in even further around him. He had to close his eyes and control himself, there was no way he could get out of the cage until Heidi unlocked him.

Why had he asked this woman to lock him up? To satisfy a kinky fantasy; he had just assumed that he would be in control. Heidi wasn’t the pushover he had anticipated. She was confident and more than a match for him.

He pulled her used shorts back over his face and breathed in her scent. His breathing calmed as he pictured the body that had previously filled the shorts. He started to laugh out loud and touch his cock.


Heidi returned less than two hours later. She unlocked the front door and deactivated her alarm; Jack had evidently not strayed from his cage. She returned to her bedroom and used the cage as a seat.

“You look amazing,” Jack breathed as he looked up at her tightly wrapped butt perched on top of him.

“Still glad you asked me to lock you up?” she asked.

“Did you get the job?”

“Yes! Thank you so much!” Heidi exclaimed, the relief of earning money again so she could start paying the backlog on her house was just too much to hold in.

“And thank you for this,” Jack smiled, “I know it’s kinky, but fuck its sexy.”

“My pleasure.”

“Can I come out now?”

Heidi shook her head as she stood up and unzipped her skirt. Jack looked up, his body aching and his eyes begging. She let her skirt slip off her hips and into a pile on the floor. Jack’s eyes were aroused as he became an even more desperate victim of Heidi’s Stockholm syndrome.

Encouraged by the look in his gorgeous, but now desperate eyes, Heidi unbuttoned her blouse one button at a time and dropped it to the floor. She was now naked other than for her black bra, which contained the key to the cage and her black panties which strained to contain her curves.

“My shorts please,” she asked, a teasing smile dancing on her lips.


“My shorts please Jack.”

His cock was telling him to hold out, but his body was screaming at him to do whatever it took to get out of the cage.

She took the denim shorts from his outstretched hand and stepped into them, “Still warm I see,” Heidi smiled as she eased them up her legs and into place.

“I thought you were… I mean we were…” Jack breathed.

Heidi raised her eyebrows and stared down, “You were thinking what?” she asked.

“You know… You and I?”

“I’m just getting changed, Jack,” she gave him her best teasingly innocent look.

Jack smiled and sighed, burying his head in his hands as Heidi hid the rest of her toned body beneath an old white tee shirt. She crouched down in front of the cage and smiled.

“Learnt your lesson?” she asked.

“If I say yes can I have those shorts back?”

It was Heidi’s turn to sigh as she sat on her bed, crossed her legs and looked at his crumpled aching body. He was just as sexy, but also just as annoyingly arrogant. 

“You do ever hope to get out of there?” she asked.

“What do you want me to say?” he cried out in exasperation as he painfully inched around to face her.

Heidi walked back to the cage to stand almost above his head.

“Maybe don’t ask me to strip before asking me out?”

Jack looked up at her short shorts.

“So near and yet so far,” she breathed,

“I’m sorry… Stockholm syndrome?” he offered as an excuse.

“Try again.”

“Heidi, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”

She rested on the edge of the cage and pulled the key from its hiding place and unclipped her chain to free it from her neck. She could see Jack’s hand twitching, desperate to touch her, but as much as she wanted that, she had a point to make.

Jack passed the test and waited patiently below her, resisting entrapment by her long tanned legs that were tantalisingly close. In return, Heidi slid her bare foot between the bars and pushed against his cock. It only took a minute.

She spun around and knelt down by the cage.

“Thank you Jack, I’d love to,” she smiled with her big blue eyes and partly red lips.

Jack was transfixed on the key that she twirled between her fingers before finally inserting into the large padlock. Click. She removed the lock and swung open the door.

Heidi stood provocatively close as Jack eased his aching body through the small door and out between her legs that were almost baring his way. She watched with growing arousal as his strong body unfolded, twisting and stretching, careful not to touch her legs. He was now on his knees, resting against her bed for support, and finally up on to his feet.

He looked just as sexy, but way less arrogant as he smiled at her and caught his breathe. Lesson one had gone well.

“I’ll see you tonight,” she whispered as she gave him a kiss on the lips and pointed him towards the door.


That evening Heidi and Jack met in the restaurant. Heidi had spent most of the afternoon getting ready and was wearing a new white dress, with a pale embossed flower pattern. It had sleek straps over her tanned shoulders and then traced the curves of her body down to her mid thigh. Her long brown hair had been brushed and brushed and hung freely like a curtain of silk.

Jack had come straight from work. It had been a busy day, given the late start, and he was wearing a gray suit and white shirt. The night at Heidi’s house had taken its toll on his body, with a trace of exhaustion in his eyes that even coffee and a run hadn’t removed.

“You look fantastic,” he smiled as he kissed her cheek, “Although I barely recognise you without the bars.”

“The bars that you asked me to lock you behind?” Heidi smiled.

“That’s our secret,” Jack reminded her.


“And no denim shorts tonight?”

“Did you want to wear them on your head while we have dinner?” Heidi giggled.

“Not really that sort of restaurant…”

“Shame, cos you looked cute in them.”

Jack ordered for both of them in French and then poured the wine, “How am I doing?” he asked.

“Are you still scared of the cage?” Heidi smiled in the candlelight.

“When I close my eyes I still see your semi naked body through the cage bars.”

“Have I scarred you?” she smiled, her lips still touching the glass.

Jack’s eyes were too much to take and she focused on her wineglass instead. She knew that she had no chance of a long term relationship with Jack and was determined not to fall under his spell.

After dinner Jack walked her back to her house and waited expectantly on the doorstep as she unlocked the various security locks.

“I could come in?” Jack suggested, his hand resting on the door beside her.

“Do you want to see what’s under this dress?” Heidi replied teasingly.

“How did you guess?”

Heidi thought for moment. She sure as hell wasn’t going sleep with this arrogant guy, but yet she really didn’t want the evening to end.

“I’ll show you… for a price.”

Jack smiled.

“You let me lock you in the cage,” Heidi spoke slowly, her blue eyes shimmering in the streetlight.”

“That’s what I asked you for last night.”

“So it should be an easy decision to make,” Heidi replied, moving provocatively closer to his lips.

“But it turned out that I wanted what was outside the cage even more.”

“Mmm… you mean you wanted what’s under this dress,” she checked, taking his hand and placing it on her butt.

Heidi felt giddy as Jack followed her inside and on her order undressed to his black boxer shorts. His perfectly shaped physique still had two red lines across his back from where he had slept on the cold hard steel bars of her cage.

She stood next to him, their lips only inches apart, his lips about to kiss her.

“Get in,’ she breathed.

Heidi pulled back out of reach leaving Jack to contort his body into the highly secure cage, which was now turned on its side so that the hinged door was at the top. Heidi could feel her heart speed up as his body willingly disappeared inside and lowered the hinged door into place above him.

She hung the padlock from her little finger, parading it above him.

“Still happy with our deal?” she asked.

Jack was trying to look up her dress, but its tight curves hid everything from view.

“Sure,” he replied, “I’m sure you’ll let me out soon enough.”

“Really?” she replied as she locked the cage, “You sure about that?”

She pulled the key out of the lock leaving the empty keyhole swinging against the bars and walked away with swaying hips. She pulled open her underwear drawer and tossed the key causally inside. She then turned and used her butt to slam the drawer closed.

Her underwear seemed to be trembling on her hips, heating and arousing her. It was an amazing sensation. Jack was watching her so intently that she felt as if she was on a stage, surrounded by an adoring audience.

“You look gorgeous,” Jack panted, his erection once again evident.

“Thank you… now to show you what’s underneath this dress….”

Heidi’s voice was dreamy from the wine and the power. She knew that neither of them could ever tell anyone about this and so with anonymity assured, Jack would see her without any inhibitions.

There was no way in or out of her figure hugging dress while she was zipped inside, but as soon as she reached behind to pull the zipper, the garment just fell from her body. The scent from the black lingerie that adorned her body now escaped into the room.

“Worth losing your freedom for?” Heidi asked shyly.

“Oh fuck yes, let me kiss you.”

Heidi shook her head as she walked up to the cage, legs apart and hands on her gently thrusting hips. Her eyes were closed and her body was moving with the music that played from her phone. She threw back her head and with it a wave of brown silky hair.

She watched his strong body working hard inside the cage, his arms flexing to hold his head up against the bars. His lips were shaking and desperate to kiss. It was like a gym workout, but with cruelly little result.

“We didn’t need to lock the cage,” she mused, “I can trap you by just sitting on the door.”

“Going to unlock me?”


Her sadistic side loved the look of hope in his eyes.

“Do you like my body?” she asked.

“Of course I do!”

She could feel her bottom wobbling slightly as she strutted around the cage, but for once she wasn’t embarrassed. For once she could be herself.

She climbed on to the cage and was just able to reach and steady herself on the ceiling. An old Britney song was now playing and she started to dance, her hips moving with the music. With two bare feet now standing on the cage door, her body started to dance with flowing hypnotic movement.

She unclipped her bra and felt her breasts move in their new found freedom. Heidi had always found dance a way to relax and her smooth and graceful movement was now taking her to another level, with her adoring captive audience looking on.

Looking down between her feet, Heidi could see his pleading eyes wash over her. For once she had a guy who loved everything about her and would do anything for her.

She moved her foot and placed it on the bars directly above his face and giggled as he contorted his body to another part of the cage to escape her feet.

Perspiration had now formed on her body and she was breathing fast. Balancing carefully on the bars, she crouched down to look at Jack.

“Like the show?”

“That was so cool,”

Jack’s face was now pressed hard against the underside of the bars.

“Do you want me to let you out?” Heidi looked down with teasing menace.

She turned and slowly sat down on the bars directly above his quivering lips. She could feel herself resting down between two of the bars, her panties being forced up between her cheeks. Maybe she thought her hips were too wide, or her bum too big, but right then she didn’t care.

She felt his lips touch her, sending a jolt of emotion through her body as again Jack’s lips were worshipping her ass. She opened her legs even though her clit was way out of his reach.

“You sure you can’t kiss me there?” she breathed, as Jack’s lips contorted between two bars but were still an inch away for where he wanted to be.

His lips returned to her bottom, pushing between her cheeks, looking for the most intimate recesses.

“Did I give you permission to do that?” she whispered.

“Fuck Heidi, what did you expect me to do?”

“Expect? Do you always kiss a woman’s bottom on a first date?”

He looked away and laughed, “Is this some form of entrapment?”

“Yes entrapment,” Heidi repeated as she climbed off and knelt next to the cage, “And you failed.”

She pulled a small box from her handbag and unwrapped a pair of hinged handcuffs. She had always had a certain fascination with handcuffs, but only now did she have a man whose wrists she could lock.

She crouched down very close to the end of the cage, pulled his wrists out through the bars and chained his gorgeous hands together around one of the bars.

“Well I guess I don’t have anything else to lose,” Jack sighed as he ran his hands up the inside of Heidi’s thighs.

Heidi cried out, closed her eyes and shuffled further forward. His fingers were now tracing around the hem of her damp underwear and brushing gently across her clit. She had to steady herself against the cage.

“Oh if only I could kiss you there,” Jack begged.

Heidi moaned out loud at the thought.

Now his fingertips were sliding under the hem of her panties and Heidi’s body was trembling. She both needed him to stop and continue. His fingertips were venturing deeper. The stimulation was too much for Heidi and her manicured hands inadvertently pushed down tightening his handcuff. She was already on the edge.

“Let me out and I we can make love,” Jack was now pleading.

“Sorry, but you’ve given up your freedom… sweetheart.”

Jack knew that she was a dangerous woman to disobey, but the close up view of her over aroused, trembling body and her cries of pleasure were too cute and he left his fingers inside for a few more second before pulling back his hands letting the elastic of Heidi’s panties snap back into place.

“Did you like that?” he asked hopefully.

Heidi smiled and looked down through a mass of now tangled hair.

“It’s time to put my shorts back on.”

“But I love those panties.”

“Good… because seeing them has cost you your freedom for the night.

Heidi climbed to her feet and walked dreamily around her room looking for both her shorts and the keys to the handcuffs. Everything felt so sexy when Jack was watching her with those eyes. She found the two keys, joined with a small ring, and knelt back down by the cage and double locked both cuffs.

Jack watched her as if his world depended on it, “You keeping me in the cuffs all night?”

“Yes… that was the price of touching my thighs.”

The look of lust in Jack’s eyes made her feel even hotter. If they were lying together on her bed right now she would make love to him all night, but for some reason she felt even more aroused with him locked in the cage. She had all the photos she needed to blackmail him and keep him in there as long as her horny female body wanted, but instead of being angry, Jack seemed to be more and more obsessed.

“You are the first man to learn ‘Heidi’s Way’,” she breathed.

Jack looked up at her quizzically.

“How to treat a woman,” she explained.

“I can tell you what a guy wants…” Jack asked bravely, already resigned to his fate.

“This?” Heidi asked, her hands running from her hips and down between her legs.

“Oh god yeah.”

“Good, cos they’re all yours sweetheart.”

The wine, the music and the sense of power was overpowering as Heidi removed her panties and stood facing her ex-boss completely naked. Jack now looked like a bear in a cage that would do anything to escape and claim his prey.

“As I said, they’re all yours,” Heidi panted.

She reached in through the bars and wrapped her dirty underwear over his face, the silky black fabric stretching across his once commanding eyes. And with his hands cuffs around the bars of the cage, Jack could do nothing to remove them.

“I meant your body,” Jack smiled from inside his blurry scented world.

“Silly me… and now for your favourite… my very smelly shorts.”

Heidi reached in again and pulled her short denim shorts over his head and secured them in place.

With Jack now blinded, she ran her fingers across her clit. Jack’s head was moving, trying to find a position where he might be able to see out to her soft tanned body and see what she was doing to herself to make those playful cries.

“Don’t try to escape from them,” Heidi breathed, “I’ve padlocked the belt loops around your neck.”

“Oh that is cruel, I really want to watch you!”

“Really,” she smiled, “Is being locked inside my shorts worse that being locked in the cage?

“All I can picture is your naked body,” he panted from inside the worn denim.

“Well then there’s no need to remove the blindfold, as that’s all there is to see out here.”

Jack was straining to look through both her black underwear and the worn denim, but despite both of them having spent hundreds of hours rubbing against her body, they were still more than enough to cut off all his light.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Naked, legs apart and only inches from you.”

Jack was still fighting against the shorts.

“If they can contain my butt… they can easily hold your head,” she breathed, her heart pumping.

Heidi lay on her back on the floor with her spread legs resting on the cage and guided Jack’s handcuffed hands back between her legs. She squeezed some lubricant on to his strong hands and let his slippery fingers explore her body.

“Is this how girls are supposed to behave on a first date?” he panted, the air inside her shorts barely enough to service his high heartbeat.

“When they have the key to the cage…. and the key to the shorts.”

“Oh god please let me out after this, I really want you.”

Heidi didn’t answer as she became lost in her train of thought and drifted off into the most gentle and amazing orgasm as Jack’s hands work magic on her body.

When she finally opened her eyes, she found that she had rolled on to her side and that Jack’s hands were now searching the floor where she had been lying. Silently, she rolled on to the balls of her feet and tiptoed around to the side of the cage and reached in to stroke his cock.

Jack reacted immediately, crying out in pleasure and knocking his head against the bars.

“Calm down sweetheart, you know you have limited air in there.”



Jack’s denim covered head turned left and right, unable to pinpoint the woman’s location.

“Tonight?” he asked breathlessly.

“You know that you traded your freedom for a glimpse of my body.”

Heidi’s denim shorts turned to look at her and deep muffled cries of pleasure drifted out from inside. She squeezed lubricant into her hand and continued to stroke.

Heidi had never had such total access to such a sexy man and her other hand traced a path up his toned body to his chest and then up to his neck until her fingers were stopped by the waist band of her shorts that encircled his neck.

“How does that feel?” she breathed.

“Amazing…” Jack panted on his third try.

“You know I went for a run in those shorts today.”

“And I’m starting to learn what you do in your panties.”

“Well then that’s our little secret…” she smiled.

Jack’s cries became louder as he climaxed and again clattered heavily inside the tiny cage. The locked padlock swung gently against the bars.

Heidi stood and rubbed her hands over her exhausted body, desperately trying to disperse the constant aroused tingling that flowed through her. This was her perfect relationship, a world away from her last drunk abusive fuckwit. Why couldn’t more guys entrust her with their secret fetishes?

“Heidi? Are you there?”

She tiptoed around the cage before answering, “Aha.”

“Can I see you one more time before we sleep?”

She reached into the cage, unzipped her denim shorts and lined the small opening up with his face. Heidi then slipped her fingers inside and pulled her black panties to one side to reveal his left eye.

“Oh fuck you’re beautiful,” he panted.

Heidi glowed.

“Can I kiss you?”

“Tomorrow maybe… but now I’m going to zip you up for the night.”

She pulled out her finger and her underwear snapped back into place across his face and she zipped up her shorts to seal him in.

“I’m sleeping on top of you tonight,” she called as she collected up pillows and lined them up on the top of the cage.

“You think I might escape?”

Heidi was now curled up on top of him her aroused body beneath a single white sheet.

“My hips are resting on the doorway, so good luck getting out without waking me.”

“I can’t even get out of your pants,” he moaned.

“I wonder what you’ll dream about?”

“Heidi’s Way?”

Heidi giggled and looked down to see Jack pushing his penis against the side of the cage. Without his hands it would be impossible to climax but still she listened as she drifted off to sleep.

Published 7 years ago

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