Bree walked back down the narrow aisle of the first class cabin of the airliner, an angry pout on her face.
“I haven’t been able to get in the restroom yet and we land in two hours!” she complained.
“I thought you went to the bathroom before we left Hawaii?”
“I have to change into traditional island clothes before I get off the plane,” my island honey explained. Bree is from a beautiful South Pacific Island group, and we were on the second leg of our trip back to her home. We’d spent a few nice days in Hawaii, but then an urgent e-mail forced us to push up our travel plans.
“They aren’t worried about what they’re wearing,” I commented pointing to three women from Bree’s homeland who’d come on board with us in Hawaii.
“Well, Mikey they probably aren’t meeting the Queen. Uhm… my mother.”
“You could just change here. Move over to the window seat, there should be enough room,” I directed her.
“You think I should change here?” My sexy honey smiled at me. “I guess if you want me naked here, I can’t say no.”
“I love that about you, Bree.” Two years ago I had become her Chief, an island custom where she was sworn to a type of servitude to me. It was binding, and though I thought it was mostly a joke, Bree took it quite seriously.
I swapped spots with her, and she pulled off her top, letting her cocoa brown breasts spill out. Her nipples stiffened almost immediately, she always gets excited when she strips for me.
Then one of the Islander women was in the aisle next to me talking excitedly to Bree in their language. Bree spoke back sharply, and I heard her say Michael and Chief, and then two other women were next to the first one in the aisle holding blankets up around our seats to cover Bree’s nudity.
The conversation in Natalog went on a bit while Bree slipped off her skirt and thong panty. Her sweet naked body was so close, I wanted to pull her in my lap and kiss her all over. She briefly turned toward me flashing her shaved coochie before wrapping a long silky scarf around her body.
One of them whispered ‘Princesa Talera’. There was a brief burst of giggling and conversation between the other three women.
Bree pinned the scarf in place with a single ornate brooch. She looked at the other women and laughed then spoke to them again in Natalog.
“They need me to go with them for a bit, Mikey. I’ll be back soon.”
“Why did they giggle when you were naked?” I asked my exotic island girl.
“On our island it is different, they have never seen a bare pussy like mine,” she laughed and kissed me as she squeezed past me. “They said they are going to get waxed like American girls as soon as possible. Also, they had never seen a thong panty, very few island women wear panties.”
Then Bree followed the other women to the flight attendants station.
A while later one of the women returned and pushed past me into the window seat. A brightly colored pareu like Bree’s was now wrapped around her exotic body. She picked up the rest of Bree’s things, quietly chuckling when she tucked away the thong panty in Bree’s bag. Then she relaxed into the seat and turned to me.
“I will accompany you into the terminal, just like you and I are a couple together, yes? This is okay, Mike?” she asked.
“Wait, what are you doing with my girlfriend?”
“Your girlfriend, La Princesa is a Very Important Person. We were sent by La Reina to protect her. She must not be exposed at the Manila Airport. You must act as if I am your girlfriend and nothing is wrong.”
“I asked you, what are you doing with Bree?” My girlfriend had disappeared and now there was danger at the Manila airport.
“She will exit the plane before we come to the terminal and then go to a waiting armored truck to be taken to the secure dock where the Royal Catamaran is waiting. You and I will go through the terminal where security is ready to escort us through customs. Then we will take a car to the docks where you will join La Princesa Talera on board the yacht.”
“Oh, that sounds like a plan,” I agreed.
“Bree said to tell you, It’s okay Mike, we got this.’” she smiled at me.
The plan executed well. We were met by two big guys in para-military uniform carrying light M-16 tactical rifles. I let them carry my luggage while I walked next to my fake girlfriend through back doors and hallways until we reached a large black Toyota SUV. Our bags were stowed, and we were put in the back seat, with our heavily armed escort guards in the front.
As our vehicle moved off, I turned to this lovely Polynesian lady next to me.
“So I know she’s a princess, but it’s kind of a joke back home. Even her cousin Gidget doesn’t take it seriously,” I explained. “But you guys are really serious.”
“It’s no joke. You must never joke about the Royal Family. Never. That is one of many things that you must remember at the court and in the palace. And I want to know everything you know about Gidget.”
“So, there’s a court and a palace. Okay, tell me.” Back home Bree liked to run around our town with me, flashing her hot body at the mall, on the streets downtown, on date night in the bars. Here she was a real Royal Princess. Because of course, she was.
“La Princesa Talera returns at a very bad time. Her mother is sick and says she must retire from the throne, and La Princesa is to take her place,” the girl was quite serious. “When the King was murdered eight years ago, our country was almost overtaken in a coup. Protection of the Royal Family has been our nation’s top priority.”
The drive had been quick, and we were arriving at the docks. A seventy-five-foot sailing catamaran stood at the end of the dock. We drove all the way up to the boarding ramp.
“Wait, what? Is La Princesa the Queen of the Island Nations?” I asked in awe of both the boat and the story I was just now hearing about my lover’s family. “Bree is going to be the country’s leader?”
“We have a parliament, and La Reina’s niece is our prime minister, but our people have elected representatives. Each of the islands votes as independent states. The Talera family is the ruling family and governor of Luzon and the four sisters: Panay, Mindoro, Negira, and Cebo. They are the last remaining of the great Island kings and royals, and cherished by all of the island people .”
My island guide was fast becoming my tutor. We walked on board the huge sailing catamaran. It was amazing, every rail shined, every deck was polished. The love and care bestowed on this vessel was evident everywhere. Her name was La Princesa Reina and you could tell that she was adored by everyone who saw her.
I bumped into a naked nubile native carrying a tray. She was pert and bouncy and every inch of her a beauty, and she had my favorite beer in a frosty mug.
“You must be Mike. I am to ask, You like?” she said.
“Yes, I like,” I said still staring raptly at the nude deckhand. Who’d just brought me a beer.
“La Princesa tells us this is your beer. Also, she tells us ‘whatever you like,’ is that correct English?” She smiled, and I was ready to fall in love all over again.
“That is perfect English. She told you I am her chief?”
The girl’s eyes brightened up and a naughty grin formed.
“She tells us, yes, and you are chief of me also because La Princesa says ‘whatever you like.’ That is correct,” the sweet girl stated, matter of factly.
“I like,” I agreed.
While I was distracted by this incredible island hottie, she started speaking sharply in her native language. My island guide snapped back an answer, then looked over at me. The two went back and forth another minute then I heard my name again.
“What’s the ruckus?” I asked them.
My guide turned back to me, hands on her hips, looking a bit pissed off.
“Mitako is La Princesa’s lady in waiting. She is very excited that her Princesa has returned after so long. She presumes to tell me that I must be naked for you since you are the Princesa’s chief,” my island guide explains.
“I am a lady in waiting to the Queen, my Princesa’s mother, but Mitako is not incorrect. And I will present myself to you later and beg you to tell me about Gidget. But now I believe La Princesa is waiting for you.”
“Wait, did I hear that right? Did she tell you to strip for me?” I asked.
“Because Princesa Sabrina, who is queen ascendant wishes it I should be naked with her chief. But you may choose, whatever you like Mike.” That pebble of knowledge tossed on the unsteady stillness of my wondering mind had the effect of a brick dropped into a bathtub.
“All you have to do is to unclip this jewel,” She took my hand and placed it over the pin at her shoulder. I took my hand away, and shook my head as if to say ‘not yet.’ Then she turned and left me with the naked Island girl. I was in heaven.
The beer was a welcome draught after our long trip and hurried transfer to the boat. I drank in its refreshing taste. Leave it to Bree to remember my beer! We were casting off now, and Mitako led me indoors to the main cabin. It was surrounded by windows and a long bar amidships, with direct access to the wheelhouse of the ship. Then Bree walked in with her ladies in waiting, and I almost fell over.
Four sweet soft cocoa complexioned young women surrounded my lovely Island lady. They all wore matching gold chains around their waists and ankles. I remember those chains because it was all that they were wearing. Little Mitako stood closest to Bree, touching hands with my Princesa. I sat down and the girls surrounded me.
Bree stood nearby watching them fawn over me giggling, pushing their bare breasts against my arms, rubbing my thighs. My eyes caught my Island Princesa’s and silently asked What’s up? She put her finger to her lips and shushed me. Bree looked regal and wonderful and hot as fuck.
“Uh, Mikey. There’s so much to tell you, and I want to tell you everything but right now my mother is on com-link, and I have to go to her. We have about a three hundred seventy-five mile trip to our compound on Palawan, it’s about five days unless the crew finds someone to race. So enjoy the trip, and I will see you on deck for breakfast tomorrow.”
Then she waggled that finger at me.
“Just let them do whatever you like,” Bree granted me.
Before she left, she did one more thing. Her hand reached up to the brooch at her shoulder and she unpinned it. With a slight shimmy, the long silk scarf fell to pool around her sandaled feet, leaving her with nothing to hide from me. Then she was right up in front of me and now the soft smell of ocean breezes was really around us and she bent down and kissed me hard.
I closed my eyes and thought was all this really happening? Or did I suddenly fall into the middle of a movie? Should I worry about any of that? Why would you question it when someone says, ‘whatever you like’?. I opened my eyes, and she broke off the kiss. I watched her bare brown butt saunter out the door. Everything about these people oozed alluring intimacy.
I had a beer to drink, cold and frosty, and I had hands massaging parts of my body. The ladies in waiting worked their hands on my thighs and shoulders. Other hands kneaded the soles of my feet. Fingers rubbed at my temples and across my brow. It worked, I relaxed after hours stuck in an airline seat.
Soft naked breasts pressed against me, pushed at my chest, my cheeks. My mouth grazed a nipple, then caught it. I nibbled gently at her breast, she dug a fingernail into my thigh. My cock started to push at my fly. Another breast pushed against my hand, I grabbed it to hold onto and a soft sigh graced my ears. The ladies in waiting weren’t waiting for me to ask for whatever I like. Apparently, they had been instructed.
Now so far, I had been greeted by a bevy of nude Polynesian beauties and presented with my favorite beer and uhm, a girl had found my cock in my shorts. Yep. I had to put the beer down. Then my shorts came down, and I think it was my Mitako holding me as she straddled my thighs.
Pulling on my cock, stroking it harder, making me bigger, stiffer. Sending jolts and bolts up my big boy. Her hips were grinding my thighs, I nibbled the soft breast of her sister in waiting; still, another rubbed at my feet. Mitako lifted herself up to my cock, stroking her pussy over me. Her labia slipped around and over me, soon her pussy enveloped me, swallowed up my meat. I pushed my solid member deep into her, rocking with her rhythm as the other girls played a sexy medley around us kissing and stroking at us in turn.
Now five naked people pushed at each other’s buttons, stoking and stroking each other’s sex. On top, two girls switched, and I found another girl’s nipple to lick while her sister in waiting tickled her clit. These girls had spent eight or nine years waiting for their Princesa to return home. And they were celebrating by having an orgy with me.
For a minute I was concerned that I was being put to the test. So I switched the flip on Mitako, and suddenly I had her on her back working that pussy. I pushed my hips into her groin and bucked against her clit. In minutes I had her gasping, moaning into her hand. Driving into her open coochie, filling her with my big boy. Ahh, ahh, yes, that’s the girl, clutch it, grab that cock girl. Yep, that’s it, that’s right. Use that pussy, work that pussy, yep there you go.
Oh, keep on, mmm, yep. Let me do, uh, this for you, and oh, yeah, here we go, yes all the way up, oh, oh. Yeah, all way in, oh, love it, you love it. Uhm I love it. Tell it to me, honey, tell it to your sisters, oh yeah. Tell the whole damn boat. Mmm.
Then they switched the flip on me, and a different lady in waiting awaited atop me. I think she’d been giving me the foot massage, god love the sweet thing, and wanted some of La Princesa’s chief. Like a ritual conjoining maybe? She had a quirky smile, and her hands went straight to my cock. I was hardly in a position to resist. And it was becoming a thing, so I went with the flow.
Soon she was all over me. Her mouth on my face and lips, her hand on my cock, her coochie on my thigh.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“Yu-playa. Yuplaya with me?” I teased her.
“Yes, because you are La Princesa’s chief. This is my sister, we have been ladies in waiting for Princesa Sabrina since we were sixteen,” she told me. “We all went to the same school, though she is two years older than us. The Princesa was, how do you say, a ‘guy magnet’?” she laughed.
“Yeah, that’s actually not surprising, considering,” I said. “So what’s your sister’s name?”
“This is Yuwanna,” the island babe informed me.
“Yuwanna and Yuplaya, or vice versa,” I mused.
Sometimes in your life, certain circumstances overwhelm you. There is but one solution in those times. Grab that pussy and hang on, because it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
She wanted to please me in so many ways. Her body moved up me like she was taking an inventory, stopping and intimately knowing every inch of me. Then her mouth joined where her hands had already been working. And my primed prick was the center of their attention. Her tongue was a whirlwind around my shaft, pulling along, curling around, causing it to climb back up into action.
While Yuplaya played a symphony on my groin, Yuwanna brought her naked body up to my attention. Her breasts settled into my waiting mouth while her hands stroked at my neck and chest. My hands found their way to her hips, then inside to her thighs. I barely noticed when Mitako excused herself, planting kisses on everyone before she took the other lady in waiting and left.
All my concentration was on the two lovely ladies hard at work on my sex. Yuplaya was working her mouth on my hardness, readying me for her hot coochie. Then she was climbing into my lap, getting up astride my cock, letting her labia lay up on me. Pushing her hips forward she started to ride me like a pony. Easing me into her hot hole, slow and low, just a bit, and um now a little more and oh, oh.
I pumped my prick into her honey pot, drove deep into that divine divide. Uh huh, my big boy was burning, burrowing hard into her vulva, rushing to conclusions, reaching for that g-spot. Finding a rhythm and rocking that momma long, and oh uh hard and hot and uhm tight, and just right, oh yeah. “Right up in there, yep little more, oh, just oh, keep doing, keep doing that. Yeah.”
“Oh, yeah, oh. Just a bit wider, oh open that yeah, rock that back okay. Okay! Hmm. That’s so hot, that’s molten, running onto my cock, yeah, buck like oh, like you like that. Yeah, I like that. Yeah, ooh yeah.”
As my cock shot its hot load deep into Yuplaya I bit down on Yuwanna’s nipple and both the sisters cried out. We fell into each other and lay back on the cushions.
Then I was being helped up and handed a fresh beer. Yuwanna and Yuplaya snuggled in with me on the large couch. I could live in this room I thought. There was a bar and tables and Video screens, very comfortable, very man cave-like on a boat. La Princesa’s yacht. Wow.
“You are happy with us, Mike?” Yuwanna asked.
“I like,” I said grinning. “So are you always naked when you go on the yacht, er ship?” I asked.
The girls started debating in Natalog for a minute and then Yuwanna said, “One time when we are sailing, and she was flying in the rigging she lost her top in the wind, so we don’t wear bikini’s when we fly.”
“When do you fly the rigging?”
“My sister and I are great seamen! The ship is like our home, we crew her and sail her.” Yuplaya explained
“Sailors you mean, not sea.. actually, just keep saying seamen, it’s cute.” I chuckled.
Yuwanna said something in Natalog, low and with a slight giggle.
“She says the ship is like our lover and sometimes we get naked with her,” Yuplaya translated.
“I like. I really like.”
This was certainly going to be a great trip to the home island. I was going to meet momma, who I suspected was no less a hottie than any of my new little Island friends, the ladies in waiting. Bree had thought ahead for everything, even my favorite beer. Boy does my girlfriend know me. Yep.