I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. The valet driver took the keys from me as I exited my car. He looked at me with a disapproving side gaze as he got into my car. I am sure he was used to parking high-end luxury cars and not a regular no-frills vehicle like mine. Most of the money I made went straight into a savings account. I wasn’t going to blow it away on an expensive car.
“Yes,” the man inside said as I came up to the podium where he was standing. “Deliveries are in the back,” he said as he looked back down at the large pad.
“I am here to meet my boss,” I said waving my hand over the pad to get his attention.
“Name?” the man asked as he looked at me.
I gave him the name of both Samuel and Jack. He looked at me with widened eyes. “You’re the person they are waiting on?” he said looking down at my jean pants and dark green shirt. I wasn’t told it would be formal so I didn’t plan on dressing the part.
“Yes,” I nodded.
“This way,” he motioned.
“Derek,” Samuel said as he stood up. “I should have told you it would be formal wear, that’s my fault.”
I looked at the man and smiled as he walked back to his post.
Jack shook his head at me obviously disappointed.
“I think you know everybody,” Samuel said as we both sat down. I nodded at Jack and Tammy. I knew Samuel and his wife Jane from one of the office parties. The other two men and their wives I remembered their faces but not their names.
“No,” I shook my head as I sat beside Samuel.
“Well,” Samuel said as he motioned to one of the men. “This is Lester and his wife Cassandra, and on your right is Timothy and his wife, Tabitha.”
“Hello,” I nodded.
“That was quite an idea you had,” Timothy said. “Blew mine right out of the water,” he said with a half-smile.
Now I knew where I had seen these two before. They were on the floor below, no doubt they were interested in the partnership as well.
“Yes, we know,” Tabitha shook her head. She turned to look at me. “It has been all he has been talking about since yesterday.”
“Sorry,” I shrugged.
“No need to be sorry,” Jack shook his head. “It is the nature of the job. We don’t get paid to be nice.”
“Well said,” Samuel nodded. “I brought the four of you here to go over the two remaining ideas as well as meet each other in a less stressful environment.”
“It also helps that he really likes the food here,” his wife shook her head. “Any reason he can give to the board for coming here and having them flip the bill is a good reason.”
“Guilty,” Samuel nodded. Jane was the poster board woman for being a trophy wife. She had medium length blonde hair and a perfectly cut face with a smile that looked like it should be on television.
Slowly the food came out, and the conversation turned to Jack’s idea. The other two were entirely on board with going forward with Jack’s idea over mine.
I had to admit they made good points. It would be less of a hindrance and most cost-effective. While mine was a huge gamble as well as using money that we might need to stop the buyout.
The wives sat in silence, for the most part, sometimes putting a word in now and then. Tammy smiled at me as she looked across the table. “What about Derek’s idea?” Tammy asked. “From what Jack told me last night it had the highest percentage of actually working.”
“Jack?” Samuel asked.
“It does,” Jack nodded. “Let’s face it. My idea would only stop the buyout for now. What happens if they try again and again.”
The other two men nodded their agreement. They began to discuss my idea to which Samuel became more talkative and involved. It seemed like he was waiting for things to go in my direction. He slowly leaned down by his side and produced an envelope. He took out four papers and slid them across the table to us.
“The board agrees with you Jack,” Samuel said. “Sorry, but they are leaning towards Derek’s idea. It is the biggest risk, and if it fails, then we will lose the company. If it works, it will stabilize us for years to come.”
“Congratulations,” Jane said nodding her head as she smiled at me.
“Thank you,” I smiled. Jack looked at me with a stern look. I knew that look he was not happy. However, to hell with him. This was my opportunity, and if he couldn’t understand that, then he could take a long walk off a short pier.
“Well,” Tabitha said. “With that settled, we should be going.”
Timothy nodded. “Will see you at work tomorrow,” he said as he held up the papers in his hand. “Light reading for tonight.”
Lester and Cassandra followed close behind leaving the five of us behind. Samuel got up to answer a phone call. Jane snuck over into his seat.
“No significant other?” she asked.
“No,” I replied looking over at her.
Tammy smiled one of her usual smiles. “I think he is playing the field.”
“He has more important things to think about than getting married at his age,” Jack said as he drank some more of the wine.
“That’s enough for you,” Tammy said she took the glass from his hand.
“Yes,” Jane replied. “We don’t want a repeat of the other night.”
Jack shook his head. “I will go and see if Samuel is ready to go.”
The two ladies watched him go. “So,” Jane said as she leaned closer to me. “Tammy has told me that she has told you our little secret.”
I looked at Tammy. “She also takes the classes.”
“I was the one that told her about them,” Jane smiled.
Now I remembered her face. She was the blonde in one of the videos. It was hard to picture little miss perfect dancing to some of those raunchy songs that were playing. “Oh,” I said.
“Oh?” Jane smiled looking over at Tammy.
“He is a bit shy,” Tammy shrugged.
Jane leaned in closer so that she was almost in my lap. “She also told me you have a nice cock,” she whispered.
Her hand moved on to my lap and squeezed my crotch. I quickly looked around the crowded restaurant. “Don’t be afraid, I won’t do anything,” Jane said as she let it go. “I just wanted to see for myself.”
“You ladies ready?” Samuel asked as he came back to the table.
“More than ready,” Jane said as she stood up.
I walked them outside. Jack was already in his car motioning for Tammy to hurry up. I shook my head at him as the car pulled away. Tammy waved at us as they drove away.
“Don’t mind the three of them,” Samuel shook his head. “The board, as well as Neil, are pleased with how far you have come in a short time. The three of them have been trying to impress Neil for the past seven years, and you have done it in less than two. That will make you an enemy to many people.”
“Too bad for them,” I shrugged. “Like Jack said, we don’t get paid to be nice.”
“Exactly,” Samuel said. He pulled out another piece of paper from the small folder under his arm. “This is the names and phone numbers for everyone on the board. They want you to call them with a time they can get with you individually.”
“Individually?” I asked.
“Yes,” Samuel said as his car pulled up. “Let’s just say some of them aren’t convinced you came up with that idea by yourself. Meeting them individually will give you a chance to prove them wrong.”
Samuel got into his car. “See you tomorrow.”
Jane approached me with her hand stretched out. “It was nice meeting you,” she said as we shook hands. I felt a piece of paper go into my hand, and I hid it in my palm.
“Likewise,” I nodded.
They drove off leaving me alone. The valet looked at me with distaste on his face. “Where did you park it?” I asked.
He motioned to the back of the valet parking as he threw me the keys. “Thanks,” I smiled.
As I walked back to my car, I looked at the paper it was a phone number with instructions of the time to text or call. I smiled and put it in my pocket.
“You could have warned me,” I said as I talked to Tammy later that night.
“And ruin that look on your face?” I heard Tammy laughing on the other end of the phone. “It was priceless.”
“Why did you tell her?” I asked.
“Why not?” Tammy replied. “She is just as sex-starved as I am, and it’s not like you don’t find her attractive.”
“No, but…” I began to say.
“Samuel?” Tammy interrupted.
“Yeah,” I replied. “He would have my head.”
“No, not really,” Tammy said. “I am sure you could tell that they aren’t the happy couple that they seem to be right?”
“Yeah,” I nodded. I guessed there was trouble in paradise the last time I saw the two of them at the office party. I thought it was because they had been married for so long.
“Samuel is gay,” Tammy blurted out.
“What!” I said shooting upright in my bed.
“He has been for a long while. The board is the only reason they are still pretending to be married. They will most likely find a reason to demote him or get rid of him if they found out.”
“Does Jack know?” I asked.
“Hell no,” Tammy replied loudly. “If he knew he would tell Neil, just so that he could take Samuel’s place.”
“That would be a Jack thing to do,” I nodded.
“You going to text her?” Tammy asked.
“I don’t know,” I said as I thumbed the paper.
“You should,” Tammy replied. “I would like you to if that makes it easier.”
“You two are good friends huh?” I asked.
“Most definitely,” Tammy replied. “He is out of the shower. You still coming to the dance, right?”
“Of course,” I answered.
“See you then,” Tammy said as she hung up.
I took one more look at the paper then began to dial the number. “Well, hello,” Jane answered.
“Is it a good time?” I asked.
“Of course,” Jane replied. “He is out with one of his boy toys,” she said with a sigh. “I am guessing Tammy filled you in with everything?”
“Yes,” I replied. “I didn’t know. He doesn’t seem the type.”
“He has become very good at hiding it,” Jane said. “But enough about him. What about you? Tammy tells me you liked the dance videos.”
“Oh definitely,” I answered.
“Did she send you any of mine?”
“No, I remember seeing you in one of the videos, truthfully I didn’t pay much attention,” I answered honestly.
“To be expected,” Jane said. “Tammy has a way of hogging the spotlight.”
“Oh, no I mean,” I began to say.
“Relax, I meant it in a good way. She is talented, and she has the chest that most boob guys, like yourself love.”
“You could tell that huh?”
“Yes,” Jane said. “I am glad mine got some of the stares as well.”
“Well I will remember to pay more attention next time,” I said with a smile. I couldn’t believe I was flirting with one of my boss’s wives.
“Oh, I hope you will give them a lot of attention. After all, Samuel paid for them and hasn’t touched them or anything,” Jane sighed.
“That must be rough,” I said thinking about the position she was in, married to someone that had no interest in her.
“It can be at times, but then I got myself into it, and I could easily get myself out. He has told me I could leave, and he would not fight my decision.”
“Why don’t you?” I asked.
“Don’t know, to be honest. I guess I am comfortable. I am going to be fifty-three soon. I don’t feel like jumping back into the dating pool,” Jane said a bit disheartened.
“Fifty-three?” I asked. “I thought you were in your forties.”
“Flattery will get you everywhere,” Jane laughed.
“I am serious,” I replied. Jane had the looks of a woman in her early forties. Even in her late thirties.
“Well, thank you,” Jane said. “I try to keep in shape and eat well. Never smoked and hardly drink.”
“It shows,” I said as I looked at the time, it was getting late, and I wanted to get in on time and start meeting some of the board members.
“You should get some sleep,” Jane said as if she was reading my mind.
“I will see you at the dance, this Friday?” I asked.
“Maybe sooner, get some sleep,” Jane said as she hung up.
I laid back in bed and thought about Tammy and now Jane. What the hell was I getting myself into and how could I get away with it.
“Are you in trouble?” Candice asked as I walked past her desk.
“I don’t know, am I?” I replied.
“You’ll see,” Candice replied with a smile.
I continued on my way to my office. Nigel and Samuel were waiting in my office. I had only met Nigel once, and even then it wasn’t on purpose. He happened to be on the elevator when I got in. We didn’t say a word to each other. Now he was sitting in my office.
“Take a seat,” Samuel said.
I calmly walked to my desk and sat down. “Did I do something?” I asked as I looked at both men.
“No,” Nigel said shaking his head. “Why would you assume that?”
“Well, the whole floor looked at me as if I was a man walking towards the gallows,” I shrugged.
“Told you he had a sense of humor,” Samuel said as he sat back.
“He will need it,” Nigel said as he leaned forward and placed a folder on my desk. “This came in this morning.”
I picked up the folder and read the paper inside. A smile crept across my face. “They are dropping out of the buyout.”
“Yes, we haven’t even made a move on approaching any of the other companies. It would seem we have a leak inside the company,” Samuel said.
“Ah,” I nodded. “You think I told my plan to my counterpart across the way.”
“An assumption for the most part,” Nigel replied.
“No,” I smiled. “I will admit that I did leave my curtain up, but no I have not or will not tell them anything they don’t need to know.”
“That’s good to hear,” Nigel nodded. “The board still wants to meet you, they liked your proposal and would like to know what you think we should do next.”
“Move ahead with my proposal, just because they dropped out, doesn’t mean they won’t plan or worse yet try to beat us to our other competitors,” I answered.
Nigel looked over at Samuel. They both smiled. “Come with us,” Samuel said as he got up. We walked back onto the floor and passed Candice’s desk.
Jack was standing outside his office talking to one of the agents. The look on his face as he saw me walking with both of his bosses was priceless. “Jack,” Nigel said as he passed.
“Sir,” Jack nodded.
We got into the elevator. Nigel pressed a few buttons that made the elevator move up. We were heading for the top floor. I smiled as I remembered a few ago when I was working in the mailing room, there were countless nights where some of us would get into the elevator and try to guess the sequence of numbers that would take us to the top floor. Not once did we get it right.
The door opened up to a large lobby. Three women sat behind a large desk. “Fiona, Helen, and Kelly, this is Derek,” Nigel said. The three women nodded in my direction. “Make sure he gets a code for the elevator.”
“Yes sir,” the women said in unison.
We walked around the large desk and the long wall that had the company’s name in silver written on it. The rest of the hall was quiet. There were doors on each side each had a person’s name on it. I recognized some of the names. Others escaped me.
“Here we are,” Nigel said as he stopped at the door.
I stood in awe as I saw my name in gold against a black background on the door. “Mine?” I asked dumbfounded.
“I don’t know another Derek Youngblood, do you?” Nigel asked Samuel.
“No, I do not,” Samuel replied.
I stood still like I had grown roots and was planted in this spot. “Well?” Nigel smiled. “Are you going to open it?”
“Yes, of course,” I said shaking my head from the daydream. I opened the door and walked into a large room. The desk was set in the back against the window.
“No peering eyes on this side,” Samuel said. “Your room comes with a wardrobe, a shower, and a bar. Not fully stocked but you can stock it with what you want, as long as it used for company clients.”
I nodded. Still trying to take into account that I was becoming a partner, no more dealing with potential clients. Now all I had to do was keep the most critical clients happy and made sure I made them money which in turn made the company money. “I think we should leave him alone,” Nigel smiled as he nodded to Samuel.
“Congratulations,” Samuel said as he shook my hand.
“Thank you,” I said shaking his hand then Nigel’s “I won’t let you down.”
I walked around my large office with a massive smile on my face. I couldn’t believe I had become a partner. It meant that I no longer had to take orders from Jack. That thought alone made me laugh out loud.
“Enjoying yourself,” a woman’s voice said.
I turned around to see a tall woman standing in the doorway. “Juliet,” the lady said as she walked forward with a tablet in her hand. “I need your signature on these forms,” she said as she sauntered forward.
This woman was gorgeous. I had never seen a woman like her, maybe in a movie or on a poster board but never in flesh and blood. She had long hazel brown hair that fell just past her shoulders. Juliet looked at me staring at her. “Derek?” Juliet said bringing me back from my daydream.
“Yes,” I said as I used the pen to sign the papers on her tablet.
“Good,” Juliet smiled. “I am your assistant if there is anything I can help you with you just need to let me know,” she smiled and walked towards my desk. She wore a gray pencil skirt and a pink top. “How do you like your new office,” Juliet said as she looked back at me.
“It’s bigger than my apartment,” I smiled.
“Mine too,” Juliet smiled. “Have you gone over your client list?”
“No,” I said as I walked over to the table. There was a folder with some papers inside. Juliet sat on the other side of the desk. “Sign in,” she pointed to the screen.
I looked at the screen and saw my name as well as a bar to enter my password. “The default is your social security number after that. You can enter anything you would like,” Juliet said as she leaned forward. Her ample chest pressed against the glass table.
I entered my social then was prompted to enter a new password. I entered my usual password and was greeted by a list of programs. “Top one,” Juliet nodded.
“Ah,” I said as a familiar screen greeted me. “I saw this at last years office party,” I smiled as I worked my way around the program and looking at my client list then at the papers in front of me.
“It seems like you won’t be needing my help,” Juliet nodded as she stood up. I watched as she walked towards one of the walls of the office. She pressed what looked like part of the wall. A door popped open, and she walked through closing the door behind her. I shook my head at the wonders of being on the top floor.
For what seemed like hours, I peered through endless amounts of bank accounts that were owned by the four clients I represented. “How is this even possible,” I shook my head. I looked at the phone on my table wondering how I could contact Juliet. I pressed the zero button and waited. “Fiona,” a voice replied.
“Oh, sorry,” I replied. “I was trying to reach Juliet,” I responded.
“Hold on,” Fiona replied. For a few moments, there was silence.
“Derek?” Juliet said over what seemed like the intercom in my office.
“Yes,” I replied out loud.
“You can put down the phone,” Juliet said. “In the future, you can press the blue button on the phone and talk.”
“Ah,” I saw looking down. “Can you come in here for a moment?”
“Sure,” Juliet replied. The door popped back open, Juliet sauntered her way into the room. “What can I help you with?”
“This,” I said as I swung my monitor around. “It seems that whoever had Mr. Jacobstein’s account before me wasn’t giving all of his accounts the full attention it needed. He could be making a lot more from both of these accounts.”
Juliet nodded. “It sure does,” she smiled. “You should set up a meeting.”
I nodded as I looked back at the screen. “Today,” Juliet added looking at the phone.
“Oh,” I said looking down at the huge phone on my table. Then I remembered the client list and looked through it. Pressing the quick dial number for my client, I sat back.
“Jacobstien’s office,” a lady said.
“Hi, this is Derek Youngblood…” I began to say.
“Ah, yes,” the lady interrupted. “He is expecting to hear from you. I will transfer you to him now.”
I smiled as I sat back in my chair. “Derek?” a man said.
“Yes sir,” I replied as I picked up the handset taking it off speakerphone.
“Derek,” the man said. “If you’re going to be my new accountant you should start calling me Trevor.”
“Okay, Trevor, I was looking through some of your accounts. May I ask who had them before me?” I asked standing up and looking out the window.
“I hate talking about money and accounts over the phone. You play golf?” Trevor said.
“No,” I shrugged looking at Juliet.
“You should start. I am heading to the club, how about you meet me there, say in an hour, and we can talk over lunch?” Trevor said.
“Absolutely,” I smiled. “See you there.”
I waited for Trevor to hang up. “Well?” Juliet said as I put the receiver down.
“The club?” I said with a slightly confused look on my face.
“Ah,” Juliet nodded. “You will need to change.”
“Don’t think I have time to head back home,” I shook my head.
Juliet shook her head as she walked towards one of the walls. She pressed a panel a rack of dress shirts and blazers rolled outward. Then she pushed another panel lower down on the wall, and a shelf came out. I walked over and saw shoes and socks all neat and lined up.
“The shower is over there,” Juliet pointed. “I will tell the garage to have your car waiting,” Juliet walked back to what I thought was her office.
I laughed out loud as I pressed the panel where she had pointed to another door popped open revealing a bathroom with a walk-in shower and a sink.
After a quick shower, I walked over to the rack of clothes. It didn’t dawn on me until I reached the rack that Juliet could walk in any moment and see me standing here with just a towel. I shrugged it off as I pulled out a blue button shirt, a black blazer, and black pants. I matched the socks and shoes.
“Not too bad,” Juliet said as she walked behind me.
“It is missing something,” she said. She pressed another button, and a row of watches and cufflinks came out. She ran her fingers across the watches and chose one, then the links next to it. I put them on, and Juliet nodded her approval.
Juliet had also changed. She was wearing a dark blue skirt with a white blouse. The two of us walked to the elevator then down to the garage. “Mr. Youngblood,” a man said as he showed me to a black car.
I looked over at Juliet. “Company car,” she said. “Not personal,” she shook her head. The man held open Juliet’s door.
“Wow,” I said as I got in. The car had all the bells and whistles. I hit the button for the sunroof and punched the gas as I exited the underground car park. Juliet put the address in the navigation.
“I could get used to this,” I smiled looking over at Juliet as she crossed her long legs. She handed me a small box.
“A present,” she smiled as she looked out the window.
I laughed as I put on a pair of sunglasses.
“Hello sir,” the valet said as we pulled up.
“Hi,” I replied as I showed them my identification.
“Have a good day,” one of the men said as I walked towards the massive building.
“Trevor said he would meet you in the lounge,” Juliet said as she held the Bluetooth receiver to her ear.
“Where will you be?” I asked.
“I will be around,” Juliet smiled.
We parted ways as we entered the main building. I followed the direction to the lounge and saw Trevor outside on the large patio. His photo in the client list must have been recent.
“Trevor,” I said as I greeted him.
“Derek,” he smiled as he offered me a seat. Sitting next to him was another man. “I want you to meet Winston, my other accountant,” Trevor said.
I nodded and shook the man’s hand. It wasn’t a surprise to me that most of the people like Trevor whom some would classify as the super rich, or filthy rich had two or more accountants.
“You said that you found some discrepancies in Trevor’s account?” Winston said. No doubt he was my main competition.
“May I?” I asked as I looked at Trevor. He nodded. I took out my tablet and put it on the table. What followed was a few shots by both of us to show Trevor what we could do with his money, and why I thought I could make more from what he already had. Winston was not happy.
“It’s a huge financial risk,” Winston said as he shook his head.
“A risk you can afford, and if it pans out you would do well above average even double what you already make,” I said sitting back.
“You’re young,” Trevor nodded as he looked at me. “I am not that young. I can’t take risks at this age.”
“Understandable,” I nodded as I folded my tablet closed.
“I hope there are no hard feelings,” Trevor said.
“Of course not, business and feelings do not mix well,” I smiled.
“See,” Trevor smiled as he looked at me. “When Nigel told me you would be taking my accounts. I asked around about you. Everyone said you knew how to separate business from personal.”
“Absolutely,” I nodded as I looked over at Winston. It was time to go for the killing blow. I took a sip of my drink as I crossed the cutlery on my plate. “Speaking of personal, how is Allen doing?”
The two men fell silent as I mentioned Trevor’s son. I knew from Juliet as well as doing my research, Allen, Trevor’s youngest son was always having trouble with the law. Terry his oldest was at odd’s with his father and would not take up his father’s business, which left Allen to take over if anything happened to Trevor.
“He is …” Winston began.
“You know how he is,” Trevor said holding up a hand to silence Winston.
“Yes, I do,” I nodded. “How much longer can you hide it?”
Trevor shook his head as he leaned forward. “Low blow don’t you think?”
“Business not personal,” I leaned into him. “You know very well, there are camera’s waiting for him to come out of rehab, the moment those pictures hit the stands, and the headings read the heir to the throne. Your stocks will plummet. Can you afford to take that hit?”
Trevor looked over at Winston. Winston shook his head. I put the tablet back on the table. “If you move these accounts out of these banks and move them into this firm, they will be untouchable. You will have a nest egg, not only to survive the hit but also able to keep your company name above water. Also, if I may suggest you can then sell it to whomever you want, saving yourself and your family.”
I sat back as I looked at both of them. Trevor smiled. “Straight to the heart huh?”
“How did you know we have been planning to seek out buyers?” Winston asked.
“Who cares,” Trevor shook his head. “Do it,” he nodded. “Why didn’t you think of all of that? It could have saved me thousands.”
“It’s a risk,” I said as I punched in a few numbers. “Some people like to play it safe. I am not one of them.”
I turned the tablet around to Trevor who punched in his passcode. “There you go,” I said as I showed him the accounts that had moved.
“We will be in touch,” Winston said. “I will be making sure things don’t get out of hand.”
“You know how to reach me,” I smiled as I watched the two men walk away.
Juliet clapped from her place at the table behind me. “Well played,” she said as she joined me. I let out a long sigh.
“I was waiting for him to fire me,” I smiled.
“I thought he was,” Juliet nodded. “None of the other partners would risk bringing up a family member,” she said looking at me. “Especially in a public setting.”
I nodded. It was a risk. Juliet stood up. “You should take a look around,” she said as she stared at a young man. The two of them exchanged a glance.
“Go, have fun,” I nodded.
“You too,” Juliet said as she walked away.
I took the chance to walk around the main building as well as the perimeter. I could see the reason why rich people came to these places. The security and privacy kept out most of the unwanted attention from paparazzi as well as others that weren’t like them. I heard a familiar voice as I neared the tennis court.
“Nearly had me that time Dwayne,” the voice said as I got closer.
I stood outside one of the tennis courts looking at Jane. She was playing a senior man. “We have a visitor,” the man said slightly out of breath.
“Derek,” Jane smiled as she walked over towards the fence. “Samuel told me the news. Congratulations are in order.”
“Thanks,” I smiled as I looked at her in her tight white shirt and a short white tennis skirt. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“Oh no,” the man said as he walked towards the door in the fence. “It gives me a reason to call it a game.”
“Now, now, Dwayne, the doctor said a full hour of exercise,” Jane said staring at him.
“Tomorrow,” the man surrendered.
“I will hold you to that,” Jane said as she walked out of the court. “Unless I can convince you to play?” she smiled as she looked up at me.
“Oh, no,” I said as I shook my head. “Not in this getup.”
“You can always ask the front desk for a change of attire. I am sure they have your measurements on file already,” Jane said as she walked in front of me.
“Maybe another time,” I said staring at her tight thighs and legs. For someone her age she sure kept herself in shape.
“Are you staring?” Jane said as she looked back at me.
“Would I be in trouble if I said yes,” I said feeling a bit daring after my encounter with Trevor. Jane was a sight to see in the white tight top and short skirt. White socks and matching shoes. What also got my attention was her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail that came out of the back of her cap.
“Absolutely,” Jane nodded. She turned to face me. “In more ways than one,” she said as she looked down at my groin.
“Don’t say something you can’t back up,” I said doubling down on her flirt.
“Oh,” Jane smirked as she turned back around. This time she swung her hips a little more, the short skirt swayed with them. “You should get the company car back to the office. They have trackers on them.”
“Is that so?” I asked as I caught up to her. “Or are you trying to change the subject?”
“A little of both,” Jane said looking at me. “Prying eyes and ears,” she said as she looked around.
I nodded. I almost forget where I was and who I was flirting with. It wouldn’t be a good sign if someone caught me flirting with the boss’s wife. “Thank you,” I nodded as I passed her.
“Talk again soon,” Jane said as she walked up the stairs to the main building.
I went back to the front and notified the valet I was leaving. I sent a message to Juliet as I waited. She replied letting me know that she had already gone and that she will see me tomorrow.
I loved the feeling of the leather seats and the looks and feel of the car as I pushed it past the speed limit. It barely made a sound as I pressed the gas pedal further down.
“I have got to get me one of these,” I said as I pulled it into the parking garage. When I got out and gave the key back to the attendant, he notified me that I had a phone call waiting. “Who could have known I was here?” I asked, but he shook his head.
“Hello,” I said as I picked up the phone.
“Hi,” a man’s voice said. “Are you alone?”
“Uh,” I said looking around for the attendant, he must have left me to go park the car. “Sure,” I replied not knowing what else to say.
“Our mutual friend would like to meet you,” he said. “Write down this address,” he said.
I smiled as I recognized the voice it was Dwayne. He must be talking about Jane. “Got it,” I said as I looked down at the address. I snapped a quick picture of it then tore it up.
“Everything okay?” the attendant asked.
“Yeah,” I nodded. “Just a client, wanting to set up a meeting,” I lied as I hung up.
I knew it would be suspicious if I took another company car to meet her, so I took my car. It felt slow and sluggish compared to the other vehicle. I pulled up to a large hotel. Walking inside I went straight to the elevator, and up to the desired floor, I knocked on the door and was pulled inside quickly by Jane.
“Hello,” I said as she closed the door.
“Hi,” she smiled as she led me inside.
The moment the door closed she stood on her tiptoes to kiss me. Her hand went straight for my groin. Jane had a devilish smile on her face as she looked up at me. “Been waiting for something like this for years now.”
“Oh really?” I asked as I watched Jane bend at the knees. She quickly loosened my belt then pulled on my pants.
“Over six years to be exact,” Jane said as she pulled on my boxers. Her eyes went wide as my dick sprung up at her. “Tammy was right,” she said as her hand wrapped around my dick.
I smiled as I saw the wedding ring on her finger. A finger now wrapped around my hardening cock. “Glad I didn’t disappoint.”
Jane slowly took my dick in her mouth. The bill of her cap hitting me as she began to suck on me. She quickly took the cap off and threw it to the side. I looked down at her hair. “You going to let it out?” I said as I began to run my hand through it.
“Nu-uh,” Jane said as she stood up. “There are only two times I pull it back. When I am playing tennis,” she smiled as she held my hand and led me to the large bed.
“And the other?” I asked as I sat down on the edge of the tall bed.
“Come on,” Jane smiled as she got down on her knees. “You can tell when a woman really likes to take a dick in her mouth she always pulls her hair back,” Jane smiled as she licked the head of my dick.
Jane’s head began to bounce up and down on my dick as she sucked me hard. “Fuck,” I said as I leaned back on the bed. “Damn it,” I said looking at her. Jane sucked my dick harder and faster than anyone had before. Slowly she stopped to take a deep breath.
“I told you,” she said wiping the drool from her mouth before taking it back in. I leaned further back on the bed almost lying down as I watched a married woman suck my dick. Her head bounced up and down, twisting and turning.
“Holy fuck,” I said as I felt my dick throb. “I’m cumming,” I shouted. Jane didn’t stop I could hear her gagging on my dick as she took it deeper than she had before when she got it all the way down her throat she stopped. Then stopped as I came hard, my toes curled in my shoes as I came.
“Damn,” I said as I got my breath back.
Jane stayed between my legs as she licked my dick and began sucking on my balls. “I am not finished yet,” she shook her head. “I have a lot of pent-up sexual energy to spend on this dick,” she licked it as she looked up at me.
“I can see that,” I said. “Give me a few to catch up, and I will do…”
Jane stood up and took off her top showing her white sports bra. “Now those are nice,” I said staring at her big tits. Jane squeezed them together and played with her nipples.
“Had to buy all new bra’s and shirts when I got them,” Jane said as she lowered her head to lick the top of one then the other. “Have you ever felt any like these?”
“No,” I said as I sat up. “Only the real ones,” I said as I reached out. I squeezed them both, they felt different but in a good way.
“What do you think?” Jane said as she turned around pushing her ass against my groin. I squeezed her large tits from behind.
“I like them,” I said as I squeezed and rubbed them through the fabric of the sports bra.
“You’re not the only one,” Jane said as she pressed back against me. My dick was beginning to harden again. “Got to love you boob guys,” she smiled as she turned around. “Fuck me,” she said as she looked me in the eyes.
“I have to get the condoms from my pants,” I smiled as I stood up.
“Oh no,” Jane said as she reached for my dick. “Something like this should never be wrapped up,” she smiled as she began to take off her short tennis skirt.
“Leave it on,” I said as I pushed her towards the bed.
“Good boy,” Jane smiled as she bent near the bed, she placed both hands on the bed.
I lifted the skirt and pulled her thong to the side. “Fuck,” she said lowering her head as I pushed my dick inside her. I gripped her sides as I began fucking her tight pussy.
“Damn, you’re tight,” I said as I felt her tighten around me. I reached forward and pulled on her ponytail.
“Six years,” she growled as I began pounding her hard. “Use me please, fuck me,” Jane said as she looked back.
I let her hair go as her head buried itself in the bed. Jane began pushing back on me. Putting her tight bubble shaped ass into the air for me to fuck. “I want to watch,” I said as I pulled out.
“Yes,” Jane said as she crawled up on the bed, putting her head on the pillows. She widened her legs as I slid back into her. She began nodding her head as I began sliding in and out of her. I began to quicken my pace. “Use it,” she nodded. “Fuck my pussy, I want you to cum inside me,” she said with wild green eyes.
I held her legs wide as I fucked her. My hips and back were moving as fast as I could go. I watched my dick go in and out of her.
“God yes!” she screamed. I put both of her legs together putting them over one of my shoulders.
“That’s it,” Jane said. “Fuck me hard!” she said staring up at me.
I loved seeing her white tennis shoes on my shoulder. I pounded into her harder feeling myself on edge.
“Fuck, I am cumming,” I said as I pushed into her. I held it tight inside of her as I came for the second time.
I collapsed beside her. “You’re trying to kill me,” I said as I tried to catch my breath.
“You’re young still,” Jane said as she kissed my sweaty chest. “I haven’t even tried to kill you yet,” she smiled as she looked up at me.
“How was your night?” Juliet asked me as I entered my office the next day.
“Good,” I replied. “Yours?” I asked as I sat down at my desk.
“Eventful,” Juliet replied. “You’re have a meeting with three of the board members today at noon,” she said as she placed a few folders on my table. “Other than that your day is open.”
I stared up at her. I couldn’t get over how incredible she looked. She could easily get a job as a model, with her looks and her smile as well as her physique. “May I ask something?” I asked as she began to walk away.
“Sure,” Juliet said as she turned to face me.
“Why this job?” I asked. “I don’t mean to be rude, but…” I ended it abruptly because I didn’t want to dig the hole I was making any deeper.
Juliet smiled. “Well,” she said sauntered towards me. “Just between the two of us?”
“Sure,” I replied.
“I tried other venues, even got a few calls from agencies and well, to be honest. I like numbers, I like the corporate world, and I am good at it. I find it more interesting and more satisfying than walking down a runway or putting on bathing suits and trying to look interested,” she smiled as she looked down at me. “Plus, I get to work with up and coming handsome businessmen like yourself.”
“Right,” I nodded. “Well I am glad to have you as my partner,” I said as I put my hand out.
“Glad to be aboard,” Juliet said as we shook hands. She began walking back to her office. “Oh, I meant the handsome part, also the guy I was talking to yesterday, he’s my brother.”
I watched her enter her office, and the door closed. “Calm down,” I said to myself as I began feeling the blood rush to my nether region.
My phone went off as a text message came through. It was from Tammy.
“Jane told me about last night. I am glad you got over your fears.”
“So am I.”
“You’re are still coming to the show tonight?”
“Of course. I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”
“Good. Don’t forget our deal.”
“Which one?”
There was a pause as I tried to remember what deal we had made. The events of the last week had made everything blurry.
Then she sent a video. As I played it, I saw a woman with her head hanging off the side of the bed as a male fucked her mouth hard. Saliva and drool dripped from her mouth as he pulled his long dick out. Tammy sent two more videos with nearly the same thing. All three were women getting their mouths fucked hard.
“Does that ring a bell?”
“Yes. You still want that?”
“Yes! Do you still want to fuck my large tits?”
“Tonight then.”
“What have you got yourself into?” I asked myself as I put my phone down.