“What are you wearing?” Kelsey’s voice came from behind her.
Gwendolyn looked down at her simple cotton dress. It was a creamy white with thin lace trim, the hem falling to mid thigh. Thick straps formed a halter, criss-crossing along her back. The bodice was held up by an interlacing ribbon, which she’d tied in a small bow at the top. It was cute and light and would keep her cool in the sweltering summer heat.
Gwen’s gaze drifted to Kelsey and did a body scan. Her friend was wearing a skin tight black tube top, leaving much of her torso exposed. A faded jean skirt encased her hips, just barely covering the basics. She completed the look with a pair of high wedged black and red pumps. It should have looked skanky. On Kelsey, like anything else she wore, it served only to make her appear sultry and alluring, like the seductress she was.
“Um… clothes?” Gwen said pointedly, still eyeing Kelsey’s outfit.
Kelsey huffed while rolling her eyes, “Remember what we talked about, Gwennie? How we were supposed to let loose and have fun this summer? College is over and this is our last hurrah! You’re going to be crazy busy with your internship and have no time to have a life. You promised me you’d relax and just party tonight. So stop with the judgey glare and chill out.”
Gwen sighed at Kelsey’s petulant look but found herself smiling despite herself, “All right, Kels, let’s go party.”
“Whoo!” Kelsey pumped her hands in the air and skipped, yes actually skipped, to the car. Gwen followed at a normal pace behind her and took a deep breath. Exhaling slowly, she let her shoulders settle and smiled brightly. Kelsey was right. Life was about to get crazy. It was time to let loose and have some fun.
***Two hours later: Gwen***
“Wanna dance, baby?” Mac asked against Kelsey’s neck. Kelsey giggled and nodded. Taking his hand from around her waist, she led him to the patch of grass a good thirty yards away where other couples were swaying rhythmically the music.
Gwen watched Kelsey and her date with more than mild trepidation as they walked away. Not because she didn’t want her friend to have fun, but because that left her alone with Connor and Dan.
In between Connor and Dan to be exact.
They were both friends with Mac, who had invited Gwen and Kelsey to the party. They were seated outside at one of the many wooden tables intermittently spersed around the picnic area. Theirs was mostly hidden by a copse of trees with low hanging branches, shrouding them in semi secluded privacy.
Connor was tall, at least six one or two. He was lean, but sturdy. She knew instinctively he could carry her easily in his arms. He had lightly tanned skin several shades lighter than her own. His eyes were the grey color of gunmetal and he had a mop of golden brown hair she knew had been blonde in his younger years.
Dan was his complete opposite. Standing a few inches shorter than his friend, his build was stockier. The thick muscles of his arms strained against the thin cotton of his t-shirt. He had warm brown skin infused with the heat of the sun and inky black hair he kept cropped short. His eyes reminded her of melted dark chocolate.
Both men were sexy in their own right and Gwen was far from unaffected. Warmth swelled deep within her womb and the feeling couldn’t be attributed to humid summer air. Her inner vixen yawned awake inside her, crouched low and ready to pounce.
Gwen shook her head, dispelling the notion. What was she going to do? Jump them both?
Yesss, her inner voice purred.
I can’t do that! she yelled inside her mind. That’s something Kelsey would do!
Yes, her inner voice shot back. The same Kelsey who wakes up every morning with a smile on her face while you grunt your way through the morning until you’ve ingested enough caffeine to not qualify as a card holding member of the living dead.
Great, now she was having a conversation with herself. But still…
I don’t see what that has to do with anything, Gwen muttered refusing to acknowledge the point.
It has to do with everything! You never let me out to play and you’re driving us both insane with need! Her inner voice screeched. It’s been almost a year! We haven’t gotten any since you broke up with Troy. Remember that guy that was totally into you at the bookstore? With those perfectly blue eyes and scruffy goatee? Imagine how amazing that would have felt on our–
Oh, my God! Stop! All right, I get it. If we… wait, what was she doing? She was having two sided conversation inside her own head for fuck’s sake. And when the hell had she started to think of herself as two separate people? Her psych professor would have had a field day with this one. Maybe she really did need to get laid…
FINALLY, she gets it! Her inner voice hissed and Gwen muttered a curse under her breath.
“What was that, sweetheart?” Dan asked in her ear. He had his arm around her shoulders, his fingers tracing patterns on her skin.
His friend Connor was drawing circles on her knee, surreptitiously inching his way up her thigh. The air around her them seemed to evaporate and Gwen struggled to breathe.
It had appeared innocent while the five of them had been drinking and chatting amicably. But now that she was alone with them, it seemed as if every ounce of alcohol had swiftly dried up in her bloodstream, and she was now soberly and acutely aware of their hands on her skin. It was as if every touch had a direct line to her inner core and she felt her folds begin to moisten.
“Um… nothing,” she stammered, grateful for her darker skin tone concealing the blush she could feel warming her cheeks.
The thrum of the music seemed to beat in tandem to the thump of her heart. Gwen felt a bead of sweat form on her neck trail down between swelling breasts. She looked up to see Connor’s burning gaze follow the path to her cleavage. Gwen stiffened at the heat in his eyes.
Oh God, this was actually happening…
Yessss, her inner voice agreed eagerly.
Sensing her sudden tension, they moved in closer, like wolves on the hunt, entrapping their prey so it had no chance of escape.
And that’s exactly what Gwen felt like: a helpless deer seized within the jaws of two hungry predators…
Connor’s rock hard dick was straining painfully against the zipper of his jeans. He met Dan’s eyes and knew his friend was likewise afflicted. Goddamn, this girl. She was adorable and sweet and completely unaware of how unbelievably sexy she was. If she thought that innocent white dress made her less appealing, she was dead wrong. The more covered up she was, the more he wanted to see what was hidden beneath. For just that alone, she was hotter than any woman here. Add in her mocha skin, full pert lips, and long mane of mahogany hair, and she beat them all by a landslide.
When Mac had introduced her to them, the first thing Connor had wanted to do was pull that damned bow keeping her dress closed. He knew her full breasts would come spilling out of their confinement and he desperately wanted to know what color her nipples were.
He hadn’t realized he’d growled until he felt Gwendolyn’s knee twitch beneath his hand. Gwendolyn. God, even her name is sexy. He slid his hand higher up her leg, pulling her dress with it. Her sun kissed caramel skin was smooth to the touch and felt like warm silk under his skin.
He was within an inch of the junction of her thighs when she clamped them together.
Connor grinned and wiggled his fingers as she gasped. Come on, baby, let me in…
Dan sifted his fingers through Gwen’s chestnut hair and pulled her closer to his chest. He used his other hand to slip his fingers beneath the strap of her dress, slightly pulling it to the side. He wanted to hungrily lap at the skin he exposed, but held back, waiting for her invitation to her body. He put his mouth to her ear and whispered, “Let him touch you, sweetheart. Just relax…”
Gwen was breathing heavily as she looked through the trees to the people dancing. Mac and her friend were practically fucking in the middle of everyone. Dan looked to Gwen and saw some internal struggle taking place behind her eyes before she closed them and inhaled deeply. When she opened them, she settled against his chest more firmly before looking to Connor and slightly parting her thighs.
Dan smiled and placed his mouth on her neck, darting his tongue out to lick her skin. Gwen moaned softly and the sound went straight to his dick. She tilted her head, giving him better access. He took full advantage, sucking deeply enough he knew it would leave his mark. She tasted sweet and salty at the same time and he longed to savor other parts of her…
Connor wasted no time, using both hands to push her dress around her hips, exposing her white cotton panties. He growled again when he saw the dark spot in the middle. He trailed a finger lightly up her slit, “Wet for us, baby?”
Gwen moaned, her legs trembling as she tried to close them again. He didn’t let her get away. Connor slid his hand under one of her knees and hitched it over his hip. He looped his ankle with her other leg to keep her spread open.
Connor looked up to see her watching his movements as he trailed a finger along the crease of her inner thigh. Her eyes were a light brown, almost copper in color, and they widened when he slipped a finger beneath the flimsy bit of fabric covering her.
The back of his finger slid along her nether lips and he groaned when he felt she was bare. Gwen’s pussy was smooth and wet as he spread her open beneath her panties. She whimpered and lifted her hips when he teased her clit between two fingers. Connor’s dick grew impossibly harder and he needed to see her fully. Now.
He knew their illusion of privacy could be interrupted at any moment, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care. In fact, the thought of people watching him and his friend fuck this beautiful woman only turned him on more. Plus, she was the one who opened her legs for him only moments earlier. Maybe she liked to be watched…the thought made him groan.
“Dan, help me get her up.” Gwen’s eyes popped open wide, but she didn’t protest as they placed her on top of the table, leaning her back against Dan’s chest, his legs holding hers open, Connor standing between them.
Connor grinned and did what he’d been wanting to do from the start. Leaning forward, he pulled the string holding together the bow on her dress. As he suspected, her full breasts came spilling out, exposing tight dusky brown nipples. They were hard round peaks, shaped like mini hershey kisses, but he bet they tasted even sweeter.
With nothing for it, Connor leaned down and took one into his mouth, sucking deeply before nibbling with his teeth. Gwen sobbed in Dan’s arms, struggling to be released. Connor met her eyes, while he let his tongue swirl around the tip, soothing the hurt he had inflicted. Not letting go of her gaze, he repeated his ministrations to the other nipple.
She met his gaze and gulped, her tiny white teeth sinking into her full bottom lip.
Connor stood up and trailed his hands up her thighs, looping his fingers with the waistband of her panties. Dan released her legs long enough for Connor to slide them down her legs. Entwining his legs with hers, Dan once again held her open for Connor’s view.
Dan shifted so Gwen’s ass was suspended off the table and widened her legs. Connor sat down on the bench seat and leaned forward so he was eye level with her pretty shaved pussy. She was fully exposed to him, her lips spread wide and saturated with her own juices.
Connor didn’t hold back, licking a circle around her opening before sliding his tongue to her clit and sucking deeply…
Gwen cried out as Connor took her clit into the warmth of his mouth, sucking and licking, playing her like she was fine tuned instrument and he was a master musician. She could barely move, imprisoned as she was within Dan’s limbs. His legs kept hers open, while his arms held hers down, with his hands strategically placed on her breasts. Dan pulled and pinched her nipples while sucking on the fine skin of her neck.
What the hell am I doing?! She was spread open between two men, her body exposed for anyone to walk by and see…
You’re living for once, Gwennie, her inner voice whispered. Your body is being worshipped by two insanely hot alpha males; relax and enjoy it. It’s time to let loose and have some fun, remember?
Gwen relaxed in their arms and fell prey to the multiple sensations overwhelming her. Were there people watching them? Did she really care anymore? Connor’s mouth felt amazing on her tender flesh. The stubble of his jaw rasped against the lips of her pussy. and she moaned loudly. Gwen thought she heard a chorus of male laughter not too far away. The fading light hindered her sight, but she could swear she saw the outline of several men standing just beyond the grove of trees to their left.
Connor replaced his tongue with his thumb pushing into her clit, making Gwen moan. She looked down to see him smiling wickedly, “Do you like to be watched, baby?” He moved to the right and looked to where the other men were standing. They had moved closer and she could see them clearly now. They watched as Connor licked two fingers and slid them slowly into her opening.
Gwen gasped, but surprisingly didn’t try to stop him. His fingers curled within her pussy, moving faster now that they were slick with her honey. She moaned, lifting her hips, as much as she was able, to his questing fingers. Dan’s hands on her breasts squeezed and twisted her nipples hard as he pulled and twisted the peaks almost painfully.
She should have been outraged, embarrassed, that she was being watched, but their faceless silhouettes remained cloaked in the darkness. Gwen found the thought of the nameless men witnessing her pleasure thrilling and it served to bring her closer to her peak. She looked down to Connor’s fingers invading her body. They were slicked with her ever growing wetness. She let out a cry as her inner walls clamped down around them. Gwen came hard and screamed her release into the night, while Connor continued to fuck her with his fingers…
Dan groaned as Gwen trembled in his arms. He’d felt her orgasm shudder through her entire body. He couldn’t help but grasp her chin and lean down to take her mouth. He licked her tongue with his and sucked it into his mouth. She tasted like the purest honey with a hint of aged oak from the whiskey she’d sampled earlier. He let go of her mouth and grinned as she whimpered at the loss of his. Never one to disappoint, he slid the thumb of one hand into her mouth. Copper eyes met his and he groaned when she sucked on his finger.
Connor stood up and prompted Dan to let her go. Reluctantly he released her to allow Connor to remove Gwen’s dress, leaving her completely naked for their perusal. Dan scooted back as Connor grasped her waist and flipped Gwen over, bending her over the table. Her waist rested on the edge with her head placed between Dan’s thighs.
Not wasting any time, Dan undid his belt buckle. Sliding down his zipper, a sigh of relief escaped his lips as his stiff dick was finally released. Gripping himself, he lined the tip up with Gwen’s lip.
Gwen looked unsure, but Connor twisted his hand in her hair and ordered her to suck Dan’s cock.
He was about to protest and tell her she didn’t have to–
Jesus Christ…
Dan let out a guttural moan as his dick slipped into the haven that was Gwen’s sweet mouth. She swirled her tongue around his tip, lapping up the precum that had leaked out. She tilted her head, and let her tongue slide down each side of length, teasing him to no end. Dan growled and gripped her head in both hands and directed her mouth back to the tip.
Her lips parted and she took him into her mouth once again. Still gripping her hair, Dan tilted his hips and pushed her mouth fully onto his cock. Gwen gagged around his thickness, but was helpless to get away. He continued to fuck her mouth roughly, moaning when her little tongue swirled around his girth.
Gwen sucked him down like her mouth was made to take his cock and slowly released his hold to let her go at it. She didn’t let up, lifting onto her elbows to get a better angle. She looked into his eyes as she bobbed her head up and down, straining to take him to that back of her throat.
Dan felt Gwen freeze on a downward slide and she tried to lift up her body but Connor placed his hand on her back and held her down. He saw his friend’s hand between her ass cheeks and grinned.
He saw Connor’s hand move, more than likely playing her ass and let a deep groan, almost coming, as Gwen swallowed hard around his cock…
Gwen’s entire body tightened. Her mouth was still full of Dan’s thick cock, and her legs were being held apart by Connor’s. While Dan was vigorously fucking her mouth, Connor had been playing his fingers between her legs. She could feel her juices drizzling down her thighs as his fingers kept pistoning into her cunt. She was close to coming again, when his fingers slid up the crack of her ass and probed her opening.
Oh no no no …I can’t do this! Gwen screamed in her head, since her mouth was currently full.
Yes, you can…you know you’ve always wanted to, her inner voice answered. You want to know what it feels like to have a man’s cock deep inside your ass. Trust him, let him pleasure you…
She was now frozen in place, Dan’s cock deep in her throat while Connor circled her rosebud with juices he’d pilfered from her pussy. Connor continued to play with her ass as she listened to the telltale sound of his zipper. Gwen struggled to get away but she was helplessly held down by the two men. She felt Connor’s dick at the entrance to her pussy while thumb slowly stretched her back hole.
Gwen tried to breathe around Dan’s cock and hardened her resolve. It was true, she’d always wanted to know what all the rave was about and looked like she was about to find out…
“It’s okay, sweetheart. Just breath. We’re going to make you feel good, I promise,” Dan said as he brushed the hair away from her face. She looked into his warm chocolate eyes and he gently slid his cock from her mouth. Gwen inhaled deeply and felt Connor push his dick into her pussy…
Connor groaned as his cock slid into the wet tight heat of Gwen’s cunt. He made a few deep thrusts, wetting his dick so he could slide it into her even tighter ass. “Hold onto her arms, Danny,” he ordered.
He couldn’t believe she was letting them do this to her with an audience. This girl just keeps getting hotter and hotter. With only a few weak protests, she’d been game to let them do anything they wanted. Watching Gwen suck down Dan’s cock like she couldn’t get enough was one of the sexiest things he’d ever seen. Connor almost wanted to turn her around and get his turn in her mouth. Almost.
Dan complied and held her down as Connor widened her stance and spread her lower cheeks apart. He lined his dick with her back entrance, thoroughly lubricated from her own juices and eased himself inside. “Fuuuuuuck,” he groaned, tilting his head back.
She was gloriously tight, almost painfully so. Her ass was like a vacuum around his cock and he could barely stand to move. Gwen cried out as his invasion and he paused. Connor leaned forward, wrapping one arm around her waist and kissed the silky skin of her back. “It’s okay, baby. I won’t hurt you. Just relax…yes, that’s it.”
Gwen was breathing heavily, her breasts crushed against the smooth wood of the table. Connor’s cock in her now formerly virgin asshole felt huge and invasive at first. But as she relaxed, the hurt lessened and she began to enjoy the foreign push and pull of him inside her forbidden hole.
This feels…
…so fucking good, her inner voice groaned.
Connor was now gripping her hips and thrusting steadily into her. Just when Gwen had started to tilt her hips back for more, he wrapped his other arm around her chest and pulled her up so she was standing in front of him, back to front. The shift plunged his cock fully into her ass and she let out a broken moan, his name but a whisper on her lips.
“Easy, baby,” he murmured in her ear. She watched Dan slide off the table as Connor moved them to the edge, still inside her. He leaned back, his knees slightly bent. He kept his arms tightly wound across her chest as Dan came forward. Surprising her, he kneeled down and lifted one leg over his shoulder.
Is he…?
He leaned forward and licked a line of fire from her clit to the opening of her pussy.
Yesss he is, her inner voice moaned.
Gwen whimpered when Dan’s tongue slipped passed her entrance and began to lap up her cream. She could feel Connor’s cock pulsing inside her ass and the paired sensations almost drove her the brink once again.
She was denied for the second time when Dan stopped looked up and smiled, licking his lips, “Damn, you taste so sweet, honey.”
“Doesn’t she?” Connor growled from behind her and moved his hands to pinch her nipples. Gwen moaned as pleasure pain vibrated through her sensitive peaks.
Dan lifted her other leg as he stood to his full height. He shifted both her legs so they rested in the crook of his elbows resting at hips, which brought his cock mere inches from the entrance of her pussy.
Gwen could feel her heart trying to pound its way through her chest as she realized what was about to take place.
Fuck, no this is too much… I can’t handle them both at the same time!
Her inner vixen remained silent, the bitch.
She was about to protest when Dan closed the small distance still between them and drove into her in one fluid thrust.
A sharp cry tore from her throat as she was impaled at once by two cocks.
Dear God…
I don’t think God has much to do with it, the vixen snickered.
Gwen couldn’t bring herself to answer. She had never been so impossibly, blissfully full in her entire life. The world around them ceased to exist. The trees, the music, even the men she knew still stood watching them, faded away. Her entire existence was this moment: her, Dan and Connor joined together under the darkening night sky…
Dan had to grit his teeth and hold his breath to keep from coming. Gwen was incredibly tight. Her sweet warm cunt gripped his cock like a glove, her inner walls clenching his length maddeningly.
He looked over her to meet Connor’s eyes. His friend smiled and nodded. It wasn’t the first time they’d shared a woman this way and they both knew what to do.
They secured Gwen’s body more firmly in their arms as Dan slowly began to slide out. Gwen’s inner walls contracted around him, trying to keep him inside. When just the tip of his cock was still inside her, he tugged her body forward. Sinking back into her at the same time he knew Connor was pulling out. They kept their rhythm slow to start, letting Gwen become acclimated to having two men inside her.
That didn’t stop her lithe body from writhing between them. The noises she made went straight to his balls. He could already feel them tightening in preparation of exploding inside her silky warmth. Her full high breasts swayed with their movements and Dan found himself memorized by the dusky tips. He kept Gwen firmly in place as he leaned down and took one hard peak into his mouth. She groaned deeply and rewarded him with a tight squeeze of her inner muscles.
Dan knew Connor felt it too when he growled and quickened his pace. Gwen’s cries became more fervent as Dan matched his friend’s tempo.
They fucked Gwen hard, pushing in and pulling out of her ass and pussy at the same time instead of back and forth. He knew he was close, but he held himself back, remaining on the edge until he could feel Gwen come apart around him…
Gwen couldn’t stop moans sounding deep within her throat. She broke apart every time they both plunged to the hilt within her. She barely came back together again as they pulled out only shatter once more as their cocks filled her from both ends. Over and over, they seated themselves fully inside of her.
She was going to come soon, but tried to restrain herself. The feeling of both their hard thick cocks inside her was just too amazing.
I’m going to break into a million tiny pieces…
Yessss, and it’s going to spin our entire fucking world on its axis, her inner vixen moaned with a smile in her voice.
Her ass felt raw as Connor continued to punish her tight hole. His grunts, more animal than man, told her he was close. Dan’s cock stretched her swollen pussy to its limit, and she wanted desperately to feel them both come inside her.
“You love this don’t you, baby? Love my cock fucking this virgin asshole?” Connor growled, thrusting hard enough that his flesh slapped against her thighs. “Love the feel of Dan deep inside that tight little cunt. I can feel your juices flowing down your thighs onto mine. We know you want it, baby. Come for us.”
They began to fuck her in earnest, and Gwen couldn’t have held back if she tried. She threw her head against Connor’s shoulder as her orgasm was torn from inside of her. Her body shattered as darkness erupted behind her eyes and she shook with the force of the power of her release. The unfamiliar sounds coming from her throat were swallowed by Connor’s mouth as he fused his lips with hers. Her body seemed to fracture as Connor drank from her mouth, sucking deeply as if she alone contained the air he needed to breathe.
Gwen felt Dan thrust roughly into her pussy five more times before he stilled and came with a roar inside her. Her own climax was prolonged as she felt his hands dig into the back of her thighs, his fingers like brands on her flesh.
Connor’s lips slipped from hers and he dropped his head to groan his own release into her neck. The sound vibrated through her body and sent tingles along her skin. He cupped her breasts firmly as she felt him come inside her ass…
Gwen’s body was liquid in their arms. Her deep breaths pushed out her chest, her heavy breasts spilling out of Connor’s hands. Dan’s own breathing came out in shallow pants as his body fought to come down from the glorious high that was fucking and exploding inside Gwen’s tight wet sheath.
When he had himself mostly under control, Dan kept hold of her legs as he slowly slid his slackening cock from her body. She whimpered at the loss, her legs twitching in his arms, but he didn’t let her fall. Connor pulled out of her next and another sob escaped her lips.
Her copper gaze met his as wonder filled her eyes. Despite her seeming willingness to let them share her, he knew Gwen had never had an experience such as this and he felt humbled to have the honor.
Dan smiled warmly at her while they slowly let her down, testing her stability. He grabbed clean napkins and bottled water from the other side of the table. He dampened both and handed one to Connor.
Gwen rested her hands on Dan’s shoulders as he and Connor gently wiped her skin clean.
She smiled sweetly at Dan, her eyes lit up, “Thank you,” she murmured, her cheeks red beneath the smooth caramel of her skin.
After everything they just did, in front of an audience no less, she was embarrassed at us cleaning her up?
Gwen turned to Connor and gave him her thanks as well.
Dan chuckled and shook his head while rising to his feet. He leaned forward, turning her head to his. He licked the seam of her lips before gently slipping his tongue inside. He took his time exploring her sweet mouth, savoring the taste of her. When he pulled away, she was again breathing heavily, “No. Thank you… for the privilege of fucking your beautiful body.”
Gwen’s blush deepened,”Um… you’re welcome?” She smiled crookedly.
“Now you’re shy, hmm?” Connor muttered before taking his turn with Gwen’s lips. He was not gentle. He devoured her mouth and she hungrily returned his fevered kiss. Before he bent her over the table and started fucking her all over again, he pulled away and began to help her redress.
When they all had their clothes resettled, he smiled wickedly at Gwen. Perfecting Dan’s more cultured tone, he mock-repeated, “Thank you Gwen, for the privilege of fucking your beautiful body.”
She giggled while Dan narrowed his eyes on him and threw the wet napkins at his face.
Just as Connor was about to retaliate when Gwen’s friend Kelsey came skipping, yes actually skipping, through the trees. She was sans Mac, but judging from her tousled hair and disheveled clothes, one could guess they had been up to similar activites as he, Dan, and Gwen.
“Ready to go, Gwennie?” Kelsey chimed.
“Um… yeah,” Gwen returned slowly. She looked at both him and Dan, a secret smile playing on her lips. “Thank you… for everything.”
Gwen moved to place a kiss on each of their cheeks before letting her friend whisk her away.
Connor shook his head and looked at Dan. His friend was still watching her retreating form, almost wistfully. Connor slapped a hand on his back and Dan snapped out of it, shaking his head.
“Wanna get a beer?” Connor asked.
Dan turned to him, intently scanning his face. Seeming to find what he was looking for, he sighed and nodded, “Sure.”
Dan turned to walk towards where the coolers were placed. Connor was about to follow when something compelled him to turn around.
Further away, at the edge of the parking lot, Gwen was turned towards the picnic area. He saw her face light up with a beautiful smile as eyes made contact with hers. He chuckled and smiled back before lifting his hand in a wave and turning to follow Dan.
“What are you staring at?” Kelsey’s voice came from behind her.
“Nothing,” Gwen squeaked, turning to follow Kels to the car.
Kelsey whirled around and placed her arms firmly on Gwen’s shoulders. Her eyes narrowed as she took in Gwen’s appearance from top to toe. A slow grin spread across Kelsey’s face, “You didn’t?”
“Didn’t what?” Gwen replied innocently.
“Oh, don’t give me that! Which one was it?”
Gwen looked into her friend’s eyes and smiled wide while biting her lip.
Kelsey’s draw dropped, “Both of them?” She stage whispered before her face scrunched up, “Oh my God, you’ve out-slutted me.”
Gwen guffawed and released herself from Kelsey’s grip, “As if.” She expected her inner voice to pipe in at this point, but apparently the vixen was sated and curled up for the night.
She was just about to start walking towards the care when an unfamiliar man came up from behind her.
“Hey,” he grinned down at her suggestively.
“Um… hey?” she half asked. Who was this guy?
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper with his name and number on it. “Enjoyed the show, baby. Call me sometime,” he winked while slowly perusing her body before turning away.
Gwen felt Kelsey’s eyes boring into the side of her face, which was surely now beat red, “You were saying?”
“Well I guess it was about time someone out-slutted you, Kels,” she winked and turned to walk away.
Kelsey followed quickly behind her, asking a million questions, but Gwen tuned her out.
She smiled to herself, slipping the scrap of paper into her pocket and breathed in the aroma of the sweet summer heat.