The Professional Woman Part Two: Down But Not Out

"Things begin to look bad for Stephanie and company, can they turn it around?"

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 The Professional Wife Part Two: Making it big. 

I sat in my chair as the waiters brought out our plates before us. The appetizers were magnificent. Even though Mark had brought me here under false pretenses, I was in complete awe. Then the talking began, and I wanted to throw up all the contents of my stomach. 

Mr. Crawford or Edward Crawford was doing all the talking, and as usual, all the men around him just nodded their heads or kept repeating what he said, no matter how disgusting or stupid he sounded. It was sickening to watch grown men act like scolded children. Edward was a battle ax, old, stuck in his ways and never apologized even when he was wrong. 

Mark was another one of his “yes men” as I called the cowards that hung on every word Edward spewed from his mouth. Some people had called Edward, a silver fox because of his silver hair. His looks reminded me of the actor Sean Connery. In the few times I have met him he never said my name, always calling me by married name. 

“Do you want more?” the waiter asked as he held a bottle of wine. 

“Yes,” I nodded. 

Mark shot me a look which I ignored. No doubt he was unhappy that I was the only one at the large table that was on my third cup. If he was going to lie to me so that all his male coworkers could take short glimpses at my cleavage or pretend to drop silverware to peek at my thighs, then I will drink as much wine as possible. 

The conversation was the usual, not enough of this, do more of that or else chatter. I looked around the table. The other wives were either staring at their husbands, peering down at their phones or staring off into space. 

Except for Edward’s wife. The youngest person at the table was hanging on every word her husband said she was Edward’s fifth wife. I was guessing her age to be no more than twenty-three or two. She was young and perky in all the right places. I had liked Margaret, his fourth wife, she had spunk, but that was also the reason he divorced her. In Edward’s mindset, a woman should be seen and never heard. 

By the time dessert came around, I was on my sixth cup of wine. I looked around one more time and noticed a few models as well as a designer I had seen in one of the magazines. I excused myself and walked to the bathroom. I made a slight detour so that our paths would cross as he was leaving. 

“Stephanie,” the designer said as I nearly bumped into him. 

“Marcus,” I smiled pretending to notice him. He shook my hand while staring down at my dress. 

“That’s not one of mine,” he said as he held my hand as I spun around. 

“No,” I shook my head. “Unfortunately not,” I smiled as he told the three ladies by his side to go on ahead. 

“Well,” he said as he looked me up and down. “I have been thinking of doing a new design for…” he stopped as he looked at my chest. “The pleasantly gifted?” 

“That’s a good way of saying top heavy,” I smiled. 

“Yes,” he smiled. “Do you have any models in your agency that I could use for a showpiece?” 

“Marcus?” I leaned in towards him. “Are you asking what I think you are?” 

“Let’s just say there has been a falling out between one of your competitors and me,” he whispered back to me. Then he moved back from me. “I will have someone call your people and set up something?” 

“Absolutely,” I smiled. “It was nice seeing you.” 

“Take care,” he said as he walked outside. 

I couldn’t wait to tell the girls. I had four of my models in mind. They weren’t too top heavy, and they could definitely fit themselves in dresses that Marcus usually designed. When I got back to the table, Edward was still on his rant. I sighed as I pulled myself closer to the table.

“Something wrong?” Edward asked as he stared at me. 

“No,” I answered defiantly. 

“Was I boring you?” he asked as all eyes were centered on me. It was Mark’s turn to place his hand on my thigh. He knew I wasn’t the type to back down from anyone least of all his boss. 

“I wouldn’t say boring,” I replied as I picked up my cup. 

“Should I order them to bring out the whole wine cellar?” he smiled as a few other laughed along with him. 

“Don’t,” I said shaking my head as I looked at the others. “He isn’t funny, he knows it, and all of you know it. The only reason your laughing is because you’re scared of him.” 

Three of the wives stifled a laugh. “No Edward you don’t need to order the whole wine cellar. I like the wine, it is good. You have great taste in wine you always have, so let’s just cut to the chase you don’t like me. I don’t like you, let’s leave it at that.” 

Mark’s face was flushed red, his nails had pierced the skin on my thigh, and I could care less. Edward’s face, on the other hand, was pale. He was good at hiding his emotions it was what made him a good lawyer in his hay day. No one could call his bluff or know what he was thinking behind those steel blue eyes. 

“How is the business?” he asked. 

I smiled. “It is doing well,” I answered as I turned to face him. 

“I played golf with Maxwell a few days ago,” Edward said name-dropping the owner of my company. 

“I talked to him a few weeks ago,” I answered. Maxwell Martine was a man of precise words. When he said something people jumped right to it. 

“His son is thinking of coming back to the company,” Edward said as he slowly sipped on his wine. 

“Todd?” I smiled on the outside, but on the inside, my heart was beating like crazy. I had turned Todd down one night at a company party. He knew I was married, but it didn’t stop him from coming on strong many times. 

Since then he had begun to try and buy his parents stocks in the company so that he could take control. 

“Yes,” Edward nodded with a smile. He had me, and he knew it. I wasn’t as good at hiding my emotions as he was. “I understand he thinks…” 

“I know what he thinks,” I nodded looking down at my napkins. Todd was like a young version of Edward he believed my models should not have a say in what shows they should do, what clothes they wanted to wear. I gave them a choice, I treated them all fairly, and I had their respect as well as their loyalty. 

“Can you pass this down to her please,” Edward said as he gave the person nearest to him an envelope. He sat back as he watched it get passed down to me. Mark handed me the envelope. 

My heart sank as I read it. “You bastard,” I said through gritted teeth. 

“Stephanie,” Mark said as I stormed out. 

I stood outside staring at the letter. Edward had bought out Maxwell’s share as well as his wife’s. He had then sold both parts to Todd for less than what he had bought it. Mark met me outside. “You knew!” I shouted at him. 

“He wanted me and a few others to go to Los Angeles to head up a new office,” Mark said as the rain began to come down. I stared a hole through Mark. “I told him I couldn’t leave because you were invested in your career.” 

“You spineless prick,” I shouted as I stormed away from him. 

Mark ran up to catch up with me. “I didn’t know he was going to do that,” he said as he walked next to me. 

“He asked you if I didn’t have my job would you go?” I stopped and looked at him. I knew how men like Edward worked. They came and went in my job all the time. To them, we dolls and playthings. I looked at him as the rain came down harder. My hair and dress were totally soaked. The water dripped down my tear filled face as I stared at my husband. 

“Get in the car,” Mark pleaded. “We can talk about this inside, your making a scene.” 

I looked around no one was looking they were too focused on getting out of the rain or looking at the people coming out of the restaurant. 

“Answer the fucking question!” 


“Fuck you,” I barked as I made my way back to the restaurant. 

“Stephanie, wait,” Mark said as he gave chase. 

Edward and his entourage were coming out of the restaurant. One of his henchmen saw me and stood in front of Edward protecting him from the crazy woman barreling down on them.  

“Did you ask him if you got rid of my position at my job would he go?” I asked staring at Edward. 

“Of course,” Edward shrugged. “I needed him to go where I wanted, and he told me the only way he could go was if you no longer had the responsibilities that you had.” 

“He told you that, his words?” I asked. 

“Yes,” Edward smiled. 

“Thank you,” I nodded as I walked away. “You’re still a fucking bastard.” 

I grabbed my ring off my finger and threw it into the road. “Fuck you,” I said as I held my middle finger up to Mark. 


“You did the right thing,” Ginger said as she poured another cup of hot tea into my cup. 

I sat on her couch staring at the steaming dark black cup. “I’m finished.” 

“Don’t say that,” Ginger said as she sat near me. “You don’t that know for sure now do you? You can sleep here for tonight. We can get better answers in the morning.”

“Babe?” Ginger’s boyfriend Gary said as he stood up from his chair in the corner. “Can I talk to you?” 

The two walked into the next room. I could hear them. He was upset that I would be staying. It was his last night in town, and they hadn’t spent enough time with each other. Ginger told him that I was her boss and she would do anything for me. I smiled as I heard that. She then told him if he didn’t like it he knew how to go through the door. 

“Sorry,” Ginger said as she returned. 

I watched as the boyfriend walked towards the door. He slammed it closed behind as he left. Ginger smiled as she looked at me. “No,” she said shaking her head. “I know what you are going to say and the answer is no. You are sleeping here tonight, and that’s final.” 

I nodded. I knew better than to argue with her once she went into redhead mode. 

The couch was comfortable, and even though many thoughts plagued my mind, I slept somewhat comfortably. 

The morning sun woke me as it filled the living room. I looked at my phone. They were notifications of emails, text messages and a few missed calls. Lucky, I had put it on silent, or I would have never slept. The emails were from Todd notifying me that he had called a board meeting. He also sent out many emails about changes that were going to be put into effect immediately. 

I looked through the changes. “You have got to be fucking kidding me,” I shook my head. 

“I know,” Ginger said as she stepped into the living room. She was holding her tablet. “Lucy is on her way over,” she said as she planted herself on the couch next to me. 

Together we went through the four emails, each with a new list of things that were going to change. “Can you believe this asshole?” Lucy said as stepped into the condo. 

“Yes,” I said as I  looked up at them. “Yes I can,” I got up and looked out the window. The city looked peaceful from up here. I could see the people down below going about their daily routine. 

“Bet he has a small dick,” Lucy said as she put the three coffee cups on the table. 

“Everything comes down to dick size with you, doesn’t it?” Ginger said as she picked up her cup. 

“I am just saying, usually the guys that want women to bow to their knees and worship them because they are the “boss,” she said as she made the air quotes. “Usually have small dicks.” 

“Can’t argue,” I replied. “Listen, we will face the music together,” I nodded. “He has called a meeting for everyone bright and early Monday morning, so be prepared we might be losing our jobs,” I sipped my cup of coffee.

“Right,” Lucy nodded. 

We sat in silence as the three of us contemplated what would be our next move. 

“I got to go the house,” I mentioned breaking the silence. Most of the missed calls were from my soon to be ex-husband. 

“Want us to come?” Ginger asked. 

“No, you have some repairing of your own to do,” I smiled. “And you,” I turned to Lucy “have to call all the models to let them know what has happened and prepare them for the worse.” 

“On it,” Lucy said with her usual smile. 


I stared at the house. It didn’t feel like my house anymore. I felt like I was a visitor. Slowly I got out of my car and walked towards the door. I took my keys out and then stopped. I put them back in my purse then rang the doorbell. 

Slowly the door opened, and there was Mark. “Threw your keys away too?” 

“No,” I shook my head. “Didn’t feel like using them. Can I come in?” 

“It’s still your fucking house,” Mark exclaimed as he moved to the side. 

“Thanks,” I said as I walked in. 

Mark had been busy. There were boxes of stuff everywhere. “Most of it is my stuff,” he explained as he pushed past me. 

“I was going to move out,” I said as I stood against the wall separating the kitchen from the living room. 

“And go where?” Mark said squinting his face. “Your sisters?” 

“Hell no,” I shook my head. I couldn’t live with that slut. Listening to her bang a different guy every night, my sister was a certified nympho, that was putting it as lightly as possible. She fucked any guy with a dick. Her psychiatrist had called it a sex addiction. I called it what it was. She was a fucking slut. 

“Well then,” Mark shrugged. “You can stay here until we sell the place, then you can do whatever you want,” he stated. 

“Okay,” I agreed. It made sense. “What about your mother’s ring?” 

“I will leave that between you and her,” Mark smiled. “If I were you, I would write a will before you tell her. That ring has been passed down more times than I can count.” 

“Trust me I know,” I said shaking my head. 

“So, this is it,” Mark said as he leaned against the couch. “You really want to do this?” 

“Yes,” I replied without hesitating. “It’s been a long time coming, for the both of us.” 

“For you,” he corrected me. “You’re the one that has been unhappy.” 

I shook my head. “Not unhappy, bored.” 

“Wow, that is so much better,” Mark shook his head. “I am boring?” 

“Not you, us. It takes two remember?” I said. “I don’t know why but it feels like we have come to an end and we both don’t know what to do, getting a divorce is a right thing. You can move to where ever you want, do whatever you want. I can,” I stopped. “If I still have a job, I can do what I want, and none of us have to put our career’s on hold for the other.” 

Mark nodded. “Fine,” he stood up. “I will let you know when the papers are done. Anything you want to keep?” 

“My car,” I nodded. 

“That’s it?” Mark looked at me. 

“I love my car,” I shrugged. “You can keep or sell everything else.” 

“Even the hunting cabin?” Mark asked. 

“Especially the hunting cabin, you can bulldoze the damn thing if you want,” I laughed. 

Mark laughed with me. He knew how much I hated that cabin. It was in the middle of nowhere, in the mountains. The water hardly ever worked and it smelled horrid no matter what I had tried to do to take the smell away, it smelled of death and decay. 

“I am going to miss you,” he said as he stepped closer to me. 

“You will find someone else,” I smiled as I looked into his eyes. “I am sure there is already a young secretary that is just waiting for you to nail her to the desk.” 

“Talking about nailing,” he said as he slipped a finger down the top of my shirt. 

“One last look before you go?” I asked as he looked down my shirt. 

“I was thinking about one more go around before we called it quits,” he smiled. 

“I can be convinced,” I smiled back at him. 

Mark began to squeeze my tits through my shirt. He quickly turned me around and pushed me against the wall. The track pants I had borrowed from Ginger fell to my ankles. Slowly I felt Mark’s dick slide into me from behind. 

“Fuck,” he said as he began to piston his dick into my wet pussy. He reached around and squeezed and fondled my breasts. 

“Fuck me,” I said through gritted teeth. Mark may be an asshole, but when he was angry, he fucked like an animal. 

Mark gripped my hips and began to buck into me hard. I felt our bodies smack against each other. “Fuck me?” he said as he pounded me for all his worth. 

“Yes!” I shouted back at him. “Fuck you!” 

He grabbed my hair and tightened it around his fist as he yanked my head back. “I will fuck you!” he shouted at me. 

“When?” I smiled. “You haven’t done a good job of it yet,” I spat back at him. I wanted to make him mad, so he would fuck me as he used to when we first got married. 

“Fuck you, you are a fucking slut,” he said letting go of my hair then spanking my ass. “Just like your fucking slut sister. Both of you love getting fucked!” 

I pushed my ass back on him harder. I was going to milk him for all his cum. “You should know, you fucked us both.” 

I felt him cumming. I knew he wasn’t going to pull out. Mark gripped my hips tight and pushed himself deep into me as he shot his load deep inside me.  He sighed as he pulled his dick out of me. 

I turned around to look at him. There was a moment that I wanted to tell him to stay, but it faded the moment I looked into those eyes. The same eyes that lied to me that betrayed my coworkers and me. 

“Bye Mark,” I nodded as I pulled my pants up to my waist and walked towards the stairs. 

As I walked into the bathroom, I heard the door slam shut. 


The weekend past quickly. Mark had movers come to get most of his belongings. As I walked through the house Monday morning, it was a shell of what it used to be. The couch was the only thing in the living room. The kitchen was bare because most of the cooking utensils belonged to him. I found it strange that he had done most of the cooking in the house. 

I smiled as I looked at the Keurig, coffee maker. It was one of the only things in the kitchen that I had bought. 

I sat at the table and smiled. I was free. Apart from the long conversation with Mark’s mother about her ring everything else had gone smoothly. 

Agatha screamed and yelled at me for what seemed like hours. I don’t think there was a single curse word that she hadn’t used. Then she said she hoped I died a long and agonizing death then hung up. All in all, I think it went well. 

“Hi, Steven,” I said as I passed the security guard at the entrance to the building. 

“Stephanie,” he bowed. “We are with you,” he whispered as I got close to him. 

“What?” I replied. 

“Have a good day,” he smiled with a wink. 

“Thank you,” I nodded. “For everything,” I said with a wink of my own. 

When the elevator opened, I almost fell back in shock. Slowly I walked out into the open forum. All of the models stood there looking at me. “We are behind you all the way,” one of them said as the others began clapping. I slowly walked between them my eyes tearing as I walked to my office. I turned back to them and smiled. 

“You’re going to cry,” Lucy said as I walked in. 

“No,” I said shaking my head. I looked back, and they were still there. “Yes,” I said as I began crying. 

“It was their idea,” Lucy smiled. 

“It was a good one,” I said gaining my composure. I took a deep breath and nodded at them as they began to make their way to the elevator. 

“Where’s Ginger?” I said wiping the tears from my eyes. 

“Getting the meeting room ready,” Lucy said as she took a tissue and began wiping my eyes. 

“Jeremy?” I asked as I looked around. 

“He said and quote,” Lucy smiled. “I can’t be there because I might beat some guys ass and go to jail.” 

“That is definitely something Jeremy would say and do,” I nodded. 

Ginger came into the room. “They are here,” she said as walked into the room. 

“They?” I asked. 

“Yeah,” Ginger said as she looked at me with a worried face. “Todd, his lawyers, four members of the board and some old guy with a white beard.” 

“Edward,” I said shaking my head. “All right, let’s go,” I said as I walked forward. 

The three of us walked to the meeting room. Edward sat at the head of the table with Todd and his lawyers on either side of him. The board members sat in their usual spots. I sat at the end with Ginger on my left and Lucy on my right. 

“Well, glad you could make it,” Edward smiled. 

“What are you doing here?” I asked. 

“Part of the deal,” Todd replied. “He has a controlling aspect of our company.” 

“You mean you can’t make a decision without going through him first,” I shook my head. “What? Your firm not enough for you?” 

“I have trusted associates that can take care of my other interests. I have always wanted to branch out and do other things,” Edward smiled. 

“Where does that leave us?” Lucy asked. 

“As well as us?” one of the board members asked. 

“The board will be still needed to make their usual decisions,” Todd smiled. His smile made me want to walk down there and put my fist through his face. 

“As for the three of you,” He shook his head. “You will be compensated for your time and loyalty towards the company. However, you will no longer be needed.” 

Ginger began to open her mouth. I stopped her by grabbing her hand. “Thank you,” I smiled. “But we will gladly decline your offer and sign any documents you want.” 

I knew when I was defeated, and I didn’t want to give any of them especially Edward, the angry tantrum that they expected. The look on Todd’s face was enough to let me know that they were hoping we would make a fool out of ourselves.

I sat politely and waited for the lawyers to put the documents in front of us. The three of us signed each form. 

“Is that all?” I asked. I could see Ginger was about to turn the redhead dial to max. Lucy was on the verge of tearing up.  We had worked our asses off for this company, and we were about to get thrown out like street urchin. 

“Yes,” Todd replied. “You have until the end of the day to get your things.” 

“Thank you,” I replied. I took the hands of the girls and stood up. “By the way Edward, I meant every word of the statement I said outside the restaurant.” 

Edward nodded. 

I led the girls down the hall and into the woman’s bathroom, locking the door behind us. 

“That stupid, fucking son of a bitch!” Ginger growled. 

Lucy ran into one of the stalls. The sound of her emptying her stomach filled the small room. 

“I want to tear his fucking eyes out!” Ginger continued yelling. 

I leaned back against the door. They had to let it out. I couldn’t, there was so much I wanted to say and do, but this was their time, not mine. 

“Don’t you want to do something?” Ginger asked me as she finished yelling and threatening everyone’s life. 

“Yes,” I nodded. I walked over to the stall. Lucy sat on the toilet with her eyes filled with tears. 

“What now?” she asked. 

“Both of you have my respect, and anywhere you go. I will tell them that they are getting the best employee’s anyone could have.” 

“What about you?” Ginger asked. 

“Don’t worry about me,” I smiled. “I got a few ideas banging around in this head of mine.” 

“Thank you,” Lucy smiled as she stood up. We hugged then went back to the office. Slowly we cleaned everything out. 

Sara waved at us as we walked out of the building. The security guards took our key cards and told us that our passcodes were being changed. I looked backward and up above the security center. Edward was standing in the cafeteria with a huge smile on his face. 

“This isn’t over asshole,” I said under my breath. “Not by a long shot.” 

I walked out of the building and waved the girls goodbye. I got in my car and drove home. Soon as I got inside, I fell to the floor and let it all out. 


Six months flew by in what seemed like just a few weeks. It was amazing how fast Mark got the papers finalized and most of our holdings sold. With the money from the cabin and the house, I was able to buy a house close to my neighborhood. It wasn’t as good as the house I was used to, but it was mine. 

Today was the first complete day I had to myself. No unpacking, no papers to sign. I sat on my new couch and stared at the huge screen. I splurged for the biggest flat screen the tech store had. It came with all the bells and whistles. 

“Well,” I smiled as I turned it on. “As usual there is nothing on.” 

I turned it back off after flicking through nearly all the channels. I looked at the large box my sister sent me as a housewarming present. I still hadn’t opened it. 

Knowing my sister, it was something sexual. For my birthday she got me a twelve-inch squirting vibrator complete with thirteen different lubricants. Mark was not impressed. I didn’t tell him that it had become one of my favorite toys. 

“Okay Celia,” I said walking over to the large brown box. “What did you get me this time?” 

I opened the box and was greeted by a letter. 

Hey Sis, 
Now that you are alone I am sure this will come in handy. 
Love Celia. 
P.S. Be careful it gets addictive.

“What the hell?” I said as I read it over again. 

I peeled away at the layers of bubble wrap and plastic foam pieces. “No fucking way!” I said out loud as I stared down at the black machine that sat before me. “A fucking Sybian Celia?” 

“No,” I said shaking my head as I piled everything back into the box. “No, way.” 

I called my sister as I sat down on the couch. “You like my gift,” she said answering her phone. 

“I am going to send it back to you,” I responded. 

“You didn’t even try it, did you? You’re such a prude.” 

“I am not a fucking prude, but I don’t need sex every….” I stopped as I heard a man’s voice. “Are you?” 

“Yeah,” she responded with a slightly embarrassed voice. “He is only fucking my tits, so I can still talk.”

I hung up the phone. “Bitch,” I said putting down the phone. Then I got a text message. 

“Try the fucking thing at least, you prude!” 

I hated when she called me that word. I wasn’t a prude. Mark could attest to that. I fucked him any way he wanted, anytime, anywhere. Just because I didn’t fuck anyone that sent me a dick picture or complimented me didn’t mean I was a prude. 

I stared at the box. “I could give it a try,” I shrugged. “Not like I have anything else to do today,” I said trying to convince myself. “I will try it and then she can come and pick it up.” 

I peeled the layers back and yanked the machine out of the box. There it sat on my living room floor. “Get over it,” I said as I began to take it to the center of the room. I looked over all the contents. Lube, and of course my sister opted for the thickest and lengthiest attachment. I put it all together and plugged it in. I grabbed the small remote and switched it on. The slight hum filled the room. 

“This is crazy,” I said with a smile. “The neighbors,” I said in shock. 

My old house was on an acre of land. All the houses were well spread apart. Now I lived in a development, and the houses were all bunched together. 

The first night I stayed here I watched my neighbor brush his teeth in high definition. I quickly closed the blinds to the living room. “No peeping toms,” I reassured myself. 

I stared back at it. Slipping out of my jeans and taking my top off I walked over to it. “Holy fuck,” I said as I wrapped my hand around the lifelike attachment. 

It felt just like the real thing except it was harder. “This could take some getting used to,” I smiled as I began to slide my hand up and down the shaft as I applied the lubricant. 

I was getting excited. I quickly reached for my phone. I went to my favorite porn app hidden among other boring apps. I looked for my favorite scene. 

“You know what,” I shrugged leaning forward to grab the remote for the television. Within seconds the large screen showed the video from my app. “Ha!” I cheered as I remembered the sales person wanted to charge me extra for them to teach me how to use it. 

I pulled my boy short panties down and slowly straddled it. I felt it slowly slide into me. “Holy,” I moaned as I felt the inches slide into me. I leaned slightly forward as I pressed play. 

The scene was a large woman being plowed from behind by a muscular man. The two of them began kissing at first. “Fuck that,” I said as I fast forward to her bending over. 

She was built like me. I wasn’t as big as her in the stomach area. However, I had thick hips and what Mark had nicknamed thunder thighs and huge boobs. The man grabbed her by the waist and began fucking her. 

I began to bounce on my fake dick. Picking up the small remote and turning the dial. “Oh my god,” I moaned louder. 

The woman began pushing back to meet the man’s thrusts. The two were moaning and talking the usual porn talk. “Shut up,” I said as I muted the television. I imagined Mark pounding me from behind the day he left. 

Again I turned the dial to the maximum. “Never,” I said shaking my head thinking about returning this marvel of a device. I reached for my chest and began to squeeze and play with my nipples. Then the screen stopped. It showed an incoming call. 

“Fuck,” I screamed as I looked up moving my long hair from my sweat filled face. It was Jeremy. 

I hit the answer button. 

“Hey,” he said his voice booming across the room from the surround sound speakers. 

“Hey,” I said lightly trying to catch my breath. 

“Did I catch you at a wrong time?” 

“No,” I said trying to stay calm as the throbbing inside me increased. “I am on my stair master,” I lied. “Sweating my ass off.” 

“Well don’t sweat too much of it off,” Jeremy said. “You’re single now, got to keep some of it there so the guys can stare at it.” 

I laughed. “Well, I don’t think I can work all of it off.” 

“We are meeting in the usual place in about an hour,” Jeremy said. “Ginger said there is something important she wants to tell us.” 

I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth as an orgasm ravaged my body. 

“You there?” 

“Yes,” I said nodding my head as if he could see me. I turned the dial back down. I took a deep breath. “I’m here.” 

“Shall I tell them to expect you?” he asked. 

“Yes, definitely,” I said wiping my brow. 

“Okay,” Jeremy said. “I was serious about the ass comment.” 

“I thought you were a boob guy,” I said as I gained my composure. 

“I was talking about the other guys,” he said. 

“Uh-huh,” I nodded. “I will see you there.” 

The phone hung up as Jeremy hung up on his side. The scene returned to the television. I paused it. I had caught Jeremy looking at my ass a couple of times. Especially when he helped me move most of my stuff into my house. He had even said I had a whootie, which he had to explain to me. 

“You know what,” I smiled as I looked it up on my app. There were hundreds of videos of women twerking and bouncing their asses. Then I found one that I liked a white female with a big ass on top of a black male. I had watched only a few interracial porn videos, due to Mark not wanting me to watch them.

I watched her suck his dick which wasn’t as big as I thought it would be, Mark’s seemed bigger. When she straddled him, and I watched his dick enter her. I turned the dial back up. I watched as her big ass bounced up and down on top of him. He slapped it hard as she rode him reverse cowgirl. 

It didn’t take long for me to imagine me being on top of Jeremy. I closed my eyes and started to ride the long fake dick hard. I grabbed the remote and turned it all the way up. I moaned louder as I came again. 

“You know what,” I said as I got off of it. “Bad!” I scolded the machine. “So bad!” 

I quickly turned it off. Turning the television off and cleaning everything and putting it away. I looked down at it as I put it back in the large black box it came in. 

“I won’t be returning it,” I sent a quick text to my sister. 

“Thought as much,” she replied. “You’re welcome.” 

“Still a fucking whore,” I said to myself as I went upstairs to get ready. 


The usual place was Lucy’s new place of work. An upscale diner downtown. Lucy worked as a waitress while she was looking for something else. It hurt me a lot when she told me that Todd had called every agency in the city. He made Lucy out to be a slutty secretary. He didn’t say it in those words, but the damage was done. 

Ginger worked as a manager at an all woman’s clothing store just a few blocks down from the diner. The two of them looked out for each other. 

Sara still worked for Todd and was keeping us all up to date with our models. I had to hold back my anger from taking over. I wanted to storm in there and bounce Todd’s against all the walls. He treated most of the models like hired escorts. I had got them away from doing lingerie ads and posing with football players. Todd was dragging them back to it. 

Jeremy went back to being a courier. He was our glue. We all went to him anytime we were feeling down. No matter what he always had something to say that made us all smile. 

I walked in and went to our circular booth. I saw Sara and Jeremy sitting there. Jeremy cocked his head to one side as I began to sit down. 

“What was that?” I asked as I sat down. 

“Just making sure the fellas had something to look at,” he smiled. 

“Oh, it’s still there,” I nodded “So are these,” I smiled as I pointed to my chest. 

“I don’t think any amount of working out will get rid of them,” Sara said. Apparently, she had been brought into the joke, which I didn’t mind. 

Lucy came by and sat down. “I got a few minutes,” she smiled as she sat down. I hated seeing her like this. It tore at me. The usual smile and fire in her face was gone. Even though she still smiled and tried to tell jokes. The Lucy I knew was gone. I gave her a quick hug. 

“I’m fine, mum,” she replied as she hugged me back. 

Ginger walked in and sat down. “How’re things?” she said as she looked around. 

“Usual,” Jeremy said. 

“Mark?” Ginger said looking over at me. 

“Good,” I nodded. The truth was he was doing excellent. He was a partner at his new office, and he was making more money than he was when he was here. 

“Asshole,” Lucy said. 

“Now,” I shook my head. “Well, yes,” I nodded my head. “The way it ended he was an asshole.” 

“What did you see in him?” Sara asked. She had never been sold on Mark from day one. The long-haired blonde actually hated Mark from the beginning. Mark had tried to explain something to Sara which she already knew and that rubbed her the wrong way. 

“We were young, he had a beard,” I shrugged. “The usual.” 

“Beard?” Jeremy asked. 

“It’s a woman thing,” I said. To which all the other women shook their heads. 

“Only you,” Ginger said. “Can’t stand when Ryan grows his out,” she shuddered as she said it. 

“Ditto,” Sara said. “I don’t mind a little facial hair, but a full on 

I nodded as I smiled. 

“Fuck that,” Sara shook her head. 

“Think I would look good with a beard?” Jeremy asked as he rubbed his fingers across his face.

“NO!” all of us said in unison. I liked his clean-shaven look even when he grew a mustache I was ready to get a shaver and shave it off. 

“Ryan?” I asked as I looked at Ginger. 

“Friends and staying friends,” she replied. 

“Always the better option,” Lucy nodded as she hugged her friend. 

“Not always,” I noted. “Mark and I were the best of friends in high school, even though it ended badly. We had a good run. We had great sex, an even better relationship and hardly ever argued,” I smiled. 

“Until the end,” Jeremy pointed out. 

“Yes,” I nodded. “But it was a good twelve-year run. Longer than most marriages these days.” 

“So,” Ginger looked at me. 

“I have seen you two together,” I said. “It works, you just have to let him lead now and then, not all the time, just some of the time.” 

Ginger nodded. She had the tendency in most of her relationships to be the controlling type. 

“What’s the news you called us here for?” Sara blurted out. She hated relationship talk since she was on the verge of a new relationship with one of the security guards. Sara always said people talking about relationships good or bad were a waste. 

“I don’t know,” Ginger said. “I got a call from someone working with Teresa telling me to gather everyone together and she would meet us. 

“Teresa,” I said as everyone looked at me. Teresa Martine had been my idol even when I didn’t want to be in the modeling business. Pictures of her had adorned my walls as a teen. She was stunningly beautiful. Back then she wasn’t married to her Maxwell. 

I remembered boys in high school talking about her all the time. How she looked in anything from lingerie to bikinis. I knew most of them went home to jerk off to pictures of her. Then she went into acting, and there wasn’t a male that didn’t want her to go topless. She never did, but there were many scenes with her holding her chest with only her hands to hide her bare nipples. 

All of us stared at each other. What could she want? Surely she knew her son had taken over the company. 

As we sat there a black luxury car pulled up, We watched as the driver got out and opened the door. Teresa walked out and walked towards the diner. 

“Hello,” she smiled as she stood before us. She was elegant as always. Even though her hair was mostly gray now, she still looked magnificent. “May I sit?” 

“Of course,” I said as we all shuffled to make room. 

“First,” Teresa said. “You all look great,” she smiled. 

“Thank you,” we all said. 

“Second,” she shook her head as she took off her glasses. “I had no idea what Maxwell was planning when he approached me to buy my shares. I thought he was planning to show Todd the ropes.” 

Teresa waved her hand at the waitress. The diner was silent as people stared at the infamous model. Teresa smiled and waved at the other patrons. Most of them waved back. “When I went to visit,” Teresa stopped and shook her head. “I am sorry if I knew his intentions I would have never…” she stopped. 

“Its…” I began to say. 

“No!” Teresa said her face shook with anger. “I spent my early years horrifically being shuffled around like some two-bit hussy. I promoted you to that position, so you wouldn’t let those models go through what many of us had to when I was their age,” she grabbed her purse tightly. “Now my stupid son is dragging the company backward.” 

“Can you repurchase it?” Lucy asked. 

“No,” Teresa said shaking her head. “Edward has full control. The secrets I could tell about that man, about most men.” 

There were always tales about what Teresa had seen and done. Most of them were good, a lot of them were terrible. “Anyway,” she said shaking her head. “Those were different times.” 

Teresa looked at all of us. “Follow,” she said as she got up. We piled out of the diner. “I am sure all of you can follow my driver?” 

“Yes,” I replied. “We can all fit in my car.” 

“Good,” she smiled. 

We all got into my large Suv, and I followed close behind Teresa’s vehicle. I always loved how the city went from upscale to historical, to downtown and then back up again. “Isn’t that Nilani?” Sara said as she pointed to the restaurant. 

“Yeah,” I replied remembering the last time I was there. Teresa’s car slowed and pulled into a parking garage a few blocks down from the restaurant. We got out and met her in the underground parking garage. 

“Ten years ago I bought this place,” Teresa smiled as she walked back up. We followed close behind. We got back out into the light as she looked up at the building above. “I was going to go into the restaurant business, but my friend Nilani bought her place first.” 

Teresa looked down the road at the restaurant. Even this early people were piling outside. “I didn’t want to go against her, so I let it go.” 

“I will give the building to you,” Teresa said looking at me. “You can do with it what you want.” 

“What?” I said looking up at the two-story building. 

“The electric and water still work,” Teresa said. “It’s all mine. You won’t have to worry about mortgages or taxes as I have paid for them all for the next eight years.” 

“Holy crap,” Ginger said grabbing onto my hands. 

“You’ve got to be…” Lucy began to say before finishing the sentence. “Sorry,” she said as she looked at Teresa. 

“You’re serious?” Sara said looking around. We were in downtown. The train station was in walking distance. All of the Broadway shows and spectacles were close. This was an excellent piece of real estate. 

“I can’t breathe,” I said my eyes were tearing up. 

Teresa smiled. “I need a yes or no darling.” 

“Yes,” I shouted as I looked at her. “Oh, god yes!” 

“You can’t give it away for nothing, isn’t that illegal or something?” Jeremy said staring at Teresa. 

“Oh,” Teresa smiled as she approached Jeremy who towered over her. “You are one handsome man if I was a few years younger. I would show you a thing or two.” 

Teresa’s driver shook his head. “I know Gerald,” she shook her head. “He hates when I flirt,” she winked at Jeremy. “You’re right. Any of you have five dollars?” 

“Sure,” we all said. 

“Just one,” Teresa said. 

I handed her a five-dollar bill. “That’s it?” I asked. 

“That’s what started our company,” Teresa shrugged. “Five dollars, it was a bet, but again another story that should go untold. Give them the papers,” she said to her driver. 

Gerald, the driver, handed me a few papers. “Sign them then return them to the address on the back. My lawyers will take care of the rest.” 

“Angelique,” I said as Teresa began to walk away. 

Teresa stopped her eyes were filled with water.

“That’s the name I will give the company,” I said meeting her gaze. 

Teresa nodded and said thank you under her breath. The driver helped her back to her car. We watched as the car drove off. 

“Angelique?” Sara asked. 

“The name of her daughter,” I nodded. “She lost it before it was born, she was going to name her Angelique.” 

“That’s fitting,” Sara said as we looked up. 

For a moment we all stood staring up at the building. 

“We are back bitches!” Lucy shouted at the top of her lungs, breaking the silence. I looked over at her. There she was, my Lucy had returned. I looked over at Ginger. 

“We are back,” I smiled. Ginger nodded back at me. 


Published 7 years ago

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