What A Cheerleader Wants

"What Harper wants, Harper gets"

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The final bell rang as teacher Marcus Jackson was putting tests into his briefcase to grade over the weekend. It was Friday, so all of his students fled out of the classroom like it was on fire. He got a few goodbyes and some well-wishes for the weekend from some of his more studious students, however, most simply ran off like some girl had lost her top outside.

After the last of his students left, another teacher, Philip Caan, walked into his room.

“Hey, Marcus! You wanna get wasted tonight? I heard that girl you like, Sylvia, is dancing tonight at the Royale Club.”

Marcus chuckled. He and Phil often found themselves getting drunk on Friday nights and venting about their more troublesome students to one another, although Phil tended to be higher in spirits this year than previous ones. Either way, neither of them was in any hurry to get back to their wives and learn about which couple they met at the gym and going to be forced into hanging out with during the weekend.

“Sorry, Phil. It’s the second round of tryouts today, and after that, I’m going to have start grading these tests right away if I’m going to have the marks added to the students first set of report cards.”

“Oh right! I forgot that you had those tonight.”

“Yeah,” Marcus said in a dejected voice.

Due to low interest by teachers at the school to supervise after-school activities, the school board decided to force every teacher to coach or oversee at least one team or club in order to raise student engagement. Phil was put in charge of the school’s Teacher-Student Mentoring program, meaning he would give advice on a one-on-one basis to students who were struggling with things like confidence or anxiety issues. To Marcus’s embarrassment, he was made coach of the school’s cheerleading program.

He wasn’t given a choice in the matter, as he was slow in applying to head another group that better fit his interests. Most of the teachers with extensive experience in physical activity were made coaches for the more prominent school teams, such as football, basketball, etc. Marcus had been involved in administering the school’s weightlifting team, back when there was one, and since he had experience in overseeing an athletic team, albeit one that no longer existed due to low interest, he was given the coaching responsibilities of the school’s cheerleading team.

Marcus didn’t know much about cheerleading, other than he loved women in cheerleading uniforms, and the reason that he was assigned this team, one that apparently no other teachers wanted, was because their team, well, sucked. None of the teachers that ran the program really cared about it, so the team never really did any good during games, or official competitions, so no one wanted to be in charge of such an embarrassing team.

Most of the time, the girls on the team took it upon themselves to work out the routines themselves, which led to them being highly sexual in nature, almost like they were dancing in a strip club rather than performing at pep rallies. Still, their style of dancing did technically increase the ‘pep’ of many of their fellow students, or at least the male ones, which led to another reason that Marcus was not liking his position as coach of the cheerleading team: he always got turned on by the cheerleaders.

Although he tried to resist it, Marcus couldn’t help but spring a boner every time the team performed. The team was made up of seventeen and eighteen-year-old girls, usually the more attractive teens at the school, and combined with their suggestive routines, it was impossible for any straight man, or lesbian girl, not to be aroused by the school’s cheer team. While a lot of men would think of this as a golden opportunity, Marcus just thought of it as an excruciating punishment, seeing as how nothing would ever happen between him and any of the girls on the team.

“Well, I’m sorry that you can’t join me, Marcus. I guess I’ll see you next week.” Phil started to leave, but something must have come to him because he spun around and addressed Marcus once more. “By the way, I heard from two students, Becky and Harper, that they were thinking of trying out for the cheer team together this year. Did they ever sign up?”

“Yeah, there are two students by those names auditioning for the team. Why?” Marcus inquired.

“Well, both of them see me for the Teacher-Student Mentoring program, and they mentioned how they were considering joining the cheer team, so I was just curious if they followed through with it.”

Marcus was a bit confused.

“Hmm, that’s odd. Both girls, particularly Harper, seem pretty self-confident and happy. Why would they be a part of the mentoring program?” He thought for sure he saw the other teacher smile ever so slyly.

“Yeah, but it never hurts to get a little extra guidance in certain, areas, so to speak, that they might not feel open to asking their peers or fellow students about, so that’s what I help out with as a neutral party. Anyway, I’m glad they’re trying out. How are they doing so far?”

‘Phil really takes an interest in the students he helps out,’ Marcus thought to himself.

“Well, most of the spots are pretty much guaranteed, so there is really only one spot left. Becky is doing okay, not the greatest, but good enough for the team. Harper, though…” Marcus trailed off.

“What’s the matter?”

“Harper has spirit, but her dancing is pretty erratic, to be honest. If she can’t do well enough dancing, how is she going to handle the acrobatic components of being a cheerleader?”

Again, Marcus thought he saw a smile hiding more than simple happiness under it on the face of his colleague.

“Don’t count Harper out yet, Marcus. When she wants something, she does whatever it takes to get it so she might surprise you. I gotta get going, I need to see a student quickly before I leave. Have fun and I’ll see you later.”

“See ya, Phil.” ‘Is it just me, or was Phil trying to imply something a second ago? And what did he mean by have fun?’ He shook it off as nothing, probably just him being tired after teaching all day. He finished putting his papers into his briefcase and headed to the gym; the second round of tryouts was about to begin.

Marcus was in the office attached to the gym that was reserved for teachers who administered one of the school’s sports teams. Currently, the office was vacant, as every other teacher had left for the weekend and the gym was booked for cheerleader tryouts. Since no one was around, and the gym was always incredibly warm, he decided to take off his button-up shirt and switch it for a plain white T-shirt instead.

As Marcus removed his button-up shirt, he looked at himself in a mirror that was mounted on the office wall. He was twenty-nine years old and a pretty handsome guy. He was six-foot-three with black hair and light blue eyes. Thanks to all of the two-on-two hoops he played with some of the other teachers, he had been able to stay in pretty good shape, and thanks to his time administering the school’s former weightlifting team, he was also pretty muscled as well.

‘Let’s get this over with,’ Marcus thought as he sighed and stepped out into the gym.

“Alright, everyone. Let’s get started. I know you really want to get your weekends started, so start performing routine number seven from the handouts you received earlier and I will evaluate you as you go. Harper, Becky?”

As soon as he finished speaking, two girls standing next to one another instantly stopped talking and looked at him like a bunch of kids caught in the act of trying to steal cookies just before dinner.

“You two still need to perform your individual assessments, so after everyone else leaves, could you please stay behind for a few minutes?”

“Yes, sir,” Becky said, followed by, “Of course, Mr. Jackson,” from Harper.

“Okay then, begin.” Marcus hit play on a boombox and a CD full of pop music started playing as the girls began their routines. Most of the girls were guaranteed a spot, which just left two girls with little-to-moderate skills to vie for the final spot. Becky and her best friend Harper knew that they were competing for the final spot and needed to give it their all if they wanted to make it onto the team.

While all of the girls contributed to the erection that he was constantly fighting to hide, Marcus found himself mostly focusing on Becky and Harper, partly because he knew he needed to decide which one of the two girls were going to make it onto the team, but mostly because both girls were the sexiest of the girls at tryouts. Becky had brown, shoulder-length hair and brown eyes. Her legs were long and toned, and she had a pretty normal bust for a seventeen-year-old girl, along with a small but tight-looking ass.

Harper had red hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, and green, piercing eyes. She was a bit shorter than Becky, but she also had larger breasts, probably small C’s, and an ass so perfectly round that it was hard to believe it belonged to a seventeen-year-old. While Marcus would no doubt have loved to get busy with either girl, he couldn’t help but find himself more interested in Harper and her exquisite ass. He had always been a bit of an ass man, something that drove his wife, Tracy, up the wall, as she wanted nothing to do with any ass play, much to his disappointment.

Both girls had been given a uniform to wear during the tryouts, which included a red and white cheerleading top with the school’s team name written on the chest, a pleated red skirt, knee-high athletic socks with three red horizontal lines around the top, and a pair of white running shoes. In a devious twist, Marcus made sure that both Becky and Harper got tops and skirts that were a size or so too small, telling them that if they made the team, new ones would be ordered for whoever got the spot.

As a result, the tops were so tight that neither girl was able to wear a bra underneath and had to resort to wearing the cheer top on its own, occasionally giving Marcus a view of their perky nipples trying to poke through the tight tops, while their midriffs were left slightly bare, letting him see the navel jewelry both girls had dangling from the flat bellies. On account of the skirts being too small, they were so short they came to rest slightly short of their mid-thighs, meaning that even the slightest jump caused them to fly up and expose their underwear. For Becky, she wore a pair of simple baby-blue boyshorts, nothing much, but still pretty hot, and Harper wore a bubblegum-pink, lacy thong.

Becky looked a little nervous due to how exposed she was, causing her to hold back on her jumps and attempt to pull down the skirt as much as she could without exposing something else. On the other hand, Harper seemed to relish the skimpy nature of the outfit, another reason he was disappointed that he wasn’t going to be giving her the final position. Both girls had performed reasonably well, but Harper had made a lot of errors while running the routines, never seeming to be able to sync her movements to the beats of the music or the moves of the rest of the team.

There was only one part of tryouts left: a private audition in the office, away from everyone else. Marcus wanted to focus on each girl one at a time, but he didn’t want to have one of the girls wait in the office or wander the halls of the school unattended, so the best thing to do was to have one girl perform in the office, with the other waiting outside in the gym so that she could practice while she waited.

“Very good, girls,” Marcus said after turning off the boombox. “First practice will be on Monday after school out on the football field. Harper and Becky, please stay a few minutes to perform your individual routines. Harper will go first, so could you please wait out here for a few minutes. You can use this time to practice, and you can use the boombox out here to play your music, I have another one in the office.”

“Okay,” both girls said in unison.

“Good. Everyone else, have a good weekend and I will see you Monday after class.”

The rest of the team quickly cleared the gym and Becky started to practice while Harper walked with Marcus into the office, who closed the door behind him so that Becky’s music didn’t distract them. He was feeling really pent-up after watching the tryouts and was in desperate need to shoot off a load before his balls got any bluer. Originally, his plan was to finish the tryouts and think about them while he masturbated at home before his wife returned from work, but he realized that there was no way he could make it past the girls’ private performances without his cock starting to hurt from being erect for so long.

His hope was that both of the girls were going to be so wrapped up in doing their routines that he might be able subtlety, slowly jerk himself off a bit under his desk without them catching on. He knew he was taking an enormous risk, but if he didn’t at least release some of the pressure soon, he was going to have to cut the assessments short to go jerk off in the bathroom, which was not something he wanted to have to resort to.

“Alright, Harper. You know how important this last segment is, right?” Marcus asked as he sat in his chair. She nodded her head with an enthusiastic smile.

“Well then, wow me.”

Harper put a CD in the boombox on his desk and began her routine. As she started to dance, Marcus quietly unzipped his pants and started to very carefully stroke his cock, mindful to not stroke too fast, or else all of the movement would alert Harper to his perverse activities. So far, she didn’t seem to notice though, most likely due to her fast and erratic dancing, so he increased his stroking speed a little bit. In addition to keeping her from sensing what he was doing, her dance moves caused her short skirt to repeatedly fly up and give him a view of her pink, lacy underwear. Clearly Harper did not mind being exposed as she was, either on account of not being shy, or she thought such a thing could give her an added edge in helping her nab the final spot, but either way, Marcus was really enjoying the show.

Marcus came so close to being able to shoot off a load, but just as he was about to, Harper’s routine ended and she turned off the music. While he couldn’t believe how close he had been able to come, there was still Becky’s audition next that he could use. Failing that, he could go home and finish the job, happy to have at least gotten some relief from watching of these hot teenage girls dancing around in their tight, sexy uniforms.

“So, how did I do, Mr. Jackson?”

“It was okay, but I’m not sure if it’s enough to get you the last spot, however.” ‘No, it wasn’t, but it was SO damn sexy!’ he thought to himself.

“Well, was it at least enough to make you cum?”

Marcus nearly jumped out of his chair, which luckily he didn’t do, considering his pants were undone.

“What, what are, what are you talking about, Harper?” he choked out as he swallowed whatever saliva he had left to coat his quickly drying throat.

“Oh, please. Come on, Mr. Jackson, all of the girls saw that you had an erection while we were performing, and did you really think I wouldn’t notice you jerking off underneath your desk while I was dancing?”

Marcus began to panic as his breathing went off the charts. He looked all around the room as he thought to himself, ‘I can’t believe it, I’ve thrown everything I’ve worked so hard for away, and for what? A few minutes of masturbating to a student because I was too impatient to wait until I got home to do it, and I didn’t even cum!’ He was so distracted thinking about how he was going to get through this that he hadn’t noticed that Harper had walked across the room, around his desk, and was now standing right next to him. Without any indication as to why, she knelt down in front of him

“Harper, Harper what are you doing?” Marcus stammered.

“Making sure that I get the last spot on the team,” she stated as she began massaging his inner thighs.

“Harper, this is wrong for so many reasons!”

“And you don’t have to list them all. Mr. Caan already went over all of them with me the first time we did it.”

‘So that’s why Phil was making those sly smiles and telling me to have fun! He must have known that Harper would try something like this to get on the team.’ he thought.

“Well, regardless of-“ Marcus started to protest once again but was cut off when Harper gently grabbed his dick, which he never thought to return to his pants, and began slowly jerking it.

“I want to be on the cheerleading squad, and I know you want this; you were masturbating to me after all, so the only question you have to concern yourself with is this: are you going to enjoy yourself and give me the last spot on the team? Or am I going to have to tell Principal Riggs that you were masturbating as I danced for you, alone, in your office?”

There wasn’t much for him to think about; he had been caught, and if he didn’t give Harper what she wanted, he was going to be in more trouble than he could possibly comprehend. Also, when it came down to it, if Phil could get away with fucking a student, why couldn’t he? It was an opportunity not likely to reproduce itself often, if at all.

“Okay, Harper. I’ll let you continue your audition, and if you do well enough on this portion, then you’ll have the spot on the team.”

“Then I guess I’d better give you my best, coach.”

After a few strokes to completely harden Marcus’ cock, Harper wrapped her lips around its head and began sucking on it. He moaned as her tongue began slithering along his cock. After only her third head bob, she almost had his entire cock in her mouth. He couldn’t believe how talented this teenage girl was at giving head; her skill seemed to match that of most women, not someone most people would assume had never had sex, or at the very least was still awkward when it came to the subject, but not Harper.

“Oh, oh Harper, you’re really good at that,” he stammered as the teen looked up at him and smiled as she whirled her tongue around the head of his dick.

Seeing as how he had been masturbating only a few moments ago, and he was incredibly turned on by the fact that he was getting a blowjob from a student that was attempting to both bribe and blackmail him in order to become a cheerleader, Marcus only lasted a few bobs of Harper’s head. As soon as his cock hit the back of her throat on her first deepthroat, he started to cum.

“Oh shit,” Marcus cried out in surprise at how sudden his orgasm came.

Several streams of cum shot directly into Harper’s throat, quickly overwhelming her and causing her to choke a little bit as a few tears escaped from her eyes and some of the cum slid down her chin. After swallowing what was in her mouth, she used her fingers to clean up the cum on her chin and lick it up with her tongue. She closed her eyes and moaned as she swallowed Marcus’ cum.

“I’m going to go out on a limb and say that that was not the first blowjob you’ve ever given?” he said amidst deep breaths.

Harper smiled. “Nope. You’re the third man I’ve been with though, as opposed to boys closer to my age, so I’m still getting used to bigger cocks. You and Mr. Caan have been good teachers,” she giggled.

‘That lucky son of a bitch. No wonder he’s been so happy this past couple of weeks. I wonder who the other man is though?’ Putting the thought to rest, Marcus smiled and turned the boombox back on.

“I think I need to see you dance once more. If you want to ensure your spot on the team, you had better have less clothing on when the song ends.”

A wickedly sexy smile came to Harper’s face as she stood up. She started dancing again, slower and more seductively this time, letting her hands roam all over her body as she closed her eyes and moaned. No longer needing to worry about getting caught masturbating, Marcus started to stroke his cock again, now in plain view of Harper, and faster than he had been while trying to be stealthy. Harper’s new style of dance would not have been out of place at a strip club. She bent over at the waist while facing away from Marcus, causing her skirt to rise over her pink thong, which she proceeded to slide down her legs slowly and discard before resuming her dancing.

Harper continued dancing a bit before unzipping her cheerleading top and sliding it over her head and dropping it to the floor next to her underwear. Her tits were amazing; milky white like the rest of her complexion, with pink, puffy areolas and big, hard nipples. As the song was about to end, she was getting ready to quickly remove her skirt, but Marcus intervened.

“Actually, why don’t you leave that skirt on. I like the image of you in a short skirt, athletic socks and runners, it reminds me that I’m doing it with a cheerleader.”

“Sounds like I’m a real cheerleader then, right, Mr. Jackson?” Harper confidently smiled.

“Not just yet, but you’re pretty damn close,” he said as he motioned for her to lie down on his desk.

Harper climbed onto the desk and as soon as Marcus got close to her, she grabbed the back of his head and pushed her lips to his. She pushed her tongue into his mouth and kissed him with a raw passion that his wife had never done in his life. As they kissed, Harper began to gently stroke Marcus’s cock, while he began to massage her pussy. He couldn’t believe how wet she was; even before touching her, she was leaking so much juice that he was surprised she wasn’t hiding fruit in between her legs.

Much to Marcus’ surprise, Harper broke their kiss and pushed him away from her.

“You know, I’m doing quite a bit of work here, AND I’m going to be doing even more. How about you show me why you’re such a good coach and do a little bit of work for me?”

He realized that with all of the pleasure she had given him and was definitely going to give him, it was only right that he return some of it. Besides, if he didn’t play ball with some of her requests, she could easily decide to stop all of this and run to the principal at any point, so indulging her also meant protecting his job as well. Harper lay back on the desk and spread her legs as Marcus knelt down in front of the desk and checked out her teenage pussy. A small tuft of red pubic hair greeted him just above her pussy opening, while the rest was shaved, leaving a perfect view of her nice pink slit.

Marcus moved his head in between the teen’s legs and gave her pussy a tentative lick. The taste of her pussy was one of the greatest things he had ever tasted. He couldn’t help himself and started eating her out like a hungry man at a buffet. As he licked and sucked at her pussy, he looked up at Harper’s face and saw the teen with her eyes squeezed shut, her mouth open and breathing deeply, and he knew she was enjoying herself more than she usually was when some teenage boy did the same thing to her, after all, he was an experienced man, not some punk kid who pretended to know what they were doing.

“Mmm, that feels good, Mr. Jackson. Do you do this for all of the girls on the squad?”

With a sucking sound, Marcus removed his mouth from Harper’s juicy pussy.

“No, just the ones that I think could use a little extra help to make their dreams of becoming a cheerleader come true.” ‘In other words, no, this is the first time,’ but he didn’t want Harper to know that; he wanted to play it cool, and luckily, she didn’t seem to catch on as she smiled.

“Well then, I think I’m going to need a lot of help, Mr. Jackson,” she teased.

“I’m always here for my students,” Marcus said as he buried his face back into the teen’s pussy.

This time, he decided to focus almost exclusively on her clit, licking at it teasingly before using his mouth to suck on the little nib as hard as it could, and it seemed to really be working. Harper’s breaths became more ragged and fast-paced. The last boy she was with failed to adequately satisfy her orally, so she was glad to have a real man do it for her this time. While Harper did, in fact, want a spot on the cheerleading team and the adoration of boys and the jealousy of girls that came with it, she mostly just wanted to get fucked properly.

“Oh my God, I’m going to cum so hard. Don’t stop!”

Her praise energized Marcus’s tongue and caused it to lick at her pussy like it was the only source of water in a vast desert. Harper climaxed hard alright, so hard that all of her shaking and wiggling almost caused her to fall off of the desk. He was glad that Becky was practicing her routine outside to really loud music, as the scream that Harper let out was anything but subtle.

“Mmm, I think it’s time you finally put your cock inside of me. Oh, and don’t worry about a condom, I’ve been on the pill for a while now.”

Truthfully, Marcus hadn’t even considered a condom, having been blinded by the prospect of having sex with such a sexy girl. At least now that he knew that Harper was on the pill, it would keep the sudden fear of getting her pregnant free from popping into his head in the middle of their fucking.

Not wanting to waste another second and risk Becky finishing her practicing outside, Marcus slowly pushed his cock into what he thought may have been the tightest pussy he had ever penetrated. ‘Shit, I figured that with all of the boys Harper’s been with, along with two other men, she’d be looser. Good thing I was wrong.’

Marcus lifted Harper’s left leg over his shoulder, moved her skirt away from her pussy so he could enjoy the view, and started thrusting. At first, he was only able to fit about six inches of his cock inside of the teen, but after about two minutes of gentle thrusting, he was able to push himself all the way in. In order to keep his hands busy, Marcus used his right hand to massage Harper’s clit, while his other hand kept her leg propped up on his shoulder.

Rather than sit back and simply enjoy the thrusts she was receiving, Harper also thrust her own hips in time with Marcus’ in order to fit all of his cock inside of her and to make his thrusts more forceful. She knew that he might be nervous about giving a young girl like her the rough treatment, so she took it upon herself to make things a little rougher.

Although he knew he was pretty close to cumming again, Marcus refused to miss out on the opportunity to fuck Harper’s tight asshole, so much to the teen’s chagrin, he pulled out of her and told her to place her hands on the desk and spread her legs. Interested in the change of position, she smiled and complied. Once she was in position, he came up behind her and began to tease her asshole with the head of his cock. Surprised, she gave a little ‘Oh’ in response.

“Have you ever done anal before?” Marcus asked.

Harper gave a little giggle. “Not yet. Actually, Mr. Caan was hoping to be my first.”

“Well,” Marcus started as he gently began pushing his cock a bit more into her incredibly tight asshole. “Shame on him for waiting too long. You wouldn’t mind if I take his place, would you? It’s for the team, so to speak.”

Harper bit her lip. She knew that she had promised Mr. Caan that he could be the first to fuck her in the ass, but she was so caught up in the moment that she couldn’t help but let Mr. Jackson be her first anal fuck.

“Well, I guess if you don’t tell him…” Harper teased.

With a smile, Marcus began to push his cock into her. Much to her surprise, it hurt a bit more than she had anticipated, but at the same time, the pleasure was so overwhelming that it almost completely canceled out the pain of being penetrated there for the first time, almost.

”OWWW! It hurts Mr. Jackson. Please be gentle,” Harper exclaimed, but Marcus couldn’t even hear her; he was lost in the blissful feeling of having his shaft being squeezed by the seventeen-year-old’s asshole.

If Harper’s pussy was tight, Marcus had no way of describing her asshole; it was actually so tight that he was having trouble smoothly thrusting in and out of her, but he kept at it despite the cries of pain from the girl. Harper had her teeth clenched and her eyes squeezed closed, a few tears trailing down her cheek as she was penetrated from behind. The feeling of pain increased when Mr. Jackson wrapped her ponytail in his right hand and pulled her head back; meanwhile, he used his left hand to smack her left ass cheek, causing red marks to form on her ass.

“Ahh, ahh, ahh!” Harper cried at the pain mixed with an understandable sort of pleasure.

Despite the pain, she was quickly starting to enjoy the feeling. Eventually, her asshole loosened up, allowing Mr. Jackson to more seamlessly thrust in and out of her, while her ass was becoming numb to his slaps, leaving an oddly satisfying tingling sensation. As for her hair, she actually liked having it pulled back, but it just seemed like a bit much in comparison to how hard it was normally pulled, but like everything else, she not only got used to it but started to really enjoy it.

Cries of ‘Ow’ were replaced with ’Mmms,’ Harper’s teeth were no longer grit and her mouth was now open and breathing in deep. Her eyes were still closed, but now it wasn’t due to pain, but pleasure.

“Mmm, that feels really good, Mr. Jackson,” she cooed.

Marcus was happy to see that Harper was now enjoying herself. He got a bit carried away earlier and was worried that he had been too rough with her.

“Yeah? You like getting your ass fucked?”

“Mmm, yeah, I like it, I love it. Please,” she begged between deep breaths. “Fuck me harder.”

As requested, he sped up a bit and pushed himself deeper into the teen.

“Yeah, fuck me harder, pull my hair harder,” Harper ordered.

Marcus pulled her hair harder while trying to continue to thrust faster.

“Ohhh! Fuck, that feels so good, Mr. Jackson. Ram your cock into my tight little ass.”

His thrusts reached their fullest possible speed, leading to him almost insert his full length into her, but the size of his cock and the tightness of her hole made it impossible to bottom out completely in her. ‘Maybe in time with a little practice,’ Marcus mused to himself.

“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Marcus said out loud as he thought quickly about where to send his cum.

Wanting to see his cum on the teen, he realized that he would cum before being able to get her on her knees and spray it all over her face. Out of desperation, he immediately withdrew his cock and shot several warm, gooey loads onto the teen’s ass, coating it with his cum. Not being content with simply having her ass covered in cum, Harper reached around and began scooping up the hot beads of ejaculate and started to tantalizingly lick it off of her fingers, something she loved to do when guys didn’t cum inside of her.

“Well, I think you definitely earned the last spot on the team, Harper.”

“Really? YAY!” She shouted as she started jumping up and down in celebration, causing her tits to bounce up and down.

Harper put her uniform back on and started to leave. Just as she was walking out the door, she turned around.

“Thanks again, Mr. Jackson. I’ll send Becky in on my way out.”

Still a tad out of breath and not thinking clearly, Marcus simply said, “Thank you, Harper.” Then it hit him: he still had to do Becky’s private audition next, but in his current state, that was going to prove a little difficult.

‘What am I going to do?’ he thought to himself, as he heard the music in the gym cut out and footsteps head towards the office door.




Published 7 years ago

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