Splash Down

"Rocket and Isabel share a wet birthday adventure"

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Shopping for a birthday gift is always a gamble. Isabel’s birthday sneaked up on me and I wanted to get her something unusual. I wanted something that would express my friendship, my sense of humor, but mostly, something cheap. Also, there’s a choice when ordering things online: USPS or UPS?

In the past I discovered that USPS gets delayed a day, three if it’s due on a Friday, and UPS always drops things. I had to decide if I wanted the package delayed or if I wanted someone to drop it. I was leaning toward drop it. I wanted this gift delivered on time and I assumed that chocolate soap wouldn’t get badly damaged.

Isabel came into the apartment. We were no longer roommates, but I found myself looking forward to her random invasions of my privacy. Besides, she had coffee, good coffee from the shop where her friend, Peep, works. She walked over and set a cup of coffee next to me on the kitchen table. I spun my laptop away from her so she couldn’t see what I was doing. Isabel snickered and asked, “Watchin’ porn again?”


“How do you find people? Do you scour the depths of the internet ’til you find someone desperate enough?”

“I don’t know. The last woman I was seeing was a bank teller.”

“Way to go, Gold Digger!”

“I really don’t talk to her anymore.”

“You need to find friends.”

“Don’t try to help me. That’s what beer’s for.”

“Were you drinking when you last spoke to her? Probably said something you shouldn’t have.”

“We were on chat.”

“Even worse. Don’t drink and chat.”

Isabel was concerned about my well being but never found a polite way to show it. She was right; I needed friends. Her affection for me seemed genuine, but I couldn’t always handle the attention. She spent most of her time with Peep, a friend she met while she and I were living together. I’d seen him before but never met him. I knew they were good for each other. He provided the time and adventure she didn’t find with me and I admired him for it.

She promised we’d spend her birthday together so I hoped to make the best of it. I was never certain why she set aside time for me; I welcomed it when she did.

“So, Isabel,” I requested, “tell me a little about Peep.” 

“Peep’s really sweet. He has beautiful hazel eyes… great kisser. He’s awesome in bed. He caresses and licks. He bites; he has a cute little butt and a big…”

“I mean, what does he like to do?”

“He reads a lot. He likes to dress up and go to Star Trek conventions…”

She paused and looked at me with adoring eyes. She ran her right forefinger along her lower lip.

“Go on,” I requested.

“He doesn’t pass up one opportunity while over thinking the next one. He endeavors to balance his fears with his fortunes.”

I nodded along, pretending to understand that last part.

“Well,” she continued, “I should be going.”

“You just got here.”

“Don’t whine. I wanna see Peep now that you mentioned him. I’ll see you on my birthday, okay?”

“Okay. Don’t forget.”

I heard the door close behind her. This was a typical visit for us. Isabel would arrive to see how much she missed me but soon be reminded of how dreary I’d become. I was never sure how I should take it, or even if I should take it. I needed to get back to more important things: USPS or UPS?


The day arrived when Isabel and I would be together. We’d be spending her birthday in a hotel room with a hot tub. I opened a UPS box with a dented corner and took out her gift. It felt smooth and smelled chocolaty. I couldn’t wait to taste it on her skin.

As I continued to pack my things I heard a knock on my apartment door. I didn’t think it would be Isabel, she never knocks, but it was. Peep had walked her over and she didn’t want him to know she had keys to my apartment. I looked out and saw his cute little butt swaying down the hallway as I stepped aside to let her enter. “Later, Peep,” I called to him. No response.

When I turned to reenter the apartment, Isabel threw her arms out, plunged herself into me, embraced me with a giggle, and nearly knocked me on the floor. Evidently they had spent time at the bar together. Her breath torched my nostrils with an odor of booze as she kissed me on the lips. She smacked me on the ass with her palm and hollered, “Giddy-up, Rocket! Get yer ass in GEAR! Let’s GO!”

I grabbed the rest of my stuff, took her by the hand, locked the door behind us, and made a quick phone call. We hurried outside. We sat on the porch, told crude jokes, and smoked cigarettes in the cool autumn breeze while we waited for a cab. Isabel rubbed her shoulder against mine as she kissed the end of her cigarette and made sexy humming sounds each time she exhaled. It felt good to finally get out and spend some time with a friend. 

We jumped when her phone buzzed. She pulled it out and said, “It’s Peep. He wants to know if I can meet him at the bar later.” She squinted her eyes to concentrate and slurred the word “nope” as she typed it into her phone and hit send. Then she shoved her phone back into the rear pocket of her tight jeans, leaned her head on my shoulder and sighed, “I’m with you tonight.”

When our ride arrived, I stomped out my cigarette, grabbed my overnight bag, took Isabel by the hand, and we buoyantly skipped to the car. I opened the car door. Isabel fell laughing into the back seat and pulled me in next to her. I sat upright and she lay her head on my chest. I closed the door and the driver asked, “So, where’s the party?” I gave him the address of the hotel, the engine revved, and the jolt pressed my body firmly against the black vinyl upholstery.

I ran my fingers through Isabel’s hair and she asked, “So, what are we going to do tonight?”

“I thought we could watch an old movie.”

She showed little interest in my recommendation; then in a moment of divine inspiration she exclaimed, “Hey, I know. You can watch me undress and I’ll rub my tits together and you can suck on ’em.”

“We could do that, too.”

“Then you can toss me on the bed and hold me down and fuck me ’til you cum.”

She continued on that topic for the rest of the ride. It was obvious the cab driver was having a hard time listening to what Isabel was saying—so hard he couldn’t keep his hand out of his crotch. When we got to the hotel, we both got out of the car. Isabel went to the sidewalk and cheerfully spun around with her arms outstretched. I reached through the drivers side window to give the driver some money and a quick wink; he gave me a puzzled look and sped off with a squeal of the tires.

As we entered the hotel lobby, eyes seemed to follow Isabel. She looked beautiful, slightly dazed by alcohol, gleefully smiling with a look of desire in her eyes. I approached the front desk, gave my name, and requested two key cards in case one of us wandered off later in the night.

We found the door we were assigned, opened it and turned on the lights. The room had a romantic atmosphere with soft colors and a soothing candle-like glow. The first items I noticed were a comfortable king-size bed on one end of the room and a large flat screen television with remote control on the other; the first item Isabel noticed was the toilet. She proudly announced, “Man, I gotta piss!”

“Don’t fall in.”

“If I do you’re shit-outta-luck.”

She came out of the bathroom wrapped in one of the white terry cloth robes provided by the hotel. She looked around the corner and said, “Woo-hoo, Rocket! A hot tub!” 

I hoped there was nothing under the robe except her. She took the oversized collar and pulled it along her chest until the top of her breasts were exposed. Then she untied the belt and let the robe spread open, revealing the front of her body. She turned toward the tub, pulled the top of the robe off her shoulders and allowed it to slip down her naked body and settle to the floor.

The smooth skin of her shoulders, her back, and her ass looked so delicious in the glow of the dim light as she bent over with her legs slightly spread and turned on the faucet. I heard the gurgling splashes of water as the tub began to fill. I decided it was my turn and removed my clothes. I grabbed the chocolate soap I eagerly waited to taste and walked up behind her. I put my arms around her and held the soap under her nose. She inhaled and let out a satisfied “mmm.”

When the tub was full, Isabel turned off the faucet and tapped her toes in the water to test the temperature. The glow of her creamy soft skin made me crave the flavor of her delicious body. I began licking her shoulders while my impatient hands reached around to squeeze her breasts. I pulled her body so she could feel my cock pressed against her thighs. I nibbled at the back of her neck and slipped my tongue along her spine. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply as I lifted her breasts. Her head fell back onto my shoulder.

I place one hand on her chin and turned her head toward me. Our lips rubbed together. Our tongues searched and met with the lust of animals in heat. We could feel the pressure of my hard cock spreading her ass cheeks and rubbing her anus. She bent over, placed her hands on the edge of the tub, and salaciously pushed her ass against my cock. 

I got on my knees, wet the chocolate soap in the steaming water, and began to rub it on the inside of her thighs. Isabel spread her legs wider and shivered as my tongue tasted the chocolate smeared between her legs. My tongue continued to swirl inward and taste the skin of her pussy. I felt the tight skin surround my tongue as I slipped it inside her. I reached my hands around her waist and pulled my face in closer. My fingers reached down to tickle her clit as my tongue slid in and out of her pussy.

She groaned and said, “I want you to fuck me.”

Isabel climbed into the tub. I got in behind her, wrapped my legs over hers, placed my arms around her stomach, and pulled her naked body against my chest. My hands warmed the chocolate soap and rubbed it elegantly along her back and shoulders. The soothing lather ran slowly down the front of her body, streamed down her breasts, and beaded over her nipples.

She shuttered with delight as I softly caressed her arms, raised them above her head, and lowered my face until my cheek touched her shoulder. Her hands reached down to tenderly twirl my hair. She leaned her head back and I felt the pulse of her neck with the tip of my tongue. She expressed her exhilaration with a long, deep breath and slow exhale as I tasted her chocolatey soft skin.

Isabel anxiously turned to face me. I rubbed more frothy soap over and between her curvaceous breasts. The lather gradually flowed down the front of her body. I raised myself and glided my erect cock around her breasts. She wanted to taste the chocolate dripping from me. She looked up at me as she licked the head of my cock and the corners of her mouth formed an endearing smile. She closed her eyes and her tongue traveled down the length until her cheek rested against my stomach. Slowly her mouth worked its way back to the tip and her impatient lips wrapped around it.

I placed my hands behind her head and softly thrust into her salivating mouth. I pushed in and out. The tension of our bodies increased. The passionate moans from deep inside her made me breathless as we shared the pleasure she brought to my exuberant body. I ran my forefinger along her cheek and slid it between her moist lips and the skin of my warm cock. I fucked her mouth as she moaned with elation. I felt myself ready to cum and reluctantly pulled away.

I sat with my chest to Isabel’s back and my legs stretched around her. My cock pressed against her waist and I felt it slide along her as I lifted her body onto my lap. I felt her ass press against my stomach as my cock spread her wet pussy. I reached my arms around her chest and squeezed her breasts with uncontrollable desire.

I was mesmerized by the way she moved, how she lustfully grabbed my ass, and lovingly pulled me deeper. Her hair brushed along my cheeks as my mouth tasted the sultry skin of her back and shoulders. The water around us stirred in rhythmic waves with the rocking motion of Isabel’s eloquent body. Our voices groaned as our passion intensified.

I pressed her forward and leaned back to thrust my cock deep inside her creamy pussy. We felt the pressure of my expanding erection and my arousal could no longer be contained. The water rippled against our thighs from the exposive pulses within her. The world slowed as a stream of cum trickled from her pussy.

Isabel settled back until her gorgeous body rested against mine. Her wet skin shimmered from reflections of light off the subtle waves. She giggled softly, turned her satisfied smile toward me, and kissed me tenderly on the lips.


I sat quietly, awake in the comfort of the king-size bed. The room was surrounded by dancing white images from the flicker of an old western movie. Isabel softly snored with her head placed on my lap.

She sighed excitedly in her sleep. “Oh my god, Peep, that feels so good.” 

I brushed my hand along her silky brown hair and admired her smiling face.

I turned my attention to the movie and watched a cowboy ride off into the sunset while a woman stood inside an old wooden fence, crying and waving in the rain. I hoped that Isabel and Peep realized how lucky they were to have each other. I whispered into her dreams, “I’m so glad we’re friends.” I pressed the off button on the remote, lay my body next to her’s, tenderly kissed her on the cheek, wrapped my arms around her, and cherished the feeling of her warm body next to mine.


Published 7 years ago

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