Gothic Love

"This is a chronicle of a true occurrence from the 90's on the Oregon Coast, the names are from AFF."

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Nights like this have always meant suspense to writers, as she looked out the windows at the lowering sky her mind drifted back to the time of their first meeting.  She had opened her email one morning and there he had been, waiting to sweep her away into a dream world where reality was often the exception.

Barely one week earlier she had placed a personal ad on an adult personal service.  She had been convinced by her good friend Julie that it was harmless fun, and if someone interesting came along, she did not have to keep him to herself.  She reflected on Julie’s gay laughter as she said that last.  Julie thought that she would not go through with an actual meeting. 

Therefore, the benefits of anyone “Champagne” did not find worthy of her attention would fall on Julie.  She knew that with the high standards Mary set for herself in terms of lovers, there would be many castaways for Julie to pick from.

Branches seemed to be trying to wear through the walls as the wind increased with the impending storm, the fire burning brightly and warming the room to the point that she could be quite comfortable completely nude rather than in the broom skirt she was wearing.  “Mmm, interesting thought, being nude this afternoon.”  The thought, like so many others of Ettienne, brought warmth to her center.  It was uncanny, he had seemed to be waiting for her to come along.

His words had leaped from the page to carve their way into her heart, how could a man have found the keys to her heart so easily.  She had kept it so guarded, so locked away for so long, she was even surprised herself when the emotions flooded from the page and ignited flames that burned within her to an incredible intensity.  And now he would soon be here.

His presence kept a closely guarded secret, how could she share with anyone else the unbelievable circumstances and even more incredible connection that had brought them to this night.  Her realization that the time was approaching when he would be at the door punctuated by the flash outside the window.  Gathering her arms about her bust, she felt the smooth silk slide delectably across her nipples.

She smiled and strolled casually toward the fire.  Her eye caught her reflection in the window, she looked wonderful, and she knew it.  Her athletic frame moving under her clothing with the grace of a cat.  “Would he approve?”  She wondered if she would please him.

My God!  I can’t believe I am concerned with this!  “Am I going to approve of him, should be the question.”  Indignance radiating outward from her as she corrected herself.  Then softening her thoughts, she reflected again on his last letters, how they had so accurately targeted her innermost thoughts until she thought that he could truly read her mind. 

“I have never, ever, wanted anyone like I want him.  Am I insane, or just insatiable?”  Her musing was interrupted by the ring of the doorbell, the butterflies in her stomach like a school girl would have.  The time was at hand and she was terribly apprehensive about the outcome.

His drive had been uneventful, not anything like she had feared when she had called to try and talk him out of making the drive tonight.

 “We have planned this too long to stop now.”  His answer had left no room for argument.

 He was not absolutely certain that it had not been a dodge on her part at the very last to bring to play a reason not to continue. 

He was certain, however, that this would happen, the two of them had been racing toward this moment in time all their lives.

Her trip overseas where she learned to savor life, and his myriad of affairs with older women as a young man where he learned to be a lover.  These things had prepared both of them for a moment when the two of them would finally meet. 

His finger touched the doorbell button, and it seemed as if time stood still while he waited for the door to open… She was radiant, her saucy blonde hair swept away from her face, his gaze took her in at a glance, head to foot, every inch a vision.  The swell of her breasts under the silk blouse, the muscle of her thighs visible under her skirt…

This would be a night to remember, she held her hand out to him, as he entered he increased his gentle pull on her hand, as she floated to him, his other hand went to the back of her neck and lifting her face to him, his lips closed on hers.

The kiss was gentle and more filled with emotion than either expected.  As it came to an end, the gentle little kisses ending it bringing a smile to her face.  She stepped back, still looking up at him, she turned and crossed the room with her back to him.

It amused him a bit to see her exert the presence he saw in the set of her shoulders.  She intended to remain in charge it appeared.  He was enjoying this, such a great lady, community leader, so phenomenally intelligent.  Cultured and controlled.  She truly was lovely.  But, he had seen into her heart, he was intimately familiar with the passion that resided there.

 He knew what a task it was for her to remain in control.  His love that had been growing for her, now even more tangible as he watched her pour her favorite beverage.  Her nickname suited her, golden and bubbly.  The true flavor residing deep beneath the first impression.

She was looking at him over the rim of her glass, smiling and waiting for him to cross to her, his steel blue eyes speaking to her heart.  Telling her how much he could really see. 

“I might as well be nude in front of the fire, he can see right through me.”  The thoughts were barely formulated as he began to circle her, his glass being held out to him in a manicured hand. 

He took it and took a sip, he did not ordinarily drink but this would have been an occasion that warranted it.  She smiled again and as he continued around her.   He stopped behind her, silently observing her. 

The will required for her to not look at him was extreme.  As the negotiator he had been in the past he had been in high-pressure meetings that looked tame compared to this.  Positioning himself so that she could not even spot his reflection he had completely removed any safety net she had.  How long would she wait?  He watched the gentle curve of her neck as she took another sip of champagne.

She was an unusual woman this one.  Placing his glass on the table beside her he touched her shoulders and began to kiss her neck, she murmured her approval as his touch brought chills to her. 

Leaning against him she felt the warmth of his breath and melted from his touch. 

“This is going to be wild.” She thought, and then his hands were brushing her breasts, kissing her neck he felt the nipples stiffen to his touch… She was whispering his name and other things in French…

“I have to learn that language,” he said to himself.  She moved away from him and smiled. 

“I just said that it was time for the boudoir.”  Then as she turned he saw her reflection in the mirror, as she demurely looked up from under half-closed eyes and began to unbutton her blouse.

Her special room was made to order for romance, the candles, all scented, casting a gentle glow across the futon arranged with soft pillows and silken sheets and covers.   So many times, she had performed therapeutic massage on the table in the center of the room and now, tonight, this massage therapist would bring into being a fantasy more often thought of than admitted to by many of her clients. 

As the room and the ambiance assaulted his senses he watched her.  She had stopped just inside the door allowing him to watch the blouse fall from her shoulders.  His breath caught in his throat at her beauty, the smooth golden skin of her back drawing him to her. Her softness, beauty and the warmth of the room in stark contrast to the cacophony of sound being created by mother nature just beyond the walls of this special chamber.

He slipped up behind her quietly, and lowering his lips to her shoulder, she felt him kiss her there as his male hardness pressed against her, she could feel him growing fuller and harder as his body pressed against her full length.  His breathing becoming somewhat harsher, yet still controlled.  She had known that she would have an exciting evening with this man… she did not actually plan for her reaction to his presence. 

She had intended to be much more in control than she was, her body betraying her at every juncture.  Now as she melted against his chest and he continued his exploration of her body.  All she wanted was to be nude with her flesh pressing against him.  To feel her moist inner channel filled with him, and to never stop being filled by him.

He had been caressing her through her skirt, and she wanted to be rid of it, why did he not remove it and be done with it? 

She turned toward him and lifting her face to him she waited for a kiss… His kiss was warm and inviting, challenging her to other things.  Continuing the kiss, she began to unbutton her shirt, and as the buttons came undone she savored the feel of the hair on his chest, not a mass of fur like some men, just a nice warm covering.  Kissing his chest between her splayed fingers she wondered if the rest of him was as inviting.

 Turning him around now with his back to the massage table, she motioned for him to be seated as she bent to remove his boots.  Then in answer to her question of earlier, he slid from the table and removed his Levi’s and underwear in one movement.  Leaning back against the table again, he held his arms out to her. 

Rather than reach for his hands, her hands fell to her waist where the undid the button and zipper of the skirt she was wearing and allowed it to drift over her hips to the floor.  Now she took his hand and stepping out of the skirt which was pooled at her feet, moved to him and between his legs to again kiss his chest and hold herself against him as the evening of love began.

His mind reeled with the presence of her as she moved lower on his body and sucked him deep into her mouth.  The heat was causing him to focus on her mouth and head as it moved up and down, making him crazy with desire.

He wasn’t ready to release his seed yet, he wanted so many more things to occur before he did that.  He touched her face and gently pulled her off of him, her disappointed moan quickly stifled by his lips on hers.

Then, positions were reversed, with the difference that she was lying fully reclined on the massage table where he could avail himself of all of her charms.  And avail himself he did, beginning with her tummy his mouth and tongue making circuits of each muscle, each valley, each gentle swell. 

Moving lower he began in Ernest to seek out the feminine juices he knew would be there and drink of the nectar of Champagne finally. 

As his mouth contacted her center, she sighed and knew that this was going to be an addiction not easily overcome… but… who would want to.

The nectar of Champagne was truly something that could only be appreciated in the depth of a lover’s embrace. She was vibrant and yet her essence was reserved, a treasure to be sought after.  As if it were buried in the depths of the ocean, in the cargo hold of a long-abandoned vessel.

As he strove to plunge his tongue into her steaming depths, he watched as the lean muscles of her torso writhed erotically to the stroking of his greatest asset, his tongue.

Long ago learning the techniques that would bring a woman to the brink of quivering orgasm and beyond, he knew she would not be able to resist for long. Ever faithful to his teachers, his flawless technique brought her to a mind-numbing orgasm. Wrenching from her all that she had.

She lifted her head looking down at him, heaving breasts atop a flawless ribcage, with washboard abs. She strained to control her spasms to no avail, finally collapsing, as exhausted as if she had run several miles she reached for him.

This woman had invaded his heart and mind as had no other in years. Moving to her side as she reclined on the table he bent to kiss her. Head rolling back her lips opened to him in an invitation to claim her and claim her he did.

His mouth closed over hers as she gasped for breath, then effortlessly, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed in the corner of the room. The glow from the candlelight framing her in an ethereal aura, seen only by him. His strong arms encircled her as he drew her toward him, her legs opening and finding his way into her, in the most natural way, no guidance, perfect alignment he slipped into her and as she enveloped him, welcoming him into her presence.

His hips began a rhythm of their own.  Champagne matched it stroke for stroke, her entire being striving to capture him. His thrusts hammering into her as she opened herself for him, soon it was clear, she was his for the taking.

Taking her up into another level of her sensual awakening he pulled his hard cock from her and pulling her body upward, he placed it at the opening of her ass.

“No!” She cried, “No one has ever taken me there!”

“I will, and you will love it.” He captured her eyes and his resolve was not to be questioned.

Her resistance was thick, as he began to delve into her depths again. Her mouth opened for him as he possessed her, her breath in gasps now as he stroked. His hard member laying upward through her opening, her clit being stimulated by the length of his cock.

He stroked upward and then back down to graze her rosebud opening. With each pass he made he pressed forward into her ass, soon she began to push back at him and he knew she was his.

Over and over, the game continued, she began to anticipate his thrusts, even welcome them, in her mind she had trepidations each time his hard crown crossed her opening.

Her sensuality argued that it wanted the intrusion, her moans provided the evidence he needed that she was prepared.

As she looked at him, hovering over her, she wondered, what would he do with her when he was finished. Before the thought even completed the circuit through her synapses she found that her hands, of their own volition, hooked behind her knees and pulled herself back and open.

He knew he had her, but he wanted her to desire this so completely, that she would reach for him, in fact, she would beg him to take her ass.

Champagne was beside herself, she had no idea why he had not taken her last virginity. She had opened herself to him, all but begging him as he smiled at her. She thrust herself upward toward the phallus that was waiting to penetrate her most secret of spots.

His hard flesh pressed downward toward her ass and began to probe into the depths of her body. She felt the fire as his hard cock press through her sphincter, she cried out as he continued inward.

He was in and the fire began, she had no idea how much she could take but as he delved deeper into her. She felt that fire again, but it was like none she had ever known, her pussy began to spasm as her ass was filled with hard cock and she began to climax.

Her body, with a mind of its own, was deliberately milking the cock in her ass. She readily released all control of her heart, her body, and her life.

“My God!” she thought, I have released control to him and I don’t even know him.”

But, then new thoughts invaded her mind.  “Oh, it feels so hot, my ass is being used and I love it. oh shit!  Oh! Damn, I’m going to cum.  Oh God, who in the fuck is this man!”

As she collapsed against him she thought about the fact that she had not felt him cum in her, he settled down next to her and pulled her to him.

She felt him hold her, felt his breath on her neck. He whispered, “we are not finished yet.”

She decided that tomorrow morning would be soon enough for her to decide if he was worth keeping.

Published 7 years ago

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