Wanda steered clear of hotel bars, the safe havens of lazy huntsmen. She sought, instead, sex-fattened opportunists whose keen eyes indifferently stalk prey. Whether or not they realized that they were being judged in return was of no consequence to her.
A study in black and quite white, her lanky, milky limbs extended from a short, open-knit skirt and matching sleeveless crop top. Underneath, a crudely chopped silk camisole kept her significant nipples, topping her insignificant breasts, from poking through the top’s spaces.
Perched on the edge of a stool, she kept her balance by hooking the spikes of her sandals over its footrest. Wanda’s knees were spread under the waist-high table just beyond the threshold of good breeding.
Black toes, black lip gloss, Wanda’s black-tipped fingers lazily pushed the ice around and around the walls of her otherwise empty glass. Hint…hint…hint…
Finally taken, the waitress exchanged her empty glass for a full one and pointed out the man who sent it. Wanda batted her naturally long, meticulously mascaraed and curled lashes, and cast her consent.
She ran her fingers through her mix-colored jet and ash hair which was half an inch too short to be cute and half an inch too long to be edgy. A classically self-assured man came to her and drew her limp, extended hand toward his lips.
Without warning, she seized his hand with her claws and studied him with her dark, downturned eyes, eyes with lifeless lids that eclipsed the tops of their irises. Her straight-lipped smile suggested that she had already gotten away with something.
For now in control, her brazenly outstretched tongue licked the back of his hand. “Thanks for the drink,” she said after allowing him to escape.
“Y-you’re welcome, pretty lady. I’m Todd, stayin’ at the Hilton down the street.”
“Me too. I’m at the Hilton too. Who are you hiding from, Todd?”
Todd was surprised at the question, which pleased Wanda. “I’m not married, if that’s what you mean.”
“It’s not, but never mind. My company sends me away sometimes. I show up, leave early, and fuck strangers. You seem strange, Todd.” She stood to get close to his ear. “Tell me what’s strange about you.” She let him stumble a bit before saying that she was only playing with him.
Wanda captured a cube from Todd’s drink, held it to his eyes, and hiked her skirt up just a little in front. She pulled her panties aside and swooped the ice into her cunt. “Me neither. I’m not strange, either. Brrr…” She overacted a shiver. “Are you good in bed, Todd?”
Before he could interrupt her monologue, she slid one of his fingers past her fur and into her frigid puss. “Pretty cool, huh?” she giggled and retrieved what little remained of the ice. “See how hot I am?”
Todd nodded.
“You didn’t answer me, Todd,” she said sternly. “Are. You. Good. In. Bed?” She signaled for another round.
His cock gave back just enough blood for him to answer, which was a waste because she wasn’t listening. Wanda returned to her stool, opened her clutch, and lined its contents up neatly in front of her: a phone, a lip gloss, a prescription bottle, a pad, a key card, and a knife. She touched up her lips and refilled her purse except for the knife.
“Woah! What’s that for?”
“Oh,” he said, not getting it. “I get it. A girl has to protect herself. You don’t need to worry about me…”
“I’m not worried who said I was worried I am sure as hell not worried about you.”
Todd carefully watched the knife as she dully spun it around the tabletop. “Okay, good…”
“You didn’t lie to me, did you, Todd? Because when I take you back to my room and fuck your brains out and find out that you lied about being good…” She snatched the knife up and pointed it at the table above Todd’s lap. “I’d hate it if you made me punish you for lying.”
“Nope. Have a good night, Wanda.”
When he stood to leave, Wanda slammed the knife flat on the table and forced their mouths together. He shoved her away and bolted for the door.
“Tell Mommy and Daddy I’ll be home for supper! I love you, little Brother!” She laughed loudly at his back, dumped his drink into hers, and waited. The first ones were almost always cowards.
After other potential suitors were scared off, the waitress pointed out a man sitting alone in the corner. “I have a drink for you from that man over there but he says if you want it, you have to come and take it. That’s how he said it—come and take it.”
Wanda dismissed him with a lift of her chin and a turn of her head. She cleaned under her nails with her knife and barked at the next applicant before he could even get close. With a deep sigh, she tucked her knife away and stomped to the man in the corner.
“I don’t know where you come from but around here if a gentleman wants to fuck a lady, he doesn’t make her work for it.”
He pushed her glass at her. “I haven’t decided yet. You swing your hips nice for a skinny girl. That’s something.”
She sat next to him and skidded the chair closer. “Skinny? Feel these ribs,” she said, lifting her top. “There’s so much fat you can hardly see any ribs.”
The man ignored her body at first and instead studied the depth under her eyelashes. “I’m Louis. Lou.” Lou was dressed much like the other men but one of the few without his jacket and tie. His shoes were well cared for and his shirt appeared to be freshly ironed.
He took her raised top and placed his other hand flat below her breast, strumming his thumb up and down her side in search of even an ounce of excess flesh. Wanda didn’t flinch when he swung his thumb to flick her nipple. She did when he twisted it, but only a little.
“I’m Wanda. Wanna fuck?” she whispered. “I don’t mean here, now, ‘cause I wanna do it more than once.” She shoved his hand away and stood with her fists on her hips. “NO!” she shouted. “No, I won’t kiss you for a dollar!” She extracted her knife and tapped it at the corner of her mouth. “I said I want two dollars.”
Lou chuckled on his way past her and out the door.
“And stop following me!” she added as she chased after him.
The girl caught up and wrapped her arm in his. “Are you good in bed, Louis?”
“I’ve never complained.”
Wanda skipped in front and walked backwards. She brandished her knife because that’s one of the things one does with a knife. “’Cause if you’re not, I’ll have to chop your dick right off.”
Lou held his hand out and Wanda surrendered her weapon with a tip of her head. He manipulated it one-handed, inspected it, and placed it back into her palm. “You’ll need a bigger knife.”
“You’re delightful,” she squealed and returned to his side. They silently sauntered toward the hotel until she slowed them near an old woman selling roses. Lou bought and handed one to her but she wouldn’t continue on. He gave the woman more money and dragged the girl away without giving her more flowers.
Wanda pouted behind the blossom that she held under her nose. She pressed her thumb against a thorn and, once she was sure that he wasn’t looking, pierced the skin and broke the thorn away with a twist of the stem. “Ow,” she announced and held it up for him to look at.
A red ring pooled around the wound. He pushed the thorn in deeper, a prick that she felt more in her cunt than in her thumb. “That should stop the bleeding,” he said. “We’ll take care of it once we get to your room.” He took the rose from her and snapped off the remaining thorns before handing it back. “We’re fucking in your room.”
The hotel lobby doors parted and Wanda led the way to the elevators, swinging her arms and taking great strides. She flashed the couple getting off and held the doors for Lou. “Hurry up, Louis Love, I’m gonna cum just thinking about the bad things you’re going to do to me.”
Wanda was gnawing on Lou’s tongue before the doors were closed. He shook her off by the shoulders but she returned on her knees, grabbing and gnashing at his crotch. “Ooh, I think maybe you’re as big as you said!”
She gracefully arose then, plucked the thorn with her teeth, and sucked on her thumb. “Want some?” she asked. The taste of copper accompanied her thumb as she shoved it into his mouth. She took it back right away and sucked on it noisily.
“Goo.” She smiled around her thumb. “Goo-goo…” They reached their floor and she skipped down the hall toward her room. “Goo-goo, da-da!” she repeated until she went into her room.
Lou dodged one sandal and then the other when he let himself in. He slowly disrobed while Wanda quickly stripped and opened the curtains. Standing before the windows, she spread her arms wide and said to the lights below, “Are you ready?” She spun toward the room and frowned. “You’re not!” He sidestepped her lunge for his belt and knocked her aside with a hard, loud slap on the ass.
“About fucking time!” Her fingers were in her cunt before she could sit upright. “No fair! You landed the first blow. I was going to do that.” Wanda giggled at her joke before losing herself in herself. Lou shook his shorts from his foot and she licked her lips at his commanding cock, triple-timing her determined diddles.
Just as she was about to crest, her eyes unrolled from the back of her head and she hid her hands behind her back. “No…” she told herself. A single ‘yes’ might have sanctioned her climax but she refused; denied. “No,” she repeated and kept repeating until the danger had passed.
Lou shook his head. “That was stupid.”
“Oh, you’re good. You almost had me before you could take me.” She used the dresser to help her stand up. “Fuck me in the ass.”
“I’d split you like a rail.”
“Uh-uh,” she said while dragging the armchair over in front of the full-length mirror. “Big ass. Best bowels. There! Have a seat. SIT!”
“Whatever…” Lou sat and Wanda hovered.
“Get ready…get set…wait!” She leaped to her purse and dumped its contents onto a nightstand. “No, no, not there. There!” she muttered to herself as she pulled the lube and a dildo out of the drawer. Her ass got a schmear on her way back to Lou’s cock, which was then itself well-slathered.
“Three!” she shouted before he was ready, but instead of impaling her backside, she bounced on his belly with an oof! Before Lou could recover, she trapped his nuts in her hand and squeezed them just hard enough to make him behave.
“Hey, look what we have here,” Wanda said to the cock that sprouted between her legs. “If I had known that I could grow my own, I’d have done it years ago!”
“Cute. Okay, let me up…”
“Shush, Lumpy Arm Chair! I have a cock to jerk. Shush, I say!”
Wanda vigorously wanked her new dick and Lou decided not to argue about it. “It’s so bumpy and ugly and yet so pretty at the same time. Maybe my first one should have been a little smaller, though.”
“Jesus, Wanda, just use both hands!”
“Of course!” She throttled up until she choked the sperm right out of him, splattering his loads onto her chest and stomach.
“That’s it? All that work and mess and it did nothing for me.” She climbed off to show off his seed. “Nothing! I swear I don’t understand why men are so obsessed with shooting this thing off. That wasn’t good at all. Where’s my knife?”
Lou snatched her wrist before she was out of his reach. “I don’t need to cut it off, anyway. Look at it, Louis. It’s dead. I already killed it!” She twisted free and jumped onto the window sill, mooning the moonlit parking lot.
“I don’t know why I’m bothering,” Lou said to himself as he grabbed her scrawny ass and buried his tongue in her dripping snatch.
“Oh, OH, OH, shit, it’s too late to apologize now, Louis.” He pushed his finger in under his tongue and refused to come up for air. “Maybe not,” she decided, throwing a leg over his shoulder. “Maybe not, maybe, maybe, maybe,” she chanted while stretching a tit by its nipple until it was twice as tall as the other.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck me, fuck me in the ass!” she screamed when she came on Lou’s face.
“Shut the fuck up!” a voice said from the other side of the wall.
“Fuck you!” she returned. “Not you, though, huh, dead dick?” She swung her other leg up to his neck, bumping her head on the ceiling and nearly knocking them over.
“Not yet.” Lou launched her and her flailing limbs onto the middle of the bed. He was by her side before the second bounce and took an entire tit into his mouth—the one that wasn’t covered in cum.
“Nothing wasted there, huh, Baby?”
Lou easily worked three fingers into her cunt and plunged like he was trying to touch her spine.
“More. More fingers. All the fingers,” she moaned through her second orgasm. “I’m ahead and you still got nothin’,” she taunted.
“Not yet,” Lou repeated. He straddled her face with his knees on her arms and stuffed it with his half-hearted hard-on. He humped her head and told her that it wasn’t coming out until she gagged on it. Wanda struggled to control the blow but Lou swiveled his hips and parried her tongue too fast for her to adjust.
Lou lied. She gagged on it a lot. He withdrew and manhandled her onto her front.
“In the ass, Baby!”
“I’m not wasting my time with your bony ass,” Lou said. “Yeah, you got no ass but you have a fat cunt.” He knew that he wasn’t going to cum again any time soon so he went all-out fucking her, pausing now and then to slap one cheek or the other if he didn’t think she was fucking him back hard enough.
He didn’t let up when she whimpered through another orgasm except for when he flipped her over again after bumping the headboard. He cupped her petite half-cup butt and pulled her pussy back over his cock. “Fuck me,” Wanda cursed herself with a growl. She hung onto her ankles and groaned as she came again.
“Are. We. Done. Here?” she asked between his savage thrusts.
Lou ignored and kept using her, not letting up on his nonstop pounding. When he couldn’t hold back anymore, he pulled out and crisscrossed a new layer of cum on top of his previous, dried load. They sat breathing hard, spread eagle opposite each other.
“That was, aahhh, adequate.” Wanda suddenly jumped to the floor, snatched up her knife, and crouched. “Boo! Ha! Made you flinch, scaredy-cat!”
Lou was more than ready to leave and collected his clothes. He gave Wanda a lot of space as she took two bottles of water out of the mini-fridge. She cracked one open, took a swig, and tossed it at him. She opened the second and drank half of it.
“You must be fun at parties.”
“You wouldn’t believe how much,” she replied while removing some items from her dresser.
Lou wasn’t hurrying as much when Wanda rolled on a pair of black stockings. “Are the seams straight?” she asked, lying back and sticking her feet in the air. “It’s really important to get them straight.”
“Yeah. They’re good.” He decided that he wasn’t going to leave just yet.
“They just look trashy when they’re not.” She attached them to a garter belt, slipped on some high pumps, and inspected herself in the mirror. “You Brits call these ‘suspenders,’ right?”
“I’m not British.”
“No? Well, the accent had me fooled.” Wanda’s nipples peeked over her push-up demi bra (which didn’t have much to push up). Lastly, she adjusted her blond, waist-length wig. “Well, hello there, little lady,” she said to her reflection. “I think I’ll call you, ‘Wendy.’”
Wendy spent a lot of time fluffing the pillows. “What did you think about that one slut at the bar, Lou?”
“Could you be more specific?”
“I know, right?” She hopped onto the bed, sat against the pillows and headboard, and stabbed her humming dildo between her legs. “Nice. No offense, Love, but your dick hardly vibrated at all.”
Lou pulled up a chair and sat.
Wendy hummed along with her vibrator for a bit and then harmonized with it. “Uh-huh. Lots of sluts. I ate a girl out once. I ate another girl out once, too. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a girl out twice.” She inhaled sharply. “Hold that thought.”
She arched her back while giving her dildo a good wiggle, squealed, and settled back into gentler stroking. “Well done, girlfriend!” Locking eyes with the man in the chair, she took her knife and cut a short slit into her stocking. “You’re welcome to stay, but this might take a while.”
Lou took his cue. “Have a good life, Wanda.”
“Wendy! You too. Nice cock. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”