Mia got out of the taxi. The email told her Unit 4 Mercantile Avenue which cut through a trading estate outside Heathrow Airport. It looked like a nondescript modern industrial unit, landscaped with young saplings and low-maintenance shrubbery. It was mid-morning and the pale autumnal sun struggled to burn through the thick stubborn clouds.
Mia was dressed, as asked in the email, in an outfit she would wear on a date night. So an electric blue dress that fell just short of the knee, snakeskin kitten heels, and a black cardigan to keep the stiff autumn breeze off her bare arms. It was weather like this she wished she was back home on her tropical island.
Sadly holidays were off the agenda. Mia was in a financial hole and needed help to get out.
As instructed, at the glass double door, she called number four on the intercom and asked for Andy.
The door opened with a buzz.
Inside, the large entrance hall was nice enough. Walls painted cream and potted plants dotted around with plenty of seating as expected. The ground floor housed a packaging company, with an advertising firm on the first. Neither was what Mia was here for.
Mia got the elevator up to the second floor where she was greeted by Andy, a tall slim man with brown hair and kind eyes. A lot like Don who was her boyfriend… Who for now was very much in her bad books. “Mia, just as gorgeous as you looked in your picture. So, you reviewed the contract?”
“I believe you’re happy to sign…. Or you wouldn’t be here, I guess.”
“I am. As long as you promise the videos are strictly for personal use.”
Andy smiled, his eyes an honest blue. “Yes, As stated in the contract. Other than us, only the individual who will remain anonymous will see the video.” Andy whispered. “He is a member of the elite.”
“OK.” Mia took the fountain pen and signed her rights away.
“Right, come with me. I’ll take you to where the magic happens.”
The room was kitted out like a young girl’s room. Pink wallpaper, giant teddies, and posters of members of boy bands and actors from teen flicks. The only difference was there was an expensive camera on a tripod.
Andy gestured towards the bed. “So, get on the bed, look cute. I will conduct a short interview where I’ll ask you some personal questions about your past. Then, as discussed in the contract, I’ll bring in Rex who you will have sex with.”
“Oral, vaginal penetration. Basically anything Rex deems fit, really. Yeah?”
“That’s fine.”
Rex, a well-built, thuggish-looking tattooed guy, but who had a friendly smile, waved from the doorway. “Hi, Mia.”
“Hi. Rex, I take it?”
Rex was topless wearing only a pair of combat shorts. His torso was toned as if it was carved out of granite. “That’s me. Got to say, if Andy hadn’t told me he checked your passport, I would never have guessed you were over eighteen. I feel kind of naughty, but at the same time, I wish you brought your old school uniform.”
“Everyone says that I look like I should still be in school.” Mia posed on the bed, then flicked her glossy black hair over her shoulder. She looked surprisingly confident. “What can I say, good genes.”
Andy stood behind the camera. “Right, without further ado, let’s go. 1, 2, 3 and we’re live… Hello Mia.”
Mia smiled nervously. “Hi.”
“A little,” Mia continued to smile at the camera. But being on film eroded her confidence. “I’ve never done anything like this before.”
“Chillax, we’ll treat you like a lady.”
Mia snorted a second nervous laugh in as many minutes. “I hope so.”
“So, you’re a student in London. Tell me where are you from?”
“I was born abroad but grew up in the UK. I have, what we call, a Hindu heritage if that’s what you’re referring to.”
“Yeah, I was expecting an Indian accent but you sound quite posh.” Andy focused the camera so he caught the whole of Mia’s body, panning from high heels, slowly past the slender curves of her hips and breasts before closing in on her pretty doe-eyed face. “You’re very exotic. I think we have ourselves a Pocahontas.”
Rex interrupted from behind the camera. “Princess Jasmine, she’s not a native American, you idiot.”
Mia corrected the pair. “But I’m not Arab, either. Still, don’t worry. Everyone says that. The olive skin and long black hair. I’m used to casual racism.”
Andy burned up a little but reasserted control of the interview. “So, what are you studying?”
“Masters in Finance and Business law.”
“Crikey. So you’re clever then? Beautiful and got brains. Quite a catch. Do you have a boyfriend?”
Mia laughed a little louder than she expected. A sure sign of guilt, “Yes.”
“Does he know you’re here?”
“Kinda. Yeah. he knows I’m here.” Mia played with her hair as she talked into the lens. “But he doesn’t know what I’m doing. I left it as vague as possible. He just thinks I’m doing a modelling portfolio in the hope of landing some catalogue work.”
“Oh. Good. So he’s not going to burst in here and kick our arses is he?”
“No. He’s no fighter, really. Think Chandler Bing from Friends, that’s my Don.”
“Er, no names, Mia.”
Mia covered her mouth. “Shit, sorry.”
“It’s fine.”
“But anyway, he’s the reason I’m here, well, half the reason.” Mia shifted on the bed to get comfortable and pulled down the hem of her dress as she felt it exposed a bit too much of her thigh. “To be honest, I’m still kinda bitter about it.”
“Is this sort of a revenge fuck?”
“Totally. After I got into a spot of financial bother, he wouldn’t lend me the money I needed for my course.”
Rex shouted from behind Andy and the camera. “Well, fuck him. Have fun.”
“Exactly. That’s what I thought, Rex. Fuck him.”
Andy felt curious, and asked, “How long have you dated?”
“I’ve known him a year, was a friend of a friend, you know? But we’ve been dating about six weeks, maybe a bit longer.”
“Oh, right. So it’s not yet a long-term relationship. Still, he is a lucky guy.”
“Indeed.” Mia looked a little wistful. She then suddenly felt very vulnerable. “I guess that’s why he didn’t lend me the money, maybe he doesn’t fully trust me yet.”
Rex snickered. “Well, he won’t after this.”
Andy laughed. “Shut up Rex.” He then asked Mia. “How much was it? The debt.”
“Best part of four grand.”
“Jesus. Yeah, maybe six weeks isn’t that long after all.”
Mia recounted. “I know. Things went a bit array back home. My revenue streams from the bank of mum and dad were cut. My next installment was due, and I suddenly didn’t have the funds. “
“Well, you’re always welcome back here for another shoot.”
Rex quickly added. “Yeah, and like I said. Bring your school uniform with you next time. I’d fuck you all night long.”
Andy shook his head. “Jeez, Rex. Give it a break, Fucking Jeffery Epstein, or what?”
Mia chirped up at the sounds of pound signs. “Will do. But it will cost you guys a lot more for me in my uniform. It’s a sexy, little thing, A boarding school number. Long socks, a short pleated skirt, a white blouse, a blazer, and with my hair in a bow… Cotton panties. You know you will want me back.”
“I like this girl, Andy. She’s got spunk.”
Andy felt the swell in his pants. “So, when did you lose your virginity? A girl like you, it must have been hard to keep it.”
“Six weeks ago.”
Rex blurted. “Fuck off, Mia. I’m not having that. No fucking way.”
“It’s true.”
Andy asked, “What? Really? To that douche of a boyfriend?”
“You must have fooled around before, surely.”
“Yeah, of course. But you see, I’m a girl who likes to study. Being from a South Asian family, education always came first. So, I only had two boyfriends before my current one. The first one was a friend who I gave a blowjob to.”
Rex was in the process of taking off his shorts. “Wait there, you gave your friend a blowjob?”
“Yes. We were part of the same friendship group for years, and in the end, everyone was like, why aren’t you two together? So on a night out I, you know… crossed that line.”
“What happened in the end?”
Mia pulled at the quilt with her plumb coloured fingernails. “He got all possessive. I didn’t like that.”
“And the second guy?”
“He was my tutor at college,” Mia ran her hand down her long leg, then slowly brought it back up to her thigh “I gave him a blowjob, too. In his car. He also gave me my first orgasm by fingering me, through my knickers, I may add.”
“You sure like handing out blow jobs, Mia.”
“I guess you’re going to find out just how good they are, right?”
Rex was incredibly excited and was already massaging the large bulge in his trunks. “You have the lips for it, that’s for sure.”
Andy agreed it was time. He ordered, “I think it’s time to make your first sex video. Blow a kiss into the camera. “
Mia smiled seductively into the camera and then blew a sweet kiss.
Looking at Mia through the viewfinder, Andy ordered. “I think it’s time we see that tight little pussy of yours. Why don’t you turn around, get on your knees, then I want you to bend over and draw your panties down, real slow for the camera. OK?”
“Erm,” Mia shivered at the thought of exposing herself. Still, she climbed to her knees and then turned around. “Sure.” She hitched up her electric blue dress so it was around her waist then leaned over a large teddy bear for support,
Andy focused the camera on her arse as Mia then began drawing down her dark blue lace panties. “That’s it. Now spread those cheeks. Let’s see those holes of yours.”
Mia did as she was told and spread her cheeks, exposing her cute button of an arse hole and freshly shaven cunt.
For poor Mia, It felt like a nightmare of a gynecology examination.
And although Mia didn’t know it at the time, she was embarking on a career. She was going to be working in the sex industry, in one way or another for the next three years. Although it gave her all the things money could buy for a young woman, there were going to be several times when it came close to breaking her. And a few more when it came back to bite her on her pretty backside.
“Nice.” Andy focused the camera in on Mia’s pussy, noticing the skin was slightly darker around the healthy pinkness of her exposed inner sex. “Right. Next stage of the interview. I want you to lose the dress and knickers completely. Then sit up against the headboard, with your legs spread for the camera.” Andy continued to watch through the viewfinder as Mia pulled her knickers down her pin-like legs and off her heels, but didn’t quite get another glimpse of her tight little pussy as he had hoped.
Andy then watched as Mia stood at the side of the bed and struggled with the zip at the back of her electric blue dress. Fortunately, Rex was more than happy to help unzip the dress. He smiled as she shimmied it down her sleek and petite, almost childlike figure, before elegantly stepping out of it.
Still, in her heels and black plunge bra, Mia climbed back onto the bed and got comfortable with a pillow at her back, and snuggled into the soft flank of a giant white teddy bear. Andy ordered, “Open those legs of yours.” Mia was a little reluctant but did as she was told, spreading her brown pins, and exposing her freshly shaven cunt. “Good. Now I want you to play with yourself while answering more questions.”
“OK,” Mia tentatively began rubbing her nether lips. It was the first time she had played with herself and felt a little strange. “Like this?”
“That’s good for now. Do you ever pleasure yourself?”
“No. This is the first time… And it’s on film.”
Andy sniggered. “So, in the six weeks, since you lost your virginity, I take it you and your boyfriend have been shagging like rabbits?”
“Yeah… making up for lost time.”
“How often do you sleep together?”
“Erm…” Mia continued to rub herself while trying to estimate. “I don’t know. I only meet him on the weekends. He’s from up north. He mostly comes to London, but sometimes I go up there to be with him. It’s quite nice, got a place in the countryside. We do it… maybe, four or five times over a weekend.”
“What’s your favourite position?”
Mia smiled seductively into the camera. “Doggy. But I like when he gets on top, but crosses my legs in front.”
“You like it deep, yes?”
“Oh yeah.” Mia giggled. “Deep and hard.”
“Right. Sink that finger into your cunt. Get it right in deep, like you claim you like it.” Andy watched as Mia slowly sunk her delicate first finger in, all the way down to her base knuckle. “You’re quite tight aren’t you.”
“I’m a petite girl.”
“Don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of lube. But I think Rex is going to have to loosen you up with a dildo before he fucks you.”
“Oh gosh.”
“Talking about Rex. I think it’s time we formally introduce him. ” Andy waved Rex to come over to the bed. Say hi to the camera, Rex.”
Andy suggested, “Mia, why don’t you pull Rex’s cock out so can familiarize yourself with it.”
“I don’t mind if I do.” Mia smiled up at Rex as she pulled out the cock from his underpants. It was a monster of a white, uncut cock. She stared at it open-mouthed. “Wow. Look at that thing. They should call you T-Rex.”
“How do you mean?”
“That thing looks like it should have died out with the dinosaurs.”
Rex and Andy both laughed, but Mia looked a little concerned. Rex asked her. “Is it bigger than your boy’s?”
“Yes.” Mia weighed it in her hand. It felt heavy and had more girth than her wrist. “Almost twice as big, I reckon.” Mia now looked very worried. As if she had real regrets. “I think I’m going to struggle. Maybe I might have to tap out, or use a safe word?”
“We don’t do safe words, unfortunately.”
Andy suggested, “Mia. I think it’s time you show us just how talented your mouth is.” Mia gave a confident smile as if she really did seem to believe in her oral skills. But in truth, her heart was beating as if she was running a marathon.
Mia climbed onto her knees in front of Rex who still had his cock hanging from his fresh white boxers. She took his cock in hand and wanked it back and forth a few times. “Oh, my. What a delicious-looking specimen of a penis.”
Rex sniggered. “You need to practice that dirty talk, Mia..”
“Fuck you.”
“That’s better.”
The camera caught it all in glorious detail as Mia parted her succulent plum-coloured lips and then kissed the warm bulbous end of Rex’s cock. It continued to record while Mia curled her pink tongue around Rex’s godhead before she moved on to cleaning his length on either side of the long veiny shaft of Rex’s cock.
Mia still hadn’t taken Rex whole, she was still wondering how best to do it.
As Mia moved her tongue to the base of Rex’s cock, close to his low-hanging testicles, Andy noticed Rex’s penis was actually longer than the distance from Mia’s chin to her fringe.
Mia was going to have more than a mouthful.
Fortunately for Mia, at least Rex has good hygiene. She had tasted worse cocks over the last few years. Rex had obviously had a shower before the show, as it tasted of shower gel and o’naturale. So her tongue and lips left no inch untouched. Her cherry tongue even dabbed Rex’s piss hole as if she was thirsty for sperm, teasing him to the point that he wanted to fuck her mouth right there and then. Lucky for Rex, he didn’t have to wait long, stretching her small mouth to its limits Mia took Rex into her mouth.
Andy thought the mix of colours contrasted beautifully on film. Mia’s brown face and plum-coloured lips were pierced by a pillar of hard white cock.
They were making art.
Mia went slow at first, feeling him grow inside her mouth. She motioned her head back and forth but only ever managed to fit little more than the head of his cock inside her petite mouth. Anything more and she felt she risked retching as it pushed against the back of her throat.
Yet Mia persevered and continued to work the cock with her mouth and tongue. It was evident by Rex’s smile as well as his raging boner that he was enjoying Mia’s mouth. He was constantly coaxing Mia with his hands, guiding and encouraging her.
Mia took Rex deep and deeper down her throat, breathing through her nose as best as she could, yet still careful not to choke too much.
Soon the feeling of new ground being broken was evident as she forced herself to take the girth. His cock slithered its way down into her throat all the way until his testicles rested against her cute little chin.
Rex almost worried about doing the girl permanent mischief, but Mia couldn’t hold it through, and pulled back, spilling saliva and spit from her mouth. But before Mia could gather herself, Rex pushed her back on his cock and fucked her face. Mia for her part, sat with her mouth stretched open, as her throat was pierced, pummelled, and pillaged.
Rex let Mia go and she fell backward with her chest drenched in spit and slobber. He complimented Mia. “Good, job girl. Some skills, yeh got.
“Thank you.”
“But let’s not get the pretty-looking bra all dirty.” He leaned down and undid the bra clasp, allowing the bra to slip off Mia’s slender shoulders, and down her long arms, exposing her petite brown tits. He reached further down and gave her tits a playful slap which got a muffled protest from Mia as she once more had a mouthful of his cock.
But Rex hadn’t learned, and slapped her left tit harder, causing Mia to snap. “I said stop it.”
“This girl got attitude.”
Mia frowned as she wiped her saliva-covered chin. “It hurt.”
“Sorry. I was just playing with you.”
“I think it’s time you should lick me, and pay me some fucking homage.”
Rex glanced at Andy. “Damn, is she the boss now?”
“Do as Mia says, Rex. She got serious sass.”
Rex knelt on the carpet beside which Mia was kneeling. He then grabbed Mia’s legs behind her knees and forcibly pulled them from under her, causing her to tumble backward with a surprised squeal. He then roughly pulled her to the edge of the mattress.
Between Mia’s legs, Rex’s face was only inches away from the first ‘Indian’ pussy he had ever seen.
Rex didn’t wait. And desecrated Mia’s tomb.
Rex began licking Mia’s tight chocolate folds. His licks were tender and loving at first.
He sucked on her delicate folds and paid close attention to her tiny clit. He was skilled and experienced and he soon had Mia purring.
Andy dismounted the camera and gazed upon Mia’s face. “Enjoying that Mia.”
“Are you a slut?’ Mia didn’t answer as she focused instead on the wicked sensations of her pussy being expertly manipulated. “You want to be fucked?” She didn’t answer this either as her eyes rolled back, clearly lost in the moment.
Mia finally came to her senses and slowly nodded.
Yet Andy still wanted Mia to answer. “You better answer my question then. I said, do want to be fucked?”
“Tell me, what are you, then?”
Mia let out a little squeak as she felt a sudden bodily shift towards orgasm, and put her hand to her mouth. “I’m a slut.”
“What kind of slut?”
Mia couldn’t properly focus and searched for an answer. “An Indian one?”
Andy sniggered. “Actually, I just wanted you to say dirty.”
“Oh…” Mia suddenly felt a second spasm, and then a third. But this time she felt her toes curl. Rex was definitely pushing her hard and fast.
Rex continued to lick her pure-tasting pussy. But he had a surprise.
Without warning Rex pushed his tongue deep into her tight virgin arsehole, causing her to squirm and squeal in disgusted laughter. She broke away. “You dirty bastard.”
Rex laughed aloud. “Luckily, it was clean, not that I would have been bothered if it wasn’t.”
“Yuck. My bottom’s all wet now.”
“Shut, your bitchin’.”
Mia felt frustrated and punched the mattress. “I was about to cum, and you ruined it.”
Andy directed, “Let’s get the lube.” He smiled. “Time to move onto the next stage.”
Rex gently bent a naked Mia over so she was on all fours. Her lithe, youthful, frame looked majestic. He observed that brown butt cheeks and tight dark pussy were still glistening with his saliva
Taking a black dildo from the bedside draw, Rex took much glee in how Mia tensed as she felt the cold tip of the toy touch and then push against her dusky labia.
Mia cringed and felt concerned at its size. She looked over her shoulder. “Gosh. How big is that?”
“Eight inches.”
“I thought it was going to be a small toy?”
“Well, it’s smaller than my cock.”
“Oh, lord.”
The camera picked up Rex’s grin as he gently tried to ease it into Mia’s pussy. But it proved too much and MIa slapped the bedsheets in frustration and discomfort. She insisted, “Lube, please. I’m still a little tight.”
“No problem.” Rex was already on the case and picked up the tube of water-based lube. He poured it generously on the small of Ria’s back and watched as she gave a little shiver. “What’s up, was it a little cold?”
“Sorry.” The lube ran down the crevice of her brown butt cheeks and pooled in her asshole, before coating the dildo that was up against her pussy. Rex then gently twisted the dildo so it was fully coated before easing it further into Mia’s tight pussy.
Mia closed her eyes as she focused on the sensation of being opened up by the large sex toy. She grimaced then let out a sigh.
Luckily, Rex knew what he was doing and took his time, not forcing anything, just letting the lube work its magic.
Soon the dildo had slid in up to the hilt.
Rex left it there for a bit, letting Mia’s pussy adjust to taking the girth and length.
Andy unhooked the camera and then carried it over so he could take a close-up of Mia’s beautiful face. “How does it feel?”
“OK.” Mia gasped as Rex hit the right spot. “Good.”
“Makes you hungry for the real thing, huh?”
Mia nodded a response then moved her hair away from her face so she could smile into the lens. “Yes.” It was a sultry smile, a confident one.
She liked to be bad, even if she preferred it if no one knew
Rex suddenly began fucking her slowly with the dildo. Using its full length, he slid it in and out, in and out.
Mia groaned in pleasure as Rex twisted it deep inside her. She closed her eyes and bit her lip, concentrating on the deep sensations. “That’s nice.”
Still, with the camera on Mia’s dainty face, Andy asked. “You want the real thing?”
Andy looked at Rex. “She wants you to fuck her, Rex.”
Rex pulled out the dildo, wiping on the brown skin of her back. “Then let’s do it. I’m not one to disappoint a woman.”
Rex wanked his cock hard with a hand full of lube. He then placed one barefoot on the bed. Resting his left hand on Ria’s narrow naked hip, he guided his cock to the smooth entrance of her glistening desi fuck hole.
Leaning into Mia from behind, Rex felt his cock slowly sink inside Mia’s succulent, warm pussy.
Mia groaned aloud as she felt herself open up. Her plum-coloured fingernails dug into the bedsheet, and she ground her pearly white teeth together. “Oh my God… Fuck, that feels huge!”
Rex then began to steadily piston into Mia, right up to the hilt of his large cock then back out to his godhead. Each intrusion caused Mia to yelp.
Mia’s cries mixed with the sound of their skin slapping was the soundtrack of this sordid episode. What had become of this once proud and well-brought-up Hindu girl now being treated like a whore?
Oh, how the mighty fall.
Rex slapped his large white hands on Mia’s tanned back then picked up the pace of his fucking. His body slamming sent waves of vibration shimmering through Mia’s tawny body, from her ass cheeks right up through her youthful hips.
Mia’s low moans now became animalistic cries with Rex’s length hitting her deeper than she thought possible.
Rex grabbed a handful of Mia’s long silky black hair, arching her magnificent fuck frame up, then holding her there, allowing Andy’s camera could get a lens full of naked Mia.
The lens captured Mia’s smooth flawless brown skin, her taut stomach, and her prominent rib cage.
Mia’s magnificence shimmered with a mix of lube and sweat. Even if Mia would rather be elsewhere, her dark nipples were erect and suggested her body loved the sensations.
Rex then began slaying her once more, Mia’s tits swinging in time as Rex continued his assault of pelvic thrusts.
The camera continued to record Mia’s sexuality, her whorishness, and lustful cries.
With Mia still arched back, Rex reached around, then pawed her left tit. He pinched her dark swollen nipple hard, causing Mia to shout in protest.
Rex then forced Mia’s face down into the mattress then began smashing himself into her rear.
The slaps of skin on skin were loud and the sensations for Mia felt cataclysmic. It felt as if her body could break at any moment
Mia felt her toes curl, then began to call time on their meeting. “I… I’m cumming. I’m cumming.”
Rex didn’t break off as he fell on top of Mia, pressing the full weight of his muscle-laden body against her delicate figure.
He plummed his cock to new virgin depths causing Mia to continue to cum louder, soaking his cock with her juices.
Rex didn’t pause and continued to rut away like a man possessed by a sexual deviant, a pervert of a demon.
Mia’s girlish frame seemed lost under the massive beast of Rex. Yet her orgasm was loud and proud, a crescendo of screams.
A moment later Rex moved his face close to Mia’s then let out his own carnal roar as he began to flood Ria with his cum.
Mia opened her eyes. “No. Don’t cum in me!”
But it was too late. The floodgates had opened.
From behind the camera, Andy focused the lens onto a dishevelled and clearly exhausted Mia. “You on the pill?”
Mia didn’t answer as she sunk her face into the mattress. She felt his warm cum pushed deep against her cervix before slowly seeping south. Deep down she knew she had sold herself and knew there would be consequences.
Rex pulled himself out, then slapped Mia’s butt chee ks he sat beside her. “That’s a wrap.” He marvelled at his work, watching his cum slowly oozing out of her tight snatch.
Andy powered off the camera and then closed the viewfinder. He gestured to Mia. “That was hot.” When Mia didn’t respond Andy pointed to the ensuite.”The shower is that way.”
Mia was exhausted. Her body felt broken, crestfallen because she had stooped to such a level. Poor Mia had come to realise that there is no such thing as easy money, yet Mia knew it wasn’t going to be the last time.