My Crazy Life 3 – Susan

"Sometimes a storyteller needs a little help to step out of the shadows."

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If we were to meet today for the first time, you probably wouldn’t be overwhelmed. I am not a bigger than life character. I am not sexually charismatic, or physically remarkable. You would probably notice that I am quietly confident, witty with dry humor, and I can often come off as having more than half a brain. At least you would notice me. That wasn’t always the case.

When my wife and I started our swinging adventures, I was rather shy, and almost invisible. My wife used to tease me that the song “Mr. Cellophane” from the musical, Chicago, was written about me. Like the line in the song goes, “…walk right by me, look through me, and never even know I’m there.” This is the story of how that change started.

The group of swingers that we met in Milwaukee used to have weekly Meet and Greet events. They were held at a bar that was attached to a sports complex, and it was open to the public. The manager and the bar tenders knew who we were, and they didn’t mind.

They did enforce some Rules of Conduct, so there was never nudity (with the exception of an occasional boob flash), and there was no sexual contact (with the exception of the occasional inappropriate grope). This made for a safe environment for new people to join the group to get to know people socially before committing to anything more.

My wife loved to go there. It was an excuse to get out on a Wednesday night, the people were very friendly, and we had a good time making new friends. We had been there for six or eight weekly meets when the host couple put a fine point on my status.

The group was working out the final details for an upcoming hotel party. They were going to get several rooms together at a remote hotel. They were planning on having mixers available, but bring your own alcohol, and they were going to have snacks. My wife made her way to the sign up sheet to see what snacks we could bring.

“Can you bring something baked, like cookies or brownies?” the hostess asked.

“I can bring either, or both,” my wife answered.

“Are you bringing anyone with you?” the host asked. His tone suggested that he hoped the answer was ‘no’.

“Just this guy,” my wife answered, using her eyes to indicate me.

Both the host and the hostess gave me a suspicious look.

“And, who is this?” the host asked.

My wife gave them a questioning look.

“This is my husband, John,” she answered. “You’ve met him every week for the last two months.”

The host and hostess still looked skeptical.

“Well, good to meet you, John,” the hostess offered.

I didn’t exactly blame them, although it was their job to know the people at their gathering. I was very quiet, but I didn’t hide in the corner! Unless I was at the bar getting us drinks, I was almost always with my wife as we wandered around and met people. People just didn’t seem to notice me.

My wife didn’t have that problem. She was a social butterfly, and everybody knew her. She also was very quick to get email addresses from people, and she had a lot of chat friends. She ended up joining several online groups, and her circle of friends expanded quickly.

Rather than being suspicious, I was amused when my wife started closing the office door for online video chatting. She would claim that the rest of the house was making too much noise, but I couldn’t help but notice how flushed her face was when she opened the door again. I also was quick to notice that she would jump my bones as soon as we headed for bed. Her online chats were really getting her revved up!

One evening, she beckoned me to join her when she closed the door. She had a simple request. She wanted me to listen to the first couple of minutes of her chat. She pointed out that there was something about the gentleman’s voice that shot straight through her, and she was hoping that I could mimic it later. I laughed but agreed.

By standing to the side, I could see his video, but he wouldn’t see me in her feed. I was surprised to see that he was a much older gentleman, probably well into his fifties. That doesn’t seem like such a big deal now that I am in my fifties, but at the time, it wasn’t what I had expected.

I could hear right away that I wasn’t going to be able to imitate his voice. He had a voice that was made for radio. It was low, like James Earl Jones’, and clear and resonant. I can talk down in that register, but I can’t get the resonance. I nearly shrugged and left her to her chat.

His words stopped me. He greeted her, but then quickly apologized for being in a hurry. His wife had made plans for them to step out, and he needed to leave right away. In an almost desperate tone, he pleaded for a flash of boobs and ass as a fresh reminder of what he would be missing. My wife blushed, but quickly flashed both at the camera.

His appreciative words were made in a tone that suggested he was fighting the need to orgasm. He thanked her, apologized again for having to run off, and then said his good-bye. Just before he signed off, he begged her to check out the party invite he had sent, and then he begged her to agree to go. She agreed to look at it, and they both signed off.

My wife and I both looked at the invite together. It was for a house party for a group up near Madison. My wife glanced at the closed chat window and said she really wanted to go. She understood that we wouldn’t know anyone there except the gentleman and his wife, but she was sure we would both have fun. She gave me a flirtatious look, and I knew we would be going.

A week later, on a Saturday evening, we followed some sketchy directions to a house in the middle of nowhere between Janesville and Madison. There were an awful lot of cars there for the size of the house, which meant lots of people and a full house. We ended up parking in the grass along the road and walking up the long driveway to the house.

We were almost to the house when a big smile spread across my wife’s face, and in an excited tone, she gasped, “There’s Lyle!”

I recognized the gentleman from her chat session. He must have heard his name, and he turned to us. His eyes got excited and his jaw dropped as he stared at my wife in disbelief. I couldn’t believe how openly he was lusting my wife as he waited for us to approach. She was wearing a very short denim skirt and an open off-the-shoulder blouse that showed off a lot of skin. She looked hot to me, but his lust seemed excessive. My wife didn’t care.

“Oh. My. Goodness,” he marveled as we got close enough to talk. “You’re even better looking in person!”

My wife’s breath caught at his words, and she gripped my hand tighter.

“Why, thank you, Lyle,” she offered smoothly. “Keep talking,” she added. “You sound even better in person.”

“That’s funny,” he said just as smoothly. “My wife is always telling me I talk too much.”

He openly glanced at her crotch, and if anything, his lustful look turned even lustier.

“Did you wear the red ones like you promised?” he asked. I was pretty sure he was going to faint is she answered ‘yes’.

My wife looked like she was halfway between fainting and orgasming as she flipped up the front of her skirt.

“I’ve been soaked with anticipation the whole way here,” she said. “I didn’t want to ruin them, so I didn’t wear any at all.”

As soon as the cloth started to lift, she had the attention of half the guys that were standing around. By the time she finished speaking, she had the attention of almost everyone there, guys and gals. I have no idea how Lyle managed to stay on his feet. His entire demeanor seemed to fall in pace with the dropping of the edge of her skirt as it fell back into place.

“You…” he squeaked. After a hard swallow, he quietly said, “I warned you what I would want to do to you when I finally got to see that.”

“What, this?” she teased as she flashed him again. He squeaked again, and she smiled seductively. “Was that enough, or should I do it again?” she asked.

“You little tease!” he accused in a joyful voice as he stepped towards her. She threw her arms around his neck as he bent and scooped her off her feet.

He had a huge smile on his face as he gave me a quick glance.

“Hey, Joe,” he said to me as he started carrying my wife quickly toward the house. “My wife is upstairs helping in the kitchen. She was looking forward to meeting you!”

My wife was laughing as she waved back at me over her shoulder. She whispered something in his ear. Just before they disappeared into the house, he called back, “Oh, John. Sorry! Go find her!”

Allow me to back up just a little bit here. We had been to several parties and had enjoyed ourselves at each of them. My wife did tend to do online chats with several people that she knew would be at the parties, and she often arranged something ahead of time. She and I were both comfortable with the idea that she would allow herself to be pushed just a little past her comfort zone, but she was strong enough to stop anything she didn’t like on her own.

Even though she hadn’t really said anything to me ahead of time, it was obvious that she had arranged something with Lyle. From the smile on her face as he carried her away, I could tell that she was well within her comfort zone. I had no worries for her.

I was a little miffed that they had left me on my own. As far as I knew, our plan was to find Lyle, and then have him introduce us to his wife. I had no idea what her name was or even what she looked like.

As they had rushed into the house, all lingering attention had followed them. By the time they were gone, I was all but invisible to the people around me. I asked one of the couples near me if they knew who Lyle’s wife was, and they seemed shocked to see me standing there. They had no idea, so I thanked them, and made my way inside to find the kitchen.

His instructions to go upstairs to find the kitchen started to make sense as I entered the house. It was built into a hillside, and from the street side, the lower floor had a garage and several smaller rooms. Away from the street, the upper floor opened out onto a nice patio. The kitchen was centrally located, with a living room on one end of the house, and bedrooms down the other side.

The kitchen was easy enough to find. Tragically, it was also empty of people when I got there. I was too shy to start asking more people questions, so I grabbed a paper plate and filled it with some light snacks from the table. There were people talking in the living room, so I took my plate there to enjoy the food and wait for my wife to return.

There were two groups already gathered in the living room.

The first group consisted of five couples. They were obviously already on friendly terms with each other, and a couple of the women had their breasts bared to tease one of the guys. I tried to find a spot where I was away from them, but still able to watch the show. One of the guys actually noticed me, but with a glare, he purposefully stepped sideways to block my view of the women.

I shrugged and turned my attention to the food. Much later, at a different party and a different location, that guy actually apologized to me. Apparently they had had too many problems with single guys sneaking into parties at that house. He assumed that I was a single guy, and he let me know just how welcome I was. By the time he made the apology, my wife and I had had some experience with that, and I accepted his apology.

I pretty much made up my mind right then that my wife and I were leaving as soon as she came to find me. I kept a pleasant smile on my face as I ate the snacks and waited.

Some words spoken in the other group drew my attention.

The other group contained three women and two men. The two men and two of the women were younger than I was, probably in their early thirties. The other woman was just a little older than me, probably in her early forties. The two younger women were flirting and teasing with one of the guys.

The other guy was kneeling on the floor between the older woman’s legs as she sat on the couch. Her dress had buttons down the front, and they were open to the waist. The young man was playfully caressing her very large breasts.

What drew my attention was when he said, “You’ll have to take that up with Deja Thoris.”

I expected the older woman to answer him, but she was pleasantly enjoying his hands on her breasts. Maybe I should have stayed out of the conversation, but I couldn’t help myself.

“Are you looking for the original Queen, or do you expect to hear from Deety Burroughs Carter?” I asked.

“I don’t think the original would have even considered swinging,” the young man answered. His attention never left the woman’s breasts.

For that matter, neither did mine. My wife had full and firm ‘D’ cups when we started dating. Time and tragedy and children had left her with nice ‘D’cups that rested mostly on her ribs. I love breasts, and my wife’s were perfect for me.

This woman had huge breasts that hung well down onto her ribs. They were capped with well formed and firm nipples. The young man was only caressing the skin of her breasts, but she was in heaven. My wife likes to have her breasts played with, but this woman was in a pleasure zone well beyond anything my wife would attain. I was enthralled.

“Deety wasn’t really a swinger either,” the woman replied in a relaxed tone.

“That depends on how far you’ve read,” I said.

One of the younger women had been partially paying attention to our discussion. Her questioning look made me feel the need to explain my claim. I assumed that the older woman and the younger man had both read the Heinlein books they seemed to be referencing.

“Deety really only shares Zeb with Hilda in ‘Number of the Beast’, mostly because their family unit of four includes her and her father. In ‘Cat’ and ‘Time Enough’, the Carters become part of Lazarus’ family. Even though the entire group remains faithful within the family, the only thing that separates their lifestyle from swingers is the love that they share.”

The older woman had lifted her head from the back of the couch to stare at me.

“That’s not how I read it at all,” she protested. She smiled. “Besides, swingers can enjoy love.”

The other young woman cut it. She had been switching back and forth in kissing the guy and the other young woman. “What I would love, is to see you naked,” she said the first young woman. She punctuated her words with a steamy kiss. When the kiss broke, she turned to the young man on his knees. “The three of us are gonna go fuck,” she declared. “Are you with us?”

He was on his feet in a flash. He blushed as all three women pointedly looked at the bulge in his pants, but then he smiled broadly as the first young woman reached over and grabbed that bulge to lead him away.

The older woman gave me a playful smile as she glanced at my crotch. Watching her reaction to being touched had made me about half aroused.

“Tell me that’s for me, and I’ll make sure it gets bigger so I can lead you away,” she teased. Before I could answer, she added, “You haven’t read ‘Sail Beyond’ yet, have you?”

“How can you tell?” I asked. I also quickly added, “Let me take his place, and you won’t have to do anything to make it bigger.”

“Seducing a boy to kneel in front of me in one of life’s great pleasures,” she teased. Her voice grew husky. “Landing a man for my pleasure is even better.” Her tone barely lightened as she finished with, “You’ll just have to wait until you read it to find out.”

All thoughts of books vanished from my head as I knelt before her. Her eyes encouraged me, and my hands found her breasts.

For some reason, I was surprised by how warm they were. They were surprisingly firm as well, and her skin was very soft. She sat forward, and it took every bit of my willpower not to sink my teeth into her breasts. She smiled as she grabbed hold of my very hard cock as it pressed out the front of my jeans.

“You’re not thinking about Heinlein anymore,” she accused playfully. “What are you thinking?” Before I could answer, she added, “My name is Susan, by the way.”

“Nice to meet you,” I answered. “I’m John. I would shake your hand, but I’m afraid that if I stop touching your breasts with my hands, my lips and teeth will want to take over.”

She started stroking my cock as she lifted her shoulders to lift her breasts. “I already warned the young man,” she said breathily. “Touch all you want, but no tasting unless you plan to fuck me. I don’t…oh!”

Her words came to a startled halt as my teeth caught her flesh. Her whole body shivered as her fingers shot into my hair to pull me closer.

“Gentle!” she warned as my lips drew near to her nipple. Her body shook even more as I teased the nub. I think my teeth got too aggressive, and she pulled me sharply away. “I warned you!” she threatened, sounding vaguely like the man that had stolen my wife.

She aggressively pulled me forward into a kiss. I had to lift off of my knees to meet her intensity, and she used my motion to pull me to my feet. She kept kissing me as she pushed away from the couch, and she used me to pull herself to her feet. with a final aggressive kiss and a very pleased smile, she grabbed my cock and turned to pull me out of the room.

It took three tries to find a room with an empty bed, but I didn’t mind the delay at all. I had quickly pressed my body up against the back of hers, and as she walked, I held her breasts and played with her nipples. She staggered to a stop when I bit her neck, and she ground her ass back against my hardness.

She stopped again at the side of the bed, and she shrugged as she turned in my arms. Her dress fell to the floor and she pressed her naked body against mine as she kissed me. She was rather aggressive as she removed my shirt, and it lost a few buttons. I didn’t care. I was too busy trying to get my pants off while still kissing her. The beautiful warmth of her large breasts against my chest more than made up for a few missing buttons.

As soon as I was naked, she turned us so that my back was to the bed, and then she forced me to sit as she kissed her way down my body. She gave a very happy purr as she found her way to my groin. Her eyes looked up at me seductively.

“This is beautiful,” she purred as she kissed the shaft of my cock.

“Uh, thanks, I guess,” I answered.

“What do you mean, ‘I guess’?” she teased.

“No one has ever called it ‘beautiful’ before,” I laughed.

She gave me a teasing look. “Maybe ‘beautiful’ isn’t the right word,” she laughed. She kissed me again and then let her tongue taste the shaft. “I really love cocks,” she said, “and maybe this isn’t the biggest and baddest that I’ve ever seen, but it’s just about the perfect size for me. And you’re so hard!”

She swallowed the entire length, and the neither of us could talk. Maybe I didn’t have a big or bad cock, but she certainly was enjoying what I did have. I made sure that she knew I was enjoying her pleasure as well.  She was really good, and before too long, my whole body was shaking in pleasure.

Suddenly, she stopped and gave me a seductive look.

“You don’t have to hold back,” she promised.

“That’s what you think,” I teased.

I had learned a funny, or maybe sad, thing about myself in the few months that we had been swinging. My wife had never liked having a man cum in her mouth. For her, it wasn’t a question of spit or swallow; it was a requirement of ‘Don’t Do It’.  She loved giving and receiving oral sex, but she didn’t ever let me finish in her mouth.

It stands to reason, then, that one of the first pleasures I was looking forward to with a swinging partner was oral sex to completion. If you’ve read the story about Amy, you’ll remember that things were moving way too fast for me to even ask. At the next party we went to, one of the first things I asked for was a good blow job.

My new friend and partner did her best. It was awesome! And, yet, I couldn’t do it. Somehow, fifteen years of having my wife practically brow beat me to hold back had created a permanent mental block. Before I met Susan, I had let three partners try, and I couldn’t follow through.

I absolutely loved the pleasure that Susan was giving me. I had no idea how to tell her about my problem. Luckily, she didn’t wait for an explanation.

“Tell me I get to ride you bareback and feel your heat fill me!” she begged happily.

I had barely started to nod and answer when she launched herself up. She eagerly kissed me as she pushed me back onto the bed, and then she quickly straddled my body and took my cock inside. I met her aggression with hard thrusts, and she cried out in joy. It didn’t take long at all before her heated juices were soaking my cock and legs, and she was begging me to fill her.

I couldn’t do it. It was straight up my choice this time.

A couple of weeks earlier, my wife and I had been at a party. I had been doing my best Mr. Invisible impersonation, and as I sat quietly on a couch, several women who didn’t even know I was there were laughing about a couple of the guys at the party. Both guys were guilty of the crime of cumming before their partners were even close. The women were laughing about how much they hated that.

I guess all guys must know that women like to have their pleasure too, and most of us will at least try. I think I was lucky with Amy, because as stimulated as I was by the circumstances, I was more worried about whether or not I was allowed to cum inside her than I was worried about her pleasure. I wasn’t going to make that mistake with Susan.

Susan’s body was responding in ways that were very different from my wife’s. My wife’s vagina is relatively tight, and it squeezes my cock evenly as I fuck her, and then tightens when she cums. Susan was no where near as tight, although being inside her felt quite good. Instead ofhaving one level of grip the whole time, she seemed to open up and draw me in, then tighten to hold me when our hips met. Her grip then seemed to tighten further as I pulled back, like she didn’t want me to leave.

It was a very new experience for me, and it took every bit of self control to hold back. As good as it felt, as wet as things were getting, I could tell that she hadn’t had her orgasm yet, and I had to hold back. I wasn’t going to give in until she had gotten hers.

The first thing I needed to do was take control. With the way her pussy was stimulating me and the way her breasts were bouncing on my chest, I wasn’t going to last much longer.

I pushed to roll us over. With a surprised and pleased smile, she let me take control. Once I was on top, I did two things. First, I slowed down, and lengthened my strokes. If anything, that made her vagina try even harder to squeeze and hold my cock. Second, I buried my face between her breasts and made passionate love to them.

Twice, she had to smack my head and remind me to be gentle. I tried, but her breasts were intoxicating, and I was having trouble keeping control. In spite of that, she was growling and lolling her head from side to side as she begged me to keep going.

I don’t think she was being stubborn on purpose, but she was being as difficult as my wife. I decided to pull out the big guns.

I sat back on my heels but I continued to thrust into her. In theory, that should have pulled my cock up against her g-spot, causing an instant orgasm. Her body started to shake, and I was pretty sure I had her. I leaned forward just enough to play with her breasts.

She frowned and gave me a desperate look. “Please, fuck, I’m so close,” she declared. “I need…”  For the first time since I had met her, she seemed uncertain.

“Tell me, Susan,” I commanded. “Tell me what you need.”

She almost looked embarrassed, but her needs made her answer. Her hand shut down between us, and as she aggressively frisked her clit, she groaned, “Pinch my nipples! Not yet, when I tell you. Not too hard. Not too hard! Oh! Now! Now!”

I won’t even try to convey the long and loud string of curse words that gushed out of her mouth. She wasn’t even half way through when she started to cackle with joy, and then she started calling me a lot of filthy bad names. I don’t think it was her intention to distract me, but it did. I was equally distracted when she suddenly went silent. She reached out and pulled my face down so she could stare straight into my eyes.

“Fill me. Fill me now,” she demanded intensely.

Her command was punctuated by a double tight squeeze inside, and I raced to comply. Both of our bodies shook with the intensity of my orgasm as I filled her over and over. Two or three shots in, she started laughing gleefully again, and then she started aggressively kissing me again. Our kisses slowed, but we held each other and kissed for a very long while.

When we finally decided that we were done, she still didn’t let me go.

She gave me another hug, and then said, “You should come with a warning sticker.” I tried to lift my head to see what she meant, but she asked, “Who the fuck do you think you are?”

Her tone was half serious and half joking. I forced my head up so I could look into her eyes to see which way she was going.

As soon as our eyes met, she asked, “How did you get to be so good? I’ve known guys that have been swinging for years that can’t make a girl cum. Nobody makes me cum like this.”

“Nobody?” I tried to tease. I added, “My wife requires extra attention, so I’ll give the credit to her.”

She blushed, but she didn’t look ashamed at all as she said, “It takes two joints and two men to make me cum, most of the time. We didn’t get to smoke tonight because they don’t want drugs at this house. We have to go find your wife, right now, because I am going to thank the fuck out of her!”

We took our time getting cleaned up and dressed. We spent equal time with those chores while also kissing and caressing. We found our way to the kitchen, where we loaded up on snacks to restore our energy.

As we made our way into the living room, a deep and resonant voice called out, “Susan! Do you have Joe? His wife and I lost him earlier and he was supposed to find you.”

Susan started to answer, but my wife beat her to it.

“There’s John,” she said sharply while glaring at Lyle. “I’m glad to see you two found each other. Did you have fun?”

Susan and I shared a warm smile. “Yeah,” I answered, “but we mostly just talked about books.”


A funny thing happened to me a couple weeks later.

My wife and I were at a small house party that Sue and Lyle were hosting. They were expecting only four other couples along with the four of us. We had barely made it in the door when Lyle kidnapped my wife. Most of the other people were already flirting and getting naked. Susan gave our spouses an exasperated look, gave me a warm greeting, and then excused herself to finish setting up snacks and things in the kitchen. I am too polite not to have helped her.

When we were finished setting up, Susan pulled me into a toe curling kiss. “Do you know?” she teased. “It’s bad manners to be polite at a party where everyone else is being naughty.”

“Hmmm. Bad Manners,” I teased back. “That sounds like a great screen name.”

Just then another couple arrived. Susan turned to go greet them, and I quietly waited for her to finish. Susan gave the wife a very friendly hug, and then turned to give the husband the kind of kiss she had given me.

That’s when it happened.

The wife walked over to me with a huge smile. She wasn’t looking through me, and she wasn’t going to walk right by me either. “You must be John,” she declared warmly, and she spread her arms wide for a hug.

I have always been a friendly sort of guy, and given the situation, I was more than happy to share a familiar hug with a perfect stranger. The stranger had different ideas. As my arms when around her, she curled one arm around my head and she turned me into the kind of kiss that Susan likes to deliver. I tried not to faint as I returned it with equal gusto.

As we separated, she said, “My name is Kathy. Later, when Susan is done with you, I’d really like to see for myself just how good you are.”

Just in case my heart wasn’t pounding hard enough, Susan answered, “Take him now! There’s nothing else that needs to be done, and I don’t think I’m going to be able to get your husband’s hand out of my crotch now that it’s there!”


Published 7 years ago

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