The Girlfriend Experience Ch. 10 Part 1

"Lindsay does a unique roleplay for a client."

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Lindsay emerged from a deep, but short-lived slumber in the early morning hours to a sensation of delirious, unrestrained happiness, and allowed herself to bask in it before trying to figure out what the cause of it was.

Why did she feel this way again?

The eighteen-year-old rotated her head and took survey of Pamela’s luxurious mass of platinum blonde hair spread out across the pillow directly beside her. Realization set in, just like that, and Lindsay let loose with a sleepy, all-encompassing smile – the smile of a woman who had spent the night making love to her soulmate.

Oh, snaps. So, I wasn’t dreaming after all. It really happened!

But Lindsay’s feelings were interrupted, unfortunately, by a notification sound from her cell phone. That damn thing could be incessant, and she wondered if the chime, if it was repeating, was what originally woke her. Not wanting to rouse Pamela as well, she leaned over and blindly searched the dark, unfamiliar floor with her hand to silence the device.

Once Lindsay found it and glanced at its touchscreen, a thick lump formed in her throat. OhmiGod! Sammy … an e-mail. You finally wrote me back. She tapped the icon and was about to read the message, but then realized now wasn’t the best time. Pamela was already up, rubbing her bleary eyes, her incredible frame wound in a blanket and propped against the headboard. A small glimmer of moonlight bathed the room and cast an angelic glow on her.

The instant they fixed their gazes on each other, a 24-carat smile spread across Pamela’s face and tugged at the essence of Lindsay’s core. Pure desire flushed her.

“Morning, baby. You okay?” An extended yawn forced its way out of Pamela’s mouth. “Everything all right?”

Lindsay blushed, almost embarrassed by how fantastic it was to wake up with Pamela like this. “Yeah, yeah, everything is fine.” Deciding she would check out the e-mail later, Lindsay put her phone into standby mode and placed it upside-down on the nightstand. “I’m hungry. I think I’m gonna go over to the kitchen and find something to snack on.”

“I don’t understand how you’re hungry after last night.” Stretching, Pamela moved closer and whispered into Lindsay’s ear. “You were quite ravenous and refused to stop gorging yourself, remember? You gave me three orgasms with that sexy little mouth of yours.”

Lindsay sighed and twirled her head about. Damn, I did. “You taught me well, I suppose. Will need to teach me some more too.” As Lindsay got out of bed and slipped into a pair of panties, she had the urge to crawl back underneath the covers and again feast on Pamela’s treasures. Let’s run off together somewhere, go on an adventure, and fuck. Fuck until we can’t fuck no more.

But the growl in her tummy was becoming more persistent, so it would be smart to fuel up because she had a long (and hopefully profitable) day ahead. I’m gonna have a threesome with Pamela and that black guy from the website at one o’clock. And I’ll get paid for it too!

Lindsay leaned over and pressed a kiss to Pamela’s forehead as she’d settled back down and was fading away. And fast. “I’ll catch up with you in a few hours, alright? Try to get a little more sleep.” Lindsay made a move toward the door but stopped at the last instant and allowed herself another glance of Pamela’s mesmerizing face. “I love you.”

“Love you too, sweetie,” Pamela said, and Lindsay couldn’t have asked for a better way to start her day.


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“I never knew sex could be so good! Last night, it was … it was … incredible! Incredibly incredible!”

Lindsay was chatting up a storm with Jim in the parlor twenty minutes before the brothel opened. She had trouble sleeping overnight with Pamela’s body pressed against hers while contemplating all the intimacy they had shared. Yet, she wasn’t tired. Lindsay was still on fire and riding a surge of adrenaline, babbling to Jim about her family, hiking, pet rabbits, cats, dogs, parakeets, and her newfound sapphic bliss with Pamela.

“I’m glad the two of you hit it off, hon. I’ve never seen Pamela act the way around another girl like she does you.”

Something about Jim’s voice, or perhaps his mannerisms, reassured Lindsay. Like a warm hug from Grandpa. Jim seemed to have a special bond with several of the ladies in the house and handled them all uniquely, even expertly. The atmosphere here would be completely different without him.

“You get in good with her and you’re going to be golden for however long you decide to work here. Pamela will take care of you like you wouldn’t believe.”

But Jim realized Pamela had already taken care of Lindsay. The only reason she still had a job here was because Pamela begged Colt to give her a second chance. Without Pamela, Lindsay would’ve been tossed out on the street and had the door forever slammed in her face.

“You look tired. Perhaps you should go back to bed and lay down too.” Jim picked up a piece of celery and showed it to her with a smile, then ate it.

Instead, Lindsay bit her lower lip to keep from grinning like a kid going to the amusement park. Lay down? Sleep? Who needs sleep? Pamela said my pussy belongs to her now and she’ll never let go of it. Best. Night. Ever! Jeeze Louise, those orgasms she gave me were endless! She’s just as into me as I am into her.

The festivities began in Lindsay’s bedroom but moved over to Pamela’s in the middle of the night. The sex was frequent and intense. Pamela took Lindsay again and again, checking off so many of her lifelong fantasies that she was left rocked, and in a literal broken heap.

I feel so slayed.

Lindsay had been kissed, licked, caressed, fingered, spanked, throttled, and fucked in a variety of dizzying positions and role-play situations. They had sex for hours on end, all throughout the night, including one round in the kitchen where Pamela hoisted Lindsay onto the countertop and caused her to shriek out in orgasm by using a trio of fingers. Nicolette stopped by, unbeknownst, in the thick of things to grab a snack of her own, and the exhibitionism thrilled Lindsay, just one more amazing moment in a night (and week) overflowing with them. I kissed and made out for a while with Nicolette, too, and she wants to hook up with me and play when we have some free time!

Lindsay was happy. Overjoyed. Ecstatic. But something nagged at her, a dark cloud, an obstacle, that threatened to derail her journey to a happily ever after – certain eternal bliss – with Pamela.

“What about Colt?” The mere mention of that name was enough to intimidate the hell out of her. “I mean, I’d like to be in his good graces too.” But only so I could get closer to Pamela and steal her away. Pamela and I belong together! A warm shiver danced up Lindsay’s spine. She had wavered on her attraction for Colt these past few days – still upset that he’d suspended her, among other things  – but the man was handsome and chiseled, and far too tempting. He’s a dick, but I’d still fuck him. Lindsay stifled the urge to snicker. For five hundred bucks, that is! “But I don’t know if he likes me.”

On second thought, Lindsay had a better idea.

Colt could be my baby daddy. Maybe he could get both me and Pamela pregnant and we could raise our children together. I’d convince Pamela to divorce him, to be with me full-time, we’d fleece him for all his money, and seize ownership of the brothel too. …

Jim chuckled. “Do your job, hon – do it well – and keep your head down and stay out of trouble. Colt will come to like you in time, especially since you have something magical going on with Pamela. Yeah, Colt may not be the most outgoing guy behind the scenes. Trust me, though – Pamela is his kryptonite.”

Why can’t he be more friendly and sociable like you? It was a horrific thought, indeed, but Lindsay would never cause chaos in Pamela and Colt’s marriage. I’m not a home wrecker. She furrowed her brow. Pamela loves Colt and them splitting up would absolutely destroy her. I don’t want to see her hurt.

Truth be told, she wished Colt was more like Jim. No wonder Pamela speaks so highly of you. Hands down, he was the nicest guy she had ever met. I need to sit on your lap sometime, Jimbo, perhaps give you a handjob, and let you come in my mouth. I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you? It’d take your mind off Kenzie for a while too.

Lindsay believed she could trust Jim with anything. Calm and easygoing, he didn’t come across as the type to pressure any of the ladies into any decision. Rather, he was the one they turned to whenever they needed advice. If he and Pamela were married, I’d do anything I could to make it a three-way. Jim could be the Daddy I’ve always wanted, and Pamela my new Mommy!




The brothel had two thick, reinforced doors at its front entrance. At the top of the hour, Jim opened both and found a man in his early to mid-forties waiting on the other side. Cool. A customer first thing in the morning. He was dressed in a casual button-up shirt, cargo shorts, and flip-flops. They shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. After the mandatory ID/age check, Jim invited him inside and locked the inner door behind them.

When the brothel was closed from three to ten each morning, the outer door was secured and access to the doorbell was impossible. In the past, people spammed it overnight to be a pain in the ass. But in 2007, Colt had the second door installed so the employees inside could finally sleep in peace.

“So, bud. Don’t think I’ve seen you here before.” Jim offered the guest a seat and poured him a complimentary brew. “What brings you to our little corner of the world today? You a local or a vacationer?”

“Vacationer.” Big, outgoing, and gregarious, Ryker Gamble was brimming with energy as he downed a gulp of beer. “I’m from Kansas, man, and snuck away from the little lady for a couple of days. Told her I was going to the casinos in Vegas, but the reality is, I wanted to do a brothel crawl.” He spoke with a deep bravado that, in Jim’s mind, bordered on arrogance. “I’m starting here and driving further north today and tomorrow and flying out of West Wendover on Monday. I prefer to blow my money on some hot, naked-ass chicks instead of losing it at the casinos.”

“Oh, truer words have never been spoken, bud. I prefer to spend my money on red-hot women instead of tossing it down the drain at the casinos too. It’s much more fulfilling.” Jim had variations of this same discussion with prospective mongers thousands of times over the years. He knew exactly what to say and how to say it to entice them to open their wallets. “What do you do for a living?”

“I’m a doctor, man. An internist.”

“Oh wow.” A doctor? Really, man? Funny. To Jim, Ryker didn’t come across as the doctor type, but he’d been wrong before. He looks more like a retired NFL linebacker, six-foot-two of entitled male muscle. I wouldn’t trust him with my medical ailments, that’s for sure. “Have you ever been to a brothel?”

“When I was younger – fifteen, twenty years ago – I did a couple of crawls in Nevada and Montreal. Always fun to hook up with a hot, smokin’ chick with no strings attached.” His lips curled into a wolfish grin. “I got married in 2016 – finally settled down – but now the itch is back and I need to take care of it in the worst way, man.”

Aha. One of them. Quite common around here.

“Savannah – my wife – she’s six months pregnant with our first child.” Ryker gave a strained head shake and when he lifted his eyes to Jim’s again, they were full of doubt. And fear. “Gonna be a boy.”

“A boy? That’s wonderful. Congratulations.”

“It is wonderful, man, and thank you.” Ryker fisted clammy hands at his sides. “But the broad is drivin’ me nuts! Life isn’t fair. I didn’t expect our marriage to be this way.” He swallowed hard and spoke in a flat tone. “Don’t get me wrong – I love my wife but needed to get away from all her bitching and complaining for a few days.” Almost at wit’s end, Ryker’s face was distant. “It’s getting worse the more pregnant she gets, you know? Plus, she’s lost all her sexual appetite and it’s killing me. I’ve got the worst case of blue balls in recorded history, man!” He pushed away from the bar. “It’s so damn upsetting.”

“Well, I think we could help you out. Won’t be a problem at all.” Jim’s heart fluttered at the thought of being married himself, specifically to Kenzie, and her being in the late stages of pregnancy. I sure wouldn’t leave Cierra at home and go running off to a brothel behind her back.

Enough of those thoughts, right? I got a job to do.

“We have eight ladies on duty and I’m sure one or two of them will fit your needs, if not more.” Jim was the epitome of professionalism when it came to customer service. “Blondes, brunettes, raven-hairs, foreign imports; everything from the busty MILF to the eighteen-year-old fresh out of …”




“Hi there! Good morning!” From behind the curtain on the right side, Lindsay emerged with the sweetest, most sincere smile, and sashayed over to the man at the counter. Her suspension served, she was wearing a thin, peach-colored minidress and two-inch heels. Gorgeous, vibrant, and ready to earn some much-needed cash, Lindsay hurried off to her bedroom moments ago to change into something more appropriate when she and Jim spotted a customer standing outside on the security feed. “I’m Kayleigh.”

“Sup, girl?” This mountain of a man appraised her from head to toe. “I’m Ryker Gamble.”

Really? Sup? Is that a word people even use anymore? “It’s nice to meet you.” I don’t like the vibe I’m getting from this guy, but his eyes are ravaging me. Lindsay all but ignored Jim as she smoothed out her minidress, extended a hand, and nestled closer. 1995 just called and wants its pickup line book back. An icy chill speared through her chest. Remember what Pamela said about dealing with customers who make you feel uncomfortable. “How are you today?”

“Fine, just fine. And you are … fucking incredible.” Though compliments were always welcome, Ryker’s glibness, his straightforward style, failed to impress Lindsay as he held her hand above her head and she did a pair of pirouettes.

“That outfit is so cute.”

“You’re very sweet.” Hold back on the full-on, all-out smile. Take it slow, let it blossom over time, and make this guy think you’re interested in him. Another thing Pamela had stressed was that flashing a smile right off the bat may seem disingenuous, even flat-out fake. Look at the man, assess him for five seconds, and then smile.

“Your body is amazing. Wow, you’re so sexy.”

“Thank you.” Lindsay motioned toward the bar stool beside him. “Do you mind if I sit down?”

Pressing his hand to her lower back, Ryker guided her over. “Please, by all means, do.”

Lindsay hadn’t tried this yet, but Pamela also told her it was okay to snag a trick from the front before he (or she) asked for a lineup. Pamela said I have every right to. Besides, Lindsay thought she was the only girl in the house awake this early. Not sure but think so.

“How old are you?”

“I’m eighteen … nineteen in December.”

“Oh, you’re young. You have such a cute face.”

“Thank you.”

“Such a cute smile, cute eyes. Very attractive.”

“You’re so kind.” Perhaps he isn’t a neanderthal after all. Lindsay was beaming at the excess praise but still didn’t care for Ryker, regardless, as she’d overheard his earlier comment about needing to be away from his pregnant wife. Like Jim, it turned her off. I don’t mind if they’re married, but that … it’s just plain wrong.

But this was a brothel – things were different here – and it wasn’t Lindsay’s job to pass judgment. Her job was to be a pleasure and orgasm specialist who had little to no morals.

Whores don’t know anything about ethics. She gulped her throat, her insides dissolving into shame and woe. At least, people don’t think we do. But she signed up for this job, right? This life? Indeed, Lindsay needed to work on putting up more of a barrier. I’ll feel bad for his wife once I’m done counting the money I make from him.

She had to do a double take. Wow, cold. So unlike me, but maybe this place is rubbing off on me a bit. Ryker was fighting an uphill battle, though he didn’t realize it, because Lindsay’s party with Eric on Wednesday evening was still fresh on her mind. I won’t let my guard down and allow one of these men to hurt me ever again. Her mindset would be different if there was an instant connection with Ryker, a certain spark, like with Sammy. I wish every monger was like Sammy. He is the perfect man!

“So, how long have you been in the business?”

“Umm, this is my first week.” You’re young. Play your innocence up, don’t come across as someone who has gotten fucked multiple times this week. Pamela said it may be your greatest asset. “I started on Monday.”

“Really?” Ryker’s face went blank, as if his brain couldn’t process that delightful bit of information. Every muscle froze before another grin crept onto his lips and soon spread from one side to the other. “How do you like it so far? Been busy this week with customers?”

“No, not really. But it’s still been a lot of fun.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Any customers yet?”

“Yeah … one or two.” Why not? What’s the harm?

“What do you like most about working here?”

“Meeting new people, especially older guys.”

“Older guys?” Ryker rubbed his hands and leaned in closer. “Shit, yeah! I like the sound of that.”

“I’ve always loved talking to older men and hanging out with them. I feel like they just they understand. They get me, you know?” Lindsay trapped her lower lip between her teeth, the telltale innocence of a sex kitten in training. “So, I’m glad you and I can keep each other company this morning.”

“Does it feel kind of like … naughty?” Ryker scrubbed a hand over his face. “To be with an older, experienced man? To have him balls deep inside of you?”

“Yeah, exactly.” Balls deep inside of me? Nope, he was a neanderthal after all. “I like to be naughty.”

“Where he throws you around? Takes control? Makes you feel like you belong to him?”


He tugged her closer with a lecherous grin. “I like that. I bet your pussy is wet and tight.”

The pretty girl’s mouth twisted to the side, going tiny, and she tried her darnedest to forget this guy was a creepy loser, but no matter what she did – even attempting to conjure up Sammy’s face and no-nonsense charm – Lindsay failed. Ryker’s slick, superficial stare pulled her in like a moth to a flame.

This is bad news. Suddenly, Lindsay realized something. This hurtbag reminds me of Zack in more ways than one.

Lindsay wasn’t ready for work yet this early in the morning. She hadn’t bothered to dry her hair from the long shower when she first came out to talk to Jim thirty minutes ago. It was dry now, but still frazzled. Her mascara needed to be touched up, too, but the sexy little minidress and heels offset whatever drawbacks there were.

Lindsay could have taken a few extra minutes to make herself more presentable, but didn’t want to risk another courtesan swooping in and getting to the bar before she did. Tag-teaming a customer in the lobby wasn’t permitted unless he or she asked for two (or more) ladies. It was first come, first served.

Why take the chance? I look good enough as is. Pamela also told her that certain guys like to see girls only seventy or eighty percent ready because they were more “real” without all the makeup and excess glam.

Sure enough, Ryker didn’t mind. Lindsay fascinated him as they spoke and got to know each other over the next twenty-five minutes. She was kind and attentive and hung on his every word.

A self-proclaimed “player” in his younger days, Ryker was looking at enjoying six to eight parties with different ladies today and tomorrow as he did a crawl of the central and northern houses. Happy Ending Ranch was his first stop. He spent the prior evening down the block, at the Twin Tops Motel, and admitted to feeling awkward doing this without his wife’s consent.

“What Savannah doesn’t know won’t hurt her.” Lindsay beamed, trying to show Ryker that she was interested in him, not repulsed, because he reminded her of her ex-boyfriend. This is who Zack will be in twenty years. “Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, you know? The thought of becoming a first-time father must be stressful and you deserve to kick back and relax. I’d love to be the one to help you out.” I don’t like you, but I’ll fuck you regardless if you offer enough money. Wasn’t that the name of the game in every brothel? The way things were? For these women to have sex with strangers, even the most nauseating ones, guys they’d never be caught dead with in public? “I’m so glad you’re here and I’m enjoying this discussion. This is fun.” Cold, girl. Ice cold. If there were any lingering doubts you’re a full-fledged whore now, you just erased them.

Sensing a party may be imminent, Jim ventured elsewhere to see if any of the others were awake. Lindsay was still a rookie and although she could handle herself during a conversation – as evidenced by the way she sweet-talked this guy – Jim still wanted another girl to do the negotiating. In a couple of days and with more seasoning, she’d be on her own.

Unfortunately, Pamela (Lindsay’s designated Big Sister) was still sleeping. Jim would only wake her if he couldn’t find someone else.

“I was thinking of asking for a lineup.”

“It’s too early for a lineup, baby.” Baby was a common word in the house and every working girl called their customers that. Heck, they called each other that too. “Management doesn’t start calling lineups until eleven-thirty or noon because a lot of times, we like to sleep in.” She pointed toward an FPD monitor atop the bar. “All the girls who are here, our pictures and profiles scroll on the screen continuously. Hmmmmm, Pamela, Scarlett, Kenzie, Sahara, Riley, Nicolette, and Aaliyah are all available. Me too. If you see one you like, let Jim know, and he can go wake her up.”

You better pick me, though. I’ve been talking to you for a half-hour and would like to be compensated for it. Otherwise, Lindsay would’ve returned to bed so she could love on Pamela some more.

“It’s okay, Kayleigh. I can have a lineup later.” Ryker took a fortifying breath and flashed a megawatt smile.

He is quite handsome and knows his way around women despite that caveman mentality. Part of Lindsay was going to enjoy fucking him because he reminded her so much of her prior boyfriend. Though I hated him with a passion, I could never tell Zack no when it came to sex. Perhaps I should pretend Ryker is Zack?

Sport fucking at its finest, right?

“I was checking out the website for this place last night and this morning, and you’re the girl who caught my eye the most.” Lindsay dropped her finger from her hair and ran it along her neckline as if she had a tickle there. Ryker’s eyes followed. “I want to be with you.”

“Yeah?” Lindsay was full of sweetness as she reached out and nudged the lump in his cargo shorts. “Awesome, because I want to be with you, too, baby.” What had happened to her? Lindsay almost lost herself in this shameful discussion, a small-town girl from a religious family who had chosen not to be a princess but a commodity, her body to be bought and used, held down for mindless pleasure, a hard cock coming and going at the rhythm her customer chose. “We could have a lot of fun together. Wouldn’t you agree?” Shoving all the negativity aside, Lindsay gave him her best I-wanna-fuck-you look, her eyes warm and inviting, added a subtle lick of the lips, and decided it was time to turn up the heat.

Pamela had shown her some flirting techniques in order to hook a customer. With Ryker, the most effective was the solitary dance. Lindsay bumped and ground her body in tune with the music playing on three occasions. Hair flips, head tosses, long, all-encompassing stares, and plenty of playful banter, she was waving her magic wand and drawing Ryker deeper into her spell. Lindsay positioned herself so that either her knee or foot were touching him at all times – displaying interest – and hung off him at one point during an extreme bout of laughter. Just like Pamela taught me.

Jim reappeared and had Riley, still half-asleep, trudging along behind. Riley wore a gray tank top and a pair of hip-hugging denim shorts. She yawned but appeared decent and alert enough. Riley took a seat at the far end of the bar and struck up a conversation with Jim, but there was only one reason she was present.

To negotiate.

After some more back and forth flirting, Lindsay asked Ryker if he wanted to go to her bedroom and talk about a potential party. He was interested, of course, and had no objection when she explained Riley would accompany them for the financial particulars. “This is my first week and they don’t trust me to do the right thing yet,” Lindsay said with a sheepish grin. “You and I can discuss all the details, but Riley is gonna do the negotiating for me.”

Moments later, Lindsay was seated on Ryker’s lap while Riley, still half-asleep, stood by the bed and idly listened.

“I’m into a unique genre of porn lately. A fantasy, if you will. It’s specific to catching the babysitter doing something naughty.”

Big blue eyes captivated Ryker. “I’ve done my fair share of babysitting in the past and may have an outfit or two you’d like.” I’ve never babysat once in my life.

“Really? Wow. Yeah, so, I’ll run it by you. I’ve been wanting to reenact a scene or two I saw in a porn movie. Babysitter, I come home, catch her, perhaps with her boyfriend. Or maybe doing something she’s not supposed to like lying on my bed.

“Grabbing one of my shirts, smelling my cologne. Playing with herself, perhaps, and I catch her, and fire her. And then she comes to me and begs for her job back.”

Her face danced with mischief. “So, you want me to be a naughty nanny?” I shouldn’t be surprised. Pamela, Colt, and Jim told Lindsay because of her age, she’d often have clients who requested this sort of thing. Use your youth to your advantage. Make some cheddar from it. These guys want you to be all coy and innocent.


“I can do that. I’d be happy to.”

“You like my idea? Does it turn you on?”

She extended her leg at a ninety-degree angle and regarded its high-heeled foot. “Makes my panties wet.”

Ryker cackled uproariously at her joke. “You like my idea. Okay, cool.”

Lindsay reached between his thighs and squeezed the growing bulge within his shorts yet again. “I’d be happy to fulfill your fantasy, baby.”

“Thank fucking God. Man, this is gonna be so nice.” It’d been a while since Ryker had an eighteen-year-old looker so intimate and close. “I picked a winner with you, honey.” He glanced down at her probing hand. “Your touch is all sorts of good.”

Lindsay continued to play with his cock as Riley went over the pricing. Ryker wanted an hour-long GFE and bartering took less than a minute. Riley asked for $700 and they settled on $550. Lindsay had learned this week to aim for at least $600 with every party so her daily rent would be waived, but she was fine going lower with Ryker because she had a threesome scheduled later with Pamela and HeavyD9116 from the bulletin board. All totaled, Lindsay would eclipse the magic $600 benchmark today with ease.

After the dick check and payment, Riley returned to her bedroom (and her fiancée, Sahara) and Lindsay pointed Ryker toward the trucker’s shower down the hall.

But before going in, he had something to say.

“You know, I have a buddy back home named Chris. Chris Phillips – he’s a doctor, too – and you remind me of his wife, Brooklynn, when she was younger. Good fucking God, Brooklynn is the sexiest piece of ass I’ve ever seen, without question, but she’s always been off-limits because of Chris. Dude is like a brother to me.” His chest tight, Ryker spoke through gritted teeth. “Chris would kill me if I looked sideways at Brooklynn. She’s twenty-four, but I’ve known her since she was eighteen. They’ve been together for six years, married for five.” He kicked at the floor twice. “You look exactly like her when she was in school.”

“I do? Oh, you poor thing.” Sadness welled in Lindsay’s eyes and she placed a hand on Ryker’s shoulder. “Brooklynn doesn’t know what she’s missing with you!” Lindsay leaned upward and pressed her lips to his for a soothing kiss. “You have a forbidden crush on her, huh?”

Lindsay got Ryker to open up and learned that back in the day, Brooklynn was a cheerleader in college and the Homecoming Queen in high school. But Ryker had been friends with Chris for well over twenty years, and above all else, could never make a move on the man’s wife. Besides, Brooklynn would never agree to anything with him anyway. She was a good girl, and Chris was the one and only man she desired.

But I’m not a good girl.

“Shit, I’ve had countless fantasies about Brooklynn over the years and you … you look just like her when she was your age.”

This guy likes to repeat himself.

“I used to go to Kansas football and basketball games just so I could stare at Brooklynn as she cheered on the sidelines.”

“A cheerleader, huh? I have an idea, baby, if you’re interested.” Lindsay touched his forearm. “I have a cheerleader’s uniform in my room and could put it on for you.” The same one Jim helped me pick out in Oakfall. “Would you like that?”

A surge of hot lust shot through his veins. “Yes. Yes, I would.”

“And during your babysitter fantasy, I want you to call me Brooklynn when I’m sucking your cock and you’re fucking me.” She clawed at his arms and squeezed his considerable biceps. “I want you to think about Brooklynn – pretend I’m her when she was eighteen – for the whole hour. Don’t worry about her husband. Don’t think about him, okay? His name is Chris, right? Chris doesn’t exist in your fantasy. You’ll be fucking Brooklynn, not me. Brooklynn is going to be your naughty nanny.” Lindsay flashed the same heart-melting smile Pamela helped her practice and ultimately perfect this past Monday. “I won’t charge any extra for the added role-play either.”

Did Ryker just come in his shorts? Not quite, but Lindsay giggled at his animated reaction, regardless. Pamela had stressed time and time again that she had all the power here as a working lady – not the trick – and Lindsay was starting to realize it.

I have the pussy; I make the rules!

She glanced down at his hands, now circling her arms, her breasts moving up and down with every breath. “I’m going to apologize over and over for sneaking my boyfriend into your house while I was supposed to be babysitting and beg you to fuck me because you’re the man I constantly fantasize about.” Ryker’s jaw dropped. “The one I always dream about and finger myself to sleep at night thinking of. I was thinking of you while sitting on your bed and sucking my boyfriend’s dick.” She sensed his desire peaking. “I even tried on some of Savannah’s lingerie! If you want, you can put me over your knee and spank me for being such an irresponsible nanny for you and your wife’s baby.”

“Sweet Jesus,” he whispered. “I’m taking my shower now!”

“Hello, Mr. Gamble. You wanted to see me?” Fifteen minutes later, Lindsay stepped into her private room with a frightened, desperate expression across her face as Ryker lounged on the bed in a complimentary bathrobe. Able to prepare herself while he rushed through his shower, Lindsay was ready for the role-play.

So far progressed in her wicked line of work in such a short amount of time, she came across as fresh and pristine – almost virginal – in the cheerleader outfit. Lindsay fixed her mascara and had her long-flowing, yellow-blonde hair done up in a pair of pigtails with black ribbons.

Her blue shell top was sleeveless and had a plunging V-neck design. She also wore a long-sleeve turtleneck shirt underneath it, its color white. The shell top was accentuated by a pair of red stripes across her shoulders and two more running down each side of the slim, tapered fabric.

The cheerleader skirt matched the shell top flawlessly. It was blue, but its knife-like pleats were red. The skirt was short and showcased stretchy red panties underneath. I know these panties won’t stay on for long either. The skirt swished and danced high on her ass as she skipped closer. Black saddle shoes and white knee socks, showcasing thin calves, completed the ensemble.

“Is this about getting my job back?” Lindsay’s chin trembled as she placed both hands together as if she were praying. “I’m begging you.”

“Stop,” Ryker demanded as she kicked the door closed behind her. “Turn around for me. Let me see you.”

“Please, I’m begging you.” Lindsay did yet another pirouette, this one slow and steady. “I need this job. I’ll do anything to get it back. Please, Mr. Gamble. Please!”

Ryker twirled his finger. “Do it again, Brooklynn.”

Lindsay swiveled once more but was told to stop with her back to him.

“Now, look over your shoulder at me. Yeah, like that. Bend over, show me your ass. Reach back, flip up your skirt, pull down your panties, and open up those cheeks so I can get a look. Keep begging, Brooklynn. Don’t stop. I want to hear you beg.”

She traced a finger over her lips and wet it. “I want this job.”

“Bend over more.”

After sliding her panties down her thighs, Lindsay placed her left hand on her backside, then her right, and spread wide. Her mouth opened in a little ‘O’ of excitement, blood pulsing in her cheeks, as she blatantly invited this stranger to fuck her.

“That’s it. Good girl. Good, good Brooklynn. Maybe we can talk about you getting your job back now.”

“I’m begging you. I need it.” His large hand enveloped her little one, a gentle squeeze. “Please, Mr. Gamble. Please!”

“Good girl.”

“I’m so sorry. Please give me my job back.”

“What are you sorry for?”

“I’m sorry for sucking Zack’s cock and letting him fuck me in your bed.”

“You were a naughty girl.”

Her lower lip quivered. “I’m such a naughty nanny.”

“You really want your job back?”

“Yes. I need it really, really bad.”

“Okay, relax, Brooklynn. I think we can work something out that’s beneficial for both of us. This is how you’re going to get it back.” He spoke with authority. “I’m going to fuck you in that position, gently to start. Just raise your knee a little, why don’t you? That’s it.” Ryker shed his robe to the floor, proving he was a fine specimen of alpha. “Now, here comes my dick. You’re nice and wet, so it will just … slip …”

“Wait!” she bawled out, spinning and dropping to her knees before him. “I have to put a condom on you first!”

Their hour-long GFE was fun and chockful of energy. Lindsay gave the client everything she had and let him live out a personal fantasy. (Jim, by the way, praised her afterward for coming up with the cheerleader thing on the fly and agreeing to role-play as a different person. Best of all, he assured her Colt would be impressed too).

The highlight was when Ryker lay on his back and made Lindsay ride his dick reverse cowgirl style. She bounced up and down freely, her little titties flopping, the back of the cheerleader skirt tucked into its waistband until his hands found her ass, stilling her. Lindsay glanced over her shoulder and sobbed as Ryker spanked her with intermittent swats, giving her the discipline she needed. Lindsay closed her eyes at the pain and pleasure mingling together. She bounced her bottom up and down, side to side, clenched all her muscles to make the spanking hurt less, and luxuriated in the feel of his hard shaft penetrating the pink depths of her pussy.

“Come on, Brooklynn. On your hands and knees like the dirty little bitch I’ve always known you secretly are.” Lindsay rolled onto her stomach and put herself in the shameful bottom-up position that meant her feminine secrets belonged to Ryker, and Ryker alone. At least until his hour is up.

Then Ryker entered her, condom and all, and rode to his climax, swiftly and urgently, as Lindsay bellowed out her white-hot pleasure underneath him, and wondered how something so uncomfortable could feel so wonderful and fulfilling.

Ryker pounded her pussy again and again, and harder with each new thrust, but a different fulfillment had found Lindsay as well: she felt in the aftermath, after Ryker had collapsed on top of her, spent, like she had become who she’d always wanted to be.

Oh, the fun I’m going to have working here. …

When their allotted time was up, Lindsay walked away with a $275 net and Ryker tipped her an additional $20 in cash. That was considerate and much appreciated, but Lindsay wished it was a gift card instead because she had to split cash tips with the house. The others are right. I work hard and don’t like it that Colt sits on his ass all day and steals half my income.

Though the mattress had a protective covering, the linens still got messy with cum and lube stains, anyway, so Lindsay had to take them to the laundry room. There were five linen sets in the closet (and plenty more in storage) that she could cycle through as needed. I think I’m gonna try the pink sheets next.

Lindsay changed back into the minidress and kept Ryker company in the parlor until he asked for a lineup shortly after lunchtime. It was perfect timing because she was about to tell him she had to step away and prepare for her next appointment. Lindsay and Pamela had the two-girl party scheduled at one o’clock with HeavyD9116.

While Ryker chose Kenzie from the lineup and busted his nuts in her for round two, Lindsay hooked up with Pamela for a quick talk and took an even quicker shower. Lindsay was going to change into a violet tapestry bustier that she’d been dying to try on – another outfit Jim helped her pick out during the shopping spree  – but Pamela suggested the strapless white corset with the sweetheart neckline, all-over boning, and lace-up back.

“I know Darius well. He loves his women in lingerie and, because he’s black, wants us as white as can be. Remember, honey – it’s all about the customer and their happiness. Not what we want or like.” So, Pamela instructed Lindsay to slip into white G-string and matching fishnet stockings, along with her two-inch stilettos. “Trust me, I know what I’m talking about.”

“How can you wear those shoes and still walk around in them?” In addition to the seven-inch spiked heels, Pamela’s sparkly stripper shoes also had three-inch platforms. Lindsay was incredulous as Pamela moved about effortlessly in a see-through white bodice, G-string, thigh-high stockings, and garter belt. “You look like an Amazon with those things on! You tower over me.”

“It takes practice, sweetie. We’ll get you some platform shoes like this in due time – with four- or five-inch heels – and you can work on getting comfortable in them. It’ll take a while. In time, you’ll be able to go up to a seven like me. These are called Pleasers, and it’s the sexiest brand of shoes on the planet. Most guys have a fetish for high heels – even if they don’t realize it – because they flaunt our legs and butt like you wouldn’t believe.” Pamela giggled, leaned over, and groped Lindsay’s backside. “Not that your ass needs any improving, though.”

Jim eventually came back and informed them Darius had arrived and was waiting. Pamela explained to Lindsay that she wanted to use dental dams during the upcoming party for any cunnilingus.

“But I hate dental dams!”

“Do it for me,” Pamela pleaded. “If Darius wants to go down on you – which I know he will – you’re going to make me look terrible if you let him do it without a dental dam because there is no way I’m letting a customer eat me out without one. No way, never, uh-uh.” Well, unless it was Corey from Indianapolis. Pamela would make an exception for him, but only him. “Please do it for me?”

Arms crossed, Lindsay jutted her hip out. “Does that mean I have to use a dental dam on you too?” She’d spent a sizable chunk of the prior sixteen hours getting up close and personal with Pamela’s body, particularly her pussy. To her, it was like a narcotic, and she was already a crazed addict. Lindsay invested an hour on it straight at one point and escorted Pamela to the first of three orgasms. Getting Pamela to come like that was, like, my proudest accomplishment! “You said Darius will want us to fuck each other too.”

“I have no problem foregoing the use of dental dams when you and I are alone together, honey.” Actually, she did, but Lindsay was so damn irresistible and sweet, Pamela couldn’t tell her no. “But if we’re with a customer in a threesome or a foursome, I want you – us – to use them. Okay? Can you agree to that for me? Please? It’s an unwritten house rule. We all use dental dams in multiple girl parties.”

Lindsay pouted. “Okay.”

“After we’re done, I’m going to spend a couple of hours with Colt. You know I love you, baby, but I love my husband more, and you and I spent nine or ten hours fucking each other last night. And then several hours sleeping together afterward. I don’t want Colt to think I forgot about him.”

Lindsay nodded. “Yeah, yeah, I understand. Maybe I can have another party or two before dinnertime?”

“How was the party this morning? Jim said you played dress-up for it?”

Lindsay arched her lips. “Ryker? He told me it was the greatest sex of his life. We combined a babysitter fantasy he had and some girl he has a crush on back home. I had Ryker call me Brooklynn from start to finish – her name, I guess – and put on a cheerleader outfit. He said I looked like her and the whole role-play blew his mind.”

Pamela chuckled. “Awesome! You have been such a quick learner this week. You’re doing a great job.”

“You told me to always listen to the customer and don’t be afraid to be creative. Clearly, fucking this Brooklynn chick was his biggest fantasy.”

Moments later, Pamela and Lindsay found HeavyD9116 – Darius Randall – at a circular table away from the main bar. Pamela ran over and gave him a hug to renew acquaintances. Lindsay did the same, but also took things a step further. I like this guy. The initial vibe was positive. She plopped herself right onto his lap and hooked an arm around his shoulder like they’d been best friends, even lovers, for years and began chatting. This experience will definitely be something new for me. I’ve always heard that once you go black, you never go back.

In boring little Citronelle, the only times Lindsay encountered people she didn’t know was on television. But since coming to Flagstone, they were out and about, and she’d met more new people this week than ever before.

Just in the brothel itself.

Darius was an attractive middle-aged fellow with a stocky frame and dark, piercing eyes. Lindsay had never thought about having sex with a black man before – mostly because she hadn’t met one until now – but something in her wanted to fuck him. I wonder how big his dick is? Is it true what they say about black guys? Whether or not this was a case of jungle fever could be debated, but Lindsay hoped they’d hit it off and settle on a fair price for everyone involved.

Pamela was relaxed and thought Lindsay looked right at home in the arms of a strong, assertive stallion like Darius. She was small and fragile, yet Darius was literally two-and-a-half times her size. The contrast of their skin tones was sensuality at its most extreme.

Darius was enjoying himself too. He played with Lindsay’s ponytail, groped various parts of her body, and slipped a hand beneath the front of her G-string panties. Lindsay squirmed on his lap and moaned as those thick, weathered fingers caressed her.

“And it’s amazing to see you again, sweet Pamela.” Darius veered his attention to her and smiled. “You’re so adorable.” She let out a melodious laugh as he again reiterated, “You look amazing. Better than ever before, without a doubt.”

“Thank you. I’ve been doing lots of yoga and am hoping to run a marathon this November.”


“Strength training too.” Pamela curled her right forearm as if she was lifting weights. “Look at that.” She flexed her bicep with a serious expression and curled up her lips.


“Look at you, though.” Pamela reached out and latched onto his own bicep. “You’ve been working out. It’s fucking huge; takes two hands, wow.”

Just like his dick, I’m sure.

Lindsay grinned leisurely at the thought and ran a fingertip along Darius’s chest as he asked Pamela, “You still enjoying your gifts?”

“I am, and you’re so sweet! I’m wearing the perfume you had shipped to me on Tuesday.” She held her wrist up and let him take a whiff of the fruity aroma. “You got my e-mail, right? Told you I got it and thanked you.”

“Wow, smells great. And I did. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”

“All the jewelry too. So beautiful.” Pamela pursed her lips, looking sweet and sexy with her head tilted to the side and that effervescent smile peeking through. “You have spoiled me and Scarlett rotten over the years. You’re one of the most generous clients we have.”

He pressed a kiss beside her ear and whispered, “Promised you I was going to come and visit you again before the summer was over.”

Pamela giggled. “I know and I’m glad you did.” She reached over and massaged Lindsay’s kneecap. “And this time, we have a new toy to play with. You’re going to be Kayleigh’s fourth client.”

“Pamela has told me so many good things about you, sir,” Lindsay chimed in, “and I’m looking forward to our three-way party.”

“Come here.” Still focused on Pamela, Darius placed his hands on either side of her face and, this time, kissed her on the lips. That was discouraged by management in the bar area, but Darius had partied with Pamela several times over the years so Jim allowed it to slide this time. Besides, there weren’t any other customers around. If there were, one could get the wrong idea if they witnessed another client getting intimate with a working girl in a public space. Things could get messy in a hurry.

Despite being such a valued (and trusted) patron, Jim was still listening to every word said between Darius and the two ladies.

“You drive me crazy, Pamela. You and Scarlett both.” Darius gave her a deep, open-mouthed kiss and fondled her breasts through the silky white bodice she wore. Pamela offered zero resistance. He ran a finger down her cheek and across her jaw. “So fucking beautiful, like a supermodel.”

Although Colt wouldn’t be happy if he saw Darius making out with her away from the bedroom like this, Pamela didn’t mind. This man bombarded her with gifts before and after every visit and deserved a couple of quick freebies.

A little kindness went a long way.

Darius’s focus shifted toward Lindsay. “And I can tell you’re going to drive me crazy, too, sweetheart.” He slid a huge paw to her ass and squeezed.

His silky-smooth nature was as thrilling as his touch, and the salacious gleam in Darius’s eyes added kerosene to the inferno already raging inside of Lindsay.

Twenty minutes later, he agreed to pay $1,500 for an hour-long threesome party.

Sunlight filtering in from the blinds, Darius relaxed in bed and watched Lindsay as she crawled toward his cock, her gaze fixated on it. He had to have this girl, sweet and innocent in her bridal lingerie, and recognized in those eyes the concentration of a gifted prodigy learning a skill that would bode her well in future years. Darius’s heart almost burst that he experienced a moment of guilt he was paying this lovely girl to satiate his desires, sordid as they may be.

Kneeling next to his hip, Lindsay canvased him with a smile. “Sir, may I suck on your cock now?” When he nodded, Lindsay rolled on a condom and bent to the task. The image of her golden head bowing over his black dick made Darius’s muscles stiffen and pulse shift into a higher gear.

“Yeah, yeah, babygirl, take it into your mouth. Don’t forget about my balls either. Can’t forget the balls! Yeah, up and down. Use your tongue. Oh, my. I like that.”

Having had her face brutally fucked several times this week provided Lindsay with a better understanding of how to perform fellatio and properly satisfy her clients. I’m a bed girl for men’s pleasure, a submissive whore, and I must satisfy them. She was learning more with each new party and carried that knowledge on to the next.

“Take me deeper now, sweetheart. As deep as you can. Oh, that’s it … perfect.”

Darius fisted his hands as Lindsay was doing much better than he anticipated. The lovely chorus of a wet mouth worshipping dick rose in the otherwise quiet room. Did he expect Lindsay to lack these skills because she was a newcomer to the industry? Perhaps, Darius told himself, but she was a natural serving his needs and he was glad he got to her early. To him, Lindsay was the perfect picture of a high school graduate who understood what was best for her. She was so precious, hunched over with spread knees earning an honest, profitable living.

“Eyes down, Kayleigh, and concentrate on my dick.”

Lindsay cast her gaze to his pelvis and bobbed faster. She had also learned this week that almost every man who walked into the brothel was in the mood for a nice, long blowjob, and why shouldn’t they be, when there were so many girls like Lindsay at their disposal? I spend at least a quarter of my parties, if not more, with dick in my mouth. She made soft, mewling sounds and breathed through her nose. Her blonde locks bobbed in perfect unison with the motion of her head.

“I’m sorry that I had to step away for a moment,” Pamela said as she reentered the bedroom and closed the door behind her. “So sorry. I’m okay now.”

Darius chuckled. “No worries, babygirl. Why don’t you come on over and join us? I’d love to watch you and Kayleigh have another make-out session like before.”

Two minutes ago, Pamela asked Darius for permission to excuse herself so she could use the restroom. He obliged, of course, but Pamela didn’t feel the need to relieve herself. She went to the washroom and popped four Naproxen instead. A muscle in her lower back was aching and a long and daunting day of work awaited her. With any luck, using the anti-inflammatory medicine preemptively would nip any further discomfort in the bud and stave it off.

Soon enough, Pamela and Lindsay lost themselves in their spunky kiss, their arms wrapped around each other – touching, caressing, fondling – as their faces twisted left and right in unison. Various pieces of lingerie were spread across the bed, the floor. Darius reclined against the headboard and watched in awe, dick in hand, two drop-dead knockout blondes, one older and the other younger, their bodies grinding in harmony as they swapped their saliva back and forth for his amusement.

Pamela and Lindsay were told to rise to their knees and face each other, rub their breasts together, and continue the kiss. Then Lindsay mewled out, splayed across the comforter, as Pamela bent and tended to her pussy for a long, long time, with more bright sunshine sneaking into the room than before. Pamela kissed, licked, and rubbed all that moisture and, because of her superior bedroom skills, gave Lindsay a swift and blinding orgasm.

Dental dam and all.

Pinned down and controlled, Lindsay could do nothing but take her pleasure a half-hour later in the doggy style position as her trick had his carnal way. Darius Randall knew how to fuck a woman, which buttons to press. He knew when to thrust fast and relentless, and when to slow down and offer a few gentle strokes with just the head of his shaft before plunging deep inside again.

Lindsay arched her hips back, welcoming every jolt, soft noises becoming louder and more prevalent as he took her harder, making her pussy smolder from the pure vigor of it all. “Oh yeah! Oh yeah, you’re gonna make me come!” Her brow crinkled and she bit her lower lip, her cheeks a bright pink. She gasped, panted, and bawled at the way this brute was using her body to make himself feel pleasure. One large hand came around her head to smother her mouth.

Lindsay came quickly, unprepared for such mastery, her resolve all but dissolving around Darius’s powerful cock as she waded through the uncontrollable crescendo of ecstasy. She fell forward and landed with an audible thud on the mattress as he clamped onto her hips with both hands and buried himself to the hilt.

Soon, it was Pamela’s turn.

Darius put one knee on the bed, leaning over her, his face stopping a mere inch from hers. He cupped Pamela’s chin, his thumb rubbing over her lower lip. She lunged upward and closed her mouth over his. Pamela bit down on his tongue, teasing him, tormenting, trapping it within her mouth.

With a growl, Darius enjoyed himself through the deep, electrifying kiss. He then moved and tasted her jaw, her cheek, her neck, licking, nibbling, kissing down to her breasts. When Darius drew a hardened, stiff nipple into his mouth, Pamela’s body surged against his and she whimpered. Lindsay caressed the other breast with her hand, squeezing away, molding it.

“Fuck me, baby,” came Pamela’s urgent plea. “I want it so bad.”

Darius complied in record time, pushing his cock inside and filling her with one frenzied, forceful thrust. He mounted Pamela in the missionary position and the temperature skyrocketed in her face. Lindsay now gripped Pamela’s hand as Darius filled her again and again. She bent over and kissed her flush on the mouth, muffling the sounds as Pamela was red as a turnip, squirming frantically as Darius tried to hold her hips still so he could keep fucking her and be certain he got his money’s worth.

Pamela shattered, and her release triggered his as well. It was rare that he coaxed an honest-to-goodness orgasm out of Pamela. Darius wanted this moment to last forever, but as always, it was way too brief.

Gasping for air, he collapsed onto his side and pulled her close, bestowing kisses on her face, her neck, her hair. This was party number twenty-one for him with Pamela and he was totally in love with her. Darius understood their relationship was an arrangement between buyer and seller, and didn’t yearn for more, but was still so far lost in love.

Yet if the opportunity ever arose, he’d do anything to get to know Pamela for real – actually date her – and see where things may lead.

“Thank you, Darius,” she whispered, reeling one of his hands to her mouth to kiss it. “That was awesome. I needed that.”

“My sweet, naughty girl.” Darius struggled for oxygen. “You and Kayleigh just earned yourselves a pair of fifty-dollar gift cards.”

After disposing of his condom, Pamela returned to the bed, where she and Lindsay cuddled with Darius and took turns kissing him. Colt knocked on the door at sixty minutes exact, signifying their allotted time was up, but Pamela offered Darius five additional minutes for free. It was typical for her favorite clients. She and Lindsay continued to shower him with kisses and lazy handjobs until Colt again knocked at five minutes.

Relief washed over Lindsay. I’m glad Darius didn’t tell me to lick Pamela’s pussy. She wanted to lick it, but not with a dental dam in the way. It’d be the equivalent of trying to lick pussy through a paper towel. How disgusting!

“I had a great time, ladies, and am glad I got to be part of your first threesome, Miss Kayleigh.” Darius was glowing afterward as he said his goodbyes in the parlor. “I’m goin’ to the hotel to wash up and rest, but I’ll be back later tonight. I can’t leave Flagstone without hooking up with my other favorite gal, Scarlett. I have an appointment with her at eight o’clock.”

Pamela wrinkled her nose. “You should’ve had a three-girl party with us like you were talking about on the board, Darius! Didn’t you read where Scarlett wanted to have a three-girl party with you? Me, you, her, and Kayleigh?”

A foursome would’ve been the bomb. …

“I’d love to, but Scarlett would charge an extra four hundred on top of her standard six hundred, and I don’t want to pay that. If I could, though, I would.” Darius ran a hand along his bald head. “The fifteen hundred I spent would’ve been twenty-five hundred. I need to keep my expenses more under control.”

“It’s okay, baby. I understand.” Pamela flashed a bright, beaming smile. Little did Darius know the price would’ve been closer to $3,000. The more girls in a party, the more multipliers there were when determining the price.

“Please come back and party with me again.” Lindsay’s face twisted as a genuine tear tumbled down her cheek and she hugged Darius at the door. She made certain to kiss him, slick her tongue over his nice and slow, and give him something to remember her by. “I had fun and hate to see you go.” She wiped the tear away.

(This chapter will continue in the next submission…)

Published 2 years ago

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