"Sex game delivers an unforseen twist"

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Sex becomes samey, boring, routine,

Then recriminations, oft hurtful and mean.

Need to rekindle the fire we had,

Must think of something to break this regime.


I think up a plan, to bring back the spice,

Nothing too kinky, just enough to entice.

She’s in agreement and up for the game,

The plan has been formed, so let’s roll the dice.


For our little charade, she’ll dress to impress

In stockings and heels and slutty red dress.

Halter neck with little beneath,

The deep cowl front, reveals the swell of her breasts.


She’ll play a hot-wife, seeking to cheat,

I’ll be a stranger, with whom she will meet,

We chose somewhere distant,

Simply thinking that it’s more discrete.


Appointed time passes, then twenty minutes more,

Where has she got to, nervous glance t’ward the door.

I started to wonder if she’d gotten cold feet,

It must take some nerve publicly playing the whore.


Then I spy movement, she sweeps into the room,

My heart skips a beat, as I emerge from my gloom,

Nervously scanning, strange look on her face,

Heads turn and follow, ‘working girl’ they assume.


She nervously smiles, as before her I stand,

Then gulps down her drink and grabs for my hand.

She hastily leads me out to the lifts,

The roleplay forgotten, not at all like I’d planned.


We arrive at the suite and her tension is easing,

Lifts the hem of her dress and soon begins teasing,

She stands, feet apart and orders me ‘Kneel!’

She’s taking control, a twist I find pleasing.


Thumbs hooked into thong, she pulls out the front,

I see thick ropes of semen twixt gusset and cunt,

I look into her eyes and say ‘What the fuck?’.

‘I was fucked in the carpark.’ She replies rather blunt.


He’d thought her a whore and had shown her his prick,

Then her knees turned to jelly and her pussy went slick.

She’d known she must have him, right there and then.

She’d said ‘Oh my God! Your cock’s so long and so thick!’


‘So, my dear husband, if you wish to tup,

First from my cunt, his thick jizz you must sup.

Now, come here, lick my pussy,

As, before you can have me, you must first clean me up!’


We never did know who it was that she’d fucked,

But of one thing I was sure, as I licked, lapped and sucked.

Devouring her lover’s thick ropes of cum,

I was left in no doubt, that I’d been deliciously cucked!


Published 6 years ago

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