By now Philadelphia was cold, really cold, Christmas decorations were up and everyone was preparing for finals. But most importantly the end of year parties were in full swing. Some were your regular college party, some were easy to go to, while others were exclusive and invite only.
It had taken nearly all of my first semester but finally I had a lead on the girl, that girl, my girl. That wonderful Susan had come through for me and we’d finally tracked Emily down and even managed to wrangle invites to an off-campus party Emily was going to be at. Nothing fancy but crucially it was going to be fairly small, only one hundred or so guests.
Desperate to impress and not blow another opportunity I fretted for days on what to wear. It wasn’t a frat party and it wasn’t a formal event, so were jeans appropriate? I didn’t want to be underdressed or overdressed, yet wanted to make Emily notice me but not hate me on first sight.
Finally, I settled on a pair of dark jeans, a light blue shirt and a pair of dark brown brogues, plus of course my Penn Ski Team jacket to keep me warm. What I hoped would prove to be the right mix of casual and smart — without being too preppy. I had my outfit ready days before the party and counted down the hours eagerly.
Despite my protestations, the Scottish clan and Susan insisted on joining me at the party. They weren’t going to miss this. Either I’d land the girl I’d been chasing for months or, possibly more likely, I’d make a complete fool of myself and they’d be able to endlessly mock me for it.
We arrived at the house on Pine Street shortly after 9 pm and the party was in full swing. Despite the cold December air, the porch was filled with people drinking and smoking pot. Immediately I started scanning for Emily, she must be there, my Christmas wish must come true.
The music was pumping and the house was crowded but we pushed our way through to the kitchen, all the while searching for her or those luscious eyes. In the kitchen stood two kegs of beer on ice plus a bench with almost every spirit you could wish for. We helped ourselves to beers and carried on the hunt.
“She’s not here,” Patrick finally said after our second tour of the house.
“Hey, it’s not my fault,” Susan pleaded, “My nursing friends told me they’d be here. It’s still early, let’s not get too worried yet.”
We hung around, drinking and smoking, taking turns dancing and checking the house — now I had a whole team helping me. Yet still, there was no sign of the elusive Emily. Was she ever going to arrive?
Eventually, the drinking games began and quickly everyone started getting much drunker. While waiting for our turn at beer pong, Patrick and I went outside for a smoke. As we passed the joint between us Patrick asked: “Do you really think she’s going to show? Even if she does, what then?”
“I don’t know,” I replied honestly, “I just know I need to speak to her.”
We finished the smoke and went inside just in time for our game. Patrick and I were almost unbeatable at beer pong, I was pretty good, but Patrick, he nailed every shot he took. Soon we were reigning supreme having knocked out two teams of challengers only drinking two or three drinks in total.
A crowd began to gather cheering us on. The next team arrived to try their hand and scored a hit on their first shot, Patrick downed the drink but they never got another while we sank every shot we fired. Yet another team demolished and the crowd cheered rapturously.
Team after team came and went, never really challenging us, yet slowly we were getting drunker and drunker. Suddenly I spotted them across the living room, a group of girls I’d never seen before. My mind cleared, how could I have got so distracted? I didn’t come here to show off how good I was at beer pong — I was on a mission. We demolished the team and much to the anger of the crowd we bowed out of beer pong undefeated.
Grabbing two beers I made a beeline for the gang of girls but Emily wasn’t amongst them. Still, they were cute and I was somewhat drunk. I picked my moment, just as the cutest one was finishing her drink.
“Looks like you could use another,” I beamed, handing her my spare beer.
“Aren’t you prepared,” she replied, taking the beer and staring at me.
“Hi, I’m Jon,” I said, “I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.”
“That’s some accent you’ve got Jon. I’m Brooke,” she said.
“It’s not me with the accent,” I smiled, “So what are you studying, Brooke?”
“I’m doing nursing,” she replied, as my heart skipped a beat. Were these Emily’s friends or classmates? I didn’t know but I was damned sure going to find out.
We stayed chatting casually as we drank, I wanted to ask about Emily but was scared to do so. I’d never spoken to her, I’d barely even seen her and I certainly didn’t want to look like I was obsessed with her — even if I was.
I made the girls laugh with my stories, kept them amused with tales of England and soon had them eating out of the palm of my hand. Patrick and Susan brought a steady stream of drinks and the evening was flying by.
As another drink was downed I asked: “Anyone feel like a smoke?”
“You have pot?” Brooke replied quite surprised.
“Of course I do, would you like some?”
“Fuck, yes,” she gasped.
We headed outside and sparked up a joint I’d rolled before the party. We laughed and joked as we passed it around, a small gaggle of nursing students hung on every word I said. Each was more eager than the next for a toke on the weed.
As I was finishing a story and taking my turn on the joint I felt a hand on my shoulder. Before I could turn a dulcet voice with a light Texan drawl said: “Mind if I have some of that?”
Brooke cried out: “Em, I’ so glad you’re here, you must meet Jon — you’re going to love him.”
Suddenly I wished more than anything in the world that I hadn’t drunk or smoked so much. My heart pounded in my chest like a brass band. Instantly my mouth dried up, and my knees began to crumble. I knew before I turned around who was behind me.
I’d spent more than three months searching for her and now she was here. She stood right behind me, with her gentle hand on my arm, wanting to smoke my weed.
I barely dared moved. Every fibre of my being simultaneously told me to and not to turn around. I could hear every beat of my heart, I felt every hair on my neck stand on end and sensed each drop of anticipation in the smoke-heavy air. Finally, she was touching me, the girl of my dreams had her hand on me.
Turning around in what felt like slow-motion I suddenly saw everything in one miraculous instant. Time hung like a weight around my neck as I surveyed the scene. Finally, my gaze reached hers and my heart beat harder and faster still, drumming away almost visibly in my chest. It was only a split second, but for me, it was an eternity. Without moving my eyes I saw her, really, truly saw her for the first time.
Those eyes, those deep, vibrant eyes instantly pierced me. Could they actually be brighter than I remembered — was that even possible. Her hair was as golden as ever, but it seemed she’d had it cut, it appeared shorter and wasn’t pulled back, yet hung teasingly around her svelte neck. I watched as a fine vein beat her pulse.
Emily stood before me wearing a tight red, long-sleeved top with a deep v-cut neck that exposed a glorious cleavage. Dark jeans hugged her thighs and legs until spreading in a boot-cut sat beneath her top with an inch or so of her toned stomach visible. A pair of shiny black, heeled boots poked their nose out from under them. Despite her simple attire, she looked stunning and even hotter than I had remembered.
I couldn’t believe my luck, everything I’d wanted for the last three months was finally happening. The girl I’d fantasised about, dreamt about and masturbated to was here right now, and not just here, she was touching me, looking at me and waiting for me to respond.
My bubble was pierced as Emily asked once again: “Mind if I have some of that?”
Had I really taken too long to reply? Had time not stood still for everyone else?
“Y…Y…Yes, of course,” I stammered, handing over what remained of the joint.
I watched as Emily inhaled deeply, it clearly wasn’t her first joint. The smoke billowed around her head as she held it in. Slowly she exhaled and instantly inhaled it once again through her nose, in what I later learned was a French inhale.
“Woah, this is some fucking good weed,” she exclaimed, “Is this yours?”
“Yeah, it’s mine,” I replied, trying to sound cool.
“You’ll have to introduce me to your dealer,” she smiled.
Usually, I found it easy to talk to girls but right here, right now, with Emily all words had abandoned me. I was floundering in a lake of awkward silence, desperately hunting for something to say, something funny, witty, intelligent — hell right now anything would do, I just needed to say something.
“I love you… I mean… I mean I’d love to,” I stuttered as I felt my cheeks burning.
“Hell, you only just met me, it’s a bit early for that,” she joked, passing the joint along.
Finishing the smoke we headed inside and grabbed another round of drinks. Gradually I found my tongue once again and began to speak. Emily was as delightful to talk to as she was to look at, quick-witted, full of great stories and someone who actually listened.
The hours drifted by as we all drank and chatted, while I moved nearer and nearer to Emily, listening intently to every word she said. I asked about her life, where she was from — I wanted to learn everything there was to know about her. Finally, I built up the courage to ask about the elephant in the room.
“What’s that ring? Are you engaged or something?” I asked, already knowing the answer.
“Not quite. It’s a promise ring from my boyfriend Rob. We’re going to get married after college.”
“So why’s he not here with you?”
“He’s got a scholarship to the University of Texas to play football, he’s a quarterback.”
My already deflated heart sunk even further. So now not only did she have a Texan boyfriend but he was a quarterback on one of the best college football teams in the country — a regular All American!
Gradually our group dispersed, some went to get drinks, others to the dance floor, while some snuck off for more romantic endeavours. As our conversation petered out, Emily turned to me smiling and asked: “Wanna dance?”
Despite a natural inability to dance at all, I replied: “Sounds great.”
With my hands on her hips, every move to the music made my thumbs lightly graze the soft skin between her jeans and top. God, it felt amazing. As we danced, I finally stared into those wonderful eyes as they gazed right back at mine. The half-light of the party reflected in their glimmering surface like sparks and I wished time would just stop. I could happily spend forever in this moment.
Finally, Emily tilted her head and leant towards me. I could hardly breathe as she got closer than ever, my heart tried to burst through my ribs and my cock swelled. But instead of kissing me she put her mouth next to my ear and I felt her warm breath.
“You remember I have a boyfriend, right?
“I… I know, but he’s not here right now.”
“Still, nothing’s going to happen. I see the way you look at me, but I love Rob. And not even your charming English accent is going to change that,” she whispered.
As the song changed, we returned to the group and realised just how late it had become. Patrick and Susan had already left and the crowd was beginning to thin out.
“It was great to meet you, but I’m heading home,” Emily announced, as she and her friends went to grab their coats.
“Wait… wait, can I get your number?” I asked desperately. “Why would you need my number?”
“Well… well… what about that weed? You said that you’d like some. How else can I get in touch with you?”
“Give me your number and I’ll give you a call when I need some?” Emily finally replied.
As soon as I gave her my number she turned and left with her friends. I watched every single step she took while walking away. Then, just as I was about to turn around I saw it. A bright flash of green. Just for an instant, those glittering wells of light met mine again as Emily turned to steal a final glimpse of me.
A glimmer of hope reignited in my heart, but when, if ever, would I see her again?
Contemplating how wonderful it had been to finally meet Emily I wandered outside to smoke a final joint before I went home. As I inhaled the aromatic flavour of the best weed on campus, I dwelled on those last fleeting seconds. Emily had turned to look at me again, and not just look but make eye contact. Did that mean something? Or was that just wishful thinking?
Lost in my own head, plus a haze of alcohol and marijuana, I didn’t see her approach and for the second time that evening I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard the same question.
“Mind if I have some of that?”
“Of course not, Brooke,” I replied, “I thought you left with Em and the rest of them.”
“No, I live at the other end of campus to them. I figured I’d find someone to walk home with. Which way are you going?”
Although not sharing the same dorm, they were next door to each other, so naturally, I agreed to walk her home after we finished the joint and our drinks.
“I thought you might be the one to finally go home with Em,” Brooke suddenly said.
“That was never going to happen, she’s pretty serious about that boyfriend.”
“Yeah she is, she loves him. But you did spend all night talking to her, seems like you were working hard. It’s like you’re not even interested in anyone else. Are you interested in anyone else?” Brooke asked, cocking her head to one side and smiling.
She wasn’t in Emily’s league but Brooke was pretty cute and she knew it. She was the type of girl that was aware everyone fancied her and liked that they did. Just a year ago she’d have been the hottest girl in school, probably voted Homecoming Queen, but here at college, she’d met the likes of Emily.
As fun, as she was to talk to, it was clear that Brooke wasn’t the sharpest tool in the box. She had most likely picked nursing with the career aim of snagging herself a nice doctor for a husband. But none of that meant I wasn’t interested in her, at least for tonight, especially after losing Emily.
Taking the joint from her, I smiled back and said: “I think you already know the answer to that.”
Inhaling a long drag from the tail end of the joint I put one arm behind Brooke’s back and pulled her close to me. Pressing my mouth against her tender lipstick-licked lips I exhaled gently. Brooke inhaled every last waft of that delicious smoke as we kissed.
Tossing aside the butt, I slid my hands down Brooke’s back to two delicious handfuls of an even better type of butt. Meanwhile, our tongues vigorously caressed one another’s as our bodies pressed together in the cold night air.
“Now, shall I take you home?” I asked as we parted.
Brooke just took my hand and we headed to our coats. With my arm around her waist, we quickly walked back to her dorm room. Almost before I had the door shut and certainly before my coat was off, Brooke was on me, sucking at my face, her tongue diving deep into my mouth. Her hands running through my hair, pulling my face hard into hers.
Breaking to remove my jacket I turned around and picked Brooke up, her legs wrapping around my hips as our mouths met once again. As our embrace tightened I carried her to the bed where we collapsed in a writhing mass. Finally, she came up for air and pushed me back down.
“Stay right there,” she said as she stood up.
I watched as she walked over to her stereo and turned it on quietly. Slowly her hips began to sway in time to the music as her hands rubbed sensuously across her stomach and up to her chest. One by one she undid the buttons on her white shirt as she danced in front of me. Teasingly she rolled the bright cotton over her shoulders, revealing a firm pair of tits in a plain white bra, before dropping her shirt to the floor.
Her light auburn hair swayed with each shake of her hips, while her hands caressed her flat but untoned stomach. Despite her movements, her keen, brown eyes never left mine, yet I could see her sexily biting her lower lip.
Up and down her hands went, massaging her breasts and stomach until finally, they reached the top of her jeans. I shifted my gaze, eager to see what lay beneath those tight-fitting jeans. Before I was rewarded, Brooke kicked off her shoes as her hips gyrated more and more. Finally, she popped the button and began inching down the zipper, gradually revealing the small white triangle of her panties.
The music kept playing, as her jeans worked their way to the floor as if by magic, while bit by bit her long legs became visible. Finally, wearing nothing but her underwear Brooke turned around and I stared as her hands reached for the clasp of her bra. In seconds it was undone and she was easing the straps over her shoulders. As she removed it she half-turned and threw her bra at me.
Spinning around, two large, firm, yet pale tits with dark-pink cone-shaped areolae and nipples sprang into view. Brooke’s hand sensually roved across her naked flesh, squeezing and massaging her sexy figure. Slowly I felt a rising hardness in my pants, her show was definitely having the desired effect.
I watched as her fingers danced their way from her ample chest, down her belly to the elastic of her underwear. Instead of removing them, her hand pulled the waistband down a fraction showing off a smooth patch of skin. Back up they came, much to my disappointment. Then to my delight, her hand moved from her underwear to her mouth. Sultrily, she sucked her index and middle finger into her mouth.
By now my cock was desperate to burst free, but instead, I continued enjoying my own private show. Swiftly her hand was back at her crisp white knickers, beyond the waistband and down between her thighs.
“Mmm, mmm,” Brooke moaned as her hips kept swaying, while her fingers delved into her concealed delight.
Slowly she turned around, her hand still rubbing herself. Spreading her legs slightly she bent over. It was clear to see her fingers sliding in and out of her pussy as a small damp patch grew larger and wetter with every sway of her hips.
Standing up, she closed, then lightly crossed her legs before sliding the now sodden underwear down. The suspense was killing me, but all I could see was her smooth back leading to a delicious peach-shaped ass. I was dying for her to turn around as my dick twitched fiercely.
After what seemed like forever, Brooke turned around, yet still I was to be denied — her hand deftly concealed what I most wished to see. Step by step she got closer to me, one hand still hiding her sweet treasure, while the other passed under her nose as she enjoyed her own aroma. Her hips swayed and her boobs bounced but my attention was still drawn to what I couldn’t see.
Once at the edge of the bed, Brooke leaned forward offering her wet fingers to my eager mouth. I sucked them, licked them, and savoured the delicious tangy flavour of her young pussy. Finally, her other hand came up, cupping my cheek, but also revealing that which I desired most.
As she climbed onto my fully-clothed lap, I caught my first glimpse of her beautifully trimmed cunt. Most of her pubic hair was gone, leaving just a small triangle of short, soft, brownish hair an inch or so above her slit. Her slightly-parted lips glistened with her juices as the deep-pink of her warm interior peaked out.
Brooke shifted her weight until she positioned herself just right, with her wetness rubbing against my raging cock. I pulled her tight to me, diving my tongue into her mouth in a long, passionate kiss while her rock hard tits pressed into my shirt. Still, she kept grinding herself on me.
Panting, we parted and Brooke practically ripped my shirt off rubbing her breasts against my chest as she leant in to kiss me once more. With her tongue deep in my mouth, her muffled moans got louder and louder as she ground more forcibly than before.
Holding my cheeks with both hands, she muttered: “Ugh, ugh, ugh,” as she rubbed and rubbed.
Pulling apart, she rocked her head back screaming: “Ah, ah, ah, AH!”
Even through my jeans and boxers, I felt the surge of hot cum gushing from Brooke as she collapsed onto my shoulder, easing the pace of her grinding. My hands soothingly stroked her back as she caught her breath.
Climbing from my lap and dragging me to my feet, Brooke smiled and said: “I think we need to get these off you,” as she tugged at my belt.
Without the need of assistance, she quickly had my jeans undone and was easing them off, as I struggled to kick off my shoes without undoing the laces. Finally, we both succeeded and my throbbing cock burst free from my damp boxers.
“Woah, now that’s a surprise,” Brooke whistled as she swiftly knelt down stroking my shaft with one hand. Easing my foreskin back, I watched as her red lips parted and she guided my dick into her warm mouth.
“Oh yeah, that’s it,” I muttered, as she took me in.
Soon she was holding my foreskin back firmly, while her mouth quickly bobbed back and forth, swallowing my dripping tip. A few moments later she pulled off and lifted my dick upwards with one hand. The other grabbed my balls as she bent her neck and leaned forward. Suddenly I felt her hot tongue grazing my ever-tightening balls, while she carried on stroking my shaft.
“Oh god, that feels amazing,” I moaned.
All of a sudden Brooke sucked one of my balls into her mouth as her tongue licked every inch of it. I’d never experienced it before and it felt incredible, shivers rippled through me, my ass puckered tighter than ever and my balls tried to contract even more. I could tell I was going to orgasm very shortly.
“Fuck yes, fuck, I’m going to cum,” I cried.
Just in time, Brooke let go of my ball and stuffed my cock into her mouth as I erupted, sending what felt like gallons of cum firing into her hungry mouth. Swallowing every drop, Brooke stood up and kissed me deeply once again, a faint taste of semen lingering on her lips.
Taking my hand and leading me to the bed, Brooke said: “You know that would feel so much better if you shaved your balls?”
“You’re kidding, right? Shave my balls?”
“I bet you’d love it, I know it feels much better for me,” Brooke winked as we fell into bed.
Taking the hint, I let my hand slide down her body to the smooth, soft, shaven skin. It really did feel nice. Passing the small triangle of pubes I felt her legs part, welcoming my touch. Tracing my fingers around her damp lips was an illuminating experience, the normally hairy region felt delightful now that it was hairless.
“I think I need to see this for myself,” I teased, as I moved down the bed.
As I got close, her gentle soft scent reached me, less musky and more floral than most girls and deliciously enticing. Finally, I could see her tasty-looking pussy, and the shaving truly had made it look even more inviting than most.
Tantalisingly, I traced my warm tongue around every inch of the outside of her pussy, teasing the smooth, puffy flesh as Brooke wriggled into a comfortable position. I could smell her excitement rising before my tongue ever began parting her lips.
“Ooh, ugh, ugh,” she moaned as I eased my tongue inside her.
Gently I lapped at her tender wetness, slowly at first, then carefully speeding up as I reached for her clit. Standing clear of its hood the bright pinkish-red nub was impossible to miss and keen for attention. The slightest touch from my teasing tongue sent convulsions throughout Brooke’s body as her moans increased.
Focusing on her clit with my mouth, I sucked it firmly as I slipped first one, then two and finally three fingers into her tight pussy. Soon I found my rhythm working my lips, tongue and fingers in perfect unison, driving Brooke closer and closer to climax. Her pussy began spasming as her body jerked and her breathing became strained, as I carried on my work, eager for her to enjoy it.
“Oh yes. Oh yes. Yes. YES!” she suddenly screamed as her cunt squeezed my hands and her thighs crushed my head. Before I could move, a rush of sweet, slick cum surged across my hand and face. Yet still, I kept sucking, licking and finger-fucking.
“Oh my god! Oh god. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh!” Brooke cried as another wave of cum poured out of her, while she squeezed me harder still.
Even the tiniest movement sent shivers coursing through her body and tide after tide of juices flooded from her soaking cunt, a puddle quickly growing on the bed. Finally, I needed air, so I slowed up, releasing her clitoris and allowing my fingers to fall from her.
Looking up at Brooke I smiled. She was panting like an animal, her auburn hair, drenched in sweat, stuck to her face and her cheeks were flushed with passion. Climbing from between her thighs I remembered Brooke’s dance and offered her my fingers. She inhaled her sweet aroma deeply before sucking them clean, as I lay beside her.
“You’re right, it seems a lot more enjoyable once you shave,” I smiled before she kissed me deeply, the taste of pussy ripe on her lips.
As I let her catch her breath I teased my fingers across her sweaty tits and flat stomach. Every touch caused her to judder and twitch, her entire body was so uber-sensitive. Gradually her breathing began to slow.
“That was… it was… “ she started.
“Glad you enjoyed it as much as I did.”
“God yes… yes… I really did. I don’t think I’ve ever… ” her voice trailed off into moans as my fingers caressed her now fully open pussy.
“Should I get a condom?” I asked hopefully.
“Fuck, yes! If you’re ready again.”
I wasn’t quite erect yet, but I knew I would be very soon, so grabbed a condom from my jeans. Strolling back to the bed Brooke clearly saw my semi.
“Looks like that needs some attention,” she said rolling over so her head was hanging off the bed.
As I got there she took my dick in her hand, while her tongue tickled my balls. Quickly my dick began growing, then Brooke aimed it for her lips and carefully slid every inch into her mouth and down her throat. That was all it took and in an instant, my cock was back to full length.
“I thought you’d enjoy that,” she laughed as she pulled my dick from her neck.
Within seconds I had the condom on and was climbing onto the bed. Immediately she grabbed her ankles and rested them on my shoulders. Her pussy was already soaked but even three fingers weren’t enough to stretch her properly for what was about to come, so I gently rubbed my latex-covered tip up and down her slit.
“Mmm. Oh yes, gently,” Brooke moaned.
Softly I pressed forward as her tight walls parted, sucking my swollen head inside. Rocking in and out her warmness welcomed inch after inch of my cock.
“Fuck, you’re still so tight,” I moaned as she gripped my veiny shaft. I eased back out, before pushing deeper than before.
“Oh. Ugh. Ugh, fuck yes,” Brooke cried, before I was even halfway in, as another wave of cum drenched my cock.
Lovingly, I worked backwards and forwards, edging more and more of me inside her deep passage. Despite how wet she was, she still struggled to accept every inch, but finally, my balls nestled against her ass.
“Ugh, ugh. Fuck yes. Fuck, is that all of it? I can feel your hairy balls,” she teased.
As I withdrew I grabbed her ankles and pushed them further back, alongside her head. Then slid back inside, her stretched pussy sucked me in until my balls swung against her beautifully smooth asshole.
“Oh fuck. Fuck that feels… “ she moaned as I fucked her gently.
Soon I could speed up. Slap, slap, slap went my balls. With each thrust, you could hear them hitting her ass. Suddenly her cunt gripped me tight and I could barely withdraw, her body writhed in agony and ecstasy as I pushed back in.
“Ugh, ugh, ugh. UGH!” she panted as I keep fucking, despite the convulsions as yet another surge of cum washed over my dick.
With all this extra lubrication I could go harder and faster, driving my cock deeper into her hot, steamy cunt. Slap, slap, SLAP filled the air as I pounded her burning pussy. By now Brooke wasn’t actually speaking, just moaning and writhing her eyes closing as her panting increased.
Drips of sweat poured from my brow as I drove into her ever-wetter pussy. Each thrust sending more and more convulsions through Brooke’s body. I’d long ago lost track of how many orgasms she’d had, or seemed to have had.
As I was fucking this sweet young girl, I hated myself. Yet I couldn’t stop myself from thinking, I hope Emily is this good in bed. Would she be having multiple orgasm after orgasm? Would she deepthroat? Did she shave her pubes as well?
Before I knew it, I felt my own climax arriving, as my balls contracted and that feeling rose in the pit of my stomach.
“Yes. Oh. Oh! OH!” I grunted.
“Fuck yes, cum inside me!”
With that my balls unloaded, as surge after surge of thick cum launched into the condom. As I collapsed onto Brooke, she wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me deeper inside her.
Our sweaty bodies lay entwined as our hearts pounded and our lungs begged for air, gradually my cock began shrinking and slipped out of Brooke’s dripping pussy.
“Fuck that was… “ I began to say before Brooke interrupted me.
“Yes, it was. Really, it was.”
Pulling off and tying up the condom, I rolled off Brooke and hugged her closely.
“So are you happy you took me home,” she asked shyly.
“Of course I am, that was amazing.”
“I just wanted to be sure,” she said, kissing my arm that was wrapped around her.
As she dozed off I couldn’t help but wonder what Emily was doing. Was she thinking of me? Might she even have touched herself thinking of me? Could she have cum tonight fantasising about me? Or was that just me being an idiot? Looking at the clock I saw it was gone 4 am and figured I needed some rest, gradually I slipped into a deep, drunken sleep.
Waking up I found Brooke’s brown eyes staring at me lovingly and my stomach dropped. She had the look, that look, and I knew I had to let her down gently. After all, she was Emily’s classmate/friend. It was stupid to have slept with her, but I was a foolish hormone-drunk teenager. Now I needed to make sure that when (I was sure it would be when not if) Emily heard of this I came out looking good.
But before my gallant plan could begin, I felt Brooke’s hand reaching for my morning glory.
“Ooh, you’re all ready to go,” she smiled, bending to take me in her mouth again.
I couldn’t let her down while she was sucking my dick — that would be rude. So I lay there as she inhaled every inch of my cock into her desperate mouth. Soon her head was bobbing up and down, her nose banging into my pubes, while her hand was teasing, squeezing and pulling on my balls.
“I’m going to cum,” I cried and instantly Brooke pulled back and stopped. Quickly my orgasm subsided.
“Do you have another condom?” she asked.
I knew I shouldn’t, but the words came out anyway: “In my jeans.”
Brooke leapt from the bed and pulled the condom from my pocket. Swiftly she had me dressed again and positioned herself above my engorged cock facing away from me. Gradually she began lowering herself onto me in the reverse cowgirl position.
Without the lubrication from last night, it was almost painful as she bore down, then rose up. Up, down, up, down she went, never taking more than a couple of inches in. But she was certainly keen. I watched as she tried to ride me, slowly sinking down further and further on my throbbing dick.
More intriguing still was her peachy ass. With her facing away from me I had the perfect view. My hands reached for her cheeks and began massaging them as she moved up and down.
Soon I was pulling them apart, exposing the tight brown secret of her asshole. Carefully I positioned my hands so that each time she came back down my thumb brushed against it.
Before long, Brooke had taken my full length and was riding me like a pro. Pulling almost all the way off my cock before dropping back down, crashing into my pelvis. I licked my thumb and placed it perfectly so her asshole rubbed against it firmly every time she moved.
“Oh yes, yes, yes. That’s it. Fuck yes!” she moaned.
Then without me really trying, her anus opened and my thumb slipped inside. Pushing my hand forward I could feel my dick through the wall of her pussy.
“Ugh, ugh, ugh. Fuck yes. Yes. YES!” she cried as today’s first flood cascaded over my cock, while my thumb was still buried in her ass. Her hands reached back and fondled my chest as she ground out her orgasm on my pelvis.
Gradually her pace slowed until finally, she sat on me, my dick buried up to her stomach, while I let my thumb slip out of her anus.
Climbing off me, Brooke got onto her hands and knees before turning to me.
“So are you going to fuck me?”
By now my heart was pounding and I wasn’t going to pass up this opportunity. So, I positioned myself behind her and eased my way between those slick, sensitive lips. Grabbing her hips I started impaling her pussy with my stiff cock. Still, my eyes were drawn to that tightest of holes, her sweet rosebud.
She hadn’t protested before, so I moved my thumb back to her asshole and slid it inside.
“Oh yes. Oh fuck yes,” she moaned.
I thrust my full length in and out of her tight pussy, while my thumb rode in circles within her even tighter anus. I’d been dying to try anal sex for some time and right now seemed like it might just be the perfect time.
I pulled out my thumb and allowed a glob of saliva to drop onto Brooke’s open asshole. With the added lubrication, my middle finger slid inside her easily as I marvelled at the tightness. While my dick pounded her pussy, my finger worked her ass. Soon a second finger worked it’s way inside, parting her private ring further than ever.
“Yes. Ahh yes! Yes. Yes. Yes!” cried Brooke
Now I was sure that I was finally going to try anal sex and boy was I excited. I slowed my pace so I was gliding in and out of her cunt softly, while my fingers tenderly explored her ass. Leaning forward I whispered: “Can I fuck your ass?”
“NO!” she cried, “Not anal!” Despite having two of my fingers buried in her butt.
Somewhat disheartened, I carried on driving into her wet cunt as my fingers stroked the inside of her anus. Despite the setback, I knew I wouldn’t last too long but wasn’t quite there. Pushing Brooke’s head onto the bed changed the angles and suddenly the urge to cum was almost overwhelming, especially with my fingers in her ass.
“Oh. Oh. Fuck! I’m going to… “ I cried as I launched rivers of cum into her. For the first time in my life, I felt my own orgasm inside a girl as the fingers in her ass sensed the pulsations of my dick and even the heat from my cum.
Together we fell as one onto the bed as my dick immediately popped out, yet my fingers remained in Brooke’s ass. Totally out of breath we lay there recovering for god know’s how long.
“Are you ever going to take your fingers out of my ass?” she asked.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” I replied, slipping them out of her butt.
“It’s fine. I love ass play.”
“But you don’t do anal sex?”
“Fuck, yes I do. But not with a dick that size! I wouldn’t be able to sit down for a week.”
So I’d missed my opportunity to have anal sex, but at least for a “good” reason. But did that mean I’d never get to try it? And what was Brooke going to report back to Emily?
Once we’d recovered, Brooke announced that she was going for a shower and invited me to join her. I was torn. But eventually decided to go with her. We showered together, washing, caressing and stroking each other in the soapy, steamy heat, but both of us were too spent for anything more.
After drying I got dressed, pulling on last night’s clothes.
“Wow, look at this,” I said, holding up my jeans with a dried crusty patch on one leg.
Brooke just laughed, while I inhaled the scent of her cum once more before getting fully dressed.
“So I take it I’m not going to see you again?” she stated.
“Um, ah, um… “ I began.
“It’s clear you’re in love with Emily,” Brooke interrupted, “You’re not the first and I’m sure you won’t be the last!”
“But… you’re not… “
“I’m used to it by now. You’re still fucking hot and pretty good in bed… “
“Just pretty good?”
“I don’t want your ego to swell too much,” she replied kissing me on the lips, “You should probably get going.”
With that, I kissed her once more and left. Had I got off lightly? I certainly hadn’t needed to let her down and she seemed happy, but was it genuine? How was this going to play out? I couldn’t help but feel that I’d just made a terrible, terrible mistake.