Nepenthea Part 01

"A married woman does what she must to protect her family."

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It’s always a challenge to get to know someone, but getting to know Lauren Halperth, riding in silence in the back of that black sedan, would have been a particular challenge. She could have told you about herself. That she was forty-three, a Provence native, married twenty-two years, had a daughter who had just been accepted to Haverford, and a son who had just taken the MCAT in the top 2%.

But beyond that, Lauren would have had difficulty introducing herself. Up until yesterday, she was very certain about who she was; her relationships, her goals, her place in the world. But now, as the sedan turned off the highway at an exit that was miles into the quiet countryside, the only thing she knew with real confidence was that her marriage was over.

It had been a full day since it happened, but that five-minute meeting kept playing over and over in her head like an endless nightmare. Her husband Tom arrived home early, his face sunken and hollow with defeat, followed by a tall gentleman in a crisp suit and a woman dressed like a high-powered attorney who was so beautiful it felt painfully unfair. Lauren listened in horror, with Tom wordlessly burying his face in his hands, as the man claimed the woman was his fiancée, and he had caught Tom having sex with her.

Such a simple announcement had set cold knives twisting in Lauren’s chest, and they had not stopped since. She genuinely believed, after all her attempts to reignite their sex life, that Tom had become impotent, which she didn’t hold against him but was saddened that she couldn’t be his wife that way. That sadness hardened and sank as she heard the woman, who called herself Lily, recount the numbers of her history with Tom.

“He put his penis in my mouth fourteen times, of which he came nine times, in my vagina twenty-five times, of which he came nineteen, and in my anus seven times, of which he came every time,” she recited through a pleased smile, like she was recounting the score of some game she had won. Apparently, the last time Tom had sex with her, he injured her in a way that made it impossible to have children.

The surreal experience quickly grew terrifying when Lauren learned of the couples’ intentions. Tom had plenty of money. The business he’d started that kept him at such a distance throughout their marriage had been an irreplaceable asset for providing a stable home and good schooling to their children. The case they had against him, with more than enough recordings and photography, could easily entitle Lily and her betrothed to enough of Tom’s life. His money, and his reputation, that it would destroy their children’s futures. The man, calling himself Archie, tried to make it sound reassuring that they didn’t want money, that all they wanted was ‘some penance to satisfy this injustice.’

Archie wanted Tom to give him Lauren so he could ‘even the score.’

Tom had never been a brave man, for whatever good qualities he could claim, and the prospect of keeping his precious business safe from his own mistakes was more than he could turn down. Clutching his face in his hands, Tom couldn’t even look up as his own wife was forced to agree to be the leverage that would protect their children’s future. Lauren stared in a daze as Lily and Archie walked out the door, telling her to be ready outside her home at 2 pm tomorrow to get picked up, and she should bathe thoroughly so that ‘every inch of you is clean enough to eat off of.’

Sick and terrified, Lauren looked from the afternoon sunlight through the passing trees down to her own body. She had always been self-conscious about her appearance; as a young woman, she had been sort of pretty in a plain kind of way, but nowadays even her doctor’s insistence that her BMI was fine for her age couldn’t allay the shame of the extra weight she’d put on. She had straight, black hair only down to her neck, and pale skin, wrapped beneath what was her best guess at appropriate attire (if anything of the situation could be called ‘appropriate’), a blue floral-patterned blouse and black knee-length skirt.

“In my mouth fourteen times, of which he came nine times, in my vagina twenty-five times, of which he came nineteen, and in my anus seven times, of which he came every time.” Of all the details of her life that  Lauren wished she could remember, this is what her mind held like a steel trap? She cursed herself, the long ride already having dampened her with anxious sweat after her diligent showering.

The car rolled to a stop. Lauren looked out to see a rather plain-looking brick building, something like a reception building for a college campus. The engine barely cut off when the building’s front door opened and Archie and Lily stepped out. As her driver opened the door, Lauren hesitated for a breath before remembering why she was doing this, and that it was too late to go back. ‘It’s too late to go back. It’s too late to go back.’

Putting her focus into not stumbling, Lauren pulled herself out of the car and walked up to the door, where Archie gestured for her to come inside. Desperate to keep a straight face, she walked past into the dark hall within. The door closed, and her eyes adjusted to the light; it must have been an old school administrative office, a hallway with doors and a stairway upstairs that would have looked perfectly at place in a university.

“Stop,” Archie ordered, “Undress. You can keep your underwear on for now.”

Trying not to hyperventilate, Lauren guided her shaking hands to unbutton her blouse and unzip her skirt, which tumbled to the linoleum tile floor. She stared at the floor as she stood before them, her smooth, curvy body displayed to them in nothing but plain white undergarments and some pantyhose.

“It’s incredible,” Archie said as he stepped in front of her, towering over her as he commanded her eye contact, “That you’d volunteer yourself for this. After what your husband did, how he betrayed you, I can’t imagine you’d want to do anything to help him. I’d expect you’d be so angry you’d want to see him utterly destroyed.” He leaned down, and Lauren looked up at his face. “Aren’t you angry? Doesn’t it make you angry?”

His words were sympathetic, but it seemed for all the world like his face was full of accusation and condemnation. Lauren was prepared to obey whatever orders they gave her without resistance, but having this man reach into her and pull something from her heart was more than the shaky structure of her composure could support. Her face twisted and her head bowed as she wailed, a day’s worth of pent-up tears breaking forth as she fell to her knees.

“It’s my fault! It’s all my fault!” She sobbed, “I put on weight after I had kids! I tried to stay in shape but it was hard making time to exercise! I kept trying things like lingerie and stuff from women’s magazines and erotic dance lessons, but I couldn’t get him interested! He… oh my God… Tom hasn’t had sex with me in three years!” Her whole body shook to her heaving breath. “Please…” she clasped her hands, begging, “Please… I’ll do whatever you want. You can do whatever you want with me. You can hurt me if you want. Please… my daughter just got accepted to college, my son is trying to go to med school, please don’t let me ruin their lives… do whatever you want to me…”

“What’s your impression, Rose?” Lily asked.

Surprised, Lauren looked up at Lily, by Archie’s side. She was looking behind Lauren, to where a voice responded, “Hmm. Unless her background check showed any professional training,” Lauren looked to her other side as a tall, slim woman, a freckled redhead with hair down to the belt of her green sundress, “There’s no way she’s faking it. I say yes.”

Lily nodded, looking pleased as she turned to Archie. “What do you think, sir?”

“I think she’s wonderful,” Archie answered, “And don’t call me ‘sir’ when we’re working. I’d like to start immediately. Is Chrys available?”

“You’re gonna send her to Chrys?” Lily answered, surprised, “On her first day?”

“I think so. It’s a risk, but think they’ll get along.”

Lily nodded. “We might have to wait a couple of minutes, but she should be nearly done.  Right, this way.”

Rose disappeared into an office as Lily walked down the hall, followed by Archie, who gestured for Lauren to follow. Her thoughts swimming in confusion, a blessed relief for her emotional state, Lauren stood up and followed, her stomach churning with butterflies as she walked through a strange building in her underwear.

Their footsteps echoed against the tile floors and undecorated walls as Lily counted door numbers. “115, 116… Ah! 117. Sounds like she’s still busy,” Lily glanced at her watch, “But she’ll be done soon, she’s good about being punctual.”

Archie nodded and opened the door, giving Lauren a view of the classroom. Lauren’s heart locked up and her eyes bulged. There, on her knees in the middle of the floor, was a woman, an athletic-looking woman in her thirties with blonde hair cut tomboy-short, wearing nothing but a collar and a blindfold.

Her flesh bounced against her bones to the rhythm of a pair of men thrusting into her aggressively, one behind her pinning her arms back, and one below her propping her up by pressing her petite breasts into her ribcage as he squeezed and groped her. The woman could only grunt and whimper around the cock in her mouth. A dozen men were scattered across the room, one sucking the woman’s toes, another squeezing her buttocks, most content to watch in delight from the sidelines.

With a playful shove, Lily sent Lauren staggering into the room, just as the man violating the woman’s mouth started making excited, satisfied grunts. The woman seemed very responsive, gasping as he pulled out, a splatter of cum dribbling down her chin.

“Ah! Ahnnn… nng… Ah, God, oh, ah!” She couldn’t find any words as the two men pinning her continued angrily thrusting, not breaking rhythm as another man with a springing erection walked up and intruded into her mouth, grabbing her hair and bobbing it up and down as she kept squealing.

“Ah, yeah! You want some?” the man demanded, “You wanna eat some spunk? C’mon, c’mon, eat my cum… get some cum! Get some cum!” He threw his head back with a reveling howl as his tensing body pushed his hips into the woman’s face. Lauren’s face turned deep red. The sound of the woman gulping was audible from across the room.

“Mmmn… Gg, glgg, ggk- kppf, kah, akk! STOP!”

Lauren watched, amazed, as the crowd of men spread away from the woman in one fluid motion, like dry leaves scattered by an autumn breeze. The only one left was the man she was on top of, who closed his eyes and held his arms straight at his sides with his palms flat on the floor. Wobbling like she was woozy, the woman stood up straight and pulled off the blindfold, glaring at the man who just came in her mouth.

“F.B., you wanna tell me something?” She demanded, hands on her hips.

Under her accusing glare, the man collapsed onto his hands and knees. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! My little brother got engaged over the weekend, I took him out to celebrate, I only had one beer, I thought you wouldn’t notice, I’m sorry!”

The other men shook their heads and chuckled. Someone laughed, “ah, rookie!”

“You would’ve been right,” she answered, bending herself around, stretching her back as if she wasn’t naked in front of a gang of men, “If you’d been dealing with Honeysuckle, or Kudzu, or Squashblossom…” she bent down to the cowering man, poking his head, “I, however, am a connoisseur, okay? I spent all week looking forward to this, if you expect to be one of my goblets, you’re gonna be strict about your diet, okay?”

“Yes!” The man insisted into the floor, “I’m sorry, Chrys! It won’t happen again!”

Chrys sighed, putting her hands behind her head as she turned around to the crowd. “Who’s still undrained?” Of the crowd of men, only three raised their hands. “Okay, how long have you saved up?”

“Three days!” One declared with pride.

“Last night,” Another said, less proud.

The man lying on the floor also had his hand up, “I was with Kudzu this morning, but I’m at the end of a juice fast, and I’m well-hydrated! I should taste great!”

“Mmm, I’m sure you would,” Chrys said, taking a metal bottle of water from a tray one of the men presented to her, “But that put a bad taste in my mouth. I’m not thirsty anymore.” She took several long, deep gulps from the bottle as the men lowered their heads. Putting the bottle down with a smack, Chrys sauntered over to a small heap of cushions, hopping on top so that her rump was high in the air and her legs were spread open. “I need a mood-boost. You three, pour everything you have up my ass.”

“B – but, you’re sealed!” one of the men stammered, pointing. Lauren’s jaw dropped as she noticed Chrys’ anus was hidden behind a shimmering red jewel, the size of a thumbnail.

“That’s right, which is why F.B. is going to unseal it.”

“What?” The man who had first offended her was aghast, “Me? I… I’ve barely been here two months! I’m not worthy to put my hands on your seal!”

“Not your hands, no…” Chrys said, folding her arms under her head and smiling back at F.B., looking obscenely comfortable on her mountain of pillows, “Which is why you’re going to take it out with your teeth.”

Lauren watched F.B., his eyes wide and his whole body trembling, as he slowly sank to his hands and knees, crawling over to where she lay sprawled out. He climbed the cushions, his face hovering over the shimmering jewel. His face was serious, but Lauren didn’t see any pain or sorrow. F.B. closed his eyes and opened his mouth, and bowed his head. There was a ‘clink’ of teeth on metal.

“Mmm… Slowly…” Chrys insisted.

Almost as if he was trying to make it last as long as possible, F.B. turned his head side to side, back and forth, pushing the jewel to every angle, before he pulled back. The jewel stud was at the end of a short, metal stem, connecting it to a silver lozenge big enough to hold it in place. F.B. stood aside, holding the plug in his teeth as he knelt obediently.

“C’mon, I got places to be!” Chrys called out. The first man hopped forward, eager as he guided his cock into her vacant asshole and sank it in. Archie came up and knelt in front of her. Chrys looked up, happy to see him.

“Archie!” she said as if she wasn’t getting sodomized, “What brings you to the registrar’s office?”

“You know the woman I spoke about with you?” He asked, “The candidate for Auntie-caste?”

Chrys’ eyes flittered over to Lauren. “Is that her? Are we already testing?”

“Sure,” Archie shrugged, “Whenever you’re ready.”

Chrys turned back to face the man fucking her ass. “Bumble, I’m in a bit of a rush.  Anything you could do to speed it up?”

The man grinned at her. “Can I pull your hair?”

She smiled. “You know how I like it.” She turned back to Archie as Bumble ran his fingers over the top of her scalp, making a gentle fist and tugging her skull upright as he kept sinking his cock into her over and over.

“Are you free?” Chrys grinned up at Archie, “I haven’t felt your skin in way too long.”

“Aw, Chrys,” Archie said, affectionately caressing her cheek as her head, hanging from its hair, swayed to the rhythm of the man on top of her, “I wish I could, but I’ve got a commitment. I need a companion for Friday, though, are you still up for that?”

Bumble threw his head back with a long, animal moan. Panting, he pulled his soft penis from Chrys and lowered her head to the cushion. She raised it to look back up at Archie as the next man got in position. “That’d be wonderful! We haven’t gone dancing in way too long!”

“Uhh, you’re trying to save time, right?” The new man asked.

Chrys turned to him. “That’s right, whaddaya need?”

His palms wrapped around her hips, he gave a pleading smile as he started bobbing up and down. “Could you look me in the eyes and scold me? Like you were with F.B.?”

The shadow of a smile played across Chrys’ lips before they puckered into a scowl, and she gave him a stern look. “Who do you think you are?” She demanded. “I’m so disappointed in you. Why do you keep letting me down? I put up with so much trouble from you, and you think I should be doing you favors as if-“

“Ah, God, ah, yes, yes!” The man’s back arched as his face turned towards heaven with a stupid smile. Half-collapsing, he tipped over and tumbled out of the way of the next man, who came bounding up like a puppy. Grinning, he slid his whole body up the length of Chrys’ back until his head was right by hers. She turned to him, matching his smile.

“Hey Luna,” she giggled.

“Hey Chrys,” Luna beamed as he connected with her. His whole body pressed against Chrys’ and his legs spread even wider, Lauren got a clear view of the full length of Luna’s cock sliding into Chrys’ asshole.

“I’m short on time, Luna. Anything I could do to speed this up?”

Already thrusting, Luna made a pleading puppy face. “Can you, just… tell me you want it? Say what you want, please.”

Surprised, she propped her head up on an arm and looked back at him with an adoring grin. “I want you to cum in my asshole. I want to fill me with your cock and shoot your hot cum all-“

“Oh YEAH! Ah! Ah! Ah!” Luna’s joyful whimper cut her off. His ass in the air and his legs wide open, the contractions of Luna’s testicles were on obscene display, clear to Lauren’s view. Limp as a ragdoll, Luna rolled to the side and tumbled down the cushion hill. Not waiting for her command, F.B. crawled back up, pressed the tip of the plug against Chrys’ anus, and pressed it back in. He gave it a kiss, then pressed his forehead to it as Lauren heard him whisper, “I am grateful.”

Published 6 years ago

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