Lost at Sea, Book 1: Where There’s a Will, Chapter 3

"A sexy pirate fantasy adventure"

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“Aye, Cap’n,” Will said, his voice muffled between her legs. His tongue kept up its swirling around her entrance, occasionally sweeping up and fluttering across her clit. She sat up a bit, leaning back on her forearms and watching the top of his head. The muscles in her thighs and her butt twitched of their own accord, squeezing as her pleasure mounted. She ran a hand through his hair and pulled his mouth harder into her, starting to rock her hips.

He firmed his tongue into a point and started circling it on and around Bella’s clit, beginning to suck a bit with his mouth. She let out a stuttering, breathy squeak that escalated in pitch. Will chuckled at the sound. She gave him a swat across the top of his head. “No laughing-nnngg- at your captaiSQUEAK.” Her whole body shook. Will sucked harder, flicking with his tongue. Her hand clenched in his hair. She flopped back, unable to hold herself up anymore. Her other hand smacked the table. “Fuck!” Will’s hat hit the floor, forgotten.

He slid his fingers into her wet opening and curled them to pull on the inside of her pelvic wall, tugging firmly in a quick forceful pulse. She lost her mind. Her hips bucked off the table, her back arched. Her heels dug a bit painfully into his back, her thighs clamped on either side of his head. Both her hands gripped her breasts through her blouse. His hand kept working, pulling in quick, steady bursts as his tongue matched its rhythm. Her head rolled back and forth and her hips shuddered uncontrollably. Her squeak became one long high pitched note that ran out abruptly as her whole body went limp.

“Oh!” a small voice said from the door.

Will’s head rose from between Bella’s legs and Bella’s head rolled to the side to see Janie standing in the door, her face as red as could be, holding her leather satchel across her chest with both hands.

Will pulled Bella’s skirt down to her knees and sat back in his chair, he opened his mouth to say something but was a bit at a loss for words. Bella gave her a small wave, breathing hard, a silly grin on her face. “Good morning,” she said with a small giggle.

“Ah, yes. Um, good- good morning,” Janie said, then looked down at the floor and marched straight back to Will’s office. The door shut. Bella and Will looked at each other and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Poor girl, I think we traumatized her,” Bella said, trying to be concerned through her amusement. She pulled herself into a sitting position and tucked her legs up under her skirts to sit cross-legged on the table. She was still breathing hard. A pleasant tremble ran through her.

Will straightened his shirt. “Didn’t you hear the door open?” he asked.

“I was a bit preoccupied at the time,” she said with exaggerated innocence. “What’s your excuse?”

“I can’t hear through your thighs,” Will said, pinching her leg. She swatted him on the shoulder. He tickled her. She squirmed and scrambled backwards on the table but he grabbed her legs and dragged her back towards him, bunching up her skirts again. She grabbed his head and shrieked as he nipped the inside of her knee. The office door opened. They froze again and looked at Janie. She was still bright red and carrying a stack of papers and a ledger. She turned redder as she looked at them and then rushed forward, her eyes on the floor. The door opened and shut. A moment later they heard the sound of the lock engaging.

“Well that was nice of her,” Bella said, bemused. “I thought you said she didn’t blush easily? Seems like that’s all she does around me.”

“You do tend to have that effect,” Will gestured ambiently to Bella’s wanton figure and completely unabashed face.

“It’s a gift,” she shrugged.

“I’m going to have to get her something very nice as an apology,” Will winced, glancing at the door and slumping back down into his chair.

“She needs a new satchel,” Bella said.

“She does?” Will looked in the way Janie had gone, trying to picture the bag she’d been carrying. “She has one. It’s sturdy. I gave it to her when she first started working for me. She didn’t have one that was large enough to carry books and ledgers.”

“That explains a lot,” Bella nodded sagely. “Get her a new one.”

“Alright. We’ll add that to the shopping list,” he shrugged.

“The markets won’t all be open until the nine o’clock bell. I’d guess we have another twenty minutes,” he said.

“Oh, good,” she smiled like a predator and slid off the edge of the table to the floor, pushing his knees apart and sliding her hands up his thighs. “I think it’s your turn to be captain.”

Will glanced toward the front door again, and then to the ravishing dark-haired temptress kneeling between his legs. He smiled. She undid the buttons and laces of his breeches and reached inside to grasp his hardening cock. “Oh, Captain…” she purred pulling him out and wrapping her full lips around the head of his cock. She gave a small suck and swirled her tongue around his head inside of her mouth before looking up at him with her exotic almond eyes and sliding down until only a few inches of him was left outside of her mouth. His hips rolled forward slowly and he groaned in pleasure. She bobbed twice and pulled him out of her mouth with a pop, her hand taking over as he rose to full size.

This was the first time she’d taken the opportunity to really take a look at his manhood. It was a bit larger than most of the ones she’d seen before and nicely shaped. She considered herself a connoisseur, and Will definitely met her standards. She licked up the full length of him and slid him back down into her mouth until he bumped at the entrance to her throat. She bobbed there for a moment, just at the edge of pushing him too deep, then slid all the way back off of him and down again. He ran his hand over her headscarf and then underneath her hair to cup her neck at the base of her skull. He didn’t pull. He just clenched his hand into her hair and gave it a pleasant tug. She rolled her head against his grip and smiled up at him with her eyes as she continued to suck, her hand and mouth working in concert now. His hips raised involuntarily as he groaned with pleasure. She moved with him to keep him from pushing too far and bobbed as he settled back down. She worked him slow and steady, enjoying his rising tension and the little shudder his breath made every time she bumped her hand to his root and took his cock to the very edge of the entrance to her throat. His hand gripped her hair harder. She could tell he wanted to push, make her take him faster, harder, deeper, and a part of her wanted him too, but he didn’t. She raised up and tugged her blouse down, freeing her huge, soft breasts, wrapping them immediately around his length. He was long enough that the head of his cock still poked up above her cleavage. She bent down and gave it a lick before raising up and down, pushing his slippery manhood through the valley of her chest.

“Woah,” he said, surprised, looking at her with shock and lust. It felt different than anything he’d experienced. Not as warm and wet as her mouth. Much softer and smoother than her hand. He didn’t know if it was a more pleasurable experience than her talented mouth was, but looking down and seeing her phenomenal chest wrapped around him was intensely erotic.

“Woah, what?” she asked, arching an eyebrow as she pinched her own nipples and pushed from the sides with her wrists and forearms, squeezing her breasts tight around him.

“I’ve never… no one has ever… done that,” he said, grinning.

He bounced harder for a moment, then released his cock from her breasts so she could sink her mouth down on him, bobbing wetly and driving him to the back of her throat, then releasing him with a gasp for air and trapping him between her breasts again, and sliding her whole upper body up and down to fuck his wet cock with her chest. “Well that’s too bad. Without anything to compare to, you don’t have any way of knowing how good at it I am.”

“Oh, I think I can tell,” he said, raising his hips and meeting the thrusts of her chest. The added wetness transferred from her mouth made the whole experience even more intense. She grinned, her dark eyes dancing, and bit her lip as he reached down to take over playing with her nipples. She re-gripped her breasts from the sides and enjoyed the little shocks of pleasure coming from her nipples as her movements tried to tug them free of his fingers. She wished she had a third hand so she could play with herself while she held her breasts. She squeezed her thighs together, whining at the growing frustration building from all the breast play.

Abruptly she pulled free and drove her mouth down on his cock again. She needed to lube him up again, but she also just couldn’t stand her nipples being teased any longer. She bobbed and swirled her tongue, working her hand with her mouth and bringing the fingers of her other hand to her needy pussy, rolling the little pleasure button above her opening with a whimpering groan. She shuddered as a small climax rolled through her.

“We’re going to run out of time soon,” he said.

She came off him with a wet pop. “Stand up.”

He did. She sucked him again for a few moments while grabbing his hands. Then she raised up so her chest was level with his cock and pushed his hands to the sides of her massive tits, showing her where and how to hold them, wrapping his cock with her breasts again.

“Squeeze them as tight as you want,” she said. “Fuck them. Go for it.”

He started thrusting through the valley of her chest, slowly at first. She covered his hands with her own, reaching forward with her fingers to help squeeze her breasts even more. He groaned, starting to thrust harder. She brushed her own nipples as he drove through the valley of her chest. She loved the look on his face as he stared down in wonder and lust. He squeezed and thrust over and over. She spat into her hand and rubbed her saliva on the head of his cock, wetting it more as it poked out of her cleavage over and over again. It was subtly different than anything he’d ever felt. Soft and warm. He wasn’t sure if it was better, but it was new and looking down to see Bella’s amused, happy smile was a turn on as great as any he’d ever experienced.

Bella wasn’t idle while her chest was being manhandled. She enjoyed the loving mauling he was giving her breasts. It sent little shocks from her nipples straight down through her to where her fingers were busily circling. She could feel it building. From the look on Will’s face, it was going to be a race. She sped up, fluttering her fingers quickly back and forth, closing her eyes and letting herself go.

It only took a few moments before her orgasm ripped through her. This one was intense and fast. Her eyes snapped open and she gasped, staring up at Will who was watching her, enchanted. It was enough to push him over the edge as well. He groaned and shook. Hot spurts shot forth, hitting her neck and chin, raining back down to splatter the top of her chest. Another short shockwave lanced through her and she exhaled, happy, satisfied and a bit proud.

His hands relaxed and her breasts swung free. She brought her own hand, slicked with her juices, up to grasp his still hard but beginning to fade cock. She gently rung a few more drops from him onto her hand.

Will sat back down in his chair, staring at Bella, catching his breath and shaking his head in wonderment. She licked her hand, sampling the taste of their mixed fluids. “Not bad,” she said. “You need to eat more fruit though.”

“What?” he said, laughing.

“Nevermind. We need to get going,” Bella stood up looking down at the mess Will had made on her chest. “Look what you did,” she said with fake exasperation. “Hand me my bag.”

Will tucked himself away and did up his pants then pulled her bag off the back of the chair and passed it to her. He expected her to pull out a handkerchief, but instead she drew forth a small glass vial with a cork stopper. She opened it and began scraping the semen on her chest into it.

He watched in confusion. “You’re… saving it?”

“Sex magic,” she said. “There’s power in this and it isn’t as easy to come by as you might think. It’s also best if it’s specific to whatever you’re wanting to do with it, so if you and I are going to be working together, I have a lot of little divinations I’m going to want to do to help us out. This will make for a good start,” she looked up at him with pure mischief on her face. “I’m going to need more though. ”

He nodded in slow bewilderment. “I think we can work something out.”

She stoppered her vial and tucked it into her bag, then tugged her blouse up over her prodigious chest and started tightening and straightening her vest. Will looked a bit sad. She swatted him on the arm. “No pouting. You’ll see more of them later if you’re good.”

“What if I’m bad?” he asked, collecting his hat from the ground where Bella had knocked it earlier.

“Then you’ll probably see them even sooner,” Bella quipped.

A few short minutes of buckling belts and straightening clothing later and they were heading out the door right into a surprisingly large crowd, which had been fairly calm but erupted at the sight of them.

“Mr. Sterling!”

“Mr. Sterling!”

“Will, my friend!”


“I will not stand for this!”

“What are you doing, Will?”


The crowd surged and Bella ducked behind him, her gregarious attitude gone in an instant in the face of the noisy crowd. Janie was trying and failing to talk over them. People were moving forward

Will held both hands up and took a step forward. The crowd continued to yell but slowly wound down. Once they were silent, Will shook his head and took a good look at all of them. “I guess word travels fast. You’ve probably heard that I’ve accepted a commission?” The crowd mumbled its confirmation. “I want to help all of you before I leave, just as I said I would when you booked your original appointments. You all know Miss Castilian,” he said gesturing to Janie. “You know she will make sure you are taken care of,” Will said, trying to assuage their concerns.

“I came to speak with you, not some useless girl!” an angry voice from the crowd said.

“Who was that?” Will demanded. The crowd went quiet. “Come forward,” he said. A well-dressed man pushed through to the front of the crowd. “I’ve had to wait nearly two weeks!” the man snarled. “My appointment was going to be next week, and now I have to rearrange everything?”

“No,” Will said. “Mr… Timmons, was it?”

“Timmonds,” the man corrected.

“Well, Mr. Timmonds, you don’t have to rearrange anything. I’m canceling your appointment. I do not need to do business with anyone who insults my staff. Go home.”

“Now look here-,” the man began, getting red in the face.

“If you think you’re going to shout me into wanting to help you, you’re going to be disappointed.” Will interrupted. “Anyone else feel like voicing a complaint?”

The crowd was silent. Mr. Timmonds stalked off with hate in his eyes.

“Now, Miss Castilian has my appointment book. I will be working hard to see all of you before I leave, starting after the one o’clock bell today. Line up and be polite. My assistant has my full authority to refuse service to anyone who acts like Mr. Timmonds. I am doing every one of you a favor. This is an opportunity for you to meet with me earlier than you thought.” Will tipped his hat to the crowd and gave Janie a nod. She gave him a nod of thanks in return and beckoned to a woman close to her. “Ma’am, I think we can continue.. How does eight of the clock tonight sound?”

Will hooked his arm in Bella’s and made his way through the crowd with a few greetings and assurances. Bella was tense and kept her head down letting him lead her.

Once they were clear, she slowly relaxed. “You alright?” he asked.

She gave his arm a squeeze. “My people have learned to be wary of angry crowds. It does not take much for them to turn vicious. I did not expect that when we came out, you handled it well.”

“They only want help. They were there for me, not you,” Will said, not quite understanding.

“I was nearby, and they were angry,” Bella said sadly. “When things go wrong, people look for someone to blame. To some, it is enough that I am N’madi to believe me to be the source of all their ills. I’m a witch also. I have to be very careful around crowds of people I do not know, even when they are not angry.”

“I haven’t been close with many N’madi. I didn’t realize things were still that bad. Aren’t there quite a few of your people here?” Will asked

“More than in most places, yes. After the witch purges, quite a few of us became sailors. Traded wagons for boats.” Bella’s monkey dashed along a low cobblestone wall, hopped to the ground for a moment, then ran up her back to her shoulder. The whole thing was so fluid that the natural swing of her arm and sway of her hips helped the little monkey’s climb. “It’s safer for us. The old prejudices aren’t as strong, and there are so many different cultures all mixed together that there isn’t as much of a fear of people who are different.”

“Then why were you so worried about the crowd?” Will asked, looking at the monkey with a bemused expression on his face.

“Old habits die hard? Once bitten, twice shy?” Bella shrugged. “I didn’t come out here until I was nearly an adult. Before that, I lost more than one person to superstition and mob justice.

“Sorry,” Will said a little awkwardly.

“You didn’t know. Now you do. At least you try to understand. Most people don’t bother.” Bella gave her monkey a nut from her purse. It snatched the treat greedily and stuffed it into its mouth.

The Market was a chaotic, loud mess full of people. Scattered, brightly colored awnings and pavilions gave some shade to the rugs and rickshaws covered in goods. Merchants hawked their wares and haggled with each other. The smells of unwashed bodies mixed with fresh breads and cooked meats. They ignored most of the people trying to push bargains on them, stopping to purchase a pair of savory curry pies before pushing through the throng to a large colorful tent on the edge of the market grounds.

“Sterling! My friend, come in!” a heavyset man with a full dark beard boomed as they ducked inside. The tent was full of lightweight tables covered in clothing, tools and nautical trinkets of all kinds. The walls were decorated with lightweight netting that strange multi-colored glass spheres hung from.

“Kaduska. Good to see you,” Will grinned. “Bella, this is Kaduska. He’s the second least disreputable merchant around.”

“Who is less disreputable than I?” Kaduska said with a half-scowl and a twinkle in his eye.

“Yosep,” Will said, shaking the big merchant’s hand.

“Yosep!” Kaduska protested, “He will rob you blind, and perhaps stab you as well!”

“Yeah, but he’s honest about it,” Wil grinned.

Kaduska rolled his eyes and turned his gaze to Bella, who was watching the exchange with quiet amusement. “This man is a scoundrel,” Kaduska said, wagging a chubby finger toward Bella. “A woman of your obvious refinement should be wary of such a person. He associates with disreputable types by his own admission.”

“Like you?” Bella said, extending her hand.

“Exactly like me,” the big merchant grinned. He took her hand very gently and just barely brushed his lips to her knuckles. “Now, how can this disreputable merchant take advantage of you today?”

Bella couldn’t help but laugh. “Will is going on another adventure. I’ve been press-ganged onto his ship.”

“Oh, I see.” Kaduska gave Will a sidelong look. “Say the word and you shall be rescued.”

“I’m resigned to my fate,” Bella said with an overly dramatic sigh.

“I understand. Perhaps I can make your servitude more comfortable then?” Kaduska smiled.

“That’s why we’re here,” Will said, “She needs a full kit.”

“Have you sailed before, Miss Bella?” Kaduska asked.

“Only once, when I came here,” she replied. “I admit, I did not enjoy it much.”

Kaduska nodded sympathetically. “The ocean is untrustworthy and demanding, as are many people who ply it.” Kaduska pulled a number of small chests from beneath a table. “We start with a lockbox. Always sturdy wood. Always sealed with resin or tar. Never fill it with more weight than the box itself weighs.”

“That is very specific,” Bella said, kneeling down to look at the box, “Why?”

Will answered. “If the ship wrecks, or there is a mutiny and you want to get off the ship in a hurry, your lockbox can be tossed overboard without sinking.”

“Is that something that happens a lot?” Bella looked worried.

“No, hardly ever. Sailors live and die by preparation and contingency plans though,” WIll said gravely. “You want to be ready for the worst and not needing to rely on anyone. When things go wrong on the water, they go wrong fast.”

“Your whole life will be in a box, so it is best that it be a good box, yes?” Kaduska grinned. He was gathering a pile of goods. They looked like normal personal items, but smaller and more sturdy. A brush, a mirror, a block of soap in a small box, a tailoring kit, a pair of scissors, a salt and soda mixture and a small brush for the teeth, a folding knife, a sling-satchel, and a number of other things that Bella did not recognize. Will added a few more items to the pile.

“You will need clothing as well.” Kaduska said. “A full-length skirt like yours would be quickly ruined on board a ship.”

“This is a lot like what I wore last time I was on a ship,” Bella said looking down at her skirts and blouse, confused.

“As a passenger?” Kaduska asked, sounding like he knew the answer already.

“Well, yes,” Bella replied.

“This time you’ll be crew,” Will said. “It’s very different.”

“Alright, what kind of clothing do I need?” Bella asked starting to look at the neatly folded piles of clothing on Kaduska’s longer tables.

“Whatever you wear needs to be able to endure getting frequently wet and not retain salt or moisture. It needs to be loose enough to move easily, light enough to dry quickly. Ship clothes should be durable and able to be easily repaired with needle and thread. Close fitting without trapping saltwater against your skin. You’ll want a set of cold weather gear and storm gear too.” Will answered.

“I’m beginning to feel like I am already in over my head,” Bella said, feeling a bit daunted by how much she obviously did not know.

“You probably are, but you’ll learn to swim fast. You have lots of help. I wouldn’t have dragged you into this if I was worried about you,” Will smiled. “Kaduska, get her everything she needs. Spare no expense and bill it to me,” he handed the merchant a small list. “I’ll need these things as well. Have it all delivered to the docks. Ask for Captain Vex’s ship. Tell the quartermaster it’s my personal effects. Janie will settle up with you before we leave.”

Kaduska took the list and scratched his beard, thinking. “Some of this I do not have on hand. It may take a day or two.”

“That’s fine. We don’t leave for a week.” Will said, heading toward the entrance.

“Where are you going?” Bella asked. Her monkey subtly deposited a silver locket into her hand. She silently passed it to Kaduska. He blinked at it for a moment, then stared suspiciously at the monkey. It stared back.

Will smiled at the small battle of wills. “I have a meeting, remember?”


Published 6 years ago

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