La Vita e Bella

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My name is Brianna. My girlfriend Tina has written stories about her and me, and she even showed photos of me – with her, with my man, with her man, and by myself.

Tina asked me to tell you my story, so I’ll try. It’s difficult to know where to start.

My whole life, my mother told me I was beautiful. Deep down, I’m not sure I ever believed her.

All that changed one day when I was sixteen. The partition that kept the boys’ gym and the girls’ gym separate, had been opened for a weekend high school dance. And the partition had broken in the process.

So as I was doing my usual gymnastics on the balance beam, I could see the shirtless boys running down the basketball court, leaping high and shooting hoops. One boy’s entire chest was just one rippling muscle after another after another. I dismounted the balance beam and looked.

I realized I was softly purring “Mmm!” and that the other girls might hear me.

So I climbed back on the beam and forced myself not to look. I was out of breath – and not from my gymnastics – and I feared I might fall off.

So I dismounted again and headed for the showers, trying to calm down.

As I stripped and headed for the shower, I looked at myself in the mirror. I mean really looked at myself. My smooth, pale skin. My long red hair. My dark blue eyes that border on a brownish purple in a soft light.

My breasts, although smaller than some of the other girls’, had grown in nicely, round and firm. I wondered if the shirtless muscle boy would enjoy kissing them.

I spun around. My ass cheeks had the same nice firm curves as my breasts.

It felt good to touch my skin all over. I wondered if that cute, hot basketball player might enjoy the feel of my flesh on his own hands.

My pussy slit was small and a nice shade of pink, with a cute wispy red bush matching my long red mane up top. I wondered if Muscle Boy might find a nice home for his tongue, just below my bush.

As the soapy water of the shower streamed down my naked body, my hands followed where the soap went. Was I pretty enough that Muscle Boy might enjoy running his hands down my body in this way?

That night, at home, I looked at myself naked in my big dresser mirror. I slowly ran my hands all over my body, even more than I had in the shower.

For the first time in my life, I truly felt that my mother was right, I really am pretty.

In my dream that night, Muscular Basketball Boy was in only his gym shorts, on top of my naked body, and slowly kissing me from forehead to toes and back. Then he put me on my back and kissed me from my neck down my shoulders and down my spine, down my ass and down my calves to my heels.

I began to slip a finger in and out of my moist little slit. It was a struggle to fit a second finger into my tightness.  When I finally was able to work three fingers into myself, I moaned and trembled from head to toe. And a thick liquid began to drool down my thighs. That felt so amazing!

The fact that I was able to work my fingers into myself made me smile. It meant that no matter what Muscle Boy was hiding under his gym shorts, I could work it into me. That happy thought made even more juices warmly flow out of me.

The next day at school, in gym, shirtless muscle boy was shooting hoops again. I got off the balance beam, walked up to him, threw my arms around his neck, kissed him on the mouth, and told him, “You have two choices. Either stay the hell out of my erotic dreams. Or turn those hot dreams into reality.”

The boy looked at me in disbelief. “Are you telling me the hottest girl in our school wants sex with ME?”

I smiled. “Wait, what? Did the hottest guy in our school just tell me I’m the hottest girl in this school? That makes me want you even more!”

Muscle Boy gulped hard, then regained his composure.

“Umm, umm…” It was my turn to be nervous. “Here I am asking you to take my virginity, and I don’t even know your name!”

“Jeff,” he smiled.

“Hi, Jeff. I’m Brianna.”

“A lovely name for a lovely girl,” he smiled. “You would be taking my virginity too, you know, Brianna.”

“It would be my pleasure to do so,” I smiled.

“When? Where?” he asked.

“After school. On the field. Under the bleachers.”

That night, at sixteen, I became a woman. And I guess I made a man out of Jeff.

He stripped me slowly, admiring every inch as I emerged out of my blouse and skirt. I’m afraid I may not have been so slow and gentle in stripping him. I wanted to see and touch every bit of him.

He eased me onto my back under the bleachers. His fingers and tongue worked me over slowly until I was desperately horny to feel his hardness slip into me. His manhood was quite nice to look at– long and straight, with a slight leftward curve about three-quarters of the way up his shaft, slightly below the head. It was nice to look at while he ate my pussy.

I didn’t measure, but having seen and measured a few cocks since then, I would guess his was about seven-and-a-half to eight inches long. It took some effort to get all of that into my tight virgin pussy, even as wet as I was for him. But once he was in me, slowly pumping me as he throbbed like mad, I thought that everyone had greatly undersold how freakin’ awesome sex is!

I had heard of “Wham-Bam-Thank-You-Ma’am,” but he wasn’t at all like that. He told me that it was an honor that a “hot chick” wanted him, and he didn’t want to do anything to screw up this opportunity.

“Relax, Jeff; don’t be nervous. You’re doing fine. While I have nothing to compare it to, this feels really good!”

I have had a few cocks since Jeff, and even now I have to say he had good skills. I truly lucked out to have a good experience my very first time.

My trembling pussy milked two explosions out of him, and I had three orgasms. But the second one was actually five mini-orgasms in quick succession. So technically I had seven orgasms with him that day. That was nine years ago, and I still fondly remember every one of those trembling orgasms.

I think we would have both been there all night, until sunrise, and we would have both been in big trouble with his parents, and with mine.

But the field caretaker showed up to freshly mark the fading yard lines on the field. You never saw two people dress so quickly and skedaddle the hell out of there faster, before we could get caught.

That night in bed, I fingered myself again. What oozed out of me felt familiar from my self-inflicted orgasm of the night before.

But then the look, feel, color, and texture of what oozed out of me changed. I realized that was Jeff’s juices, not my own, leaving my pussy now. I smiled and purred happily. I was a woman now, and I would never again be a girl.

I found a couple of more opportunities to make love with Jeff. But I was curious. How would other cocks feel in me? Better? I hoped they would not be worse. Maybe just as good in their own way, but a very different experience with each? I was eager to find out.

By the time I entered college at age eighteen, I had fucked a total of four great guys, counting Jeff. Each of them, multiple times.

I had fucked a fifth guy once and only once. He had taken complete charge, not at all gentle; in fact, it hurt like hell. He was very arrogant; he seemed a little angry and hostile, like he was launching a war against my pussy.

Eagerly inviting his cock into me was my mistake. Not having a clue what to do once he entered me was his mistake. It sure wasn’t love, or even what I would consider sex. So he never got a repeat invite to visit under my skirt.

My freshman year of college was my first time living away from my parents. I joined a sorority and moved into a dorm room there.

I found a hot sophomore man who enjoyed making love with me, and who was a true joy to ride. A couple of guys tried to get me into bed but I wasn’t interested. I tried to get one guy into bed who said no to me.

I had always thought the female curves were beautiful, especially my own. But I had never had a sexual attraction toward another woman. Until this short, impossibly curvy little brunette seemed to be in nearly every one of my classes.

Her skin was as pale as mine. She had long dark brown hair, nearly jet black. She was short like me, but her legs were half her height and shaped so perfectly that anyone, male or female, would want those hot legs wrapped around their neck.  

I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I found myself gazing into her bright blue eyes, and wanting to be naked in her arms.

I told her she was sexy as hell and I wanted to make love with her.

She told me she was flattered, but she wasn’t a lesbian. I told her, neither was I.

We got talking, and she told me her name was Tina and she liked cocks. Big, big cocks.

I told her I’m Brianna and I love them big too. I told her about my first time at sixteen with Jeff under the bleachers.  She told me about her first time at sixteen with Brian in a cemetery.

I smiled and told her if she ever changed her mind about going from Brian to a Brianna, just let me know.

The next day at school, Tina told me she had changed her answer from No to Yes. She told me I had been the star of her erotic dream last night, and she couldn’t stop thinking about me.

Tina came to my sorority dorm room that night, and we tried everything together that night. Everything. Her clit felt amazing as it rubbed against mine.  Her flowing pussy tasted so good, and it felt wonderful to smear my pussy juices all over her beautiful face. Her ass was as perfect as her legs, and those soft but firm, round derriere cheeks felt wonderful against my hands and against my mouth.

We were still at it when the sun came up. We went to classes that day on no sleep, but not the least bit tired. Although we were both totally in la-la land after making love all night. Neither of us heard a word the teachers said to us all that day.

Tina joined the same sorority I was in. I remember how proud I was of her when she won our sorority’s Best Blowjob contest. I was in that contest, too. Five naked sorority women, each faced a hot naked stud. The first woman to make her assigned stud come on her face won. That was my Tina. Nobody else even came close to how fast she made her guy come. Not even me and my assigned stud.

Oh, I had my stud throbbing and moaning. He seemed to be much closer to explosion than most of the other hot studs. But I know from seven years of first-hand experience now, that nobody is better at going down on genitals than my sweet Tina is!

I think Tina and her shimmering black bush should have won our sorority’s Prettiest Bush contest, too.  Three hot naked frat guys were the judges, and all three picked my wispy red bush over hers, and over the other four bushy contestants’, too.

Tina did also win our sorority’s Best Tit Flash contest. But she says she kind of rigged that contest. Because she wore no panties. So when she lifted her t-shirt, she flashed a whole lot more than her tits. Yeah, I guess that was breaking the rules.  But I still feel she deserved to win (and she did win), even if that was cheating a bit.

All of that was seven years ago when Tina and I were each eighteen years old, away from our parents for the first time, and eager to experience all the pleasures of all types of sex. Tina and I even experienced our first black cocks that year (not the same black stud servicing us both).

Tina and I have each had several men since then. And we now each have a steady and totally hot boyfriend (and yes, my current man is black and extremely well hung). Tina and I each found a man with a nine-inch cock to bring endless joy to both of our hungry pussies. Tina’s guy is “white” – or, well, to be perfectly accurate, his cock glows a bright red when Tina or I turn him on – and between the two of us, we turn him red quite often!

Tina and I still make love with each other three times every week. I share my current man, Ted with her, and she shares her current man, Rod with me, several times every month.

I remember when Tina first met Rod, more than three years ago. She couldn’t stop talking about how good he made her feel, and I was genuinely happy for her because I love her and I feel that she deserves only the best.

She kept Rod all to herself for a few months. Then one day she told me she loves me and wants me to enjoy him, too. So one day, Tina and I were waiting, naked, for Rod to get home from work. Tina had Rod make love with me first, and then her afterward.

She had been so right about him. Unbuckling his belt, unzipping him, and watching all nine inches pop out, had truly been fun. He felt wonderful in my throat and even better in my pussy. Just as Tina had been telling me.

She told me she enjoyed watching my face light up, as she knew it would, as Rod slowly and gently fucked me deep. She also enjoyed feeling my juices on Rod’s cock as he entered her, right after he pulled out of me.

I met Ted at a singles party in February 2018. I understood now Tina’s desire to keep a new man to herself for a while, before Tina and I begin to share him.

But in April 2018, I asked Ted to fuck the woman I love, and to do it as slowly and as wonderfully as he always does with me. I watched them. And yes, because I love my Tina so much, I enjoyed watching her enjoy my new man. And her loud orgasmic moans and screams proved to me that I had found myself the perfect boyfriend. For me, and for her.

When I ate my boyfriend’s sperm out of my long-time girlfriend, mmm, that was like pure heaven to me!

I’m deeply and totally in love with Tina, and she with me. We’ve been in love with each other for seven years now. She’s the love of my life. I’m happy that I continue to be the love of her life, too. And I don’t see that ever changing for either of us, for the rest of our lives.

We both feel so lucky to have the life we have now. To have each other, and to have the two hot studs we have and we share. We both love both of them, too, of course. Because they’re not only hot, sweet, and gentle lovers with totally gorgeous bodies. They also happen to be really great guys, wonderful personalities, kind and generous, and so loving toward both of us in every way, not just sexually.

La vita e bella. Life is beautiful.


Published 6 years ago

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