Thank You, Cousin

"One party on one special night makes me life perfect forever"

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Tina has written several stories posted here. Recently, she asked each of us who love her, to tell our stories. Rod and Brianna have done so, and I guess that leaves me as the last of our love-quartet to tell my story.

My name is Ted. I know that Tina has talked about me here, as have my girlfriend Brianna, and Tina’s boyfriend Rod.

Being of African-American heritage in historically racist but rapidly liberalizing Georgia has had its positives and negatives for me.

My father had it far worse than I ever did; although I do worry what lies ahead for me now that the forty-fifth occupant of the White House has made Klan membership popular and respectable again.

My father grew up poor, on a small rural Georgia farm, where his entire family’s combined salaries barely kept a roof over their heads, and rarely kept his parents and his siblings from borderline starvation.

As dad got older and stronger, he was able to make slightly higher farm wages than he had as a boy. But after a certain age, back-breaking farm work becomes nearly impossible for the body to sustain.

Those lucky enough to escape farm poverty often use the construction trades as their next career move. And dad was no different, finding work manually helping crane operators to guide heavy steel girders into position in high-rise office buildings in Atlanta.

Dad and some of his coworkers eventually reached an age where even construction work was too punishing on their bodies. Several of them, including dad, pooled the good money they had earned in the construction trades, and started their own construction company. Thy hired others to do the back-breaking work. So with my dad a successful Atlanta businessman, I grew up in a family that was never wanting for money.

For some reason, my parents decided to give me, a black man, a Greek name: Theodus. Other black kids thought my name was too pretentious. White kids wondered why black kids always had to have weird names. My parents wanted to nickname me Theo, like the kid from the old Cosby show. I decided very young that, to fit in with all my classmates, white and black, I would go by the name Ted.

AS with all aspects of my life, being black has also had its advantages and disadvantages in terms of dating.

Some black women are very nice and sweet, and I’ve enjoyed dating them. But all too many single black women buy into the stereotype that 1) all young black men hold up gas stations and liquor stores at gum point, and have served prison time for it, or 2) if they haven’t done time, it’s only a matter of time before they get caught, and they deserve what they get, or 3) if they really haven’t committed a crime, they aren’t being black enough.

I could usually tell by the end of the first date, or latest by halfway through the second date, when a black girl had such an attitude and treated me like the scum she assumed I was. Many hinted, or even stated outright, that I should feel honored that she even lowered herself to dating a slime like me.

Such women rarely got a second, and never got a third, date with me.

Then there was the type that pretended to get all ghetto and called me the n word all the time. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and their fellow revolutionaries fought hard to get us away from that. I am a man, not an N.

And then there were the white girls. Oh, man! “Is it true that all black men are a tree trunk size in their jeans?” “Do all black men make women come like Niagara Falls?” They wanted to know if they go black and would never go back. They practically threw their panties at me – come to think of it, most didn’t wear panties at all when they went out with me! Mist dates with white girls were guaranteed to get me laid, and I did try to send them home with big happy smiles on their faces.

The stereotype isn’t true, of course. From high school locker room talk, I knew that most guys – white and black – were clueless about how to pleasure a woman. And I had seen my fellow black students naked in the locker room. Very few were as well-endowed as the 9 inches Nature blessed me with.

After a while, the white girls wanting their first black cock got old to me. As with black women who assumed I was a criminal, I wanted to be wanted for me, not for a stereotype.

After I turned 21, I became very picky about who I dated. I didn’t date much, but when I did, the quality of the date was always extraordinary. The conversation, the companionship, and yes the sex too, always way above the ordinary experiences of most guys.

Fast forward to January, 2018. I was a few months shy of turning my current age of 25. My cousin Dolores kept yammering at me about an upcoming Valentine’s Day singles party. She was pressuring me to stop being a stick in the mud and go to it. If nothing else, there would be good food and good music. And maybe one or two interesting women to talk to and dance with. “Who knows?” Dolores joked. “You might even find THE one there? You’ll never find her if you sit home.”

After several days of this, I finally reluctantly agreed that I would go to her damned Valentine’s Party.

The first (black) girl I danced with that night invited me to sit down and share dinner and wine with her. But she kept calling me the n word. So I excused myself and got up and asked a shy white girl sitting in a corner to dance with me.

The white girl and I sat and sipped wine for a while, and got into small talk. Then she asked me if it’s true all black men have oak tree sized cocks.

A redheaded white girl walked up to our table. “Don’t mind her,” the redhead told me. “She loses all sense when she’s had wine.”

The other girl took offense at the redhead’s comment, and she left. The redhead slid into her seat, facing me.

“I‘ve had a few cocks,” she laughed. “Some might say more than my fair share!” she laughed again. “Some have been big, some have been small. Some have been white, and some have been black. There’s nothing magical or mysterious about a black cock. They’re the same as white cocks, except for the color.”

“Finally!” I smiled. “Someone who understands that. Someone who doesn’t buy into stereotypes. Someone – “

She cut me off. “Someone named Brianna. Someone who’s pleased to meet a handsome man named – “

I stood up and extended a handshake to her. “Ted. Pleased to meet you, Brianna.”

Brianna told me that she had watched me dance, and I seemed to have good moves on the dance floor. “Another false stereotype is that men who move well standing up, also move well lying down,” she winked.

”I saw you dancing too. You move well. And maybe once we get to know each other better, we’ll both find out how well we move together horizontally.”

“Are you flirting with me, Ted?”

“No more than you’re flirting with me, Brianna.”

Brianna told me about how she had lured her first boy under the high school football bleachers when she was 16, and they stole each other’s virginity.

She told me how she and a girl named Tina had been lovers for the past seven years.

She told me that Tina had a hot boyfriend named Rod who fucked Tina twice a day and fucked her once a week. She told me she liked that arrangement and didn’t plan to end it anytime soon, if ever.

She told me about the boyfriend she had recently dumped, who was a dud both in and out of bed. And how she had come to this party hoping to replace dud with stud. She said she enjoyed Rod, but he was Tina’s man, not hers.

She had come to this party tonight hoping to find a man she could call her own. A man she might eventually share with Tina, but he would be her man, not Tina’s man.

As we talked, I could tell this is one very sweet girl. But not one to ever let anyone push her around. Not that I would ever try to push her around. Or ever want to push her around.

“Do you think you could date a woman as frankly and as openly sexual as I am? Would you even want to?”

“You don’t scare me,” I smiled. “I like a woman who knows what she wants, and goes for it.”

“Well,” she winked, “I knew I wanted to sit did and talk to you and get to know you. So I sat down, and now I’m trying to get to know you. And to let you get to know me.”

“Exactly,” I agreed. “You know what you want, and you go for it. And I feel honored that right now, you seem to want me, and you’re going for it.”

We talked until the party closed down at two in the morning, with only brief pauses to dance in each other’s arms. It felt really nice to sway together like that. And every time we held each other on the dance floor, her face lit up.

As we were leaving together, Brianna sked, “Well, Ted, are you ready to take me home now, and see if we move as well together horizontally as we do vertically?”

I told her, “I want to know if I can make you smile as much naked, as you smiled when we were holding each other fully clothed.”

Every second in bed with Brianna that first night was wonderful and amazing.

From her determined but playful way of tugging open my belt, to the slow way she sucked my hardness into her mouth and down her throat, to the way her hips moved under me as I fucked her hard and deep, to the eager way she straddled and rode me, to her highly erotic “mmmmmm” the entire time we made love, to her ear-piercing shouts of YES every time she came hard all over me.

It was all so good. Her soft and pale skin. The red hair on her head, matched by the red of her bush. Her twinkling eyes. Her genuine joy over every sexual moment we shared. The way she made me feel so loved and so desired. Her relaxed, unhurried lovemaking. Her seemingly endless sexual energy, which constantly renewed my own sexual energy. Her playful eroticism. Her intelligence and ready wit and her complete charm. Her lack of pretention or game-playing, just total honesty and raw sexuality personified.

Brianna and I didn’t leave my bed for the next three days, except to pee and to eat. We never got dressed that whole time, either. I’m not sure whose face, hers or mine, was smiling more radiantly throughout that whole time.

There were frequent showers together, too. To wash off the last round of orgasms, and to touch e=other erotically under the warm shower spray, before starting on the next round of shared orgasms.

And one final very sexy shower together, before we had to finally part company.

When Brianna had to finally reluctantly leave to go to work, and I had to return to my own job after three days together, I called my cousin Dolores. “Thank you, cuz. You were right.”

“Right about what?”

“Right about the party. Her name‘s Brianna and she’s a keeper.”

Brianna called me at lunchtime that day. “I can’t stop thinking about you,” she said. “About us.”

“I can’t stop thinking about us, either,” I replied.

“So does that mean I’m invited back into your bed tonight?”

“Oh HELL yeah!”

“I love your enthusiasm,” she giggled.

“Mine? I seem to recall some pretty enthusiastic moaning from a certain very pretty redhead these past three days.”

“What can I say?” she giggled again. “You bring out the enthusiasm in me!”

“Brianna, you have to stop giggling.”

“Oh, I do, do I? And why is that?”

“Because it’s raising a tent in my pants that I won’t be able to explain to my co-workers.”

“Well…” Brianna began slowly. “If you’ll have lunch in my apartment today, I think I can get that swelling down for you.” I could almost hear her wink at me over the phone.

She gave me the address, and we met at her front door, not fifteen minutes later.

As she unzipped me, Brianna giggled, “Screw lunch! This is all I want in my mouth right now.”

She knelt on the floor and began a long, slow, adoring lick me from my balls to my cock-head.

I scooped her up in my arms, and asked her which way to her bedroom. She pointed the way, and I set her on her bed. We got into a 69 position, and we enjoyed multiple helpings of each other’s creaminess, as our only lunch sustenance that day.

After we both went back to our jobs, I realized Brianna was right, she had eliminated my swelling when she had eagerly and hungrily drained my balls down her throat.

After work, Brianna knocked on my apartment door promptly at 5:30 p.m. that night.

I’ve been to a few strip clubs in my time, and every one of those pole dancers and lap dancers could take lessons from Brianna in how to strip erotically for a man, in such a way as to cause maximum hardness.

Brianna started to strip me naked, too. But I asked her to let me put on a show for her, the way she had done for me.

I was down to my boxers, and I was just starting to remove them, when she lifted her sweet little ass high off the bed, moaned very loudly, and began to flow slow and thick onto my bedsheets.

I tossed my boxers on the floor, knelt between her pale soft thighs, and began to eat her delicious pussy, one lick and one nibble at a time.

Her dainty hand encircled my hard, throbbing nine-inch cock, and she began slowly pumping me up and down. I let out a long, low groan of satisfaction, and she asked me if I was ready to come.

I groaned again, and her hand guided me into her mouth. Her tongue licked me as I entered her throat, and I exploded harder than I had in years.

“Oh GOD that was good!” Brianna moaned.

“You’re amazing, my love!” I agreed.

“I need to be fucked,” she smiled.

“That’s good, because I really need to fuck you.”

I climbed on top of my redheaded goddess, and I slowly slid into the tightest, wettest pussy any man could ever even dream of.

Brianna trembled and moaned. And then her pussy clamped down tight. “I’m determined to never let you go,” she giggled.

Her sexy giggles made me throb hard inside of her. My throbbing tightened her pussy even more constrictively around me, and she began to moan.

With a loud, deep groan, I fired deep into her. My orgasm triggered three of her own, in rapid succession.

“Oh FUCK yeah!” she screamed. “Yes, yes, YYYYEEEESSSS!”

And with that, she flooded her juices all up and down my deeply buried cock, even harder than she had come the first three times.

“The stereotype may not be true,” Brianna smiled joyously, “not all black cocks feel amazing. But YOURS sure does!”

“I’ve heard that redheads are sexually insatiable. I can’t say, since you’re my first redhead. But I’m not going to stop until you’ve had enough. However long that takes.”

We did fellatio, we did cunnilingus, we did 69, we did missionary, we did cock riding, we did reverse cowgirl, we did various versions of doggie (kneeling and completely horizontal and even with her standing against a wall with me standing behind her), and we even did anal sex.

And I got my answer, as to how long it takes an insatiable redhead to actually be sated. In Brianna’s case, at least on that night, it took nine hours of non-stop sex before her sweet pussy was too sore to let me bang her any more. Honestly, my balls were completely drained by then, too.

That’s when we finally fell asleep in each other’s arms. And I think that’s when we first said I Love You to each other. I meant that first time, and I still mean it now. And I know she meant it and means it. We love each other and we completely trust each other and we care deeply about each other. It’s not just the mutual lust – although obviously, that’s a key ingredient in how we feel about each other and what we feel toward each other.

In addition to these nightly all-night fuck sessions, we also went out on dates every weekend. Dinner, movies, museums, beaches, parks. But always ending up in either her bed, or mine.

We spent our entire fourth date moving everything I own, from my cramped little apartment into her house.

We celebrated my moving in, by taking a luxurious and very sexually charged bubble bath together. I was face up in the suds and she was face up on top of me, with my hardness deep up her pretty little ass. 

Then she rolled over, with her on top. She kissed me hotly ad sensuously, and rode me for what seemed like hours. She came on my cock five times, and I exploded up into her twice, before the bath water got cold. Then we got out, and we sensuously dried each other off with enormous beach towels.

Then off to bed to slowly run our hands up and down each other’s front and back. Then I got on top and fucked her until she couldn’t come any more. I counted seven times she poured onto me before she was too sore and we had to stop.

I’ve been living with Brianna and loving with her ever since.

We had been making love with each other every night for two weeks, when she told me she missed her girlfriend Tina, who usually made love with her three times a week. She told me she needed a girls only night of clit on clit loving.

I missed Brianna that night. It was tough not having my arms around her, and hers around me. I missed her sexy moaning, and the pride I felt that I was causing her reaction. But to be honest, it was nice to let my cock rest from her constantly hungry pussy for one night.

When Brianna returned to my arms and to my bed the next night, she was positively glowing and telling me how much she loves Tina.

“When am I going to meet Tina?”

“I want you all to myself for a while longer, before I introduce you to Tina and Rod. When the time is tight for introductions, I’ll let you know.”

I asked her if she still planned to have sex with Rod.

“Yes. His lovemaking is different from your and from Tina’s. But it feels good, and I enjoy it. And I’m not going to give that up.”

“I love you, Brianna, and I just want you to be happy. If Tina and Rod make you happy – “”

“They do.”

“– then I love you enough, and I’m secure enough in my masculinity, not to mind that.  I just want what’s best for the happiness of the woman I love.”

“I think Mister Understanding, Mister Sensitivity here, just earned himself the best blowjob he’s ever had in his life.”

I think Brianna was right. That night after Brianna had made love with her girlfriend, I received what was by far the best blowjob of my life. And I suspect it was the best blowjob Brianna has ever given any man in her life! The difference that made that blowjob so special to us both was, there was genuine love in her sucking me, and genuine love toward her in how powerfully I reacted to her that night.

We had been dating and loving for two months, when Brianna finally decided to introduce me to Tina and Rod – her two other lovers – in April, 2018.

Since Brianna and I met, she had made love with Tina on four nights, and with Rod on two nights, but with me on about 55 nights. I didn’t mind sharing her with them, since they were there first before me, and since I was getting by far the lion’s share of her intense and nearly insatiable sexual passion.

When we went to Tina and Rod’s house, Brianna and I soon got into intense kissing, as we always do. Rod and Tina didn’t seem to mind. In fact Tina said it was wonderful that Brianna found herself a man of her own at last, a good man, a much better man than her last boyfriend, a man who genuinely made Brianna happy.

“Bri is the love of my life,” Tina told me. “I care deeply about her. And if you ever hurt her, I WILL kill you!” Tina laughed, but I think she meant it.

“I love Bri too,” I smiled, kissing my redheaded angel. “I could never, would never, do anything to hurt her.”

“I know you wouldn’t,” Tina smiled. “Bri has told me as much, and I can see it in how you two interact.”

After dinner, Tina and Rod started a conversation with each other. Bri and I got talking, too. To be honest, I kind of forgot Tina and Rod were even there. As Bri and I kissed, I lifted Bri’s skirt and started kneading her ass cheeks. She moved my hand tighter on her ass, so I started to really squeeze. She began to coo happily.

Bri dropped to her knees, unbuckled and unzipped me, and hungrily stuffed me into her mouth.

“I see what Bri means,” Tina piped up. “Your cock is big and beautiful, Ted, Just like my beloved said it is. And I can see on her face how yummy your cock is.”

“I was hoping you’d think so,” Bri smiled. “When I’m finished, I’d like you to taste him, too.”

I gulped hard at the happy thought that two hot women were going to suck me in one night. Because brunette Tina was every bit as sexy as Brianna had described her to me.

“Well, obviously I don’t mind if a second woman wants to suck on me. And Bri is OK with it. But Tina is Rod’s woman. I don’t want to intrude on that.”

“I love Tina,” Rod told me, “and I just want her to be happy. I already share her with Brianna, so what’s sharing her with one more person going to hurt? I love Tina, and I know she loves me, and this won’t change any of that. If this makes my Tina happy, then it makes me happy, too.”

I could instantly see why Brianna and Tina love each so much. Tina has that same genuine sexuality that Brianna has. No games, no pretensions.

But Tina has very different blowjob techniques than Brianna does. She’s slower, and savors my cock longer. She sucks me down a little bit deeper, and she keeps me in her throat longer, before coming back up for air. But she is every bit as enthusiastic in cock sucking as Brianna is.

Tina has two tricks Bri doesn’t do. She curls her tongue just inside my cock head, to extract the pre-come into her mouth. And she swishes my sperm around in her mouth for a while, savoring the flavor, before she swallows it all down her throat.  

But Tina doesn’t moan and tremble and purr, like Bri does, as my come oozes down the back of her throat. She just glows joyously as she swallows my sperm. Her glow is most noticeable when Tina’s on the cusp of orgasm: her face, neck, chest, pussy, and even her elbows and knees, all glow a bright red.

We next dropped-in on Tina and Rod about a week later. Bri had told me that she and Tina had planned a full-on partner swap for that night. Rod was planning to fuck Brianna completely senseless that night, and she was eagerly looking forward to that. And Bri expected me to do the same to Tina.

“If you love me as much as you say you do, Ted,” Bri winked, “you’d better put an ear to ear grin tonight, on the woman I love.”

Considering that Tina is one of the most beautiful and sexy women I’ve ever met – second only to Brianna – and considering how eagerly and joyously Tina had sucked my cock the last time we visited her, I didn’t expect that result to be any problem at all for me to achieve.

When we got to Rod and Tina’s home, my Brianna kissed Tina. They had been lovers for seven years, Bri told Tina how much she loves her, and Tina expressed those same sentiments. Bri recounted how Tina had been selflessly sharing her man with Bri for three years. She recalled how Tina had told her she loves Bri enough to want her to experience the same sexual enjoyment of Rod that Tina herself always feels with him.

Bri said it was high time she repay the favor, time for Tina to experience the intense orgasm that I bring to Bri. Hearing Bri say that about me was flattering, and made me proud.

Bri next kissed Rod. “Thank you for so many years of the most wonderful and intense orgasms. And for the ones I’m sure you’re going to give me tonight!”

With that, my Bri – and Tina’s Rod – walked hand in hand down the hallway and disappeared into a bedroom.

Tina led me to another bedroom.

I enjoyed stripping Tina. Slowly unbuttoning her sheer white blouse, which hid almost nothing of her perky little milky white breasts. Removing her thigh-high, high-heeled boots, to reveal soft white legs that were fully half as tall as she was. Unzipping the side of her short black skirt that barely hid her ass and her pussy from view. The revelation of her full triangular black bush just above her cleanly shaven pussy lips.

She was as perfect a female shape, in her own unique way, as Brianna was.

Then Tina stripped me. T-shirt up over my up-stretched arms. Tug at my belt. Teeth pulling my zipper down. My trousers and boxers sliding down my legs together in one swift, eager motion.

And then that very loud SQUISH noise from deep in her excited pussy, which told me she liked how my cock looks, and wanted to ride it all night.

She pushed me on my back on her bed, and she climbed up between my V-shaped legs. She kissed my swollen balls. She took a long, slow lick upward, from my balls to the cock-head. She took several more slow balls-to-head licks, until I was throbbing hard against my own belly.

Her hand encircled my cock to steady it, as her mouth wrapped around it. Her hand slowly guided me into her mouth, and her tongue swirled and swirled around the shaft, as I slid deeper and deeper into her throat.

She backed off just long enough to moan, “You make me so HUNGRY! So COCK hungry!” Then in one big gulp, she swallowed my entire 9 inches, until my balls were knocking hard against her teeth.

She backed off again, and she moaned “Oh FUCK yeah!”

Then her tongue slid under my shaft. Just her lips and tongue, unaided by her hand this time, pulled me all the way back down her throat.

Tina let out a long mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that vibrated against my cock, and made me so hard that I thought my cock might shatter like glass.

I reached down and slipped my right middle finger into her pussy. She was wet and creamy and sticky. Like putting your hand in a jar of mayonnaise.

She sucked me even harder, and I told her I was going to explode. With her mouth full of my cock, it was hard to understand her, but is sounded like she said “Please do!”

I pulled back until just the head remained in her mouth. Then I slammed down her throat, and exploded. She sucked me even harder, and I exploded again….and again!

She backed off and screamed “FUCK me!”

I heard Bri call from the next room, “You heard her, Ted. Be a good man and FUCK her!”

I heard Rod call “Am I being a good man the way I’m fucking YOU right now?”

Bri screamed “Yes, yes, oh FUCK yes!”

I was happy that the woman I love was so thoroughly enjoying herself in the next room. I didn’t mind at all that another man was bringing her that pleasure, and not me pleasuring her.

I slipped a finger into Tina, and then another. I opened her wider and wider. Until I was certain that my thick cock could enter her without causing her pain.

Then I rubbed my hard cock up and down along her wet, open, pink pussy lips several times.

“What are you WAITING for?” Tina moaned. Then she yelled “FUCK me!”

I slid my cock slowly into Tina. Her pussy clamped down tight around me, and pulled me in rapidly, eagerly. “Mmm, yes,” Tina purred. “FUCK me! Fuck me JUST like that!”

Then I heard my sweet Bri in the next room screaming the exact same words to Rod” “FUCK me! Fuck me JUST like that!”

“I’m fucking YOUR woman, Rod!” I yelled.

“And I’m fucking YOUR woman, Ted!” Rod yelled back.

“And we’re two very happy little sluts right now!” Tina moaned in my ear.

“You make me sssoooooooooooooo happy when you fuck me!” I heard Bri moan from the next room.

“OHHHHH!” Tina screamed as we came together.

“YES!” I heard Rod and Bri scream in unison.

“YES! “ I screamed as I exploded hard, deep into Tina.

“YES!” Tina screamed, as she soaked mot only my hard black cock, but also her pussy lips, her soft smooth creamy white thighs, her belly, and the bed sheets.

Tina and I were still breathing hard, when Bri and Rod entered the room, both of them also panting.

“You guys just watch,” Bri grinned, as she and Tina locked into a 69. Bri ate my sperm out of Tina, while Tina ate Rod’s sperm out of Bri. Then the girls opened their legs scissor fashion. They ground clit on clit, until they both trembled and moaned, and came all over each other’s bush, while Rod and I watched.

I could tell by the way they moved, and the sounds they made, that Bri and Tina loved each other very deeply, have loved each other for a very long time, and were indeed, as Bri had said, the love of each other’s lives.

Then Bri straddled Rod’s legs and she began to slowly ride his cock. Up and down, up and down, bouncing joyously on him.

Tina also straddled me, and she rode me just as joyously, just as eagerly as my Bri was riding Rod.

I already loved Bri, but seeing her joy in riding Rod only made me love her all the more.

I could see the way Rod looked so lovingly and so adoringly at Tina, too, as she rode me. Tina rode me like she hadn’t been fucked in years, even though I had just exploded my come deep into her several times, not thirty minutes earlier.

Tina climbed off me and onto Rod, as Bri climbed off Rod and onto me.

“Mmmm!” Tina purred, “The right stud poles are in the right pussies now!”

“I enjoyed you, Tina. More than I can ever say. But yeah, it feels good to be back in my Bri again. It feels like home! This is where I belong.”

“And this is where my Rod belongs,” Tina agreed, as she bobbed her hungry pussy rapidly up and down her man.

Bri and I are in bed together all night nearly every night, and many lunch times, too. Sometimes, if Bri gets home from work before I do, she’ll be waiting for me, naked. When I walk in the door, she’ll run to me and jump up on me, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I carry her off to bed and love her deeply and powerfully and passionately. On such nights, it will be hours before I get to sit down to dinner, and I don’t care!

Bri and Tina still hook up three times a week, as they have done since they met in college. Rod fucks Bri once a week, and I fuck Tina once a week, too.

Once every two or three weeks, we have an FFM threesome, either me or Rod having both Tina and Bri at the same time, while the other male lets his overworked cock rest for one night.

And from time to time we do another full partner swap, where I fuck Tina in one room while Rod fucks Bri in the adjoining room.

There are also times when we four all share one bed. I will team up with one of the girls, and Rod will team up with the other, right next to us. Then we will switch partners. Somewhere in there, either before, between, or after, Bri and Tina will pair-up, as Rod and I watch.

I love Bri. For me, she’s the one. But I love Rod as a friend, and I love Tina as a Friend with Benefits. There’s a lot of love between the four of us, each for the other three. I think we’ll all be together for a great many years, probably for life.

I think I should call my cousin Dolores again tonight. To thank her yet again for badgering me into attending that Valentine’s Day party eight months ago. ! I wouldn’t be part of this amazing and very happy foursome, were it not for my pushy cousin’s nagging.

Thank you, cousin.

Published 6 years ago

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