Casey really knows how to make herself at home. The Imp seems to leave a trail of destruction in her wake wherever she goes, and it often falls to either you or one of the other lodgers to clean up after her. She drinks straight from the cartons in the fridge, leaves cupboards open whenever she’s raiding the kitchen, and seems to almost take a sick kind of pleasure in snooping through other people’s things. Already you’ve caught her at least once in each of the other girls’ rooms, rummaging through their laundry or poking around their personal belongings for anything of value.
Lilith certainly wasn’t kidding when she said she was a troublemaker. This dour thought runs through your head as you stand outside the house’s far wall, spraying the hose at the graffiti scrawled upon it. You don’t know how Casey managed to secure spray-paints without setting off her ankle monitor, and in all honesty, you don’t want to know.
You stifle a yawn as you increase the hose’s pressure. This job was really starting to take its toll on you.
“How’s it going out here, honey?” chimes the voice of Natasha.
You glance over to the Succubus round the corner, carrying a crate of empty bottles beneath one arm. Thankfully, you weren’t alone in that regard; your other, more conscientious lodgers had opted in to help take some of the workload off your shoulders, but it was evident that they were also growing tired of Casey’s boundless energy.
“Who knew someone so small could fit so much booze inside them?” Natasha sighs as she tips the bottles into a glass waste bin.
You honestly have no idea. That Imp is full of all sorts of surprises.
“Mm, you can say that again. Looking at her, I wouldn’t have figured her to be a ‘whips and leather’ kinda gal.”
You freeze up. How the Hell did she…?!
The Succubus flips her raven hair over her shoulder and gives you a wink.
“Whatever she collared you with left marks on your neck, honey. You might wanna button up your collar before Lilith gets here.”
Wait, Lilith was coming today?!
“Didn’t you get the memo? Damn, you’ve really been out of it.”
No kidding; you feel as though you’re stressed up to the eyeballs with all this extra work.
“Well, I’ll see about getting the house in order. And don’t worry; I won’t tell her about your little affairs if you won’t~!”
You can only grit your teeth and watch helplessly as the Succubus giggles and skips off. Swallowing hard, you turn off the hose and stare down at the puddle of water at your feet.
You feel like you’re in over your head. Muu and Yyvnn have been almost no trouble at all, eating habits and standoffish behaviour aside. Natasha, though devious, seems to genuinely have good intentions, and she’s been a great help around the house. Casey, however… She’s got you at the end of your tether, and if what Lilith told you rang true, then the rest of your lodgers are only going to be worse. You feel less like a manager and more like some kind of test rat for the EHI, to see if one human could possibly survive in a household full of demons.
And why were you chosen for this job, anyway? You dimly remember being recruited out of some lousy, downtown bar. If the employment criteria were that low, then surely anybody could fill this position, right?
You wince and clutch your head, already feeling a headache coming on. You’ve been getting them more and more frequently. Between household chores, domestic expenses, dealing with EHI paperwork and keeping your charges from killing each other when tempers flared…
You’re exhausted.
“S- Sir! Come quick!”
Eyes widening, you look to see Muu trotting towards you, gasping for breath as she frantically waves you down. The Glutton is wearing her cooking apron and is still holding a spatula.
Muu? What’s wrong?
“They’re fighting again!”
You bare your teeth.
Not again…!
You push past the pudgy demon and break into a run, almost tripping over the garden hose as you do so. Rounding the perimeter of the house, you burst in through the front hall and skid to a halt just outside the living room.
Yyvnn, eyes glowing a putrid green, is hovering a foot off the ground, her mighty grey wings scattering papers all around the room with every beat. She is clutching a glassy black longbow – from where she got it, you have no idea – and is currently aiming a jagged arrow directly across the room at Casey. The Imp in kind stands at the ready as dozens of thorny creepers worm their way through the floorboards around her. You see that in one hand she is clutching some kind of magical revolver – this alarms you even more – and is preparing herself to fire. Between them, sitting upon a footrest, is the TV remote.
What the fuck is going on here?!
“Just a little friendly spat, chief! I wanna watch some action, but tight lips over here just wants to rewatch the same borin’ crime drama shit she’s always gawkin’ at!” Casey spits, twirling the magical pistol around in her hands.
All this over a disagreement about television?! And where the Hell did they both get weapons?!
“Demons can summon their own arms. Didn’t anybody teach you that?”
Across the room, the wind from Yyvnn’s wings intensifies as her bowstring creaks. By the look in her eyes and the rigidity of her body, you know for a fact that she’s not going to back down on this issue.
Both of them had to calm down! This is ridiculous!
“Is it? This is how you solve arguments back in Hell,” Casey replies, taking aim.
Yyvnn nods solemnly and follows suit.
Put the weapons down!
“Sorry chief, but I ain’t one for backin’ down…!”
For the love of-!
Everyone jumps as a deafening whipcrack tears through the room. You whirl around to see Natasha standing in the doorway, gripping a mop in one hand as she clutches a fearsome-looking whip in the other.
“Hey! Will both of you settle the fuck down already?! Can’t you see you’re causing trouble for our host here?!” she announces, gesturing to you.
Casey snorts.
“Nat, I dunno about you, but if I have to watch one more fuckin’ crime scene reconstruction, I’m turnin’ this house into a fuckin’ crime scene.”
Upon hearing her precious crime dramas getting insulted, Yyvnn spreads her wings wide, causing her cartilage feathers to rattle threateningly.
“How about this, Casey; rather than sit on your ass watching TV all day, how about you pick up some of the slack and help out for once?! This is your home too!”
“Oh, you gonna fuckin’ make me?!”
“Don’t think I won’t!”
Natasha cracks her whip once more, causing shadows to start swirling around her feet.
Caught between the three enraged demons, the hairs on the back of your necks stand up as a wave of fear rocks through you. In that moment, you briefly feel as though your life is in actual, mortal peril. Demons are violent; you learned as much from the material the EHI provided you with. If this argument devolves into an all-out brawl, it’s not certain whether the house would survive. If you got hurt, then this entire scheme would go up in smoke. The girls would be sent back to Hell, the EHI’s whole goal would be thrown into question, and human-demons relations would only grow more sour. But what are you supposed to do? You can’t lay a finger on them, and even if you did, would you even be able to quell a single magically-enhanced demon, let alone three? And if anyone found out a human attacked a demon, or vice-versa…!
No! It was all too much!
Taking a deep breath, you raise your hands and draw their attention to you.
Fuck it.
“Huh? What was that, chief?”
You glare at each of them in question.
They may sort this out between themselves; you’re going for a walk.
“Honey, what are you-?”
Waving Natasha’s question away, you march back out the front door of the house, passing by a concerned Muu on the way.
Jamming your hands in your pockets, you continue down the garden path with no destination in mind. You’re not sure why you’re doing this, but with all the stress weighing down upon you, dealing with a fight between your lodgers is just… too much.
You need to clear your head.
When was the last time you took a moment to relax by yourself? It seems ever since getting recruited by the EHI, you’ve spent every waking hour surrounded by other people. It wasn’t entirely unpleasant, but it was tiring.
You muse to yourself as you amble around the park, letting the sun wash over your face as you take in the crisp smell of nature. Despite the lovely weather, you haven’t come across anyone else, but if anything that’s a bonus. You’re not in much of a mood to be dealing with the public right now.
It was nice to be alone every now and then.
“Snrrk… Hmm… Hah…”
Not that you’d know what that felt like.
With a deep and meaningful sigh, you glance over at the source of the sound that had just disrupted your peaceful reverie.
There’s someone sleeping on a shaded park bench, dressed from head to toe in simple sackcloth robes. Soft snores rumble from their throat, and though you want nothing more than to just leave them to their slumber, equal parts curiosity and concern spur you to walk up to the stranger and gently shake them awake.
“Hmm… Hah? Wh- What? Who’s that?” yawns a sleepy, feminine voice as you pull your hand away.
As they sit up, you swiftly realise two things. Number one, she is not human.
Number two… well, there’s no real polite way of putting it.
Her tits are fucking outrageous.
The woman sitting before you, dressed in the austere getup of a monk, is clearly a demon. Though her blotchy brown skin appears normal at first, your attention is soon grabbed by the two rocky horns jutting from her forehead, amidst a tangle of silvery hair. She has a kind, matronly face, and as she glances up at you over the rims of her half-moon spectacles, you feel oddly at ease.
However, once you look down again, that sense of comfort becomes a different sense entirely. The woman’s breasts are stretching the front of her robes to their absolute limit, and though you’re no expert in eyeballing these things, you wager that they’re well in excess of any kind of cup size that you’re familiar.
She doesn’t seem to notice you staring at either her forehead or her chest. In fact, this clearly-demonic woman just gives you a gentle smile.
“Ah… I must have dozed off. Thank you for waking me, sweetie,” she sighs in a soft voice.
She exudes a mature, almost-motherly charm that causes your stress to just melt away.
“I never knew Earth had such serene places. My, I imagine I could achieve enlightenment in a matter of minutes here.”
You cock your head, prompting her to giggle.
“Oh, forgive me. Rambling on like an old lady while I haven’t even gotten your name. I’m Bessa. And you are…?”
You give her your name, prompting the brown-skinned demon to nod and pat the seat next to her.
“It’s nice to meet my first human. Care to sit with an old woman for a spell?”
You stepped into this park with no intention of conversing with anyone, but there’s something about Bessa that just sets your mind at ease. Accepting her offer, you sit next to her and take a deep breath.
“It seems silly, to want to travel to worlds beyond at my age,” she says aloud, crossing her hands in her lap.
She doesn’t seem that old to you.
“Oh, you flatterer!”
No, seriously. She looks to be in her early to mid-forties, at a guess.
“Well, maybe I just feel older than I am. It comes with the territory of an empty house, I suppose.”
Does she have no family back in Hell?
“Oh, quite the opposite. I live in a monastery as a part of an ascetic order atop a mountain. The Sunmos Sect, we’re called, and I suppose you could call us one big extended family!”
She laughs at this, but her smile slowly fades as she turns her gaze down to the ground, hazel eyes glimmering behind her glasses.
“But… my son left to travel the world as a journalist, and my husband found better companionship in another woman, leaving me to tend to cattle alone…”
You frown and stare at the ground alongside her for a few sombre moments, before Bessa suddenly gasps and holds a hand to her mouth.
“Oh, what am I saying?! I’m so sorry, sweetie; I didn’t mean to dump all that on you!”
You shake your head.
No, it’s quite alright. If anything, it’s reassuring to hear that there’s someone else with a stressful situation at home.
Bessa gives you a sympathetic smile and pats your knee.
“Life is rarely a smooth path of untarnished marble. It winds through jagged stones and coarse scree, and it’ll trip you up time and time again. But such treks are made easier with firm friends to lift you back to your feet,” she recites with a wistful look in her eye.
You both return to staring out at the park before you in comfortable silence. Despite having literally just met this woman, you feel more than comfortable being around her. Your entire body is relaxed, to the point where it takes you a few minutes to realise that Bessa has dozed off again. It’s only when her head slumps over onto your shoulder that your body tenses up once more.
Okay, now you’re beginning to feel a little awkward.
You hear someone clear their throat behind you.
“Well well. Seems you’re making a habit of making introductions without me,” chides a familiarly brusque voice.
The intimidating form of Lilith steps into view, arms crossed as her one good eye glares at you. You swallow hard and give her a wave.
She glances over at your new friend.
“I see you’ve already met Bessa.”
Is she by any chance your new lodger?
“You catch on quick. Yep, she’s gonna be under your care. I was just taking her out to see the town before I brought her to yours.”
She was sightseeing? She wasn’t seeing much, sleeping in public like that.
“Well, what can you expect from a Golem?” Lilith sighs, leaning against the bench.
A Golem?
“Demons of Sloth. Is it not obvious?”
She lightly prods Bessa’s cheek with a gloved finger, prompting the demon to mumble something in her sleep before nuzzling deeper into your shoulder.
“Seems she’s taken a liking to you. That certainly helps matters.”
You smile. Honestly, you like her too. Out of all the demons you’ve met thus far, she appears to be the most… normal.
“Tch. That’s because you haven’t seen these.”
Reaching down, she lifts up the bottom of the Golem’s robes. Rather than a pair of feet like you expected, however, you see a pair of cloven hooves at the end of Bessa’s legs, like those of a cow’s.
Her eyes snap open and she yawns once again, rubbing her eyes as she looks up at Lilith.
“Oh, Miss Lilith, you’re back! This is my new friend, his name is-!” she begins excitedly, pulling your arm close.
“I know who he is, Bessa. He’s the guy I was telling you about.”
Her eyes widen as she turns to face you.
“You’re my host?! Oh my goodness gracious!”
She totters off the bench and falls to her knees, pressing her forehead to the ground in a reverent bow. You can see her breasts bulging outwards as she squishes them against the floor.
“Thank you ever so kindly for taking me into your care! I hope to be of service to you and my fellow lodgers from here on!” she announces.
Lilith growls irritably and prods the Golem with her boot.
“Quit prostrating yourself. I told you not to do that.”
Lifting her head, Bessa fixes you with an earnest gaze.
“I know little of this world and its customs, but I hope my few skills can be of use to you, sweetie! Let’s see… I’ve tended to my family’s cattle for decades, and I’ve learned how to fire clay in my spare time! I also have limited experience in bricklaying, and-!”
“Bessa! Cool it!” Lilith interrupts, grabbing the Golem’s robe and hoisting her to her feet.
“A- Ah, sorry Miss Lilith… I just wish to be of some use, is all…”
You laugh, feeling yourself smile for the first time in a while.
She’s plenty useful just being herself, you find.
Your handler gives you a strange look before shaking her head.
“Ugh, never mind; you’re both clearly touched in the head. Look, let’s just get her over to your place so you can get back to managing and I can get back to interrogating that trafficker. I’m a few broken fingers away from a confession, I can feel it.”
Ignoring the more macabre parts of what she just said, you agree with Lilith and offer Bessa your hand. With a brilliant smile, she pushes it away and wraps you up in a warm, buxom hug. She has a calming, earthy smell, and for a brief moment, you find yourself growing drowsier.
“Thank you for having me, sweetie! I can’t wait to meet the others!
You finally figured it out. All that your chaotic household needs is a mother’s touch. Once you arrive back at the house with Bessa in tow, you’re dimly surprised to find that the mess had been cleared up, and your charges are all sitting calmly at the kitchen table. Their eyes light up upon seeing you walk in. For a second, they all try to speak at once – with Yyvnn wildly gesticulating in place of words – before Natasha raises her hand and elects herself spokeswoman.
“Ah, honey, you’re back! We, um… We’d like to apologise for our behaviour earlier. Things just got too heated, and-“
You raise your own hand and wave her away with a smile.
It’s alright. Everyone’s stressed, and you’re not so naïve to believe a house full of demons could last for any length of time without an argument breaking out eventually.
They all look visibly relieved at your words, and with a reassuring hand on the shoulder of your new charge, you introduce her to the rest of the lodgers.
Everyone, this is Bessa.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you all! Oh, you all look so lovely!” the Golem chimes, her hooves clacking against the floor as you both approach the table.
Right away you notice that they’re all staring directly at her prodigious bust.
“S- So do you…” Natasha murmurs, looking as though she’s making a dozen calculations in the back of her mind.
“Thank you, miss,” Muu replies, trying to hide her staring eyes behind a veneer of gratitude.
“Nice to meet you boob- too! Nice to meet you too!” Casey suddenly cries, almost biting her tongue in an effort to correct herself.
Yyvnn slowly looks over to you and makes a simple curved hand motion over her own chest, one eyebrow raised with incredulity.
Deciding to play the good host as best you can, you sit Bessa down at the table and introduce her to everyone individually as Muu goes to check on dinner. Despite the flared tempers that threatened to decimate the house just an hour or so earlier, the girls immediately ease up around the Golem, speaking to her as though she were their best friend in a matter of minutes. Casey shifts her chair closer to Bessa as she cracks off a series of inappropriate jokes, all while the normally-cold Yyvnn stares at the newcomer with wide, entranced eyes.
The Golem herself looks as though she’s in her element, gazing at all of your lodgers how a proud mother looks at her kids. Once dinner is served – a herby pasta dish derived from Muu’s research into Italian cuisine – she divulges her life story to the girls, similarly to how she did to you on the park bench.
Though you notice that she avoids the subject of her ex-husband. Hmm.
“So you’re a monk? Didn’t know we had religion down Hellside,” Casey comments, twirling her pasta around her fork.
With a gentle laugh, Bessa tousles the Imp’s hair like a child. Surprisingly, she just accepts it.
“It’s not so much a religion as a way of life, if that makes sense. We seek enlightenment and personal wellbeing through sleep, and derive meaning from the dreams we have in the lands betwixt the conscious and the unconscious.”
Natasha perks up at this.
“Oh, I know a thing or two about dreams. That being said, the only dreams I have are of a… certain nature,” the Succubus states in a husky tone.
She winks at you as she says this. Bessa, however, just nods understandingly.
“At a guess, I’d say that means you’re a healthy young woman, Miss Natasha. And by the looks of it, a charming one too.”
The Succubus’ eyes widen as her cheeks redden, taken off-guard by the sudden compliment.
Muu raises her right hand as she uses the left to serve herself another helping of pasta.
“What about my dreams, Bessa?” she asks.
“Well, what are they about?”
The Glutton glances at you for the briefest of moments.
“F- Food…?”
“You clearly care deeply about your craft if it permeates your dreams, Miss Mucsibi. That’s a good sign; it tells me you have the drive to push yourself to ever greater heights.”
As this talk of dreams and their meanings carries on throughout the whole meal, you find yourself gazing at Bessa. She looks truly happy to be sitting at the table with you all, and this in turn makes you feel warm inside.
Yes, you think she’ll fit in just nicely.
Night falls, and after an evening spent adjusting your new charge to the house, you feel strangely refreshed. Bessa’s kindly words and gentle pace are a breath of fresh air, and once you got her settled in her new room, you return to your own bedroom feeling as though a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
Of course, this was never going to be easy, you realise that. A single human in charge of a whole host of demons? Tensions were bound to flare up at some point. But something about the way the easy-going Golem spoke really resonated with you, easing your anxiety and settling your nerves.
You change into your nightclothes and step outside to brush your teeth, only to wind up nearly bumping into the woman you were just thinking about.
“A- Ah, sweetie! I’m so sorry!”
Bessa staggers back onto one hoof, trying not to topple into you as she carries a plastic basin beneath one of her arms.
It’s quite alright. What’s she doing with that?
“With what, sweetie?”
That. The basin. That she’s holding.
“Oh, this? N- Nothing important! Just a silly little ritual I like to do before bed, aha! Is it okay if I borrow this?”
A little put off by the Golem’s sudden coyness, you just nod and bid her a good night.
You think nothing of it as you brush your teeth and give your face a wash for good measure, but on your return trip, you’re suddenly alerted to the sound of Bessa’s voice eking from beneath her bedroom door.
“Oh, no no no… this was my last one…”
You raise an eyebrow and creep closer to the door, against your better judgement.
“Nngh… come on…! Please, come on…!”
Concerned, you knock on her door.
Bessa? Is she okay?
“A- Ah! Sweetie, don’t come in!” the Golem yelps.
Why, what’s wrong? She sounds like she’s in trouble.
“N- No, it’s nothing! I, um…”
She goes quiet for a moment.
… Bessa?
“… a- actually, sweetie, could you help me with something?”
Of course, that’s what you’re here for.
You push her door open and step inside, making sure to shut it behind you.
What seems to be the-?
“P- Please don’t stare, sweetie…” Bessa breathes abashedly as she kneels on the bed.
In your defence, it’s a little hard not to.
The Golem’s sackcloth robes are lying open, revealing the simple cloth brassiere that she was wearing underneath. It looks handmade, but judging by the way the material was straining and how bent out of shape the front clasp was, it’s far too small for Bessa. Not only that, but it was soaked through.
She gives you a pleading look.
“I can’t get it off, sweetie,” she whispers.
Sensing the gravity of the situation, you swallow hard and nod solemnly. Despite the erotic display before you, now was not the time for being horny; this woman really helped you out of a bind today, so it was only fair if you did the same!
You step closer to Bessa and give her a nod.
You’re going to start now, alright? She should say something if it hurts.
“A- Alright, sweetie.”
Hunkering down, you carefully place your hands against the strained cloth before you, growing a little warmer as your fingers make contact. Even through the damp fabric, you can feel just how soft they are…
No, stop that! Focus! Bessa is counting on you!
You bite your lip and inspect the clasp. You figure that Bessa probably went with the front closure bra for ease of use, but the sheer magnitude of her bust had ruined this particular article. The clasp is made of iron, but each hook is bent back on itself, making it almost impossible to open without assistance.
But after several weeks of fiddling with small washing machine parts, tiny screws and signing the small print on EHI documents, you’ve come to grow confident in your fine motor skills. One by one, you disentangle each of the broken hooks while making sure you aren’t causing Bessa too much discomfort. Once the final one comes free, however, the entire brassiere pings open with alarming speed, lashing you across the face with the clasp and knocking you onto your back.
“Ah! Sweetie!” the Golem cries, offering you a hand.
Wincing at the reddening mark on your face, you gladly accept as you look up at her.
Oh my.
Freed from their constrictive prison, Bessa’s breasts are finally allowed to breathe, and you stand there for a moment trying to come to terms with their sheer size. Each are far bigger than your head, and you’d wager that they’d probably take both hands just to lift. Like the rest of the Golem, the deep brown skin of her chest is occasionally broken up by lighter patches of tan. Your eyes are quickly drawn to her dusky areolas, which surround two sizable nipples, both beading with-
“Please don’t look, sweetie!” Bessa cries, crossing her arms before her chest.
You immediately tear your gaze away and stare hard at the floor, profusely apologising all the while. At your feet, you see her bra lying abandoned, it’s inner lining stuffed with wet cotton pads.
You hear her take a deep breath in response to the look on your face.
“Um… How can I explain this…?”
The Golem shuffles off the bed and gingerly picks it up.
“My kind tend to be rather… busty in general. I was always aware of that. When I first had Iggy – my son – and started producing milk, mine grew a little bigger. The chirurgeon at the monastery said this was normal for six or so months, maybe even a year or two. But as he grew up and the years flew by…”
She swallowed hard.
“It never stopped…” breathed the Golem, looking down shamefully.
Nodding sympathetically, you take a seat next to her.
Does it hurt? Is there anything you can do?
“Usually no. But sometimes it feels like pressure is building up, and I have to release it somehow and… oh, you must think me so vulgar, sweetie!” Bessa suddenly cries, burying her face in her hands.
Eyes widening, you instinctively wrap an arm around her shoulder and pull her close. Her skin is so soft and warm.
So she has some kind of condition. There’s nothing vulgar about that.
She looks up at you.
“You’re not just saying that, are you?”
Of course not.
She takes a moment to parse this before pulling her hands away from her face. For a moment, nothing is said between the two of you, until Bessa glances over at the basin sitting on the floor.
Is something the matter?
“I… I still need to, um… drain myself…” she admits quietly.
Does she want you to leave her to it?
“U- Um…”
She takes a deep, shuddering breath.
“Maybe there is something you can do, sweetie. I- If that’s okay, that is.”
Bessa seems unwilling to ask you out loud, so you just smile reassuringly and nod. Her cheeks redden at this, but she returns the expression. Standing up, the Golem gestures for you to sit further back on the bed as she picks up the basin. Before you can ask what she’s doing, she sits between your legs, pressing her back against your chest. Even through the fabric of your clothes, the sensation of her bare skin feels wonderfully sensual.
“I’ve never had someone help me, but… I feel this position would be the most comfortable for both of us,” she says quietly, her voice trailing off to a murmur as she rests the basin in her lap.
The Golem’s hair has a delightful, calming smell to it. In fact, Bessa has an earthy scent surrounding her that seems to relax every tense muscle in your body. You almost start nodding off as she clears her throat and nervously reaches for your hands.
“Are you ready?”
Of course.
Gingerly, Bessa places your hands against her breasts. They’re so soft that your fingers immediately sink into them, and you have to restrain yourself from instinctively squeezing them. Her skin is surprisingly smooth, and as you gently caress each breast, your demonic charge raises her own hands to her face as she struggles to stifle her gasps.
“B- Be gentle, sweetie, please… They get so sensitive…”
You nod affirmatively.
Locating her areolas, you slowly hone in on Bessa’s nipples, feeling warm milk trickle against your fingers. She’s not kidding; her tits are absolutely full to bursting.
Swallowing hard, you narrow your eyes and begin to gently apply pressure. The reaction is almost immediate; she releases a low, drawn-out moan as two streams of milk pour from her breasts, trickling into the plastic basin with an audible splash. You soon find yourself getting into a steady rhythm; easing out a few streams of milk before giving Bessa a few moments of reprieve to catch her breath. Getting milked like this is evidently exciting her – whether she knows it or not – and as you continue your ministrations, she regularly cups a hand over her mouth in order to prevent herself from making noise.
“Sorry for being so embarrassing, sweetie…” she whispers to you between gasps.
You shake your head. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.
“It’s just… there’s so much.”
Well, she’s right about that. The bottom of the basin is already full. Looking over her shoulder, you can see that Bessa’s breastmilk looks surprisingly rich and creamy. In fact, you find yourself salivating at the sight of it.
Wait, what?
“Ah… It’s easing up…” Bessa gasps, snapping your attention back to the task at hand.
Sure enough, you find less and less milk is pouring from her nipples with every squeeze, and if the tone of her voice is anything to go by, the pressure in the Golem’s breasts has let up as well.
Unfortunately, as she grows more relieved, you find yourself growing more and more agitated. In fact, there’s an entirely different kind of pressure welling up within you…
After a few final squeezes, Bessa pats your hands, signalling you to let go. You shuffle back, allowing her to stand up and retrieve a cotton towel from a nearby cabinet. She sets the basin aside, whereupon you find yourself staring at the milk within with a transfixed gaze.
“Here you go, sweetie,” the Golem says, wiping your hands clean.
So what will she do with all the excess?
“There’s not much I can do with it. I suppose I’ll have to dispose of it somehow.”
Your heart falls. It seems like such a waste.
Bessa takes a step back, but although you’ve helped her with her problem, she still looks uncomfortable. Concerned, you ask her what the matter is.
“Well… I’m still not completely drained, but…”
The Golem points a jittery finger at your crotch.
“… it seems I’ve caused you some discomfort as well…” she says.
Your eyes widen as you glance down at the rather magnificent tent you’ve pitched in your pants. You panic for a moment, struggling to explain yourself, but surprisingly Bessa just giggles.
“It’s okay, sweetie. I’m a mother; I know how these things work.”
Her smile fades, quickly replaced by an abashed expression that makes her hazel eyes glisten.
“I could help you with that, you know…”
Your eyes widen. Immediately, her cheeks flush with embarrassment.
“I- I’m so sorry, sweetie, that was completely out of line! I should have read the room better, I didn’t mean to-!”
You’d like that.
“S- Sorry?”
You’d like her to help you with your ‘problem’, if she was okay with it.
“But I’m just an old woman! Surely you wouldn’t want me to-!”
First of all, she’s not old. Second, at this moment in time, there is no one else you’d rather have touching you than the mature, sexy, beautiful woman standing right before you.
Bessa’s eyes widen.
“S- Sexy…?!” she wheezes.
May you call her that?
She tries to form a response, but all the Golem manages to produce is a few cute half-sentences that eventually amount to her shutting her mouth and nodding. You offer her a hand, which she takes. She’s shivering with excitement.
“O- Okay. It’s been a while, but um… Could you stand up for a moment, sweetie?”
You oblige her. Adjusting her robes, Bessa sits down on the edge of the bed and pats her lap.
“Lie down.”
Again, you do as you’re told. From where you’re lying, you can’t even see her face past her massive breasts. Through the rough sackcloth of her robes, you feel the soft flesh of her thighs cradling your head, and as you get yourself settled, you give an instinctive yawn.
“Tired? They say Golem milk promotes restful sleep. Want to give it a try?” Bessa asks in a husky tone.
She clears her throat.
“S- Sorry, I’m not very good at sexy talk,” she quickly admits.
Could have fooled you.
With a nervous giggle, Bessa lifts your head upwards until you are directly level with her right nipple. You give her a moment to prepare yourself before opening your mouth and gently latching on.
Her sudden reaction is unexpected, but not unwelcome. Taking care not to hurt her, you experimentally roll your tongue around her areola before finally beginning to suck. You’re immediately rewarded with a few drops of warm, creamy milk that sit oh-so-pleasantly upon your tongue. The taste is difficult to describe – sweet, yet malty – though you find yourself liking it.
“H- Hah… How is it, sweetie?” Bessa asks breathlessly, gasping and flinching with every movement of your mouth.
You answer her by sucking just a little bit harder. Those few droplets soon become a stream, and before long, you find yourself steadily gulping down your Golem lodger’s breastmilk. Your head goes a little fuzzy as you sink into a steady rhythm, only letting go every now and then to take a breath. Bessa’s breathing only grows heavier as you continue to drink, and before long you can feel her fidget and squirm beneath you.
“Th- This is so nice, sweetie… You’re really spoiling me…” she moans, running a hand through your hair.
You don’t know why, but hearing such positive encouragement from her only spurs you to keep drinking.
Bessa suddenly gasps.
“I almost forgot!”
You raise an eyebrow and make to pull away, but with a surprisingly strong hand, she pushes your face into her breast, blocking your sight off completely. You’re confused for a moment, but as soon as you feel Bessa’s other hand fiddling with your waistband, you relax.
“Look at me, indulging in your – ah – kindness without even offering anything in – hah – in return! What would the Sandlady think of me?”
Before you can question her on what she’s talking about, you feel the demon’s hand open your trousers and pull your underwear away. Your cock springs forth, and you feel her jolt.
“O- Oh my!” Bessa squeaks.
You try to pull your head away again, but with her hand clutching the back of your hair, you’re unable to escape your milky prison. You’re forced to keep drinking as she begins to experimentally run her fingers along your dick.
“I- It’s been a while, sweetie, so you’ll have to forgive my rustiness. Um… Let’s see…”
Nothing happens for a moment, but right as you try to pull away for the last time, the Golem grabs your penis in a warm, wet hand. Her fingers are slick and her palm is just the right temperature to elicit an audible gasp from you. Bessa’s nipple pops out of your mouth as a stream of milk splatters down your front, much to both of your respective alarm.
“Sorry, was that too sudden?! I- I thought it would feel nicer this way!” she cries, holding up her left hand.
You look up to see that she had lubricated it with her own breastmilk.
That’s… inventive?
“I’m sorry, I- I’m not very good at this sort of thing. My husband was always trying to get me to try harder, but…”
Sitting back up, you ignore the raging hardon you’re sporting and wrap an arm around Bessa’s shoulder, pulling her close to you.
There’s nothing to apologise for. You’re not about to push her into anything she doesn’t want to do.
“But I do want to do this! I, um… I mean…”
She clears her throat and almost chokes on her own saliva.
“Nursing someone while making them feel good… It’s been a fantasy of mine for a while. I- I know it’s wrong, but-!”
Placing a finger on Bessa’s lips, you silence her with a shake of your head.
All that matters right now is you and her. You’re open to do anything she wants to try, and you’re not going to judge her for it. There’s nothing wrong with someone indulging in their fantasies. Besides, you’re beginning to see the appeal; her milk is absolutely delicious, and her hand felt surprisingly good.
She looks up at you with wide, teary eyes.
“You don’t think I’m vulgar, do you sweetie…?”
Not at all.
“I- In that case… There’s still a little left in this one. Could you…?”
You’d be delighted to.
With some prompting from your charge, you lay back down in her lap, this time facing the opposite direction. Set at ease by your words of encouragement, Bessa waits for you to latch onto her other breast before she reaches for your dick once more.
You can scarcely take in a mouthful of the creamy nectar before the pleasure hits. Despite her claims of rustiness, Bessa’s hand feels absolutely phenomenal. It’s warm, wet and oh-so-soft, and she seems to instinctively know all of your sensitive spots. She quietly hums and murmurs words of encouragement with every twitch and spasm you give, and with her intoxicating milk dulling your thoughts, you quickly find yourself giving into a fuzzy, almost dreamlike state.
Half-asleep, you greedily suckle from Bessa’s breast as she intensifies her stroking. Thus spurs you to try and reciprocate, gently teasing her nipple with flicks of the tongue and nips of the teeth. She shivers with pleasure as you do this, and rewards you by running her thumb along the base of your cock, sending waves of pleasure throughout your body. Like a perpetual cycle of calm, soothing pleasure, you both indulge in each other’s bodies, losing track of time and the very world around you.
At some point, you’re roused from your half-slumber when she begins to stroke your cock faster and faster. Before you can stop yourself, you involuntarily buck your hips, prompting her to focus her ministrations on the base of your dick head. You give in to a heavy orgasm, gasping for breath as you cum all over Bessa’s hand.
“Oh sweetie…” she purrs, watching on with half-lidded eyes as she keeps stroking.
An almost-disconcerting volume of ejaculate splatters all over the Golem’s hand before she finally lets go, allowing you to sit up and catch your breath. Your legs are weak and shaking, and yet you feel so warm and cozy on the inside. In fact, as you lick your lips and glance back at Bessa, you dimly realise that your dick is still rock-hard.
You had no idea you had this kind of stamina hidden within you.
And neither did Bessa, judging by the look on her face. With her hand covered in cum and her boobs covered in a mix of milk and saliva, she just stares at your turgid member, her cheeks burning and her breathing heavy.
“W- Was that okay?” she asks timidly, reaching for the towel to clean herself off.
That was more than okay. That was amazing.
“Heh… You have no idea how happy that makes me feel, sweetie…”
Reaching down to clean the mess off her chest, you watch the ridiculously arousing demon with a look of awe on your face. As unsure as she was, her gentle and mature demeanor was making you feel all the hornier for her outrageous body, and you find yourself realising something.
You want more.
“Sweetie? Are you okay?” Bessa asks, noticing the look on your face.
She leans down to put a hand on your forehead, swinging her breasts directly in front of your face. Despite all you did to drain and suckle them, there was still a little milk beading at the tips of her nipples.
Without warning – without thinking – you leap to your feet and grab her wrists. The demon gives a cry of alarm and topples back onto the bed, bringing you both crashing down upon it. Her robes fly open, and before long, you find yourself bearing down upon the completely naked demon.
You glance down. Between a pudgy tummy and a pair of thick, pillowy thighs, you can see that her pussy is absolutely soaked. You weren’t the only one aroused from the beginning.
“S- S- Sweetie…?” Bessa breathes, looking up into your eyes.
She doesn’t resist your grip, and you can see her legs quivering with need.
Taking a deep breath, you return her gaze.
You want her.
“A- As in-?!”
But nothing. She’s kind, soft, warm, gentle, and ridiculously, outrageously sexy, and right now, all you can think about is crossing that line and going the full way with her.
When you say that, a tear beads at the corner of her eye.
“It’s been so long…”
You reach up and cup her cheek.
Then you’ll help her remember.
“… th- then I want you too, sweetie. Please… make me feel good again.”
You let go of her wrists, but she quickly interlocks her fingers with yours, joining the pair of you in a loving embrace. You take a moment to adjust yourself so the tip of your penis is pressed right at the entrance to Bessa’s vagina, and with a quick glance at her face, you give her a smile and push yourself in.
You take it slowly; easing into her inch by inch. None of the raw, primal lust you had felt the previous times influences your actions, just a smouldering need to make your partner feel as good as you do. Bessa bites her lip and tries to suppress a moan, but you can tell she’s already enjoying herself by the telltale click of her hooves as she wraps her legs around you. By the time you hilt yourself within the Golem, you find yourself suppressing moans of your own. Her insides are so warm, soft and incredibly wet, and you feel as though you could melt at any moment.
“H- Hellfire preserve me…” your charge gutters, gripping your hands tightly.
Is it okay?
“More than okay… Hah… I’ve never felt like this…”
You can’t help but smirk. It seems her ex-husband shouldn’t have thrown stones in that glass house of his.
She shakes her head.
“Make me forget him, sweetie. Okay?”
Yes ma’am!
You begin to rock your hips, hissing through your teeth as the ecstasy of her body washes over you. You keep it nice and slow, drawing out every stroke while keeping a watchful eye on Bessa’s face, doing your best to ensure she feels as good as possible. Her eyes are rolling back in her head, and she’s gripping your hands for dear life.
Without speeding up or slowing down, you both adjust to an easy, comfortable rhythm. Before long, you’re wooed back into a half-sleep once more, your eyes drooping with every thrust, only to be opened as tingles of pleasure rush through your dick and up your spine. The Golem’s pleasured gasps sync in time to your heartbeats, and once again, the world around you falls away.
It’s just you and Bessa, locked in this warm, cozy embrace. Before you even realise it, you’ve let go of her hands and have locked them around her, hugging her breasts against your face as you continue to fuck her. Unlike you, however, she seems to be growing more and more excited. She has arched her back and is holding on to the bedsheets for dear life.
“Sweetie… you’re… so…!” she gasps, barely able to get the words out as you plunge deep inside her, again and again.
You smile dreamily and pull your head away for a moment, marveling down at the woman splayed out before you.
She looks beautiful. Like a fertility goddess with soft brown skin spattered with patches of creamy tan, her long silver hair draped behind her as her bountiful chest bounces invitingly before your very eyes.
You open your mouth and lean forward.
“Sweetie? What are you- AAHN~!”
You begin to suckle on one erect nipple as you gently pinch and tease the other with your fingers. Though her milk has been all but drained, you dutifully suck and play with her breasts, which reduces Bessa’s gasped statements into little more than a mess of garbled moans. You can feel her constricting around your cock as her pussy steadily grows wetter.
“S- Sweetie…!” she gasps, struggling to form even a single word.
With her nipple still in your mouth, you glance up at her.
“I- I’m… I’m going to…!”
You smile warmly.
Wrapping your arms around her, you focus all of your efforts on fucking Bessa. You keep the pace level, but start intensifying your thrusts until she’s gasping for breath every time your balls slap against her weighty ass. Soon enough, she’s clinging to you, fingernails digging into your back as she pants breathily in your ear. As Bessa approaches climax – and you feel yourself gradually doing the same – she makes a most unusual sound in your ear.
“A- Ah…! Mooo~…!”
You don’t know how, you don’t know why, and though you don’t particularly care right now, this sudden guttural lowing is enough to kick your body into overdrive. With Bessa twitching and spasming both outside and within, you feel a familiar pressure build up within your loins. You pump your hips, drawing her orgasm out as your own builds until you’re at your limit.
You kiss her and cum inside, both deeply and passionately.
Unloading deep within the Golem, you hold her tight as both her arms and legs lock around you, suspending Bessa in a brief limbo of pleasure as both of your climaxes draw to a close. You break the kiss and look down at her flushed face, wiping the saliva off her lips with a thumb.
“Sweetie… That was… I’ve never… Oh, you must think-“
You hold a finger to her lips.
No more talking. In fact, you’d rather just stay like this, if she was okay with that…?
Smiling abashedly, the Golem turns her face away.
“You’d really share a bed with me?”
You smile back and pulled the duvet around the pair of you.
Right now, you can think of nobody else.
In response, Bessa just pulls you close. With your head held close to her chest, you’re lulled into a gentle sleep by the beating of her heart. At one point or another, you wrap your arms around her waist, keeping the pair of you locked in a loving embrace as sleep takes hold.
You feel so warm and cozy.
You could get used to this.
When you awaken, you find yourself feeling the best you’ve felt in weeks. The aches and pains that had been niggling at you are gone, and your mind feels refreshed and ready to face the day. You sit up in bed and yawn, blinking the sleep out of your eyes as the early morning sun peeps through the windows.
“Hmm… Sweetie… Hah…”
You glance across at the bed’s other occupant.
Bessa – fully naked – is sound asleep next to you, her hand still limply clutching your arm as she dreams peacefully.
“Sweetie… your lips… hnngh…” she warbles, cheeks flushing.
Okay, maybe her dreams aren’t quite so peaceful, but you’re not about to interrupt them for some morning pillow talk. Besides, you’ve got work to do.
Easing yourself out of bed, you take a moment to tuck your demonic lover back in before retrieving your discarded clothing from last night. Dressing yourself somewhat, you creep out of her room and into the hall, where you take a deep breath.
“Someone’s looking chipper.”
And just like that, all of the positive energy you were feeling drains out of you as Natasha gazes at you from her bedroom doorway. She’s grinning in that knowing way of hers.
Do you really even have to ask?
“Well, I must say I prefer hearing it from the source. So how did our holstein hottie treat you last night?” the Succubus asks, running a finger along the doorframe.
You furrow your brow.
“Oh fine, be like that. I had a glass to the door; I heard enough anyway.”
You pull a face.
That’s a serious breach of privacy!
“Are you gonna punish me, honey?” Natasha retorts with a cutting glare.
You can’t form a response in time before she clucks her tongue.
“Thought not. Still, you never cease to amaze me. After all the rough fucking you’ve been doing, I thought you didn’t have it in you to be gentle, but you’re just the whole package, aren’t you?” she continues, quietly flapping her wings.
Natasha gives you a lurid wink.
“Keep it up, honey.”
However, her seductive act is suddenly broken by a deep yawn.
“… Alright, that’s all I had to say. I’ve been up since one waiting for your walk of shame,” she mumbles, rubbing her eyes.
Wait, really?
“Yup. I knew Golem milk had sedative effects, but sweet Hellfire you were out for ages. I could do with some myself right about now.”
She stops for a moment and thinks before turning her gaze onto Bessa’s bedroom door.
“Do you think-?”
“Oh well, worth a shot. Goodnight, honey. Or good morning. Whatever.”
With that, she returns to her room and shuts the door behind her with her tail.
You frown and stare at the floor for a moment, feeling briefly troubled. The sex was nice – there was no refuting that – but it was beginning to perturb you. The mysterious circumstances of your employment, the frightening nature of your handler, the unusually female-heavy roster of demons you were taking care of…
It just doesn’t sit right.
Your stomach gurgles loudly.
And neither is all that milk, come to think of it.