I asked how it went, but you shushed me. Said we’d talk about it on the way home.
Your rebuttal concerned me at first until I saw a little smile cross your lips, and you shot me a devious little look like you couldn’t wait to share what happened.
You first met Esmerelda through our outdoor movie business. She was a guest of the family who rented our outdoor cinema services a few times. You saw her the first time the family rented from us but did not talk to her. The second time the family rented from us, we spent more time getting to know some of their guests, including Esmerelda. It was also when she asked about renting the outdoor cinema for a get-together she was having for her own birthday.
“Esmerelda called today,” you said. “She invited me to have lunch on Friday. Turns out she lives just a few miles from where we live, but further out in the country.”
I asked if you were going to her house for lunch, and you said no, that you’d be eating at one of your favorite places in Memphis called Babalu’s. You suggested it, and she agreed because of the delicious table-side guacamole.
“Are you going to bring a plate home for me, or should I plan on making peanut butter and jelly?” I quipped.
“I’ll take care of you, boy. I always do,” you said.
Friday arrived, and I noticed you seemed a little nervous. I also noticed that you dressed up like you were going on a date. I dismissed it as my imagination or perhaps you just wanted a chance to look nice going out with a new friend.
I asked what time you would be back home, and you shrugged your shoulders saying, “We’ll see how lunch goes.”
A swift kiss on the lips and you were gone, leaving me just a little curious that maybe I was missing something about this lunch.
When you returned home a few hours later I asked how lunch was and you replied, “It was really nice. She set a date for the movie screen rental. It’s this Saturday.”
“Great!” I replied. “We’ll lock in the date. Did you get a deposit?”
You said you waived the deposit because we’d known her for a while, and you trusted her.
I thought I noticed a little smirk accompanying the statement of trust, but didn’t follow up, because you’d already turned in a rush to the restroom.
When Saturday arrived, I definitely could tell you were not yourself. You seemed nervous, giddy, guilty. What? I couldn’t put my finger on it exactly, but something was definitely off.
I finally decided to confront you and asked, “Are you ok? Something seems strange.”
You grabbed me by the hand and led me to our bedroom and asked me to lay down beside you.
You looked me in the eyes. After a pause and a couple of deep breaths, you said, “Esmerelda wants me to sleepover after the party on Saturday, and I want to say yes. But, I won’t do that without your approval.”
The first thing I noticed is that my dick stiffened a little. Then a lot.
But, after the initial reaction, I had to seriously think about this, and I wanted to make sure I knew what sleeping over meant.
“By ‘sleep over’ do you mean ‘sleep with her?’” I asked.
“Maybe,” you replied. “After lunch last week, Esmerelda and I kissed.”
Now, my dick was definitely hard.
You continued, “She whispered in my ear that she wanted me to go home with her that day, but I said no. Part of me wanted to. I mean really, really wanted to. But, something also didn’t feel quite right. Like maybe I was rushing into something too quickly. Plus, I wasn’t really sure how you’d feel about that.”
“You remember when I got home, I kinda’ rushed past you into the bathroom. Well, it wasn’t because I needed to pee. I was so wet and horny, I needed some relief.”
“Well, why didn’t you let me help you with that?” I asked.
“I don’t know,” you said. “I felt kind of dirty and maybe a little ashamed. It was something I needed to do on my own. Besides, having sex with you so soon after I’d made out with Esmerelda…”
“Wait,” I interrupted. “You made out? I thought you just kissed?”
“Well, it started with a kiss, but she dragged me into her car for a few minutes of petting,” you confessed. “It didn’t last long,” you said. “I stopped it before going too far.”
Now, I was the one who needed relief.
I rolled over on top of you and said, “I want to hear every detail while I make love to you.”
“There’s really not much more to share,” you said as I slid inside you while kissing your neck.
“Did you touch her?” I asked.
“Did I touch her where?” you coyly replied.
“OK,” I said. “Let me rephrase the question. Where did you touch her?”
“To be honest, it really didn’t last long enough to touch much of anywhere,” you confided. “We kissed, necked and when she reached up my shirt, I got scared. Said I needed to leave. She looked disappointed at first and then concerned. I kissed her again and said not to worry. She’d done nothing wrong. I just wasn’t ready.”
“She looked at me for what seemed like an uncomfortably long time and then kissed me on the cheek and said no problem. I really like you and would never ask you to do anything at any time that you’re not comfortable doing. We’ll go further when you’re ready.”
“I thanked her, and was about to leave when she asked, ‘how does this Saturday sound?’”
“I said something like, ‘that seems a little fast doesn’t it?”
“She laughed and said, ‘I meant how does this Saturday sound for renting the movie screen for my birthday party?’”
“I told her I would check with my husband and get back to her.”
You concluded by saying, “And, that was that. Until she called me yesterday and asked if I wanted to stay after the party for our own get-together.”
“Am I invited?” I teased.
“Do you want to be?” you asked.
“No,” I replied. “I think you should do what you feel comfortable doing and have a good time. We’ve talked about this many times, and you’ve always had this fantasy. So, you know I support whatever you want to do.”
You kissed me and I continued making love to you, extremely turned on by the prospect of what the night might bring for you.
Esmerelda’s birthday celebration went off with no issues. Good friends, great food, and most importantly from my perspective, no technical issues with the outdoor cinema setup.
Esmerelda chose a classic movie, The Breakfast Club, that was a crowd-pleaser for the forty- to fifty-year-olds who attended her party.
After helping me set up, you spent most of the evening watching the movie seated next to Esmerelda. You both shared one margarita and more than one cup of sangria. I couldn’t help but notice how comfortable you were talking with her, whispering in her ear and occasionally letting your hand linger on her arm. A few times she even grabbed your hand in hers, brought it to her lips and kissed it.
While the bulge in my pants grew larger, I was mesmerized by how bold you two were flirting in the open. Maybe you thought no one would notice, since it was dark, everyone was watching the movie, and two girls acting this way could just be close friends enjoying each other’s company.
Maybe I was imagining more than was there. Perhaps the two of you just didn’t give a fuck. As the evening progressed, and more drinks were consumed by each of you, I suspect the give-a-fuck factor decreased dramatically. Nothing like a little liquid courage to make a person feel brave, especially in a new situation.
When the movie ended, and I started breaking down, you stopped me and said that I could leave it up. You and Esmerelda may want to watch another movie later.
I asked if you had the passwords for Netflix or Hulu, or if you knew what you wanted to watch I could set it up for you.
You replied, “No password needed for Pornhub, silly.”
I guess that’s one advantage of living out in the middle of nowhere, I thought.
With my job apparently over, I felt like my welcome had worn thin, and you were ready for me to head home.
So, I said goodbye giving you a hug, and stepped over to shake Esmerelda’s hand. She slapped my hand away, embraced me instead, and whispered, “Don’t worry. I care for her and will take good care of her.”
I hugged you again and reminded you that I was less than a ten-minute drive away if you needed anything. You smiled and gently pushed me toward the car. I could tell you had a lot of pent-up sexual energy yearning to be explored.
Driving home I had mixed emotions. Of course, I was happy for you finally getting the chance to see this fantasy to fruition. Of course, I was a little more than turned on thinking about you being with another woman. And, of course, I couldn’t help but think how this would change our relationship. A part of me knew that it could only make it stronger based on the trust we had in each other.
Suffice it to say, I didn’t sleep much, and when you texted me the next morning asking me to come pick you up, I was out the door in less than a minute.
By the time I got there, you and Esmerelda had everything packed up, so it didn’t take me long to load it into the car.
You said your goodbyes hugging Esmerelda and giving her a kiss on the cheek. I thought this was a good sign that the evening had gone well and couldn’t wait to hear all the details when we got home.
I’ve rarely seen you so happy.
As soon as we were in the car headed home, I asked how it went.
You smiled, breathed a huge sigh of excitement and said, “Amazing!”
“So, do you think you’ll see her again?” I asked.
“I hope so,” you replied. “And guess what? She has a guy friend, who’s bi. Maybe next time we can have a sleepover for four.”