She had a distinct voice. She had soft skin. She had pretty eyes. The college girl realized she was now a woman. It never ceased to surprise.
Francesca “Fancy” Escobar was your regular bright college girl. She was studying law at the University of Texas-San Antonio. However, ever since that night at the bar, she’s been questioning herself. She actually liked the kiss.
But she was drunk. She was looking at Jezebel’s boobs. But she was drunk. Was she bisexual? Did she like girls? She knew one thing. Jezebel liked her. As she was thinking about this, her phone vibrated. It was Jezebel. It read:
“Did you now? You’re not so bad yourself,” With an emoji attached to it.
She then opened Grace’s message and texted back:
“Yeah, what’s up?”
At that point for her, it just got a little more complicated. She looked at the time. It was time to get to her first class.
She got out the bed hurriedly. She changed clothes quickly from her t-shirt and shorts to a UTSA top and shorts. She looked in the mirror. Men marveled at her buxom beauty.
But for some reason, those catcalls were getting to her. She didn’t want to be just a so-called “hottie with a body.”
Fancy put on red lip gloss, making her lips look like just the right pout to them. She moisturized her exposed legs, making them shine in the light. Of course, she knew her protruding hips and her busty breasts are what made her body picturesque. She professed, she knew she was cute.
When men looked, she took it as a tribute. But really she thought it was getting old. She wanted to be liked for who she was instead of fantasizing what she looked like unclothed. She knew it wasn’t going to stop, but that’s really how she felt.
When she was packing to go, she texted back Jezebel:
“Thanks, I guess. You working tonight?”
She was thinking of her more and more now. A knock on the door jerked her out of her trance. She opened the door. It was her friend, Lauren. Lauren was a pretty girl. She was more outgoing and more of a party-girl than her (though Fancy can hold liquor better than her). She was a girl with a slimmer build, taller, with smaller breasts than her.
“What up, girl?” Lauren said.
“Nothing much,” Fancy replied.
“Ooh, look at you… looking all cute. Who’s the guy?”
“No guy,” Fancy said.
“Good, because I’d do you,” she said.
“Shut up,” Fancy said, laughing. Lauren was one of those girls who was sexually liberated. How did she know this? She and Lauren actually made out in the past when they were freshmen.
Freshman year…
A knock was on the dorm door of the new freshman named Fancy. She opened the door.
“Hey, roomie!” Lauren said.
Fancy just smiled. Fancy just thought: “This is going to be interesting…”
“You need any help with those?” Fancy called out.
“Just with… those, those, those, those… and maybe them?” Lauren said, tilting her head. Fancy looked at her. “Relax, it’s a jokey-joke. We been through a lot today. We need a drink.”
Lauren and Fancy roomed together freshman year only, which started their budding friendship. Lauren got out a bottle of liquor.
“So, roomie… I don’t think you’ve introduced yourself.”
“Oh, my name’s Fancy. Short for Francesca Escobar.”
“Oh. Exotic. And pretty. Name’s Lauren Wilson. Now that we got the pleasantries out the way… want to play a game?” Lauren said, opening her bottle of liquor.
“What?” Fancy said, cautiously.
“Just your favorite teenage game, Truth or Dare.”
“But there is only two of us,” Fancy chimed in.
Lauren poured up two shots to start.
“Intimate setting’s even better. You have to take the shot for a dare.”
At this point, Fancy had this thought: “Welcome to college, Fancy.”
“Fuck it, let’s do this,” Fancy said after taking a shot on the table.
“Does that mean you pick ‘Dare?’” Lauren said.
“Yes,” She said, still recovering from that shot.
Lauren was contemplating things in her head, until… “I got one. I dare you to… run down the hall topless.”
“Oh shit,” Fancy said. “You went all out on the first one, did you?”
“No, I got one for later. No take-backs,” She said, smiling.
She took off her top, revealing her nude-colored bra. Fancy noticed Lauren was looking, and bit her lip. She unhooked her bra. It fell to the floor. Her big, buxom, milky breasts became free. Lauren’s eyes became fixated on them, then her eyes.
“Ready?” Lauren said.
She looked outside the door. Nobody was there.
“Ok, no one’s there. I’ll be here. Now run! Run like the wind!” Lauren said, patting her on the back.
She went, jogging at first. It suddenly felt cold. She was still wearing shorts from that summer day. Slowly but surely she picked up speed. The cold now reached her nipples, making them hard. She eventually sprinted her way back to her dorm room. Lauren was still watching her breasts bounce with every stride.
“Come on! Come on!” She slammed the door. Lauren giggled.
“That shit’s tiring…” Fancy said, huffing and puffing.
“With those monsters on you? No wonder. Cold out there, ain’t it?” Lauren said, pointing to her hard nipples. “Ok, ask me.”
“Truth or dare, Lauren?” Fancy said, still finding a shirt to put on.
“I saw you looking at me earlier… does that mean you like…” Fancy started, with a UTSA top on. Lauren noticed her nipples were still hard.
“That I’m a lesbian? No. I like dick. I had a boyfriend this past summer. I just might… be bi? I don’t know,” she said. “Ok, roomie, I assume you want truth?”
Lauren giggled and said:
“Have you ever kissed a girl?”
“Well, this escalated quickly. No, I haven’t,” Fancy said. Lauren was intrigued.
At this point, it was later in the night.
“Truth or dare?”
“Fuck it. Dare,” Lauren said, taking another shot. Fancy started thinking of ways of getting back at her. Their dorm had a window. She saw a few boys outside walking. She instantly had an idea.
“Ok… roomie…” Fancy said with a borderline evil look on her face.
“I dare you to flash those boys over there.”
“Okay,” Lauren said with a shrug.
Fancy opened the window, and waited for the perfect time.
“Hey! Hey!” Fancy yelled down to them. “Y’all want to see something?”
“What?” One said back.
Lauren, who was tipsy, was right next to Fancy. She quickly got in the window and flashed her breasts to wolf whistles and cat calls. They quickly closed the window and curtains after that.
“Wait, we want to see more!”
“That was easy,” Lauren said.
“Why do I have a feeling you’ve done that before?” Fancy said.
“Ever heard of Mardi Gras? I’m from the original home of it.” Lauren said back.
“New Orleans?”
“Mobile, Alabama. Step your history game up, roomie!”
“’Bama? Wow. Southern Belle, huh?” Fancy said, to her smile. “Anyway, it’s my turn, right? Give me the drink.”
“Oh, you pick dare again. Roomie… I dare you to kiss me. And not those cop-out kisses, either. Real ones.” Lauren said.
At this moment, she knew. At that exact moment, the somewhat innocuous high school graduate was gone. She leaned in to kiss her. Fancy tasted her lips. It had a distinct but good taste to them. The kiss went deeper. Lauren’s breathing became heavier. A small moan escaped Lauren’s lips. Fancy broke the kiss. They looked at each other awkwardly.
“Lauren, you like girls, do you?”
Lauren nodded, getting herself together.
“I’m sorry…”
“You don’t have to apologize,” Fancy said. “My best friend came out to me before I left Houston, my hometown. Sometimes I think she likes me.”
“Don’t be surprised. News flash: You’re hot, sister,” Lauren said. They laughed.
Present day…
“So, where did you go last night?” Lauren said. They were now walking and talking.
“Oh, I was homesick. I went to that bar by campus.”
“Oh! I know that one! The Roadrunner! You know, the hot bartender with the big boobs?” Lauren said.
“You give zero fucks, do you? Jezebel. That’s her name,” Fancy said, laughing.
“Wait… how do you know her name?”
At that point, Fancy’s phone vibrated twice. Two messages came in. One from Jezebel and one from Grace.
“Well, you see, what had happened was… I was drunk, homesick, and missing my best friend, right? She kept me from drunk-dialing her. So, I ended up spilling everything to her in the bar. We kissed. I liked it. No offense…”
Lauren ended up with a sly grin on her face.
“Oh my God, somebody call Katy Perry!” Lauren said, then she started to sing “I Kissed A Girl” by Katy Perry. “None taken, I was your first girl. But you’re getting me hot with this! I told you then. I’ll tell you now. You’re hot. People from both sides of the fence want you. Men want you. Women want you. You’re smart. You’re driven. You’re ambitious.”
Fancy read her messages. They read:
“Jezebel: Come see me tonight.”
“Grace: I miss you, bestie.”
She smiled at both messages, and said:
“Hey, wanna go to the Roadrunner tonight?”
“Hells, yeah! Anything to get my mind off of this poli-sci bullshit,” Lauren said.
“I’ll drink to that.”