Six months after my sixteenth birthday I hit probably the most important milestone in a teenager’s life, “I PASSED MY DRIVER’S TEST!” I was so excited and couldn’t wait to claim my independence from my parents, and drive the open road with my friends.
My parents had set the pattern to give me everything I ever wanted, since the time I was a little princess. Therefore, I totally expected them to buy me the car I wanted. I was in shock when they told me, if I wanted a car, I would have to pay for half of it. They told me they would match whatever money I had, and I could then buy any car that I wanted, within that budget. I was floored! ‘I mean where the hell did this come from, and just who the fuck do they think they are? Again, I am their little princess, I get whatever I want! Who the hell changed the rules?’
So, for the first time in my life, I had to take some responsibility. I started thinking, of how could I earn this money? I needed a car! I mean, people, I have a reputation to uphold here. Not having my own car, now that I have my driver’s license, simply does not fit into this narrative. Obviously, I could not work in a fast food place, or in the mall or grocery store. I mean, come on get real! That is so beneath me.
That weekend the whole neighborhood had their block party. Ultimately this was just an excuse for all of the adults to party and let loose. Little did I know the opportunity that was about to present itself to me. Mrs. Reese is a prominent attorney in our area. She was telling my mother how difficult it was for her to keep up with her house and was unable to keep it as clean as she likes. She jokingly told my mother that she would pay, just about anything, to have someone to clean for her.
Impulsively I found myself answering, “I would clean for you, Mrs. Reese.”
She looked at me, smiled and asked, ”You would? Are you sure Kathleen? I would need someone to do it on a regular basis and I wouldn’t want it to interfere with your school work or your social life.”
“I could clean once a week and am very organized, so you wouldn’t need to be concerned about either my school work, nor my social life. Also, I clean for my mother, and I do not even get paid for that.”
So this could be a way to get the car I wanted and the start of my business. I could do this on my own time and still have a very active social life. And none of my friend’s would even know I was working. How great a solution, to my car issue, could this be for me?
My mother then chimed in, telling Mrs. Reese that, I do clean for her and it is always done very well. Mrs. Reese looked at me and offered to give me two hundred dollars a week if I were really interested.
Immediately, I asked her when she would want me to start.
“Well then, why don’t we try this week and see how it goes. What day works best for you?”
“How about Tuesday?” I suggested.
She replied, “that should work fine because Mr. Reese works from home and he could let you in, whenever you get there.”
About an hour later, Mrs. McDonald approached me about cleaning for her, after having spoken to Mrs. Reese. The word was apparently getting around. She stated that she was willing to pay me the same rate as Mrs. Reese, if I were interested. I immediately accepted.
I thought at this rate I might be getting my car sooner than I had previously thought. Wow!
Tuesday came and after school, I went to Mrs. Reese’s house. I was wearing a pair of shorts that hugged my round firm ass and accented my long shapely legs. I had on a tank top, that was tight and enhanced my 36C tits. This was my normal dress, since I always liked to highlight my assets; I loved being the center of attention for men.
Mr. Reese opened the door, showed me in and asked if I needed anything. I told him that Mrs. Reese had shown me where everything was the other day. “Okay,” he said. “I will let you go about your duties, as I have my own work to do.” With that, he went off to his study, to do his own work.
I went about my business dusting, running the vacuum and mopping the floors. Mr. Reese stayed in his study and left me alone, but I could see him watching me as I strutted around the house or bending over, while I worked. Just before I was done, he emerged from his study and struck up a conversation with me.
He asked me why I was cleaning for others all of a sudden. I told him how I wanted to buy a car, and that my parents were committed to splitting the cost of any car I chose. He asked me about my boyfriends, how school was going. All the time we spoke, I had a sense that he was undressing me with his eyes, not that I had any objection.
When I was done, Mr. Reese handed me the two hundred dollars, that was agreed upon and then handed me another fifty. I looked at him confused. He told me it was to go towards my car fund and that I had done such a good job that I deserved a tip. I smiled and thanked him, gathered my stuff and left. As I was walking out of the house, I could feel Mr. Reese’s eyes staring at my tight teenage ass. I smiled and chuckled to myself, because deep down I loved the attention.
I enjoyed the money I was making and able to save as the weeks went on. As the word got out, two more of the neighbors hired my services. Even with the added clients, compared with the price of cars, I came to realize that the money just wasn’t accumulating as quickly as I wanted. Mr. Reese’s tip every week was most appreciated, even though it came with his creepy stare. In fact, I guess it didn’t truly bother me that much, in that I started to wear even tighter and more revealing clothing, particularly when I went to the Reese’s house.
Mr. Reese did spend more and more time out of his study when I was there, and he would always strike up a conversation about personal things with me. He made a point of always asking about my car fund, but then would get into such topics like who my boyfriend was; how serious I was with him; where do we go and what do we do on our dates, etc.
One Tuesday in October I had an early dismissal from school, so I called Mr. Reese and asked him if I could come earlier than usual, because of my shortened school day. He told me that would be no problem.
After school, I went home to change and wore a tight gray tank top that exposed my mid-drift with tight shorts. I rang the doorbell and as Mr. Reese opened the door, his eyes bugged out. I’m sure I almost overwhelmed him with my firm young knockers and bare tummy.
“Oh hello, Kathleen. Come on in.” As I walked by him, I could feel his eyes looking right down my top. He only moved slightly to the side, which caused my tits to brush against his arm, as he held the door open for me to enter the house. Mr. Reese was around more than usual that day, and I could feel his stares, as I went about my job. But it seemed that I was just too much of a distraction for him. I could tell his work productivity suffered greatly, due to his inability to concentrate on his work.
When I finished, he asked me what my plans are for the rest of the day, now that I had finished earlier than normal. I told him I really had no set plans. Per normal, he asked me how my car fund was going. I confided in him that I was just not able to save as much as I would have liked. The way it was going, I would not be able to get my car until my second year of college.
Mr. Reese suggested that perhaps I needed to expand my services, in order to make more money more rapidly. I agreed, “that would be nice, but what else could I do?” He sat quietly for a few seconds and then said there was a whole market that I haven’t even tapped yet. “What market is that?” I asked inquisitively.
“Well, you are providing a service for the many women in the neighborhood, yet you’re not even touching the men’s needs.” Looking even more confused, I asked what the needs of the men might be. “Well, you’re cleaning because all the wives are too busy to take care of their houses, right?”
“Yes, that is correct,” I answered.
“Well if the wives do not have time to care of their houses, do you think they have been taking care of their husbands properly?
“Taking care of them how? Aaaaaaah, do you mean sexually?”
“Yes, Kathleen; most if not all the men in this neighborhood are sexually frustrated, because their wives do not have the time nor energy to take care of their needs properly. I do not know of any who would not pay to have that frustration go away.”
He then went on to explain graphically how I had the package with my tight ass, killer legs and substantial tits. I couldn’t help but draw a lot of interest. Further, he rationalized, I might actually be providing a much-needed service for the wives, in that it would undoubtedly take added pressure off of them, by having me provide for their husbands’ manly needs.
I responded with indignation, “You mean I will become a hooker?”
“Oh for heaven’s sake, no, not a hooker, just providing a service for pay,” he went on to explain.
“Well isn’t that the definition of a hooker?” I asked.
Mr. Reese said, “Let me ask you this; when you go out on a date, are you not sexually active with your boyfriends?”
“Yes, I am,” I replied, as I blushed.
“Well, this would be no different, and you will get paid a lot of money for it.”
I still can’t believe I asked this question, but it just flowed out of my mouth without even thinking. “Get paid? How much money are we talking here?”
Mr. Reese looked me up and down and told me that if I was willing, he would pay two hundred dollars for a blow job. “That’s two hundred for cleaning, my normal fifty dollar tip to you, and another two hundred for a blow job. That would be four hundred and fifty dollars for a few hours work and a few minutes of fun. Tell me that is not worth it.”
I quickly responded without really thinking it through, “when you put it like that, yes it would be I guess, but it would not be worth it to have just one customer.”
Mr. Reese assured me I would have more than enough customers with my hot body. “Just let me handle that part of it. I will be able to discreetly spread the word and I assure you, Kathleen, the offers will come in very quickly.”
“Really?” I naively replied.
“Let me graphically show you what you could make.” He took my hand and placed my normal two hundred and fifty dollars in my palm. He then put another two hundred dollars on the counter. “This can be yours as well, if you are serious about expanding the services you are willing to provide.”
I dropped to my knees in front of Mr. Reese, undid his slacks and boxers and pulled his cock out. I felt it growing in my soft teenage hands, as I caressed it. I leaned in and took his cock into my mouth and started sucking it. His cock grew even harder in my mouth, as I sucked it and swirled my tongue around the head.
Mr. Reese told me to take off my top so he could see those luscious tits. I took my mouth off his cock. Pressing my luck I countered, “for another fifty, I will.” He immediately slapped another Grant on the counter without any argument. I then pulled my top over my head and removed my bra. As I knelt there in front of him, with my tits exposed, his hands reached down. One hand went to the back of my head while the other went to fondle my boobs.
“Oh my, so beautiful soft but firm,” he whispered, while he moaned in pleasure. This wasn’t all for his enjoyment exclusively. My nipples are super sensitive and with the attention he paid to them, it was like he was sending pleasurable impulses directly to my clit. Additionally, I love having my mouth filled with cock!
I let him guide my head, as I took his dick in my mouth again and bobbed up and down on his cock. He didn’t shove my head down on his cock, but guided me to gradually take more and more of his hard cock into my mouth and down my throat. As I sucked, I could hear his moans fill the room as he fucked my face, he was pushing himself closer to the brink. Then his body tensed and he ejaculated, with stream after stream of his thick cum filling my mouth. I continued to suck until I had swallowed all he had to give me. I sucked until his dick went limp in my mouth.
Mr. Reese whispered to me, “That young lady was worth every dollar. Where did you learn to be such a great cocksucker?”
I didn’t really answer his rhetorical question as I stood up, put my bra and top back on; I took the added money from the counter and started to leave. Mr. Reese slowly lowered himself to sit in a chair in the kitchen and whimpered out, “I’ll see you next week, Kathleen.”
I walked to the door to leave and I could feel my Reese’s staring at my ass. I looked back as I reached the door to see him watching me with a smile on his face. I had a weird feeling, as I walked out of the door and down the street to my house. It was not one of shame or embarrassment, in fact, it was of excitement. I walked into my house and up the stairs to my room. I lay on the bed as my hand slid under my shorts and into my panties; that is when I noticed how wet I was, I was actually soaked. I worked my fingers into my wet cunt and masturbated to an earth-shattering orgasm.
I received a phone call from Mr. Reese Saturday afternoon. He asked me if I had any plans for later tonight. Other than possibly meeting up with some friends later, I told him I had none set. He told me his wife was going to be out with friends tonight and was wondering if I wanted to earn three hundred dollars. I asked him what he had in mind. He told me he needed to fuck my tight hot wet pussy. Just hearing him say that statement got me excited, but I decided I would push the envelope, so to speak.
Calmly I told him that I was pretty sure that for FIVE hundred, I could clear the time needed and could make that appointment. There was dead silence on the other end of the line. I wondered if I had tossed the deal breaker to him, but knew I had to be cool, almost cold when negotiating the deal. His breathing was heavy as seconds ticked by. Finally, he told me, “I suppose your tight young cunt would be worth it.” He cautioned me to be discreet coming to his house, because if the neighbors saw me coming over, they might question it. He instructed me to be there at seven o’clock. I told him I would see him then.
I got off the phone and noticed I was breathing hard and perspiring. I didn’t know if it was the rush of negotiating the deal, or the fact that I was taking my first step to becoming a fully-fledged whore. It mattered not; I was determined to get that car!
I left my house wearing a short black skirt, black boots, black thigh highs stockings, a white low cut blouse and a matching set of white lacy bra and thong lingerie. My parents knew I was meeting friends and as I walked out the door they yelled to me, “Bye honey, don’t be late and have a good time.” I chuckled to myself, if they only knew how good of a time I was going to have.
I parked my car a few blocks away and walked back through some woods to get to Mr. Reese’s house. I walked through his backyard and knocked on his patio door. As he opened the door he looked around and asked me if anyone saw me. I detailed my trail and assured him that I was very careful not to be seen. He closed the door behind me and led me down the hall, where we entered his bedroom.
He lecherously looked me up and down, commenting onhow sexy I looked. He, on the other hand, had on a pair of soccer shorts and a t-shirt. He sat down on a chair, instructing me to undress for him. Slowly and erotically, I started to disrobe until I was standing in front of him naked, except for my thigh high stockings, that he asked me to keep on. I could see the swell of his cock grew very hard in his shorts.
This was the ultimate in being a flirt, knowing that I had caused this refined older gentleman to be so aroused by my sexy young body. I loved the feeling I was having, as evidenced by the seeping moisture beginning to form like dew drops on the lips of my waxed cunt.
He stood and approached me and guided me to the bed. As I laid down, Mr. Reese stood next to the bed, removed his t-shirt and lowered his shorts. His hard cock popped out and pointed straight out towards me. Mr. Reese climbed onto the bed. I felt his strong hands on my inner thighs, just above the tops of my stockings, as he parted and moved between my legs. He then moved toward my treasure, kissing and licking me from my knees to the apex of my legs. He then leaned forward and licked from my puckered asshole, through my love channel up to my now throbbing clit.
I almost lost it right then! This was actually the first time anyone ever licked my pussy, let alone my rosebud. I couldn’t believe how wonderful it felt! I thrashed about and moaned with pleasure, as my hips rose to meet his tongue. I grabbed the sheets as my body started to shake. I screamed as I came, releasing a squirt of liquid all over Mr. Reese’s mouth and tongue. I couldn’t believe how hard I came! I had never had an orgasm like that before, and it felt amazing. I felt so sexy. It was at that moment that I felt like I had transitioned from a teenage girl to a vibrant young woman!
I was just coming back to my senses, when I realized that Mr. Reese was presenting his cock to my mouth, tapping the head on my lips. I knew what I was expected to do next, as I opened my mouth and wrapped my lips around his hard cock engulfing it into my mouth. I thought to myself, hmm I thought he wanted to fuck me; guess he changed his mind. I was still reeling from my amazing orgasm. I worked my lips up and down on his dick as his hands caressed my tits.
After a few minutes of sucking Mr. Reese’s cock, he pulled out of my mouth and moved back between my legs. He opened a condom and slid it over his cock. Suddenly I felt his hard dick against my wet slit. He then pushed into me spreading the lips of my pussy. My young tight cunt readily accepted his hard cock. Mr. Reese thrust his man meat in and out of me. The speed and depth of his invasion steadily increased with each thrust. The harder he pounded me, the louder our moans of pleasure became, filling the room with the sounds of our lustful passion.
As Mr. Reese continued to slam his hard cock into my sex, he kept moaning telling me how tight my hot young pussy was. His dirty running commentary turned me on and heightened my excitement. I felt that oh so familiar feeling coming over me again, as the first wave of my orgasm started. My moans turned to screams of pleasure as I exploded in a wild orgasm! That drove Mr. Reese over the edge as he buried his hard throbbing cock into my depths and moaned out, “Ahhhhhh… I’m cumming!”
Mr. Reese collapsed on top of me, and laid there for a few minutes before he rolled off to my side and laid there panting heavily. I didn’t say a word. I just got up and got dressed as he watched quietly. He told me my money was on the nightstand, as he pointed to the five hundred dollar bills fanned out on the table.
He told me that next week, when I clean the Griffin’s house, I should be prepared to spend some extra time there, since John Griffin is interested in some extra services. I smiled knowingly.
I left Mr. Reese and went to meet my friends. I kept thinking to myself, if they only knew how much of a whore I had become, they would be shocked. They would also be shocked even more, if they knew how much I am loving this new me.
The following week when I went to the Griffin’s I found myself servicing my second customer. In short order Mr. McDonald, Johnson, Hurst, and Jefferson came on board, as extra services customers as well. Between the days after cleaning and then other days they asked me to, with the extra services I had added to my business service offerings, I increased my earnings substantially. Before long I was able to buy a brand new BMW Z4 Roadster! My friends were both shocked and jealous that I had earned that much money. They had no clue how hard I actually did work; wink, wink.
The important thing was, like a slam dunk in your face, my friends knew that the PRINCESS WAS BACK!!