Nina sat idly flicking through a few magazines while she was waiting for her appointment with the dentist. For the last three years, she and her mates had hit Southern California beaches, where they swam, surfed, danced and drank themselves silly for about three weeks solid.
This year Nina wanted something different, a much more relaxing and hopefully a more romantic setting place to visit. She closed her eyes for a moment, maybe somewhere with a lake, mountains, spa, hiking trails, and clear skies. A chance to chill out and do nothing if she wanted.
Nina flipped over a few more pages and there it was, an add for a mountain resort, Tekapo Springs. Mountains, lake, spa, hot pools, hikes.
“Nina,” called the dentist. “Come on in.”
Nina put down the magazine, and when in for her check-up. When she left, the thought of the resort had all but gone from her mind.
A week later Nina decided that she would not be going with the rest of her mates, not this time, she wanted to try something else. The trouble was she could not at all remember the name of the resort she had seen in the magazine at her dentist’s practice.
A few days later Nina visited the mall, and when she saw the new travel agent, she made a beeline to the door. Nina tried to describe the add, telling them all she could recall about what she had seen. The agent worked and called up a number of different resorts, but none of them looked anything like she had seen.
The agent went and asked for ideas, and then they did a further search, and then out of the long listing, the name popped up, “Tekapo Springs”.
“That’s it! Yes,” Squeaked Nina, “There! That’s where I want to go.”
The two agents looked at each other, then back at Nina. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, yes, yes, book me three weeks there,” Nina was ecstatic.
“Um. It is a long way.”
“I want to go, just book it.”
“It won’t be cheap, it will take some time to get there too.”
“I don’t care,” interrupted Nina, “it’s perfect, it’s just what I have been looking for.”
The two agents looked at each other again, then they shrugged shoulders.
“Well, we can do that, we will need your passport, so we can book the flights. What dates would you like to travel on?”
The agent then took all the details needed to get the bookings underway. They promised to email her with her flight details along with the account and the required deposit.
A short time later Nina left the travel agents, she almost skipped along, she was going to a new and exciting place by herself, just what she wanted for a summer holiday.
A few days later Nina received an email with the details of the trip she had requested. She gasped when she saw the total cost, it was a lot more than she had thought it was going to be. Oh hell, the trip would wipe out all her savings. She thought about calling the travel agents back and canceling the trip, but then she thought of the mountains, the lake, the spa, the hot pools.
Eventually, Nina replied to the email and arranged for the deposit to be paid. But because she was still reeling at the cost, she did not check her flight details. A week later she visited the travel agent’s where she needed to fill out all sorts of paperwork. She was somewhat confused as to the need for it all, as her previous trips had never been like this. But she signed what she needed and then it was done.
Three weeks to go and Nina went and collected all her travel documents. A very brief skim over them left her feeling bewildered, but she was not going to let that stop her. She would review the details later when she had more time, she put the documents away in, ready for her flight out.
The High School closed for the summer break, and Nina began to pack her summer clothes ready for her trip. Tees and shorts, knickers and bras, her bikini for swimming, light jeans for evenings out, and a light jacket as a windbreak, perfect. Then she retrieved her tickets and looked them over again.
The first flight was what she had expected, going to Los Angeles, then the next flight was to a strange airport she never heard of, and the flight was thirteen hours. No, that must be a typo, three hours, that was more like it. Then one more flight of an hour thirty minutes. That was then followed by a bus trip. Once there, she had a nice cabin with views over the lake booked ready for her.
The day of her departure was fine and warm, Nina dressed in light, comfortable clothing. She did a final check of her suitcase and then headed to the airport.
Her first clue that all was not as it seemed was when she was directed to a different check-in area for her flight. While she had no trouble she needed to present both her tickets and her passport. Nina thought that it might be due to some new policy to do with security. The attendant smiled and informed her that there would be no need to pick up her luggage at Los Angeles, as it was booked through on her next flight.
Nina’s first flight was straightforward, arriving on time in Los Angeles. Then she set out to track down the next gate and flight. The trouble now was she was unsure of exactly where her next flight’s gate was. She found an attendant and asked.
The attendant looked at her ticket and informed her that it was an international departure, and she would need to go through security first. Nina was stunned to be told that she was going on an international flight.
‘What had I got myself into?’ thought Nina, she was not prepared for the idea she would actually leave the country by herself. Her mind ticked over, and she thought, Canada, of course, but why the extra detour via Los Angeles? It would, however, be nice to visit Canada.
Nina made her way through security and passport control, then she was in the duty-free area. First, she told herself was to find the right gate, then if she had time, she would find a few things to have on her trip. She followed the signs and after quite a long walk, she found the large lounge areas where the gates were located. Nina sat for a moment to double check her flight number against the display board. She was due to fly to a place called Auckland.
Nina visited the bathroom and found herself a drink before settling back down until her flight. Then came the boarding calls, Nina waited till her row number had been called, then she made her way forward. Her boarding pass was scanned then she walked through to the aircraft. Once she was inside, she was amazed at how big it was. She found her seat, next to the aisle, and she found an older couple seated next to her.
Cheerful cabin crew came and checked that everyone was seated in and all bags were out of the way. Then they did the aircraft safety demonstration, following a video clip that played at the same time.
There was a small bump and Nina felt the movement of the aircraft as it was pushed back, away from the terminal. The engines came to life and then they taxied out to the runway. It was time for Nina’s aircraft to go. The jet accelerated down the runway, then lifted off into a late afternoon, sun-filled sky.
Nina expected the aircraft to bank to the right and then head north up towards Canada, but when the aircraft did bank, it was to the left and not by that much either. It kept climbing and only made small changes in its course. ‘So, not Canada then,’ thought Nina, ‘where the hell am I going? Okay, she was on a flight to Auckland, so where was Auckland then?’
Nina pulled out her travel documents and looked more closely at them. She found this fights details, she was going to Auckland, New Zealand. Nina had no idea what so ever as to where New Zealand was. Nina again looked at the flight time, thirteen hours; you can fly a very long way in thirteen hours.
Nina noticed the couple next to her had put on headphones and were now going over the in-flight entertainment. She decided to also check out what was on offer. A few minutes later she found the flight tracker and noticed it seemed a very long way to Auckland. Maybe thirteen hours was right after all.
Soon after the flight attendants came by, serving drinks and then dinner, while the aircraft flew further out over the Pacific. Quite sometime later they had breakfast, then they touched down, and Nina emerged from the aircraft looking bewildered, tired, but however, feeling very well fed.
Nina made her way through customs without any delays, then she went to find her next flight, going to Christchurch. A shuttle took her over to the domestic terminal, where she found her flight.
Nina was somewhat surprised to see other passengers dressed up in heavy jumpers and coats, but she didn’t have a lot of time to ponder why. Nina found she had a window seat, which was a bit of a novelty for her. Soon they were on their way and she watched the green land unfold below her.
Then she spied a rugged landscape below, and what was clearly a couple of snow-capped volcanoes rising up beyond the darker green forest area surrounding them. Soon after they passed over an area of sea, then they passed over several ranges of snow-capped mountains.
They began their descent into Christchurch. Soon after Nina collected her baggage and when to find her bus. Friendly staff directed her to where she needed to go. Then she stepped outside for the first time and Froze. It was freezing. Hurriedly she dug into her suitcase and pulled out her jacket.
Nina looked at the bus, there was something very odd about it, but as she was beginning to shiver, she quickly approached and showed her ticket to the driver who seemed indifferent to the freezing temperatures. She climbed aboard and found her seat four rows back and behind the bus driver’s seat.
Nina watched as other passengers came aboard, unsure if someone else was due to sit next to her, but while the bus was moderately full, she had the seats to herself. The driver came onboard, did a head count making sure all the passengers were onboard. He started the bus, then he welcomed them onboard, and gave a rundown on the trip and their stops along the way.
As they worked their way out of the airport and began to make their way through busy roads, Nina realized the driver was on the wrong side of the road. For a minute or so, she was terrified that there was going to be a horrible accident. Then she realized that not only was the bus on the wrong side of the road, all the other cars and trucks were also on the wrong side of the road.
A few minutes later they headed down the highway, and Nina got her first amazing views of distant mountain ranges, well covered in snow. Soon they moved out into the countryside, where sheep and cattle grazed in farms as far as she could see. They crossed a large braided river then passed through a small village. Next, they came to a large town, where they had a brief stop.
The carried on, slowly getting closer to the mountains, then they turned off and made a more direct line towards a set of ranges. Soon after they pulled into another small town where they had a lunch break. Nina shivered as she made her way to the nearby cafe. While the sun was shining, there was a very cold breeze.
Soon after the bus began to climb up through a series of valleys and hills. The mountains seemed to close in and as the passed a hilltop, snow-covered hills were not that far away. They descend into another small town, where a few more passengers disembarked, and a couple more came on board.
The bus climbed up a pass, and Nina noticed snow at the sides of the road, then they dropped slowly down into a big basin, surrounded by multiple ranges of mountains, smothered in snow. Then a big sign loomed up, Aoraki Mackenzie International Dark Sky Reserve, “Enjoy the Stars”. The diver explained about how this reserve was one of the first in the world.
A few minutes later they rounded a bend and there before them, a deep blue lake stretched out into the distance, glistening in the afternoon sun. Nina had never seen a lake like this before. The bus swung down and then came to a small village area, where it pulled in.
“Lake Tekapo,” called the driver. The drive looked at Nina and nodded, “This is your stop.”
A small shock ran through Nina, this was it, she was here, Lake Tekapo. This was her mountain getaway.
Nina stood up and climbed down out of the bus, She gasped, the air was very cold, and the sun had slipped behind a nearby mountain. There were a few other also descending off the bus, but they seemed to be wrapped up in much warmer coats and jackets. Nina tried to stand under a veranda, but it made very little difference to how cold she felt.
Nina collected her suitcase, then took out her travel documents to find the details of her accommodation. She did a double take, her cottage was booked from Monday for three weeks, but it was Sunday. She ran through her trip, she had left on Saturday, flying to Los Angeles, then the overnight flight through to Auckland, and from there to here it had been Sunday. Nina looked in dismay, totally unsure what to do. And, she was freezing!
“Nina, Nina Curtis?” Asked an approaching, middle-aged woman.
Yes,” Squeaked Nina, her teeth chattering, “Yes, I’m Nina.”
“Hello, I see you got here alright then. I’m Donna, from Lake View Cottages. Come on then, let’s get you settled in. Oh, and this is my boy, Sean.” She pointed to a young man who towered over the both of them, he had dark hair and sported a short cropped beard, and he seemed to be grinning from ear to ear.
Sean picked up Nina’s suitcase and carried over to a nearby four-wheel drive wagon, he opened and held the door so Nina could get in, then repeated it for his mother. Sean then drove the wagon along a narrow road till they came to a set of cottages nestled in under a number of trees.
“Here we are then, number four, best views over the lake,” announced Donna.
Sean again opened the doors, and they approached the cottage, Donna produced a key with a big tag and opened it up. Donna then showed her the bedroom, the bathroom and kitchen areas, how to set the television going and how to get the heat-pump on. Sean came in carrying the suitcase.
“Thank you,” Nina shivered as the heat pump began to blow warm air into the room.
“You look tired and somewhat bewildered, you have come a long way. A good night rest and you will be good as gold in the morning.” Donna cheerfully told her.
“Thanks. Um, I’m a little confused though, how did you know to pick me up today, I wasn’t booked in till tomorrow.”
“Your booking was for today, for three weeks.”
“But,” stuttered Nina, “I was booked in for Monday, not Sunday.”
“Today is Monday.” Assured Donna.
Sean chuckled and began to laugh. “I think I understand, you flew in from the United States, but you have not accounted for crossing the International Date Line. You go forward a day. And when you return, you go back a day.”
“Oh, I guess that would explain that.” Nina shivered again. “Um, is it usually this cold here?”
Donna and Sean both looked at each other. “Don’t!” Warned Donna.
Sean smirked, “I didn’t say a thing.”
Donna looked at Nina with a hint of pity. “It is winter here, so, yes, it is usually this cold here. In the northern hemisphere, it is summer and its warm, and when you have winter, we have summer.” Donna sighed while Sean chuckled again. “Let me guess, you packed for a summer holiday?”
Nina could only nod, going bright red as she did.
“Well, at least you are not the first, nor, do I doubt, that you will be the last. I do hope you decide to say and have fun exploring the area now that you are here. I think we can take you to do a bit of winter clothing shopping in the morning, I think you will need that.”
“Thank you, yes, I think I do want to stay, I heard there were hot pools here, I want to try them out.”
“Yes, there are hot pools here, only a few minutes walk away, “Well, I think we will leave you to unpack and settle in, I drop in a warm jacket for you to use in the meantime.”
“Thank you, that would be really helpful.”
Nina sat on the small sofa in the lounge, “Fuck! What on earth have I done?”
Nina sat and looked out at the lake, it was indeed a very deep blue, and it sparkled nicely. Then she sighed and started to unpack, arranging things into the draws in the bedroom, then her bathroom stuff next. Then Nina powered up her phone but discovered her network did not work in New Zealand.
A knock at the door and Sean appeared carrying a heavy jacket. “Mom thinks this will fit nicely, try it on and I can tell her if she is right.”
Nina took the jacket and slipped it on, it was a snug fit and it felt very warm, Sean stepped forward and helped Nina do up the buttons on the front.
“Yeah, that is a good fit, snug and warm, you look pretty,” Sean reassured her. “Now, if there is anything you need or want to know, just feel free to ask me, okay? I’m usually at the lodge just behind here or over at Tekapo Springs.”
“Yeah, thanks, I’m tired now, I think I’ll shower then sleep.”
A short while later, clad in three tee shirts and her track pants, Nina climbed into the bed and quickly fell asleep.
Nina awoke the next morning feeling much better than the night before. She made herself a coffee, then peeked out the window to see the sun rising over the mountains, the light dancing off the lake below.
Nina changed into the warmest clothing she could find, then went outside. And she froze. It was insanely cold, making her breath formed a mist in front of her. Getting warm winter clothing was definitely a good idea.
A short while later Nina made her way to the lodge, Where she found both Donna and Sean busy. After a brief discussion, Sean was asked to take Nina to the shopping center to find a selection of winter clothing. This did not seem to bother Sean in the least.
Half an hour later, and with a number of suggestions by Sean, Nina had several bags fill. She had got new boots, pants, gloves and socks, polar fleece tops, thermal underwear, a bright green beanie hat, and multicolor scarf, as well as a new sheepskin-lined jacket.
Next Sean took her to the supermarket to stock up on food items she would need during her stay. All in all, she had used a fair chunk of her holiday budget by the time she returned back to the cottage.
Nina changed into her new clothing after lunch, she was ready to venture out, she wanted to find Tekapo Springs, which was just a few minutes walk away. The easiest path was down almost at the edge of the lake until she made it to the car park and the steps leading up to the main entrance.
Nina checked over what was available and at what prices. Then she went to look at the ice skating rink and watched a number of people gliding about over the rink. It looks so simple, but she had never skated before, so she knew she would need lessons if she was going to give it a go.
Nina looked again at the pricing for the hot pools and the day spa beauty treatment. Then she found the sign for the ice skating lessons, ten o’clock the next morning. Yes, that is what she would try to do. She went to the counter and booked herself in for the lesson.
Nina was looking over the different options when one of the staff approached her and asked if she was interested in discounted price offer, as there had been a last minute cancellation. However, she would have to have the available straight away.
Nina jumped at the chance but was in two minds as to what she wanted to be done. Then she recalled her last couple of bikini waxes had been quite rushed and rough. And maybe if she could get her nails done too, that would be awesome.
Nina followed the beautician into one of the spa rooms. First, she had her nails tidied up and then new polish applied, with small patterns on them. She was very pleased. Then she was asked to lie back on the massage table for her full bikini waxing. A few minutes later warm wax was applied, and then the wax was carefully removed, leaving her very smooth and silky. Nina had hardly felt the wax being taken off, now she was very happy.
Nina stopped into the cafe to have a hot drink before watching some more ice skating. She saw Sean with a group and he looked like he was teaching them to skate. Would he be her teacher in the morning?
Ingrid was Nina’s teacher, however, Sean was also teaching. Sean explained that he would take people who needed a refresher, while Ingrid would take those who had little or no experience with skating.
A few minutes later they made their way out onto the ice, slowly creeping along, trying hard not to tumble or slip over. While Nina was not the first, she soon upended onto the ice. But Nina was determined to try and she soon began to get the hang of skating. By the end of the lesson, she was able to complete two full circuits of the rink without any trouble.
Nina stopped in at the cafe to have some lunch, but the place was quite busy. Finding a seat was somewhat difficult until she heard her name called. Sean was sitting with another woman, but he called her over to take a seat. Nina sat and then realized the woman was the beautician she had seen the previous day.
“Hi Nina, I was watching you skate, you are doing really well. Oh, this is my sister-in-law, Lyn, she works here as a beautician.”
“Yes, we have actually met,” Lyn replied, “You came in to get your…” Nina froze, she did not want Lyn to say anything about her waxing, “your nails done. They look really good.”
“Thank you, yes, you did a wonderful job for me.” Nina let out a slow sigh of relief.
The storm arrived on Wednesday afternoon, carpeting the whole region in thick snow. It carried on snowing throughout Thursday, finally easing off late into the night. Crews worked to clear roads and paths, but Nina’s cottage was surrounded with knee deep snow.
Sean had visited a few times to check on her and to keep a path from the cottage to the lodge clear, He has also invited Nina up to the lodge for dinner with the other guests on Thursday evening.
After dinner, they all went to sit in the lounge chatting, while the log burner blazed before them. Nina made a bathroom visit, and when she returned, there was only one space left on the sofa, between Isaac the chef and Sean. A couple of bottles of wine appeared and were passed around. Nina refilled her glass, it was a very pleasant way to spend the evening.
Nina woke with a start, somehow, she had drifted off to sleep on Sean’s shoulder. She tried to straighten herself up, but then she yawned. Everyone else was still quietly chatting, but Nina could hardly keep her eyes open.
A while later, Nina woke again as she felt a firm hand on her shoulder.
“Time to head for bed,” She heard Donna’s voice. “Come on.”
Nina had again fallen asleep on Sean’s shoulder. He had simply stayed in place while she slept, then she realized he had put his arm around her, holding her. It felt strange that he let her sleep like that.
Nina returned back to her cottage, then she made herself a hot drink, giving time for the electric blanket to warm her bed. Soon after she was asleep again.
The next morning was still mostly overcast, with a cold wind. The skating rink and pools were closed for the day. Nina made her way up to the lodge, where she found Donna and Sean busy shoveling snow. Nina didn’t know what she could do to help, but Sean found another shovel, and she gave a hand in clearing some of the paths.
The weather brightened after lunch and Sean offered to take Nina to a couple of the local sights, including the Church of the Good Shepherd. At first, Nina thought they would drive there, but Sean explained it really was only about ten minutes walk.
They walked along a path until the met with the roadway, then the carefully picked their way towards the village center. As they passed the shops, Nina became aware that she somehow was holding hands with Sean. She felt odd because she could not figure out when they joined hands, nor who started it. But it also felt very reassuring too.
The church was picture perfect, Nina took a lot of pictures outside then they went inside to get more photos. As they positioned themselves, the sun finally broke through the clouds and shone down, reflecting off the lake and through the big window. Nina was taken aback at just how wonderful it all looked.
They left the church just as two tourist buses pulled in. They move along the lakefront to the statue of the sheepdog. Nina had no idea just how important the sheepdogs were to the farming community. Then Sean told her the story of James Mackenzie and his secret pass where he had driven a large flock of sheep through and found the Mackenzie basin.
Nina again found her hand in Sean’s as they walked back along beside the river but she was unsure just how that happened. They arrived at the control gates, where the main road passed over them. Sean explained the lake was used as storage for the hydro-power scheme, the water being used up during the winter to supply power all across the country,
They talked a bit about themselves, Sean telling Nina that he was twenty-four and in his final year at University, completing an Honours degree in civil engineering. Nina told Sean she was twenty-two, and about her work in the office at the local High School.
As the approached the lodge and the cottages, a sudden white blur shot across in front of Nina but impacted on Sean. Sean quickly stooped down and grabbed a large handful of snow. He swiftly dispatched it back, catching Isaac as he darted between a couple of trees. Suddenly the air was thick with flying snowballs. Nina stood gaping, totally confused when a snowball struck her, quickly followed by another one, Nina shrieked.
The snow fight was full on. It took Nina several attempts to make a snowball, but at last, she began to get snowballs into the air. While she had very limited success in hitting anyone, she took more than her fair share of hits, shrieking and giggling with each hit she took.
They all sat again in the lounge soon after dinner. Casually chatting on all sorts of subjects. Again Nina found herself next to Sean, but this time she had wanted to sit next to him. Sean had whispered in her ear that the lodge had a hot-tub if she would like to have a quiet soak. Nina thought it an interesting idea. Sean told her it would need a bit of time to come back up to full heat.
A while later Sean had told Nina that the hot-tub was ready, and it was just out the back of the lodge. After such a busy day a soak in the tub would be welcomed. She had wanted to try out the hot pools, but they were still shut after the big snow dump. It was already dark outside when Nina went to change into her bikini and to grab a towel and jacket to wrap about herself.
Nina looked about in the hot-tub room, the water streamed before her as she tried to decide what she wanted to do. Carefully she eased her towel off and folded it and placed on the small stand. She shivered as she took a couple of steps and dipped her toe into the water. Indecision caught her, having a soak seemed such a good idea on such a freezing day.
Nina slipped her hand up behind her back and found the tie of her bikini top, With a quick pull, she released it and then swung her top and place it on top of her towel. Then she pushed down her bikini bottom, placing it also on her towel. She stepped over to the water and sank down into the warm depths of bliss.
“Ohhh” she sighed.
There was a brief knock on the door, then the sound of a key turning the lock and the door opened just enough to admit one person before it closed again. Nina looked up at the grinning Sean. Her heart skipped a beat. He moved closer to the water, placing his towel next to hers, then he eased his top off and quickly lowered his jeans. A moment later he was also naked as he slipped into the warm water.
“Hello.” He grinned.
“Hello,” Nina replied, feeling mixed emotions as well as a bit shy.
They sat close, but with a small gap between them, only their heads above the streaming water.
“I’m glad you stayed, you have certainly brightened my days since you arrived.” Sean looked at her, grinning sheepishly.
“Thank you, you sure have helped me a lot after my initial stuff up, it had been great to have you here,” She looked directly into his sparkling eyes.
Carefully he reached out and eased his hand behind her head, drawing her a bit closer, then he kissed her. Nina kissed in response, enjoying his lips against hers. Nina eased herself up against him, drawing his face close to hers, slowly pulling her body firmly against him, hugging him. She felt his arms encircle her, holding her against him.
They kissed again, deep passion engulfed them, holding each other, arms wrapped around them both.
“Oh my God,” purred Nina, as she gasped to catch her breath.
“What?” inquired Sean.
“You!” she whispered as she began to kiss him again.
Nina was well aware they were both totally naked, but neither of them had tried to touch each other, but they were just content to hold and kiss, allowing the passion to take its course.
Nina knew that there was something more to Sean, the way he had treated her so far had been an eye-opener. He had something very special about him and he had simply bypassed her normal safeguards. They had been kissing for several minutes, and he had not put a hand out of place, not that she would object, but still.
Nina held on, kissing with such a passion that it had made her body tingle, but while she felt the desire and fire in her, she held that in check so she could enjoy the pure pleasure of his kissing.
Never before had someone just kissed her with such passion, and Nina was in total enrapture by him. Her mind fuzzed out as she tried to respond in kind. The warm water about them eased their concerns as their passion continued.
Then Sean moved and spun Nina around, facing away from him. His hand then ran down the length of her spine, and she tingled in a completely new way. Nina closed her eyes as his hand again ran up and down her spine.
“Oh, God!” She whimpered, “Oh, God, that feels so good.”
Sean chuckled, “I thought you would like this.”
They walked back to Nina’s cottage, hand in hand. One inside Nina went to the bedroom and turned on the electric blanket. Then she heard the clink of wine glasses as Sean poured from a small bottle of wine. They sat kissing on the sofa for a few minutes, sipping the wine which Nina thought tasted wonderful.
A few minutes later Sean carried Nina into the bedroom. They snuggled up close under the blankets, Nina quivered as Sean began to run his fingers through her long blonde hair, then his hands ran up and down her back while they kissed. The effect was electrifying for Nina, she began to ache in anticipation, her desire building up in an intense tension she had never before felt.
Sean’s hand rubbed against her side for a moment before it slipped down and cupped her left breast. Her nipples hardened even more, almost like diamond points. Sean’s hand eased up and over her breast, lightly rubbing her nipple. Nina gasped as the effect drove her desire over the edge.
The short sharp jolt in Nina’s lower body caught her by surprise, making her quiver even more. Sean’s finger then circled and eased over her nipple again. Nina felt her whole body begin to tingle, his touch was driving her crazy. Sean again circled her nipple, but then his fingers caught her nipple and squeezed it firmly. Nina gasped and shuddered as the orgasm rippled through her body.
Nina rolled over slowly as Sean began to kiss her neck and upper chest. She struggled to believe she had just orgasmed without even being touched lower down, as that had never happened to her before. She felt Sean’s hands gently cup both her breasts, then stroke up and over her nipples again, Nina moaned in delight.
Sean’s head moved lower, then Nina felt his lips against her nipple. His tongue teased her nipple, then he eased his mouth open and over her nipple. Nina felt her left nipple expand into his mouth just as he squeezed her right nipple. Nina lost all sense of control as she quivered and orgasmed again, moaning loudly.
For the next couple of minutes, Nina gasped and panted as Sean worked his magic on her breasts. Her mind was going to mush as he made her tingle throughout her body. Then as he again squeezed both her nipples, she shuddered and gasped as the next orgasm raced throughout her body, blowing her mind.
Sean shifted position and began to kiss her neck and lips again, Nina responded in kind as she felt Sean’s hand ease down over her body and belly. Sean’s hand eased over her mound and down onto her thighs before returning back to her lower belly. Nina felt his gentle touch as his hand again moved over her mound, then she felt his finger trace her divide where it started on her bare mound.
Nina eased her legs apart, then she felt Sean’s fingers danced along her lips. It was just too much and Nina orgasmed again. Nina was very wet and slick, her body now trembling in deep desire, she desperately wanted Sean inside her. But Sean gently probed her lips and explored her inner womanhood. Panting frantically, Nina was lost in the sensations that drove her insane. Nina pulled her legs back together, bucking wildly as she orgasmed very hard on his fingers.
Sean shifted his position again, easing himself over and on top of Nina. Nina groaned and whimpered as she felt his cock begin to press in against her body. God, she really wanted him inside her. Gently she felt his head ease up inside, then he began to slowly rock, working his way deep inside her. Nina was ecstatic as her desire had become so intense.
Nina managed to raise her arms and began to hug him, but then she exploded. Nina’s mind and body fizzed, buzzed, and seemed to be boiling up and over, again and again. Nina felt another orgasm build, just about all her muscles tensioned up, then she felt the intense quivering release just as she felt Sean also release deep inside her.
Never in Nina’s twenty-two years of life had she felt anything remotely this intense before. She had lost count of just how many orgasms she had, not that she cared, her mind and body had been both completely blown away by it all.
They lay together for a couple of minutes, slowly regaining their breath. Then Sean eased over to the side.
“Are you alright?” Sean quietly asked her.
Nina sighed, “No, I haven’t got a clue,” she panted out, struggling still to get her breath back. “I don’t think that I will be coming back from heaven anytime soon.”
Nina still found it hard to get any coherent thoughts together. She rolled over towards Sean, and he eased his arm behind her, pulling her head onto his shoulder. Slowly Nina began to realize Sean had actually made love to her, he had not just wanted to have sex with her. That thought caught in her mind and nestled into her heart.
‘God, what have I got myself into now.’ She thought as she lay on Sean’s shoulder.
Nina slowly lifted her head, then she kissed Sean on his cheek. Sean smiled at her, then began to kiss her back. They kissed for a few more minutes, then Nina lay her head again on Sean’s shoulder, a moment later she was asleep.
Nina woke the next morning to find herself still snuggled in on Sean’s shoulder, and he was fast asleep. Carefully she eased out of the bed and went to the bathroom, walking somewhat slowly. As she sat and peed, she became more aware of the remnants from the previous evening lovemaking on her thighs and between her legs. Nina closed her eyes for a moment, Sean had really driven her passion far beyond anything she had ever felt before.
Later that morning, they both were at the ice rink again. Nina was having another class lesson with Ingrid, while Sean was busy with a group of more experienced skaters. Nina grew more and more confident, making good progress as the day progressed.
After lunch, Nina sat in the cafe, busy writing postcards to send to her friends and family. Nina had discovered she would need a new sim for her phone, so she could get it to work, but she was not sure if that would also wipe all her contacts. She decided to keep them guessing as to exactly where she had gone. She walked into the village where she posted the cards then returned back to her cottage.
After a light dinner, Nina and Sean headed back to try out the hot pools. There ware already a modest crowd in the pools but it was easy for them to sit together as the night sky began to unfold above them.
Nina was taken aback of just how many stars she could see. There was a rich band of light stretching from one side of the sky to the other, “The Milky Way,” Sean informed her. There were quite a few quite bright stars scattered all over the sky.
Nina asked Sean about them, and he pointed out a few of the planets, as well as the names of a few of the brighter stars. Then he suggested a visit to an observatory, to look through a telescope a night or two later.
They sat in the pools for quite some time before heading back to the lodge for supper, then Nina took Sean back to her cottage.
Nina cuddled tightly against Sean, kissing and hugging as best as she could. She rubbed his chest before her hand eased down and took hold of his cock. Sean relaxed as Nina stroked and rubbed him, then she slipped her head under the blanket and began to kiss him.
Nina’s mouth closed over onto his cock, and Sean became very hard as she licked and sucked firmly on his cock. Sean reached down and began to fondle her nipples. A few minutes later Nina climbed on top of Sean, guiding his cock deep inside as she did.
Nina happily bounced up and down while Sean teased her nipples, but then Nina orgasmed hard, and collapsed down onto his chest. Sean drove his cock firmly again and again into Nina, making her squeak and convulse as she orgasmed several more times, then Sean released deep inside her.
They lay in the warm afterglow before falling asleep in each other’s arms.
Nina had been there for a week when Sean persuaded her to try skiing. There was a rugged looking bus that took them high up into the mountains to the ski field. The day was picture perfect, with amazing views all around and over the lake.
Nina went to the beginner’s slope where she had some assistance in learning how to ski. After a few falls and tumbles, she began to get the idea on how to ski, and she began to really enjoy herself. Sean kept an eye out for her, but the ski instructors were doing a great job.
They spent the day on the slopes, Nina was very happy and quite exhausted when they left, falling asleep on Sean’s shoulder as they returned.
They had dinner at the lodge again, then Sean took Nina back to her cottage. Once inside they sipped wine together, then Sean offered to give her a back massage. Nina sighed and agreed, it seemed like a wonderful idea.
Nina stripped off and lay face down on her bed, Sean carefully began to rub her back and shoulders, Sean had some massage cream that he applied and quickly Nina began to feel her aches and stresses ease out. Sean worked both her shoulders, then down and back up her spine.
Sean sat on the bed and got Nina to roll over and lie in front of him, so he could work her shoulders and neck better. Nina laid her head on his chest and felt his hands work magic on her shoulders again.
Nina relaxed and closed her eyes enjoying the attention Sean was giving her. He then eased her arms up and began to work on the sides of her armpits. Then he ran his hands down her sides and back up over her breasts, making Nina gasp. His hands then went back down over her breasts and he cupped her, teasing her nipples.
For the next few minutes, Nina lay against Sean while he firmly massaged her breasts. Nina puffed and panted as Sean cupped, squeezed, rubbed, lifted and pressed down on her breasts. While she had her breasts fondled and squeezed in the past, she had never experienced anything like this before. Nina grew ecstatic, then as he squeezed and tugged her nipples firmly, she orgasmed hard.
Soon after Nina lay on her back, cradled in Sean’s arms, while his cock began to probe deep inside her. Nina again became lost in the intense sensations and the quivering orgasms that Sean created within her.
The weather changed late the next day and more snow arrived. Nina had been up skiing again, getting more confidence as the day progressed. Sean could not go with her this time, as he had more skating classes to run. Nina missed having him nearby, but she still had a good days workout.
A couple of days later the weather cleared and as Sean had promised, he arranged for them both to go stargazing. A shuttle bus took then up to Mount John, which overlooked the village below. Nina joined a queue to look through one of the telescopes that had been set up for the evening.
A short time later Nina was looking through the telescope, and she saw a big bright ball of light, as she looked, she began to see dark bands of light across the globe, as well as four quite bright stars in a row. The person in charge explained that she was looking at Jupiter, and the bright stars were actual Moons of Jupiter.
In the next telescope she saw a much smaller ball of light, but with clear rings around it. Nina guessed this was Saturn, and she was right. Saturn was a creamy white, and the rings much the same, but it looked amazing.
After that she was shown a couple of star clusters with bright red and blue stars, then she looked at a milky cloudy area which was explained as a glowing gas nebula, called the Lagoon Nebula.
Nina found looking up at the stars very fascinating for her, and she decided that she really did want to know more about them. After she snuggled up to Sean as the shuttle bus returned them back to the village.
Soon after the were snuggled up close again in bed, kissing and hugging before Sean began to tease her nipples again. Nina moaned in delight as Sean drove her into an insane sexual high, making her orgasm a few more times. Sean then mounted her and drove his cock deep inside her. together they drove each other’s passion to their limits.
Nina could hardly believe she had been there two weeks already. She had spent more time skating and now she could skate backward with confidence. Sean slipped in and out of her bed, driving her insane with his lovemaking, Nina had never felt so happy as she did now.
Nina looked into Sean’s twinkling eyes. “You are up to something,” it wasn’t a question but a statement.
Sean laughed, “Yes, I am up to something, I just got word of a cancellation for a scenic flight, there are two spots available if you would like to go?”
“What, when? Oh god, how much will it cost?”
“When is now. Cost is half price if we can get there straight away, that’s about two hundred dollars each. If it’s out of your budget, I can cover for you. Please, it is an amazing flight.”
A few minutes later they arrived at the airfield, ready to go on the flight. Sean covered the cost and then they were escorted out to the waiting aircraft. Nina had never been on such a small aircraft before, it had only one engine, and it could take about twelve passengers. Once they were strapped in, the aircraft began to taxi, then a minute later they were off.
They flew in a broad circle to gain height, then they passed over the village, and up along Lake Tekapo beneath them. The pilot kept a running commentary, telling them all about the district they were flying over. They flew up a valley with a braided river running down from the mountains ahead.
Then they were flying amongst the mountains, with snow, ice, and glaciers beneath them. Nina was very busy taking photos while being absolutely thrilled to have the chance for the flight. Their next scenic target was Mount Cook, the highest Mountain in New Zealand.
They flew up another valley to see a large glacier, then they followed back down a different braided river, down to Lake Pukaki. From there they flew overland to arrive back at the airport.
A couple of days later evening over dinner, Donna suggested that Nina might like to try Horse Trekking. This was something that Nina actually knew about, as she had been to pony club when she had been twelve. Not that she ever owned a horse or a pony, but she did know how to ride and care for them.
Donna was ready to take Nina to the stables when Sean and Isaac appeared to wish her a fun day, as both of them had work that morning.
“Just watch out for drop bears when in the forest,” Isacc warned Nina. “You don’t want to be caught by one.”
“They don’t usually bother people unless they are starving.” Sean tried to reassure Nina, while Donna rolled her eyes behind her.
“Cut it out you two,” warned Donna, “Drop bears have not been seen in this area for about two years. Don’t you worry about them, we can take care of them if we need too.”
Nina was somewhat surprised that Donna was going trekking too, but she quickly found out that she often helped out as she had a passion for horses as well.
Nina really enjoyed the trek until mid-afternoon, when they arrived at a forested part of the trail. Nina began to get nervous and started to scan the trees ahead. Nina was also concerned that no other rider seemed to have any concern at all.
It was only after they passed through the forest that Donna confessed that they had been having her on about drop bears, as they did not exist. At first, Nina was indignant that they could play such a joke on her, but then she giggled at believing them and that Donna had gone along with it too.
Later that evening while they snuggled in bed, Nina told off Sean for having her on. Then she made a mistake and poked him with her finger to emphasize the point. Sean squeaked in surprise, so Nina poked him again.
While Sean was modestly ticklish, Nina was very ticklish. Being naked in bed while trying to tickle Sean was not the brightest idea, but Nina tried. At first, Nina had the upper hand, but then Sean began to tickle back, causing a lot of squeaking, shrieking, giggling and squirming.
It took Nina a couple of minutes to realize that having a tickling match with Sean was going to be one-sided in the end. Sean’s arms and fingers seemed to catch her and tickle against her faster then she had a hope of defending herself. They rolled back and forth, but Sean began to get the upper hand.
Nina grew exhausted and found Sean rolling her over onto her back while lifting her arms up out of his way. Nina was pinned down as Sean slipped over on top of her, straddling her legs, and holding her arms up each side of her head. She could feel his hard cock, firmly against her belly.
Sean wriggled on top of her, tickling her sides, Nina squirmed, squeaked, and writhed, but she made sure her legs stayed tightly together. Sean moved again and began to kiss her, nibbling at her ear, then kissing the side of her neck.
Sean still held her pinned down as shifted his hips and eased his cock back down onto her thighs. Nina gasped as she realized he intended to penetrate her while her legs were together. Nina was not sure if that was even possible.
Sean eased his cock up and the began to angle it in against her, Nina felt his cock engage and then it began to slowly squeeze inside her. She felt quite helpless for a moment as Sean’s cock wormed its way into her body.
Nina’s body had become hyper-sensitive during the tickling, and when Sean began to kiss her again, along with the sensation of his cock intruding inside her drove her over the edge, making her orgasm.
Sean began to slowly fuck her while still holding her down, her arms still pinned up each side of her head. The sensations of having Sean’s cock inside her with her legs together drove her mad, and she quickly orgasmed again.
Sean kept on going, her body seemed to be alive and responding, but she could hardly respond in kind. Never before had she felt such heightened sensations while also feeling helpless. Nina knew that Sean had total control, and all she could do was enjoy herself.
A few minutes later they both climaxed together, and Sean hugged her fiercely, kissing her again as they lay together.
Nina spent the last couple of days skating in the mornings, then soaking in the hot pools with Sean during the afternoons, then making love later at night.
Sean booked a table for two at one of the cafes in the village. It was a romantic setting for Nina’s last evening. They sipped their drinks and chatted quietly while waiting for the dinner to arrive. Both could not help but feel somewhat sad as they knew that this was going to be their last evening together.
They ate in modest silence, unsure what to say that would help lighten their mood. They had really enjoyed being with each other, but they knew the time was now very limited. There was no way that Nina could stay any longer, she needed to return.
Sean reached out and took Nina’s hand, whispered to her, “I love you, you have been such a delight to get to know.”
“Oh Sean, I really do wish that this night could last forever, you have been a true friend for me, I love you too.”
Sean then produced a small package, and place it before Nina. “Just a little something for you, I do hope you like it.”
Nina opened the package and found two items inside. The first was a greenstone pendant on a silver chain, the second was a matching pair of heart shaped greenstone earrings.
“Oh wow, these are really beautiful, thank you, Sean. I’m so sorry, but I haven’t such a gift for you.”
“You being here has been such a wonderful gift for me, I must say I have never known anyone just like you before, I’m glad you had your Miss adventure to come here.”
They walked back to the lodge, Sean suggesting a trip to the hot-tub together. Nina agreed and knew this time she did not need to wear her bikini. They cuddled in the warm water, kissing again with deep affection. Then they returned back to the cottage.
They lay together, just holding each other for quite some time. Then Sean began to run his fingers through her long hair. Together they became aroused, slowly and gently stroking each other. Sean’s hand found Nina’s breast again, and she quickly began to pant, her desire racing ahead.
Sean drove Nina over the edge and she orgasmed, her body quivering in delight. Nina’s desire grew frantic, and she pulled Sean over on top of herself. Sean responded by driving his cock firmly in between her legs, making Nina gasp as he fully penetrated her. Both quickly peaked, Sean deep inside her, flooding her, while she quivered and trembled in orgasm beneath him.
They slept in each other’s arms, reluctant to let go. In the small hours of the morning, they both woke, hugging and kissing. They rolled over together, with Sean again on top of her. Their bodies entwined and joined as if somehow they could stay bonded together. They both climaxed together again, then they lay together in the warm glow.
Nina woke to find Sean was not in bed, She looked about feeling disappointed, but then Sean appeared carrying a mug of hot coffee for her. Nina Smiled and thanked him. She checked the time, It was seven forty, still early enough for a bit of a lie in, before she needed to be up, showered and ready to go to the bus stop.
Sean asked Nina if there was anything she wanted to do, all Nina replied was “You.”
A few minutes later Sean and Nina coupled their bodies together again, but going slowly in spite of their rushing desire. Sean wanted this last time to be as long as he could make it last for her. Nina hugged him fiercely, holding on as tightly as she could while he sent her desire sky high.
In the end, Sean and Nina timed themselves to climax again together, but Sean’s release seemed to go on much longer than previous. Nina felt his cock carry on pulsing deep inside her. She realized he was really flooding her this time.
The bus driver waited. Nina was the last to board, but she was holding on tight to Sean, She tried to wipe her eyes, but they just kept on leaking.
“Nina, time to go, I will see you soon, I promise.” Sean tried to reassure her.
‘Soon,’ thought Nina, ‘no, it would not be soon,’ not soon enough for her liking, but there was nothing she could do about it
Nina took a shuddering breath, then she stiffened up and turned towards the bus. Slowly she took the first step up, then the next, not looking back she moved along the bus to find her seat, there she slowly sat down. She heard the hiss of the door closing, and she knew it was closing on her amazing adventure, along with her blossoming romance with Sean.
The bus moved off, taking Nina away from Sean’s life.
“Come on then,” Donna told her son, patting him on his arm. “We have work to do.”
Epilogue. Five months later.
Nina sat in the office, trying hard to focus on her work, but she was still feeling out of sorts, she had not heard from Sean in well over two weeks. Something must have gone wrong and she had no idea what to do about it.
Nina stretched and went to get more coffee, as she filled her cup she looked out the window to the front gates of the school. There was Sandy, the security guard, talking to someone. For a moment she took a couple of steps back at her desk when the penny dropped.
“Oh my god!” she squealed, dropping her cup and giving everyone else a fright.
Nina bolted for the door, leaving the others confused by her sudden frantic movement. The office erupted as her workmates began to rise and follow. Nina flew down the corridor towards the main entrance, where she came very close to knocking over the principal, Miss Walters.
“Nina,” called Miss Walters, “Slow down!”
But Nina did not slow down, she hit the front door hard sending it flying open. Behind her, several others joined in pursuing her. Outside, Sandy heard the sounds of frantic running behind him. As he stepped slightly back and turned to the side to see what was happening, a blur soared past him and collided with the young man he just had been talking too.
Sean skidded back with the sudden impact, but he remained standing with Nina wrapped about him.
“Well! Hello Nina.