Lost at Sea, book 1: Where There’s a Will, chapter 13

"A sexy pirate fantasy adventure"

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“You trained him to do what!?” Will demanded.

Bella was sitting on the edge of the bed trying to coax her monkey back inside. “Well, I was ransacking your room for your clothes. I pulled your drawers out and started stuffing as many of them as I could into a duffel, and then you called me down. Jack must have thought we were robbing the place and kept going after I left.”

“You trained him to commit larceny?” Will was simultaniously amused and horrified.

Bella gave a small guilty shrug. Janie looked agast.

“Oh, I like you,” Captain Vex said from where she was leaning against the wall. “Will, if your curse kills ye, she’s getting press ganged into my crew.”

Will started to reply, but then closed his mouth and turned back to Bella. “Wait. Jack?” His mouth closed again and blinked, his mind doing loops. Then finally he said, “You named the monkey Jack?”

“At the time I didn’t think I’d ever see her again,” Bella shrugged.

Will sat down in his chair, which was covered in clothes and other odds and ends. He started laughing. The absurdity of the night just hit him all at once and he leaned onto his knees and just shook with mostly silent laughter. His eyes started watering. “Oh, you have to let me tell her,” he said. “That’s my price for-” he gestured around the room.

Bella sighed, “Alright.”

Belita nudged a pile with her boot. “So about those spare clothes?”

“Just grab whatever off the floor, it should all be clean.” Will will shrugged. There was a white dress shirt rumpled right in front of the captain. She picked it up and sniffed it in a surprisingly dainty fashion, then peeled off her wet blouse in one smooth motion. Will slowly turned to look. He thought at first maybe he shouldn’t, but after she had spied on the ritual, and been up close and personal with his hard-on while shaving him, Will decided that being gentlemanly at this point was wasted effort.

Belita Vex was tan and toned and reminiscent of a jungle cat. Her muscles moved under her skin in ripples, but with a relaxed quality that still made her look soft. Her skin was supple looking and full of curves. Her breasts were round and full and high, surprisingly firm looking for their size. Two gold rings glinted from her nipples.

Janie started to turn away, but stopped, her eyes going wide as she saw the rings. She stared. “Did those hurt?” she whispered.

Belita looked up, then down at her chest and laughed. “Oh, aye. Like blazes.”

“Why did you do it?” Janie looked flushed, her curiosity winning out over her embarrassment.

Belita ran her finger across her right ear, causing each of the many rings to bounce a bit. “I ran out of room.”

Janie unconsciously clutched her hands to her breasts. “Room? Why didn’t you just… stop?”

Will was still chuckling. “It’s a sailor tradition. When they make the journey around Devil’s Horn, they pierce the ear closest to the horn on the way by. You see a sailor with a ring in their right ear, it means they rounded the Horn going west. Left ear is east.” He looked unashamedly at Belita’s nipple decorations. “Our Captain is saying she has rounded the Horn enough times that her ears got full.”

“I’ve heard that’s a dangerous trip,” Janie said, not really knowing what else to say.

Belita nodded as she pulled on Will’s shirt and buttoned it up. “Aye.”

“How many times have you done it?” Janie asked.

“Ten, each way,” Belita said with a small proud smile. She kicked off her boots and peeled off her trousers, her strong smooth legs emerging from beneath Will’s dress shirt.

While the Captain dressed, Janie’s eyes flicked from Belita’s head to her breasts again, not able to stop herself from counting. Five in each ear. Two in each nipple. “Where are the other eight?” she asked, then clapped her hands over her mouth.

Belita laughed and just winked at her. “Oh, I have them.”

“Oooh, now I’m very interested,” Bella grinned. She shucked off her wet clothes and was gloriously naked again. She was in the process of winding her long dark hair into a wet bun. A long nightshirt that Will only wore on rare cold nights was sitting on the bed next to her. Captain Vex was watching her with an appreciative expression on her face. It was hard to see Bella’s figure and not be impressed. Captain Vex was no exception. Tonight, the faint pink swirling pattern on Bella’s body left by the stains of the ritual paint, gave her an even more exotic appearance then usual.

“Well, I’ve seen both of ye naked. I suppose turnabout is fair play. How about we save that for another night, though. This one’s had enough excitement,” Belita said adjusting her shirt.

Will rooted around until he found a loose pair of drawstring ship’s pants. He didn’t wear them often, but now he was glad he had them. He started to peel his pants down and stopped as he noticed all three sets of eyes on him. He looked at them all. Not even Janie looked away. He pointedly turned around and pulled his pants down.

“Aw!” Bella said, “I thought you were all over your stage fright now? You don’t see me trying to be modest!”

“Because you wouldn’t know decency if it bit you,” Will said flatly.

“Biting doesn’t sound very decent.” Bella smirked and raised an eyebrow.

“Well, the view still ain’t bad from this side,” Captain Vex teased, enjoying the play of the muscles on Will’s back beneath the elaborate map tattoo.

Will tugged his dry pants on, pulled the string, and tied them so they sat as low and loose as possible on his hips so they didn’t rub against the burns too much. His erection made them tent straight out. He looked ridiculous. He turned around and put his hands on his hips. “Happy now?”

Bella and Belita both snickered. Janie put a hand over her mouth, trying to hide her smile.

Will collected up all the wet clothing, ignoring the ladies watching his erection bob and swing inside his pants as he moved. Then he dumped it all into the shallow tub in the washroom.

Jack the monkey finally came back inside. Bella scratched his head and cooed while she dropped the sleep shirt over her head. Jack hopped up on her shoulder and bared his teeth at Will. Will glared back.

Down below them, Will’s office clock chimed. Three in the morning. Dawn still seemed a long way off, but he knew that if he slept it would just make him feel worse and more tired. Sometimes a little sleep was worse than no sleep.

“If you want to sleep, you can. I’m going to stay up and get my things ready,” he said. He stepped through the mess to his travel kit which had sat on the shelf unused for years. He pulled out his field bag and scooped all the valuables the monkey had hoarded into it.

Bella flopped down on the bed and scooched herself over. Janie crawled in next to her and immediately curled up. Will picked up a few articles of clothing and went down stairs. Belita followed him.

“I was meaning to ask you,” they could hear Janie ask Bella as they left. “How in the world do you know the Prelate?”

“Alexandra? Her goddaughter came here to visit last year. She was having fertility issues, so Alexandra brought her to me.” Bella said, her voice fading as Will and Belita rounded down the stairs.

His office was dry and mostly clean. Well, as clean as it ever was, which was a lot better than the rest of the lighthouse right now.

He put the clothes he was carrying into the steamer trunk Belita had emptied earlier and started up a fire in his small stove. Then he put the kettle on. Then he carefully picked up all of Janie’s stacks of papers, alternating which directions the papers went to keep the stacks intact.

Belita watched from the doorway while he worked. “You a’right, Will?”

“Worn out. Tonight has been a lot to process. Lots of ups and downs. Whenever the curse rears its ugly head, I get pensive.” He rolled his neck. Something popped.

“You sure it was the curse, and not just a weird night?” Belita came in and helped him with the last of the papers.

“When it happens I can feel it. It’s like… vertigo,” Will said. “Time feels all strange, and the world feels like it’s slipping sideways. Then, there’s always something awful that happens and a weird string of events and coincidences afterward. Like tonight. At least no one died this time.”

“Have tae be honest, I’m not too keen about takin’ that kind a bad luck ontae my ship.” Belita sat on the edge of the desk, trying to be supportive, but clearly and rightfully concerned.

“That’s why Bella’s along. She’s a fortune witch. Sex is her specialty, but it’s really just the way she draws energy best. What she does with it is divinations and readings. She’s a good luck charm.” Will set Janie’s papers on a shelf.

“She lit you on fire tonight,” Belita deadpanned.

“Touché,” Will chuckled.

“How do I know this curse o’ yours isn’t going tae bring catastrophe ontae the Kestrel?” Belita asked.

“You don’t. At some point things will go wrong in the craziest way possible, and it will be centered around me. Hopefully, with Bella’s help we’ll be able to see it coming.” Will sounded grim. “In here, it’s not so bad. Out there, on a ship, it can be awful.”

“What do you mean ‘in here,’” Belita asked.

“Janie warded the lighthouse. For the most part it keeps all the bad luck… confined. Did you notice how at Mary’s everything went sideways all of a sudden, and it affected everyone who was connected to me? But then when we got back here, all the bad luck only effected me? It’s a subtle thing, but that’s Janie’s wards at work.”

“Ye really think the bar fight was your fault? I’ve been in a dozen scrapes like that,” Belita asked incredulously.

“I felt it. Luck is a subtle thing. The curse tugs at probability. It all seems explainable in the end, but if you’d been there without me, I guarantee things wouldn’t have gone down like that,” Will said. Belita still seemed a bit skeptical, but Will was completely convinced.

“I’m as superstitious as any sailor, but this seems pretty far fetched. I never heard of a curse like that anywhere,” Belita shook her head. “How would ye even know ye were cursed?”

“It took a while to figure out. Eventually, I went to the Magistrate and paid for a full reading and exorcism. They confirmed that I had a powerful enchantment woven into my aura, but they couldn’t break it. I tried a few other kinds of curse breaking too. Nothing worked. It’s why I retired. Professional adventurers can’t afford bad luck.”

“Aye, that would do it,” Belita smiled.

“Still think it’s worth the risk to have me aboard?” Will asked.

Belita thought for a few moments. “Ye think you c’n get through the drifts?”

“I do. I can see the whole plan in my head already.” Will tapped his temple.

“That’s the last thing on my list. The only challenge in the seas I haven’t conquered. If it means lashing my fate tae yours t’ have th’ best chance at it, I’ll do it.” Belita sounded resolute.

“Well, it might be the best chance. It might also be the worst,” Will shrugged apologetically.

“I’m at my best when it’s high stakes,” Belita grinned.

“You really are crazy. Good enough for me,” Will said. “Hope it’s the right choice.”

“Either way, it’ll make a good story, remember,” Belita smiled warmly.

The kettle whistled. He got up to make them tea. Belita looked down at the desk. “Well now,” she chuckled as she made out the ink stain. “Ye really are oversexed, ye know that.”

“Bella,” Will said, tracing his finger down the arc of the stain that outlined where Bella’s back and butt had been. Then he put his finger on one of the handprints. “Janie.”

Belita’s brows rose. “Dinnae figure Janie for gettin’ that friendly with another woman. Don’t the Magistrate frown on that?”

“Janie will surprise you,” Will grinned, handing Belita a cup of steaming tea.

“Must have been a sight to see.” Belita blew on her cup.

“I wasn’t there,” Will said.

Belita laughed. “And here I was building this whole legend of ye in my head.”

“I’m afraid I’m just an occasionally very lucky, and more frequently very unlucky man,” Will smiled and sipped his tea. He suddenly felt something… good. Wet. Warm. He closed his eyes, trying to ignore the sensation. “Sometimes… both at the same time.”

Belita watched him, curious and confused. “I feel like I’m missin’ something.”

Will fought down the urge to roll his hips. “Remember that ritual? How Bella and I feel what each other feel right now?”

“Aye,” Belita said. Then her brows rose and she looked up at the ceiling towards Will’s bedroom. “Oh! Aye.”

“Bella and Janie aren’t sleeping,” Will smiled in exasperation and shook his head.

Dawning realization spread across the Captain’s face. “What’s that like?” she asked, leaning on the table again.

Will sat down in his chair. “Weird. It’s like feeling things happening to body parts I didn’t have yesterday, and can’t actually touch. Kinda like how people who lose a limb say that they can still feel it hurt.”

“But it feels good,” Belita said.

“Well right now, yeah,” Will shrugged. It was starting to feel very good indeed. His breathing deepened. He tried to ignore it and took another sip of his tea.

“And she knows you’re feeling it?” Belita raised an eyebrow.

Will shuddered. “That’s probably why she’s doing it. Or, at least one of the reasons.”

Belita looked amused.

“So what’s goin’ tae happen when she goes off? Do ye just feel it, or will ye go off too?” Belita asked. She sat on the edge of the desk and crossed the leg closest to Will over the other one, turning her body to lean on one arm so she could look at Will while she sipped her tea. The shirt she was wearing was big on her, but in the position she was in it rode up on the sides all the way to the hip, exposing a whole lot of tanned, toned, smooth thigh.

Will looked at her exposed leg, then up to her calmly smirking face. She knew exactly what she was doing.

“You have no intention of trying to make this easier on me, do you?

Belita smirk added a raised eyebrow. Her leg slowly uncrossed and she shifted so she was sitting on the desk directly in front of him, her legs dangling on the outside of his thighs. While she moved she tucked the hem of the shirt in between her legs to keep at least some of her modesty intact.

“Are you asking me to help you?” she asked.

The shirt was a fairly typical tunic cut, with a very wide v-cut neck that was laced back and forth below the collar. Will had rather classic sensibilities when it came to clothes. Tugging the shirt pulled the neckline down below more than an inch below Belita’s sternum. The laces were pulled taut against her cleavage and he could clearly make out the indents from her rings below the fabric.

Will cleared his throat, not sure what he should do. If he hadn’t already been hard as steel, he definitely would be now. “You sure about this?” he asked. “We just met and we’re about to be stuck on a boat together for a while. With my ex.”

Belita laughed. “Well, th’ good thing ‘about being th’ Captain is that on my ship, I get tae do what I want.”

“I just don’t want to cross any lines of professionalism that might be hard to uncross later,” Will said.

“A couple hours ago I watched ye fuck two witches until somethin’ exploded, and then I shaved yer cock. Pretty sure that line’s way out on our stern,” Belita chuckled.

“Touché.” Will couldn’t help but laugh too.

“After th’ night I’ve had, I could really stand t’ blow some pressure off. Seems like ye could too. So how ‘bout it?” she asked. “Maybe I show ye my other rings?”

Will didn’t get a chance to answer. Upstairs, Janie slid two fingers into Bella’s wet slit and brought her lips down on Bella’s clit. Will’s whole body rolled and jerked and he spilled his tea into his lap.

Hot tea on recently burned skin did not feel good.

The pleasurable sensation of Janie’s fingers immediately ended. Will had stood up abruptly and bent over. His eyes were shut and he was making a long, sustained hissing sound as he tried to hold in the flare of pain. His hands were on Belita’s thighs, but he didn’t really notice. The Captain could faintly hear swearing from upstairs. She sighed and made peace with the fact that as randy as she was, maybe she wasn’t going to get lucky tonight. She ran a hand across Will’s head, pushing his hair back and trying to be soothing. “You alright?” she asked.

Will nodded. “Give me a bit. It’ll pass.”

Bella crashed through the office door, naked. “What the hell, Will!?” Bella yelled. “What- Are you alright?”

Janie was right behind her, also naked, but stayed behind Bella and only stuck her head out from behind Bella’s shoulder. She wanted to make sure everything was alright also, but she she saw Belita’s back, with her tanned thighs spread wide in Will’s direction, Will’s hands on them and the blond captain resting her hands on Will’s head, which was out of sight between her thighs, Janie forgot what she’d been meaning to say. All she could get out was “Ohnotagain!” before she turned around and went into the other room.

“Tea,” Will said. He gestured feebly to his crotch.

Bella’s face slowly scrunched. She was still in pain also, but her fear and worry were suddenly gone, replaced by amusement. “Well, since it looks like we both interrupted each other, I’m going to call it even.” She let out the breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. “That really hurt.”

“Tell me about it,” Will said. He finally stood up and fully realized where his hands were. He removed them. “Sorry,” he said to Belita.

She shook her head. “I’da said somethin’ if I minded.”

“Or thrown a punch,” Will said.

The Captain shrugged. “That too. How about we set aside what we were talkin’ ‘bout earlier?”

Will nodded. Bella watched the exchange with amusement. From the other room, Janie stomped angrily up the stairs.

“You might want to go talk to her,” Bella said.

“Why?” Will asked. He wasn’t feeling particularly talkative.

“Will, that girl has very strong feelings for you. She’s been looking out for you in ways you didn’t even know about for years now, and yesterday things between you two changed forever. She’s not the sort that sex can be something casual. It means a lot to her, and now she’s walked in on you with another woman three times in two days. She’s adjusting to all this nicely, but that’s a lot to handle,” Bella said firmly.

Will shook his head, frustrated. “Alright.”

“Did you give her the bag already?” Bella asked.

“No, it never seemed like the right moment,” Will said.

“Now’s the right moment.” Bella hopped up on the desk next to Belita. “Go. We’ll stay down here.”

Will crossed the library to the sideboard where he’d put the red leather satchel. Water had dripped from the sideboard right into it. He dumped the water out right onto the wet floor. Ever since Belita’s fight it seemed like nothing at all could go right. “At least it’s waterproof.”




“M’lord, I’m sorry to wake you, but there is an issue that requires your attention,” Mister Lynch said from the doorway.

Morant came awake, a low annoyance building nearly instantly. He didn’t move or open his eyes. “Go on,” he said to his valet.

The tall, thin man in the doorway cleared his throat. “A representative of Augustus Kidd is here looking for Captain Vex. It seems they have a grievance. He is waiting downstairs in the common room.”

Morant sighed. “I will assume you attempted to convince him to wait until morning, and he insisted. I am inclined to let him wait until dawn.”

“I believe we need to act, M’lord. This could significantly impact your plans.” Lynch came into the room and began gathering and laying out Lord Morant’s clothing.

A few minutes later, Lord Halister Morant descended the stairs. At one of the many tables in the inn’s dining area, was a balding man who looked like he’d spent quite a bit of money on a suit when he was younger, and never bothered to have it altered as he gained weight. The man did not stand up when Morant approached. Morant disliked him instantly.

“Rousing me from my sleep is quite irregular, sir. Is there an emergency?” Lord Morant asked as he sat down.

“Yes, sir, there is,” the balding man said.

“Lord,” Lynch corrected as he set a pair of glasses between the two sitting men. “Viscount Morant is Imperial Nobility, and as you are a loyal citizen on the Empire you will use his appropriate title.”

The balding man looked briefly angry but held it down well. He did not look like the sort who was used to being corrected, or subordinate. “Apologies, Lord Morant. We do not have nobles in Bas-” the man cut himself off and cleared his throat. “In Princes Cove very often.”

“I accept your apology. Now, please tell me who you are and why you are here,” Morant said calmly.

“I am Jules Kidd,” the balding man said. “Tonight, the captain you arrived with stabbed my son. My family is looking for her to bring her to justice. I had hoped she would be here. When I was told she is not, I felt it necessary to speak with you about the matter.”

Morant’s mind was whirling. “Kidd. You would be one of the sons of Augustus Kidd, the Imperial Explorer who colonized this island?”

“That’s right, my lord,” Jules said.

Mister Lynch poured each of them a glass of water. Morant used the interruption to think.

“You are certain this was not simply a misunderstanding, or a brawl gotten out of hand?” Morant asked.

“She stabbed my son in the face. He very nearly died and will be disfigured for life,” Jules said fiercely.

“I can see why you are angry. Any father would be. Unfortunately, I do not know where Captain Vex is. We are not scheduled to leave for a few days, so I have had little contact with her,” Morant said, keeping his tone neutral.

“If she comes to you, my family would consider it a personal favor if you were to hold her and turn her over to us. We can be strong allies to those who aid us when we ask,” Jules said, with hint of edge to his voice.

“I have no desire to employ dangerous criminals,” Morant said. “Thank you for bringing the matter to my attention. You may go.”

Jules blinked, and slowly stood. He was clearly unused to being dismissed in that manor. He gave no word of thanks or goodbye. He simply left. As soon as he was out the door, Morant stood.

“That insufferable cretin will have left at least one of his miserable family behind to watch the inn. Find them and get rid of them,” Morant said. Lynch nodded and headed for the back door. “Wake Miss Hunter first. Send her down to me.” Lynch changed direction and headed for the stairs without a word.




When Will opened the door to his bedroom, Janie was wearing her Acolyte’s cassock again. She was sitting on the edge of his bed with a worn look on her face. “Sorry,” she said, “I shouldn’t have stomped away like that.”

“I’m the one here to apologize,” Will said. “I’ve put you under a lot of pressure lately, in a lot of different ways. It isn’t what you signed up for. These are all my problems and you shouldn’t have to be dealing with them all.”

“I want to,” Janie said looking up at him. “I actually really love all this. I’m dreading you leaving because I don’t want it to end.”

Will was surprised. “I thought-”

“That I was jealous? Will, I know you’re leaving. I came to peace with that before I dragged you up here and into bed. I… can’t be jealous. Not when Bella and I… are… are lovers also.” Janie moved over on the bed. Will sat down next to her. They both stared at the floor for a moment. She took his hand.

“Bella really thought you were jealous,” Will said.

“Bella has a talent for picking up on sexual feelings, but when it comes to understanding where people’s emotions are coming from or what their motivations actually are, she’s a little off,” Janie said. “She thinks everything has to do with sex.”

“So she was wrong?” Will wanted to be sure.

“Well… not completely. I had the… impulse, I guess. But I can’t hold onto it. Not anymore. It’s just… habit. And it wasn’t really jealousy. It was more like surprise… and envy,” Janie said, giving Will a sidelong glance.

“Hard to tell the difference sometimes. Either way you seemed pretty upset,” Will said.

“I’m just so tired. I haven’t had a lot of sleep in the last few days and all this adventure is exhausting.” Janie put her head on his shoulder. He squeezed her hand.

“It can be,” Will agreed.

“If I’m being honest, walking in on you with Bella on the table, and then both times earlier tonight, they were exciting. I wanted to just keep watching, or join in, or just be the one with you. Or be in your position. Or to join you. I’m just so conditioned to think that seeing other people having sex is wrong that I just get so flustered and embarrassed, and then my embarrassment makes me even more embarrassed.” She sighed. “I don’t want to keep acting that way. I wish I was more like Bella or Captain Vex. They’re so confident.”

“You’re confident also. I saw you handle Timmonds’ goons,” Will said.

“That’s different,” Janie disagreed.

“What, danger is easier to deal with than sex?” Will snarked.

“Well, yes,” Janie admitted. “To me.”

“That’s… a little silly,” Will said gently.

“I know,” Janie shrugged.

They sat in silence for a minute. Then Will put the red bag in her lap. “I meant to give this to you earlier.”

Janie took it, her face slowly losing it’s grim and tired cast.

“Sorry it’s wet,” Will said.

Janie giggled. “I guess that’s kinda my own fault.”

“Bella picked it out. She said it was your color,” Will said.

“She’s right,” Janie said, opening up to look inside it. “I love it. Thank you. I really needed a new one.”

They were quiet for a monet.

“I rely on you too much,” Will said eventually. “And I don’t tell you enough how much I appreciate you.”

“Until this week, that was fine. You were a perfect employer,” Janie said.

“It isn’t enough anymore,” Will said.

“No, I suppose it isn’t,” Janie said. She leaned closer into him. “It’s amazing how fast things can change.”

Will put his arm around her shoulders. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Have a dryer home,” Janie smiled.

“Or possibly a more on fire one,” Will laughed.

Janie turned toward him and was about to give him a hug, but looked at his burned chest. She gave him a sympathetic wince. He laughed again and leaned down to kiss her. She melted into his lips and gave back as good as she got. When he pulled away the burned spot on his lower lip hurt a bit, but he didn’t care.

“Even if we could go back to the way things were last week, I wouldn’t want to,” Will said.

“I wouldn’t either,” Janie agreed.

“We’re going to have to deal with this eventually though. Things will be different when I get back. If I get back,” Will said, trying to be realistic.

“Don’t even say that,” Janie said fiercely.

Will smiled wistfully. “Alright then, when. You might have found someone by then. Or you might have decided that maybe this strange non-exclusive situation isn’t really what you want.”

“Oh, I don’t think that will happen. I’m bad at finding lovers,” Janie shook her head.

“Maybe before. The new Janie seems to be doing just fine,” Will teased.

“The new Janie is really looking forward to having Bella teach her all about what three people can do in bed together.” Janie’s eyes lit up.

“Oh, old Will is too,” Will said.

“I’d hoped that was going to happen before you left, but now I don’t think so. Not with you all burned and leaving in a few hours,” Janie scowled. “So you have to come back. That’s worth waiting for.”

“Alright,” Will laughed.

“I really wish we could… be together again. Before you leave,” Janie said, frustrated. “Doesn’t Bella know any witchy healing spells?”

“I don’t think so,” Will laughed. “She’s patched me up before and at best she uses herbs and poultices to help the process. Nothing magical.” Janie scowled. “You can always have a last hoorah with Bella?”

“I think making you burn yourself again pretty much killed that idea,” Jaine huffed. “Sorry about that, by the way.”

“Sorry I interrupted you two,” Will smirked. “It felt like you two were having a lot of fun.”

“Should have let her do me first like she wanted to,” Janie squeezed her knees together tight. “I’m all worked up still.”

“Well, my hands aren’t burned,” Will said, wagging his eyebrows at her. “I’m not as good as Bella, but I’m willing to help you out.”

Janie flushed. Her eyes lit up again and a small smile crept over her face. She nodded and pulled off her cassock in one quick motion.

There was a pounding at the door.

They both just sat there and stared at each other for a moment. Their emotional reactions to the sound of the door seemed to cancel each other out.

“It isn’t fair,” Janie said numbly.

The door pounded again.




“Sterling!” A rough voice from outside yelled. “Sterling, get your ass out here!”

Will stood up, his mind racing. Janie pulled on her cassock again.

“If anyone found out I showed up to Mary’s with Belita, they might be here looking for her,” Will said.

“I’ll get rid of them,” Janie said. By the time her arms had pushed through her sleeves, her determined, poised, competent presence was back in full force.

Bella and Belita ran up the stairs toward the bedroom just as Janie went down. The look on Janie’s face had both the other women pressing into the wall of the stairwell, letting Janie pass without a word. They glanced at each other, then ducked thorugh the door into the room. Belita had grabbed her coat, hat and weapon belt off the rack. “Smart,” Will said when he saw her carrying them.

“This innae my first time,” Belita smirked.

Will beckoned them over to the corner of the room next to the tallest book case where the old ladder was. “This is where the floor creaks the least.” They all huddled in the corner, quiet.

Downstairs, Janie began opening locks.




“Where’s Sterling?” the stocky man in the overlarge suid demanded. His whole head was a mess of angry bruises, and one of his eyes had a bloody ring around the iris. He stood directly in front of the door. He held a pry bar on his shoulder. Behind him were a dozen other men. Two of them were on horseback. They all carried heavy tools like weapons.

“Not that it is any business of yours, but he is not here,” Janie said coldly, looking out from behind the chain lock she’d left secured. “Whatever you want, it can wait until morning.” She started to shut the door but the beat up man put his boot in the way.

“Open the door,” he snarled.

“I can’t. The chain is in the way.” Jaine looked at him like he was a grease stain.

“So get rid of the chain,” the man explained slowly, like he was talking to a dimwit.

Janie replied in the exact same slow tone. “I can’t release the chain without closing the door.”

“Well I ain’t movin’ my foot,” he sneered.

“It appears we’re at an impasse,” Janie shrugged.

“Like hell,” he repeated. He looked over his shoulder “Hook.”

Someone handed him a large hook on the end of a thick length of rope. The other end of the rope was given to one of the men on horses. The man with his foot in the door hung the hook on the length of chain.

Janie’s heart sank. Still, she kept her control and poise. Danger was much easier than sex. “This is a very bad idea,” she said flatly.

“Fuck you.” The man stepped back and waved his hand past his head. The horseman behind him turned his mount in a tight circle and went the other way. The rope went taught. The horse leaned further. The chain strained and then popped. Janie flinched.

The man in the overlarge suit pushed the door open. Janie didn’t fight him. She just stepped back.

“I am a Sister of the Magistrate,” she said calmly.

“Sure, Sister, and I’m the Sultan of Malahara,” the bruised man snorted.

“Not lyeen,” came a rasping, muffled voice from on top of the other horse.

The man in front of Janie looked behind him. The man on the horse had a massive blood-stained bandage that covered the lower left quadrant of his face, and half his mouth. He was holding a hand to the bandage, obviously in a great deal of pain. His speech sounded awful.

“You’re fucking kidding? She’s Magistrate?” the man in front of the door asked incredulously.

The man on the horse nodded in a very small motion. “Sterlins asisstent. Sposed t’ be Mashistrate.”

“If you set foot into this building, I will be forced to act. You will be Bound by Law,” Janie said firmly.

“Ask me if I give a fuck.” the bruised man laughed. “The Magistrate’s got no power over us,”

“Move,” the man on the horse said trotting his beast closer. The bruised man in the oversized coat was shoved aside.

“What the fuck, Jakob?” the walking bruise sneered.

“Shud up, Cal,” the bandaged man replied.

Janie suddenly found a pistol pointed at her.

“They goin in,” the bandaged man named Jakob rasped. “I’m not. Anythin appens t’ them, I shoot you. Git out ere.”

Janie walked outside, stone faced. She felt helpless, but she was not about to show them that. A dozen men flooded into the lighthouse.




“Why’s it all fucking wet in here?” Cal Kidd asked. He and his brothers and cousins were standing in Will’s library wondering what they were seeing.

Turner Kidd looked at the big gaps in the shelves. “Looks like some stuff’s missing.”

“Bullethole,” one of the cousins said from the table. “Looks new.”

Boots were tromping up the stairs.

“Half full steamer trunk in here,” a Bill Kidd said from the office. “Wood stove is still burning. Hell, the kettle’s still warm. He must have just been here!”

“Or his assistant was making tea,” Cal sneered. “Don’t be stupid. Just look for him.”

“Cal! Get up here,” a voice shouted from the stairs.

Cal took the steps two at a time, coming into Will’s bedroom like an angry bull. “Fuck,” he said, looking at the state of the room. “What, someone tossed the place already?”

“It’s mostly clothes,” cousin Sammy said. “I think he tossed it himself. Grabbed what he needed and bolted.”

“There’s a bunch more wet clothes in here,” his brother Victor said from the washroom. “Looks like women’s clothes.”

Cal stuck his head through the washroom door and looked at the pile in the tub. He hooked a multicolored dress with his pry bar and lifted it. It dripped a steady stream of water. “Who the fuck is this guy? What’s he got a bunch of soggy girl’s clothes laying around for?”

“I heard he’s cursed,” Sammy shrugged.

“I heard he summoned a demon at Mary’s tonight,” Cal’s brother Victor said while he poked through the mess on the floor.

“That ain’t what happened, I was there,” Cal said. “He fucked a couple of whores and then they… I don’t know, blew up or something.”

“How do you know that’s not how he summoned the demon?” Victor asked.

“Huh. Don’t know,” Cal said.

“Magic’s weird,” Victor said. He’d wanted to be a wizard when he was a kid. Most kids did at some point, but Victor actually tried. It didn’t work out, but he was still the one the Kidd family went to when they wanted to know about magic stuff. “It would explain all the water downstairs. Might be part of his curse.”

Something flickered past the window, blotting out the starlight for a moment.

“Hey! Anyone else see that? Cal asked. He stuck his head out the window and looked down, then up.

“What?” Victor asked.

“I thought I saw something outside. Like a shadow,” Cal said. “Don’t see anything now though.”

“Maybe a bird?” Sammy said.

“Think they can shapeshift into animals?” Victor asked.

“If they can then this is pointless,” Cal said. “So let’s just assume they can’t.” He was rifling through Will’s stuff at random. “What the hell?” he muttered to himself. “Why would he leave a bag of gold and jewelry behind?” He shouldered the bag. “At least tonight won’t be a total waste.”

“Isn’t this what you said she was wearing?” Sammy said holding up Belita’s wet trousers.

Cal took them. “Sure is. Weren’t many women wearing trousers. She was here.”

“So he’s probably with her,” Victor said.

“They might still be here somewhere, hiding. Keep looking,” Cal said.

“Not many places left to look,” Victor said pulling open Will’s wardrobe. No one was inside it.

“Check up that ladder,” Cal said.

“It’s locked from down here,’ Victor pointed.

“So? This guy’s all tangled up in magic. He might be fucking invisible. Check everywhere. Touch everything. Kick shit around. We can’t just trust our eyes,” Cal snarled. He hooked the lock with his pry bar and tore the entire hasp off the wood with one strong yank.

Victor started up the ladder.




The three of them did not fit inside easily into their hiding place.

They’d climbed up the ladder and Jack the Monkey had gone back into the room through the window to re-lock the hatch. Then it had climbed up onto the lighthouse roof to hide.

The top level of the old lighthouse wasn’t very safe. The catwalk around the edge on the seaward side wasn’t sturdy anymore. Part of it had broken away at some point. The whole light mechanism had broken years ago also. At one point the lens array had been a marvel of precision craftsmanship. Brass fittings in concentric circles with radial lines bisecting them, fitted with dozens of carefully formed and ground panes of glass. It had looked like a huge multifaceted glass egg with large circular windows set into it all around its widest point. It used to turn. It didn’t anymore.

Over time the brass frame had badly corroded and the hundreds of glass panes that made up the lens were all clouded over and stained.

Getting inside it was a tight squeeze. One of the arcing multifaceted panels was a door, but not a big one. It was there so the lighthouse keeper could clean the inside. It was never meant to hold three adults.

The lamp had been hung from a chain inside. It was still half full of long-rancid oil. It weighed as much as Will did.

It had taken all three of them to carefully wrestle it off its hook and pull it out of the lens array. They’d tossed it off the edge, hoping it missed and no one had seen it fall past the window, and that it didn’t crash on the rocks below. They were lucky. It had only splashed, indistinguishable from the lapping tide.

Then they climbed inside and closed the door of the lens array behind them. Will was tallest so he was in the center. There was actually plenty of room around the middle of the array, but at the top and bottom it narrowed considerably. Bella was pressed in behind Will, her chest against his back and her arms reaching under his and up to hold onto his shoulders. Belita was crouched, essentially sitting on the floor of the lens housing, on top of her coat, right between Will’s legs. She was leaning back against the brass lattice hoping it was still strong enough to support her, but the space was so tight that her head was essentially resting on Will’s thigh. When he shifted, his erection sometimes bumped her in the head. Any other time that might have been amusing, but right now it was just a strange footnote to the tense situation. The Captain’s hat and belt were leaning on the lattice next her in easy reach. Will was trying not to think about what a pistol shot would do to their ears if Belita had to shoot from inside the array.

The faint moonlight was being caught and amplified by the array, so inside it they could see surprisingly well. Even with the glass stained and clouded over from years of neglect, the marvel of engineering was still doing its job at least partially.

“Won’t they be able to see us in here?” Bella whispered.

“No,” Will said. “Remember how we couldn’t see the lamp inside until I opened the door? The lenses are slightly concave. They’re trying to throw the light out. It’s hard to see through them even when they aren’t covered in grime. With all the clouding, no one outside will be able to see a thing unless we move around.”

Through the open window right below them they could faintly hear the conversation the Kidd gang was having in the bedroom.

“They found your pants,” Bella whispered. Her head was next to the one broken pane of glass and she could hear better than the others.

“Didn’t think to grab them,” Belita whispered back, angry at herself.

“Me either,” Will muttered. “Didn’t think they’d care enough about the wet clothes in the wash basin.”

“Sounds like they’re being pretty thorough. They think we might be using magic to hide,” Bella said into Will’s back.

“Can we do that?” Captain Vex asked.

Bella blinked. “Well, kind of. Maybe.”

Bella shifted a bit, trying to get comfortable. The two women were trying their best not to brush against Will’s burns. He had thrown a blousy black shirt on, but it didn’t do much to protect his angry skin.

They heard the sound of the lock hasp breaking.

“Talk fast,” Will said.

“Sex witch, remember. I might be able to do something but I gotta gather energy. That’s going to mean sex. Somehow,” Bella whispered.

Without any kind of preamble, Belita tugged down the front of Will’s pants and engulfed his erection with her mouth. Will and Bella both inhaled sharply as the unexpected pleasure hit them both.

“Yeah, that’ll work,” Bella said.

Published 6 years ago

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