A Day In The Suburbs

"A husband and wife rediscover themselves on a random sunny day."

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It was a typical day in suburbia hell. The grass was cut to exactly the same length, with all the houses looking the same, with their two-car garages and white picket fences. Basically, this is where men go to die. My name is Xavier; I’m a married man providing all the things a man should provide for his family, but god how I hate this neighborhood. Don’t get me wrong it’s all very nice and Pleasantville. But that’s also exactly why I hate it. It’s like someone had swapped all my neighbors with robots, and I’m just waiting for them to get around to me. Because every day, I can feel myself getting just a little deader inside. But enough with my middle-aged depression. Let’s focus on the happy thoughts like my smoking hot wife I have at home. You see I was sitting in my office, and a lightning bolt struck me. Why am I wasting my time here doing nothing, but staring at a computer screen? I should be at home fucking the shit out of my wife. So, I say, the hell with it, and decide to surprise Kathleen.

I pull in the drive, walk in the house through the garage. All seems pretty quiet, so I wander around a bit, dropping my keys and stuff on the kitchen counter. Kathleen is nowhere to be seen, which instantly kills my buzz. Here I am trying to be all sexy, and she can’t even do me the courtesy of being home. I guess she’s out doing boring wife stuff like dry cleaning or grocery shopping. I decide I might as well do the lazy husband thing and get comfortable. I make my way up the stairs to shed my corporate shackles of bondage when the most intriguing of sounds catches my ear.

At first, I swear my ears are deceiving me. Those couldn’t be the whimpers of my wife. Don’t get me wrong, my wife’s and my sex life wasn’t dried up yet. But I’d be lying if I said it hadn’t lost the spark. There are only so many ten-minute quickies you can have before you get bored. Hoping for the best and fearing the worst all in one breath, I creep closer to the door. And what I find is an amazing sight that I haven’t seen in what seems like a lifetime.

Kathleen lying in bed, her legs spread wide as she slaps the lips of her pussy before slipping two fingers inside. The most devilish of all smiles crosses my face. My cock is instantly hard with desire. Looking on, I fully take in the sight of my wife’s decadence. Kathleen completely naked, her milky white skin, glowing in the light coming in through the open windows. The cool afternoon air hardens her nipples to stiff peaks, demanding the attention of a man. Her auburn hair is cut short. she jokes that it’s her way of taming the flames. Personally, it seemed the shorter she cut it the fierier she got. Small and curvy, she is the beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. My slutty little pixie in all her amazing glory. She grabs her breast as she twists her nipple, causing another whimper to escape her lips. I can’t help myself like the peeping Tom that I am, I pull my cock out. Stroking myself, I can already feel the precum seeping forth, coating me.

A scream echoes through the room, and I can’t keep the smile from my face. It has been too long since I have heard that scream. Don’t get me wrong, hearing my wife’s muffled whimpers as she tries not to scream is sexy. But nothing compares to hearing her truly let loose and become the dirty fiery slut that she is. Filling her pussy with three fingers, she bucks and thrashes as the orgasm consumes her. Like some teenage little boy, I almost cum right there in the doorway. God, my wife is incredible.

But she is far from done. Crossing the room to her dresser, she pulls out a toy that I didn’t even know she had. Hell, I didn’t even know she liked to use toys. Moving over to the open window, she sets the toy between her legs. My naughty slut is clearly in need of attention, and yet I feel a slight ache. Clearly, I have been ignoring some aspects of my lovely amazing wife. Yanking my tie and jacket off, I walk into the room. To enthralled she doesn’t notice me. I don’t think I’ve ever unbuttoned a shirt so fast. My cock stands high and proud, looking angry and purple just ready to burst. I want more than anything to walk up behind my wife, push her against the wall, as I slide my cock inside that dripping slutty cunt. Just animalistic straight piledriving, the thought causing a shudder to course through my body. Something gives me away because my wife turns around with the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on her face.

“About time you come in here,” she says with the sluttiest purr I’ve ever heard. “I almost thought you weren’t man enough to come in.”

My pulse races as I fight to keep control of myself. I don’t know what it is about being goaded by a woman that just turns me on so much. But the fact that she knew I was here the whole time just goads me even more. My slutty little housewife has been playing with herself this whole time just for me. To say that I am a lucky man would be an understatement.   

“Well, if you won’t put that beautiful fucking cock of yours to any use,” she says defiantly as her hips grind against the vibrator, “You might as well go back in the hall while this vibrator soaks my pussy for all the neighbors to see”.

With that, she cums, gushing like a tidal wave all over herself. I can’t even remember the last time I saw my wife squirt like that. Her orgasm is so intense. I watch as she spasms against the wall, barely able to hold herself up. Transfixed by the beautifully decadent sight of my wife, my whole world disappears. I can’t even tell you what’s going through my mind. It’s as if somebody just pulled the plug and everything in me stops working. I’m not even sure I’m breathing right now.

“You see, babe, that’s what’s supposed to happen when a man takes care of his wife,” she says breathlessly, half collapsed against the wall.

Then it’s like someone plugged me right back in, and it’s like a whole other person takes over my body. Usually, I would have some wisecrack, or smart-ass remark as we would go back in forth. But not today. No, this is just animalistic pure driven hunger. I move across the room grabbing Kathleen by the back of her head and force her to her knees. She looks up at me with pure wild passion. Her mouth wet and eager as I shove myself deep in the back of her throat. I roar with a primal growl as I reclaim my wife.

Most people sit by the window to hear the birds chirping while maybe enjoying a nice book. Or maybe even just look out longingly, trying to understand the world. Maybe some are even content and just enjoying the view. But they don’t look to see the sexiest redheaded slut being throat fucked by her husband. However, that’s what every single one of them is seeing today. My wife is a drooling slobbering mess, and I don’t think she has been this beautiful since our wedding day. Hell, our honeymoon may have been the last time I throat fucked her. God, I really am an ass of a husband.

I pull myself free from the blissful heat of her lips. Stroking myself right above her face, she takes a few quick breaths. My cock is a soaked angry purple mess and only through sheer will, I haven’t cum all over my little pixie. Not being denied, she draws my balls into her slutty mouth, teasing me with her tongue while she suckles. Christ, if ever there was a more perfect woman, I could not have found her. My eyes roll into the back of my head as a string of vulgar curses and praise rain down on my wife. Good deeds should be rewarded, and what’s better than a man showing his woman just how much she turns him on.

I reach down, framing my wife’s face in my hands before I seal my lips to hers. She mews and growls as our tongues duel. Each one of us trying to consume the other. Air is irrelevant, only our pure driven hunger is what matters. But finally, the need for oxygen wins. Just imagine what could be accomplished if that pesky need to breathe didn’t get in the way. I pick Kathleen up off the floor tossing her on the bed. Wasting no time, I impale her with one solid thrust. Her screams filling my ears as I assault her slutty dripping cunt.

The stiff peaks of her nipples taunt me as I bend down, pinning one between my teeth. I bite and suckle, causing a string of curses to tear from Kathleen’s throat, pushing me to fuck her harder. I can feel the need to cum building as my wife’s pussy spasms around my cock. Her nails set into my back, marking me with her passion. Holy fuck, I love this woman. How could we have denied ourselves this pleasure for so long? Excuses be damned I’m never making this mistake again. I take a moment to catch my breath. See what I mean about that pesky need to breathe. Also, when the hell did I get out of shape?

“What’s the matter, old man,” Kathleen taunts as she brings herself up on her elbows, “Not done with me yet, are you?”

Giving a small chuckle, I flip her feet on top of my shoulder. Pinning her wrists to the bed, I say, “not a chance, my little slut”.

I thrust myself in as deep as I can, her pussy squirting with each thrust, soaking me and everything else. I guess we’ll be washing the sheets tonight. But fuck, her pussy is tight. I can feel myself hanging heavy as I slap against her ass, and then lightning strikes me for the second time today. It’s as if every naughty amazing aspect of my wife comes roaring back to me in one moment. How the hell did I forget she loves to be fucked in the ass. My god, what the hell has happened to us?

I give her a few more deep thrusts before I pull myself out, slapping my cock against her pussy. She squeals with delight, grabbing her tits and pinching her nipples. Flipping her over, I use my hands to spread her ass. Thanks to her squirting all over the place, her ass is already wet and slick, but I want to take it up a notch. Making a loud show of it, I spit on her tight fucking hole. Trying not to be a complete fucking dick, with a much patience as I can summon, I slowly push the head of my cock in her ass. After all, it has been a while, but holy fuck, she is tight.

“Oh god, yes, you fucking dirty bastard,” she screams, trying desperately to impale herself on my cock, “Fuck my ass, baby, oh please, fuck my ass, oh fuck yes that feels good.”

Patience be damned, I slam myself in to the hilt. Grabbing her hips, I just start to straight piledrive my wife into the bed. Everything zones out and it’s all about this moment. My wife is a shrieking banshee as she does her best to hold on. Letting herself fall to the bed, she lays limp letting herself be fucked like a piece of meat. The smile on her face says it all, and I’ll be damned if I let it fall from her face again. Light explodes in my vision as I erupt, filling her ass as I continue to pound away. Like some crazed madman, I rut on my little slut of a wife until I have nothing left.

Mother of all that is holy, I think I just died. Jesus Christ, I try to catch my breath as I fall on top of Kathleen. I do my best to be a gentleman and not smash my wife, but at the moment, my body isn’t listening to me. Hell, I’m not even sure if my body works at this very second. But I hear the sigh of a satisfied woman and everything is right in the world. Finally, able to at least wiggle my big toe, I manage to roll off of Kathleen. I wouldn’t expect much else out of me for the day. Well maybe just a kiss, but after that, I’m done, I tell you.

Moving my wife’s hair from her face, I stare longingly in her eyes. She puts her hand on my cheek before I move in for a kiss. Neither one of us moves after that. Either from comfort or lack of ability, it’s hard to tell. But were both satisfied. After a few moments that feel like hours, I feel her lazily stroking my cock. This woman will be the death of me I’m sure of it. But what a hell of a way to go. I roll up on to my elbow, giving her another kiss. She just smiles completely glowing in post-sex radiance. I truly am a lucky man.

“Whatever you put in my coffee this morning,” I say full of accusation, “make sure you do that again, like every day.”

She merely gives me a wink before kissing me and scurrying off to the bathroom. I hear the sound of running water as my wife peaks around the door. Pinching her nipple, she lets out a moan before crooking her finger at me. Smiling, I shake my head before jumping out of bed. Well, maybe it was a roll in my old age, but hey who cares. I have a smoking hot wife to satisfy, and I think I’ve got enough in me for round two.


Published 6 years ago

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