Hallowed Ground

"The Rectory stands as neutral ground for the worlds supernatural creatures."

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The rectory stood empty for decades, a for sale sign stuck into the soft ground outside the wrought iron gates. The attached church hadn’t been used for worship since the end of the war. When the mill went out of business, the people in the small port town went with it. All that was left were the fisherman and dockworkers, who kept to themselves, mostly. The town was stagnant and full of hollow shells of places families once called home.

Angelica Hughs wasn’t born in the town. She was born out of state in a giant metropolis, thinking small town life could be for her she purchased the rectory ignoring the stories as just local superstition. She didn’t know what she’d be in for, she didn’t know about the job she’d be taking on.

Angelica now resided in the rectory. She purchased it from the bank for what she thought, at the time, was a steal. She wondered how in the world such an ornately beautiful building was on the market for so long, and why in the world it was going for so little. The locals talked about the church, though. There were rumors of strange things that would happen there.

The rectory was built out of stone sometime in the late 1700s. It’s had a small town cottage charm to it with its bay windows and arched doorway. The attached church was built out of wood, painted white with a red roof. It didn’t look like it had seen a lick of paint in at least half a century. Everything was crumbling, but Angelica just didn’t have the time to fix it up.

There was even a graveyard, on the other side of the church. None of the stones showed dates within the last century, though, and most are nearly impossible to read.

She had signed the contracts with the lawyers and was given the keys the same day. No one really ever reads contracts thoroughly. Lawyers can fit an awful lot into the small print, all the while telling you it’s ‘just a typical house sale contract’. Except it wasn’t.

Angelica has always had an interest in the arcane and mystical and the place suited her to a tee.

The house was cozy and had a wood fireplace, which Angelica happily kept going throughout the fall and winter months. There were two bedrooms, her own and a guest room, both of which were well maintained with down pillows and heavy quilts. The stone walls didn’t always keep the wind at bay, but there was plenty of warmth in the house.

Angelica was a tiny brunette in her 30’s. Her hair was long and flowed well past her shoulders. She tied it up in braids that wrapped around her head like a crown. Her eyes were a piercing green, which she had inherited from her mothers’ side of the family.

She’s got the kettle brewing on the stove and two ornate cups set on the counter, with a tray of sugar cubes and a small cup of cream, all set on a silver tray. It had been five years since she bought the property and was now settled in and getting the hang of everything.

She looked up at the clock on the kitchen wall it was nearly midnight. She was usually in bed by now, but she got a twinge in the pit of her stomach about tonight – so she made the tea.

The kettle’s whistle began to steam, and Angelica grabbed a tea towel to take it off the old stove. She poured the steaming water into the waiting teapot with several teabags sitting in the bottom. She could hear the tik-tok of the clock on the wall. It was always so quiet here, no matter the time of day. Some days she found herself feeling lonely, but loneliness doesn’t last. Some days were quiet, and then others weren’t.

Angelica bit her lower lip, staring at the cupboard where she kept the tea cookies. No, she said to herself not cookies tonight biscuits instead. She lay them out on the silver tray in a half circle as it’s always nice to have a nice presentation. She carried the tray to the living room and set it down on the coffee table.

When she moved in, she’d had no furniture of her own, so everything inside her house and the church was from the local thrift shop. There’s just the one in town, but it was usually well stocked. Mary Higgens ran it and would even call Angelica if something came in she knew Angelica had been in search of. No one used Craigslist or the internet in general for selling things around here. Mary priced items cheaply enough so that she could still keep the shop open, but offered great deals to her patrons.

The doorbell rang; Angelica stood and walked to it, she peered out the peephole first, to see who was there. She’d had premonitions of this moment for months. Her twinges didn’t tell her who her guest would be, just that there would be a strange guest.

A man was standing at her doorstep, and it seemed as if he was holding onto his side, putting pressure on it. Her eyes darted to the first aid kit she kept by the door. She opened the creaking door, and the man meets her eyes.

“Sanctuary,” he groaned.

She stared at this apparition before nodding and opening the door wider to let him in.

He stumbled forward into her home, and she guided him into the living room and onto the couch. He let go of his side and removed his navy blue wool coat, revealing a white shirt beneath, marred with blood along the ribs on his left side.

Angelica helped the stranger off with his shirt, as he winced in pain.

“What was it?” she asked, tossing the shirt to the floor. He met her eyes once more. He seemed to be debating how much to tell her, and how much she already knew.

“Sword,” he responds curtly.

“Sword? What are you talking about?

The man closes his eyes and remains silent.

She’d had chatter-boxes and strong silent types, and everything in between. It was always interesting,  and seldom boring five years. She’d maintained her curiosity throughout each step, throughout each guest. Every guest was different and had a different story. Involved in something she was only on the fringes of. Her domain does granted her certain powers, however. The rectory and church were places of calm, and that breeds trust, whether earned or not.

“You know I’m impartial, right?” she asked him, getting out her medical supplies. He didn’t respond right away, weighing the situation. “I can’t take sides. Whatever you tell me stays within these hallowed grounds.” she continued.

“I’ve never asked for sanctuary before,” he responded.

“That’s alright. There’s a first time for everything. Nothing wrong with that. How did a sword wind up through your ribs?” She asked, prodding for more information.

“Astaroth demon,” he said, helping her wrap his ribs. “She was too quick for me.”

“Astaroth, the right hand of Satan?”

He nodded, with a wry smile.

The man looked to be in his 30s, dark brown hair with a scruff of beard, perhaps not as clean cut as it could be. His eyes were the palest of blue and looked tired. He showed no otherworldly signs, so she couldn’t immediately place what he was. If he was fighting demons, though, she assumed he was a Daystrider of some sort. He could be Fae, but he was not giving her those vibes. Astaroth demons aren’t easy to take down and were not prominent on this side of the world.

Angelica placed a small amount of pressure on his ribs, feeling her way around. He winced, unable to stop himself from letting out a sound.

“You’ve broken at least one rib. I can help with some basic first aid, but beyond that…” She trailed off, hoping he’d fill the silence with more information.

He nodded in understanding. “It will heal in a couple of days. I just didn’t want to be out in case she came back.”

“Understandable. Do you know the rules?” she asked him, putting away her supplies and offering him the tea she had waiting for him. He noticed the two cups and looked at her quizzically.

“You knew I was coming?” he asked.

“You answer my question, and I’ll answer yours,” she replied.

He leaned back, looking her over, trying to understand. “All I know is that this is hallowed ground and that I have to invoke sanctuary.” she nodded as he spoke. “I don’t know anything beyond that.”

Angelica mulled over his response. “You can’t hurt me,” she began.

“Oh – no, I would never…” he jumped in.

“You misunderstand. You simply cannot hurt me. You wouldn’t be able to. You probably wouldn’t even want to try, let alone attempt to act on the desire,” she informed him. “The sanctuary held here is for me, as well as for you and anyone else who finds their way here. It doesn’t matter what side you or they are on. Violent actions simply cannot be performed here. Do you understand?” he nodded in response.

“And to answer your question; yes. I did know you were coming.”

He took a sip of his tea after adding a cube of sugar to the cup.

“You can have the guest room tonight if you’d like, but you’ll have to leave tomorrow. There are rules.”

He looked at her, as though carefully weighing what to tell her next. “Would it be against the rules to leave tomorrow evening instead of in the morning?”

She looked up from her own tea. “You have my curiosity piqued, Sir. Why would you like to leave in the evening?”

 “The daylight and I don’t get along very well, I’m afraid.”

She set her cup down next to his. “Vampire!” is all she said. He nodded, opening his mouth for her to see, as he elongated his canines into sharp points, his eyes flickering to a subtle yellow.

Angelica didn’t get many Nightwalkers at the rectory, and never before had she gotten a Nightwalker who had arrived due to fighting a demon; fighting one of his own kind. That’s just not how things worked.

He retracted his fangs once more. “I hope that won’t be a problem?” he said.

She shook her head, “Not at all. I’ve just never had a vampire here before, and never a Nightwalker who has…” she trailed off, staring into her cup instead of at him.

“Come to you after fighting one of his own?” he finished for her. She nodded. “Choices were made. Lines were drawn. And here I am, with a broken rib and a gash from a sword. It will take me about a week to heal. Without feeding, that is.”

“I’m afraid I don’t keep blood bags in the house anymore. When I first started, I did, but I’ve never had a vampire before. Here, I mean.” she met his gaze, and it felt as if he was looking through to her soul.

He finished his tea and set the cup down on the tray once more. “I understand. You’ve done more than enough with the bandages. I wouldn’t expect the rectory to have blood as well. Are there mostly Daystriders who come to you?” he asked.

“Yes, a couple times a month – maybe more, depending on how things are faring out there,” she nodded towards her door. “I’ve had a lot of Fae, a couple dark but mostly light. I even had a demi-god once. She was hurt worse than you are but didn’t heal via blood. She needed energy.”

She recalled the time spent with Semiramis. Angelica had let her pull energy from her to help her heal. There’s nothing in the contract that strictly forbids it, just that she couldn’t take sides in the war.

The man narrowed his eyes ever so slightly but didn’t comment on the energy leach. “I’m Luca, by the way.”

“Angelica,” she replied.

“And who else have you had with you here, Angelica?” his tone had changed. He looked ravenous, and it made Angelica grip the arm of her chair before reminding herself that he could not hurt her here.

“Werewolves on both sides. A Valkyrie, a kitsune, and various shifters.” she listed some visitors from within the last year.

“Do they ask you for things? Plead for things for one side or the other?” he asked.

“Sometimes, but my contract forbids it,” she replied.

“Does it forbid you giving energy to a Daystrider demi-god, Angelica?” he asked his eyes drifting down from her eyes, following the curve of her chest.

“Well, no. It’s not forbidden. Healing is alright and at my own discretion.” she replied.

“Is healing me…fully… at your discretion as well?” he licked his lips and leaned forward in his chair.

Angelica felt the need to answer but found she couldn’t. She lowered her eyes to the ground. Healing him fully! He wanted her blood. He knew the only way to get it was for her to offer it to him of her own free will. A demi-god taking energy wasn’t the same as Luca feeding on her. She was tired for a couple days after the energy leech, but that was it. There was no way she could die – no way would she’d end up as anything other than the mortal caretaker of the Rectory. She didn’t know this man. All she knew was that he was fighting one of his own. A demon. Demons and vampires had always fought for the same side.

Being impartial was one of the most challenging parts of her job. She had heard stories from both sides, the eternal battle between good and evil. Most of them called it a war, and it spilled out into the mortal world more often than it should.

She was intrigued by Luca. More than she should be. The way he looked at her hungrily as if he wanted to devour more than just her life force.

“Yes,” she finally spit out, “it is at my discretion, also.” She locked eyes with him once more. “You can’t use your powers on me in here.” He couldn’t bend her mind or make her forget anything. She was her own person here.

 She sensed that he’d figured this out. His eyes had reverted to yellow once more, and she thought he’s trying to sway my mind, but it’s not working.

“Perhaps you could show me to the guest room you had mentioned,” he changed the subject. She nodded and moved to stand, feeling her legs grow a little weak as she did so.

She led the way upstairs, the stairs creaking as she ran her hand along the banister. He followed behind her patiently. There was a small hallway upstairs leading to two bedrooms, one on either side and a washroom at the end of the hall.

“This is the guest room, here” she opened the door for him, but he didn’t enter. Instead, he looked at the other entrance, whose door was ajar.

“And is this your room?” he said taking a step towards it. Angelica stepped in between Luca and her door, pulling it close.

She looked up at him. “Yes, but…” she trailed off as he stepped towards her, making her take a step back towards the wall. He moved towards her again, pushing her up against the wall. He tilted his head to the side, slowly drawing his eyes over her bare neck before meeting her eyes once more.


“Why are you afraid of me, Angelica? You said it yourself that I can’t hurt you here. I can’t do anything to you against your will. Here we are, though.” He raised a hand to her face and trailed a finger down her cheek.

“I’m afraid of what I might let you do,” she replied, her lip quivering.

Luca moved his fingers to her neck, brushing his fingers softly against her. “You know what I want,” he said.

She nodded. “I’ve never…” she drifted off.

“I know. You have no marks, and you said you hadn’t had a vampire at the Rectory before. You haven’t been…claimed.”

He didn’t take his eyes off her.

“Do you want to be claimed, Angelica?” he asked. Angelica’s lip quivered slightly as she made up her mind, and nodded almost imperceptibly.

That was all he needed.

He lifted her tiny frame holding her around her waist and pushed her against the wall. She wrapped her legs around him, feeling him hard against her. He leaned into her neck, his eyes yellow and teeth elongated, pierced her skin, and drew her blood.

She felt the prick, and then immense pleasure as she felt her blood flow into his mouth. He grabbed her hair and pulled her head to the side. She let a groan escape her lips, and he took this as a sign to take her fully. He forced his teeth deeper into her neck, and she gasped. Holding her against him, he moved her away from the wall and pushed his way into her bedroom and dropped her on her bed, as he removed his shirt once more.

She looked up at his muscular frame, his ribs appeared to be healing in front of her eyes. She pulled her own shirt up over her head and tossed it to the floor as he undid the buttons on her pants. He removed his own pants and moved slowly up her body to her mouth, kissing her deeply. She pushed up against him as he claimed her mouth with his tongue. She pushed up into him, but he was controlling everything. He moved down her body and slipped a finger in to hook her panties, drawing them down slowly and purposefully.

He brought himself up to her, teasing her, pushing slightly and withdrawing. Her back arched and he thrust himself into her. She let out another moan and pushed back against him. He raised her leg and flipped her over onto her stomach. She raised up her bottom, lowering her head and breasts onto the bed as he took hold of her hair, thrusting into her again roughly.

She quivered and groaned as he released into her. She shuddered against him as he bit her neck once more, taking her life force into himself until she looked as if she was about to lose consciousness. Taking his teeth to his own wrist, as she passed out, he drew his own blood and pushed his wrist to her mouth, letting the blood trickle down her throat.

He disappeared downstairs while she dreamed of the moon calling to her.

She slept until sundown the next night when she woke with a start, memories of the previous night flooded back to her. Her eyes begin to focus on the room around her, and she heard movement downstairs. She expected herself to feel dizzy after the blood loss of last night, but instead, she felt stronger than she’d ever felt before.

She wrapped a silk housecoat around herself before going downstairs to find Luca. He was seated in an armchair and had a fire going in the fireplace. He looked up at her as she entered the room. “You’re awake,” he said. She nodded, feeling strange; not dizzy, but not quite solid, either. She sat down in the chair across from him.

“What happened last night? My memory is failing me a little,” she asked.

He met her eyes, and it felt like he was looking into her soul.

“I claimed you, Angelica,” he said.

“I know you bit me, but…” she trailed off, feeling her neck. There’s nothing there, no bumps or blood.

“You gave me permission last night. If you hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to,” he replied.

Angelica had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. She furrowed her brow and looked at him, questioningly.

“I turned you last night, you’re now a vampire,” he said.

Angelica abruptly sat down, her mind racing with the implications. She didn’t know what her future held, but she knew it would be far different than her past.


Published 6 years ago

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