Tammy and Sammy chapter three

"I knelt over her upturned face"

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Much, much later, it was two very drunk young girls who fell asleep in each other’s arms on the living room floor and later on woke up freezing, we staggered upstairs and fell into bed shivering.

“I feel awful Tammy,” she said as we huddled in for each other’s warmth.

“You look it Sammy,” I said and I drifted off to sleep with a ‘Thank you’ from my lover.

We missed breakfast thank God and staggered onto the school’s mini bus feeling only slightly better, it was a mixed outing and I was getting very irritated as the day went on by the unwelcome attentions of a pimply faced little nerd called Norman.

“That’s the Count of Chatsworth,” Sammy whispered as he once again winked at me and eyed me up from head to toe.

“I don’t care what his cunt’s worth, he’s greasy and horrible.” Which left Sammy falling about laughing.

I shuddered and gripped her hand, apart from a monument commemorating the battle and a little gift shop, which was closed, there was nothing to see and I was bored stiff with it. I wanted to be back at our cosy little cottage with Sammy in my arms, but the teacher insisted on asking a million questions about the battle of Bosworth Field and it late afternoon before we arrived back at the school.

I thought I’d seen the last of the terrible Norman but as we got off the bus he whispered.

“I say Tammy, would you like to go for a stroll around the village after lunch, I could show you the sights old gal?”

He must have thought that’s how our sort of people were expected to speak, or perhaps his family really did talk like that, I just though he sounded bloody ridiculous, but remembering that Repton kids were supposed to be polite at all times, I declined his invitation and resisted the urge to shudder.

I hadn’t realised how hungry I was until food was put in front of us, I wolfed it down and even went back for more.

Thankfully we’ve moved on since the days of Oliver Twist, so I wasn’t ridiculed or thrashed.

“Don’t you want seconds Sammy?” but she giggled and said quietly that she was thirsty.

“Well, have a glass of… , oh.”

I saw the coy way she was looking at me from under her eye-lids, she smiled and there was a sudden wetness in my knickers as I realised what she meant.

“Well we’d better go then, hadn’t we?”

Her shy smile sent more juices down into my already wet knickers as she put her hand in mine and we walked back to our cottage.

“Let me put another sexy outfit on for you,” she said as we kissed lingeringly behind the door. “I like the way you look at me, it makes me so wet.”

“It makes me wet too Sammy,” and to prove my point, I took her hand and put it under my skirt, she did the rest and slipped her fingers into my knickers.

To tease her, I dribbled a few drops over her hand and she moaned.

“Oh don’t Tammy, save it for me please.”

“Ok, but hurry up, I’m horny for you.”

We kissed again lingeringly and she went upstairs flashing her sexy little bottom at me and giggling whilst I poured out our drinks, and wondered what mummy and daddy would say about me if they knew what I was going to do in the next few minutes.

It took her about ten minutes before she reappeared dressed in just a tiny lace suspender belt and black seamed stockings, no knickers marred my view of her beautiful little cunt and I felt my heart lurch with love.

“Oh Sammy,” I said, at least I think it was me who said it, the voice didn’t sound like mine though. “Oh fuck Sammy you’re beautiful.”

Walking slowly down to the bottom of the stairs, she reached for me and kissed me gently.

“So are you Tammy,” she said. “But I think you’re a little overdressed, don’t you?”

Kneeling down at my feet, she reached up under my skirt and took hold of the waist band of my knickers, I felt the little buds of my nipples beginning to hurt me, but it wasn’t actually a pain, more of a tingling, it felt nice!

I stepped out of the knickers and she kissed the gusset.

“Hmm, nice Tammy.”

She lay down on her back, gesturing me to kneel over her. “Do it slowly Tammy, I don’t want to waste any.”

“Are you sure you want to do this Sammy?”

“Yes,” she grinned, “Oh yes”

I knelt over her upturned face and almost immediately relaxed my bladder muscles, I felt her mouth on my cunt and she swallowed eagerly. Still a bit unsure, I stopped but her fingers squeezed my hips and she yelped in protest, so I began again.

She swallowed every last drop and then concentrating on licking me to orgasm. I felt her lips closing over the nub of my clitoris, her teeth nibbled it gently as she insinuated a finger into my bottom.

It was a new feeling to me and the orgasm hit me like an express train. I ground my cunt down onto her face, not caring about her comfort at all, the feelings washed over me, wave after wave of them. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven!

I started to tremble all over, my eyes rolled back of their own accord and the next thing I knew was finding her bending over me, slapping my face gently.


I smiled and reached for her.

“I think I blacked out for a minute with pleasure Sammy,” I said as I kissed her. “Sheer bloody pleasure,”

A knock at the door disturbed us then, Sammy ran upstairs to put some clothes on while I smoothed my skirt down and kicked my knickers under the chair.


It was the cleaning woman’s daughter and she looked worried.

“Can I come in a minute please miss, I might be seen?” she looked furtively over her shoulder, so I stepped aside and let her in,

“What’s wrong?” asked Sammy as she came downstairs casually combing her hair.

“It’s my mother, miss,” the girl said. “We went into the village today and she had a few too many in the pub, like she often does.”

She kept looking over her shoulder, so I stopped her in mid flow.

“Wait a minute.”

I locked the door and poured out three vodkas.

“I’m sorry but I don’t know your name.”

“It’s Margaret, miss,” she said as she gulped the vodka back in one go and pulled a face, Sammy giggled and poured her another one.

“Slowly Margaret,” she laughed, “Or we might have to carry you home.”o

“My friends call me Maggie, miss.”

“I’m Tammy and that grinning idiot there is Sammy.”

“Aren’t you the right honourable something or other?”

I giggled and said, “Yes, the Right Honourable Tabatha Palmer but –. “

She stood up and put one foot in front of the other, she seemed to stoop and then stumble forwards slightly before straightening up and smiling weakly at us,

Sammy and I looked agape at each other.

“Are you all right Maggie?”

“Yes,” she beamed. “I did a curtsey.”

Sammy let out a howl of laughter.

“Oh no Maggie, no, no, no, no, you don’t curtsey to her or any other bugger here.”

Maggie looked as if she was going to burst into tears, but luckily Sammy wasn’t that insensitive and rushed over to put her arms round the frightened girl.

“I’m sorry Maggie.” she said softly and smoothed the girls hair. “But honestly, I’m a right honourable whatsit as well, but nobody ,bothers with that rubbish any more, I’m just a kid.”

She obviously felt silly now, but gradually we overcame her fears and asked her again about her mother.

“Oh yes,” she remembered with a smile.

“Well she got into a row you know the other day and she can be quite horrible sometimes, she doesn’t like you two misses very much and she was saying today that she’ll get you eventually, even if she has to lie to do it, she’ll get you and she will, you mark my words.”

“What can she do, she’s just a cle–?”

I was about to say she’s just a cleaner but I stopped myself in time.

“Sorry Maggie, but what can she do to us, our parents pay an outrageous amount of money for us to attend here?”

“I don’t really know Tammy, I’m just letting you know to be careful.”

“And we appreciate it don’t we Sammy?”

Sammy nodded.

“We’d really appreciate it if you tell us anything else you hear Maggie, will you?”

“Oh yes of course I will, you’re very nice young ladies.”

Sammy went into her purse and handed me a twenty pound note.

“Match that Tammy, I think we should be nice to Maggie.”

“Yes, yes of course,” I said and handed forty pounds to Maggie.

“Oh no, I don’t want that.” but she took it anyway, it was more than she earned in a week working at the school, we were sure of ,that.

“Well I’d better get going then, thank you very much for the money,” as she got up she spotted something on the floor and bent down to pick it up.

“You’re not very tidy are you misses?” she giggled as she passed me my knickers.

“But you’re very nice.”

Sammy giggled and slid an arm round my waist.

“Thank you Maggie, we like each other as well, don’t we Tammy?”

“Mm yes, lots,” I said as we kissed tenderly and smiled at her, but the door closed quietly as she left.

“Now where were we?” I said and slid a hand up beneath her robe to find her sexy little pussy.

“Oh you fucking slut,” she breathed into my mouth, “you fancy her don’t you?”

I pulled her down to the couch, my mouth still locked onto hers.

“Don’t know yet, do you?”

“She knew we’d been up to something.”

“Hmm yes I know she does, but I bet she’d never guess what it was.”

It took far less time than either of us imagined for her mother to get her revenge, just as we turned into a sixty nine, the door burst open and her mother stood there with the head master.

“See I told you sir, look at the disgusting little perverts.”

And we both burst into tears.

Daddy had a very important meeting but missed it to attend the meeting with the headmaster, as did Sammy’s father. We’d been forced to sleep apart the night before, me at the cottage of a teacher and his wife and Sammy with the headmaster and his wife and we were kept apart until we met in the headmaster’s study in front of our parents.

“I’m sorry Ladies and gentlemen, but our rules make it impossible for the young ladies to continue their education at Repton.”

“Apart from their obviously unacceptable behaviour, we also found six, one litre bottles of an intoxicating liquor and two hundred and fifty cigarettes, which by itself is an offence carrying expulsion as the ultimate punishment.”

At least our parents gave us five minutes together to say our goodbyes as we reached the outskirts of London, but we didn’t say goodbye, we wrote each other’s mobile and home phone numbers down and we promised faithfully to keep in touch every day.



Published 6 years ago

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