Anna skipped down the street from the high rise where she lived with her parents. There were three of them and they all had twelve floors and sat on a hill. During the winter, cars with front-wheel drive would have a problem coming up the street if it wasn’t properly sanded and salted.
But now it was a gloriously warm day at the end of May. Just another week of school and then the summer holidays. Maybe this what gave Anna’s skip some extra bounce. She reached the bus stop which only had one person waiting. It was a man in his late forties, and Anna knew him in passing. They nodded a morning hello. Anna leaned against the post with the sign for the bus stop and the man stood a few yards away smoking a cigarette.
The man puffed on his cigarette and when Anna looked away zoomed in on the curve of her ass. She wore a light yellow summer dress that ended halfway down her tanned thighs and flat shoes. He had seen her around for many years and watched her grow up from a little girl to a stunning young woman who was quite tall. He guessed approximately five/eight or so. While he watched her, she put on lip gloss and her full lips looked so soft. The man had to look away since things had begun to stir in his pants.
The bus arrived and when Anna got on, she saw her best friend Jenny sitting alone in the back row.
“Hey, you. How are you,” asked Anna when she sat down next to her.
“Fine, you? God, I can’t wait for this school year to be over.”
Anna offered her friend a piece of gum and then said, “Yeah, you are right about that. Did I tell you I signed up for a painting class in June?”
“No, I mean I know you like to paint but not that you had signed up.”
“Yeah, it’s at the church. Twice a week, Wednesdays and Saturdays.
A couple of stops later, two boys about the girls’ age got on and when they saw them, they waved and made their way to them.
“Max is so cute,” squealed Jenny.
“Yeah, he is. Has he asked you out yet?”
Jenny didn’t have time to answer before the boys slumped down in the next to last seats. “Ready for school?” asked Max. His friend Jonas was a quiet type with acne and thick glasses. Max was neither a jock or a nerd, he fell somewhere in-between and had a crush on Jenny. At night he would lie in his bed stroking his cock fantasizing about her lips wrapped around it. Maybe he would get lucky when school was over, but first, he had to build up the courage to ask her out.
“No, I wanted to stay in bed,” said Anna.
“Doing what?” said Jonas and chuckled.
Anna felt chills run down her spine. Jonas wasn’t a bad guy, but the few times he actually spoke it was mostly hinting to some sexual activity.
“None of your business.”
“Oh, don’t be like that, Anna,” he continued.
“Fuck off, Jonas.”
The rest of the way Anna looked out the window while Max and Jenny chatted. They would make a cute couple. Anna herself had never had a boyfriend. And at sixteen that was a bit strange. She chalked it down to bad luck. Jenny had had a year-long relationship with a guy that had ended after Easter. She had told her that Mikael and she had had sex and it was a wonderful experience after the first one which had hurt.
Anna had nodded and congratulated her friend on losing her virginity. Anna herself had no plans on doing so anytime soon. She did play with herself and the fact that Jonas had hinted to it was what had made her angry. So what, if she rubbed her pussy? That was none of his business. She preferred to do it in the morning before taking her shower. She became very wet and had quickly learned it wasn’t very nice to sleep directly afterward and she was too cozy to get up and shower at night.
She would lie on her back and let her fingertips dance over her shaved pussy. Jenny thought it was a bit strange that she did that but Anna just liked the softness of her skin. Once her pussy was moist and clit swollen, she would slide two fingers across it and inside her. If she was really horny, she would roll over on all fours, that made her feel like a dirty slut. Anna actually smiled to the window thinking about herself with her ass in the air and two fingers inside her.
The bus stopped at the bottom of the road that lead up to the school and the teenagers got off. It was still a few minutes until the bell would ring, so they loitered in the schoolyard talking and laughing with their friends. Jenny kept looking at Max who was goofing around with some other boy.
“If he doesn’t ask you out by the last day of school, you need to do it,” said Anna.
“Fuck that, I will give him two days and then I will do it. My pussy is craving cock and I bet he has a really nice one.”
Anna laughed at her friend’s crude words. Jenny had always been a bit foul-mouthed, but she loved her friend anyway.
After school, instead of going on the bus with Jenny and the others Anna walked the short distance to the church. She wanted to know if she needed to buy any materials for her class.
She opened the large door and stepped into the silence that was the empty church. It wasn’t very big but could fit about a hundred people. Anna had been there for funerals and one wedding. She heard a door open and then close. Footsteps followed that echoed in the large room.
A man became visible at the front and when he saw her, waved at her.
“How can I help you?”
Anna walked up to him and when she came closer, she noticed that it wasn’t Lars, the young priest who she had known for years.
This guy was much much older and short. He reminded her of a little gnome. “I’m looking for Lars, I have signed up for the painting course.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry to tell you, but Lars had to go away to visit his sick mother. I will be teaching the course. My name is Sven.”
He reached out his hand and when Anna took it, it was dry and warm. He put his other hand on top of hers and looked up into her eyes. He was a good head shorter than Anna. “We will have such a good time, won’t we?” he said and squeezed her hand.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” she let go of him and turned to leave.
“See you next week, Anna.”
She didn’t say anything but wondered how he had known her name since they had never met.
The last week of school went by in slow motion. Each day seemed longer than the previous to Anna and Jenny. Jenny had made good on her promise and she and Max were now officially a couple. She had told Anna that they had fucked on their second day. Max had taken her to the little lake close to where she lived and there on the grass he had licked her pussy until she moaned so loud the birds had flown away.
When she opened his pants and took out his cock, she sighed with pleasure. Long and quite thick it made her yelp when he pressed it inside her and then fucked her in a missionary position before rolling her over and taking her from behind. When he came over her bare back, the hot cum on her skin made her shiver in delight.
It all sounded a bit dirty to Anna. It was one thing having her own fingers inside her but a boy’s cock, what could that do that she couldn’t do better? Then there was the cum. Jenny had explained it was quite gooey and sticky. Never get it in your hair, it’s a bitch to get out without washing it, she had told the shocked Anna.
No, Anna was sure about it now, cock and real sex could wait. But could it really? She had caught herself having visions of Jenny naked with her legs wide apart and Max in-between them while she masturbated. Over the last week, the thought of real sex had grown in Anna’s mind, but she needed a real boyfriend for that. Someone who loved and respected her. She knew most of the guys at school would be willing to lose a nut if she let them fuck her, but that wasn’t how Anna was.
The first day of the painting course was on a Wednesday and Anna showed up a bit earlier. She had forgotten to ask Sven about the materials, so she had called the church to ask. Sven told her all materials would be provided by the church. She was happy about that since she didn’t have much money.
A few people stood waiting outside the church when she arrived. It was a mixed group, a few girls of Anna’s age, some women who were in their thirties and forties but mostly it was older women in their seventies and eighties.
The church door opened and Sven came out. “Follow me,” he said and they fell in behind him like little school children follow their teacher on an outing.
He led them to a low slung building behind the church. Inside were a couple of classrooms that Anna guessed were used for religious studies.
“This way,” said Sven and opened the door to one of the rooms. Inside, easels were set up and next to each chair in front of it was a small table with pencils and brushes. Tubes of paint lay in a neat row and a clean color pallet to mix the paint on. Anna noticed that each chair had a name on the back of it. She found hers which was in the front row. She sat down and put her purse on the floor next to her. There was a bit of shuffling before everyone was seated. Sven who stood a few feet from Anna gave her a smile and then cleared his throat.
“Welcome everyone, it’s nice to see so many of you have an interest in the art of painting. I have done it for years and it’s a great passion of mine. Some of you are more experienced, and I urge to help your fellow students if they need it. I will be coming around to each one of you during the next hour and see how you are doing. Today we will paint this vase.”
He pointed at a simple blue ceramic vase that stood on a high table so everyone could see it.
Sven had a hard time taking his eyes of Anna. He had placed her right in front of him so he could have a good look without having to crane his neck. She wore a white short skirt that had ridden up on her thigh as she sat down. On top, she had a simple blue blouse that she had knotted under her breasts at the height of her navel.
The way she looked at him with those innocent eyes made him sure she had no clue to how sexy and hot she was. To him, she was a devil’s child, sent to earth to make weak men like him leave his beloved church and join the dark prince in hell. Therefore, it was his duty to make Anna into a god fearing teen.
He had a dirty secret, and that was that he spent a lot of time reading pornographic stories in magazines he bought. He never bought them where he lived, but on his way to or from work, so the clerk didn’t know who he was. At night he would sit on his sofa or lie in bed reading and looking at the pictures of teen girls and masturbate until the cum squirted and then run down his knuckles.
He loved the look of their soft skin and the horny eyes that looked back at him from the glossy paper. At home, he would paint young women in all kinds of poses. Sometimes with him fucking them, or the girls by themselves masturbating.
Sven took a deep breath and then wandered around the room looking how each of his students was doing. He gave some advice, congratulated, always with a smile and a laugh. When he reached Anna, he came up to her from behind. He stood close behind her looking over her shoulder at the canvas. She was quite talented he admitted to himself. But his eyes quickly left the painted vase and looked down her blouse. Her cleavage seemed soft as velvet and the hem of her white bra was visible.
Anna felt Sven behind her but was too concentrated to speak to him. The brush danced over the canvas as she added color to her sketch. She was so into it she hardly noticed that Sven leaned in a bit further. Not until she felt his breath next to her.
“What are you doing?” she almost whispered, so not to disturb the others.
“I’m sorry, I was just fascinated by your work,” he said and pulled back.
His mouth had been so close to her neck that she had felt his warm breath on her skin.
“Okay, but you don’t have to be so close to me.”
Sven took a step to her side, so he was standing next to her. She looked up into his dark eyes and saw something there that made her shiver. He was eating her alive. His gaze flicked from her mouth to her eyes down to her boobs and then back up again.
“Stay behind after class,” he said. “We need to talk about your work.”
Anna continued to paint and figured he was going to give her advice on her style or something. A thought nagged in the back of her mind, and she kept on coming back to how she had looked at her. It reminded her of the way Max used to stare at Jenny before they got together. She brushed the thoughts away and concentrated on her work.
Her perfume had been intoxicating to Sven. It was light and fruity and behind it was the smell of her soap. In his mind, he could see a naked Anna in the shower soaping her body. The swell of her breasts and her nipples going hard under her hands. The little patch of fluffy hair between her legs when she lathered her pussy. He had an enormous hard-on as the class began to put away their material.
“Well done everyone, I’m looking forward to seeing you on Saturday,” he said as the people began to leave.
Anna had put her things away and was sitting on the chair. Sven smiled and waived to the others and when the last one had closed the door, he walked up to her. “Come with me.”
She followed him out another door and across a small courtyard and into the church. They went up one flight of steps and into what was his private office.
Sven sat down at his desk and gestured to Anna to sit on the corner of the desk in front of him. She thought it was a bit strange since there was a free chair available. Instead of arguing with Sven she put her purse on it and then sat where he had indicated.
Her skirt rode up and more of her thigh was visible to Sven and he licked his lips. “So, here we are, Anna.”
“Yes, what did you want to talk to me about?”
Instead of answering he began to open his pants as quickly as he could and outburst his full erection.
“Oh my god, what are you doing, eww!” said Anna and was about to leave.
Sven put a hand on her thigh and held her in place. “Look at it, don’t you want to touch it? I know you want to, such a horny little girl like you wants a lot of cocks.”
Anna stared at the cock sticking up in front of her. The head was dark red and thick veins crisscrossed the shaft. She had never seen one before, so she had no reference to size, but it did remind her of the German sausages her mother used to fry.
“Don’t be shy, Anna. Touch it.”
“No, I won’t! You are a dirty old man!”
With surprising speed and strength, Anna suddenly found herself lying across his legs. She could feel his cock poke her in the ribs but what really shocked her was that Sven pulled up her skirt. Then he pulled down her white cotton panties.
“You are a dirty slut and needs a good spanking,” he growled.
Before she could protest his hand slapped down on her ass cheeks. Hard enough to make it sting, but not enough to make her cry. As he kept on spanking her, Anna realized to her horror at it felt good. But just as quickly as he had begun Sven stopped and pushed her off him. She ended up on her knees in front of him. His cock was only a foot away and this close she noted a clear liquid was oozing out of the little hole.
“See what you make me do, Anna? This is all your fault, but I will teach you, I can promise you that. Now go home.”
Anna grabbed her purse after pulling up her panties and pushing down her skirt. With her ass cheeks burning she left and on her way home tried to comprehend what had just happened. One thing was for sure, her pussy was wetter than it had ever been before.
Anna didn’t tell Jenny about what had happened in the priest’s office. She wasn’t sure if she had done something wrong to make the man do what he had done. Sure, she…