Carla Episode #1 “Carla’s Helping Hand”

"An eighteen-year-old virgin spends time with her forty-nine-year-old divorced neighbor."

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Carla and George, both live in an upper class, suburban neighborhood.  George is forty-nine-years-old, a very intelligent, and well-respected cardiovascular doctor who is committed to his practice, and his success is proof of it.  He has been divorced from his wife for the past five years, and his sex life has been non-existent.  His only excitement recently has been looking at Carla from the window, in her school uniform skirt.  The sight of Carla always gives him a massive erection.

Carla is eighteen years old; she is very smart in school, very shy and reserved around most people, especially men and strangers. Carla is a timid and reserved person overall.  Most people call her a nerd, because she fits the term perfectly.  But there is one thing about Carla that just does not match her shy persona, and that is her appearance.  

Carla is half Puerto Rican and half black, so she has a smooth caramel skin tone, luscious thick thighs, a nice set of melon tits, a slim waist, and an ass that is so big and round, and it fits perfectly in proportion with the thickness of her legs and thighs.

Carla looks like she fits in perfectly in an ass-shaking contest, and you will bet every dollar in your pocket that she will win.  Her face is just as sexy as her body.  She never wears any makeup and has a natural beauty with an innocent school girl look to her.

Carla comes from a very religious and strict family.  Her father is the pastor of a popular church in the city, her mother is very active in the church also, so they place their religious values on Carla very heavily.  As a result, Carla has only attended all-girls schools all of her life.  She has never had a boyfriend or male friends over.  She has to wear conservative clothing in an attempt to hide her voluptuous figure.  But even conservative clothes don’t really work because her sexy body is still visible to a gazing eye, and damn, does she attract attention.

Carla is still a virgin, and has only kissed one guy from her church that she had a crush on when she was sixteen.  Things have changed now for Carla, now that she is on her way for her first year away in college.  She finally convinced her parents to let her attend a college out of state and to be able to go to school with guys as well.

Her parents are convinced it will help her socially and that they can’t hide the world from her any longer. She has met other girls that have had sex before, but for the first time, she is about to be around a large number of guys and girls that are having sex.

She also notices the attention that she attracts. Staying true to her values, she keeps her virtue and her temptation in check.

This is where this story begins; when George sees Carla outside in the driveway with her family, seeing them off as they load luggage in the car preparing to go out of town for the weekend.  Carla’s dad, Kyle, is going to be a guest preacher at another church, and they are leaving Carla behind so she can get all her things in order to leave for college the next week. 

George watches the family as Carla hugs her parents’ goodbye.  He’s focused on her fat, round ass.  Carla has on a long, black dress that comes down just below her knees, but it still can’t hide her curves or her thickness. 

Carla says, “Drive safe, Daddy.”

Kyle replies, “I will, honey.  Don’t let anyone inside and call us if you need anything.” 

Carla says, “Don’t worry.”

Carla’s parents get in the car and drive away. George watches that fat ass bounce as she walks back in her house.

Some hours have passed now and George can’t stop thinking about Carla.  He is always looking at her, ever since her body started to develop into what it is when she was sixteen.  Her face is so sexy to him also. He loves that innocent look of hers.  It’s so intense this particular day, because frankly, George is bored while he is away from work, letting a broken foot heal for him.  

He is so horny for Carla that he looks up Latina and black porn, but it doesn’t do the trick for him at all.  Carla is sexier than the porn he is looking at.  He then begins to hope that Carla will be over soon.  Carla’s parents don’t allow her to have a dog and Carla is a huge dog lover.  So with George usually busy at work, he allows Carla to come over and play with his golden retriever, Butch and take him for walks.  

She even comes over sometimes while George is home, even though her parents don’t like for her to be over there alone. So she sneaks over whenever they both are gone somewhere or having a board meeting for church.  That is George’s favorite time, seeing her bent over playing with Butch, he gets in free peeks at her booty and titties. 

George can’t wait any longer and calls next door on the phone.

Carla says, “Hello.”

George replies, “Hey Carla, do you mind walking Butch for me? He’s clawing at the door, he wants to go out.”

Carla answers, “Sure, Mr. George, I’ll be right over.”

Minutes pass and Carla shows up. In the same dress from earlier and she looks so sexy. George watches her walk Butch until they’re out of sight.  He sits back on the sofa with his intense hard-on, hoping they’re back sooner than later.

Carla is back with Butch.  She brings him into the living room where George is on the sofa.  Butch gets on his back wanting a belly rub, and Carla bends over to give him one and it gives George a great view up her dress to her big, round ass. Damn, it looks sexy. 

Carla asks, “You need anything else, Mr. George?”

George answers, “No honey, but take a seat with me.”

She sits beside him on the sofa.  For the next ten minutes, they talk about school and preparing for college.  Until George makes the conversation a little more casual.

George says, “You’re going to make some young man happy when you get there and find a boyfriend.”

Carla blushes a little. She replies, “Haha, thank you, but I’m not prioritizing that. I’ll be focused on my academics.”

George says, “You’re such a good girl.” 

Carla blushes even more. 

George says, “I know those guys can’t keep their eyes off of you.  How could they not look at those legs.”

Carla pulls her dress down a little bit to her knees. 

George says, “I’m serious.  You shouldn’t cover them. They look so nice.”

Carla replies, “Thank you.  But my parents say that I shouldn’t be showing much of my legs. It leads to sin. Anyways, I think they’re too thick. I want to lose a few pounds there.”

George says, “N,o Carla, they look great. Trust me. You should show them more once you’re away at college.  They would hate me if I said this but, they won’t know if you’re showing them while you’re away.  Haha.”

They both laugh at that. 

Carla says, “Well.  I can’t say you’re wrong about that.  Maybe I will.”

George replies, “And they look nice and smooth also.” 

Carla laughs it off but she’s starting to realize that George is hitting on her and she gets just a little uncomfortable.  She’s not very used to being in this kind of situation with a guy, or alone with a guy. 

George is getting rock hard now in his PJs.  He’s never had this kind of discussion with Carla and it was really turning him on to the max.  

Carla notices George getting hard in his PJs.  It’s not the first time she has noticed a guy have a hard dick.  She notices it during Sunday school that the boys will have erections whenever she is around and even notices the Sunday school teacher, the assistant pastor have occasional erections whenever they are meeting in private.  So it isn’t new to Carla, it’s just new that it is George.

Carla starts to consider if it’s time to go now. Before she decides to get up, George puts his hand on her knee and begins to rub.

Carla is caught off guard.

Carla says, “Umm.”

George replies, “I’m sorry, Carla, but it’s been so long since I’ve touched a woman.  And I’ve never touched someone as sexy as you.”

He keeps rubbing her knee.  Carla isn’t sure how to respond.

George asks, “Do you like me touching you?”

Carla answers, “I’ve never been touched like this before.”

This turns George on even more and he moves his rubs from her knee, to higher on her thick thigh.

George says, “I haven’t been touched by a woman in a long time neither.  Have you touched a guy yet?”

Carla answers, “I never have.”

George gets more turned on and his hand goes even higher.

Carla starts to get nervous.

Carla says, “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

She stops his hand.

George says, “Please, Carla. This feels so good to me. Just for a little while longer.”

He resumes rubbing her thigh.  His breathing is getting heavy. He’s enjoying it even more now. Carla lets him rub.

He reaches over and puts her hand in his lap, on his hard dick.

Carla gasps.

George says, “It’s okay.”

George has a grip on her wrist, moving her hand around over his PJs, rubbing his dick, using her hand.

George asks, “You never did this?”

Carla answers, “No.”

George moves her hand under his PJs now.  Skin on skin contact, her hand on his dick under his PJs.

George says, “Wrap around it.”

She wraps her hand around it. George lets out a sigh of relief.  It feels so good to him.

He begins moving her hand in a slow jerking motion.  Carla is a little uncomfortable but she is intrigued also.  She’s intrigued that her hand is making him feel so good.

George’s other hand is still working on rubbing her thick thigh and it’s just adding to the stimulation of his dick.

Only about a minute into it, George realizes he can’t take anymore.  His breathing is really heavy now, and his eyes are shut.  He doesn’t even try to hold it back and he blasts off a huge cumshot under his PJs.

George yells, “OH MY GOD!”

Carla is shocked, not sure what happened until she felt cum on her hand.  

George lets go of her wrist and she pulls her hand back from out of his pants and sees that it has cum on it.  She wipes it on his pants.

George says, “Your hand is so soft.”

Carla replies, “Thank you.”

Carla isn’t sure what happens next but she wants to make sure things don’t go any further.  She gets up to leave. 

On her way back to walking back home, she thinks to herself how she just had an interesting experience that she might be able to use when she gets to school.  She liked how she made a man feel.

Published 6 years ago

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