Daughter’s Friend, Part 8

"The newly formed love triangle gets even more complicated."

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As the kids say, Miranda ghosted me. After she ambushed me in her home and tried seducing me, I haven’t heard from her. Not one peep. I thought for sure after that text she sent me I’d hear something, but not a word from that crazy woman.

I was relieved, but at the same time dumbfounded. She swore she wouldn’t give up on her attempts to take me from Alex, so why did she just stop trying altogether? I’m ashamed to say Miranda had her hooks in me once more. My mind often drifted to the image of her wondrous body the last time I saw her.

I found myself checking my phone more than I care to admit, to see if she’d sent me anything. This is what she does. Draws me in, then drops me like I’m nothing. How could I fall for it again?

It’s been about a month or two since then. Maybe longer, who knows. The days just go on by without much fanfare. Alex has a full belly at the moment, which is pretty fucking hot. I rub it every chance I get. You’d think she was carrying twins. God, I hope not. We had the opportunity to find out the sex of the baby but declined. We want to be surprised.

Somethings not right, though. It’s Alex. She’s not as cheerful as she used to be. One day she was normal, bubbly Alex, and the next she became very cold. She’s ecstatic about the baby that much I’m certain of, but towards me she’s distant. Whenever I suggest we do something together like watch a movie or go out for a walk, she always says no. She’s polite about it, at least. Alex goes out by herself now, and I really don’t know what’s up with her.

Today was no different. Alex went out for a walk without me. I was laying on the couch trying to distract myself with sports, but it wasn’t working. I was excited when she eventually came back. Alex had a free-flowing maternity dress. She looked so cute. She says they look terrible, but I think she can make anything work. She’s that beautiful, to me.


“Hey, how was your walk?”


Alex sat next to me on the couch and put her head on my shoulder. I was surprised but welcomed the slight show of affection.


“Yes. What are you doing?”

“Nothing much. Flipping through the channels.”

“Sounds lame.”

“It is lame.”

Alex put her arm around my waist. Must’ve been a good walk.

After a few minutes of awkwardly watching television together, Alex leaned up and kissed on my neck. My dick was instantly hard. Finally! It’s been a while since I’ve gotten any. I missed these lips. I grabbed her thigh and got really into it.

I moved to Alex’s neck and she moaned out. I grabbed one of her boobs and played with her nipple. She closed her eyes and let me go to work.

Things were going great, but then Alex stopped moaning. She stopped doing anything.

“Everything okay?”

“Yes. Keep going.”

I went back to kissing Alex, but she didn’t react.

“Should we stop?”

“… Yeah. I’m sorry.”

I backed off and Alex stood and walked away.

“Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m good. Just didn’t feel right… you know, the baby.”

“Of course.”

“I’m going to take a nap. Come up and join me when you’re done flipping through channels.”

Alex left the room. Wow. What was that about? Things were going so well.


When I got upstairs, I cried my eyes out. I can’t keep doing this. My body wanted it badly, but my mind couldn’t accept him. I was finally in the mood after months of not wanting any physical contact, and I couldn’t go through with it. He’s been so good to me. I feel bad, but at the same time, I don’t. He’s made no attempt to tell me about the woman he saw that night. I‘ve been trying to push it out of my head, but recently it’s crept back in.

Who is she? She has to be someone around here. Probably one of these Orange County MILF’S who can’t keep a husband and preys on lonely older men. Or worse, another young girl. I bet his real fetish is impregnating young women and getting rid of them when he gets bored. Oh god, talk about overthinking.

First things first, I need to find out who this bitch is. When Anthony came up to nap with me, I couldn’t help but think how adorable he looked sleeping. Perfect time to check his phone. Yep, I’m one of those girlfriends. Sue me, I need answers.

It didn’t take me long to find them. I thought everyone had a password on their phone, but I guess my man is the lone exception. Miranda Carpenter… who the hell is that? And why didn’t he get rid of these? Alright, looks like they haven’t talked in a while. That’s good… but oh man. These messages. This woman seems rather interested in Anthony. These are practically essays! At least he never responded. Oh! The dinner. Wow, that’s a fancy place. What the hell…

I read the last message from the night he went to dinner with Miranda Carpenter. I don’t think I’ve ever sent him a message like this. It’s… well, it’s a lot. This Miranda woman clearly has an agenda. She wants him and doesn’t care about me or our relationship at all. Wow.

I put the phone back where it was and laid down. I’m glad I looked but now I’m extremely worried. She seems set on taking Anthony from me. Yet she hasn’t text him or called in months. Maybe they have another way of communicating.

I nudged Anthony up.

“Hey. I need you to go to the store for me.”

“What, why?”

“Your child is hungry.”

Neither of us was hungry. I had three cheeseburgers for breakfast. I needed him out of the house, so I could find out more about Miranda Carpenter, and I knew just the person to ask.

After he left, I made a call.


“Hey! How’s my little brother doing?”

Who else to talk gossip with than the queen of gossip herself, Claire.

“Fine. You got a minute?”

“Always got time for my future stepmom. Ew, that sounds weird. Anyway, what’s up?”

“I’ll get right to it. I think your Dad is cheating on me.”



“I don’t believe you.”

“I didn’t want to believe it but a few months ago he went out to dinner with a friend, but it wasn’t a friend it was some woman. When he got back, he stank of her godawful perfume. And I just looked through his phone and confirmed it.”

“Oh, my god. I’m going to kill him!”

“Well hold on Claire. I don’t know for sure. He didn’t respond to any of the messages. She’s doing all the work. I could be wrong about all of this but the fact that he went out with her and didn’t tell me is hella suspicious.”

“True. Wow, I’m so sorry Alex. Do you know who she is?”

“Nope but does the name Miranda Carpenter ring any bells?”

Claire didn’t answer me at first. I thought the phone had disconnected, because Claire always has something to say.

“… Miranda Carpenter is the devil. Alex, I’m not joking. She’s a terrible person. She and my Dad had this weird thing when I was a kid. He told me about it when I was in high school and from what I remember, it was bad. She was obsessed with him, and I think he was obsessed with her too. Didn’t end well and I know she moved away but I guess she’s back now. Girl, I don’t say this lightly when I say this is not good.”

Great, just great.

“Oh no…”

I put my hand on my stomach. Not sure why, but I did.

“Claire, what should I do?”

“Confront the bitch.”


“You heard me. Find out where she lives and go have a nice little chat. Tell her what’s what.”

“Do you think that will work? Maybe he’s already seeing her behind my back.”

“Alex, do you remember when we were in Greece and you and I shared a room, and my Dad snuck into the room at three in the morning just to have sex with you. I know you thought I was asleep, but I wasn’t. Well, I went to sleep after a while but that’s beside the point. Trust me, boo, he’s not leaving you for some old hag.”

Ah, Greece. I remember that night very well. He snuck into our room, didn’t say a word and fucked me like an animal then left. Came on my face and everything. It was beautiful. The next day I found out I was pregnant.

“I hope you’re right.”

“I am. You called the right person. I’ll find out where this whore lives and get back to you. Don’t worry, it’ll be okay.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

Damn, Claire works fast. It hadn’t even been an hour since we spoke, yet she already had Miranda’s address. She told me if I needed anything call her, and if things went wrong, she’d be on the next plane to California. Love that girl. She’s going to be a great big sister.

Well, I have her address. Do I go over there? Uh, of course, I do. I’m not letting this woman ruin my life.

The address wasn’t far from the house. I didn’t like that. God, I hate pregnancy brain, it’s making me think all types of bad things. I’m just going to talk to her, that’s it…

Walking up to the front door, whatever plan I had flew out the window. I was nervous. It’s not like me to confront someone. But this woman was trying to ruin everything I have, and I wasn’t going to stand for it. I knocked a few times and it only took a moment for the door to open.

Shit. I hadn’t thought about what Miranda would look like, but it sure as hell wasn’t this. She looks like a porn star! And I’m not saying that negatively. She’s gorgeous! Well put together, and tall. I felt so insecure.

“Can I help you?”

“Yes, I think you can. Do you know me?”

“No… I don’t think so.”

Miranda looked me up and down with her evil home-wrecking eyes. I thought I saw her eye twitch when she zeroed in on my belly, but I’m sure that was my imagination.

“Oh… it’s you.”

“Yes, me.”

“… I thought you’d be here sooner.”

Miranda moved out of the walkway and let me into her house. She led me to the living room and I sat down on the couch. Miranda sat across from me, staring me down. She had such a smug look about her, like she’d already won. Bitch, please.

“So, what can I do for you, Alexandria?”

Miranda crossed her legs and leaned forward. Here goes nothing.

“For starters, you can stop trying to ruin my relationship.”

“I don’t know what you’re referring to.”

“Don’t play dumb. It doesn’t suit you.”

“You’re a cheeky little girl, aren’t you? Well, sweetie, I’m not ruining anything. The damage is already done.”

“I beg to differ.”

“Oh, do you? You wouldn’t be here if everything was peachy at home.”

Damn, she’s got a point.

“Look, Miranda, let’s cut the bull. Why are you trying to steal Anthony away from me?”

“Because he and I belong together.”

“Why do you think that?”

“I don’t think it. I know it. We were meant to be. I’m sorry dear but you were just a placeholder until I came back into his life.”

Jesus. She’s a confident woman.

“I’m no one’s placeholder. He and I belong together.”

“It’s admirable you think that.”

“Thanks, but it’s the truth. If he wanted, don’t you think he’d answer your messages? He didn’t answer you once. That’s sad.”

That struck a chord with Miranda, who was visibly perturbed.

“Well, be that as it may, I know who’s in his heart. The fact I haven’t reached out in months is tearing him up inside. He desperately wishes I was with him, instead of you.”

“No, he doesn’t. He’s happy with me.” I rubbed my belly. “With us.”

Miranda glared at my stomach. Jealous much?

“… I’m sure. Look Alexandria, I can appreciate a woman fighting for what’s hers. We’re essentially doing the same thing, but I’m going to win. I always do.”

Miranda stood up.

“Now please leave. I have things I need to attend to.”

“I will, but I have one last thing to say.”

“What is it?”

“Actually, it’s a proposal.”


When I got home from the store, Alex was nowhere in sight. I guess she went for another walk. She was pretty vague about what food she wanted so I ended up grabbing a whole bunch of shit. Hopefully, she’ll be in a good mood. What happened earlier was really strange. Even when she’s not totally in the mood to fool around, she’s never been standoffish like that.

I unpacked the groceries in the kitchen when I heard the front door opened.


Alex waddled into the kitchen and sat at the table.

“Hey, I picked up a few things from the store. Wasn’t sure what you wanted.”

“Thanks. Can we talk?”


I sat down next to my beautiful girlfriend.

“I met with Miranda Carpenter.”

My jaw dropped. She did not just say that name. I must’ve misheard her, but I know I didn’t.

“… You did what?!”

“Yes, and don’t act like you don’t know who that is.”

“I won’t. How did you – “

“The night you came home late from dinner I smelled her perfume all over you. I pushed it out of my mind for a long time, but I kept going back to that night. That’s part of the reason I’ve been cold to you. I didn’t know how to handle you lying to me. And while you were napping earlier, I looked at your phone and saw the messages she sent you.”

“Alex, I – “

“Let me finish. I called Claire and she told me who Miranda was to you. I get that you two had a thing in the past, that’s fine. But now that she’s back and you saw her behind my back really bothers me. I had to confront her.”


“I can see what you saw in her. She’s beautiful. And a little scary. Our conversation wasn’t long, but I told her I had a way to end all of this and she agreed.”


“You’re going to go back over there, tonight, and have sex with her.”

Once again, my jaw dropped.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. She wants you, and I can tell you want her. So, for this one time, I’m allowing you to be with another woman. Go over and do whatever you want. If you come back tonight, then she’ll leave us alone. And if you stay, you’re all hers.”

“Alex, what kind of deal is that?”

“I know it sounds a little crazy, but It was all I could think of. Look at me, babe, I’m in no mood to satisfy you right now. I feel disgusting all the time.”

“You’re glowing. I love how you look.”

“Thank you, but I know I’m not. Not right now. We need to do this. She’s not going to stop trying to break us apart. I don’t care about the sex I really don’t. Satisfy her and come back to me. I’m confident in our bond. She won’t tear us apart. She can’t.”

“Alex, this is nuts. Can I think about this?”

“Yes, but you’re going. That boner you have right now decided for you.”

Shit. Not again.


“It’s fine. She’s hot. I’d get a boner too.”

“You’re really okay with this?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Okay then. I guess I’m going. This is crazy.

“For normal couples maybe, but for us, this seems about right. Oh, she wants you to wear a nice suit. Something about you looking especially sexy in a suit. I hate agreeing with her, but you do.”

Alex kissed me on the forehead and went up to bed. Woah. What the fuck? That had to be the weirdest conversation I’ve ever been involved in. Alex is something else, man. Not only did she know I lied about the dinner, she held onto it for months and when she got the opportunity, she found out who Miranda is and confronted her. And came up with this crazy scheme. Jesus. My emotions were all over the place. She said she’s okay with this, but she can’t be. This is absolutely eating her up.

I can only imagine how Miranda feels about all of this. She gets exactly what she wants. I don’t know what’s going to happen when I go back to her house. I wouldn’t be surprised if she drugged me and used my dick for a toy and never let me leave. When we were together, that wouldn’t have sounded like a bad idea. Now, I’m not so sure. Get in get out. That’s gotta be the strategy. Fuck her once, then leave. I don’t think her pussy is that good. I hope not.

I waited until the evening before I got ready. After a long shower, I picked out my best suit, at Miranda’s request, and got dressed. I wished I could go over in a t-shirt and shorts. I’m sure she doesn’t care. She’s just going to tear this suit off of me as soon as I walk in. Oh god, I so don’t want to do this.

Alex was folding clothes on the bed as I put on the finishing touches.

“You look good.”


I walked over to her side of the bed.

“Guess I better get going.”


Alex grabbed my face and gave me a passionate, longing kiss. It felt great to feel her lips on mine again, but it was different from before. It felt like it would be our last kiss.

“Don’t have too much fun.”

“I won’t. Promise. I’ll try and be back before you go to bed.”


I walked to the door.

“I’ll be back.”

“Hope so.”

I sat outside Miranda’s house for a while before I went in. I was conflicted. If I do this, then it’s over. But what if it’s just the beginning. I don’t want to leave Alex, but Miranda has this way of making me do things I don’t want to do. Fuck. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car.

I knocked twice, and the door swung open. She made me dress up, but Miranda was in jeans and a t-shirt. Scratch that, form-fitting leggings (my favorite) and a tank top doing everything in its power to keep her breasts in place. She wasn’t wearing a bra, that much I could tell. I was a few feet away and her perfume was already doing something to me. God, why did I have an affair with a woman this hot? She’s too much.

“Hello, handsome.”


“How do I look?” She spun around and pushed up her tits.

“You look very nice.”

“Always the charmer. Come in.”

I could feel her gaze go through my entire body as I walked into her home. She was ready to attack.

“Don’t worry. I won’t pounce on you yet, even though you looked absolutely delicious in this suit. We can take our time.”

Miranda leaned in and nibbled on my ear. I brushed her off and sat on the couch.

“I’m not okay with this, Miranda.”

Miranda sat right beside me. She was beaming from ear to ear.

“I know. I have to be honest, I was surprised when Alexandria suggested this. She must really be confident in your little relationship.”

“She is. We both are.”


Miranda twirled a strand of hair in a circular motion. Slowly. She looked me up and down then went into the kitchen. I took the moment to take another deep breath. So far so good, kid. Keep it together.

She came back with two glasses of water.

“This is a nice house.”

“Thank you. I get lonely sometimes, but maybe that’ll change soon.”

Miranda placed her glass down on the table. She ran a hand on my leg and hummed to herself. God only knows what she was thinking.

“Is there something on your mind?”

“Not really.”

I took a sip.

“Don’t lie. You are a terrible liar.”

Miranda’s hand locked onto my bicep, and she let out a soft moan.

“… Why didn’t you call me?”

“I wanted you to come to me. I’m sorry. I know you got used to me calling nonstop. It was absolute torture not reaching out to you, but it had to be done. All part of the game. You understand.”

“Yeah. You love playing around.”

“Do you forgive me, my love?”

Miranda moved closer. Her breasts were rubbing against my shoulder. Lord, give me the strength to not suck on those giant balloon tits all night.



“You’re staring.”


“Oh don’t apologize. They belong to you.”

Miranda stood up. We locked eyes, and I finally caved. I fought it long enough. If this is what Alex wants me to do, then I might as well have some fun with it.

“Take that off.”

“Mm, yes, sir!”

Miranda excitedly removed her shirt. No bra, just like I suspected.

She dropped to her knees and bit at the air in front of my crotch. I watched with muted anticipation as she turned around and shook her ass in my face. What a little tease.

“Come here.”

Miranda straddled me on the couch. Breasts and hair in my face, I was right where I needed to be. I sucked furiously on Miranda’s nipples as her ass moved back and forth on my lap.

I took my time rediscovering Miranda’s voluptuous body. Her fat ass. Her amazing hips. Slender figure, and those magnificent breasts. What a woman. God knew exactly what he was doing when he made Miranda Carpenter.

“I could cum just from your touch.”

“Not yet. I’m going to tease the shit out of you tonight.”

“Oh, you devil!”

Miranda loves being used. If I remember correctly, and I did, her breasts are very sensitive. I left bite marks around her areolas. Her moans let me know she enjoyed the pain.

“Oh, yes! Harder!”

A mature woman’s breasts may just be better than a young woman’s. Maybe. I’ll need to do more research.

Miranda took off my jacket and tore open my collared shirt.

“Hey, I just bought that.”

“I’ll get you a new one. I’ll get you anything!”

“Get me hard.”

Miranda bit her lip and squealed. She got up and undid my belt buckle. When she was face to face with my dick, she silently said thank you.

“After all this time, I finally have this perfect cock in my hands.”

Miranda slapped it across her face. Hard, and for longer than I thought she would. She sniffed it too. Little freak.

“Mm, you’re already erect. I love you.”

“Use your breasts.”


Miranda wrapped her tits around my cock. She dropped some spit on the tip and licked the head all over. I loved seeing my cock enveloped between Miranda’s chest. I love Alex, but she can’t do this. Her breasts were getting bigger, but Miranda had a rack.

“Oh my god. This feels so good.”

“I’m glad, baby. Just sit back and let me do all the work. I adore taking care of you.”

Miranda worked her tongue around the head of my cock while her breasts jiggled up and down. At any moment I was going to erupt. After being blue-balled earlier today by Alex and not getting any actions for months, I was seriously backed up.

“It’s twitching. Are you cumming? Do it. Please. I want to feel your load.”

Miranda shrieked as ropes of cum shot out of my cock. She wrapped her slutty lips around my cock to suck out the remaining cum. Then, using her perfectly manicured fingers, she scooped up the cum that remained on her body. Fucking hot.


“Tell me about it. You’ve completely covered me in your spunk. I would say I’m surprised, but you always came buckets. One of my favorite things about you.”

Miranda looked up at me with those intoxicating eyes. She knew what I knew, that we were nowhere near done.

“Where do you want me?”

“Right here. On the couch. Lie down.”

Miranda laid down and tugged on her nipples. She was moaning loudly, waiting for me to enter her. I tore off her leggings and took off the rest of my clothes. I inserted half of my index finger into her pussy, but she stopped me.

“Trust me, I’m ready for you.”


“Yes, my love. I haven’t touched myself since we met in the supermarket. If I don’t get your dick soon, I might explode.”

“Well, we don’t want that. Lift your legs.”

Miranda obeyed my command. She grabbed her ankles and lifted her legs high into the air. I slapped my slap my rock-hard cock on her enlarged clit. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth.

“No more teasing. I’m going to die. Please fuck me.”

“Say it again.”

“Please fuck me.”


Please fuck me!

My cock slid easily inside Miranda, and her body went completely limp. Oh yeah, she was ready. She dropped her legs and wrapped herself around my body.

“I – Anthony, I – Oh my god. Don’t stop. Mm!”

I paid Miranda no mind. She was already gone. Dick too good, I guess. I impaled her pussy at lightning speed. I wasn’t trying to rush or anything, but I couldn’t help myself. I just wanted to fuck her without worry. Her pussy was something else, man. I didn’t remember it being this good. She creamed my cock almost immediately and she was super tight. She really did wait for me.

“You okay?” I asked Miranda after a while of not speaking.

“Better than good. Kiss me.”

We embraced as lovers. No going back now. What a kiss. Took me back to the many times we would kiss, and I’d think there was nothing better in the world than her lips.

“Fuck, Miranda I’m sorry for just going full speed. Do you want me to slow down?”

“No, no. Go until you can’t go. I’ve lost count of how many orgasms I’ve already had.”


“Yeah, don’t worry about me. I’m just so happy to have you again.”

Miranda, with tears in her eyes, grabbed my butt and pushed my cock deeper inside her soaking wet pussy.

After feeling another orgasm, I got up and had her get on top. I wanted to see those breasts bounce up and down in my face.

Miranda ground on my cock like the pro she was. When we were together in the past, this was my favorite position to have her in. She’d ride me for hours in the most random of places. I loved holding her in my arms, and tonight was no different. She worked her ass back and forth on my dick. I was lost in the moment. I wanted this to last forever.

“The mother of your unborn child really thought you’d fuck me and not come back? She really is a child. You aren’t going back to her. I’m all you need. If you could see your face right now. You’re in heaven. The moment you entered me, you were doomed.”

I spanked Miranda. She yelped. I grabbed her face and we kissed once more.

Miranda was rubbing my bare chest. Correction, her nails were clawing at my skin. She leaned closer and licked my neck.



“Yeah, cum inside me.”

“Anything for you, my love.”

Miranda tightened around my cock. I held her in place and thrust quickly and erupted inside of her pussy.

“Yes! Yes! Finally!”

I loosened my grip on Miranda’s waist. I couldn’t move. I let out everything I had. Miranda stayed in place, rubbing her tits and exhaling loudly. She kissed my chest where she’d left claw marks.

“Wow.” I hadn’t noticed, but Miranda’s legs were shaking. They hadn’t stopped even after I came.


“You are outstanding. No, magnificent. I love you so much, Anthony. Thank you. I never believed I’d be this happy again. Oh, I love you so.”

“Miranda, I need some air.”

Miranda led me outside to her back patio. Beautiful night. I’m still partial to my back patio, but this one ain’t half bad.

I sat on a lawn chair and Miranda found a comfortable spot on my lap. She was nibbling at my ear again, but this time I let her. I was still in a daze from the wild sex we had so I didn’t really mind. I had no idea we were still naked as well. Fuck it.

“Just like old times…”

“I miss those days. So, so much. We can be better than before. No more sneaking around. Just you and me together as we’re meant to be. Don’t say anything. Just the fact you haven’t left yet tells me everything I need to know. I’m so happy. I knew I’d win. I knew it.”

I remained silent.


“Yes, my love?”

“You’ve never given me a proper tour of this house.”

I sat up and flicked Miranda’s clit.

“Show me the bedroom.”

Published 6 years ago

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