If you had asked me a year ago to describe my perfect man – my Mister Right – I would have told you, I have no idea! I just knew I was dating Mister All Wrong.
It was bad enough that my boyfriend had only a six-inch cock, and that he wouldn’t let me suck even that! It was bad enough that he fucked me only once a week, and then reluctantly, and I had to beg for it. All of that was bad enough. But why did he feel the need to be so constantly mean toward me? Even after I told him to be more respectful or we were through.
I gave him one month to straighten out. He didn’t. It was painful to have to boot him out, to have no boyfriend of my own. But my girlfriend, and her boyfriend, very lovingly helped me through that. Two weeks of sharing a bed with them both, in their arms every night, really cheered me up. A lot!
And now I know exactly what my perfect man is – the perfect man for me, anyway, even if he’s nobody else’s ideal of the perfect man. Because six weeks after I dumped Mister All Wrong, I met my perfect man. He has been in my bed every night for over 300 consecutive nights now. And I’ve never in my whole life felt happier.
So let me tell you my specs for my perfect man. My Ted.
First, he is black. Well, actually a lovely shade of dark chocolate. I think it might must be true. Once you’ve gone black, there’s no going back.
But not that fake street black talk that so many black guys seem to think makes them sound cooler. It doesn’t. Guys who talk like that make me want to vomit. Ted agrees with me. He has the highly educated conversational skills of a Barrack Obama. And the sweet, genuine, gentle caring and courtesy of an Obama, too.
And then there’s Ted’s deep sexy, very masculine voice. Think James Earl Jones. Only very soft and sweet, never with the meanness and hostility of a Darth Vader.
When his big brown eyes gaze lovingly into my eyes and right into my very soul, and then that deep sexy voice so lovingly calls me “my sweet little slut,” mmm my heart just absolutely melts! And so does my pussy! “My sweet little slut!” Hell yeah, I love when he calls me that! And the way he says it! I would do just about anything he wants when he calls me that, in that sweet, loving, and very sexy way.
Oh yeah, deep sexy voice, perfect diction, and a loving and highly erotic pet nickname, all definitely high up on my specifications list now, for The Perfect Man.
I said I would do “just about” anything Ted wants. I misspoke. Forget the “just about.” Ted would never ask me to do anything that causes me discomfort or pain. So yeah, I would do absolutely anything Ted asks of me. And I know that he would – and does – do anything and everything that I ask of him, too.
I have a few nicknames for Ted, too. In public, I call him “my hot stud” or sometimes “my private stud.” Deliberate pun on the word “private.”
What I call him in the bedroom, might be misunderstood as racist in public. I call him, simply, “chocolate.” He is hot, black, and sweet. And I love how he tastes when he is full of cream! When I call him Chocolate, his kisses get especially loving, and his cock gets extra hard. Two wins for me!
Here on Lush, I have heard people use the term BBC – Big Black Cock. When I chat here, and when I mention Ted, I add an extra B to that – BBBC, for Big Beautiful Black Cock. Because I consider Ted’s very thick nine-inch stud pole to be Mother Nature’s best work.
So yeah, a huge black cock is another must have for me now, on my Perfect Man specifications. I could never, ever go back to that six-inch white cock on my ex bf. I really should thank him, I guess, Had he not been such a total jerk, I might never have realized that instead of a puny six inch white cock, given to me reluctantly once a week, I could (and now do) have a nine-inch black cock eagerly sliding into me every day!
Besides his sweet personality and wonderful voice and magnificent black cock, Ted has caused me to put a whole lot of body specs on my Perfect Man.
Dark silky hair that is a true joy to run my fingers through as we kiss. Oh, yeah, a definite must for me now. I would never have thought of that a year ago.
Bulging arm muscles are now a must for me, too. Not obscenely big, like a tree trunk. But takes both of my hands to encircle his biceps. That for me is the perfect male bicep size for me now. The muscles covered in tight, smooth, chocolate brown skin, of course!
When his shirt comes off, there have to be perfect muscles, from his shoulders all the way down to his waist. Muscle after beautiful muscle after HOT muscle, all under perfect dark brown flesh.
And as I already said, thick hard yummy cock under those pants. But also strong sinewy runner’s muscles all up and down his legs. Strong enough to hold my legs and ass when I’m on top. But not strong enough to crack my bones or cause me sore muscles in the heat of passion.
So …. be black and hot and muscular and well hung and smart and well spoken and kind hearted and sweet and gentle and loving. Have a deep sexy voice, and have the first name Ted. While kissing me like I’m the one true love of your life (because I am), slowly sink your magnificent big black and very hard cock into my hungry pussy. Put just the right mix of love and lust in your voce and whisper in my ear, “My sweet little slut.” Get even harder for me, when I call you Chocolate in my sweetest, most erotic, most loving, and horniest voice. Be resilient enough to make love with me for as long as it takes for my pussy to be completely satisfied, and to be too sore for any more sex. East me gently and fuck me slowly for 7, 8, 9 hours if I want (and I often want).
Yup. Those are my specifications now for My Perfect Man!
And he is right here next to me in my bed even as I type this. I may be his “sweet little slut,” but since meeting Ted, I feel like I’m also the luckiest little slut on earth!