She was already in the cabin. He had just arrived at the wonderful location she had chosen. He could smell the pine trees, that sweet, sticky essence, with a hint of burning logs in the background. A coating of fairy dust snow covered the trees, and underfoot his feet crunched on the layer of fresh snow that had almost a frozen crust. Deep in a Swedish forest, miles from anywhere, was a small clearing with a wonderful log cabin. The cabin was a traditional A-frame design with a steeply sloping roof to ensure the snow wouldn’t stick. This was no ordinary cabin, as attached on the rear was a geodesic dome of glass with a metal frame, for a bedroom so that lovers could copulate under the amazing Northern lights. As he approached the cabin, the northern lights were gently twinkling.
He looked around at the trees with their fairy dust dressing of snow and marveled at how she had managed to find the perfect place. As he trudged down the snow-covered path, he could smell the logs burning on the fire and see the occasional sparkly star in the clear sky.
She met him at the door. He took in the sight of her long, loose, blonde hair shaping her classic gorgeous, Swedish face; her wonderful smile with those oh so kissable lips he knew so well; and that cute button nose; a hint of red under her fur coat and those long bare legs that go on forever. She always loved being barefoot and even now this was the case.
She pulled him into the warmth and flung herself around him. They kissed with passion and forbidden lust. His hands went through her hair and slid down her back caressing her. As he reached the hem of her coat he felt her naked bottom and slowly squeezed her delicious glutes. He remembered the first time he had cheekily squeezed her behind and had received to his surprise, a cheeky smile from her. From that moment he had so wanted her; he had stolen fleeting kisses in quiet corners of the office. They had caressed in the dark of the car park, had met in secluded spots to fondle and fumble. This was a rare chance to spend some wonderful time exploring each other.
She slid her lithe body slowly down him, feeling his hardness and took him by the hand to lead him into the cabin from the entryway. As he was admiring the quaint cabin with lovely rugs everywhere and a roaring fire, she turned to face him. “From this point, you are not allowed clothes on.” Now, who was he to argue with his Swedish Goddess, especially when she started to slowly undress him.
She gently kissed his lips then moved down his throat where she pulled off his coat and then began to undo his shirt. With each bit of exposed chest she uncovered, she kissed his hairy skin. She untucked his shirt and pulled it down so that she had his arms trapped. She then proceeded to bite each nipple so he winced with pain and pleasure. She wasn’t sure about his hairy body at first, but now she loved his manliness.
Then she abandoned his shirt, kissing her way down his ‘happy trail’ of hair to the top of his trousers. She looked up into his eyes and met his smile before deftly undoing his belt and buttons. She then pulled his trousers slowly down and he stepped out of them. With a little wiggle of her hips and ass, she bent, picked up his trousers and hung them up before turning back to him.
As he was about to pull down his boxers, she pulled his hands away and winked. She proceeded to stalk around the back of him until she could embrace him from behind. She felt different. Her fur coat was missing, he could just feel her silky negligée against his skin. She reached around and caressed his hardening member through his shorts. She then pulled his shorts down and kissed and bit his bum that was now at her face level.
He moaned in pleasure as her hands and lips felt and caressed him. She knew how he liked to have his ass played with, so she told him to bend over. As she admired his taut leg muscles, she explored his anus with a gently probing finger, then her tongue; swirling it around but not quite entering him. She could feel him moan and his anus twitch as she continued her teasing.
As she stood up, slowly sliding a hand up his body, she surprised him by inserting a moist finger all the way in, causing a little dribble of precum to form on his penis as it hit his magic spot. His hard member twitched involuntarily. She increased the pressure and gently teased with fingers around the base of his cock.
Suddenly she let go, removed her finger and slid around so that they were facing each other. She smiled coyly at the wanton look he had. With a peck on the lips, she turned and pulled him along. He followed, watching her ass sway as she led the way to a thick rug in front of the fire. He had to take in her swinging hips, the way the negligee clung to her curves. She had gotten more curvy since he had last been with her and he approved.
He couldn’t resist her any longer. He grabbed her by the hips and pulled her in close. Caressing her hips and bum, he kissed her deeply. She responded with a moan and he could feel her lips twitch into a smile. She stepped away with that wonderful smile and twinkle in her eye. She pushed him down onto the thick rug and slowly shimmered her negligee up over her head and cheekily threw it at him.
He could not help but stare at her glorious body; the slightly muscular shoulders, her small but perfect breasts with such biteable nipples, her stomach with that slight swelling that he loved so much just above her, oh my, now totally waxed pocket of pleasure. He’d never seen her bare before; he couldn’t wait to taste. His eyes managed to tear away and continue their journey down her amazingly long legs, muscled and toned to perfection.
Part 2 to follow soon…………….