Entertaining the Neighbours – Wendy, Part 2

"The grooming of Wendy continues."

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I felt as though a new phase in my exposure of my naked self had begun, with my neighbour Wendy. I ventured naked into my backyard more frequently, on the assumption that discovery by Wendy, would be tolerated at least, if not welcomed. I would sit naked to read the paper, have lunch, or study my iPad. I would hang clothes to dry, or take in clothes that were dry, while totally unclothed myself.

I continued to meet Wendy frequently as she tended her front garden, as I was on my way out shopping, to golf, to the gym, or for a jog. Our exchanges were always very cordial, more so even than they had been in the past. Our meetings out back were far less frequent however. Her back garden was much less important to her, and at her age, the climb from her back door up to the part of the yard where she could see me, was onerous. And I had plenty of activities to preclude my swanning around, naked, in my backyard, hoping for a confrontation.

So the odds of this happening were far less in the backyard than they might have been in the front. Nudity in the front yard, as attractive as it might have been for me, was out of the question. There was far too much foot traffic, too many neighbours, and too many passing cars, to make such a proposition feasible. In any case, the freedom of being naked outside was reward enough, and the possibility that I would be discovered, added immeasurably to the reward.

On top of this, I found myself glancing out the window regularly to see if Wendy was in sight. Whenever she was, I adopted the strategy of waiting until she had moved to the other side of the yard, out of view, before venturing outside, to adopt any of the activities mentioned above, and thus be available to be seen when she returned to my side of her yard. More often than not, she would be raking up fallen leaves, watering her vegetable garden, or otherwise attending to it. We would see each other, and exchange pleasantries in exactly the same way as we did, when meeting out front. Then go about doing what we had been doing.

In the initial stages, I would ask if my nudity offended her, and explain that the day was too perfect to be bound up in clothes. She would respond that she took no notice of the fact I was naked, and therefore took no offence. However, as time went by, our conversations took more time than the ones out front, we moved closer to each other to have them, and she would begin to agree that the weather was too beautiful to waste it with unnecessary clothing.

One morning I had mown the lawn out back, and when finished, had returned inside for a drink. Quite soon, through a back window, I saw Wendy sweeping, her back to me. I waited for her to move further to be barely visible, before quickly undressing, and going outside to rake up the mown grass. When she returned nearer to the fence, we said our hellos, and the usual chat, before I began raking again. This time, she came right up to the low fence, and stood silently watching, as I diligently went about my work. I joked that she seemed delighted to watch me working. She agreed, but said little else, while continuing to watch intently. 

By this stage, I was in heaven. The raking was the most complete I had ever done. I collected a bin, and began to lift the piles of grass into it. Still she watched. Feeling adventurous, I bent to lift one pile into the bin, lingering to leave my bottom, and presumably its little hole, wide open to her gaze. I was no more than three paces from her. 

Grass collection complete, I got the shears, and began to bend and clip the edges and crannies, that the mower had not reached. “You’re doing a great job!” she exclaimed. Now finished, I stood facing her, almost within touching distance, and said to her that I hoped she had enjoyed seeing a professional going about his work. She laughed, said goodbye, and went down her steps. Part way she turned and gave a little wave.

On another occasion, having noticed through my window that she was in her backyard, I again waited for her to be out of sight, before taking my step ladder, a bucket of warm water and a cloth outside, to wash the eaves along the back of our house. The first section complete, I stepped down, turned, and saw Wendy, about five or six paces away, watching. A short discussion ensued, in which I declared that it was dirty work, and I did not want to soil any of my clothes. 

“Sure,” she responded sarcastically. She stayed, watching silently, until I had finished. “See you again soon,” she said, as I was putting the step ladder away.

On yet another occasion, I had positioned myself on a section of our lawn six feet above the main section, bent low to position some small rocks defining the garden. I usually got a little excited exposing my anus so flagrantly, and so, when I stood and turned to face Wendy, my cock had become semi-erect. This had never happened before. She said nothing, I said nothing. We just stood there, transfixed, for a few moments. I nodded to recognise her presence. Her face had a strange expression. I did not think it represented offence, shock, or disgust. I thought it was mostly surprise. I could not be sure. She nodded back, and continued down to her back door, without comment.

Had I blown it?

Meetings out front were as affable as usual. But for a few weeks, I never saw her out back. Had I crossed a line? Was she purposely avoiding encountering me while I would be naked? Had these beautiful episodes of CFNM come to an end?

I continued to spend time naked in my backyard. Eventually, while sitting at our outdoor furniture, reading the paper naked, I noticed Wendy leaning against the fence, looking straight at me. When our eyes met, she burst into a beautiful smile, and commented “Enjoying the morning sun?”

“Lovely to see you. I’ve missed our little backyard chats,” I commented, as I rose and walked right up to her.

“Don’t get too burned,” she warned.

I was relieved, and excited, that she was welcoming the naked me, back into what now became a fairly regular routine. No more subterfuge. If I saw her outside, I would come straight out to meet her, naked and proud. If I was already naked outside, she would come directly to the nearest observation point, and begin our conversations. These conversations had become even more friendly, and lengthy, than those out front. No hint of any escalation, just an acceptance that we were both openly enjoying my exhibitionism. Sometimes she did not even perform any garden activity. She merely waited at the fence, looking into our back window, waiting to see if I was there. I was now enjoying my CFNM fetish about twice monthly.

Could things get any better?



Published 6 years ago

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