The Motel

"An overnight stay at a roadside motel provides a married couple an unforgettable experience"

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Matt and Katrina waved goodbye to their three boys as they slowly backed down the driveway. Matt was shocked that he managed to get all three of them to go outside and wave goodbye to their mom before they left for vacation.

Katrina was crying before they had even pulled away from the house. This was Matt and Katrina’s third year of having their own vacation and it was the third year that she immediately broke down in tears.

Even though her “boys” were ages fourteen, sixteen, and eighteen, Katrina always had a hard time leaving them at home, even if it was only for a week and a half. The first half hour of the trip was always like this, but once she got over her initial anxiety, she would be fine.

Matt tried to lighten the mood.

“They are going to have such a party tonight. If your mom catches them, we are going to get a late-night phone call.”

There was a long, uncomfortable pause. Finally, Katrina sobbed, “There had better not be a beer keg in my bathtub when we get home.”

Matt outstretched his hand and Katrina quickly grabbed onto it. The conversation started to slowly flow after that.

The couple had completely different priorities about vacations than most couples would. In their early forties and having busy family lives, they used their vacation time to reconnect. They had no firm itinerary for their trip, they only knew that they wanted to see a portion of the “old west” area of the United States.

They lived in Pennsylvania and planned on looping around through Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, and Kansas before returning home.

They were both fascinated by historical locations and buildings. They would often visit historical landmarks and they actively sought out vintage inns to stay at. In addition, they avoided major highways as much as possible. They took a slow, meandering path to their destination, usually passing through a lot of small towns and rural areas.

Matt and Katrina spent most of their drive chatting, but there was usually some retro music playing at a low volume. They would occasionally turn the volume up and sing along to a favorite song from their younger years.

The trip was also an opportunity to spark up their sex life. They always tried to do something that they had never done before. In the past, it hadn’t been anything too adventurous, although they had discussed more risqué things.

Matt had developed a textbook “dad-bod” through the years. Katrina had held her girlish figure up until the last two years. It seemed like she had undergone some sort of hormonal change because she suddenly started to put on a bit of weight. At the same time, her breast size increased dramatically. In a two-year span, she went from a B-cup to a DD.

Initially, Matt was a bit discouraged by Katrina’s sudden change in appearance. He loved the skinny, petite woman that he married, and Katrina had quickly become a very different woman. He changed his mind, though, when he realized that it opened up a new world of sexual experiences for the couple.

Strangely enough, even though Katrina had gained weight, her robust bustline actually made her waist look slimmer. The fact that she had filled out so recently meant that Katrina had the breasts of a naturally busty, young woman. Katrina was quite self-conscious of her weight, though, and all that she saw was the number that she read when she stepped on a scale.

As the couple were trading back and forth different sexual fantasies, Matt confessed something that he hadn’t told Katrina before. Initially, after Katrina’s body changed, he didn’t like the attention that she was getting from other men. While his wife had always been attractive and she got a certain amount of attention from guys, she suddenly couldn’t go anywhere without having men of all ages staring at her chest.

As time went on, Matt started to enjoy the attention that his wife was getting. He quietly encouraged her to wear outfits that flaunted her new figure. His confession to Katrina was that he started to fantasize about other men doing more than just looking at her.

Matt’s confession prompted Katrina to speak up about some of her more adventurous fantasies as well. Neither one thought that there was a chance that any of those wild scenarios would actually happen, but it was a bit of a thrill for each of them to discuss.

It was beginning to get dark, so Matt and Katrina decided to stop for the night. They found a humble, roadside motel that looked reasonably clean. They both got cleaned up for the evening and decided to fool around a bit after discussing naughty stuff for a good bit of the day.

Katrina put a nightie on and settled in on top of the bed. Matt was trudging around in his boxers and a t-shirt, so she sent him out to fill the ice bucket before things warmed up. There were only a couple of other cars at the motel, so Matt decided to just walk around the corner to the ice machine in his current state of dress.

As he rounded the corner, he was stunned to find a giant of a man at the ice machine. The man didn’t hear him and as he turned around, he almost ran over Matt. The guy was an African American fellow, who must have been 6’7” and three hundred pounds.

Matt quickly found himself staring directly at the man’s chest. The man apologized for barging into him. Matt, in an attempt to make small talk, noticed that the man was also wearing a Penn State t-shirt.

“Are you a Penn State fan too?” Matt asked.

The man hesitated for a moment and Matt tugged at the front of his shirt to show off the logo.

“Yeah, kind of,” the man answered. “I actually played there in college.”

Matt was immediately excited.

“Football?” he asked, thinking that the guy was tall enough to be a basketball player.

“Yeah, all four years,” the guy answered.

“I’m Matt. Who are you? I’m sure that I know you if you played.”

“Tyrone Williams,” the man answered. “I played outside linebacker.”

Matt’s brain was churning away, but he couldn’t think of anybody with that name. It was quickly getting uncomfortable for Matt as he couldn’t remember him at all.

Suddenly it hit Matt, “Stretch Williams! You are Stretch Williams!”

Tyrone smiled. He seemed relieved that somebody had remembered him.

Tyrone was known as “Stretch” because he was incredibly tall for his playing position. He was never a starter, but he played a fair bit. His playing days were now about ten years behind him, and he had put a fair amount of weight on, particularly around his midsection.

Matt recalled a key quarterback sack that Tyrone had made late in a game against Michigan. Tyrone smiled but lamented that it was the biggest play of his career, and they still lost the game because the kicker missed a game-winning field goal. Matt responded that the ‘real’ fans remember moments like that forever.

“What are you doing these days?” Matt asked.

“I travel around the country selling tooling to manufacturing companies,” Tyrone answered.

“That must be interesting,” Matt responded.

Tyrone gave him a strange look.

“Yeah, probably not,” Matt added.

“It’s pretty good money if you can make the sale. Fortunately, I can use my football experience to keep people’s interest. All I have to do is find a fan of college football. Then I talk up their team or a player that used to play for them. Sometimes I tell a quick story about playing their team. At that point I have them eating out of the palm of my hand.”

Matt chuckled at the thought, particularly because Tyrone already had him “on the hook” so to speak. He also recollected something that Katrina had mentioned on the drive earlier that day. She had mentioned having fantasies about big cocks. When he asked her if she had fantasies about big, black cocks, in particular, she refused to answer directly. He knew what that meant.

“Hey, Tyrone, would you like to come back to my room?” Matt asked.

Tyrone backed away.

“No thanks, buddy. I’m not into that.”

“Oh, no, not for me. It’s for my wife,” Matt offered.

Tyrone responded, “Yeah, I think that I’m going to be heading back to my room. Have a good night, man.”

Tyrone started to walk away, and Matt shouted, “Did I mention that she is white? She has big tits!”

Tyrone stopped. He slowly turned back around.

“How big?”

“Like DDs” Matt exclaimed.

“So, you have a white woman with DDs in your bed and you want me to go in there and fuck her?”

Matt hesitated, “Yeah, I do. She wants it too.”

“You white people are crazy!” Tyrone stated. “I do like white women, though. Where’s your room?”

Matt was almost giddy as he led Tyrone to their motel room. He unlocked the door and gestured for Tyrone to go first. He had to lower his head to walk through the doorway. Katrina was still sitting up in bed in her nightie.

She mumbled something about Matt taking so long. As she turned toward the door and saw Tyrone, she let out a screech and tried to clumsily pull the covers over herself.

“Honey, this is my new friend Tyrone,” Matt announced.

“Uh, hi Tyrone. It’s…uh…nice to meet you. My husband didn’t tell me that he was bringing a friend over.”

“I’m sorry, honey,” Matt pleaded. “I just bumped into Tyrone, and I thought about what we were discussing earlier.”

Katrina had a look of shock on her face. She immediately knew that Matt had insinuated to Tyrone that he was going to have sex with her. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence.

“I’m sorry to bother you, ma’am. I thought that this was something that you were comfortable with. I’ll be going now,” Tyrone offered.

“Honey…” Matt pleaded.

“Wait, Tyrone,” Katrina exclaimed.

Tyrone stopped just as he reached the door. Katrina admitted to Tyrone that she had fantasized about having a fling with “somebody like him.” Then she invited him to walk over to her side of the bed.

Tyrone noticed that Katrina was staring at the bulge in his boxers. He asked her if she wanted to see it. She looked back at Matt and then admitted that she did. Tyrone smiled confidently as he slowly teased his shorts down.

“This is what white women like to call big, black cock,” Tyrone announced.

Katrina mouthed the words “oh, fuck” as Tyrone’s cock was unveiled. It was completely flaccid, but it still must have been eight inches long. Tyrone’s cock was probably two shades darker than the rest of his skin. It was uncut and the foreskin stopped just short of covering the tip of his penis, leaving just the very tip peeking out.

Katrina stared at it for a bit before asking, “Can I…touch it?”

Tyrone looked over at Matt.

“You two can do whatever you want to do. I’m only here to watch,” Matt responded as he settled into the chair on the opposite side of the bed.

Tyrone nodded at Katrina. She cautiously reached her hand toward Tyrone’s cock. She wrapped her hand around it, clearly feeling its weight. She lifted and stroked it slowly, exposing a set of large, dangling balls.

Matt noticed that Tyrone’s eyes were fixed on her chest.

“Honey, Tyrone has a thing for white women with big breasts.”

Katrina stopped for a moment as she pulled one of the straps of her nightie down, exposing her left breast. Tyrone quickly grabbed onto it with his right hand. Matt watched intently as Tyrone squeezed his wife’s breast while she stroked his slowly rising cock. He could tell by Katrina’s reaction that she was getting every bit as aroused as Tyrone.

Tyrone reached over and pulled the other strap of Katrina’s nightgown down. He slid it down to her midsection, exposing her breasts fully.

“Damn, you are something special, lady,” Tyrone whispered in a sultry tone.

The two continued to tease each other for a while. Tyrone’s cock had become fully erect. It must have been over ten inches long. In addition, it was so thick that Katrina couldn’t seem to fit her hand all the way around it.

After a bit of additional foreplay, the two stopped. Matt wondered if something had gone wrong, but then he noticed that the two had made eye contact for one of the few times in this interaction. They exchanged some dirty talk back-and-forth that Matt could not hear until his wife whispered “fuck me” to Tyrone.

Tyrone stepped back and removed his shirt and the remainder of his clothing. Other than his prominent belly, it was obvious that he had been a high-level athlete at some point in his life. Katrina shimmied about the bed, trying to work her nightie upward without having to get out of bed. Once she had removed her nightie, she positioned herself near the center of the bed on her back.

Matt watched intently as Tyrone made his way to the foot of the bed, seemingly stalking his wife. Tyrone crawled up on the bed, lifted Katrina’s legs into the air, and knelt at the base of her torso. He pressed his cock down against her stomach to show her how deep he was going to be inside of her.

“I’m going to give you every bit of this cock, girl,” Tyrone growled.

Katrina seemed nervously excited as she mumbled, “Oh-okay.”

Not wasting any time, Tyrone rocked back and pointed his cock down toward its intended target. He rocked forward and gained initial penetration without too much force.

“Yeah, I like that wet pussy. You are ready for this dick, aren’t you girl?”

Tyrone clamped his hands around Katrina’s ankles as he held her legs upright. He started to pump quickly in half-strokes. Katrina groaned deeply as she felt already pushed to places that she hadn’t been before.

Katrina owned three dildos that she and Matt sometimes would incorporate into their bedroom activities. One was long and skinny. Another was short (by sex toy standards) and quite thick. The third was somewhat thick and eight inches long. Although she had some toys that pushed her limits much more than Matt could, Tyrone was in an entirely different league.

Seemingly satisfied that Katrina was sufficiently warmed-up, Tyrone placed the points of his elbows to each side of Katrina’s chest and lowered himself down. He wrapped each of his massive hands around one of her bountiful breasts and gave them each a noticeable squeeze. Tyrone rested his head to the side of Katrina’s and immediately began thrusting with more enthusiasm than before. Katrina’s thighs jutted upward in a V-pattern, while her calves swayed with each of Tyrone’s powerful thrusts.

Matt was somewhat disappointed that he had lost his view of the action. With their bodies now pressed firmly together, all that he could really see was his wife’s facial expressions and Tyrone’s backside.

As they continued, it was clear that Tyrone was driving himself deeper into Katrina. He would occasionally whisper into her ear, but Matt couldn’t make out anything that he said. Katrina would also whisper something occasionally, but it was mostly just moaning and assorted expletives.

Matt sat there for over fifteen minutes as Tyrone had his way with his wife. Suddenly, Katrina groaned, “Fuck, Ty, I’m cumming!”

Matt found it strange that she referred to him as Ty, but Tyrone didn’t seem to mind very much. Katrina’s announcement didn’t cause him to alter his movements in any manner, either.

Katrina began to struggle beneath Tyrone. At first, she tried to reach around his massive shoulders in an attempt to find something to hold onto. Her hands flailed wildly to no avail. Then, she started barking out the usual sort of mid-orgasm dialog.

Suddenly, her struggle stopped. Katrina’s mouth drew wide open and so did her eyes. Her head rocked backward as she stared blankly at the ceiling. The only sound that she made was her jagged breaths both inhaling and exhaling. Her legs trembled aggressively, and her feet occasionally flung straight up into the air.

Matt had been diligent about not touching himself during this entire interaction, but now his limits were being tested. He leaned forward in the chair with his hands gripped tightly around the armrests. He looked much like a reluctant roller coaster rider.

It was almost torturous for Matt as he watched this stranger give his wife a more pleasurable sexual experience than he had ever given her. In their twenty years together, he had never brought her to orgasm like that. He had seen her cum many times in their relationship, but it never looked like that. He couldn’t believe his luck. This experience had become everything that he had hoped for.

Tyrone continued for several minutes. Katrina’s breathing was still erratic. At times her chattery breathing sounded like she was suffering from hypothermia.

He stopped momentarily to check on Katrina. Tyrone looked her in the eyes and brushed her hair away. Then he whispered softly, “Are you ready to take all of this dick, snow bunny?”

Katrina nodded slowly, although Matt was fairly sure that she didn’t even know what he had said.

Tyrone held that position as he watched her closely. He started to thrust, once again. His movements become slower and more deliberate. Katrina would occasionally wince as Tyrone thrust. It seemed obvious that he was bumping into her cervix. Matt could tell that Tyrone was getting close to full penetration because he could hear his balls slapping against Katrina.

After a couple of minutes, Tyrone stopped. He smiled at her and said, “You did it.”

She still seemed dazed and didn’t really respond.

Tyrone quickly repositioned himself. He curled his upper body so that he could latch his mouth onto Katrina’s right breast. Then he resumed thrusting with quick, short motions. It was apparent that he was ready to finish as quickly as possible.

He lasted several additional minutes before cumming inside Katrina. Tyrone’s loud groans were muffled somewhat by Katrina’s breast, which his mouth never let go of.

Tyrone remained still for quite a bit before dismounting Katrina. His already-limp cock was coated in cum as he withdrew it. He leaned forward, gave Katrina a kiss on the forehead, and whispered, “You are one fine-ass snow bunny.”

Tyrone climbed off of the bed and got dressed. Matt got up and met him at the door. The two shook hands and Tyrone mentioned that he would be staying at the motel one more night. Matt told him that they were planning on heading out in the morning. He was pretty sure that Katrina would not be ready for another romp with Tyrone that soon, even if she wanted to.

Matt said goodbye to Tyrone and quickly locked the door. He had idly watched Tyrone and Katrina for nearly an hour, and he was ready to burst. He quickly removed his clothing and stood at the foot of the bed.

Katrina still had barely moved. Her right breast had a prominent bite mark on it, and they were both reddish in color from being squeezed. Her vagina was still gaping open as Tyrone’s cum slowly leaked out.

Matt climbed onto the bed and parted Katrina’s legs. He leaned in slowly and gave her pussy a gentle lick. He groaned, “Oh, god!” as he tasted her.

He grabbed onto his cock with his right hand as he buried his face in between his wife’s legs. No more than thirty seconds later he started to moan as he sprayed his load onto the bedspread.

Matt collapsed onto the sticky mattress with his face still in between Katrina’s legs.

They both laid there for several minutes before Katrina mumbled, “Honey, what’s a snow bunny?”

Published 2 years ago

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