The year is 2119, a time where everyone wears their complete health status on their arm or neck. Mine is on my arm, that way I can cover it up, but most rich people choose to wear it on their neck as an adornment. It shows everything about you, your health, biometrics, cholesterol level, even your sexual satisfaction, or lack of, in most cases. All the pretty lights flicker away and change as the person’s health and wellbeing change. Your status even changes as you speak with someone, so it’s important to smile a lot so that your satisfaction and interest levels appear in the green zone.
I’m on the prowl and I tend to look out for a certain kind of person, women in particular with a very low sexual health reading, but a guy would do just as well. Low sexual levels are generally brought on by high powered jobs, by people who travel a lot or experience high stress levels. Some of the richest people will even visit prostitutes in the more downtrodden areas of this city, and I’m no different to them, if it be said, except I frequent the rich hotels and bars instead.
I like the company here and there’s less chance of getting yourself killed.
I have already made eye contact with a few women that could well be suitable and one of them is definitely looking around with her feelings rather than her eyes. You can tell the desperate ones a mile off. They stare at you for a few seconds before they move on to the next person but all the while their chest heaves, fuelled by their rising hormones, their mouths form an open ‘O’ as they tongue the inside of their mouth and their eyes seem half closed as if they are concentrating on what’s happening between their legs. I have known some women to stare at every sex in the room hoping for a response; men, women, transmutative or any of the six other types of denomination.
I’m guessing your wondering what sex I am. I’m what you call transmutative. I paid a lot of money to be like this. I can model my outward appearance to suit, and right now I am doing just that.
The blonde middle-aged lady is scanning the room and is now focused on what seems to be women only. Her eye contact is deliberate and I guess that her sexual reading is low, very low indeed. She won’t take long to make her decision and I want it to be in my favour. I look away from her while my face moulds to give me a strong bone structure, my hair grows slightly and curls under my rounded face, my breasts have swollen significantly but are still contained fully within my off-the-shoulder top that I am wearing. I check my looks out in the mirror behind the bar and I know that when she gets round to looking at me again, my smile will knock her for six.
And I was right, of course.
She looks at me and we have that silent moment where we speak to each other without saying anything. She slips off the high stool and she makes a beeline towards me; her smile projects like I’m a long lost friend that she hasn’t seen for ages. My smile is just as wide and inviting. By the time she gets close she would already have set eyes on my tits and tried her best to catch a glimpse up my skirt. I ease my legs apart as much as decency allows to help her make her decision.
I came out tonight specifically as a female transmutative, but I could easily have been male. My choice is paying off at the moment.
“My name’s Debbie,” her hand is thrust out towards me.
“Sagena,” I reply, taking hold of her hand and shaking it gently before letting my finger caress the palm of her hand. It’s a little trick I learnt a long time ago to keep interest where it’s required.
Debbie looks me up and down and comments on my high sexual and health levels. I pride myself in keeping all my levels topped up, unlike hers of course.
“Your level seems a little low,” I say nodding to the almost black strip that is crying out for attention on her cheek.
“Yes, and that’s where you come in, my dear.”
I give her an approving nod and a free smile.
“But I want fifty-fifty. You are transmutative, right?”
“Why do you think that?”
“Well, you weren’t as good looking the first time I scanned the bar?”
Debbie was, if nothing else, observant. I smile and nod enthusiastically while registering her request. Underneath my skirt, my vagina folds outward to form the basis of a penis which will transmute fully in the next fifteen minutes. Not everything changes quickly and I have put the setting on high priority, purely in response to her low reading. But in fifteen minutes, Debbie won’t know the difference; she will be at the point of sucking on my tits and there’s plenty for her to enjoy there.
Debbie takes my hand and leads me away from the bar. I realise that the pleasantries are over and done with and that my free drink has vanished into the ether. So has my lead in time. We head towards the lifts and I’m left wondering whether fifteen minutes will be enough time for the complete change. I prioritise the process a little more, but it’s taking my health to do so.
The doors open, her hands come up on both my tits as she pushes me to the back of the lift. She squashes them together and starts to massage them before she pinches a nipple that has grown from the reaction to her hands. Her intentions excite me.
“Make them a little bigger for me,” she offers a pout of her lips to entice me.
I oblige and I smile as her hands are forced apart by the burgeoning breasts that she is handling.
“Say when?” I ask.
Debbie watches them grow and finally I hear, “when.”
My tits seem huge, more than twice the size of hers and I’ve made sure my nipples are longer than she will be expecting. I think she’ll love them.
Debbie settles herself between my breasts and circles my waist with both her arms. She can hardly get close to me with the size of my breasts but she manages to lean in for a kiss. Her lips are soft and inviting but I can tell she’s a passionate woman underneath. My hands caress the side of her breasts as my arms move upwards. I caress all around her neck before I push my hands into her hair, I find the back of her neck and I pull her into me.
She’s getting my version of a passionate kiss simply because she’s turning me on. I can feel everything inside me respond to her and I don’t know how it’s happened so quickly. A client’s normally a client but she is stirring things in me I haven’t felt for a while.
We exit the lift on floor one-hundred and eighty-seven and we start kissing and giggling as we walk to her room. I’m walking backwards of course and she’s guiding me where she wants me to go. My hands have returned to her breasts and are fondling them as we move.
Suddenly, I come to a halt as I’m pushed up against a flat surface, she retrieves her vcard and unlocks the door and we both stumble inwards.
All the while, I’ve put all my bodily resources to completing the task of finalising my penis and I’ve noticed that my health has dropped by three percent. Debbie notices it too.
“Don’t you worry about that three percent drop,” she says, “by the time I’m finished with you it will be zero.”
“I hope not, I’ll be dead if that happens.”
My hands squash her breasts and we start kissing passionately. She’s extremely strong for a woman. In one quick move her hand has grabbed my top and now it’s in shreds as she’s ripped it clean from my body. My tits bounce free and I notice the exuberant smile on her face as she really enjoys the size of my nipples. Her mouth closes in on one of them and I feel her suck on it like a lollipop. My cock twitches on its course to full erection.
I don’t know why but I do the same to her. I manage to lift one of her breasts out of her low cut top and manhandle it to my mouth. We end up sucking on each other’s nipples. I feel the urge to treat her like she just treated me and within seconds I’ve ripped her skirt downwards and thrust my fingers up her wet and waiting cunt.
Debbie doesn’t bat an eyelid and bites hard on my extended nipple in her mouth. I push my fingers into her as we stumble backwards but her mouth never lets go of my nipple; holding it in her teeth as we stumble.
I know she can just about feel the end of my cock brush against her thigh as we move in unison.
I’ve come to realise that I have one hell of a horny woman on my hands and I want to pleasure her as best I can. I want to make her senses scream before I fuck her brains right out of the top of her head. I’m just a little worried about being dead by the end of it. Her prediction seems a little too real at the moment.
We finally make it to the bed. Debbie is forced to relinquish her hold on my nipple as she topples backwards. As she falls, I grab her knickers and rip them off completely. I’m straight down between her thighs and I start licking her clit and extremely juicy lips as her legs fold back behind her head. I wasn’t expecting her flexibility, not from the size of her thighs but she’s more or less presented me with her godlike charms on a platter; and what a platter it is!
After sucking and licking for five minutes I take my right nipple and stick it up her wet cunt. I’m desperate for her to reach her climax because I want to see her sexual levels grow. I register my thoughts and my transmutative body takes over, enlarging the nipple enough to fill her. I start to fuck her cunt as I push my breast into her lower body. I love the feeling as much as Debbie does. The hard fucking motion of my nipple is not lost on her as she wriggles and squirms beneath me. She takes her own nipple into her mouth and hums to herself.
“You’re gonna fucking lick this nipple in a minute,” I inform her.
Debbie’s mouth is opening and closing, her breaths coming hard and fast and before I know it she gushes hot fluids over my breast in what is her first orgasm. I immediately pull up from her and push my enlarged nipple into her mouth. She sucks on it like it’s a miniature cock, which it is, and my fingers push inside her. Her body is convulsing beneath me but she can’t move anywhere, her legs are tied behind her head and I’m stopping her from releasing them.
I notice that her sexual level is already up by twenty percent, and my health down by fifteen and we haven’t even fucked yet.
Her second climax rips through her as she sucks on my nipple, though I have a feeling it’s more to with the fact that my fingers are deep inside her; pleasuring her from within.
My nipple is soon discarded as Debbie gasps for air. I almost fall backwards in response to her blasphemous outbursts, and some words are in a language I have never before come across. Debbie eventually smiles at me as she pushes me backwards.
“Fucking wonderful. Now, show me your cock.”
I stand before Debbie, upright and proud. A smile crosses over my lips as I hear her gasp out loud. My skirt is draped over and halfway down the length of my cock which is pointing outwards in what seems like an unrealistic display; the end of my knob completely free of the skirt, bulbous, red and eager for action.
“Fuck, me!”
“Is that a rhetorical question or a request?” I ask.
“It’s both.”
I find that I had to struggle to discard the short garment as my cock no longer bent enough for the waistband to slip over it easily. I just about managed it though, and once my cock was free, it sprung upward to the delight of Debbie’ s gaze.
I wrapped my hand around it and gave it a few good strokes; causing her to giggle. I knelt before her and prised her outer lips apart while she lay wrapped up in herself on the bed; her face, mere inches from where my cock entered her. I couldn’t wait to fuck this beauty before me.
“Fuck it. Fuck that cunt,” commanded Debbie.
As I looked down on her, I noticed her sexual levels had increased, just from the anticipation alone. A whole fucking five percent increase. I swear I have never seen that happen in my life before. Eroticism, horniness, depravity, yes, they have all contributed to higher levels as well as orgasms and climaxes. But I have never seen them increase so rapidly at the anticipation of getting fucked. I, personally, put it down to the size of my cock.
I take hold of my member and push it past her entrance. I can see she’s gagging for it to go up her; staring at it intently with every centimetre that is lost to her gaze. I press the head home and realise, from the look on her face, that what she wants is nothing short of raw unadulterated sex. I decide to push the whole of my cock up her in one go.
Debbie let’s out a shrill scream of pure pleasure before she then rocks her body on my cock.
“Fuckit, fuckit, fuckit…” she pants as she wiggles her bottom. I take hold of her thighs and pull her towards me as I push my throbbing cock into her. A good portion lies just outside but there is no more room to push forwards. I send a few signals to my cock and I know she’s going to love what happens next.
I can generally hold back quite a while with my condition, drawing on anti-ejaculation chemicals at will, but Debbie is proving a worthy fuck. As I fuck her, she seems to flow from one climax to another, never stopping in between for a breath or to recover. I lean over her and she quickly gathers my breasts and buries her head in them; sucking on my now normal nipples when the mood takes her. I can see that with every few hard thrusts of my cock, Debbie experiences an orgasm that adds a further five percent onto her sexual levels. She’s in the ninety-five percent zone and there’s no letting up.
I have yet to see what happens when sexual levels keep increasing this rapidly with no let-up. I start to fuck her in earnest, bringing my own levels in line with hers but managing to keep my own climax in check. My cock has expanded in girth and now fills her completely. Every stroke massages her insides at just the right spots, and if her first orgasm was anything to go by, she should be filling up by now. I see Debbie’s level reach one hundred and five percent on her next orgasm but then it drops to one hundred almost immediately, her next orgasm reaches one hundred and fifteen but drops to one hundred and ten almost immediately. It takes me a while to realise that every time her levels drop, my health also drops five percent. I’m down to twenty-five now, and every orgasm she extracts from me takes me down to twenty, fifteen, ten.
I stop holding back and release the pent up juices that have been willing to be let free. I cry out with my release and fill her up inside before I start to pull my cock out of her spasming cunt.
My own sexual levels have topped at one hundred percent but my health only has five percent left before I’m free of her; the remains of my spunk splashes over her face and tits like it was my first ejaculate. My health ends on three percent. I breathe a sigh of relief.
Debbie lets out a loud and knowing laugh in between mopping up my spunk with her fingers. She eagerly sucks on them and even licks the pearls of come from her breasts. “Nearly fucking got you, didn’t I,” she said, “you pulled out just in time, girl.”
I nodded. “I’ve never seen that happen before,” I replied, breathing heavily in between the words.
“Well, I’m guessing you’ve never been with a Cornubian before.”
“Obviously not,” I replied.
Debbie unraveled her legs from behind her neck and her sexual levels were on one hundred and sixty-four percent. Her health was only on fifty percent and in that respect she fared much better than me. I put it down to her physical makeup or whatever made her a Cornubian.
“How long?”
“How long, what?”
“Before you recover?”
“I’ll need food and drink, then maybe a couple of hours.”
Debbie grabbed her vcard and ordered a banquet from the room’s terminal. She then pressed the vcard to my wrist and my own in-built system registered payment. It would have been rude to check the amount, especially since we hadn’t actually agreed on one.
Debbie played with my penis while we ate. She was fascinated by its length, its girth and also the driving force behind it; me! She finished eating a long time before I did and started sucking avidly on the end of my knob as I lounged on the sofa drinking coffee; my huge breasts hung there, forgotten for the time being.
She tilted her head to one side as she raised herself from my thickening appendage. One hand came up on my cheek and the other on my wrist. She pulled me up from the sofa.
“You good to go?” She asked, nodding in the direction of my arm. My health was back to ninety-five percent and rising.
I smiled in her direction and watched as she walked over to the bed, flop onto it with arms outstretched and hook her legs behind her head.
“Ready when you are, darling. I want you to pound every inch into me, as hard as you can!”
“What’s your upper limit?” I asked, out of curiosity.
“I’ve topped about five hundred and fifty-three percent once. Care to better it?
My cock twitched like fuck as I walked towards her. I leaned forward, I thrust my cock into her and I watched it swell and fill her. We started on one hundred and fifty-two percent by the time my cock entered her a second time.
Debbie grimaced; pleasure written all over her face.
I nodded, and from the smile on her face, she knew my intention.