Wednesday, October 11, 1995
Mitch had always been curious. His fantasies had frequently included more than one scenario involving him and another guy, but he wasn’t entirely sure how everything fit together. He was well aware that guys did things together, but… how did it work?
When he was sixteen or seventeen, he had done some personal exploration. He wasn’t even certain that a finger could go up there—but insatiable curiosity drove him to try. To his surprise, it did—and an even further surprise, it felt good.
He had never considered acting on these impulses, though. Fantasies and experimentation were one thing, but actually doing something with another guy? Out of the question. I’m not gay, he told himself every time these thoughts crossed his mind.
Mitch had grown up in a very religious household. He went to church three times a week: Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evening. He had been lectured over and over about not only the immoral nature of homosexuality but the dangers and temptations of premarital and promiscuous sex.
These urges must be suppressed, he kept telling himself. I can’t act on it. What if someone found out? What would people say? His friends would abandon him. Besides, he was in high school, and everyone in high school is straight. Right?
Then Mitch went to college.
It was a smaller school, only about 5,000 students in a town with about 10,000 people. The college was about two hours away from where he grew up. This made it close enough that he could go home on the weekends. Truthfully, it was close enough to everyone’s home so everyone could go home—every weekend.
Mitch’s freshman year, he had all the same classes that everyone takes their freshman year. Biology, some kind of basic math class that would fulfill his one math requirement, Intro to Music, Intro to Literature, and so forth.
College was such a vastly different experience than anything Mitch had ever endured. Classes were more difficult, yet, strangely easier. Students paid attention. He only had to go to class eighteen hours a week instead of forty. His professors cussed in class. He knew no one.
In this strange environment, Mitch looked for signs of familiarity anywhere he could find them. What he found, was Derek. Derek was a guy that he just happened to sit down next to on his first day of Biology class. They talked a bit. He was a nice guy from a town not far away from Mitch’s hometown. They actually had an acquaintance in common.
Derek had short, but floppy blond hair that sort of moved around when he talked. He also possessed an intense, penetrating gaze. When Mitch spoke to him, he felt that Derek was really interested in what he had to say.
Later that day, Mitch spotted Derek in his U.S. History class. Seeing no one else that he even remotely recognized, he worked his way through the rows of desks and book bags and plopped down next to him. The next day, Derek was in his Intro to Music class as well, and they continued their conversation from the day before. They even ate lunch together that day. By the end of his second day of college, Mitch felt that he was fast on his way towards making his first friend in this strange new world.
The two remained “in-class” friends for the first several weeks of the school year. They lived in different dorms and rarely saw each other outside of the classes they had together. Mitch began to feel a bit saddened by this development. After those first two initial days, he was certain that he and Derek would become good friends.
They still had excellent conversations in class. They made each other laugh and seemed to have a very natural chemistry with each other. But Mitch was puzzled why they never could seem to breach that gap between being friends in class, and just being friends.
One day, towards mid-October, their U.S. History professor had just informed them that their first test would be coming up on Friday. As they walked across campus, back to their respective dorm rooms, Derek glanced at Mitch. “Ready for the test on Friday?”
Mitch shook his head. “No, not at all,” he said with a chuckle. The sky was overcast that day, and it was apparent that fall had finally arrived. There was even a slight chill in the air that made Mitch shiver just a little when the wind blew.
“Me neither,” Derek admitted. “You wanna come over to my room tomorrow evening and study?”
“Sure,” Mitch agreed quickly. Finally, what he had been waiting for. This could be a real moment for them to hang out together away from the classroom.
“Great, come over about seven o’clock, then,” Derek said, flashing a brilliant smile and running his fingers through his wispy blond hair. “I live by myself, so we won’t have to worry about a roommate interrupting us or anything.”
Mitch returned the grin as Derek told him his room number, and explained where to find it in the building. “See you at seven, then,” Derek added as he walked away.
The next evening, Mitch knocked on Derek’s door, promptly at seven o’clock. Derek let him in, and Mitch could instantly tell that Derek was a very tidy person. Everything was in its proper spot. The large bulletin board was neatly decorated with all kinds of whimsical items—cartoon characters, pictures of old friends from high school, drawings that Derek had done himself, and a movie poster for a movie that Mitch had never heard of, titled The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
“You’ve never seen it?” Derek gasped in disbelief. “Oh, you have to see it sometime. I’ve heard they’re going to have a Rocky Horror party later this month on campus. They’ll show the movie, and some people will even come dressed in costume—and everyone sings all the songs together! We should totally go to it, you’d have a blast.”
Mitch said he’d like that, not really sure that he would, but they moved on to the business at hand. They got their history notes out and made a good effort at studying for the first hour or so, but neither of them seemed that interested in it. Finally, Derek slapped his notebook shut with authority.
“You want something to drink?” he asked.
“Sure,” Mitch agreed.
Derek stepped over to his small refrigerator and produced two cans of Coke. He took two red plastic cups from a stack next to the refrigerator and poured half of a can into each cup. He then slid over to his desk drawer and slipped out a bottle of rum.
Mitch watched in slight shock. He’d never drunk alcohol before. He opened his mouth to tell Derek he didn’t want any, but something made him stop. He didn’t want to offend Derek the first time they were hanging out. So instead, he watched as Derek poured a generous amount of rum into each drink, and then topped each one off with more Coke.
Derek stepped back across the room and handed one of the concoctions to Mitch. He sipped it, and nearly choked on his first taste of strong alcohol. His inexperience must have shown.
“First time?” Derek asked gently.
Mitch nodded, embarrassed.
“Sorry, I should have asked first,” Derek apologized.
“No, it’s all right. It’s college, right? You’re supposed to try new things,” Mitch replied.
Derek chuckled. “Take a few more drinks, it gets better.” He took a couple swallows of his own drink as if to demonstrate.
Mitch did so, and his cheeks almost instantly flushed red. His face felt like it was burning.
“There you go,” Derek said encouragingly.
Drinks firmly in hand, the two boys drifted off in conversation, talking about their hometowns, their old high schools, what movies they liked, and who their favorite singers were. Mitch told Derek about being on the swim team in high school, and Derek explained that he’d never been interested in sports, but had participated in drama and art instead.
Even though Derek lived by himself, there were still two beds in the small dorm room. Mitch was sitting on one, Derek on the other. They never even turned on the TV. They just talked for hours. It was great conversation and they were both thoroughly enjoying themselves. Their U.S. History books and notes lay on the floor, completely forgotten.
As the evening turned into night, and each of them refilled their drinks, the conversation turned to sex. After all, they were both eighteen, meaning sex was always on their minds. Even Mitch, who had grown up in the most conservative household imaginable, was overly fascinated by sex, even though the phrase “no sex before marriage” had been pounded into him for as long as he could remember.
“You know I’m gay, right?” Derek asked suddenly.
“Wh-what?!” Mitch stuttered, unable to disguise the surprise in his voice.
Derek nodded. “Apparently you didn’t,” he said with a coy smile. “But you do now.”
Mitch wasn’t sure how to respond, so he just sat in contemplative silence.
“Does that bother you?” Derek asked, glancing towards Mitch with a hopeful expression.
Mitch shook his head, “No, no, it doesn’t bother me,” he replied, not sure if it was true. “I’ve just–” Mitch paused, not sure how to finish, “I’ve just never met a gay guy before,” he finally said with a shrug.
Derek let out a derisive laugh. “Oh, you’ve met one, trust me, you just didn’t know it,” he explained.
Mitch chuckled, “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
“Almost no one I went to high school with knows,” Derek continued. “That’s how it is for a lot of people. You make it through high school and then leave that old world behind. College is a wonderful place with a lot of like-minded people,” he offered, “no matter what kind of mind you have,” he added. “So, you’re really okay with it?”
“Yeah,” Mitch answered, realizing it was true, he really was okay with it. “It’s just—oh, never mind.”
“What?” Mitch said with a laugh. “You can tell me.”
Mitch took a deep breath and another drink from the cup in his hand. “It’s just, I’ve always been, well, you know, curious.” He was absolutely trembling. He had been raised in such an uptight fashion, that even the admission of curiosity had made his heart race and his mouth dry. He took another drink.
Derek turned towards him, facing him squarely. “What are you curious about?” he asked playfully, obviously trying to keep the mood light.
Mitch was caught off guard. “I don’t know,” he mumbled, “stuff.”
“What kind of stuff?” Derek pressed.
Suddenly, Mitch found himself telling Derek about all of the fantasies he’d had, about his experimentations, and about other urges he’d had. He’d never talked to anyone about these types of things. These were his darkest, most secret fantasies and desires. Yet, there was something about the way he and Derek talked to each other that made it feel okay. At the same time, revealing his latent curiosities aroused him in a way he never could have imagined. Mitch suspected by the way Derek had just adjusted his jeans that the conversation was having a similar effect on him.
Derek got up off his bed to get a bit more to drink. After filling his cup halfway, he sat down on the bed next to Mitch. He was not uncomfortably close, but it was a noticeable shift in the seating arrangement, to say the least. He gazed at Mitch with that penetrating stare that he had noticed on the first day they had met each other. Neither one spoke for a long moment.
“What?” Mitch finally asked, grinning. His mouth was dry again. His mind racing. By this point, he was almost certain what Derek had in mind, but he wasn’t sure.
“You said yourself that college was for trying new things,” Derek said simply.
Mitch’s breathing was heavy, he almost felt like he was hyperventilating. Four hours ago when he knocked on the door, he never imagined that Derek would be sitting two feet away from him suggesting what Mitch thought he was suggesting.
“It’s okay,” Derek said in a calm, soothing tone. “There’s no need to be nervous.” Then he beckoned with his finger. “Come closer.”
Mitch moved in and so did Derek. Mitch could feel his mouth drying, his breath quickening, and his hands trembling as Derek’s lips pressed against his own. It was his first kiss. Not his first kiss with a guy, just his first kiss, period. After a heart-pounding moment, their tongues met. It felt so awkward, yet, after a few seconds, felt so right.
As they kissed, Derek’s hand found its way to Mitch’s knee and worked its way up his thigh. He came just to the brink of Mitch’s growing bulge when he pulled his hand away. When the hand landed again, it was at Mitch’s waistline. Derek worked the hand up under Mitch’s T-shirt and began massaging his toned chest.
T-shirts flew off, landing on the floor in a heap. Jeans unzipped. Derek ran a hand between Mitch’s legs, rubbing him through his pant leg, and delicately tracing the outline of his cock with his index finger. Mitch became completely overwhelmed by sensations that he had never experienced before. It was almost too much for his mind to absorb at one time.
“What do you want to do first?” Derek asked. “This is your night.”
Mitch smiled enthusiastically. He was still extremely nervous, his whole body shaking, and he kept repeating to himself, I can’t believe I’m doing this, I can’t believe I’m doing this. Yet, he had totally submitted and given in to the moment. He knew what would be happening the rest of the night, and so did Derek.
Mitch slid off the bed and dropped to his knees. He reached up and tugged at Derek’s pants, who instantly realized what Mitch wanted to do. He stood up to help remove his jeans, which were around his ankles and kicked aside almost instantly. So, there he was, his face just inches away from Derek’s boxers. Now’s the moment of truth, Mitch thought to himself. Can I really go through with this? I can still back out if I want to. But he didn’t want to.
His mind was swimming from the unaccustomed effects of alcohol. He steadied himself by taking a deep breath, reached up, and pulled off the boxers. Derek’s cock was unleashed in front of him, and he stared at it in disbelief. Another man’s dick looking straight at him. His entire midsection was clean-shaven. This surprised Mitch. It had never even occurred to him that guys could shave too. Derek’s member wasn’t huge; in fact, it was quite a bit smaller than his own—but it was there, and it was real… and it was hard.
Mitch opened his mouth and licked a cock for the first time. He licked it again and glanced up at Derek.
“Go ahead,” Derek whispered. “It’s not gonna hurt you.”
Mitch slipped the cock into his mouth slowly, his tongue playing with the knob. It was short enough that he could deepthroat it easily, and in no time at all, he was bobbing his head back and forth, just like the girls he’d seen in a few videos.
He pulled the dick out of his mouth to catch his breath. When he did, Derek repositioned himself, sitting down on the bed. Mitch liked this position because now his head could bob up and down, which seemed a much more natural motion to him.
Up, down, up, down. Mitch’s instincts took over. He adored everything about what he was doing. He licked the shaft up and down. He pulled it all the way out, plunged it back into his mouth. His nose nestled up against Derek’s skin, where his pubic hair should have been. He reached a hand up and massaged Derek’s balls as well. Yet another first, feeling another man’s testicles in his hand.
Mitch continued sucking Derek’s cock for nearly ten minutes, but it seemed like an hour. As he did, his mind couldn’t help but conjure up a number of terms. Cock sucker. Pole smoker. Sword swallower. These were all terms that he himself had used as insults towards others—and all terms which now applied to him.
Mitch’s hand, Derek’s cock, and balls were now thoroughly drenched in slobber. Derek had been making small moans of pleasure for quite some time, but Mitch finally heard him say, “I’m close, I’m close, just be ready.”
Suddenly, Mitch panicked. Oh, shit! Ready for what?! He knew, of course, but he realized that another decision had to be made, and fast. He reached his decision just a split-second before Derek said, “Here it comes.”
The first spurt hit the roof of Mitch’s mouth and fell on to his tongue. The second spurt hit the back of his throat. The third glazed his tongue with the thick, syrupy fluid. To Mitch’s astonishment, it was extremely salty. Just as when he had started, his instincts took over once more, and he swallowed. And swallowed again. After Derek’s orgasm had subsided and Mitch had sucked out the last drop of cum, he slurped the dick from his mouth and let it flop limply between Derek’s legs.
Mitch sat back on his knees and looked up at Derek, who seemed fatigued. “So, how’d I do?” Mitch asked, genuinely curious about how he had performed.
“That was awesome,” Derek said honestly. “I mean, really awesome. Best blowjob I’ve ever had, and I mean that for real. I’m not just saying that.”
Mitch couldn’t resist asking, as he crawled up on the bed. “How many have you had?”
Derek thought about it for a second. “Three from girls, two from guys—other than you. So, that was the sixth one.”
Mitch nodded with satisfaction. That seemed like a fair sample to be measured against.
Derek glanced at Mitch, who was still wearing his unbuttoned and unzipped jeans. “Why don’t you take those things off? I feel a little awkward being the only one naked.”
Mitch did as instructed, and as he lay back against the bed, with Derek next to him, he once again marveled at the surreal nature of what had taken place in the past two hours. He had gone from being an uptight virgin who had never drunk alcohol, to having sucked another guy’s cock while being just a little more than buzzed. Even now, Mitch was still in utter disbelief that the two of them were lying side by side, quite naked.
Was it the alcohol? he asked himself. He hoped not. He had so thoroughly enjoyed the experience, he didn’t want to believe that the only reason he had done it, was because he was drunk.
“What’s on your mind?” Derek asked, resting his hands behind his head. Mitch instantly noticed that Derek shaved his underarms as well. The smooth, hairless body was strangely arousing. Derek wasn’t muscular by any stretch of the imagination, but he was thin and delicate. Mitch stared at his friend’s body for a moment and decided the best word he could think of to describe it would be effeminate.
Mitch explained some of the thoughts he’d been having, about how quickly it had all happened, and how much he had enjoyed it.
Derek giggled. “Well, sometimes you just know when something’s the right thing to do.”
They talked for a few minutes and Derek relayed the story of his “first time” with another guy, a close friend of his in high school. After it had happened they both swore each other to secrecy and it pretty much ruined their friendship.
“Is there anything else you want to try?” Derek asked poignantly during a lull in the conversation, probably knowing the answer was yes. He allowed the silence to linger for a moment. The drone of the room’s air conditioner was the only sound that could be heard.
Mitch didn’t even have the words for what he wanted to try. He knew what he wanted, but he just couldn’t bring himself to utter the words. “I want—” he stammered, “I want you to—” he tried again, but the words just wouldn’t come. Instead, he simply rolled himself over and assumed a position on all fours.
Derek chuckled. “We’re going to have to loosen you up—” he started, “Uh, I mean, get you to relax more. You should be able to say things like ‘fuck me up the ass, Derek!’ without getting embarrassed.” As he spoke, he was positioning himself behind Mitch and making efforts to revive his cock once more, which didn’t need much encouraging.
Mitch braced himself. He wasn’t exactly sure what this would feel like. He heard and felt Derek use spit to lube the area around his asshole. Then, he felt Derek’s hard erection at the opening, preparing to penetrate. The member rested there for just a second, and then pushed through. He went slowly, little by little, until Mitch knew that Derek was all the way inside him.
It was the most remarkable sensation he had ever felt. Another man’s cock inside his body. He could feel how tight his asshole was. It hurt a little but was also pleasurable at the same time. At that moment, he was incredibly glad that Derek wasn’t huge.
Derek started thrusting, in and out, in and out. As his ass got used to the sensation, he began to understand what the word “pleasure” really meant. He allowed a moan to escape his lips. He realized with a start that his own cock was hard as a rock. He was actually turned on by what was happening to him.
He felt Derek place a hand on each side of his hips and the thrusts got harder and faster. The sound of their bodies slapping together seemed incredibly loud, and Mitch briefly wondered if anyone in the hall could hear them, but he suddenly concluded that he didn’t care. He might care an hour from now, but at that moment, all he cared about was the cock fucking his ass. He allowed himself to moan louder than he had before.
Both of them were breathing heavy; Mitch could feel himself sweating. He had never realized that sex could be such a workout. He dropped his face into the mattress, which had the unintended consequence of giving Derek a better angle. He kept plowing from behind, and all Mitch could do was bite his lip and relish the experience.
Derek proved to be rather long-winded when it came to fucking. Mitch was starting to think he was going to get pounded the rest of the night. But finally, he heard the tell-tale sounds of Derek’s breath shortening. He gripped Mitch’s sides with both hands and hunched over him. His strokes quickened; a sharp exhale.
Mitch wasn’t sure if he could feel it. He had assumed he would be able to feel the cum spurt inside of him, just as he had when it shot into his mouth. He imagined that he had felt it, but he wasn’t sure. He knew it was in there though. Derek’s cum inside his ass. The thought pleased him for some reason.
They both collapsed on the bed, exhausted. They kissed again, their bodies soaked with perspiration, the smell of sex lingering in the air. As they relaxed, they talked some more. Mitch was pleased to learn that the easiness of their conversation had not been ruined by sex. In fact, as they lay in the same bed together, kissing and talking, he realized that the last two hours had made them even closer. He rested his head against Derek’s shoulder, gently caressing his friend’s chest and admiring his naked body in the soft lamplight which washed over them from a nearby desk.
Mitch stayed with Derek that night, deciding not to return to his own dorm room. The two of them didn’t get much sleep. They chatted, they rested, they explored each other’s bodies. They finally fell asleep sometime around 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning. They didn’t know what time it was, nor did they care.
The next day, they both made respectable Bs on their U.S. History test.
Author’s additional note: Mitch and Derek continued seeing each other throughout their first year of college. They went to the screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show in late October, and to Mitch’s surprise, he thoroughly enjoyed it. They also “studied for several more tests” together. They ate lunch together, and Derek even managed to drag Mitch to a few meetings of the campus’s “gay and lesbian” club (for the record, Mitch is not gay—just very, very, very bisexual).
Sadly, like many college relationships, they didn’t get to see each other much over the summer. The next school year, they were taking classes that focused more on their respective majors, and the two eventually moved on to other relationships with different people.
But Mitch will always be grateful to Derek for that first experience in his dorm room on a Wednesday night in October of 1995. He helped Mitch discover things about himself that he had never known, and could never have found out on his own.