Erin sat with his eyes closed, his back against the cold bathroom tiles. Between his legs, his cock hung, semi-hard, a drop of cum dangling off the tip. Absentmindedly, his hands caressed his cock. As his fingers grazed the tip of his cock, without thinking he suddenly raised his finger to his mouth and sucked the drop off his fingertip. The sweet saltiness covered his tongue and he sighed happily.
Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching, and he sat bolt upright and leapt into the bathroom stall. He scrabbled at his uniform lying on the ground and pulled it on as fast as he could. He heard the voice of the manager, Frank, shout into the bathroom:
“Erin! Are you in here? Our doors are about to open! Get out here now; we’re having the staff meeting right now at the bar!”
“Sorry! I will be right there!” Erin yelled back, embarrassed. He pushed the moment of ecstasy and its accompanying sexual confusion that he just experienced to the back of his mind. He was here to make money and he couldn’t afford to be canned on his first night. Pulling on the pants and buttoning up the fitted, short sleeve button-down, he rushed out of the bathroom. If he had stopped to think, he would have realized that the pants he wore were much tighter than his normal clothes. Having forgotten to pull his boxers back on, they clung tightly to his ass with his cock bulging out the front. The shirt accented his chest and his biceps filled out the sleeves.
He walked through the now empty break room, brushing his hair back with his hands and stepped out into the dining room. Frank was standing behind the bar with the staff gathered around. He had just finished talking everyone into position, giving them their sections and responsibilities for the night. He had heard many such pre-service speeches in his life but he still felt annoyed with himself that he forgot. As he walked up to the bar, Frank finished talking, encouraging his staff to have a great night and have fun.
As the staff walked away, talking among themselves, Frank motioned Erin over to the bar, a look of annoyance on his face.
“Hey, where were you? Is this how you start the first night at every new job?”
Stammering, Erin opened his mouth to speak but before he could, he felt a soft hand on his arm. A familiar scent filled his nostrils and he instinctively blushed and began to harden at the same time.
“Frank, it’s my fault he was late,” he heard Jaimie say, “I was giving him a quick…tour.” Jaimie smiled and winked.
“Oh,” Frank smiled. He gave Erin a once-over, his eyes lingering for a brief second on Erin’s growing bulge, and laughed. “Jaimie, I swear to god, I should have known. Go get your section up; I’m gonna finish talking Erin in real quick.”
The hosts at the front of the restaurant had already unlocked the doors and guests were starting to filter in as Frank came around the bar. Putting his arm around Erin, he led him over to the side of the restaurant. Pointing at three two-tops, he spoke quickly.
“This is the starting section for all new hires. I know you have experience, but since we haven’t had time to officially train you, I want to give you plenty of time to learn on the fly. We will seat you last in rotation, and while you’re waiting, I suggest you duck back into the kitchen and study the seating chart and menu on the wall back there. If you have any questions, ask anyone. I want to see you hustling tonight, running food, bussing tables, maybe seating some guests.” He stopped, noticing the look on Erin’s face. “Don’t worry, I know you need to make money. You’ll have plenty of opportunities tonight, trust me. Eventually, you can pick up more tables and there are always plenty of extra ways to get extra tips around here. I also want to let you know, we do things a little different around here. We have several stages throughout the night, and each stage comes with, well, a costume change. Just pay attention, and you’ll know what to do when the time comes. Now get out there and make some money.”
His instruction over, Frank hurried off, his mind already elsewhere on the million things he had to look after tonight. While Erin waited for his first table, he stepped back into the kitchen. The kitchen was as beautiful as the rest of the place. Shining stainless steel countertops, cooks scurrying around their stations hurrying together the last few pieces of their mise en place and listening to the chef shouting out reminders about the specials and yelling at them to hurry it up. Erin smiled. Even though he had bigger dreams than serving tables, he loved everything about restaurants. The refinement and theatrical nature of the front of the house, the cool professionalism of the bar, and the hurried industry and artistry of the kitchen. Sighing happily, he turned his attention to the seating chart and menu.
After about ten minutes of studying, he figured he had a pretty good feel for this place. The place served New American cuisine with a few artisanal cocktails and carefully selected wines. He looked up as one of the hosts poked his head into the kitchen.
“You the new guy? We sat you!”
Erin hurried out the door and walked up to his table. A good server always hurried but never looked like he did. He walked up to the two mid-forties men sitting at the booth against the wall. They smiled as he approached. He went right into his schpeal, welcoming them to the restaurant, and taking their drink order.
As he walked away, he heard one of them say, “Jaimie was right, he is gorgeous!”
He blushed and looking across the room, locked eyes with Jaimie standing by the door at the host stand. He grinned and blew Erin a kiss. He lowered his eyes and smiled, a thrill rushing through his groin and coming to rest deep inside. The sight of Jaimie brought the memory of the blowjob he had thirty minutes earlier rushing back into his mind and his cock began to harden.
“What was that?” he thought to himself, as he keyed the drink order into the computer tucked back in the service cubby by the kitchen door. “I’ve never felt anything like that before in my life!”
He turned away and immediately bumped into Jaimie who was standing right behind him. Jaimie pushed close against him, and reaching up, kissed Erin full on the mouth. Erin felt a hand caressing his cock through his pants. Before Erin had a chance to respond, Jaimie stepped back and smiled.
“I sat you again! Hurry up! What are you standing there for?” And he rushed off. Erin stood there open-mouthed. A tall slim guy with closely cropped brown hair pushed into the cubby next to him and started punching an order into the computer. He looked over at Erin and laughed.
“I take it you’re new to everything, aren’t you? Just relax! You might not realize it yet, but Jaimie is making sure you make your money tonight.” He rushed off, leaving Erin to horridly collect himself. He swallowed as he walked back out on the floor. After greeting his new table, he walked back over to the first two-top to take their order. They looked up at his slightly flustered face and smiled.
“Are you new here?” asked the older of the two, a solidly built man with salt and pepper hair in a sharp suit.
“Yes!” Erin smiled back hastily. “Just started tonight.”
“Well, from what I can tell, you will do great here,” the guest replied as he glanced down at Erin’s rock-hard cock clearly outlined in his tight pants. For what seemed the hundredth time tonight, Erin was flustered. “Hey, don’t worry!” the guest reassured. “You’re already getting the hang of this place! Is Jaimie helping you out?”
“You know Jaimie?”
“Well, we’ve been coming here for about five years now; we’ve gotten to know Jaimie pretty well in that time. We kind of know how he ‘helps out’ new hires till they get accustomed to the way things work around here. He always seats us with the new servers since we’re pretty laid back and easy.”
“Easy in more ways than one!” murmured his partner as he took a sip of his wine.
Erin laughed, a little more at ease after their kindness. Once again, as he walked away, he heard them whispering loudly to each other:
“The size of that thing” — “so big” — “can’t wait –“
Erin felt a bit more relaxed. He was still kind of embarrassed about the rock-hard cock wedged tightly in his pants. No matter what he did, he couldn’t get it to go away either. If he was a little less clueless, he’d realize that it might have something to do with the array of beautiful, handsome, and sexy men filling the restaurant. Wherever he looked, whether it was among the clientele or the staff, he saw things that made his heart leap: tight asses, muscular arms, full lips, groomed beards, smooth skin, bulging pants. All of it flooded into his sub-conscious and began working on unlocking the cage around his sexuality.
About two hours after the doors opened, he suddenly started noticing some of the servers heading into the back room. Tapping a passing server on the arm, he asked, “What’s going on?”
“Time to change clothes; come on!”
He followed him back to the breakroom. For the second time this night, he stepped into a room full of men in various stages of undress.
“What’s going on?” he asked the guy he was following.
“It’s time to change!” he repeated as he looked at Erin. “Do I need to spell it out for you?”
Erin nodded, confused. Again.
“Look, about two hours into the night, we kind of change into something a little more comfortable. You better hurry to choose something to wear or there won’t be anything left. And don’t worry, it’s all freshly laundered.”
Erin walked over to the open dresser and looked inside. All that was inside were a number of tight spandex shorts, stretching down to just above the knee. He looked up in surprise. “THIS is what we’re wearing?”
“Yes!” his impromptu teacher responded. “Don’t look so scandalized. I heard you need to make money tonight. Trust me. This will help. And I’m not explaining how; you should be able to figure that out on your own.”
As he reached in the dresser, he heard his name being called.
“Erin! Change and get out here now; we sat you again!”
Grabbing a pair, Erin stripped off his pants and shirt and pulled the shorts on, oblivious to the fact that the room had suddenly quieted down as everyone stared intently at his tight body and long swinging cock. If he hadn’t been so rushed, he would have more time to be freaked out by what was about to happen. He stuffed his cock into the pants, pulled them up to where they sat low on his waist and rushed back out into the dining room.
If Erin had been one of his guests, he would have been immediately aroused by the sight of himself walking towards the table. His muscular chest led down to his sculpted abs. The hustle of serving and the tension of this new experience had caused him to break out into a light sweat, causing his skin to glisten under the lights. The shorts he had snatched up were at least two sizes too small and they were already low-cut so they sat just above the base of his cock. He had tucked his cock down inside the boxers, but in its semi-hard state, it created a bulge the size of a baseball in his shorts. The shorts stopped half-way down his muscular, smooth thighs and were already starting to ride up even further, wedging themselves deep into the cleft between his tight and perky ass cheeks. Although the shorts were of durable black spandex, he had stretched them out more than intended since they were supposed to be worn by a man much smaller. This created a translucent effect where you could almost see his skin through the shorts.
Erin’s subconscious worked against him. The shorts squeezed his ass and cock, reminding him of Jaimie’s mouth and hands. His eyes were filled with the sight of half-naked coworkers and handsome guests, sending blood rushing to his member. He had just taken the orders for his new table and stood in the service cubby ringing in their drinks. There was a faint smell of sweat and musk which permeated deep in his brain and awoke a primal desire.
He felt himself flush deeply and leaned against the computer. Suddenly, he felt someone behind him. Turning around, he saw the server from earlier, the skinny brown-haired guy. Through the course of the night, Erin had discovered his name was Errol. Clad now in the same tight spandex shorts, his pale skin seemed to glow under the lights. Clearly, he had gotten a pair of shorts that fit him a little better than Erin’s. He looked Erin up and down and grinned.
“That is an inspired choice for a first night. You’re definitely gonna leave an impression on your guests now. Jaimie gave me something for you to wear. He wanted to help you with it himself but he’s a little busy right now.”
Erin hadn’t seen Jaimie for the last hour, so he asked, “Where is Jaimie? I thought he left?”
“Oh, he’s working the VIP area right now.”
Erin remembered the dark velvet curtain covering the doorway he had yet to walk through.
“Don’t worry about that right now,” said Errol, “Just put this in and get back out there.”
Erin looked down into his outstretched hand and swallowed. In his hand was a small black butt plug. He looked up at Errol and stammered, “I — I’ve never — how do you?”
“Oh, I forgot,” Errol smirked, “You’re ‘not gay.’ Well, no worries, a little prostate stimulation is a good idea for everyone. Look, it just slides right in back there and it will help keep what you’re packing nice and big for your guests.”
He handed Erin the plug and started to walk away before pausing. “Do you need help with it?”
Erin nodded. Errol moved close to him, taking the plug back. He suddenly pressed against Erin and kissed him deeply and passionately. This was completely different from Jaimie’s delicate soft kiss. Erin felt his strong lips against his and his body melted in submission. He flowed into Errol’s long arms as they wrapped around him. He tilted his head up towards his face and kissed him back hard, opening his mouth. Errol’s tongue wrapped around his own, playing along it and releasing a flow of saliva. Unlocking lips, Errol took the plug and pressed it against his mouth. Erin, pliable in his arms, opened his mouth and the plug slid easily in.
Errol whispered to him, “Just relax. I’ll loosen you up a little.”
He pulled Erin against his body and sliding his hands down his back, pulled his boxers down enough to expose his ass. Erin instinctively arched his back, pressing his chest against Errol’s. He relaxed as Errol’s hands slid down his ass and pulled the cheeks apart. He sucked on his finger for a second, covering it in saliva, then began playing around Erin’s pucker before popping his finger into the sphincter. Erin whimpered slightly and buried his head in his shoulder.
“Mmmm, yes!” he groaned through the plug in his mouth as Errol’s finger massaged the entrance to his depth. As soon as he began to relax, Errol reached one hand up and slid the plug out of his mouth. He pushed it against his ass and it opened to receive it. This was the biggest thing Erin had been filled with in his life. It felt amazing! Errol pushed it inside till the flange was snug against his hole, then he reached down, pulled up his shorts, and abruptly turned and left.
Erin staggered back against the computer. He felt the smoothness of the plug rubbing against his prostate. In a night of new experiences, this was the newest one yet. His moment with Jaimie had provided him with an intense sexual release, but the two minutes it had taken Errol to insert the plug left him with another sexual door unlocked.
He loved the way Errol had just taken control of his body, kissing him, fingering him, and plugging up his hole like it was his to command. He felt hot and desired. His ex-girlfriend never made him feel like this. He always felt barely one step above a vibrator (or even a shower head) when he had finished servicing her. The climax he would give himself after this always left him bored and dissatisfied with sex.
“Is this it?” he had always found himself thinking after his semi-hard cock had trickled out a few drops of cum when his girlfriend had finally let him enter her in their pitch-dark bedroom.
Now, he knew the answer to that question: That, was not it. It was not it at all. It actually wasn’t anything. It was as boring and nondescript as taking a piss behind a dumpster after a night out.
But this! These new feelings coursing through every inch of his hard body awakened him to who he truly was: a beautiful, desirable man. Men wanted to service him, men wanted to dominate him, men wanted to love him tenderly, roughly, gently, harshly. Sex wasn’t sterile and boring and scary. It was lush and velvet and enticing, with all the sweat of a jungle and the flavor of life.
Erin straightened up and opened his eyes. He smiled. He was starting to figure it out. He was starting to figure everything out, in fact. This restaurant, who he was, and what he was doing here. He strode out onto the floor, the plug massaging him with every step, rubbing against him and growing his cock with every step. His guests had found his flustering, blushing behavior charming. Jaimie had made sure to seat him easier tables and let them know that Erin was new.
But now, it was almost as if he was a different person. Instead of blood rushing to his face when he noticed his guests looking him up and down, it rushed to his cock. He started to put emphasis into his movements: turning slowly when he left a table and jutting his ass out so they could get a nice look, standing closer to the table and leaning in close to point something out the menu. His guests were intoxicated by his smell and enraptured by the sight of his body. They gazed at the bulge in his shorts, wishing they could peel back the thin material to allow his huge rod to escape.
As the night continued, service started to wind down and the frequency of the tables began to slow. Frank came up to Erin when he was back in the service cubby.
“How are you doing, Erin?”
Turning and smiling, Erin laughed, “I am having the best night of my life! Peter was right about this place!”
Frank chuckled, “I had a feeling about you. I take it there is a bit more to this story and I’d love to hear it, but right now, we are starting to transition. It’s about ten o’clock, so we are not seating guests anymore except for the booths along the wall. We need to move the tables out of the way. We basically turn into a bar at this point. I told the hosts to stop seating you for the time being. Now that there are less tables, every server just gets one booth, but don’t worry, still plenty of opportunities for money.”
Erin looked at him quizzically.
“I don’t have time to fill you in right now. Just watch and learn. There’s no pressure; you can take it easy if you’d like.” Frank turned to leave, and then suddenly looked back at him: “I mean what I said about hearing your story. If you feel up to it later, you can tell me…in detail.” He winked at him and left.
Erin’s tables were pretty much finished so he went back out on the floor to help clear away the tables. He enjoyed the strain that carrying the furniture created around the plug in his ass. His body glistened as he moved across the floor. His last table got up to leave and they had been so enraptured with his service that one of the men, an older fellow in his sixties, had given him a long handsy hug. Erin enjoyed the warmth of his embrace, pushed his rock-hard cock into his side, and planted a sensual kiss on the man’s cheek.
As he did so, he felt a tap on his shoulder and a host whispered in his ear, “You’re needed in the break room.”
Thanking him, Erin said his goodbyes and walked back to the end of the restaurant. He pushed open the door and walked inside. The room was empty.
“Hello?” he asked, as he walked towards the back of the room. Nobody was there, so he sat down in a chair to rest for a second. Closing his eyes, he felt the added pressure of sitting on his plug and smiling, leaned back in his chair.
Suddenly, he felt hands cover his eyes and lips caressing his ear.
“Guess who?” said a low husky voice. He tensed for a second then relaxed; it was one of the men he had taken care of earlier, his very first table. He relaxed and smiled.
“I don’t know? Can I have a little more to guess on?”
“Reach your hand out in front of you then.”
Erin extended his arm and grasped something long and hard. His heart pounded in his chest. This was the first time he had touched one, but instinctively he knew what it was: a cock. It wasn’t just any cock, either; it was long, hard, and thick. He put both hands on it and moved them down to the base, feeling the clean-shaven balls and stroking back along its length.
“Mmmm,” he sighed, “I still don’t know but I’m getting closer. Can I have another hint?”
He felt something press against his lips. He gasped, and the moment his lips parted, another cock thrust between them. He felt the hands move from his eyes and when he opened them, he saw the two men standing in front him. The older of the two, the salt-and-pepper-haired man, stood on his right side with his cock in Erin’s hands.
“I’m Hermes,” he said, smiling down at Erin.
“And my name is Eros,” said the other, standing on his left with his cock between Erin’s lips. They both backed up a step. Eros’ cock slipped out of his mouth but Erin kept hold of Hermes’ cock.
“We would like to teach you something,” said Hermes. “We know you are new to all of this and we spoke to Frank and asked him to give us a moment with you. Will you let us teach you?”
Erin, shivering with excitement, looked up into their eyes and wordlessly nodded his head. The moment he did so, they picked him up and laid him down on a nearby bench. Hermes stood near his head and Eros, by his ass.
“We are going to take you on the next step of your journey. We know Jaimie released your tension. Errol helped relax and stimulate you. We want to open the final door. Just relax, and trust us.”
Eros knelt between his legs and sliding his hands up his skin, grasped the edges of his shorts and pulled them down slowly. Erin’s cock sprang out, almost slapping Eros in the face. It looked even bigger than its normal eight inches. In reality, it probably was. This was the most Erin had ever been turned on in his life. He had two of the most beautiful people standing next to him and he was lying in front of them naked. He started to get an idea of what was about to happen.
Looking towards Hermes, he opened his mouth. Then, reaching down, he grasped his knees and pulled them up to the sides of his head. (This was the only position he had ever done with his ex.) Something deep in his core told him this was what he must do now. Arching his back, he offered his plugged ass to Eros.
Hermes straddled his face and lowering his cock towards Erin allowed him to take it into his mouth. This blocked his view of what was happening down below.
He felt Eros take his cock in his hands and start massaging it. He felt the plug start to move in his ass and then slowly slide out of place. First one, then two fingers slid into his hole and started massaging it. Instead of focusing on the prostate as Jaimie had done, this time the fingers were there to do a job. As they worked their way around his rim, he sucked hungrily on Hermes’ cock. He tasted his pre-cum in his mouth and licked along its entire shaft. Relaxing his throat, he allowed its entire length to penetrate him.
Down below, Eros’ fingers suddenly left his anus. He felt one of his hands on his cock and then suddenly a pressure against his hole. He gasped as a great expanse filled his core. Slowly it pushed deeper and deeper inside of him. He tried to relax but it still hurt a little. The pain only made him desire even more. When he felt like he couldn’t take another centimeter, it suddenly stopped and started sliding out.
Hermes’ cock filled his mouth, muffling his groans. His shaved balls rested on Erin’s chin as he slobbered on the cock slowly fucking his mouth. Eros continued to slide in and out, all the time holding tightly to Erin’s cock. After a few full motions, Eros started to speed up, Erin’s body relaxing to take the entire cock. Eros grabbed his legs and lifted them higher, placing his ankles on his shoulders. He grabbed Erin’s thighs and pulled his body flush against his pelvis, his balls slapping his ass as he started to fuck him faster and faster.
Erin’s eyes watered as he gagged on Hermes’ cock. He pulled it out, and Erin took a few gasping breaths. “Oh! Fuck! YES!” he shouted, trying to push his body against Eros’ cock. “Give me your cock! Give it to me now! Fuck my little virgin ass!”
This made Eros speed up, and Hermes thrust his own back into Erin’s mouth. With his ankles propped on Eros’ shoulders, Erin’s hands were free. He reached up and grasped Hermes tightly. His hands squeezed his ass, spreading the cheeks just as Jaimie had done to him earlier.
The last time he had felt this burning desperation and desire for sex was — well, was actually never. He was filled and fulfilled. He felt completed as Eros’ cock continued to split him. It was as if his mind had shut off. If you had asked him six hours ago if he was gay, he would have laughed and denied it. If you had asked him six hours ago if he expected to be pounded by two forty-year-old men in the back of a restaurant, he would have thought you were joking. Now, however, it seemed to him as if this was simply a fact of life: Erin loved cock.
He loved it with every fiber of his being. His ass and his throat opened in worship of the thick rods thrusting repeatedly inside of them. This is where he belonged. Fucked and loved by beautiful men who appreciated him and wanted him and wanted to fuck him.
Lifting his head from the bench, he pulled Hermes towards him, sucking his cock as hard as he could. Spreading his ass, he played along the rim of his shaved hole and then slipped a digit inside. Below, Eros fucked him as hard as he could. He could feel the suction of his cock in his ass and the balls slapping against him.
Hermes’ cock slipped out of his mouth for a second and Erin immediately started begging, “Please! Give it to me! I need it so bad, I need your cum inside of me! Just fill me up, I want it inside of me so bad!”
Hermes grabbed his head and began fucking his throat as hard as he could. Eros slid his cock in and out as fast as he could.
“Oh fuck!” Eros groaned, “You’re so tight, I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!”
On cue, Erin felt something warm deep inside of him as Eros’ cock started to pulse within him. He felt his seed squirting deep inside. He barely had a moment to take it in before Hermes erupted in his mouth.
Erin had just discovered he loved cock. He added a second discovery to that list: he loved cum.
The slippery sweet saltiness filled his mouth. He savored the taste on his tongue as he swallowed.
“Mmmm! You taste so good!”
Hermes didn’t even respond but immediately turned around, and leaning over, immediately started sucking Erin’s cock. Eros had been stroking it the whole time so only a few seconds after Hermes took it into his mouth, Erin started to shake with ecstasy. Eros held his legs tightly as they quivered from the orgasm that rocked his body. He arched his back, curling his toes, and blew a huge load into Hermes’ mouth. If Eros hadn’t been holding him, he would have fallen on the floor.
Hermes immediately stood up again, and kneeling down beside Erin’s face, kissed him deeply. As they locked lips, he opened his mouth and Erin felt his own cum flood into his own. He hungrily leaned into the kiss, his tongue licking into Hermes’ mouth to capture as much of himself as he could.
Hermes released his head and stood up. He walked over and kissed the sweating, shaking Eros who slid his cock out of Erin’s ass, a little trail of cum leading deep inside. Eros leaned against Hermes and the two looked down at the naked, beautiful virgin they had just deflowered.
Erin closed his eyes and sighed happily. Yes, this is where he belonged. Here, with a cock in his ass and another in his mouth. Here, with cum filling his holes and dripping between his legs. He barely noticed as the couple got dressed. They stopped to kiss him one last time, and Eros took a moment to slide his plug back into place, trapping his load deep inside his ass.
“Well done,” whispered Eros, “Well done, beautiful. Now you are ready for anything.”
Hermes chuckled, “Well, just about anything. I don’t think he’s been in the VIP area yet.”
“Be patient with the boy; we just blew his mind. According to Jaimie, he woke up this morning believing he was straight. Now look at him; he just begged for our cocks and swallowed every drop you had to give. Give him some time. Soon he’ll be ready to go through the curtain.”
Smiling, the two left the room, Eros leaning against Hermes’ shoulder.