
"Hanna and her dad visits friends and things turn spicy"

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My eyes were gritty from the long flight and my body felt like a paper clip as I made my way along the aisle in the airplane. People were pushing and trying to get off as fast as possible. A baby began to cry behind me and it had been doing so on and off over the nine-hour flight. My dad was right behind me.

“C’mon, get a move on.”

“I’m trying, but there are some old people up front who are taking ages to get out of their seats.”

My dad sighed and I agreed with him. I wanted to get off as soon as possible and be able to walk a bit.


The luggage carousel began to move and all the passengers moved in like piranhas on a prey. My dad stood behind me with a trolley while I looked for the bags. We were lucky and only had to wait a few minutes before they came out.

“I need to use the bathroom,” I said.

“Okay, me too.”

I looked at my face in the mirror before splashing cold water on it. My brown hair was unruly from sleeping in the seat and my eyes were tired. After the water, I added a bit of makeup and that made me look almost normal.

Dad was outside waiting for me. “What’s next?” I asked.

“Sven should be outside waiting for us.”

“What does he look like?”

“Tall, muscular, blonde hair, my age.”

I tilted my head. “That could be any Swedish man.”

“Sorry, that’s how he looks like.”


It turned out that Sven saw us first. Could have been the tell-tale of my dad’s massive beard.

“John, man, it’s good to see you after all this time,” said Sven as he hugged him.

“What’s it been, five years?”

“Yeah, just after you and Monica got divorced. This must be Hanna, it’s a pleasure to meet you again. Do you remember me?”

There was something familiar about Sven. I was about twelve when he came to visit. “I kind of remember you, but it was a long time ago.”

“Cool, let’s go. We have a forty-five-minute drive into Stockholm and then a boat trip.”

Sven grabbed the trolley and we followed out into the June morning.


Sweden in June is very light. The sun comes up around four in the morning and doesn’t set until close to eleven at night. I had read this on the net before we left. I had never been to the country, but my dad had studied engineering at Uppsala University and that’s where he met Sven. They became close friends and after they graduated stayed in touch. When my mother and father separated Sven was on the first flight over to give my dad support. It had been an ugly divorce, lots of fighting and back stabbing. I ended up with my dad since he could prove that my mother had been unfaithful on several occasions and also had begun to move in circles with drugs and alcohol.


I did miss my mom, but I was old enough to know she wasn’t fit to keep me. My dad and I settled into as normal life as possible in the little town where we lived. He had his consulting business and I went to school like any other teenager. He dated a few women, but no one ever stuck around. I wanted good grades, so I kept away from the boys until I turned sixteen. At the prom I gave David Johnson a blowjob in his car which wasn’t too bad, I guess. He did want to fuck me, but we didn’t since we had no condoms. I was kind of glad we didn’t, David wasn’t boyfriend material I thought.


On the first of June I turned seventeen and during my birthday party, my dad told we were going to Sweden to celebrate Midsummers eve with Sven and his family. His wife Sara, and two daughters, Jenny sixteen and Nina nineteen. Nina was studying in England but was home for summer break. Sven had done well and spent most of his summer at the summer villa in the archipelago of Stockholm. I had seen photos and it looked amazing.


The boat was a forty-foot speedboat of some Italian make. The engines roared as we sped over the flat surface passing other boats. A huge red cruise ship came the opposite direction.

“That’s the Viking Line. It connects Stockholm to Helsinki in Finland,” screamed Sven over the engine.

Some people standing on the deck waved down to us and I waved back.

“Do you remember the parties?” my dad asked Sven who laughed. “Oh my god, they were pretty wild and those hangovers, wow. I couldn’t do that again.”

“Dad, did you party while at University?” My dad wasn’t a big drinker, a couple of glasses of wine once in a while or a beer on Sunday.

“Back then your dad was known for his drinking skills,” Sven informed me.

“No, I wasn’t. I was just like any other student.”

We continued in silence since it was very hard to be heard over the noise. The sun was warm and I lay down on the for deck closing my eyes.


Finally, Sven slowed down and I opened my eyes. We were approaching an island with only one house on it. It was red with white corners and the window frames were in the same colour, a typical Swedish design. There was a flag pole with the Swedish flag slowly moving in the light breeze. As we got closer, I realized the villa was much bigger than I had thought.

We moored at the dock where a smaller speed boat and a little sailing boat were tied up.

“That’s Jenny’s sailing boat, she likes to go out and watch the sunset in it and the other we use for water sports, like water skiing,” Sven informed us while we got our bags out and the food he had bought before picking us up.




From my bedroom window, I watch dad and his friend tie up the boat. From where I stood, I could see a girl around my age. She wore heels and a skirt with a black blouse. A bit overdressed for my taste but what did I know about American teens? I had my usual summer uniform on, cut-off jeans and a T-shirt. This one white and it hung off my left shoulder. I was usually barefoot when on the island. I went down to the kitchen where my mom and sister were making lunch.

“They are here,” I said.

“Yes, we heard the boat,” said Nina, her usual bitchy self.

“Just saying.”

“Be nice girls, and no fighting. Remember Dad has been looking forward to this for a long time.”

“Fine, I’ll be nice,” Nina said with a sigh.


Ever since she had gone to university, she had become a bitch. Maybe it was living alone that made her think she was better than me. Before she left, we had gotten along fine. But now, not so much. She had some guy, and I wondered if there were problems in paradise and that’s why she was acting up.

I went out on the porch and when my dad saw me, he waved.


As they came closer, I noted that the girl, Hanna, I know she was called, was quite a looker. Her brown hair was cut short and her oval face with large almond eyes smiled at me when she came closer.

“Hi, I’m, Hanna, nice to meet you.”

“Jenny, likewise. Let me show you to your room.”

“Where are your mom and sister?” Dad asked.

“Making lunch. Watch out, Nina is in a mood.”

Dad laughed. “Isn’t she always. C’mon, John, I’ll take you to where you will be staying.”

As dad took John to the guest house, I went inside with Hanna close behind me. She was staying in the guest room between mine and Nina’s. It had its own bathroom like all the bedrooms did.

“This is you,” I said and stepped aside.

“Wow, this is beautiful look at that view.”

She was right. From here she could almost see the Finish archipelago across the flat water.

“How was the flight?”

“Long and this baby kept on screaming; I could hardly sleep at all.”

“Well, after lunch you can take a nap if you want.”

“No, I prefer to be awake and go to bed earlier.”

“Cool, I’ll be downstairs.”

I closed the door behind me and went to set the table.




After unpacking, I just stood by the window looking at the water. Back home we were landlocked. There was a little lake but nothing like this. Sailing boats and speed boats were coming and going. Below me was a large open space with a pool and a BBQ area. Around that was soft green grass.

I took a quick shower and changed into shorts and a top. Jenny’s shorts had been cut off so high that part of her ass cheeks were visible, mine weren’t. She was cute in a girlish way. Even though I was only one year older by her looks, I could have been five. Her body was still that of a young girl, not fat or chubby, but a pound or two too many. Her boobs were there but not fully formed like my C cups. She had blonde hair, clear blue innocent eyes and a pouty strawberry mouth with round cheeks.


When I went down the stairs, I could hear voices, so I followed the sound of them. My dad, Sven, Jenny, her sister and mother were sitting at a long table in what was obviously a dining room. The views were of the sea and the pool area.

“Hi, I’m Sara, and this is Nina,” said Jenny’s mother.

I walked around to the side where they were sitting and they both stood up. There was a striking resemblance between mother and daughter. Sara was a classic beauty with a square jawline and a little too large nose above full lips. She was around five nine in height, taller than I. Nina was the exact opposite of her sister. She had inherited her mother’s blonde hair but where Jenny was still developing Nina looked like she had stepped out of a porn movie. Lush lips, breasts like mine, and round hips. She wore a short summer dress, and no bra. I could see the veins just under the skin of her boobs as she smiled at me.

“Hi, nice to meet you. I bet my sister has told you I’m a bitch, but I’m not.”

I laughed. “Nice to meet you and I’m sure you are very nice.”


We ate and talked about different things. My dad and Sven laughed about their time at university and it was nice to see my dad have fun with his friends. Back home he was usually serious and seldom laughed.

It was hard not to stare at Nina. She was just perfection, like someone had taken the best of all women and put it together to create her. When she laughed her white teeth showed and she had this little quirk of licking her upper lip before speaking.


After lunch, Jenny invited me to go and swim in the sea which sounded great.




All during lunch Hanna had been unable to take her eyes of Nina. I was sure she had fallen in love with her the moment she saw her. It wasn’t strange, most men did but this was a girl and I had never seen anything saying that Nina was into girls. Not that I cared, it was her life. My friend Lisa and I had joked about switching and becoming lesbians due to all the dick heads in school. Guys could be such ass holes sometimes.


“Isn’t the water cold?” asked Hanna while we walked down to the dock from the house. There was a ladder attached to it which made it easy to get in and out of the water.

“Not once you are in it, but you want to dive or jump in.”

“Okay, I can do that.”

We had changed to bikinis. Mine was red and had a thong bottom. Hers was a more classic cut, but it showed off her body. Not as perfect as Nina’s but a lot hotter than mine. I dropped my towel on the warm dock and then ran and dove into the water. When I came up, Nina was standing looking down at me.


“Jump in!”

She hesitated and then jumped. When she came up her eyes were wide. “It’s fucking freezing!”

I laughed. “No, it’s not. You will get used to it in a minute. Let’s swim out a bit.”

Jenny was a strong swimmer and kept up with me. After a while, I turned back and once we were on the dock, she said, “You were right, it wasn’t too bad after all.”

I laughed. “Tell that to your nipples.”

They stood straight out like two little bullets under her top. “Oh my god, this is so embarrassing,” she moaned.

“Don’t worry about it; mine are the same.”

Of course, my nipples were so small, so you could hardly see them against the bikini top. Hanna put her hands on her boobs and slowly massaged them. It looked very sensual and was a weird thing to do I thought.

“Is it okay, if I sunbathe topless?” she asked.

“Sure, I do it too.”


We lay down on the dock and soon the warm sun had made our nipples soft again. I glanced over at her and could clearly see the mound of her pussy and the slit. I swallowed hard, for some reason I wanted to touch it, see what it would feel like. It was a strange feeling that had come over me.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” she asked.

“No. You?”

No, I dated a guy for a while but dumped him before we flew over.”


Hanna rolled over on her stomach. “I guess I didn’t love him. He was nice enough but not for me.”

“Did you…?”

She laughed. “Mostly we made out; I’m still a virgin.”

There was a silence. I had not seen that coming. I would have thought a girl like Hanna would be experienced by now.

“Really, is it a religious thing?”

“No, not at all. I guess I just haven’t met the right guy yet. What about you?”


This was tricky. I didn’t want to make my new friend think I was a slut. “Well, to be honest, I have been with a few guys.”

She lifted her head and looked me in the eye. “Wow, so young and all.”

I knew I blushed. “C’mon, you are only a year older.”

“Sure, but tell me. How was it?”

I sighed. “Amazing, not the first time, that was pretty shitty, but afterward, wow, being with a guy is just so hot.”


“What’s it like having his you know, thing inside you?”

Thinking back to how it felt made me horny. “Hard to explain, it’s such an overpowering emotion when he slides inside you and your pussy stretches.”

Hanna laughed. “I can see that. Look at your nipples.”

They were hard against the bikini and since I was lying down, I could see the outline of them. “Sorry, I guess I’m a bit excited thinking about it.”

“Fine, I don’t have a problem with it.”


“Hey, girls, what are you up too?” Nina came walking towards us. She wore a see-through white kimono and under a black bikini. She took off the kimono and undid her top.

“Just enjoying the sun and talking,” said Hanna with her eyes glued to Nina’s breast that hardly moved as she walked the last bit to where we lay, they were so firm.

“Cool.” then she dove in and swam under the water for a while.

“You sister has the most amazing body,” said Hanna.

“Mm, I know, and I’m jealous.”

She laughed. “You shouldn’t be. You are very cute and in a few years, I bet you will bloom.”

“I hope so.”


Nina got out of the water and lay down, so we were in a star formation on the deck. Heads facing inwards.

“What about you, do you have a guy?” asked Hanna to Nina.




“No, nothing serious.”

We lay in silence for a while and then Nina got up. “C’mon Jenny, we have that thing we have to do.”

“Right, I almost forgot. We need to help Dad with something, but you can stay for a while,” she said to me.

“Cool, see you later.”

When they were gone, I lay on my back facing the sun. The soft sound of the water against the dock under me made me drowsy and I was just about to asleep when I felt someone walking up to me.

“Hey, how’s it going?” It was Sven’s voice.

I opened my eyes and he stood next to me looking down at me. I was not comfortable with him staring at my boobs.

“Fine, I thought Nina and Jenny were with you.”

“I asked them to do something for me while I took a swim.”

He walked to the edge of the deck and then took off his shorts. Standing naked with his legs slightly apart and his back turned to me I could see his cock hanging between his legs. It was nothing like David’s.


He dove in and I quickly rolled over on my stomach, so my boobs were covered. I watched him swim around for a while and then he got up. He picked up his shorts and walked over to me. He shook his head and the cold water rained down on me.

“Hey, stop it!”

He just laughed and stood so close to me his toes touched my hip. His cock slowly swelled and then it turned into a full erection.

“I don’t think my dad would like this,” I said looking away.

“Don’t worry about your dad; he is having fun with Nina and Jenny right now.





We passed Dad half way back to the house. “Is she there?” he asked.

“Yeah, but I’m not sure she is up too it. She has been checking out Nina,” I said.

“Oh, that’s interesting. John never mentioned she was into girls.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Maybe she is confused. But her dad was right; she’s still a virgin.”

“Yummy! See you guys later.”


Mom and…

Published 6 years ago

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